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Row | Inventors Name | Country | Title Of Invention | Brief Description |
1 |
Jamie Anne Evora , Justine Anne O. Evora , Kevin Nathaniel A. Almazan |
PHILIPPINES | RESCUEBOT: Earthquake Victims Searching Device for Immediate and Safe Rescue Operation | The project focused on the development of Robotics and Intelligent Machine. The student-researchers conceptualized a robot that could help in the rescue operation after an earthquake. The robot can detect the human victim. It is being controlled by an android phone and can be monitored in the screen because of installed and programmed camera. |
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Karize Ann Maminta |
PHILIPPINES | AIR MOFY: An Air Quality Index Monitoring and Purifying Device | The researcher gathered materials such as 1 Arduino Uno microcontroller, 6 led lights, 6 resistors, 16 x 2 I2C LCD, MQ 135 gas sensor module and plastic casing. Wirings were done following the schematic diagram and were supervised by a professional technician. Using the Arduino program, the researchers created lines of codes that were later on uploaded to Arduino Uno for the system to work. The device was tested in different places to monitor and record the different air quality readings. Data gathered on different locations were tabulated for comparison to make necessary actions. The study concludes that the Air Quality Monitoring Device reads the actual air quality of specific location. The study concludes that the AQI in urban areas are greater than rural areas. It is concluded that workplace like rice mills, power plants and construction sites have high potentials in contributions of air pollution. |
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Allysa Ericka Alcaide |
PHILIPPINES | ROBOSCYTHE: Modern Approach of Grass Trimming using Android Controlled lawn Mower | The project also focused on the development of Robotics and Intelligent Machine. It is grass trimming robot or lawn mower that is controlled by an android phone. Basically, the project aims to lessen the number of cases brought by manual lawn mowing which caused amputation of high percentage. |
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Kiana Nicole Reyes , Clara Elayne A. Pascua , Mary Khiela Louise G. Duran |
PHILIPPINES | Athmosphere Awareness Device- Home Based Weather Monitoring System | The assemblage of the device consists of the materials such as Arduino Uno microcontroller, GSM shield, LCD monitor, potentiometer, dust sensor, micro sim card, UV sensor, barometric sensor, rain drop sensor, wires, transistors, PCB board and acrylic. The system was programmed using the microcontroller software. the home base weather monitoring device can give the present atmospheric readings in terms of: actual temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, rain, dust content and UV rays of the sun. It can also give information to the present weather conditions and can be used to adopt and adjust to the harsh effect of the weather to the people and the environment. The owner can know the present atmospheric condition on his place even he is far away through the use of GSM shield which will inform him the about present weather status. |
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Paula Marie Marquez , Flodah Nadine G. Rafa , Sean Aron A. Geonanga |
PHILIPPINES | Radioprotective Effect of Dried Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) Against Radiation-induced Cell Damage in the Cultured Human Lymphocytes | Two kilograms of oyster mushroom were gathered and dehydrated using a dehydrating oven. Its radioprotective effect was investigated using the in vitro Cytokinesis-Block Micronucleus Assay in human lymphocytes. Through this method, positive controls (irradiated with gamma radiation of 1 Gy and 3 Gy doses), and negative control (added with sterile water for injection) were considered as basis of comparison with the treated group. The 500 viable cells were screened, mononucleated, binucleated, and multinucleated cells were recorded for each slide under a Light Microscope using high magnification and oil immersion. Results show that the decrease on the mean NDI of samples irradiated in higher radiation dose shows increased cytotoxicity effect of ionizing radiation, while increase on the mean NDIs of human lymphocytes irradiated after treatment of oyster mushroom extract shows radioprotective potential of oyster mushroom against ionizing radiation. |
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Hillery Sarmiento |
PHILIPPINES | HARRISS: Hybrid Automated Ro-boat Responsible for Intelligent Skimming and Segregating | HARRISS: Hybrid Automated Ro-boat Responsible for Intelligent Skimming and Segregating is a robot that can collect garbage in the body of water. It also controlled by an android phone in order to perform. Once the garbage is collected, the device can be segregated according to its type as to biodegradable and non biodegradable. |
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Aiman Al-Baser |
YEMEN | Generated electric power without fuel | - Generated electric power without fuel |
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Wafa Al-Adwar |
YEMEN | Melting plant | Definition The plant of alfalj or as it is called the Indian fox grape, whose scientific name is alfalj al-Makhzani, is a yellow or green circular fruit that is sharp and sharp and turns black to maturity. It has round nuclei that split into three pieces when peeling the fruit. They were fresh or dried. The plant is a popular plant since ancient times due to its many characteristics and its important nutritional and health benefits. It contains vitamin C and many other nutrients. The plant is found on several types, such as Somali, gray, red, pale |
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Zahida Al-Gayyim |
IRAQ | An advanced technique for inducing and treating Diabetes in the pregnant with butanolic extracts of celery and their effects on mothers and their fetuses with molecular characterization and gene expression of related gene | Diabetes Mellitus was induced in Rattus norvegicus by Streptozotocin, and tested the therapeutic effect of the n-butanolic celery seeds and tested its effectiveness (at three ages of pregnancy) Under study and stimulate the production of insulin. The results of the study on the anatomical and phenotypic characteristics of the studied tissues (pancreas, ovaries, uterus, and embryos) of the infected animals showed signs and indications of diabetes. The results showed a significant changes in P <0.0001 in the level of insulin, glucagon, estrogen and progesteron hormone in the serum female pregnant rats with diabetes compared with the level of hormone in serum rats treated with extract. In addition to the a significant changes in gene expression of all genes (Sox17, Pax6, Insulin1, Insulin2, and Glucagon) in diabetic mothers and neonates and embryos, also histological damages in tissues under this study. |
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Enas Al-Adhamy |
IRAQ | TheEffect of Aqueous Extract ofIraqi Lantana Camara L. Plant, asbleeding stop material. | Theaim of present study was to evaluate the effect of crudeextracts of Iraqi Lantana camara L leaves which return toverbenaceae family using different traditional methods asbleeding stop material The crude extracts of Lantanacamara L. contains a number of medicinally importantcompounds, that were indicated by phytochemical analysisin different amount such as tannins, carbohydrates,glycosides, phenols, resins, flavenoids alkaloids and terpens. The acute toxicological and histopathology effects (LD 50) ofcrude extracts of lantana camara L leaves that administeredorally to groups of mice showed that the extracts werepractically nontoxic The elements of K, Ca and Vitamin Kpresence in abundance, which are of great importance in theprocess of coagulation The blood clotting test was alsoperformed on the laboratory animals (using crud extractorally), showed significant progress in terms of the ability toproduce platelets and blood cells that are the main bloodfactors and found clear evidence of the ability of plantsextracts to induce the tissue to produce clotting factors withcontrol, also held the test of stopping blood bleeding withoutdosage miceorally using direct of crud extract on theartificial wound and compare it with control, showed itsworked as stopping blood bleeding. |
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Mohamed Tebaa , Oussama Rholam , Mohamed Tabaa , Brahim Chouri , Safa Saadaoui |
MOROCCO | Smarty Factory 4.0 | This invention concerns a multi-interface, multiprotocol industrial communication device (Gateway) that allows data to be acquired in the form of Modbus frames and analog/digital inputs oriented by instructions configured through the TFT interface. It process the data received from equipment linked to the type of ModBus (RTU, ASCII, TCP/IP) configured, in order to convert adapt and transmit the frame to the chosen wireless solution whether it Zigbee, LORA, WiFi, Bluethoot, NB-IoT depending on the operating area and range. |
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Brahim El Bhiri , Brahim El Bhiri , Adil Salbi , Maryam Lfkih |
MOROCCO | Smartraffic | The SmarTraffic is a decentralized system based on the radio frequency identification and the image processing. It identifies vehicles that are in the state of emergency (VVIP, firefighters, ambulance, police ...) and controls the traffic light in a dynamic manner. If it is an urgent case (rescue of a critical case), an exchange of information is carried out for the control of the PLC that controls the traffic light (green light). The camera and by using our algorithms of image processing we compute the traffic and controls dynamically the duration of the traffic light. |
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Seerwan Shareef |
IRAQ | Longitudinal plication - a surgical strategy for complete rectal prolapse management | This method is an easy perineal procedure, with fewer complications. It can be performed for all age groups, in an ordinary surgical unit, by an expert anorectal surgeon. We found that our procedure is simple, safe and less invasive. Plications started by inserting a stitch at the most proximal part of the prolapse, followed by successive similar transverse stiches continuing in a spiral fashion till the mucocutaneous junction. We used three plications in adults and two in children. All of the patients where operated upon as a day-case procedure and discharged 6 hours after the operation. |
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Noori Luaibi |
IRAQ | HAVE BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY FROM SOME MARINE RECOVERY AND EXTRACTION OF A NEW AGENTS INVERTEBRATES | 1. Some of the extracts were more effective against gram-positive bacteria than gram-negative , while others were more effective against gram-negative bacteria than against gram-positive isolates from burns. 2. Measuring Growth inhibition zones and Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations (MICs). High concentrations of different extracts of the invertebrates (10,100, 500,1000)µg/ml were effective against distinct germs, increasing efficiency with increasing concentrations. 3. Largest inhibitory diameter for invertebrate extracts (32 Mm). 4. Limits of Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations (MICs) for invertebrate extracts reached ( 250-1100) µg/ml . 5. Invertebrate extracts reduced the vitality of the primal scolexfor hydatid cyst parasiteto zero after standard periods of treatment with invertebrate extracts. 6. Study conducted within the body: A. Hematologicaleffectsusing invertebrate extracts in albino mice showed (insignificant changes) in these values, blood values restored normal proportions in (3-10) days after treatment. B. Healing of external burns for patients whose wounds were purified using invertebrate extract needed (7-13) days ,while(8-15) days takes using different chemical disinfectants. |
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Luy Mithona , Mr. Ley Kamthong , Mr. Chhoeung Rachana , Mr. Keo Samneang , Ms. Phou Seang Phay |
CAMBODIA | NU Robot Multilingual | NU Robot Multilingual is a new AI technology that has ability to understand human languages and respond human questions. Especially, it has a function that can recognize your language automatically without manual switching. Moreover, we applied Machine Leaning (ML) algorithms to this robot to make it more intelligent. In the future, we plan to use this robot to some tourism places and museums in order to answer questions for foreigners. And we strongly believe that this new AI technology will work better and more effectively than human |
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Luy Mithona , Mr. Heng Siek Hai , Mr. Chhoeung Rachana , Mr. Kan Chanproseth , Mr. Pov Vichit , Mr. Keo Samneang |
CAMBODIA | NU Class Room Mobile App | NU Classroom mobile app is a modern and innovative virtual classroom. It comes with an idea to bridge the gap between students and teachers for making exchanging information in the classroom more effectively. |
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Mohammad Atheab |
IRAQ | Develop an innovative method for early detection of sexually transmitted diseases in female and male, which includes the most common types of viruses, bacteria and fungi in one test with a very high sensitivity and specificity within 2-3hours. | A new innovative method of early molecular diagnosis is designed to detect the most common types of microorganisms (Bacteria, Viruse and Fungi) that transmit sexually from male to female and vice versa. This molecular method was designed using the tools of bioinformatics (computerizeGenetics) and available in the Internet, and the use of the sequences of these microorganisms through the global databases. Therefore, each of the patients has a single test consisting of three parts (Tube1, Tube2 and Tube3) and by Real Time PCR using four different filters in the device Each filter can read a specific dye according to its wavelength and each dye associated with a particular target (bacteria, virus and fungus) and thus the possibility of a positive or negative diagnosis is as follows: |
18 |
Dorsa Kamal Kondori |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | coating spray with nanoscale chemical solutions | thin film of chemical solutions, while this device is in expensive due to its simpler technology in comparision with physical vacuum methods. It is also able to coat larger areas and word based on the physical-chemical coating. |
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Mohammad Reza Mohammad Shafiee , Ali Naderi Beni |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | air purifier using cld plasma technology and production of chemical products used in various industries | A recent survey by the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that around 7 million people die each year due to air pollution, this was just accounted for 12% of the global mortality rate. Today's modern industry does not leave space for breath because of airborne gases and pollutants production and it makes breathing clean air, which has always been a source of happiness for human life, an unreachable dream. The US Environmental Protection Agency has selected six major pollutants as the standard and divided them into two primary and secondary categories. Primary contaminants are substances directly contaminated by combustion into ambient air and contain 5 carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide and particulates with a diameter of less than 10 microns and also lead. Secondary pollutants refer to substances that are caused by interactions with primary pollutants in the air around the earth, and this group can be called ozone. Here, the tested gas is a nitrogen oxide sample, which can be used to filter other gases, including sulfur oxides or carbon monoxide. Nitrogen oxides are among the most common and harmful pollutants in the air. In addition to participating in the photochemical cycle of ozone, they consider them to be the primary cause of acid rain and also a cause of human health and environmental disruption. One of the most promising and latest technologies to reduce or eliminate nitrogen oxides is the use of non-thermal plasma technology. The purpose of this study is to determine the capability and potential of air purification and removal of air pollutants by the plasma reactor under atmospheric and non-thermal conditions. For this purpose, the dielectric barrier discharge type (DBD) plasma has been used. The electrons collide with the air containing nitrogen oxide ,radicals and active molecules are produced in a limited volume and control system (plasma reactor), and then the process of conversion and purification is carried out in the presence of a hydrocarbon reducing agent |
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Seyedmahan Tabatabaei |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | auxiliary vacuum cleaner | Doing chores is one of the time consuming and exhausting but necessary tasks we have to do. Our innovation makes such unpleasant duty easy. We provided a shoe with narrow slots under it which is connected to a vacuum system. A long tube makes the connection while the vacuum pressure is applied. Accordingly, the user can put on these shoes, walk, and have a clean room. The target people we consider for this innovation are disabled people who suffers from their hand, shoulder, and/or neck problems. |
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Yasamin Zeinab Rezaei |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | dermatite shoe | The aim of this project is to make special shoes for patients who suffer from eczema on foot. The shoe is equipped with Arduino Nano circuit, ATMega328 microcontroller, and a cream container. It is capable to find the damaged area and be adjusted to apply the cream every time it is needed. Thus the patient can be treated automatically with filling the shoe container just once and adjusting the shoe circuit. Hence there will be no need to take off the shoe and applying the cream on the foot |
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Mahdis Mirzaei , Ghazal Ghaljoughi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | intelligent system creates the necessary line with traffic control capabilities | The current research project provides a new smart system to manage the lanes of the streets. We apply IC processor, BASCOM software, SUBLIME software, VISUAL STUDIO, BASIC, JS, CSS, and HTML programming language, and Python to fulfill the existed gaps. The system consists of five line identified by LEDs in our model and ground burial lights in real field. The two central lines are orange and always on (except for traffics) while the two lines beside that are red. We consider two more lateral lines with green color which can be used for cycling. One of the most important application of our idea is creation of a lane for the emergency vehicles such as police car or fire truck. When one of these cars is approaching the lane, the burial lights blink and the drivers will be notified to exit. Otherwise the car number will be recorded using RFID Tag (Radio-frequency identification) and they get fined. The blinking lines turn to fixed red color while the emergency car arrives. Other cars are not allowed to pass the red lines until the emergency ones gets out. Furthermore, while having heavy traffics, one lane from the opposite side can be open for the emergency cars and/or the stuck cars. The new system provides the capacity to be used by special individuals who have RFID tags. Accordingly the lines blink and, for example, disabled people or students can cross the street. The last application of our innovation is measuring the air pollutants by MQ135 sensor and allocating the three lanes of the street to the public transportation. Moreover, we provided a user-friendly application for cell phones which defines the colors the current condition of the street. The proposed system reduces the excess cost for boulevard construction and improves the city beautification |
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Kian Miraftabzadeh , Tannaz Navidi , Seyed Reza Hashemian , Ali Takin Kalhor Mohammadi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | a novel photovoltaic thermal system using flat CPC reflector for generation of electricity and preheated water | In this work we succeed to render a new design of photovoltaic panel with high efficiency and low cost. The new panel consists of compound parabolic solar panel located upon steel plates. Comparison between the efficiency of the new panel (82 W) and traditional ones (70 W) indicates a 17% increase. Considering loss of energy over time due to the increasing of temperature, we employ a cooling system of copper pipes under the panel. Water is the cooling fluid passes through the pipes while is heated about 10oC and makes the compound parabolic photovoltaic panel stay cool. The new design with cooling system gives even more electrical efficiency |
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Abdalbasit Abdalla , Abdulkhaleq Hussein , Sohiba Adam |
SUDAN | (CSWDS) | This Invention Is a very useful and modern tool for the complete disposal of waste or garbage from the house to the assembly point and the actual phase of disposal and used modern technology and sensors and automatic self-control systems . To transfer, sorting and handling waste disposal This system is designed to solve the main problems of transportation, sorting and disposal of waste. The system works on transporting waste from the upper floors of the building through pipes (divided by types of waste to facilitate the sorting process) to the first collection site of waste And move automatically to a larger collection assembly location in a network ,Through an automatic transmission line, from which it moves to the main network of the residential complex and from there to the main civil network. Thus, the waste is collected and transferred from the local civil network to the main network or terminal station in the ground floor. The system consumes energy from waste analysis |
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Lina Al-Timimi |
IRAQ | EXTRACTION AND MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF ENTEROTOXIGENIC ESCHERICHIA COLI (ETEC) ENTEROTOXINES IUSOLATED FROM DIARRHEA PATIENTS AND DETERMINE ITS ANTICANCER ACTIVITY | In the current study was to extract the toxins produced by the enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and diagnosed using morphological and biochemical and molecular methods were purified and recipe genetically studied the effectiveness of anti- cancer in laboratory animals . All presumptive E. coli, identified by conventional biochemical tests for E.colibacterial identification, API 20E system ,Serological test by slide agglutinationantiserafor E. coli (O169:H41) and confirmation the results by PCR.The results showed that(115)wasdiarrhoealsamples were positive for E. coli, 13 out of 115 were positive for Enterotoxigenic E.coli (ETEC) and 5isolates from 13ETEC showed positive for E.coli O169:H41. PCR results revealed that out of13 positive ETEC isolates, only two isolates showed positive results for heat labile (Lt), 6 positive for heat stable(St) and 5 were positive for both genes.Sequencing some DNA fragments of the expected length obtained after PCR were purified. Bacterial isolates for (115),E. coliwere tested against 11 common antibiotics used, the isolates exhibited the highest level of resistance to Ampicillin (83.47%), followed by tetracycline (77.39%), Trimethoprim/Sulfamthoxazole (68.69%), Aztreonam and Nalidixic acid (66.96%), Kanamycin (64.35%), Ceftriaxone(54.78%) and Ciprofloxacin (53.91%), while ETEC had the highest resistance profiles overall. Totally, the E. coli strains of our investigation had the lowest resistance to Chloramphenicol (28.69%), Gentamicin (22.61%)and Imipenem (19.13%) respectively.The toxicity of ST toxin was examined through experimental animals (Balb/c) mice.Fourmice from six injected intraperitoneally (I.P.) with 0.25 ml crude ST enterotoxinwere died after 24 hoursofinjection;six mice that have been administered ST crude enterotoxinorallywere survived. Cell line viability assay using HCT 116 (human colorectal cancer cells) were used to investigate the effect of toxin ST on the viability of the colon cancer cells. Our results indicated that bacterial enterotoxins could inhibit DNA synthesis in human colon cancer cells and stopped poliferation of the cells.The viability decressed from 94% to 38% when the HCT116 cells in one well were treated by toxin ST directly (1 ml ST in concetrate 0.04 mg/100 ml). |
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Hind Al-Sheikh |
IRAQ | Preparation of innovative ultrafiltration membranes composed of Polysulfone combined with nanomaterials of silver and zinc oxide resistant to bacterial growth for water treatment | Abstract In this work, innovative composite flat sheet polymeric membrane, made of polysulfone (PSF) combined with nanoparticles (AgNp) and nano zinc oxide (ZnONp), which have been prepared for wastewater treatment using phase inversion. The structural properties for PSF/ZnO/Ag composite UF membrane were then characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), EDX analysis, and surface roughness measurement using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The mean roughness and the root mean square of this membrane is much less valuable than the polysulfone membrane without nanomaterials. On the other hand, it has been found that the pure water flux was increased from a low of 250 L/m 2 h for the pristine membrane to a high of 410 L/m 2 h for the composite membrane and the rejection rate using water containing sodium chloride was increased from 50% to 70% for the polysulfone membrane with nanomaterials than the polysulfone membrane without nanomaterials using the same saline solution. In addition, the membrane efficiency was studied as an antifouling due to bacterial contamination using pure bacterial colonies of Staphylococcus Aureus, and Escherichia coli. Practical experiments have shown that this combination of Zinc oxide and silver nanoparticles combined with polysulfone can be the best choice for having double characteristics of anti-bacterial and bacteriological pollution to improve membrane for wastewater treatment. |
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Fatimah Al-Hasani |
IRAQ | Preparation of Titanium Dental Implant by Powder Technology Method and Improve the Surface Roughness Using Ultrasound Waves | In the present work titanium dental implant was prepared from titanium powder by using powder technology method and compare the implant with other one prepared from available commercial rod which is usually use in markets, furthermore the implant surface was activated by using ultrasound waves in order to obtain a suitable surface roughness that make the implant more compatible with periodontal bone therefore reduce the time that required for osseointegration, in addition to that the microscopic test (optical microscope, scanning electron microscopy)and atomic force microscopy (AFM) test shows that the powder implants are more affected by the surface treatment than other one due to their porosity that may be content, finally the mechanical test (compression test ) show that both types of implants(powder, commercial rod ) have similar ratio which means that the powder implants have the same mechanical strength to the commercial implants Thus it was achieved economic feasibility as well as other properties due to the low cost of the powder and manufactured compared with the cost of manufacturing the available rod. |
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Zakia Yousif |
IRAQ | Preparation and Characterization of Nanosilica From Iraqi Rice Husk and its Effect on Oil Well’s Cement Compressive Strength | Iraqi Rice husk (IRH), an inexpensive waste material from al-Najaf province , was used to produce nanosilica by precipitation method. Chemical composition of rice husk determined by X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) was 94.22 % silica at 700 o C and 95.16 % at 1000 o C. Nanosilica was obtained by precipitation method 1N HCl, 3N NaOH, concentrated HNO 3 was used to pretreated dried IRH, extract sodium silicate solution (SSS) and precipitated nanosilica from SSS respectively. Under controlled conditions gave 98.06% nanosilica with amorphous nature. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image characterize particles of size 50 nm spherical shape in agglomerated form. The observation by Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) shows that the average diameter of particles are 88.87 nm The internal structure of nanosilica identified by transmission electron microscope (TEM) confirms the solid structure of nanoparticles . Surface area measured by BET method of nano pure silica is (286.4 m 2 /g) and Pore volume is (0.275 cm 3 /g). Nanosilica prepared in this work is amorphous pozzolanic material it is used as additive for oil field cement to improve compressive strength. The compressive strength increase in percentage of (8% , 9% and 4%) when (1.5%, 2% , 2.5%) nanosilica percent was added respectively by weight of cement at 38 o C. The same behavior was observed for compressive strength at 60 o C was increased in a percentage of (0.1%, 9%,7% ) at the same percentage of nanosilica additive. |
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Ali Al-Dulaimi |
IRAQ | Study Bacterial growth Curve by electricity | Ability to study of growth curve through new technique , it is used ampere measurement that transfer during culture media that it have bacteria growth Curve . this new technique of growth curve dependent on quantity of Acidic and ampere that formed due to growing of bacteria in culture media , program was used to measure of ampere and draw of growth curve on computer (microAm or mA) pre ( second or minute ) dependent of type of bacteria . This method is more accurate because it calculates the rate of growth per second rather than every five minutes as in the old method. The principle of the new method (measurement of amperia and voltolite) is completely different from that of the old method (measuring turbidity). It is fast and is self-generated and there is no pollution |
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Majid Luaibi |
IRAQ | The di-purpose device for extracted ruminal fluids –gastric Juices or injected therapeutic fluids in rumenants and single stomach animals | The di-purpose device for extracted ruminal fluids –gastric Juices or injected therapeutic fluids in rumenants and single stomach animals |
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Mohammad Salman |
IRAQ | Preparation of biopolymer (dextran) and Gentamycin blend against Multi drug resistant bacterial infections associated with urinary catheters. | In our study, extraction, purification and characterization of biopolymer from locally isolated Leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp was done. The antibacterial effect of the produced biopolymer was studied against the pathogenic bacteria isolated from urinary catheters which were resistant to multiple antibiotics. The antibiofilm effect of biopolymer dextran and its blender Gentamycin was determined alone and as blend (Dextran-Gentamycin) using precoated urinary catheters. Results showed that the biopolymer dextran-gentamycin blend had antibiofilm effect with biofilm inhibition ratio reaching to 85% and 75% against E.coli and S. aureus respectively. |
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Hathama Alobodat |
IRAQ | Extraction of superoxide dismutase enzyme from plant’s waste | An investigation about Superoxide dismutase enzyme was carried out in five plant waste which are peels of watermelon, melon (three varieties Hafidh Nafsah, Ananas and Alasfer Alshtwi), banana, bitter orange and potato. Extracts were prepared for all peels and total protein, enzyme activity and specific activity of enzyme were measured for each extract. It was found that melon peel has highest specific activity of enzyme then watermelon rind and potato peel which have the same specific activity of enzyme then peels of bitter orange and and banana. The variety of melon named Ananas has highest activity of enzyme then other varieties Hafidh Nafsah and Alasfer Alshtwi. In addition, the variety of Ananas has good stability of enzyme after storage for six month. Isoenzymes have been identified using electrophoresis and inhibitors for each extract of watermelon rind, melon peel and bitter orange peel. Watermelon rind contain four isoenzymes, two of them (CuZnSOD) and one of each (MnSOD) and (FeSOD). Melon peel contain five isoenzymes, two isoenzymes of both (MnSOD) and (FeSOD), and one isoenzyme of (CuZnSOD). Bitter orange peel contain six isoenzymes, five isoenzymes of of (MnSOD) and one of (CuZnSOD). |
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Haider Abbas |
IRAQ | 9-benzyl-2-biphenylimidazo[1,2-a]benzimidazole and its pharmaceutically | The invention relates to new compounds in a series of derivatives of 2,9-disubstituted imidazo [1,2-a] benzimidazole, namely to the previously undescribed 9-benzyl-2-biphenylimidazo [1,2-a] benzimidazole of formula I and its pharmaceutically acceptable salts. The compound exhibits the property of a cross-linker of the glycated proteins and can be used, first of all, in the complex therapy of diabetes mellitus and its complications. Pathological processes occurring in diabetes mellitus as one of the most important components include the non-enzymatic protein glycation reaction, extremely destructive in its consequences, during which glycoproteins accumulate, including cross-linking of glycoprotein macromolecules, leading to a deterioration of their functional properties, in particular, due to their elasticity loss. This fully applies, for example, to red blood cells and is the cause of very serious complications of diabetes, including ophthalmic, neurological and cardiovascular. Protein glycation also increases the risk of cancer. It should be noted that it is fundamentally impossible to achieve reversibility of the processes initiated by glycation by using glycation inhibitors. This requires connections with the potential cross-linking spreaders in the advanced glycation end products (AGEs), the use of which can lead to the restoration of the elasticity of the collagen scaffold of the cardiovascular system and, as a result, effective treatment of remote complications of diabetes. A normalizing effect on the glycation-affected bed of the cardiovascular system of quaternary azolium salts, including chloride N-phenacyl-4,5-dimethylthiazolium (drug candidate ALT-711, Alagebrium), which reduces the level of (AGEs) in blood vessels. In clinical trials of an alagebrium, it was shown that the drug is well tolerated and causes an increase in vascular elasticity in 93% of patients are over 50 years old. Among the derivatives of 2,9-disubstituted imidazo [1,2 a] benzimidazole, - 9-benzyl-2- (4-fluorophenyl) imidazo [1,2-a] benzimidazole hydrochloride, exhibiting antioxidant properties is known; - dinitrate 9- (2-diethylaminoethyl) -2-phenylimidazo [1,2-a] benzimidazole - agent for suppressing helicobacter-like erosive-ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa; - salts of 9-(2-dialkylaminoethyl)-2-(4-fluorophenyl) imidazo [1,2 a] benzimidazole, showing analgesic effect due to kappa-opioid agonistic activity, as well as a local anesthetic effect. The closest in structure is hydrobromide 9-(2 diethylaminoethyl)-2-phenylimidazo [1,2-a] benzimidazole, exhibiting the properties of an antagonist of serotonin 5-HT3 receptors. In the series of 2,9-disubstituted imidazo [1,2-a] benzimidazole, no compounds are known that exhibit the property of disrupters of cross-linking of glycated proteins. The technical result of the invention is new compounds in the series 2,9-disubstituted imidazo [1,2 a] benzimidazole, showing a new feature for this series of destroyers of cross-linking of glycated proteins. The technical result is achieved by a compound of formula I and its pharmaceutically acceptable salts. As pharmaceutically acceptable salts, for example, hydrochlorides, hydrobromides, hydroiodides, nitrates, sulfates, salts of organic acids can be used. |
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Salam Shukur |
IRAQ | find a way to increase the efficiency of marine diesel engines and increase the speed | The idea of invention is to find a way to increase the efficiency of marine diesel engines and increase the speed of the vessel by reducing the loss of power by pushing the water in a narrow space, Increasing the reaction power of the water and thus increasing the ship speed. This invention containe of a strong hold steel disc with some of tension bolts,hold steel cylinder with some steel pipes which fixed with this holds, steel corne |
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Salam Shukur |
IRAQ | Turn off for: Arabic sense photoelectric lung function measure for low capacity | sense photoelectric lung function measure for low capacity used to measured alow capacity of children or very bad states of patients which need high sensibility of device to measure vital capacity(FVC) or(Fev1).This device include of black borden tube,photoelectric cells,glob(60--100)watt,voltmeater,group of switch and electric wires,look figures (C,D) |
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Salam Shukur |
IRAQ | Taken neoplasm tissue device with fastness and painless | Taken neoplasm tissue device with fastness and painless used to taken small tissue of neoplasm so as to test it in laboratory and know it had microbe,crab or not with fastness and painless methode. This device containe of short needle or pin which had small clefts and sharpen notch,metal tube keeped short needle or pin and needle piston in it,also containe of compressed air bottle,tension spring,air valve which open by hand,doctor injection in side metal tube alocal an aesthetic, antitoxin,antiseptic,analeptic liquids. We fixed at forward of metal tube asponge disc to absorption and taken this liquids to patient neoplasm skin look fig(A,B) |
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Salam Shukur |
IRAQ | Space man gravity disc is ametallic ring which uper surface containe of a multy holes to pass compressed oxy | Space man gravity disc is ametallic ring which uper surface containe of a multy holes to pass compressed oxy gen through it to make reaction that helped spaceman to have been capable against a gravity less which at space ship or at planet which have a little gravity sutch the moon. Spaceman gravity disc containe of metal holes ring,rubber tube,valves,fixed electromagnatic coil,metal piece with tension spring,levers and compressed oxygen bottle. |
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Salam Shukur |
IRAQ | Viscometer used to measure blood viscousity | Viscometer used to measure blood viscousity. An blood liquid submit to constant shearing force with constant and complete shearing area. Device contain from carrier of pressure spring and spring disc which contact with small metal ball moved at metal bar to stop and operation timer watch, also contain from glasses or plastic tube to see blood liquid through it,viscometer contain of suction blood needle, ruler measurement and crack rubber ball to increase shearing area of liquid layers,look figures (A,B,C,D). |
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Nima Emamjomeh , Seyed Danial Hassani , Benyamin Mahami , Amirsam Mazlomnezhad , Seyyed Saber Mirhosseini |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | "Fabrication of nanoporous carbon with a new method as an electrocatalyst in PEM fuel cell" | In energy storage devices, active carbon and other metals in combination with carbon are used for chemical reactions. In this paper, zinc hydroxide nitrate was produced with precipitation method and carbon resource of nitrobenzoic acid was intercalated to its layers. Then obtained nanohybrids were heat-treated at 700 °C under an inert atmosphere N2 and resulting in the production of carbon materials and metal oxides. Finally, for remove the obtained metal oxides, acid etching was done. Carbon materials with specific surface area and high porosity were produced and the simple production, low price and non-toxicity of the raw materials, created the potential for loading large quantities of carbon materials and the possibility of producing large quantities of porous carbon which will lead to reduction of price, increase of efficiency and commercialization of energy storage devices. Application of the resulting carbon material as an electrocatalyst was examined in the cathode of the PEM fuel cell. The quantity of the open circuit voltage (OCV) for this sample was 997 mV which these values are very close to the theatrical amount for oxygen standard reduction potential (1.2 V) and based on the cyclic voltammetry analysis, the resulting carbon is electroactive. |
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Pouria Salimi , Arian Koushk Sarae Asl , Adriyan Riazati , Soroush Qorbanifaraz , Yaghob Amani Saghezchi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Production of protective clothes against electromagnetic waves with the using of polymer-carbon nanoparticles | Electromagnetic waves, with a change in the distribution of ions, have an effect on the organism of living creatures , including their growth. Using of nano-coatings have been created on textiles to prevent harm to humans. In this paper, polypyrrole / graphene nanocomposite coated cloths were developed to create protective properties against electromagnetic waves. The electrical resistivity of the surface of the samples coated with polypyrrole / graphene nanocomposite was in 25 °C to 15 ohm , which had the highest conductivity and protective effect against electromagnetic waves among the previous studies. According to the results of the XRD analysis, polypyrrol / graphene nanocomoposite has been formed and polymerization has been well done. |
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Choocheep Auekarn , Mr. Poramet Sitthiwong |
THAILAND | I'MMUshroom "Longgan Lingzhi Mushroom Syrup" | I'MMUshroom "Longan Lingzhi Mushroom Syrup" is a sweetening agent which has great benefits for health. Instead of sugar, this longan syrup composed of polyphenols that show high anti-oxidant activity and it is considered as low glycemic index sweetener, safer than sugar for diabetic patients. Moreover, this product also contains lingzhi extract which can promote the immune system. Using this syrup in food or drink not only provide sweetness but also promote strong health. From clinical study, it was shown that I'MMUshroom "Longan Lingzhi Mushroom Syrup" gave similar taste to sugar while maintained low blood sugar level after consuming. Long-term study also showed that this product can promote immune system by increasing immunoglobulin levels. |
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Ariya Sarikaphuti , Ariya Sarikaphuti , Jarunee Desneiges |
THAILAND | Aromatic Black Rice and Red Bean Cracker Defini Snacks Brand | Thaidham Allianze is an innovative health care company focusing on anti-aging and regenerative medicine established since 2005 by Dr. Ariya Sarikaphuti , the Chief of Scientific Program in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Mae Fah Laung University, Thailand. Aromatic Black Rice and Red Bean Craker is a low carbohydrate with natural protein and fiber snack comprises of nutritious compositions of brown rice germ and bran, aromatic black rice germ and bran, red bean, high fiber coconut flour, pea protein, and perilla seed. The snack is a good source of anthocyanin. vitamin, mineral, and antioxidants, good protein source and good fiber source from the natural compositions. It contains less than 9 grams of net carbohydrate per serving which is an ideal snack for low carbohydrate lover. The snack is a good source of anthocyanin, vitamin, mineral, antioxidants, protein, fiber, and omega 3. |
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Ariya Sarikaphuti , Ariya Sarikaphuti , Jarunee Desneiges |
THAILAND | Mctoxy Supplementary Product | Thaidham Allianze is an innovative health care company focusing on anti-aging and regenerative medicine in the area of health and beauty. The company has been established since 2005 by an all-time leading actress, Ms.Jarunee Desneiges, and Dr. Ariya Sarikaphuti , the Chief of Scientific Program in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Mae Fah Laung University, and a group of leading health practitioners in Thailand. Mctoxy is a special blend of research based Thai traditional herbal medicine for detoxification ,weight loss, and lowering blood lipid formula comprises of Terminalia chebula, The King of Medicine in Thai Traditional Medicine , Spirulina, Garcenia cambogia, L-carnitine, and chromium AAC . The indications are for weight reduction ,detoxification, better excretion, reducing water retention, balancing dyslipidemia, and anti-inflammation. |
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Ariya Sarikaphuti , Ariya Sarikaphuti , Jarunee Desneiges |
THAILAND | TDA Coconut Mix | Thaidham Allianze is an innovative health care company focusing on anti-aging and regenerative medicine in the area of health and beauty. The company has been established since 2005 by an all-time leading actress, Ms.Jarunee Desneiges, and Dr. Ariya Sarikaphuti , the Chief of Scientific Program in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Mae Fah Laung University, and a group of leading health practitioners in Thailand. TDA Coconut Mix is a perfect drink for exogenous ketones. The formula comprises of selected blend of medium chain triglyceride (MCT) with carbon 8-10 atoms, magnesium , selenium, and chromium amino acid chelate to help burning excess fat store and enter your ketosis quickly together with your ketogenic meal plan. It helps burning excess fat , providing good fuel for the brain and increasing HDL cholesterol. It also helps in losing weight while enhancing energy for both body and brain. The formula has a tastety coconut milk which is both delicious and nutritious. |
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Poramet Sitthiwong , Poramet Sitthiwong |
THAILAND | IMMU Signature | IMMU Signature is a functional beverage contained of 7 concentrated mushrooms such as Reshi Spore powder, selected from hundreds of mushrooms that useful for health. Moreover, it also riches in organic protein, polysaccharide, triterpenoid and germanium. This product is effective for immune booster and detoxification which are the cause of several diseases. IMMU Signature contains no sugar and is suitable for all consumers aged between 35-50 years who focus on healthy food or concerned about health issues. This product is all natural and no preservative added. |
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Constantin Ungureanu , Niţan Ilie , Poienar Mihaela , MILICI Rodica-Mariana , Irimia Daniela , Bobric Crenguța-Elena, Olariu Elena-daniela, Raţă Gabriela, Prodan Cristina, Ungureanu Constantin, Romanescu Adrian, Pentiuc Radu Dumitru |
ROMANIA | Sun tracking system | The invention relates to a Sun tracking system consisting of a solar actuator designed on the principle of helio-thermo-mechanical conversion. The Sun system orientation is carried out by means of a bimetallic thermal actuator which controls the angular displacement of a wheel mechanism through which the daily Sun's pursuit is carried out. |
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Dan Laurentiu Milici , Nițan Ilie , Milici Laurențiu-Dan , POIENAR Mihaela , Cernușcă Dumitru , Pața Sergiu Dan, Pianîh Alexei, Pentiuc Radu Dumitru, Popa Cezar Dumitru, Rață Mihai, Ungureanu Constantin |
ROMANIA | Interlocking system | The invention relates to an interlocking system made on the basis of two elastic elements of Nitinol (shape memory material), intended to lock doors, shutters, in order to assure constructions or installations. Applications: interlocking system for auto industry, aeronautics industry, security systems. |
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Dan Laurentiu Milici , Nițan Ilie , Milici Laurențiu-Dan , POIENAR Mihaela , Pentiuc Gheorghe , Sabadaș Anna, Milici Mariana Rodica, Bobric Crenguța-Elena, Irimia Daniela, Rață Gabriela, Olariu Elena-daniela |
ROMANIA | Thermomechanical safety lock | The invention relates to thermomechanical safety lock with bimetallic blades and intended for the protection of mechanical gear of the drive system (wheel) subjected to heating. Two thermobimetallic elements are rigidly fixed at one end by means of two bolts and which, during operation, when the temperature increases, provides additional locking. |
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Cristina Elena Dinu-Pîrvu , Dinu-Pîrvu Cristina Elena , Anuța Valentina , VELESCU Bruno Ștefan , Nițulescu George Mihai , Olaru Octavian Tudorel, Ghica Mihaela Violeta, Orțan Alina, Popa Ovidiu, Băbeanu Narcisa |
ROMANIA | STANDARDIZED EXTRACTS OF ANTHRISCUS SYLVESTRIS - OBTAINING AND THERAPEUTIC USE | The invention refers to the obtaining method of a series of Anthriscus sylvestris dry extracts and their physical, chemical and biological characterization. By exploiting the spontaneous Anthriscus sylvestris, based on the pharmacological potential and reduced toxicity, we achieved an original approach to obtaining an anti-inflammatory resource. The obtaining methods, according to the invention, lead to dried extracts of Anthriscus sylvestris, with a standardized total content of polyphenols (4.4 - 6.6 g% Gallic acid equivalents). The extracts were characterized qualitatively and quantitatively by chromatographic and spectrometric methods. Extracts of Anthriscus sylvestris showed statistically significant anti-inflammatory effect comparative to diclofenac in experimental models of acute and subacute inflammation. The main advantage of the invention is its capability to provide a pharmaceutical use of the spontaneous Anthriscus sylvestris and to capitalize the plant’s high adaptability and ability to grow rapidly in almost any type of soil. |
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Dr.tommaso Liuzzi , Phd. Sahereh Khosravi |
ITALY | Sound in Multisensory Stimulation, Euterpe Method | Sound in multisensory stimulation, meaning multiple sound / musical therapeutic activities in osmosis with the environment (Synesthesy Room). Sound is the catalyst that allows the overlapping of several sensory stimuli simultaneously, choosing which to exclude, strengthen, add, cross or prevail. The goal is to strengthen the social-communication interpersonal skills of people with disabilities. This method is defined as an artistic-musical educational psychology for learning, treatment and therapy. It is different from the others because it has developed a mathematical table and an original algorithm, in order to compose a different sound path for each person. This method is awarded by UNESCO, in the eleventh edition of IIFME in Kuwait. This method is applying in Italy, Lebanon and Iran in the various fields, in the hospital in the fields of neurology and psycho-oncology, in degenerative diseases (Alzheimer), drug addiction, autism, special needs, schools, nursery schools and currently has an inclusive orchestra. |
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Saowakol Nimitranun |
THAILAND | SKINA : SILK SERUM DERMO SYSTEM | SKINA has been developed based on 2 main objectives: creating the added value of silk materials which are found mostly in the north of Thailand and enabling Thai people to easily reach and use this silk product. According to the clinical research, it was found that “GOLD SILK” is rich in bioactive substances namely SERICIN and FIBROIN. SERICIN is the secret of this formula because of the extraction technique which provides the low molecular weight of protein in sericin. Size of molecular weight can minimize water loss on the surface of skin and also actively restore what’s called “natural moisturizing factor” or NMF. In addition, SERICIN has many potential benefits for strengthening and conditioning skin due to its inhibitory tyrosinase activity and antioxidant property. SKINA is different from other oil base cosmetics in the market thanks to its pH 5.5, thus leaving no oil on our skin. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | Menoplexx | Menopause is sometimes called “the change of life” as it marks the end of a woman’s reproductive life. Most women will experience some symptoms differently. Menoplexx provides the ultimate solution for menopausal symptoms. It is newly formulated with the active ingredients from Ginseng Extract and Dong Quai Extract, which have been used in Chinese medicines as treatment for women’s health for thousands of years. They are phytoestrogen or dietary sources of estrogen. Menoplexx also contains Borage Oil, Flax Seed and Soy Isoflavone to adjust women’s hormones. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | Mudyceps | Oriental ingredients which are widely applied in traditional food and soup such as Reishi, Yamabushitake, Mitake, Shitake, Cordyceps and White Jelly Mushroom have been called the “medicinal mushrooms” in Southeast Asia. Interestingly, a number of researches have found that blending of these extracted ingredients are able to enhance the effect of our immune system against viral infections such as the flu (influenza), swine flu and avian flu; lung conditions including asthma and bronchitis; heart disease and cancer. Mudyceps is indeed an ideal ingredient for an anti-pollution lifestyle. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | Proteinoids | Different from other proteins available in the markets, Proteinoids contains a variety of proteins selected from several sources which help to support overall health, digestive tract and kidney function, yet causing no allergy to consumers. This innovation is blended with white egg or egg albumin, a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals; Quinoa, a grain crop that is grown for its edible seeds and always referred to as the “mother of all grains”; and a mixture of fermented rice extract, black sesame extract, roselle extract and wolfberry. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | Colladerm | Colladerm has been introduced as a result of the ever increasing ageing population when health problem becomes a big concern. It is an innovative ingredient containing a blend of unique Collagen derived from Tilapia Fish Scale, Abalone and Chicken Cartilage. A number of researches have found that these 3 compounds can support booster and proliferator fibroblast by stimulating mesenchymal cell, resulting in better conditions of skin, bone, joint and tooth, which have malfunctions when we age. |
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Nakah Thawichawat |
THAILAND | Dermanour | Pollution and free radicals are the major cause of various skin problems. Dermanour is created to provide advanced skin protection. It contains ingredients with high antioxidant compositions including Lycopene, Lutein, Grape Seed, Red Orange, Pine Bark and Aloe Vera. As a skin rejuvenator, Dermanour not only helps to reduce freckles and dark spots, but also protects the skin against UVA and UVB. Dermanour’s main ingredients inhibit cellular tyrosinase activity and function as a melanin production inhibitor. |
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Sangtawan Na-Chiengmai |
THAILAND | Fin & Firm Aura Booster (Sugar free) | Fin & Firm Aura Booster (Sugar free) is a new innovation in skin collagen replenishment under the intellectual property (IP) of Chiang Mai University, THAILAND. Our product is comprised of freshwater fish collagen dipeptide, the smallest molecule of collagen and especially designed in a chewy gummy recipe to avoid loosing of collagen in gastrointestinal tract and first-pass metabolism in liver. The dipeptide is directly absorbed into the systemic circulation through buccal membrane, proceed to heart and circulate throughout the body, thus the dipeptide can immediately and effectively boost collagen synthesis. Supplements with vitamin C and L-glutathione help for enhancing healthier and more youthful-looking skin. |
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Pattalapapa Kulsasitara |
THAILAND | G-Arvee : Growth hormone booster for anti-aging & overall wellbeing | G-Arvee is an innovation for anti-aging and overall wellbeing. It helps to promote the growth hormone to impede the human natural aging process, the main cause of various chronic diseases. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a hormone that is made by our body in the pituitary gland and comprehensive researches have claimed that HGH has anti-aging properties. It is often marketed as an anti-aging hormone for adults. With the concept “fountain of youth”, G-Arvee has been modernly developed and contains 100% natural ingredients from over 10 types of protein amino acids including Inosital, L-Lysine and L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, L-Ornithine, Branch Chain Amino Acid (BCAA) and Choline Bitartrate. G-Arvee has already been approved by Thai FDA and registered for a patent. |
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Vichanee Srisawat |
THAILAND | ME VIO (ME (TM)) | Hectic city life, tension and junk food consumption are the major causes of skin problems and intestinal malfunction. ME VIO is a patented food supplement developed from multi violet berry fruits called “Super Antioxidant” for ultimate intestinal and skin detoxification. Anthocyanins, the active compounds found in these fruits, work to clarify the skin, reduce wrinkles and improve eyesight. Prebiotic (FOS, GOS and Inulin), the food of friendly bacteria in the intestine, helps regulating colon function and promoting the digestive system. |
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Chotika Wongwilas |
THAILAND | Kimberlite Berry 5 Protein & Vitamin : Supporting inner health & outer skin beauty | Unlike other products available in the markets today, Kimberlite Berry 5 Protein & Vitamin Dietary Supplement Product contains a wide variety of proteins, vitamin premix and fruit extracts carefully selected from several natural sources. As a meal replacement, this registered innovation comprises 5 proteins and vitamin premix from 9 vitamins to support the inner health, yet causing no allergy to consumers. In addition, it is blended with glutathione and a good selection of fruit extracts which have powerful antioxidant properties for outer skin beauty. INNULIN, a prebiotic fiber for friendly Lactobacilli, works to regulate the colon function. Kimberlite Berry comes in an instant power drink which provides a delectable taste. |
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Rung Keeratiboriboon |
THAILAND | NAYA SESAMEEN: Boosting immune system | NAYA SESAMEEN is a Sesame Oil Capsule Dietary Supplement Product developed from White Sesame and Black Sesame using the special cold press process to maintain its natural original flavor. Sesame has been found to contain Sesamin and Sesamolin including a variety of vitamins and minerals. According to a number of researches, sesame has been found to stimulate the immune system, protect against heart disease, diabetes and arthritis. Sesame also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects as well as improves the bone health. |
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Puttachat Pongsuchat |
THAILAND | Trio (Pureplus (TM)) : Ultimate solution for bone & joint problems | As we get older, our bone and joint will start to deteriorate. More than 60% of adults are affected by degenerative bone and joint disease. The primary cause of this condition is typically chronic repetitive motion that results in bone pain, inflammation and structural joint damage. To tackle with this health problem, Trio is formulated in an innovative aspect with proven benefits. It is blended with 3 important ingredients as an ultimate solution for bone and joint problems: Collagen Peptide, Calcium L-Threonate and UC II (Collagen Type II). |
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Dr. Orawan Kitchawengkul |
THAILAND | Antica : Boost immune, anti free radicals, anti inflammation & prevention of cancer & aging | Cancer is the most common fatal disease that accounted for the death of 9.6 million people around the world in 2018. The healthiest way to cope with this health-threatening dilemma is turning to the natural remedy in order to boost immunity and energy to fight against cancers, free radicals and inflammations. ANTICA is the food innovation containing beneficial phytonutrients derived from active natural extracts from Broccoli, Sea Buckthorn, Sweet Basil, Lycopene, Vitamin D3, Bilberry, Green Tea, Grape, Ginger, Turmeric, ALA and Pepper Extract. These natural ingredients abound in many important nutrients including Fiber, Vitamin K1 (Phylloquinone), Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Manganese, Anthocyanins, Quercetin, Myricetin, Lycopene, Flavonoids, Carotenoids, Vitamin E, Isothiocyanates, Sulforaphane, Carotenoids, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Catechins, Epigallocatechin Gallate or EGCG, 6-gingerol, Piperine, Curcuminoids and Curcumin. The combined actions of these ingredients are not only for treating diseases, but also for preventing the body for ultimate anti-aging virtue |
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Visit Wongchotpinthong |
THAILAND | Hi-Balanz Jiaogulan Extract : Extract from Jiaogulan for lowering blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure | Jiaogulan or Panjakhan in Thai is a well-known herbal plant treasured for its rejuvenating properties that work to regulate and normalize the body to a sublime state of natural balance. Thanks to its key Saponins substances, the plant has been demonstrated to reduce blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure levels so effectively and safely. It is also rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals essential to the body such as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, salt, iron, zinc, manganese, etc. Because of its medicinal properties to prevent illness and nourish the body, Jiaogulan has been dubbed as “The herb of immortal life”. “Hi-Balanz Jiaogulan Extract” concentrated Jiaogulan extract 100 mg. is 10 times more concentrated than a drink of Jiaogulan tea. 1 capsule is equivalent to a 990-pack drink. Jiaogulan a day keeps the doctor away! |
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Visit Wongchotpinthong |
THAILAND | Hi-Balanz Reishi Extract : Extract from Reishi 300 mg for maintaining good health | Reishi (Lingzhi mushroom or Ganoderma lucidum) is an effective medicinal herb with proven therapeutic activities. It is an ingredient used in nearly 30% of traditional Chinese medicine. The active compound found in Reishi called “Ganoderma Polysaccharide” exhibits outstanding properties for enhancing the body’s immune system. It helps enhance the efficiency of cardiovascular system as well as the functions of liver and kidney. Moreover, it improves physical strength, skin’s radiance and relieves insomnia. According to a number of scientific researches, it was found that among all kinds of Reishi, Red Reishi contains the highest amount of polysaccharides. Hi-Balanz Reishi Extract is the newest innovation which is formulated with the highest concentration of Reishi extract up to 300 mg, the maximum amount as prescribed by the Food and Drug Administration, for the full effectiveness and for maintaining good health. |
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Assistant Professor Dr. Pisit Maneechot |
THAILAND | PMN : Cordyceps Extract, Reishi Extract Powder and Calcium Ascorbate Dietary Supplement Product | PMN Dietary Supplement Product has been actively researched and developed from Cordyceps herbal plant under the certification from The National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), Thailand’s famous research institute with a funding program to support and transfer technology for the development of industry. Containing the highest amount of Cordycepin, an active compound found in Cordyceps, PMN has proved and highlighted its medicinal properties by combining together two powerful herbs: golden Cordyceps and Lingzhi mushroom in order to nourish and balance the body. In addition, this innovative product improves the immune system and fights against several diseases including hepatitis, renal failure, diabetes, cancer, allergies, pneumonia and high blood pressure. PMN also helps refresh the body and revive the brain. The product has been manufactured under the GMP facility. |
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Mahroo Mansouri , Niki Ghobaei , Seyedeh Parinaz Mirdehghani Tafti , Ghazal Zare Esteriji |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | BIODIESEL PRODUCTION FROM NOROUZAK (SALVIA LERIFOLIA) OR KARCHAK (RICINUS COMMUNIS) SEEDS AS AN INDIGENOUS SOURCE OF BIO FUEL IN IRAN USING ULTRASOUND | Biodiesel has become more attractive recently because of its environmental benefits and the fact that it is made from renewable resources. The cost of biodiesel, however, is the main hurdle to commercialization of the product. The used cooking oils are used as raw material, adaption of continuous transesterification process and recovery of high quality glycerol from biodiesel by-product (glycerol) are primary options to be considered to lower the cost of biodiesel. There are four primary ways to make biodiesel, direct use and blending, microemulsions, thermal cracking (pyrolysis) and transesterification. The most commonly used method is transesterification of vegetable oils and animal fats. The transesterification reaction is affected by molar ratio of glycerides to alcohol, catalysts, reaction temperature, reaction time and free fatty acids and water content of oils or fats. The mechanism and kinetics of the transesterification show how the reaction occurs and progresses. Population growth with increased demand for fossil fuels and also biodiesel. Norouzak (Salvia lerifolia) or Karchak (Ricinus Communis) seed oil is introduced as an indigenous source of biodiesel production in Iran. The seeds were collected from desert area of South Khorasan province Northeastern-Iran. |
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Helia Yegani , Hasti Mohamadzade |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Optimum hydrogen production system and its use in ether engines | Crude oil and Petroleum industry are considering the main sources of energy in the World. Petroleum and its by-products are used to fuel various forms of transportation, industry and domestic electricity use. Petroleum is also used to manufacture plastics, which provides products essential for daily life. Over the years there has been increased concerns over the environmental effects of the petroleum industry. This is due to the toxicity of petroleum which contributes to air pollution, acid rain, and various illnesses in humans. Petroleum also fuels climate change, due to the increased greenhouse gas emissions in its extraction, refinement, transport and consumption phases. As an energy storage medium, hydrogen has drawn the attention of research institutions and industry over the past decade, motivated in part by developments in renewable energy, which have led to unused surplus wind and photovoltaic power. Hydrogen production from water electrolysis is a good option to make full use of the surplus renewable energy. Among various technologies for producing hydrogen, water electrolysis using electricity from renewable power sources shows great promise. |
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Melika Kazemirad , Milad Kazemirad |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | The design of the well constructed by modern simulation of ant colony and network with bentonite elimination and energy storage capability | The use of bentonite as a surplus electrical current and lightning conductor in wells can cause pollution of soil and environment. In this project, an anthropological network system was used as a surplus electric current player, and it was used in ecological well-being of carbon-intensive active wells. In the wells system, too, energy was transferred to the ground and wasted, but with this project it is stored and reconnected by closing the capacitor and battery electrical circuit. Also, the 6000 volt source is used to display the thunder and Electric arc and electric are used |
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Alireza Ghadimi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Slye is a modular cross-platform decentralized open-source application that helps users to create 3D presentations | Slye is a decentralized cross-platform application that helps users to create 3D presentations, this project has a modular core and an open API which makes it possible for other developers to create third-party functionalities. It’s built upon modern web technologies (mainly WebGL) so it’s also possible to execute the software in a modern web browser, this project is moving towards becoming a fully decentralized application using platforms provided by IPFS and Ethereum and help users access their information anytime anywhere without no one having control over their sensitive information. |
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Piyasak Chaumpluk |
THAILAND | ASF Scan: On-chip Assay for African Swine Fever Virus | Outbreaks of African swine fever virus worldwide severely disrupted the swine industry. Yet no vaccine is available at present. With progress of modern global logistics, the risk of cross-border viral transmission is increasing. Thus, a rapid diagnostic assay for on-site detection of the virus is needed to timely implement the control measures. ASF Scan, an on-chip assay was developed, as a point of care ASFV detection. It relies on the identification of viral CP530R gene via LAMP and the DNA hybridization, allowing the fluorescence emission on chip visibly by the naked eye. All the assay steps were completed within 40 min without relying on standard laboratory facilities. It provided no cross-reactivity to other swine viruses giving sensitivity at 100 copies of target DNA. Thus, ASF Scan provides an alternative choice for a rapid point of care control and management of the disease. The product was developed at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. |
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Prof. Dr Parviz Nouri Sayha |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Design and Manufacturing of Nano motor (Vaccine) of Stem cell herbal Nanoparticles for anti (Aging, Cancer, AIDS) and cellular repair | Brief description of your exhibits: The cancers, AIDS, aging process and cellular damage of end organ are common health's problem of human. The aim of this invention is prevention and treatment of cancer, AIDS and aging. This invention is a Nano motor stem cell which is composed of multi potential stem cells that have intelligent Nano sensors and metallic nanoparticles. The metallic nanoparticles help Nano motor to rapid detection of abnormal cells. In fact, metallic nanoparticles are sense secretory material of abnormal cell and conduct this signal to Nano motor of stem cells to attack this cell and destroy them and then repair the cells. The aim of this invention is prevention and treatment of cancer, AIDS and aging. |
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Gyorgy Deak , Deak Gyorgy , Georgescu Puiu-Lucian , POTERAS George , Raischi Constantin Marius , Olteanu Marius Viorel, Badea Gabriel, Cornateanu Gabriel, Cristea Alexandru |
ROMANIA | Hydrotechnical solution for flow distribution between the main riverbed and its branch | INCDPM Bucharest is a research institute that has a wide experience in environmental protection and holds a remarkable portfolio in scientific research and technological development. The research portfolio includes materializing and patenting new technologies, products, systems and services as well as optimizing existing ones. The Danube sector between Călărași and Brăila (Km 375 – Km 175) represent both the migration routes for sturgeon species and an important commercial navigation route, which ensures the connection between the Danube River, Maritime Danube and Danube – Black Sea Canal. Based on the bathymetric measurements carried out by INCDPM experts, a physical model was made. The win-win hydrotechnical solution that solves the problem at Bala Branch is the result of a series of multiannual research supporting sustainable development of the Romanian Danube sector and also consist in ensuring the necessary flow to facilitate navigation in certain sectors of Danube River, considering the protection of aquatic ecosystems. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Sandu Ioan Gabriel , Sandu Ion , EARAR Kamel , Sandu Andrei-Victor , Vasilache Viorica, Stirbu Cătălina – Mihaela, Crisan Dabija Radu Adrian, Chirazi Marin, Vladescu Alina, Cotrut Mihai Cosmin, Vranceanu Maria Diana |
ROMANIA | Hydromassage jacuzzi system with hydro / aeromassage and salt aerosols halochamber | Hydromassage jacuzzi system with hydro / aeromassage and salt aerosols halochamber used in the prevention and treatment of cardio-respiratory, osteo-muscular, neuro-motor disorders, as well as in improving the physical performance of children, elderly people, high-pressure workers and performance athletes. |
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Sandy Salem |
EGYPT | Smart Mute Speaker Device (SMSD) | Communications between mute and normal person have always been a challenging task. In this paper, a smart mute speaker device is proposed to meet this purpose. The project aims to facilitate people’s life by means of a smart mute speaker device (SMSD). This device is internally equipped by lcd screen, mp3 shield and keypad. The device is programmed by a code that I’ve done. The user presses on some buttons on the keypad according to the dictionary, the command appears on the screen. And is heard on the mp3 shield. And has four modes: - 1 st mode for typing. - 2 nd and 3rd have saved commands. - 4 th for volume control. |
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Bishoy Kamal Zakhary |
EGYPT | KIMETAL | Kimetal sheet high-fluid elements contain large components, brilliant elements, elements of his pipes and his own acids and meet the needs of the plant with the necessary components of the different growth of improvement and improve the process of the imaging and the processing of the planting and the increase in the plant to the circumstances of the unfair cold and firmly, and reduce the plant ratio of water and the diseases as well as the increase of production of its large, uses for all kinds of crops |
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Bahzad Shukur |
IRAQ | A project of a new way for the production of Liquid Hydrogen ( Fuel ) from sea water without loss of energy and in less consumption in production and in a fast way of previous ways and without the addition of chemical | Production of the liquid hydrogen ( the everlasting fuel ) from sea or dams water is implemented at a less cost in a new method at production , as a fastest method for production within a short period and without an addition of chemical materials . It is used for operating the huge gas or thermal power stations and engines of internal combustion in addition to all the equipments that depend upon energy , where it is a friend to the environment , which would solve the problem of the thermal detainment and after being burnt in air it would directly turn into water vapor ( H2O ) and it would change to pure water after the process of quick condensation throughout saw water or by waterfall and to be used in the field of agriculture and other fields for the operation of the quick dissolution of the project ( the reborn energy ). |
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Abdul Hadi Bin Mohammed Tauhid , Dr. Abdul Hadi Bin Mohammed Tauhid |
MALAYSIA | Bio-Plastic Made from Cassava Starch Extract | Bio-Plastic Made from Tapioca Starch and Rice. This bioplastic is made from starch extracted from tapioca and rice. It can be high resistance and bio-degradable. It can melt in water after soaking this bio-plastic. It is environmentally friendly. This plastic is highly durable to use. |
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Jiang Pei-Wun |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | A bicycle helmet with a voice-activated indicator light | This device pairs a bicycle helmet with a voice-activated indicator light, to avoid the dangers of rotating the head to signal turning left or right. The invention is comprised of a light module, a control module, a voice recognition module, a voice input module and a safety helmet. The user speaks a voice command for "left" or "right. This input is recognized by the voice input module, which triggers the control module to activate the left or right light on the light module. |
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Teng Li-Wei , Teng, Li-Wei |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Sterilizing Shoe Dryer | This design is able to dry off wet soaking shoes, eliminate shoes odor and bacteria. Air could be absorbed into it and blow through the vent into the shoes. Ultraviolet will also be emitted into the shoes. |
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Teng Shih-Chan , Teng, Shih-Chan |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Ultraviolet Clothes Hanger | Raining day, when forget wash clothes, that will become mold and stinky. When hang wet clothes on ultraviolet clothes hanger, turn ultraviolet lamps,not only make clothes dry to achieve the function but also to achieve the effect of sterilization . |
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Chow Zero , Zero. Chow |
CHINA | Beauty-lab® Black Rice Flavor Drink | Beauty-lab® Black Rice Flavor Drink can help to improve skin problems and anti-aging. The carbohydrate in the body combine with collagen will produce advanced glycation end products (AGEs), in which leads to protein structure changes and cause the skin to turn yellow, forming and spots on the skin. This product can help to reduce AGEs formation and help melanin formation as well. The black rice fermented liquid is fermented by three-stage fermentation from black rice juice. After fermented, it has been confirmed by cell experiments which can effectively improved anti-glycation by 12.3%, SOD by 90%, contains hyaluronic acid more than black rice juice by 77%. Bitter orange and oolong tea synergistically prevent cells destroyed by UV light. Drinking Beauty-lab®Black Rice Flavor Drink has high potential of anti-glycation ,anti- aging, whitening, moisturizing and skin care through the formula design. |
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Gu Connie , Connie. Gu |
CHINA | VIMI-rosa roxburghii fruit comprehensive flavor drink | Vimi Rosa Roxburghii Berry Fruit Flavor Drinks contains at least six natural materials. Rosa roxburghii extract contains high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin P and superoxide dismutase (SOD). It has been confirmed by cell experiments to increase anti-inflammatory ability by 37%, and also significantly increase the expression of anti-aging genes. Blood orange extract reduces pigmentation and oxidation. Pomegranate extract can help prevent skin collagen damage and avoid wrinkles. The extract of Wasabi leaves has been confirmed by cell experiments to inhibit the activity of tyrosinase which is the main mechanism of melanin formation. According to human clinical trials, it effectively improved TEWL by 13%, moisture by 13%, dark spots by 14%, UV spots by 16%, texture by 20%, pores by 13%, wrinkles by 10%, and porphyrins by 16%. VIMI white Rosa roxburghii Multi-Berry Drink has high potential of whitening and skin care through the formula design. |
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Maedeh Saadati , Asal Karami |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Semi-osseous changes based on bone vibration | Using of air instruments such as hearing aid or cochlear implant can be effective in enhonce hearing and communication with others. Regullarly , there is a microphone in the exterior this instrument and hearing aid , that its task is to receive sound from the surrondings and convert it to digital signals and auditory waves and also lead to it into the ear. One of the probloms with such instrument is tonset of localized sensation in the ear, and the financial inability of some people to buy these instruments,... Therefor in this research, to solve existiny problems, a system based on the vibration engine and the amplifier modules are designed and built, and audio frequencies are heared only through a single piece, and the sound in this unit is divided into several parts till that the neurons can be individually analyzed by the frequencies and converted to a perceptible signal for a deaf or hard of hearing person. |
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Tahoura Nedaee |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Human balance control system for middle ear disease using Galvanic vestibular | The Galvanic vestibular circuit has been used to control the balance of patients with middle ear disease. In this project a Gyroscope Sensor has been embedded in neck brace in order to detect human balance. So, the Galvanic vestibular sends specific electric messages to a nerve in the ear that maintains balance. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. , Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Lipo Mask™ | with a phospholipid bilayer, the structure is similar with cell membrane. Based on the lipophilic ability on the outer layer of liposome, the liposome quickly binds to skin and effectively release the active ingredients from LipoMask™. Liposome is a spherical vesicle that at least has one lipid bilayer. TCI utilize this technical to compose the completed formulation into micro-fat coated. This method can ensure the essence to be absorbed completely by skin cells and enhance the efficiency of the resulting efficacy. The moisturizing effect of LipoMask™ is better than general Mask (increased in 18% of moisture) |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. , Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Cell Young® Dendrobium Stem Cell Extract | Dendrobium officinale lives in misted mountains in Anhui, China. Because of its medicinal property, D. officinale has been praised in many Chinese herbology volume and be considered the best in nine Chinese miraculous herb. However, it is also be logged unlawfully and nearly becomes extinct. Now, it’s on the list of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Chinese Fauna and Flora. Plant tissue culture technology is a sustainable way to maximize the value of D. officinale. According to the result of applying D. officinale stem cell extract in in vitro study, it can increase the expression of collagen formation-related gene (COL1A and COL1A2) and inhibited the expression of collagen degradation-related gene (MMP9 and MMP2). Besides, the high expression of HAS3 represents the secretion of hyaluronic acid in fibroblast. Our clinical evaluation further found D. officinale stem cell extract can improve skin elasticity. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. , Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Annona muricata ferment | Annona muricata ferment originated from Andes mountain, which was the most precious food of Inca nobles. They believed A. muricata is a gift from the God of mountain, having the ability to maintain youth and cure disease. TCI utilized the exclusive “Three steps fermentation” process, gradually refined the nutrients within A. muricata, extracted all of the functional ingredients from the whole-fruit successfully. Through in-vitro and in-vivo¬ analysis, we have demonstrated that A. muricata ferment has anti-aging and skincare functions. After fermentation process, A. muricata is able to inhibit oxidation, glycation, and inflammation damages, and further promotes immune system by modulating cytokines expression. Moreover, the ferment can also activate multiple anti-aging genes to keep the body young. After consistently drank A. muricata ferment for 4 weeks, the activity of glutathione transferase is increased in every subject, representing their antioxidative capacity and immune function are significantly enhanced. In addition, the ferment also promoted skin tightness, reduced skin wrinkle and facial spots, and increased skin moisture significantly in most of the subject. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. , Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Black tomato Extract | Black tomato is the only tomato with anthocyanin, which lycopene content is also higher than that of common red tomato. Black tomato extract can effectively resisting the oxidative stress caused by blue light on retinal cells and reducing the damage of ROS. On the other hand, the black tomato extract can inhibit the expression of angiogenesis-related genes, reduce the possibility of abnormal ocular blood vessels caused by blue light stimulation. It also found that black tomato extract has decreased the gene expression of apoptosis factor and inflammatory factors, then reducing the possibility of retinal cells apoptotic due to inflammation caused by blue light stimulation. In in vivo test results show that black tomato extract has the effect of lowering intraocular pressure, improving eyeball flexibility, and improving eye fatigue. With the above results, black tomato extract have the potential to prevent human eyes from blue light damage. |
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Dong Zhenhua , Dong Zhenhua |
CHINA | DongXin Day & Night Whitening Tablets | People have to keep their skin rosy white by moisturizing it day and night. The most crucial parts of lightening skin tone are the protection from UV radiation, the defense against free radicals, decreasing melanin synthesis, and facilitating collagen synthesis. The DongXin Day & Night Whitening Tablets is a ferment product using fermented pomegranate by our exclusive fermentation methodology. Its capacity of anti-oxidation is 4.5 times higher than ordinary pomegranate juice. Therefore it can effectively prevent the skin from the damage caused by UV radiation and decrease the synthesis of melanin. The formulation also contains the extract of Haematococcus pluvialis from Sweden which has great capacity of antioxidation and excellent anti-inflammatory property. It defends us against the attacks of free radicals and prevents the skin from sunburn. The grape seed extract can decrease the blotchy areas on skin and the severity of pigmentation and facilitates the microcirculation in skin to give you a rosy glow. The extract of Sicilian blood orange and the acerola cherry extract can facilitate collagen synthesis, decrease pigmentation and contribute to antioxidative capacity. In addition, these two extracts can also facilitate the synthesis of hydroxyproline, one of the essential amino acids for collagen synthesis, from proline. It has the functionalities of lightening skin tone and improving skin elasticity. |
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Jes Sie , Jessie |
CHINA | MOTTOES Citrus Fermented Fruit & Vegetable Drink | The MOTTOES Citrus Fermented Fruit & Vegetable Drink contains 11 natural ingredients including the 88 Fruit and Vegetable Ferment and plant extracts. The 88 Fruit and Vegetable Ferment is a carefully-prepared ferment product made by the extracts from 88 kinds of fruits and vegetables through the exclusive fermentation methodology developed in Taiwan. It provides the best nutrient combination with best percentages. Based on in vitro efficacy evaluations, it can facilitate the synthesis of type I collagen and elastin. Furthermore based on clinical efficacy evaluations, it can increase the moisture content of skin, the collagen content, the skin elasticity, and the firmness of skin by 10.9%, 11.7%, 6.8%, and 6.8% respectively (taking this product for 4 weeks). It can also improve facial pores and skin texture. Based on in vitro experiments, the W Beauty® Wasabi Leaf Extract can inhibit the activity of tyrosinase by 24% and further decrease the melanin synthesis by 21% to lighten up your skin. The CitriSlimTM Ponkan Unripe Fruit Extract can facilitate overall metabolism and lipid degradation. Based on clinical efficacy experiments, after taking CitriSlimTM Ponkan Unripe Fruit Extract for 4 weeks, the average weight, body fat and waistline of subjects are remarkably decreased. The subjects can even have better performance in losing weight with proper exercise. The MOTTOES Citrus Fermented Fruit & Vegetable Drink has 3-in-1 effectiveness: sliming your body, lightening your skin tone, and taking out the toxins from your body by its sophisticated formulation design. |
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Huynh Valery , Huynh Valery |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Inovital InoSugar Blocker | WINTOP Ino Sugar contains three super star ingredients that is helpful to regulate blood sugar, helping you to prevent and stay away from chronic diseases. The two-month-ripe guava fruit can provide more than six times of inhibition capability of amylolytic enzyme α-amylase than mature guava, which might be able to delay the risk of transient elevation of postprandial blood sugar. Unripe guava also increased the performance of GLUT4 transport protein by 52%, which strengthen the ability to transport glucose from the blood to the cells and regulate blood glucose levels. Clinical experiments also confirmed that in two-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), the unripe fruit of guava can significantly lower blood sugar up to 32% than the placebo group, after continue drinking for 28 days, with high blood sugar before-meal groups (>100 mg/dL) were tend to decrease in blood sugar. Furthermore, with bitter gourd extract and yeast chromium, it is more helpful to maintain the function of insulin, which effectively balance blood sugar fluctuations, and achieve diabetes prevention. |
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Tci Living ., Ltd. Tci Living ., Ltd. , Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | TRIPLE PROBIO | Many probiotics are helpful to the vaginal health with different degrees respectively. But edible probiotic products develop their progress slowly; therefore many people choose alternatives to help the vaginal health. There are also some worries raised such as whether the probiotics in these edible products are living or not, and whether these products provide effectiveness in solving problems. Therefore we thought there should be some ways to target this issue more directly, and that is why we have this product, Soft Cotton Pad with Probiotics. We carefully select the three ferments of lactic acid bacteria. The ferments help us inhibit the growth of pathogens and prevent the vaginal area from discomfort caused by infection. It brings dewiness for your vulva, and hence our doctors who focus on probiotics have developed the effective ingredients for applying on the skin. After a long period of development, we successfully combined the substances from probiotics into our sanitary pads and created the new conceptual product, Soft Cotton Pad with Probiotics, which not only bring comfort but also beauty for your vaginal area. |
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Tci Gene., Ltd. Tci Gene., Ltd. , Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | R1 Cell age monitoring system | The R1 dynamic gene technology applies the qPCR technique to measure the mRNA expression in various gene groups, including the activity of cell growth, aging, and division, to evaluate the cell age. With this result, people can monitor their health in a scientific way. The principle of the R1 dynamic gene technology is based on molecular biology. To maintain the physiological function of the cell and all components of the cell are expressed by a protein which translated from mRNA that transcribed from DNA. To prevent interfered by metabolites and understand the cellular information more primitive, we analysis cell age through "mRNA". Aging-related gene groups are identified from the public and our Chinese population genetic database. The R1 dynamic gene technology is a new indicator for the progress of aging. To evaluate cell age more specificity, we focus on the cell age relative genes, including the genes that mediate the folding of WRAP53/TCAB1, thereby regulating telomere maintenance CCT2, CCT5, CCT6A, CCT7, CCT8, the genes that relate to the activity of mitochondria Pink1, Parkin, Atg1, Atg8, PARP1, PARP2, NADSYN, MRPS5, UBL-5, SOD3, the genes that relate to the activity of telomerase TERT, TERC, RTEL1, and also long-lived gene SIRT1, FOXO. Then we apply the Random Forest Algorithm and machine learning in our cell age model by using the expression of age-related genes. With this model, we can track the cell age of our clients which indicate their health. We can prevent aging by providing nutrients supplements and other healthcare plans to our customers by their cell age. For instance, our product Young PlusTM has significantly reduced the cell age of our customers. The invention of R1 dynamic gene technology and cell age model provides insight for people to live more healthily. |
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Ali Al-Hasani |
IRAQ | Summary | This study investigated the association between SNP in 5'UTR region of insulin-like growth factor-1 gene and phenotypic productive and physiological traits in Cobb and Hubbard broiler breeds. The study was conducted in poultry farm – Animal resources department – College of Agriculture – University of Baghdad during a period from 1 September 2014 to 1 February 2015. Three hundred broiler chicks at one day old (150 Cobb and 150 Hubbard) were wing-banded and reared under optimal conditions according to the guide and fed ad libitum. Live body weights and body weight gains were recorded weekly. A sample of broilers at 49 days of age were slaughtered for carcass cuts analysis and blood collection was done to obtain fresh blood for analysis of RBCs, Hb, PCV, WBCs and differential count; and serum for biochemical and hormonal analysis. DNA was extracted from fresh blood samples. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)- restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method was used for detection the polymorphism in the 5'UTR region of insulin-like growth factor-1 gene. Then the results were confirmed by sequencing. All parameters studied herein were compared according to the TT, TC and CC genotypes. Cobb broilers with TT genotype had significantly (p˂0.05) higher heterophil values and serum triglyceride concentrations than those of other genotypes. Cobb broilers with TC genotype had significantly (p˂0.05) higher breast, gizzard and back weights and body lengths than those of other genotypes. Cobb broilers with TC genotype had significantly (p˂0.05) lower serum IGF-1 concentrations than those of other genotypes. In Cobb breed, male and female broilers with CC genotype had significantly (p˂0.05) lower AST concentrations than other genotypes. |
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Eurobusiness Haller , Joanna Kujawa , Samer Al-Gharabli , Wojciech Kujawski |
POLAND | „Smart materials” – intelligent separation materials on an activated polymer surface with a defined nano surface architecture | Preparation of membranes with controlled properties owning a specific nano-architecture of the surface: activation of polyvinylidene fluoride membranes by generating hydroxyl groups (-OH) chemical modification with alkylsilanes of different alkyl chain length attachment of magnetic nanoparticles (by covalent bonds) to functionalized membranes Attachment of nanoparticles on adequately long chains will allow free movement of magnetic particles during separation (biomimicry of ciliary movement of biological membranes as an example of 3D modification, interfering in the nanoarchitecture of the membrane surface). |
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Eurobusiness Haller , Mirosław Stecuła , Tadeusz Kapusta |
POLAND | Multi-gas stationary detectors for closed garages and ... and not only that | Multi-gas, stationary CO, NO2, LPG, CNG detection systems are built on the basis of modular detectors DUOmaster, Tmaster, Qmaster. The detectors use modern, reliable electrochemical and semiconductor sensors, working with control panels or controllers in digital automation systems (RS485 bus with Modbus RTU protocol). To this day, several dozen thousand of such devices protect several thousand multi-position garages in many Polish cities, as well as in the Netherlands, Belgium and Slovakia. |
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Winelda Mahfud Zaidan Haris , Wahid Nurhayat , Azwin Harfansah Nst , Raajih Ismail Al Faruqih |
INDONESIA | BIODISCBRAKE PADS COMPOSITE: INNOVATION OF ORGANIC COMPOSITE DISC BRAKE BASED ON CANDLENUT SHELL WASTE | Brake lining is an automotive material contained in a vehicle that functions to slow down and stop the vehicle's speed when driving at high speed. Conventionally, Disc brake are made of asbestos material and other additional elements such as SiC, Mn or Co. But asbestos has shortcomings which are easy to wear due to the friction force during the braking process which causes the brakes not to function properly (fading) because the melting point of the brake pads is 250oC so it melts easily and undergoes a change in shape during friction. In addition, the nature of the constituent materials, namely asbestos can cause lung cancer because asbestos has carcinogenic properties and additional ingredients such as Co and Mn have toxic properties that can pollute the environment. This problem regarding brake which caused carcinogenic and toxic material has been anticipated by the presence of composite-based brake linings that use organic and inorganic materials from non-asbestos. However, the problems regarding brake linings that do not wear out are still not resolved because the composite properties in general have several disadvantages due to the melting point, very low thermal conductivity and require a long processing time in the process. Therefore, in this invention, quality and environmentally friendly organic brake material will be provided using raw materials of candlenut shells, nylon yarn fibers, and activated carbon reinforced by simpler polyurethane resin as an application for motorcycle brake pads. Pecan shells have characteristics such as hard due to the density of 0.997 gram / cm3, heat resistance because it has a calorific value of 7,958.33 kal / gr, and has a lignin content of 35.15% which can reduce friction and even heat transfer. While polyurethane resin as a matrix has a density of 1150 kg / m3, tensile strength of 65-79 MPa and an elastic modulus of 3100 MPa so that it can increase composite strength as an application for motorcycle brake pads. As well as additional activated carbon materials that have a surface area of 2000 m2 / g so that these particles can cover the pore formed on composites and nylon (polyamide) yarn fibers as bridges of covalent bonds to connect one particle to another so that the bond will be stronger because it has a density of 1.16 g / cm3, a flexural strength of 2400 MPa and an elastic modulus of 863 MPa. |
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Patrick Herbault |
FRANCE | Foldable 10'' wheel | Applied Kinematics is a start up. Main activity is design engineering focus on R&D and Innovation. Applied Kinematics provides consulting and support service. In addition, a patent portfolio is available in the field of innovative folding kinematics. This general patents allow very efficient foldings mode in different fields such as foldable wheel, foldable stroller, foldable trolley, foldable chair, foldable wheelchair, foldable table. |
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Anu Majhu |
UNITED KINGDOM | Software - Sparkol | Software creating explainer videos |
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Tomislav Bronzin |
CROATIA | C@N Motion Smart Customer/Human Engagement | C@N Motion Smart Customer/Human Engagement is digital platform which enables innovative human-computer-human (HCH) interaction through natural user interface that uses gesture/voice commands instead of keyboard/mouse. Advanced algorithms detect user gender, age and sentiment to enable new channel of communication. Solution is applicable to wide range of industries: marketing, retail, ticketing, healthcare, education, etc. Advantage of this innovation is its ability to detect user gender, age and sentiment in real time, without usage of large database of photos/images. It does not take photo of the person/s in front of the system, so it provides complete privacy, identity protection and private data security. This solution takes communication to completely new level. • Innovative way of brand promotion • Connects customers with services/products/messages through dynamic content • Delivers desired messages to targeted customers in real time • It is Non-touch – so it is absolutely hygienic • Easy to use to an adult person or a child or a person with disabilities. |
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Mirjana Brlecic |
CROATIA | NiKEL REMOVE CONTROL 365 CELLULITE | This new and highly effective liposomal formula against cellulite is based on a combination of active ingredients that work synergistically. Pharmacy and cosmetology are related and intertwined. The herb that has a positive effect on the body and the skin taken orally, equally acts when applied directly to the skin. NiKEL philosophy and the chosen ingredients for NiKEL products are based on this principle. CONTROL 365 complex is an intense formula for reducing cellulite, for firm, smooth and glowing skin. Helps boost natural collagen production so skin looks contoured, toned-up and lifted. CONTROL 365 complex contains active components of Geinstein - soybeans aglikon flavonoid (no GMOs), Spirulina Algae, Caffeine, Carnitine, Red Pepper, Black Pepper, Almond, Sunflower. Dermatological examination Multiple focused tightening and anti-cellulite action Cellulite decreased by 32% The thigh weight decreased by 3.8% Skin Firmness Improved by 60% Unique innovation for even and smooth skin |
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Vjekoslav Majetic |
CROATIA | GASIFICATION OF WASTE SLUDGE | How to solve it: • The newer approach to the treatment of waste in a completely ecological and economically acceptable way is the use of gasification technology Device description: Gasification plant • The device is intened for safe and economic processing of all types of waste materials and electrical energy production • It consist of: 1) Unit for waste sludge processing 2) Electrical energy production units • Production materials ensure long-lasting and safe operation • The monitoring system enables the monitoring of processes and continuous operation without delays and oscolation. Products are: - synthetic gas (main fuels: methane, hydrogen and carbon monoxide) - solid residue (consisting of non-combustible materials (eg minerals) and small amounts of carbon) No unpleasant odors are released during operation. Part of the generated electricity is used in the process, and the rest is delivered to the electric power system. |
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Gordana Matijasic , Matija Gretic , Anna Poropat , JOSIP VINCIC |
CROATIA | CAN-capsule - 3D printed capsule for controlled drug release | The CAN-capsule is a capsule model designed for controlled release of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). The capsule is printed using fused deposition modelling 3D printer. Poly(vinyl alcohol), biodegradable and pharmaceutically acceptable polymer, is used. The CAN-capsule consists of base and cap (Attachment 1). The assembled capsule is cylindrically shaped, with a length of 21 mm and diameter 9.4 mm. Design of the model is very complex, consisting of an inner and outer compartment in which API is filled. The cross-section of the capsule body and cap, as well as dimensions, is shown in Attachment. The API is first released through the outer compartment (capsule body). When the content of the outer compartment is released, the inner compartment (inner body) begins to dissolve and releases the remaining content. The CAN-capsule enables combined delivery of two active ingredients as well as delayed and prolonged drug release. |
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Marin Kovacic , Ana Loncaric Bozic |
CROATIA | TREATMENT OF ALUMINUM SALT SLAG AS A VALUABLE MINERAL RESOURCE | Salt slag is a hazardous waste created during aluminum recycling. Large amount of salts are used to protect the molten aluminum from oxidation losses. After the extraction of the molten aluminum, the salt layer is allowed to cool and solidify; the salt layer (slag) contains a very large amount of salt, making it a hazardous waste not suitable for landfill disposal. However, aluminum oxide constitutes up to 30% of the salt slag, thereby making salt slag a valuable resource as bauxite, the only commercial ore for aluminum production, contains 15-25% of aluminum. In the scope of this innovation, a novel, tunable process combining physico-chemical and chemical treatments efficiently extracts salt and valuable products from the slag, such as pure aluminates, hydroxides and/or oxides. The process utilizes waste heat recovery and chemical recycling stages to minimize operating costs and the negative impacts on the environment. |
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Zdenka Brlek |
CROATIA | BORD GAME: WIN THE CAKE | The game can be played by 2 to 6 piayers aged 3+. There is no throwing out and more than one piece can stand on the same field. The game is comprised of foilowing parts: one laminated cardboard in colour, one laminated board game, 6 pieces in different colours and shapes (apple, pear, ice-cream, carot...) dice and instructions. The board game is illustrated with children's drawings and it's fun and colourful. Pieces are unique, customer designed and made. In different institutions with the help of professionals this board game can be used as a working material e.g. learning foreign language. The board game is well accepted not only by children but also by parents and professionals. The game is a result of a grandmother and granddaughter spending their time together. |
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Mihaela Popovic |
CROATIA | SMART TABLE TO ORDER AND INTERACT | Smart table to order and interact is a table which uses advanced technologies and enables faster and easier ordering food and drinks for guest and waiters. It is consists of a wooden surface, computer, electronics, touch screen, inox stand and power supply cable. The computer consists ordering applications -TABORDER. Advantage: - Faster order - Faster serving - Faster payment - Advertisment (Extra profit for caterers) - Guest Interaction Intended use: - Caffe bars - Restaurants - Fast food - Bars - Night Club - Hotels |
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Darko Spiljaric |
CROATIA | Pop-up kitchen PIA | A cabinet with a TV that hides a fully equipped kitchen. Less than 1.6m2 of space is enough for both functions. This concept offers significant space saving and provides a whole new way of space planning that architects can envision. The whole kitchen is packed in the crate with dimensions 110x100x210 and it is suitable for transport via elevator. It is possible to save from 3-5m2 through better use of the available space thus lowering the cost of purchase or lease of the space. Significant savings are achieved by saving the energy used for heating, cooling, and maintenance. It is possible to install the kitchen in only 1 hour. The connection installations are possible to connect anywhere behind the base elements. Typical kitchens become waste after their initial usage. PIA kitchen can be easily moved to other spaces and used multiple times. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | ECO-FTI: Smart Connector Solution | This system connects the management system, production, distribution and online service including other eCommerce platforms to all marketplaces. Inventory is also collected at the one point. If you have many channels of selling products or many warehouses, the API of our system will support their connection to other systems in market. This system is easy to apply, time-saving and cost-saving. It also provides the online system (E-Marketing & Logistics, E-Learning & E-Training) to everyone who would like to be a part of online business. It will help you increase sales without hiring more staff. Our system is developed for everyone especially the people who sell multiple product’s channels because we believe that openness to connect everyone together will create a suitable growth together. ECO-FTI: Smart Connector Solution also includes Dragon Code Security System. It is an accurate, fast and easy tool for product authentication and verification that provides solutions. |
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Ketmanee Lertkitcha |
THAILAND | D’VINE: Defines Miracle | D’VINE products are innovative skin care and hair care cosmetics embracing cultural wisdom of biodiversity together with advanced cosmetic technology. Ingredients used are mainly natural, organic, no drugs and preservative free. D’VINE products are also blended with a miracle of natural ingredients combining with the latest Lipo Nano Technology to penetrate deep down into the skin and leave your skin looking young and healthy. Since all formulae were proved and meant for dermatologist to use in their clinics, D’VINE products emphasize on tailor made with quality, safety, good efficacy and no irritation. In other words, all formulae were carefully tested, trial and error by dermatologists themselves. Therefore, if anyone expecting or looking for good efficacy for anti-aging purpose, reducing dark spot, acne, psoriasis problem, hair loss, hair growth, etc., we recommend D’VINE! |
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Kimia Habibi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Construction of water pollutants detection device with a simple and fast method | Water is one of the most important and fundamental factors in the life of living things, and the detection of water pollution is equally important. The most important and most common causes of water contamination include pH, turbidity and heavy metal concentration, which can generally be accomplished with sophisticated devices with the very high cost and time. In this research, to solve the above problems, a rapid detection system for water pollutants was developed in a simple way, which has several chambers for contaminated water entry and is equipped with three sensors of opacity detection, color detection, and conductivity. The opacity sensor has the task of determining the amount of contaminated turbidity compared to ordinary water. The colorimetric sensor determines the pH of water and chlorine in the water, and the conductivity sensor detects the presence of heavy metals and salts in the water. Water is one of the most important and fundamental factors in the life of living things, and the detection of water pollution is equally important. The most important and most common causes of water contamination include pH, turbidity and heavy metal concentration, which can generally be accomplished with sophisticated devices with the very high cost and time. In this research, to solve the above problems, a rapid detection system for water pollutants was developed in a simple way, which has several chambers for contaminated water entry and is equipped with three sensors of opacity detection, color detection, and conductivity. The opacity sensor has the task of determining the amount of contaminated turbidity compared to ordinary water. The colorimetric sensor determines the pH of water and chlorine in the water, and the conductivity sensor detects the presence of heavy metals and salts in the water. |
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Eurobusiness Haller , Marek Macko , Józef Flizikowski , Michał Bogdański , Mariusz Lenc |
POLAND | CRUSHER FOR PLASTICS | Proposed solution introduces new concept of crusher for visco-elastic materials, particularly plastics, including postconsumer. Diversity of dimensions, shape and mechanical properties of shredded materials causes huge variability of the proposed crusher constructions. Well known disadvantages of previous solutions of crusher for plastics is their low productivity, high consumption of energy, high noise level, lack of possibility to produce precise grain distribution, danger of strong plastic heating into crusher chamber, as far as high risk of the damage of working parts, especially knives |
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Nick Skaliotis , Nick Skaliotis , Harun Heidari , Vik Hitkari , Steve Skaliotis |
UNITED KINGDOM | Kikka Digga | Kikka Digga is a very simple yet clever British made universal gardening tool attachment for all garden forks and spades, it allows you to gain extra leverage whilst digging. Traditional digging with a standard fork or spade requires your lower back to take the strain which is ergonomically incompatible with the spine, hence back injury for gardeners is common. Solely invented and made in the UK by Nick Skaliotis, see |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | KIKIME: Smart Application for Healthcare Solution | Kikime is developed to be a comprehensive, accurate and efficient healthcare system. All gender, all ages and all income levels in this modern society that use this system will be strong and healthy. This system will educate people to create good hygiene in terms of food selections, exercise, and sleep. Moreover, it will connect people to exchange efficient and appropriate health’s knowledge. 1. Cell testing will explain about the details in your body including physical condition, disease, hormone level, nutrient level, and nutrients’ absorption of your body. You will create your suitable food plan base on this document. It will reduce the risk of kidney problems due to unnecessary nutrients. In addition, cell analysis in this system is analyzed using the specific technology resulting in more accurate than blood tests. There is no error from drinking water or having food before blood collection. It resists to temperature conditions including delivery time. Therefore, the cell sample can be sent with basic methods such as mailing and it can be sent across the country. 2. Using the application to collect health data including eating, exercise, and rest 3. Learning techniques in various stages through the E learning system that is installed to the application. 4. Finding sports equipment and fitness place through the network system. You can select the appropriate exercise group that has the same level as you and find your favorite sports. Therefore, Kikime is a system that you can expect to its efficiency. It is a fun, easy, and economical healthcare system. This system will improve quality of life for everyone on this planet. |
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Onprapha Promrangrit |
THAILAND | BANANA HEEL CREAM : Bringing nature’s goodness into life | Elicited from nature’s goodness our Mother Nature has to offer, BANANA HEEL CREAM brings the simplest natural ingredients into life for cosmetic application! The heel cream contains actively banana, which according to a number of researches, provides substantial medicinal and healing properties. It effectively works to cope with cracked heels, leaving the heels soft and smooth. With the blend of shea butter, the cream also helps to speed up the wound healing on the cracked areas. The aromatic and delicious smell of the banana-infused cream leaves the body and mind totally relaxed and refreshed. The cream can be applied on heels, knees and elbows as well as other specific dehydrated areas. • Research-based natural product from the newest health and beauty remedies. • Use the simple and natural approach as opposed to expensive products. • Developed from the waste of banana peels to make them commercialization, reducing the waste and protecting the environment. |
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Onprapha Promrangrit |
THAILAND | BIOWAY TRIPHALA HERBAL BEVERAGE | Triphala which literally means “three fruits” has been demonstrated to function as a complete body cleanser and detoxifier. Not only does Triphala help to detoxify and cleanse the colon, it also purifies the blood and removes toxins from the liver. This traditional Ayurvedic medicine also has anti-cancer properties, which raise the hope for cancer treatment. BIOWAY TRIPHALA HERBAL BEVERAGE contains three different fruits famous in ancient folklore since Lord Buddha’s time. The fruits named in Thai include “Samor Tate” (Terminalia belerica Roxb.), “Samor Thai” (Terminalia chebula Retz.) and “Makham Pom” (Phyllanthus emblica Linn.). Thanks to its high vitamin content and a group of antioxidant compounds, it is an effective laxative that also supports the body’s strength. Triphala is so well-known that a popular saying goes like this: “You do not have a mother? Don’t worry, as long as you have Triphala in your life!” and “When in doubt, use Triphala.” |
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Onprapha Promrangrit |
THAILAND | LAKOOCHA HERBAL HAIR AND SCALP CONDITION SERUM | Hair loss, dandruff and itchy scalp are an alarming problem in many people from different parts of the world. Even though there are various hair care products available on the market, the results may not be satisfactory. This research-based and award-wining condition serum is the latest innovation developed from carefully selected Artocarpus Lakoocha Roxb and ginger (Zingiber officinale), two indigenous Thai herbal plants which contain a number of active compounds including tannins, flavonoids, polysaccharide and anthocyanin. This concentrated serum nourishes hair root and scalp by detoxifying all residual chemicals and dirt to prevent hair loss, heal dandruff and stimulate hair growth. Free from SLS, Silicone and Paraben, it is gentle for all hair conditions. • Ideal for use in patients who lose their hair after undergoing medical treatment or chemotherapy. • Recommended by pharmacists, healthcare practitioners and wellness center operators. • Proven clinically result and dermatologically tested on human skin with safety benefits. |
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Sarawan Angsantikul |
THAILAND | DINN COCONUT POWDER BODY SCRUB | DINN COCONUT POWDER BODY SCRUB has been developed from hand-selected and organically grown natural ingredients. Blended with coconut powder, this innovative product can gently yet effectively exfoliate dead skin cells without over drying. With the addition of natural honey and milk, the body scrub leaves the skin feeling soft, pampered and lathering with freshness, whilst the mind deeply relaxed with the aroma and reaching a total state of mind and body harmony. The scrub salt used in the product is extra delicate, soft and is not harmful even to the sensitive skin. • Coconut is excellent for keeping the skin young and beautiful. Its antioxidant property slows down the ageing process by protecting the body from harmful free radicals. It washes away excess oil from the skin and keeps the skin tone more even. • Honey is a natural exfoliator to take off dry, dull skin and reveal new skin cells underneath. |
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Sarawan Angsantikul |
THAILAND | DINN ROSE COCOON FACE & BODY SERUM | DINN ROSE COCOON FACE & BODY SERUM is a research-based skincare product developed to rejuvenate both the face and the body. This groundbreaking serum is infused with silk sericin – a kind of water-soluble protein derived from silkworm, Bombyx mori. The studies of pharmacological activity have found that sericin exhibited excellent properties; antimicrobial, antioxidant, antityrosinase, UV resistance and moisture absorption. Also an important ingredient in this serum is rose flower oil. As a skin hydrator, it helps keeping the skin’s moisture barrier stronger. Coconut oil meanwhile has anti-aging property, making this serum friendly to all skin conditions. • Silk sericin consists of 18 kinds of amino acids which are truly beneficial to the skin. It keeps the skin naturally moisturized, elastic, smooth and younger-looking. • Rose flower oil acts as a superb emollient to revitalize the skin, protecting the skin from moisture loss and preventing free radicals and toxins from entering the skin. |
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Asal Shirazi |
UNITED KINGDOM | JEUNVIE NATURAL SKINCARE | An award winning vegan skincare brand with only botanical natural active ingredients. Exhibiting at ITE this August: Asal Shirazi was awarded the British Empire Medal for services to Autoimmune Disease Awareness and Education. She is the founder of Jeunvie Skincare and the Autoimmune Support Awareness London. She suffers from a rare autoimmune condition. Despite this she researched the effects of chemicals on skin during pregnancy. She has a medical & pharmaceutical back ground and is a skincare practitioner. She is mostly housebound due to her disability but using her phone she talks and messages and educates/mentor others on auto immune disease. She first created Jeunvie but later was prompted by one of her stays at hospital to create a pregnancy safe skincare range for "Mums To Be" so there would be safety and peace of mind yet be able to tackle the needs of pregnant woman's skin. She has previously received medals from other European Governments for skincare innovation and her contribution to humanity and recently she has been listed for The Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2019 recognises the outstanding achievements of people across the UK.; |
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Neomi Bennett Bem |
UNITED KINGDOM | Neo-slip | Developed by a practicing Registered Nurse, the Multi Award Winning Neo-slip® is a novel, innovative yet practical solution that aids application of hospital and flight socks. The Socks are extremely difficult to apply due to their tight elasticated fitting. However tightness of the sock is essential in order to work efficiently & prevent blood clots from forming and developing into Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). Available on NHS prescription, CE marked and available from Boots chemist across the UK, the low friction Neo-slip® design creates a smooth foundation with a lubricious effect, on which to slide the socks into place. Having won 21 awards and an appearance on BBC’s Dragons Den there is huge market potential for Neo-slip®. This is a good quality British made innovation. |
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Stephen Okusaga |
UNITED KINGDOM | ScrubRite -Dual Action Cleaner | 2Handy Products creates innovative, problem-solving consumer products that address lifestyle & environmental needs and make life easier! Our products include the award winning ScrubRite cleaner, 2EZ Bags (our 3pack of reusable shopping bag w/trolley token and our plastic free cutlery range. All our products are about sustainability,quality with longevity foremost. Our products seek to remove the need for single use items in the world at large. 'We only have one planet let's look after it !' |
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Patrick Boulard |
FRANCE | ECO2-DOUCHE | Product : ECO2-DOUCHE Product description : It’s an ecological and economical geothermal shower with an innovative French design.. This showerhead works with natural stones of tourmaline, germanium and clay in its handle, which will purify the water by neutralizing the limestone, chlorine and impurities. No more dry and irritated skin, on the contrary the skin will be hydrated and softer with a regulated PH. Ditto for your hair, which will be more flexible and silky. No longer having the disadvantage of limestone and thanks to the tapered micro-holes you will save 50% water on average (the principle of the pipe that is clamped). You will also gain a lot of time in terms of maintenance of the shower walls. It has three very nice massage positions; a tonic, a relaxing and a mixed. Product : ECO2-DOUCHE Product description : It’s an ecological and economical geothermal shower with an innovative French design.. This showerhead works with natural stones of tourmaline, germanium and clay in its handle, which will purify the water by neutralizing the limestone, chlorine and impurities. No more dry and irritated skin, on the contrary the skin will be hydrated and softer with a regulated PH. Ditto for your hair, which will be more flexible and silky. No longer having the disadvantage of limestone and thanks to the tapered micro-holes you will save 50% water on average (the principle of the pipe that is clamped). You will also gain a lot of time in terms of maintenance of the shower walls. It has three very nice positions; a tonic, a relaxing and a mixed. |
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Paresh Vyas |
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Michal Mericko |
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Hsin Ming Hsieh , Hsieh Hsin Ming |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Foldable Table Tennis Table | Table Tennis is a good exercise for improving the limbs flexibility and concentration training. There are many different choices of Table tennis in the market, but all of them are for two players, occupied spaces and in the same height which couldn’t meet the needs for those who are single, little or have no space to place the table. After improving the disadvantages, the invention, The Foldable Table Tennis Table not only saves space but also opens and storages it fast and easily. Furthermore, depending on the player's height, its feet can be expanded and contracted. Hope all kinds of users can enjoy playing ping pong easily. |
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Hsin Ming Hsieh , Hsieh Hsin Ming |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Carry-On Cup | Most of the cups are unfolding, occupied the space and inconvenient to carry on in the market. Our cup with the feature of the enfoldment, for the users, it shrinks the bulk of the cups to carry; for the manufacturers, it greatly saves the space of the packing for the shipping. |
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Hsin Ming Hsieh , Hsieh Hsin Ming |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Simple Shoe-Drying Machine | First, to put a pair of shoe dryers into the wet shoes, utilize the thermal tubes to heat and dry out faster. Second, the charcoal which is to be placed at the bottom of the shoe dryer is the deodorant for the bad smell. |
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Hsin Ming Hsieh , Hsieh Hsin Ming |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Simple Horizontal Bar Structure | The horizontal bars are usually firmly placed in the playground or park and the lowest height is about 155 cm (5.1 ft.). For kids, it is difficult and insecure to use it themselves. Once when I was exercising in the park, I saw the parents holding and raising the kids up to reach the horizontal bar, the distance from the ground is at least 30 cm, it could cause a danger if the parents carelessly loose the hands or the kids jump down accidently. For protecting kids’ safety and using it fewer limitations, I invent The Simple Horizontal Bar which is adjustable, moveable and storable. |
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Hsin Ming Hsieh , Hsieh Hsin Ming |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Intravenous Drip Sensor | This is a sensor for intravenous drip. The main purpose of the invention is when the patient has a drip-feeding, attached a sensor which connects with a beeper at auxiliary drip bottle. The detector will detect the lower level of the auxiliary drip bottle automatically when it is about to use up, and immediately notify the buzzer on a beeper to give a warning sound to inform the medical personnel to make a replacement of the new bottle. |
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Hsin Ming Hsieh , Hsieh Hsin Ming |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | The Catapult Glider With Light Effect | The general catapult glider is not with light effect. When it’s dark, it is difficult to see the flying route of the catapult glider and not be able to adjust the height and the distance. The feature of the invention is to install the Illuminators on the two wings. The front of the glider is to control the height and the distance; furthermore, the angel of the wings can be adjusted to 90 degrees (parallel) or 45 degrees (tilt). |
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Hsin Ming Hsieh , Hsieh Hsin Ming |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | A Device for Electricity Collecting by Solar Energy | This is a device for electricity collecting by solar energy. It includes a distributed solar energy collector and a photoelectric conversion unit. The distributed solar energy collector has at least one solar panel and this panel connects the power display by electric wire and through the power display, the electricity which collected by the solar energy collector can be shown directly. Furthermore, the measurable value of the electricity from the distributed solar energy collector can transfer to the data collection center via the long distance wireless transmission module to monitor the condition of the energy collection. |
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Hsin Ming Hsieh , Hsieh Hsin Ming |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | The Webcam With Multi-Output Device Function | The difference between The webcam with Multi-output device function and the webcams in the market is to improve to connect multi-output device to control the webcam. |
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Hsin Ming Hsieh , Hsieh Hsin Ming |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | The massage hammer with sound function | Massage is one of the common and easy ways to relieve the pressure and weariness. Currently, there’s no sound effect during massage, therefore, it cannot inspire the desire of using it to reduce the pain or the soreness. The main purpose of this invention is to provide a sound function of the massage hammer. I install the battery into the grip of the massage hammer. When a user uses it to massage, the sound device will make the sound, so that the willingness of use will be raised. |
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Hsin Ming Hsieh , Hsieh Hsin Ming |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | 3D Magic Twisty Toy | Traditionally, the combination toys are to stack or embed it, but it is not firm and it is easy to break by the external impact. Furthermore, it is not user-friendly. The user cannot twist it easily. Thus, the improvement is to use the fishing line to run through the toy, so that the user can twist it faster and enjoy the puzzle more. 3D Magic Twisty Toy is a high intelligence new toy, not only inspire the user’s creativity of 3D models, also encourage the imagination and the observation from the process of playing puzzles. One 3D Magic Twisty Toy can be created into hundred kinds of different shapes such as bird, giraffe, duck, turtle, even an ostrich, basket and cross. Having more than 2, the models can be created more. Are you ready for the brainstorm? |
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Hsin Ming Hsieh , Hsieh Hsin Ming |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Solar Energy and LED fan structure | This is the fan structure which has the lighting effect. The back of the fan has LED illumination function; the PC board inside the bottom of the fan has the automatic color changed LED lights which can be controlled by the switch; on the cover of the fan bottom has the board of solar energy to supply the electricity and the USB device for charging the electronic device. |
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Hsin Ming Hsieh , Hsieh Hsin Ming |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | The Dryer for Toothbrush | Toothbrush dryer is a device which is specified to dry the bristles of the toothbrush. Usually, we hang the toothbrush or put in the cup after brushing teeth. It is easy to breed the bacteria in the wet, and when brushing teeth next time, we bring the bacteria in. It is unsanitary also easy to cause the diseases. But if using this device, after brushing teeth then put your toothbrush in the dryer about 1 minute, the bristles can be dried completely. |
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Hsin Ming Hsieh , Hsieh Hsin Ming |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | ADJUSTABLE ELECTRONIC HEATED WELDING TORCH WITHOUT STEPS | This invention could freely adjust the welding power you need when you use the electrically heated welding torch. Without replacement and save time. Greatly improve your work efficiency. |
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Ruochu Hu , Hu Ruochu , Lu Wenzhi , Hou Yushuo , Gong Zhaoyang , Wang Jiaqi |
CHINA | Charging of pacemakers by radio transmission of electric energy | A cardiac pacemaker is a widely used medical device. Once it is implanted into the heart for five to ten years, it is powered by a lithium battery. If the power supply fails, the battery can only be replaced by surgery. With wireless transmission, the internal pacemaker battery can be recharged without surgery. |
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Haolan Jiang , Jianghaolan , Jack Lin , Qi Pengyu , Tao Yanglin , Wang Yuxin |
CHINA | The Driverless Car which can protect the plane distress landing | The landing of aircraft is generally divided into land forced landing and water forced landing. Land landing means landing site on land. Water landing means landing site in the sea, lakes and other water, water landing requirements as close as possible to land, water landing danger is higher than land landing. When landing in the airport, if the landing gear can not be automatically lowered or put down with hand control, such as manual invalid, then the use of gravity release, the aircraft in a smooth airflow dive to the speedometer red line, will produce 3.8G of gravitational acceleration, landing gear weight increased 3.8 times times, and then put down. If the release of gravity is not effective, then use the abdominal wipe ground landing, and as far as possible to consume light fuel, so as not to catch the plane on fire. Forced landing is generally preventive, should be acute, because of forced landing on the drop environment and aircraft performance requirements are very high, so there is also a greater risk. It is often possible to cause the destruction of the aircraft. Today, tens of millions of airliners travel to and from major airports around the world every day. Admittedly, the invention of the aircraft has brought us great convenience, but aviation accidents have also brought disaster to some people in the world. When the plane has a problem and the landing gear is damaged, it needs an emergency landing, which is more dangerous, so it is necessary to develop the aircraft carrying the landing by the unmanned vehicle. The cart is fitted with a small sloping landing version to catch the landing plane, which is arranged intensively by highly elastic ropes to hook the landing plane so that it does not break away from the cart and slows down after the plane lands into the cart until it stops. Because the aircraft will have a great impact when forced landing, so in the small car on the four wheels installed spring, the plane after landing spring compression, so that the car chassis reduced, and the chassis has a large number of small wheels can increase the force area to reduce the maximum pressure of the aircraft landing, and sprinkle anti-static particles around the small wheel, So that a large number of small wheels on the chassis of the car will not spark due to friction. A damaged landing gear. The protection car mainly uses GPS module to locate the car, but because the GPS module has a slight error in positioning, and the protection of the aircraft when the forced landing is a high precision requirements of the action, so the use of OPENMV this intelligent programmable camera to let the car know that there is a plane coming, Plan to put a small piece of green on the bottom of the planeLAndLet the camera recognize,and start in a suitable position, let the car follow the plane closely, and compensate for the path of the car. This can be done with the GPS module to reach and the aircraft at the same speed and follow the car, when the plane landed on the car when the car began to slow down, until the car stopped, so that the landing gear damage aircraft can safely land on the car, in order to protect the aircraft and passengers for the purpose. |
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Jack Lin , Jack Lin , Maxwell , Che Deyong , Yang Haoran , Zhang Lu |
CHINA | Submersible aircraft carrier | At present, UAVs have been widely used in modern warfare, which can be used for shooting, display, explosion and even shooting. However, the biggest drawback is poor reading ability. Now countries are studying aircraft carriers, aircraft carriers and even submarines carrying drones. This topic is a submersible aircraft carrier. Features: 1. Can carry aircraft dive: It can make one or more aircraft enter the deck with a waterproof cover to sink down. 2. You can dive: the entire submarine can sink and float. 3. Can be exercised: the entire submarine can make a turn principle: 1. Atmospheric pressure principle: If you put a small cup of wood on the surface of the water, use a large cup of inverted buckle to make it underwater and the water does not enter the cup. 2. Diving cover principle 3. Principle of floating and sinking: (1) Pressurized water tank, which is driven by an electric motor to drive the air pressure in the piston cylinder or relax to adjust the density to achieve the lifting effect. (2) Shenfu Motor: It is placed vertically by four propellers. When it is turned on, the water can be sprayed upwards to produce a descent. |
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Jack Lin , Jack Lin , Maxwell , Che Deyong , Yang Haoran , Zhang Lu |
CHINA | Submersible aircraft carrier | At present, UAVs have been widely used in modern warfare, which can be used for shooting, display, explosion and even shooting. However, the biggest drawback is poor reading ability. Now countries are studying aircraft carriers, aircraft carriers and even submarines carrying drones. This topic is a submersible aircraft carrier. Features: 1. Can carry aircraft dive: It can make one or more aircraft enter the deck with a waterproof cover to sink down. 2. You can dive: the entire submarine can sink and float. 3. Can be exercised: the entire submarine can make a turn principle: 1. Atmospheric pressure principle: If you put a small cup of wood on the surface of the water, use a large cup of inverted buckle to make it underwater and the water does not enter the cup. 2. Diving cover principle 3. Principle of floating and sinking: (1) Pressurized water tank, which is driven by an electric motor to drive the air pressure in the piston cylinder or relax to adjust the density to achieve the lifting effect. (2) Shenfu Motor: It is placed vertically by four propellers. When it is turned on, the water can be sprayed upwards to produce a descent. |
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Jack Lin , Jack Lin , Maxwell , Che Deyong , Yang Haoran , Zhang Lu |
CHINA | Submersible aircraft carrier | At present, UAVs have been widely used in modern warfare, which can be used for shooting, display, explosion and even shooting. However, the biggest drawback is poor reading ability. Now countries are studying aircraft carriers, aircraft carriers and even submarines carrying drones. This topic is a submersible aircraft carrier. Features: 1. Can carry aircraft dive: It can make one or more aircraft enter the deck with a waterproof cover to sink down. 2. You can dive: the entire submarine can sink and float. 3. Can be exercised: the entire submarine can make a turn principle: 1. Atmospheric pressure principle: If you put a small cup of wood on the surface of the water, use a large cup of inverted buckle to make it underwater and the water does not enter the cup. 2. Diving cover principle 3. Principle of floating and sinking: (1) Pressurized water tank, which is driven by an electric motor to drive the air pressure in the piston cylinder or relax to adjust the density to achieve the lifting effect. (2) Shenfu Motor: It is placed vertically by four propellers. When it is turned on, the water can be sprayed upwards to produce a descent. |
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Ruochu Hu , Hu Ruochu , Tao Yanglin , Wang Yu Xin , Huang Zenxin , Hua Ruixiang |
CHINA | Method and device for monitoring and detecting ground deformation and settlement by using high altitude digital beat Technology | I. Overview: In the past, the terrain deformation caused by the drift effect of the earth plate and the surface subsidence and collapse caused by over-exploitation of underground minerals and groundwater were measured by the set scale to determine the displacement and azimuth caused by the deformation. The method of inter-location variables is not only inefficient, but also cannot perform large-scale cloud measurements, which is not conducive to earthquake prediction and its scale monitoring. The invention utilizes a large number of digital cameras to capture a large number of digital photos on the top of the mountain, on the roof, using aerial photography or through synchronous satellites, and adopts a method of grounding, fixed angle, fixed field of view, fixed background and periodic continuous shooting to collect digital signals for analysis. Comparison, comparing the photos of different periods, you can find the change points, the change group and the change amount in the graph, and understand the quantitative indicators of these changes through the change values of the continuous photos. This method can support computer modeling, analyze the trend of these variables, and alarm the abnormal situation, and provide a large amount of data to the seismic geography field for scientific research, which is of great significance. Second, the principle 1. Fixed-point continuous shooting method: Fix the camera on the top of the mountain, on the roof, and at the synchronous satellite for several days, months, or even years. If the terrain is the same, you will get multiple identical photos, and once there is abnormal geological activity somewhere, the image will be The digital value will also change accordingly. As long as these changes are taken out and analyzed by image recognition technology, the law can be grasped. 2, stereo image and stereo analysis Using three cameras to shoot the same position from three different angles, you can get a stereo image and get the stereo value of the variable. 3. Mobile photos taken with unmanned aircraft, manned aircraft, and synchronous satellites. As long as the basic route is constant and the altitude is constant, the same photos and video clips can be obtained. If the terrain changes, the corresponding photos, Photo and digital values will change. 4. Since digital camera probes have been widely used, the cost is relatively low. It is possible to install a certain camera group on a large number of mountaintops to achieve automatic shooting and wireless transmission, thereby obtaining a large amount of image data; with large electronic computers, it is possible to Large-scale topographic changes for cloud detection and cloud measurement; based on these data, even weak changes in the Earth's internal stress can be detected to achieve earthquake prediction and range estimation. 5, image variable anti-jamming technology In the case of local changes in the image caused by clouds and vehicles, these variables can be automatically excluded by anti-interference techniques in future software. 6. Image recognition technology software and seismic risk estimation platform Research and use image recognition technology software, based on the theory to automatically identify, adopt, compare, graphically these variables; after the scaled data is collected, the regional plate activity and earthquake history will be aggregated to a specific platform, according to Bayes The statistical model predicts the probability of occurrence of the earthquake and the extent of its impact. Third, experimental research Experimental materials: two cameras; one LAN device control box; several connected devices; several power and network cables; one self-made scene sandbox model; camera network control platform; (Device construction diagram is shown in Figure 1) Experimental method: Using two cameras to capture the variables in the scene model in multiple directions, set the mode to timed tour, set two preset points as the shooting start point and end point; perform displacement and orientation analysis on the computer after obtaining all the images. , using photoshop software to process the abnormal variables and perform image overlap analysis. |
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Mudhfar Al-Ibadi , Mudhafer Al-Abadi , Maysoon Mahdy Odeab |
IRAQ | The control on the surly animals | The control on the surly animals |
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Johnnie Huddart |
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Samuel Hill |
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Paul Rudd |
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Mahmood Nabi |
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Emma Perry |
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Mojtaba Saeidi |
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Morad Farhang Haeri |
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Jason Seebaruth |
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Peter Day |
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Nin Bassi |
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Jerry Wang , Jerry Wang , Angela , Pan Siyuan , Huang Zengxing , Xu Zecheng |
CHINA | Magic kettle for displaying atmospheric pressure and liquid principle in many ways | In the junior high school, there is a knowledge point in the atmosphere of atmospheric gas. When a container is opened downwards, only the air can enter the container, the water in the container will flow out. In order to cultivate students' physics of science and increase interest in science, this book The subject combines the five functions of the container cup, the siphon cup, the inverted pot, and the magic pot in the same pot, and in one pot, and facilitates industrial production to reduce production costs. Instructions: 1. Inverted method: Invert the pot and pour it from a small bowl. After it is placed, the water can be poured out normally. 2. Siphon method: Place the pot upright and pour water from the siphon port. When the liquid level does not exceed a, the siphon phenomenon will not form. When the liquid surface exceeds a, it will flow out from the siphon port until it reaches the end. 3. Yin and Yang pot: fill the water with ab two pots, open the two slots of the closing part, when opening the bottom of a pot, the corresponding a outlet water, when opening the bottom pot of the pot, the opposite b outlet. |
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Si Yuan Pan , Pan Si Yuan , Maxwell , Jerry Wang , Hu Ruochu , Wang Yuxin |
CHINA | Fish bowl type hand held lantern | This is a hand-held lantern with a scientific element. It has several characteristics: First, the hand-held aquarium lamp dragon can hold water and fish, fish gills and shrimp; the second is that its opening is facing downwards and the water will not flow out; the third is that the lanterns must have LED lights flashing; It is possible to use wireless transmission of electric energy to discharge the energy of the internal battery of the handle to provide electric energy to the lantern inner lamp. |
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Peng Yu Qi , Qi Peng Yu , Yang Haoran , Jiang Haolan , Xu Zecheng , Tao Yanglin |
CHINA | High efficiency intelligent ventilator | First, the introduction The ventilation fan is a commonly used device for building buildings. Because of the carbon dioxide generated by the crowd, it is necessary to continuously absorb the fresh air from the outside world, discharge the carbon dioxide-containing exhaust gas, and exchange gas for the day. However, there are two problems: one is summer outdoor than indoor heat. In winter, it is colder than indoors. When it is ventilated, it will discharge a lot of heat into the house in the summer. In winter, a lot of cold air will be brought into the room, and air conditioning or electric heaters are needed for temperature regulation. Second, sometimes the outdoor air quality is not better than indoors. For example, the outdoor PM2.5 is often worse than the indoors, and sometimes the indoor temperature and air quality are not bad, and there is no need to change the air. The invention adopts the principle of multi-point equilibrium heat exchange, and the second is to use the sensor to simultaneously measure the oxygen content, PM2.5 and formaldehyde value of the indoor and outdoor, and only work when the indoor value exceeds the standard or is higher than the outdoor value. Second, the principle 1. The principle of multi-point balanced heat exchange: If there are different thickness pipes, the thick pipe is sleeved on the thin pipe, and the coaxial pipe is placed, and the hot air is circulated from the A end to the B end in the thin pipe, and the cold air is reversely flowed from the B end to the A end. Since the thin tube can transfer heat, the gas composition of the two tubes can be made constant, and the hot air becomes cold air, and the cold air becomes hot air. This is the fresh hot air that turns into fresh cold air as soon as it enters the room. 2. This is a convection heat exchanger which is formed by spirally winding two metal strips, passing fluid from the outside to the inside in one nip and passing another set of fluid from the inside to the outside in the other nip. When the two fluids have a temperature difference, since the two metal strips will transfer heat, the fluid with a high temperature will gradually cool down and the fluid with a low temperature will gradually heat up. As long as the nip is long enough, the temperature of the high temperature fluid will become close to the temperature of the low temperature fluid, and the temperature of the lower temperature fluid will become close to the temperature of the high temperature fluid. This achieves the two fluid substances unchanged but the heat is transferred from one fluid to the other. |
159 |
Deyong Che , Che Deyong , Jack Lin , Maxwell , Yanghaoran , Zhang Lu |
CHINA | Aircraft cluster machine | I. Introduction With the maturity of the wireless remote control aircraft as a fixing bomb and camera recording technology, it has been widely researched and applied as a modern advanced weapon in the military. However, his poor reading ability has greatly limited his development and application. In order to expand its flight range, in addition to the aircraft carrier, the aircraft carrier has also become a major research and development content. The present invention is an aircraft and flight mode that can be carried and raised and lowered at any time in its dedicated compartment. Its structure is that there is a power device in the center that can generate a downward jet, and several small cabins are installed at the same level on the edge, and a wind deflector reduces the influence of the airflow of the large aircraft. Second, the structure 1. One to several propellers or jet vertical power units can be installed in the middle, which can be lifted and flew after receiving wireless commands. 2. There are several small platforms on the same horizontal edge of the vertical power gas as the small engine room, and there is a wind deflector at the center to reduce the influence of the raw air flow. Third, the way of use 1. First place several or dozens of small wireless aircraft in the small cabin around, and use a large controller to raise the large aircraft to a certain height. 2. Others manipulate small aircraft to fly out of the small cabin. 3. The small aircraft that are manned by others will fly back into the small cabin. |
160 |
Zengxin Huang , Huangzengxin , Hu Ruochu , Jack Lin , Qi Pengyu , Hua Ruixiang |
CHINA | Crash seat | As the number of vehicles increases, traffic accidents also increase, and most of them are head injuries. The reason is that the vehicle stops suddenly when the vehicle collides. When a person is under inertia, the body, especially the head, will move forward toward the flying squirrel, hitting a hard object on the vehicle or even a foreign object flying into the car to damage the head, or when the person is standing, the area is large and the impact area is large. The probability of injury increases. If the foot is facing forward and the head is facing backwards during impact, the impact area will be reduced by a factor of ten, and the probability of head impact will be extremely small. The present invention has been specially designed to solve this problem. |
161 |
Xiaotian Li , Maxwell , Li Xiaotian , Jerry Wang , Angela , Pan Siyuan |
CHINA | Automatic power cushion for driving in desert and snow fields | I. Introduction: Cars in the desert, snow, muddy grounds will fall and idling. The invention is capable of driving in deserts and snow, and can utilize the power of the car itself. He has a long and large timing belt, and is called a flat plate by two horizontal axes when the car is parked. On this version, and the generator is started to rotate the four wheels, because there is a baffle in front, the car will not drive out of the plate but will rotate the synchronous belt to drive it to walk on the snow. Second, the structure: There are two cross-links that connect the four synchronizing wheels into one. There is a vertical rod at one end of the cross-body to make the car wheel trapped between the two wheels. Third, the use of: The car enters the car mat through the ramp plate, and the four wheels are just between the two front wheels and the two rear wheels, so that the front baffle just blocks the car crossbar and starts the car, which will rotate the timing belt. |
162 |
Xinwei Hua , Hua Xinwei , Li Haocheng , Jiang Haolan , Yang Haoran , Leo |
CHINA | Wireless transmission electric energy experiment box | Now is a big data era, and technology is constantly developing. Electricity is one of the resources discovered by humans, and radio will be widely used in the future. Therefore, as the future generation of the motherland, we are ready to study the radio to make our own efforts. It happens that my instructor is a radio professional, and I have the true face of the radio I can understand. I made a radio transmission test box in this box and everything is possible. Just open it, lay it, and there is no need for wires or plugs on the electrical appliances above. It is guaranteed that these appliances are safe and operational. However, these experiments were not smooth sailing. I also had problems: the radio transmitters could not be used. After the efforts of my teacher and I, the key values of the inductance and frequency were measured, and the problem was finally solved. |
163 |
Pengyu Qi , Qi Pengyu , Che Deyong , Hua Ruixiang , Jerry Wang , Leo |
CHINA | Box type quick-mounting soft tube High building secape device | Fire in high-rise buildings When the stairs elevator is blocked, evacuation and escape is the most important issue in the world. The invention relates to a portable luggage bag. In the event of a fire, a plastic elbow or a ladder can be hung on the window frame in a few seconds, and then the fiber braided soft tube connected at one end of the elbow is thrown from the roll angle to the downstairs, and is vertical. To the ground, there is a drawstring attached to the bucket. People can climb the window sill from the ladder and then pass through the elbow. The rope is slowly lowered from the soft drum and the rope is used to control the descending speed. |
164 |
Xiyue Li , Lixiyue |
CHINA | Architectural art of copper decoration | Shanghai Pu Yu copper Decoration Products Co., Ltd. was founded in 1994, is the early creation, design and production of large-scale sculpture, copper art ornaments and copper doors and windows of cultural creative enterprises, specializing in large-scale art sculpture, landscape, copper decoration creative design, copper doors and windows design more than 20 years. Founder, Chinese foundry Craftsman, "Shanghai Craftsman", "Shanghai Wuyi Labor Medal" winner Mr. Li xiyue, artist, foundry and inventor, member of Chinese Sculptor Association, vice chairman of China Art Casting Association, director of Shanghai Invention Society. Shanghai Pu Yu The modern sculpture art, traditional casting technology and modern decorative art, in large-scale urban sculpture, landscape design and copper decoration project to achieve a certain result, and combined with many materials and process characteristics, the traditional technology and modern production technology, to obtain more than 60 patents authorized, Many of the invention patents were identified as the leading domestic level, the company was awarded high-tech enterprises in Shanghai, QINGPU Patent pilot Enterprises and QINGPU cultural creative enterprises. Architectural copper decoration, the traditional metal processing technology and modern architectural decoration design combined to large industrial production mode and market-oriented operation, with the construction of indoor and outdoor decoration, to give the modern meaning of arts and crafts. Architectural copper decoration in the field of construction has a variety of uses, it can be used in the external surface of the copper curtain wall, copper doors and windows, but also can be used as a building decoration of the copper decorative plate, copper screen, copper relief, copper murals, household items. In the choice of copper building decoration materials increasingly diversified today, copper because of its unique aesthetic, long-term vitality, environmental protection and high-quality stand out, the industry and ordinary consumers are favored. The basic elements of this technique is to rely on the traditional arts and crafts techniques, combined with the main aesthetic requirements of the decorative doctrine, a variety of processes through the traditional production methods, organically combined, reasonably used in some of the practical functions of the building decoration, can not only display the effect of the arts and crafts independently from the appearance, It can also be matched with the building decoration work to meet the functional requirements in terms of use. The company and Li Siyue through years of process research, combined with the company's dozens of patents and proprietary technology, formed a full set of "architectural copper decoration skills", has been able to master and use very skillfully, in the company for many years in the engineering case has been widely used in such processes, and be related to the recognition and honor. 2018, the company developed "Architectural Copper decoration Technology" by the Shanghai Arts and Crafts Association recognized as "Shanghai Traditional Arts and Crafts technology", Mr. Li Siyue was identified as the successor. Construction copper decoration technology used in the national key construction projects are: The Great Hall of State banquet and Shanghai Hall, the Supreme People's Republic of China, Luoyang Sui and Tang Ruins Park, Nanjing Niushoushan Palace, Shanghai Disneyland, G20 Summit (2016) main venue-Hangzhou International Expo Center, 2017 BRICS summit main venue-Xiamen International Conference Center, 2018 SCO summit main venue-Qingdao International Convention Center, 2018 |
165 |
Sichun Liu , Liu Sichun |
CHINA | computer exercise machine | Computer fitness machine Patent No.: 201711245377. A computer fitness device that uses a desktop computer, a laptop computer, etc., and plays a computer virtual keyboard, computer typing, or computer game in a wired or wireless connection state, such as punching or swinging. Today, computers have become a universal tool for office, learning, and entertainment. However, when using a computer for a long time, the eyes will be fatigued, and the neck, shoulders, back, and lumbosacral strain will be damaged, and the lesion will occur over time. Moreover, there are many computer families who often call the cervical spine and the back and back pain, and some even have to apply the ointment to relieve the symptoms. This group of people is huge, and most of them do not want to leave the computer to do some fitness exercises. Although some units have gymnasiums, most of them feel monotonous, boring, and uninterested in mechanical fitness equipment. A computer fitness device is an appliance that is both fun and healthy without leaving the computer. The invention relates to an electronic fitness piano, in particular to a multifunctional wireless electronic fitness piano which can play music and fitness at the same time by one or more people without a connection and without connecting wires. |
166 |
Ning Wu , Ning Wu |
CHINA | A kind of shoes that the height of heel can change | A kind of shoes that it height of heel can change , its feature is that the tall of heel can continuous adjust easily , the forepart middle and end part of shoes's angle occur change follow heel's tall and conform for physiology curve of foot . when go to work on the road walking or driving the car, can use low heel, when arrive company, can pull the heel up to hope height again. effective alleviate woman's foot tiredness. bring the evangel to every woman of world. |
167 |
Xiang Li , Xiang Li , Gang Xue , Chen Hong |
CHINA | Organic hazardous waste reduction using thermal catalytic technology | Organic hazardous waste reduction integrated equipment, cutting edge technology for organic hazardous waste of risk reduction and resourcing. |
168 |
Qinghua Zhou , Qinghua Zhou |
CHINA | A traditional Chinese medicine composition used for the treatment of chronic nephritis and proteinuria and its preparation method | Proteinuria is one of the main characteristics and independent risk factors of chronic kidney disease, which seriously affects the outcome and prognosis of nephropathy. The invention is a group of traditional Chinese medicine preparations consisting of 14 Natural medicines, which has a compound mechanism of invigorating spleen and kidney Qi deficiency, clearing away heat, detoxifying, dampness, cooling blood, activating blood and dispelling wind. Through the synergistic effect of the lung, spleen and kidney function system of TCM, it can achieve the functions of clearing up, building up and practicing both warmth and cooling, replenishing and treating both samples. It can effectively remove the inflammatory factors of renal vessels, prevent renal vascular diseases, effectively control the formation and progress of renal proteinuria, and the preparation can obviously prevent and treat proteinuria. Clinical studies show that the total effective rate is 85, which is in the leading level in China. It is also the first important achievement in the study of chronic kidney disease using traditional Chinese medicine Jin quegen in China. |
169 |
Jia Peng , Peng Jia , Huáng Chǔ , Yi Jiaxing , Tan Haofu |
CHINA | High-efficiency pedestrian crossing devices | The utility model comprises a pedestrian crossing; pedestrian traffic lights are arranged at both ends of the crosswalk; car traffic lights are arranged on the side of the crosswalk; pressure sensing station plates are arranged at both ends of the crosswalk; the pressure sensing station plates are symmetrically arranged with an aisle in the middle; the pressure sensing station plate is close to A slope is arranged on one side of the aisle, and the other three sides are surrounded by a stone ball seat; the pressure sensing station board includes a base; a support plate is arranged above the base; an induction plate is evenly arranged on the support plate; and a pressure column is arranged at both ends of the bottom surface of the induction plate. The support plate extends into the base; the compression column is provided with a compression spring between the induction plate and the base; the base is provided with a pressure sensor directly below the pressure column; the sensor plate is provided with a flexible pad; the pressure sensor and the pedestrian traffic light and The control system of the car traffic lights is connected. It can intelligently adjust the lighting time of traffic lights and improve transportation efficiency. The pressure sensing station board is installed at both ends of the crosswalk, and the pressure sensing switch is connected with the traffic signal light. When there is no pedestrian standing on the pressure sensing station board, the pedestrian traffic light is always red, and the traffic light of the car is always green. When the pedestrian waits for the traffic lights at both ends of the crosswalk, the pedestrian stands on the pressure sensing station board. After the sensor board on the pressure sensing station feels the pedestrian weight, the pressure sensing switch is pressed to make the pressure sensing switch conduct and control the traffic. The light starts to count down and lights up red, while controlling the pedestrian traffic light to start counting down to light up the green light. When the red light of the traffic light of the car lights up, the green light is turned on by the countdown. During the red light time of the traffic light of the car, the traffic light control system no longer considers the pressure of the pressure sensing station until the traffic light of the car lights up green. |
170 |
Jiaxing Yi , Yi Jiaxing , Huáng Chǔ , Peng Jia , Tan Haofu |
CHINA | A lock-slot device with electronic burglar alarm | The household lock slot device with electronic burglar alarm has a battery slot inside the lock slot body to divide the lock slot body into two cavities, one of which has a U-shaped frame; the battery slot has a charging port on the side; the battery slot The battery is provided therein; the front end of the U-shaped frame is provided with a movable abutting plate; the center of the movable abutting plate is fixed with a middle shaft inserted in the central hole of the U-shaped frame; the movable abutting plate is symmetrically arranged with the sliding shaft inserted on both sides of the U-shaped frame a compression spring is disposed on the central shaft; a conductive rod is disposed at the end of the central shaft; an electric shock point is formed on the inner end surface of the U-shaped frame for contacting the conductive rod; the electric shock point is connected to the battery through the internal wire; the battery is connected through the internal wire There are terminals, the terminals are connected to the relay through external wires; the relay is connected to the external control switch and the external alarm; the internal wire is provided with a power switch. It can realize the re-engineering of the existing home mechanical anti-theft lock, realize intelligent electronic alarm anti-theft and improve the anti-theft effect. Features: 1, built-in lithium battery, rechargeable. 2, built-in drive motor, in addition to unlocking through the key, you can also unlock through a variety of ways, such as card unlock, Bluetooth unlock, remote unlock, WiFi remote unlock. 3, anti-theft alarm, through the Hall element induction, can determine whether the violent demolition. If the lock body and the lock are separated, the buzzer will alarm. |
171 |
Junhan Zhang , Junhan.zhang |
CHINA | Research on improving the imaging location of mirage by optimizing the curvature radius of concave mirror | The origin of a topic: I was very interested in seeing a report on the mirage in the news. So I checked a lot of relevant information on the Internet and learned that the formation of a mirage is a very rare natural phenomenon, and not everyone can be fortunate enough to see it. So I had a thought and wanted to artificially create a mirage. 2. Background of research on works: So I kept learning with a number of physics teachers to ask for physics knowledge, and to access the information on the Internet. Finally, at the teacher's suggestion, using the principle of concave mirror imaging, I created this small device that I named "the mirage demonstrator". (because it was inspired by the natural phenomenon of TV news mirage) The mirage demonstration device I made is just a static imaging show. Its construction and principle are actually very simple. There are two concave mirrors on the inside of the carton, a plastic beetle on the bottom (can replace the model of the rockery building), and an LED light; external mobile power. The 3D imaging can then be demonstrated using multiple reflections of light. After several experiments, it is concluded that the two-sided concave mirror should be parabolic curvature. By changing the curvature and the size of the upper concave mirror, the position of the virtual image can be appropriately increased. In addition, I tried to increase the rotating device, and the display effect of the mirage imaging was improved. Three research conclusions: At present, the performance of optical teaching aids developed in the domestic market is relatively simple, especially the concave mirror imaging teaching aids are relatively rare, and the experimental device can make up the vacancies. In particular, after the asymmetric optimization of the two concave mirror radii, the visible range is increased; the concave mirror with different curvatures and radii is used to display the 3D image clearly above the device, so that the 3D effect image is imaged higher. s position. The high-intensity LED light source is used to enhance the light intensity of the object to be imaged, so that the suspended 3D image is brighter and more vivid. After inviting a number of junior and senior high school physics teachers to demonstrate the practical application of the classroom, the feedback device can demonstrate the relevant experiments of the optics in the teaching process and effectively improve the classroom teaching effect. Therefore, the device can be popularized as a teaching tool for physics subjects. In addition, the device can also be used as a promotion for children's toys and home decorations. |
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Sean Perera |
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Onett Perera |
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Mehdi Moinie , Faegheh Nasrollah Borojerdi |
LITHUANIA | Face and obstacle Detection & Avoidance System for blind people | Blind people normally depend on a white cane or a guide dog whilst walking outdoors. Although a white cane can only detect obstacles through making contact with them: its range is very short. Our system is composed of some main parts: 1- Electronic system 2- specific camera 3- laser line and…. It’s based on laser triangulation ranging principle and adopts the high speed image acquisition and processing hardware. It can perform 2D 90-degree scan within 6 to 8-meter range and can take up to 5000 sample of laser ranging per second and in other hand, a face recognition can recognise who are family or friend then all data can be transmit to earpiece then will be find out who they are. a lower cost laser measurement solution and the laser output power meets the standards of IEC class. Line laser projector projects laser signal that will be reflected by the object to be detected. |
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Robert Barrio |
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David Bodnariuc |
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Lina Zhang |
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Hoi Seong Chee |
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Serayna Zhang |
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Frank Halliday |
181 |
Lackson A. Legah |
GHANA | ||
182 |
Rachid Oulad Madani , Rachid Oulad Madani , Benhammouch Zineb , RACHID OULAD MADANI , Rachid Oulad Madani , Rachid Oulad Madani |
MOROCCO | Automatic recharging station for telephone calls and prepaid Internet credit | Automatic recharging station for telephone calls and prepaid Internet credit and automatic dispenser for recharging cards, recharging tickets and SIM cards. The objectives of this invention is to provide the user with a new method of telephone charging by automating the acquisition of prepaid telephone call or Internet connection units from the various operators. The invention concerns an automatic device with an electronic system and a computer application that allows the automation of the acquisition and purchase of telephone recharge codes and the replenishment of the balance of any account requiring a recharge code, including mobile phones and modems in an easy, fast and versatile way. The system offers other services such as the sale of tones, logos, melodies, the purchase of public transport tickets, gift cards, payment of receipts and invoices, the sale of advertising space, sales promotion, organization of marketing actions. |
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Jack Murphy |
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Sirilak Edwards |
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Marlon Markscheffel |
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Paweesuda Yanuprom |
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Sirilak Edwards |
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Sirilak Edwards |
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Paweesuda Yanuprom |
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La Ballin |
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La Ballin |
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Lara Ballin |
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Jonathan Brain |
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Sanjev Subramaniam |
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Nya Tapper |
196 |
Jean-Christophe Mauvieux |
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Norina Butcher |
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Istvan Czine |
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Szilveszter Kasza |
200 |
Igor Pokaz |
201 |
Tomislav Vlahutin |
202 |
Joe Tallon |
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Rached Khanfir |
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Matthew Sims |
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Rezo Baramia , Rezo Baramia , Rezo Baramia , Rezo Baramia , Rezo Baramia , Rezo Baramia |
UNITED KINGDOM | Sales | K West hotel |
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Rezo Baramia |
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Rezo Baramia |
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David Kayondo |
209 |
Eladevi Shah |
210 |
Florence Thomas |
211 |
Jack Arazi |
212 |
Carlo Marini |
213 |
Carlo Marini |
214 |
Tejas Kulkarni |
INDIA | ||
215 |
Mohammad Reza Najmi |
216 |
Fatemeh Najmi |
217 |
Narjes Najmi |
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Mahmoud Najmi |
219 |
Vij Parmar |
220 |
Joanna Roberts |
221 |
R Hakim |
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V Hakim |
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Nitin Patel |
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Nya Tapper |
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Nya Tapper |
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Nya Tapper |
227 |
Harriet Moreton |
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Joseph A |
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Saarah Queen |
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Joseph Pinto |
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Yahay Kamal |
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Yahay Kamal |
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Yahay Kamal |
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Robert Jeffers |
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Jack Skinner |
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Richard Martinez , Richard Martinez , Caroline Jolly |
UNITED KINGDOM | Online Private Detective Training Course | I have run Expedite Detective Agency since 2000, and this year we hope to start reducing street crime and unemployment, by offering my Online Private Detective Training Course, which after 8 one hour modules will show a trainee how to be the boss of their own exciting & profitable Pi business, either from an office or their home with extremely low start up costs. |
237 |
David Bodnariuc |
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David Bodnariuc |
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David Bodnariuc |
240 |
Wai Chan |
241 |
Maurice Collins |
242 |
Chan Wai |
UNITED KINGDOM | The Grower | A vegetable grower and planter. |
243 |
Wai Chan |
UNITED KINGDOM | The Grower | A vegetable grower and planter |
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Thi N |
245 |
Marlon Markscheffel |
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William Scannell |
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Sebastiaan Hofstede |
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Ramona Adamian |
249 |
Paresh Vyas |
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Paresh Vyas |
251 |
Rosemary Ogden |
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Max Bavar |
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Oliver Bavar |
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Yeju Han |
255 |
Sean Doherty |
256 |
Paul Harding |
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Kelly Harding |
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Veena Giridhar Gopal |
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Dr Robert Clad |
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Mr Daniel Clad |
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Johnnie Huddart |
262 |
Rohan Kathpal |
263 |
Paul Harding |
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Kelly Harding |
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Paul Harding |
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Timur Kamalov |
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Roland Mills |
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Tony B |
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Shoko I |
JAPAN | ||
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Gordon Wong |
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R Sh |
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Kesorn Weaver |
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Neran Weaver |
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Jean-Christophe Mauvieux |
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Jean-Christophe Mauvieux |
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Sarà Arazi |
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Kalyani Deshapnde |
INDIA | ||
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Sabir Manji |
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Harry Halliday |
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Fr Reed |
281 |
Collette Pressley , Collette Pressley , Collette Pressley , Collette Pressley , Collette Pressley , Collette Pressley |
BARBADOS | Gaai | Our Jewelry Stores Email List consists of contact details for virtually every jewellery store across all states in USA, UK, Europe, Australia, Middle East and Asia. Our Jewelers Database contains emails, addresses, phone numbers, social media links, websites and much more. Ideal for B2B marketing. FREE LIFETIME UPDATES. Our Jewelry stores email list comes in separate Excel files divided according to the geographic locations of jewellery stores: UK, USA, Europe, Middle East, Canada, Australia and the rest of the world. Our Global Database of Jewelry Shops is ideal for jewelry designers and wholesalers or anyone else looking to sell to jewelry shops across the world. Our Database of Jewellery Stores has been created from multiple sources such as the most popular search engines, Google maps, business directories and social media sites and is meant to save you time and money. Once you have purchased our Database of Jewellery Stores, you will receive access to the latest database of jewellery shops inside your member's area which will be available to download. All future updates will be automatically located inside your member's area. Approximate Breakdown of Global Jewelery Stores Database Europe: 3,500 entries United States: 6,300 entries Rest of the World: 30,000 entries Sample Data from Our Jewellery Stores Database The database covers the following fields: Website Email Address Tel No. Address Social Media Links Some additional data that we used to scrape the database You can view a sample here: |
282 |
Sami Ahmed |
YEMEN | ||
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Sami Ahmed |
YEMEN | i need invitation | i need invitatin l |
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Taiwo Oluwaseun Akinrera |
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Ebrahim Mostafa |
EGYPT | ||
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Nael Hajouj |
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Sarah Gold , Sarah Gold , Sarah Gold , Sarah Gold , Sarah Gold , Sarah Gold |
TONGA | Aaodiw gdbh | Hey - I was checking out your site and I’m impressed with how clean and professional it looks. Adding video to your website has become an absolute MUST. Even something basic that clearly defines exactly what it is you're offering & why work with your company vs competitors... My team, based out of Jerusalem and California, creates quality animated explainer videos. Our award-winning videos are proven to increase customer engagement and decrease user bounce rate. Email me back for some explainer video samples, pricing, or just to say hi! -- Sarah Gold Manager |
288 |
Mustapha Abedi |
289 |
Hager Hasan |
EGYPT | Integrated Eco Green System | Biomass is a promising eco-friendly source of renewable clean energy. Current global energy supply is to a large extent based on fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, coal), of which the reserves are finite and non-renewable. Given the growing world population, the increasing energy consumption and global warming threats, the search for long-term alternative energy sources is of extreme importance. This project designs an integrated and an enhanced pyrolysis system. The pyrolysis reactor is fed with biomass consisting of agricultural wastes including, rice straw, cow manure, algae and hyacinth. This substrate allows for economic use of heat and pressure operating conditions in contrast to plastic, wood and rubber feedstocks that demand higher energy operating costs. In addition, other novel improvements to the process has been made to filter, reuse and maximize the production of biofuel, biochar and fertilizers such as adding zeolite to catalyze the reaction. Additionally, Biochar is mixed with plastic to produce construction eco-brick material. The system has significant increases to the overall performance and productivity of the conventional biomass pyrolysis |
290 |
Hager Hasan , Hager Atef Ibrahim Hasan |
EGYPT | Integrated Eco Green System | Biomass is a promising eco-friendly source of renewable clean energy. Current global energy supply is to a large extent based on fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, coal), of which the reserves are finite and non-renewable. Given the growing world population, the increasing energy consumption and global warming threats, the search for long-term alternative energy sources is of extreme importance. This project designs an integrated and an enhanced pyrolysis system. The pyrolysis reactor is fed with biomass consisting of agricultural wastes including, rice straw, cow manure, algae and hyacinth. This substrate allows for economic use of heat and pressure operating conditions in contrast to plastic, wood and rubber feedstocks that demand higher energy operating costs. In addition, other novel improvements to the process has been made to filter, reuse and maximize the production of biofuel, biochar and fertilizers such as adding zeolite to catalyze the reaction. Additionally, Biochar is mixed with plastic to produce construction eco-brick material. The system has significant increases to the overall performance and productivity of the conventional biomass pyrolysis |
291 |
Miguel Angel Ruiz-Cabello Rodriguez |
292 |
Roya Pary |
GREECE | Lies tester | A good test for knowing who lies |
293 |
Seyed Mehdi Moayedi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Free Call for Every one | Free Call for Every one is a combination software and hardware that allows people to call anywhere for free |
294 |
Alex Cohen , Alex Cohen , Alex Cohen , Alex Cohen , Alex Cohen , Alex Cohen |
IRELAND | Qg P L | I messaged previously about how explainer videos became an absolute must for every website in 2020. Driving relevant traffic to your site is hard enough, you must capture this traffic and engage them! As you know, Google is constantly changing its SEO algorithm. The only thing that has remained consistent is that adding an explainer video increases website rank and most importantly keeps customers on your page for longer, increasing conversions ratios. My team has created thousands of marketing videos including dozens in your field. Simplify your pitch, increase website traffic, and close more business. Should I send over some industry-specific samples? -- Alex Cohen Email: Website: |
295 |
Sharon Jefferson , Sharon Jefferson , Sharon Jefferson , Sharon Jefferson , Sharon Jefferson , Sharon Jefferson |
SOLOMON ISLANDS | Hcs sdabmras | Finding a marketing solution that fits perfectly within your niche and industry may mean a lot of guesswork, mistakes, and wasted time and money. I saw your site - and I know I can help. My team has produced several explainer videos in your exact field (we have created thousands in the past few years). Video is an absolute MUST in 2020. Let me know if you might be interested in seeing what’s already working for others and a few samples that we have already worked on in your field. -- Sharon Jefferson Email: Website: |
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Aa Sutadi Saputra , A.a. Sutadi Saputra , Ulfa Dzakiyyah , Galland Guritma , Farida Hasna , Fadzila |
INDONESIA | LIQUO.MEDIKA : Antibacterial Hydrogel Wound Patch Based Liquid Smoke and Vitamin K of Collard Greens Extract | LIQUOMEDIKA is artificial wound dressing based hydrogel made from combination of liquid smoke zero waste and vitamin K1 of collard greens extract. This product is positively to accelarate wound healing. LIQUOMEDIKA is able to heal wounds because liquid smoke contains active compounds, namely : flavonoids, phenols, tannins, acids, and carbonyls as antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents. Flavonoids are able to mediate an increase in collagen and protein in the process of wound healing. In addition, Vitamin K of Collard greens plays an important role in the synthesis of blood clotting proteins (II, VII, IX and X factor). We have been conducted antibacterial test, characteristics using SEM test, and animal wound test to evaluate hystometric and histopathological animals’ wounds. This product is on-going process for patent registration. LIQUOMEDIKA is improvement product of PT. Asap Cair Multiguna Indonesia. We have been presented LIQUOMEDIKA in Malaysia Technology Expo and Singapore International Invention Show. |
Row | Inventors Name | Country | Title Of Invention | Brief Description |
1 |
Abanoub Iskander |
EGYPT | Natural cream for vitiligo | Genetic factors: By conducting scholarly research, you will develop vitiligo, which increases when a family member has it. Weak immune system: this leads to damage to the pigment cells in the body, and suicide by vitiligo. Pituitary or thyroid gland disorder: This is due to a lack of the secretion of the hormone melanin, which is mainly responsible for the uniformity of skin color. And surgical intervention with cell transplantation does not work often, and most topical treatments do not take place in the treatment of vitiligo with side effects. |
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Ibrahim Cherifi , Ibrahim Cherifi |
ALGERIA | Elfo | Elfo It is an integrated project it has a beaches protection system divided into 3 sections : section one is Protect the people who are swimming this system is supported by a system of sending and receiving and a system for calculating the heartbeat It is shaped like a hand bracelet it sends signals to the civil protection center in the event of a swimmer sinking and the second section it is technical support for the Civil Protection center have a modern GPS system to determine the exact location of the sinking and in the setion three we have a sun umbrella contains solar panels and is equipped with a tracking system for the sun هt has an engineering system that covers all parts for Islamic beaches . |
3 |
Ahmed Ibrahem , Ahmed , Abanoub , Esraa |
EGYPT | Maind wave control | This device helps people with special needs to meet their needs by thinking about a specific matter with the help of nerve waves and from it it moves the wheelchair and the work of many tasks |
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Mithona Luy , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak , Mr. Sao Manut , Mr. Kong Kimchhun , Mr. Thoeun Watanak Ms. Hout Sokhea |
CAMBODIA | Establishment and Alive of Longvek's Model of Middle Ages City for Tourism | In spite of Longvek a former capital of Cambodia in the 16th century in the memory of Cambodians as the dark age, the group of archaeologists have been discovered the evidence that the city was as a center of global trade deserving a more storied place in Cambodian history. |
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Mithona Luy , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak , Mr. Lov ThaiLeng , Mr. Chiv Vonghong , Mr. Rachana Chhoeung |
CAMBODIA | NU CYCLO SYSTEM | NU Cyclos is an innovative project that use electric city to enhanced the driver’s capability. We plan to install a new system of Cyclo transportation, by having a parking lots for Cyclo, and properly organized travel programs in order to take tourisms for the rides around Phnom Penh City. |
6 |
Mohammed Humran |
YEMEN | Yemeni Herbs to protect from corona and pandemics | The theory of prevention and natural treatment is better than chemical preparations in Yamen because of war and blockade. From home people could protect themselves. Natural and preventive treatments to confront various epidemic diseases, including Corona disease, are one of the most successful natural medicines for humans, where a number of therapeutic preparations are used, including mustard oil and boiled milk, with the addition of spices, along with a number of natural uses. |
7 |
Michael Kolawole |
NIGERIA | Construction of DC Solar Fan | With the reliable and continuous solar energy power supply, most day – to- day useful appliances such as fans, water, TV, Radio, pumping machine among other can be powered by means of solar energy. Actually, solar DC powered fan is more convenient compared to other types, like kitchen exhaust, window, and pedestal fans because of its portability. Hence this project work titled “construct a 12V DC solar powered fan for solar energy utilization in both urban and rural areas where grid electricity is not regular or unavailable. |
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Mahaganapathy Dass , Kailesh Saravanan , Yuvika Mahaganapathy , Kavisha Nagarajan |
MALAYSIA | MySoil MyPlant | Soil type identification is essential to determine what type of plants to be grown in a particular type of soil. The soil type can be identified by measuring its Electro-conductivity. By measuring the EC, we can plan what types of plants is suitable to be grown in the soil. Plants grown in a particular type of soil finding difficulties to grown again in the same soil. This is due to the soil texture, characteristics and its properties changes over time. Hence effecting its growth. However, these changes in the soil properties can be measured by reading its electro-conductivity, and we can determine what type of plants to plant. |
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Toader Eusebiu , Poienar Mihaela , Milici Mariana Rodica , RAȚĂ Gabriela , Prodan Cristina , Vlad Valentin; Nițan Ilie; Ungureanu Constantin |
ROMANIA | Automatic command control system | The automatic control system consists mainly of a lever system, provided with a microcontroller acquisition of the electrodermal signal, taken with two electroconductive sensors from a biocompatible material, an adapter circuit and a force sensor through which determines whether the user commands are valid or the lever was accidentally triggered. |
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Cenușă Mihai , Poienar Mihaela , Milici Laurențiu-Dan , GRAUR Adrian , Ungureanu Constantin , Atănăsoae Pavel; Bobric Crenguța-Elena; Popa Cezar-dumitru |
ROMANIA | Automatic ice remover device for aerial power lines | The automatic device for opening the overhead power lines consists of a metallic cylindrical part, a helical spring, dynamometric compression springs, a movable part and a guide system. When the layer of ice (rime) reaches the set weight (calculated), the dynamometric spins release the moving part that strikes the fixed part, and the impact between the moving part and the fixed part leads to the release of ice from the conductor of the electric line. |
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Cenușă Mihai , Poienar Mihaela , Milici Laurențiu-Dan , RAȚĂ Mihai , Irimia Daniela , Pentiuc Radu Dumitru; Lupu Elena Daniela; Afanasov Ciprian |
ROMANIA | Device for continuous skeletal traction | The device for continuous skeletal traction consists mainly of an electromagnet, an adjustable voltage source controlled by a voltage, a potentiometer, a programmable automatic with a display panel, a distance sensor, a support and guide system and a towed element, whose tensile strength is established according to the instructions of the specialist doctor for the correct positioning of the limb. |
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Milici Laurențiu-Dan , Poienar Mihaela , Nițan Ilie , UNGUREANU Constantin , Grosu Oana , Pocriș Marcel; Toader V. Eusebiu; Medrihan Nicolae |
ROMANIA | System for monitoring the activity of a person in the office | The system of monitoring the activity of a person in the office consists of a chair that has the seating area made of two overlapping plates, separated by four fittings, between which are placed, on the corners of the plates, four force sensors and an acquisition microsystem microcontroller that transmits the acquired data to a computer for storage and processing. |
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Mudhafar D.salman , Mudhafar Dawood Salman , Maysoon Mahdi Odaeb , ABIDALLAH MUDHAFAR , Fatima Mudhafar , Baneen & Abass Mudhafar |
IRAQ | Self sterilization glove | Due to the spread of Corona virus in all parts of the world, which requires stone or noncontact with others or fences and bodies Which can be contaminated with this virus, which requires wearing medical gloves, and because these gloves cause disturbance to the general public, because they are not familiar to them, or they may be boring, or they may be damaged or sometimes not available, especially in times of epidemics or pathological revolutions, as is the case at the present time. And the presence of the Corona virus epidemic, as well, that disposing of used gloves is incorrect and constitutes a hotbed of disease transmission Therefore we have created a self-sterilizing glove that is placed on the hand by sterilizing the hand when shaking or in contact with others or in contact with surfaces or other objects such as knobs for doors and cars or platforms for rhetoric or meeting tables where this device performs mechanical sensitivity (and may be electronic sensitivity) to contact It releases .)sterile or disinfectant material or releases cleaning fluid to the hand (palm and fingers |
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Łukasz Warguła , Mateusz Kukla , Piotr Krawiec , Bartosz Wieczorek |
POLAND | Rotational speed control system for wood chipper with a spark ignition engine | The essence of the invention is the wood chipper drive rotational speed control system with a spark ignition engine equipped with the object detection sensor in the chipper's feed channel and a controller that regulates the angular position of the carburetor throttle flap. In this system, the throttle controller is connected to a stepper motor, which works with the speed control lever. The lever is connected to a centrifugal mechanism regulating the position of the throttle flap in the carburetor by means of a strand. According to the invention, the preferred solution is when the carburetor, through a pressure reducer, is supplied with LPG gas or CNG gas. The benefits of the used solution, confirmed by scientific research, include: • reduction of fuel consumption and emission of toxic exhaust gases, • reducing operator stress resulting from operating costs, • automatic regulation of rotational speed (maintenance-free). |
15 |
Mohamed Nejjari |
MOROCCO | PHD | COVID-19 vaccine and viruses and could decoding cancer and sida to make Immunity is known to the cell and viruses when transforming to reconstruct the protein wall of the virus or cancerous malignant cell, allowing immunity to identify them after the process of destroying the protein wall of the virus or malignant cell. |
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Adrian-Victor Lăzărescu , Henriette Szilagyi , Cornelia Baeră , Andreea-Cristina Hegyi , Vasile Meiţă , Vasile Meiţă |
ROMANIA | Process for the realization and a system of pavements, paving slabs and road edges made from alkaline-activated geopolymer, without cement content | The invention refers to a process for the realization and systems of paving blocks, slabs and road edges produced by using alkali-activated geopolymer concrete, without cement content, using as raw materials thermal power plant Class F fly ash available in Romania, an alkaline activator based on sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions for prefabricated paving elements. The advantages of producing these types of prefabricated materials are the possibility of reintroducing into the economic circuit of fly ash, which is waste and contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions due to the fact that no Portland cement is used in their production and to provide, by using local materials in Romania, a complete solution and a user-friendly environment for the production of the alternative materials, with no negative impact on the environment through the application of the circular economy concept. |
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Fujian Risheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Fujian Risheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. |
CHINA | CARVED BEAUTY Collagen Drink | Collagen supplement can directly affect the water retention of human skin and skin firmness. With the increase of pressure, environmental pollution, staying up late, lack of sleep and other reasons. CARVED BEAUTY collagen drink has 10000mg of fish collagen. The molecular weight of collagen is 2000-3000 D, which is most suitable for human absorption and has the highest absorption rate. In addition, buckwheat seed coat extraction was added to prevent DNA damage, konjac extraction and γ - aminobutyric acid were added to supplement ceramide and improve sleep. |
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Urtekram (shanghai) International Trade Co., Ltd. Urtekram (shanghai) International Trade Co., Ltd. |
CHINA | Urtekram Fermented Prune & Orange Enzyme Drink | Extract fresh and high-quality orange, plum fruits and vegetables, patented fermentation technology locks the precious essence. Awaken the intestinal vitality, double the beneficial elements in the intestine. Drive away the burden and strengthen immunity |
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Fang Rui Biology Co., Ltd. Fang Rui Biology Co., Ltd. |
CHINA | MISHANG Collagen Peptide Drink | MISHANG Collagen Peptide Drink is a product co-developed by FANG RUI BIOLOGY Co.,Ltd. and TCI CO., Ltd. Each serving is added with collagen peptides from NIPPI (Japan), which have been proven in experiments to help increase the collagen content in the skin, maintain the skin elasticity, improve the skin’s hydration capacity, and effectively prevent wrinkles from forming. Besides, the product is infused with 2 patented raw materials developed by TCI, Green Caviar ® Sea Grapes Extract and Happy Banana ® Banana Extract, which effectively helps strengthen the skin’s barrier function, increase skin hydration, achieve emotional stability, and increase stress resistance. The product also contains algae DHA, acerola, oyster peptide, vitamin C, and B vitamins. With an abundance of health beneficial ingredients, MISHANG Collagen Peptide Drink revives beautiful skin, restores emotional energy, and reinstates the immunity. |
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Yunmiki International Group Co., Limited Yunmiki International Group Co., Limited |
CHINA | YUNMIKI Snow Lotus Collagen Drink | YUNMIKI SNOW LOTUS COLLAGEN DRINK, with 5 features (collagen replenishment, anti-glycation effect, antioxidative effect, anti-aging effect and addition of xylitol), helps boost skincare and delay aging. Among the ingredients, the Cell Young® Snow Lotus Extract can boost cell activity and help cell renewal and regeneration. With the Formosa Ruby® Djulis Extract, taking YUNMIKI SNOW LOTUS COLLAGEN DRINK for 4 weeks can boost the collagen content of skin by 19.59% (proven by clinical efficacy evaluations). It prevents the skin from loss of collagen and facilitates the utilization and absorption of collagen and strengthens the structure of internal collagen with its small molecule peptides. Furthermore, the additional white fungus, lotus plumules, acerola cherry, and vitamin C help the skin stay healthy with vitality and improve its anti-oxidant capacity. Also, to ride on the new trend of sugar reduction, xylitol is added in this product with skincare functions as the main sweetener, so it can be taken even by patients without diabetes. |
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Morning&skin Morning&skin |
CHINA | Rose Collagen Peptide Juice Drink | Rose Collagen Peptide Juice Drink by Morning&Skin “Let your skin bloom forever!” Formulated with abundant collagen, the product with anti-glycation and antioxidative effects helps whiten and tighten the skin. About the key ingredients: 1. Hydrolyzed fish collagen by Rousselot® (France) and the ITALGELATINE Collagen (5g per serving) helps boost collagen content in the skin, improve fine lines and boost skin hydration. 2. Actinidia deliciosa Ferment by TCI effectively helps increase the absorption of collagen, boost antioxidant activity in the skin and inhibit the generation of AGEs. 3. Glutathione, the “master” antioxidant, helps inhibit tyrosinase activity and achieve a rosy and bright complexion. 4. ROSE CRYSTA and blood orange extract effectively help improve collagen synthesis and boost skin elasticity. 5. Lotus Seed Germ Extract helps accelerate skin repair and improve skin metabolism With anti-glycation and antioxidative effects, Rose Collagen Peptide Juice Drink by Morning&Skin nurtures your skin from the inside out. |
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Shanghai Hocy Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Shanghai Hocy Biotechnology Co., Ltd. |
CHINA | Milk tea flavor milk shake | HOCY milk tea flavor milk shake is more than a delicious drink but a functional meal replacement featuring soy protein by Solae (USA). While boosting satiety, the product, with the infusion of AKK FORMULA, has been scientifically confirmed to improve the growth of Akkermansia muciniphila in the intestines by up to 300 times or more, which helps control weight because the metabolites of Akkermansia muciniphila can suppress appetite and reduce fat storage in the body. Besides, the Streptococcus thermophilus TCI633 added in the formula has been proven in experiments to increase the content of hyaluronic acid in the blood and help enhance skin hydration. The milk shake also contains more than 10 kinds of vitamins and a variety of minerals to support overall health. As a whole, HOCY milk tea flavor milk shake is a functional meal replacement that helps lose weight, improve skin condition while proving nutritional support to the body. |
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Miyababy (tianjin) Technology Limited Miyababy (tianjin) Technology Limited |
CHINA | Superfarm-Compound Bone Collagen Flavored Drink | Superfarm-Compound Bone Collagen Flavored Drink has innovative design formulation to care bone and joint. This product ingredients including three kinds of collagen, probiotics and Greenshell Mussels to get bone and joint care and decrease inflammation. Through cell expression screening platform, mice and human test, the product can effectively relieve not only joint pain but discomfort caused by arthritis, enhance collagen content, Strengthen bone and slowing down the bone resorption. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Golden Berry Extract | TCI is committed to protecting the environment while developing raw materials. The Golden Berry Extract is made from the golden berries carefully selected from the local eco-friendly farms at 10,000 feet above sea-level in Peru. With the exclusive extraction technique, TCI has enhanced the antioxidative capacities of golden berries, which effectively helps reduce skin cell damage, maintain the integrity of the stratum corneum and preserve youthful and fine skin. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Solanum Muricatum Ferment | Free radicals and AGEs in the body accumulate with age, which causes more wrinkles. To help maintain youthful skin, TCI has developed the Solanum muricatum Ferment made from the carefully selected Solanum muricatum grown at 3000 meters above sea level in the Andes Mountains. Solanum muricatum are considered to help retain eternal youth by the locals. TCI, to unveil the anti-aging secret in the precious fruit, used the patented “3-Stage Fermentation Technique” to refine substances in it and successfully discovered that fermented Solanum muricatum helps promote the secretion of glutathione, increase the expression of anti-aging genes to delay aging. On the other hand, when the skin is exposed to sunlight, the main source of UV radiation, the cells will be stimulated to produce melanin to darken the skin, and the Solanum muricatum Ferment can inhibit melanin production more effectively than kojic acid, which is commonly used in brightening skin care products today. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | AKK Formula | More and more studies have proven that the intestinal microbiota has a direct influence on the host's weight. According to the latest findings, one's weight is highly positively correlated to the number of Akkermansia muciniphila in his or her intestinal tract. It has been confirmed by animal experiments that Akkermansia muciniphila in the intestinal tract has three major health effects: suppressing the appetite of the host, increasing the rate of fat metabolism, and lower high blood sugar levels. By increasing the number of Akkermansia muciniphila in the gut, obesity caused by a high-fat diet can be reversed, and insulin resistance can be prevented to maintain or lower the blood sugar levels. According to TCI's research, by adjusting the proportion of specific probiotics to fermented materials, the gut environment for Akkermansia muciniphila to grow can be optimized; simultaneously the weight, body fat percentage, and waist circumference can be reduced. Based on the research, TCI has developed the AKK Formula, which, infused with prebiotics that encourages the growth of Akkermansia muciniphila, helps consumers successfully lose weight. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | TCI Probiotics Complex | “One of every three people may suffer from constipation.” To solve constipation, the causes of constipation must be found out first. Based on numerous scientific studies, TCI has determined 5 major causes of constipation. To eliminate these causes, TCI research team has developed TCI Probiotics Complex, a probiotic formula using 5 types of probiotics with different health effects, including forming prebiotics in the gut, accelerating bowel movements, inhibiting the growth of E. coli, a “bad” bacterial strain, and increasing stool bulk. TCI research team has discovered that blending these 5 types of probiotics allows them to grow better in the gut and provides exceptional health-beneficial effects. TCI Probiotics Complex is a high-efficacy product specially designed to help solve constipation. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | TRILLION PROBIO™ | TRILLION PROBIO™ is TCI’s patent-pending technology using which the number of probiotics in each sachet is increased to more than 1 trillion and health effects of probiotic products can be enhanced. To maintain the quality and stability of the probiotics, the humidity levels and temperature in the manufacturing process are strictly controlled so that the number of probiotics in each sachet remains more than 1012 in 2 years in frozen storage. TCI has developed multiple probiotic products with special effects, such as skin care and weight management. TCI aims to create high-efficacy products with the technology to increase the number of probiotics and achieve better effects. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Synergene® | Synergene®, developed by TCI 9 Labs and Strategic Intellectual Property Team, is TCI's exclusive technology used in the development of product formulation. The technology can be used to screen out the highly effective formulation of specific combinations among hundreds of natural substances. Using the technology, TCI aims to create more and more unique high-efficacy formulas as well as enhance the efficacy and commercial value of existing products for our customers. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Tamarillo Extract | Wearing contact lenses for long periods of time may cause a lack of oxygen supply to the cornea and an abnormal increase in the number of blood vessels, which leads to red eyes. To help protect the eyes, TCI has developed Tamarillo Extract made from tamarillos with strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacity. Called “Ruby of the Andes Mountains, tamarillos have been confirmed to contain lycopene 7 times as much as common tomatoes and β-carotene twice as much as carrots. Using its unique technology, TCI has successfully extracted from tamarillos all the active ingredients, which have been discovered to help relieve eye discomfort by inhibiting the expression of genes related to visual impairment and preventing an abnormal increase in the number of blood vessels caused by a lack of oxygen supply to the eyes. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Lactobacillus salivarius TCI153 | Edible bird’s nests are regarded as a rare and prized delicacy in Chinese culture, for the special active compounds contained in the edible nests have exceptional effects on the brain growth of babies and young children, the metabolism, and the skin health. However, the harvesting of edible bird’s nests can pose a cruel threat to the survival of birds. Thus, instead of harvesting the nests, it is crucial to find ways to obtain the active compounds in edible bird’s nests while avoiding causing damage to the nature. With efforts, TCI research team has discovered that the special bacterial strain TCI153 can, in the intestinal tract, generate sialic acid, which is rich in swiftlet saliva used to make edible bird’s nests and that the amount of sialic acid generated by TCI153 in 24 hours equals to that contained in 7 bottles of common edible bird’s nest drink. It has been confirmed that 8 weeks of the intake of TCI153 can increase the sialic acid content in the blood by more than 3 times, which helps boost the skin’s radiance and reduce wrinkles. By building up an intestinal environment where sialic acid is generated endlessly, TCI153 can retain youthfulness in the skin. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Streptococcus thermophilus TCI633 (HA Pro-genesis®) | The content of hyaluronic acid in the body drops rapidly after the age of 25, which causes wrinkles and the loss in skin elasticity. Extracting the special lactic acid bacterial strain, TCI633, from human breast milk, TCI discovered that the strain makes the culture medium viscous, and through analysis and identification, it was confirmed that the viscosity was due to the content of high-purity hyaluronic acid in the culture medium. Based on the finding, TCI also performed a IRB-approved clinical study. According to the study, after the intake of TCI633 for 28 days, the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the blood and the skin hydration were significantly increased and wrinkles were greatly reduced in the subjects. TCI633 is the first probiotic strain that generates hyaluronic acid endlessly in the intestinal tract and thus helps restore beauty from inside out. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | IDOL Ferment | Keep excessive water away and say goodbye to edema.” TCI IDOL FERMENT is made with 3 natural ingredients carefully selected by TCI. TCI, using the patented 3-stage fermentation technology to improve microbial growth, has successfully increased the total polyphenol content in the product by up to 10 times. TCI's research has shown that the urine amount can be increased to 40% in 4 hours after the intake of TCI IDOL FERMENT, confirming that the product helps speed the removal of excessive water in the body. After 8 weeks of intake, edema of lower limbs and feet can be effectively improved; also fatigue and coldness in hands and feet can be greatly reduced. TCI IDOL FERMENT helps boost the immunity, increase the expression of anti-aging genes, maintain normal body functions, eliminate edema, and achieve a slim body shape. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | double 2 NUTRI® | TCI’s exclusive liposome encapsulation technology, double 2 NUTRI®, allows highly stable encapsulation of active ingredients in both a water and oil phase. Using the technology, exceptional stability can be achieved to avoid oil-water separation. Moreover, through a high-pressure homogenization process, the particle size of the active ingredients can be reduced to micron level. Compared to the liposome with large particle sizes commonly seen on the market, the size of the liposome produced through TCI’s technology is reduced to 1-4 µm, which greatly increases the bioavailability of the active ingredients. The vitamin C treated with the double 2 NUTRI® technology has been confirmed in clinical trials performed by National Taiwan University Hospital to achieve a higher absorption rate compared to untreated one and stay in the human body for 8 hours to achieve a sustained release and better utilization in the human body. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | LipoButy® | TCI is an expert in skincare solutions with 38 years of experience and research on various skin types across 55 countries. We have discovered the secret to beauty within each highly effective drop, active transportation efficient penetration. First, the small particle size accelerates transdermal delivery of the formulation beyond the skin’s outer layer. The liposomes are so small that there are one trillion liposomes per every drop of formulation.Next, the liposome structure mimics the property of the skin membrane, and works as the delivery vehicle for driving active ingredients even further into the skin. Finally, the liposome's phospholipid bilayer encapsulates the entire formulation and protects the active ingredients from being damaged or lost during delivery. LipoButy® is TCI’s patented technology.Liposomes are extremely efficient skincare solution for number of reasons.For differences that you can see and feel. |
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Tci Gene Inc. Tci Gene Inc. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | QVS-96, the fully automated detection integration system | TCI GENE INC. has turned its first-generation DNA detection device into a fully automated device 3.0 for automatic nucleic acid extraction, micro-dispensing and genetic testing. With expanded uses and capacities, it can detect various epidemic viruses through module conversion. Based on automated device 3.0, TCI has further developed QVS-96, the world's first fully automated virus scanner operated by robotic arms to load the corresponding codes of the specimens, which can prevent mismatches between test results and specimens caused by human error. After specimens are handled, they are tested in a fully automatic, unmanned, and zero-pollution environment with the qPCR detection technology with an accuracy rate of 99.99%. The test results of 96 specimens can be obtained in 50 minutes to achieve 24/7 comprehensive monitoring. With the accurate testing technology, the spread of COVID-19 can be prevented. |
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Green Energy Nano Technology Co., Ltd Green Energy Nano Technology Co., Ltd , Liang, Tien-Show , Meng, En , TANG, SHOU-HUNG , Cherng, Juin-Hong |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | GreenE Bio-Stamina MPF-gtx Men’s Underpants | 1. USA clinical proof of Genitourinary improvements: USA clinical trial indicates the improvements regarding erectile function, sexual satisfaction, prostate hypertrophy and nocturia symptom among male subjects. 2. Thorough coverage around pelvic cavity focuses on health enhancement: Far-infrared surrounding genitourinary system, abdominal vein, vertebral, gluteus maximus and quadriceps focused on health care rather than sex-organ stimulation. 3. Medicine free, radiation free, and medical-level affirmations: No medicine or extra electricity are needed thus gets rid of drug side-effect or radiation. Skin sensitization and irritation tests make sure of the comfort and safety for this intimate. 4. Purified far-infrared for blood circulation: 93% of F-IR emission occurs wavelength of 2–22 um, which helps the cell-resonance thermal effect and the liquidity effect by de-bonding water micelle, and boosts pelvic circulation. 5. Textile made of F-IR generating fiber: The fiber is drawn from energy ball implanted molecular-scale and reagent-grade precious-metal Ge/Ti/π formula to generate bio-band far-infrared and sealed by Si polymer, issues light weight, soft touch, and rare loss of F-IR energy. 6. International patents and certificates: Patents and medical certificates are issued over USA, EU and Japan. 1. USA clinical proof of Genitourinary improvements: USA clinical trial indicates the improvements regarding erectile function, sexual satisfaction, prostate hypertrophy and nocturia symptom among male subjects. 2. Thorough coverage around pelvic cavity focuses on health enhancement: Far-infrared surrounding genitourinary system, abdominal vein, vertebral, gluteus maximus and quadriceps focused on health care rather than sex-organ stimulation. 3. Medicine free, radiation free, and medical-level affirmations: No medicine or extra electricity are needed thus gets rid of drug side-effect or radiation. Skin sensitization and irritation tests make sure of the comfort and safety for this intimate. 4. Purified far-infrared for blood circulation: 93% of F-IR emission occurs wavelength of 2–22 um, which helps the cell-resonance thermal effect and the liquidity effect by de-bonding water micelle, and boosts pelvic circulation. 5. Textile made of F-IR generating fiber: The fiber is drawn from energy ball implanted molecular-scale and reagent-grade precious-metal Ge/Ti/π formula to generate bio-band far-infrared and sealed by Si polymer, issues light weight, soft touch, and rare loss of F-IR energy. 6. International patents and certificates: Patents and medical certificates are issued over USA, EU and Japan. 1. USA clinical proof of Genitourinary improvements: USA clinical trial indicates the improvements regarding erectile function, sexual satisfaction, prostate hypertrophy and nocturia symptom among male subjects. 2. Thorough coverage around pelvic cavity focuses on health enhancement: Far-infrared surrounding genitourinary system, abdominal vein, vertebral, gluteus maximus and quadriceps focused on health care rather than sex-organ stimulation. 3. Medicine free, radiation free, and medical-level affirmations: No medicine or extra electricity are needed thus gets rid of drug side-effect or radiation. Skin sensitization and irritation tests make sure of the comfort and safety for this intimate. |
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Green Energy Nano Technology Co., Ltd Green Energy Nano Technology Co., Ltd , Liang, Tien-Show , Meng, En , TANG, SHOU-HUNG , Cherng, Juin-Hong |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | GreenE Bio-Stamina MPF-tech Pain Relief Tape | 1. USA Clinical proof of circulation benefiting pain relief: USA clinical test reports that the tape increases blood flow-speed near 22%, the Visual Analogue Scale pain index was reduced by 46% which benefits the removal of lactic acid and hematic acid. 2. Not only pain relief but also fatigue ease during exercise: A bicycling electromyography test reveals less muscular-strength regression, muscle stretching and torque, which indicates less fatigue and better injury prevention during exercise. 3. No medicine, best stretch for use and long life: This medicine-free, 4-way stretching to 192~230% (3 times ahead competitor), and medical-level tape can be patched for 36 hours. |
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Grape King Bio Grape King Bio , Wu Chang Jer , Chen Chin-Chu , Chen Yen-Po , Chiang Lynn-Huey , Lin Jing-Yi |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Use of Lignosus rhinocerus mycelia active substance for manufacturing an antiviral composition | Viruses can infect host cells and cause cell lysis, which can cause cell death and disease symptoms. Enterovirus 71 is common in young children and can cause viral meningitis, polio-like paralysis and myocarditis in severe cases. Currently, there is no vaccine to prevent EV71 infection. On the other hand, H1N1 influenza is spread through airborne droplets and contact. People with low immunity are prone to face higher risks of severe illness and increased mortality. This virus is highly changeable, acquiring genetic variations and therefore the annual flu vaccine cannot last from year to year. This invention presents using the Lignosus rhinocerus mycelia active substances, which have the effect of preventing and inhibiting entry of the enterovirus or influenza viruses into the cells. |
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Grape King Bio Grape King Bio , Chen Chin-Chu , Chen Yen-Lien , Lin Shin-Wei , Chen Yen-Po , Wu Szu-Yin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Use of Lactobacillus fermentum GKF3 for improving depression | The probiotic GKF3 collected from the traditional pickled fermented cabbage sold in Taiwan can be used to improve depression. In an animal depression model, it can be seen that the serotonin in the brains of depressed rats is reduced by more than 200% after immobilization. However, GKF3 could restore serotonin and dopamine levels as well as reduce blood inflammatory factors after administration. This study provided that active modulation of the intestinal microbiota, through GKF3 supplementation, can produce serotonin and dopamine to help alleviate stress, anxiety and depression via bidirectional gut-brain connection. |
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Ming Chyi Biotechnology Ltd. (mcb) Ming Chyi Biotechnology Ltd. (mcb) , Wang Hung Chun , Su Hsing Min , Wang Hung Wen , Chen Han Ling |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | MCTsolutionsTM Microencapsulated MCT Oil Powder | MCTsolutionsTM is an innovative sustained-release MCT oil powder of Microencapsulation "Medium chain triglyceride (MCT)" oil powder is the key element of the ketogenic diet. Traditional oil powder may cause stomach upset due to large amounts of oil released in the stomach. MCTsolutionsTM, a brand of MCT oil powder, depended on microencapsulation process technology (patented) has a sustained-release effect to reduce the discomfort of user’s stomach, and helps them to achieve the effect of ketogenic diet more efficiently. |
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Ming Chyi Biotechnology Ltd. (mcb) Ming Chyi Biotechnology Ltd. (mcb) , Wang Hung Chun , Su Hsing Min , Wang Hung Wen , Chen Han Ling |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | FiberJuiceTM Microencapsulated Juice Powder with Fibers | FiberJuiceTM is a new generation of microencapsulated healthy juice powder with high fibers Powder juice is widely used in food industrial as the flavorings but most of the commercial products content high sugar which may cause obesity and not friendly to diabetics. Because of the high sugar content, the products are easier to get moisture and agglomerated. FiberJuiceTM, a brand of healthy juice powder, applied the microencapsulation technology via spray dry process with the special ratio of mixed soluble dietary fibers (patented), becomes a low-GI powder juice, and achieved unprecedentedly improvement of the moisture resistance. |
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Ming Chyi Biotechnology Ltd. (mcb) Ming Chyi Biotechnology Ltd. (mcb) , Wang Hung Chun , Su Hsing Min , Wang Hung Wen , Chen Han Ling |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | CollaGEMTM Marine (Fish) Collagen Peptides | CollaGEMTM is an innovative fish scale collagen peptides powder of micro-granulation which has less fishy smell and highly effective for skin improvement The products of fish scale collagen peptides are currently popular in the skin care market, but their unpleasant fishy smell and high dosage supplementation are both knotty urgent problems that need to be solved. MCB utilizes a new type of biocatalyst to remove impurities and deodorize technology, which can effectively improve the unpleasant fishy smell and make the aqueous solution clear. After spray drying with Pickering dispersion technology, combined with micellar fusion technology to manufacture innovative micro-granular CollaGEMTM which has incredible stability and excellent solubility. Subjects were received 2.5 g once daily of CollaGEMTM for 4 weeks, skin elasticity, hydration and collagen content of cheek and the skin around eye showed significant improvement. CollaGEMTM is an innovative fish scale collagen peptides and highly competitive on the skin care products market. |
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Ming Chyi Biotechnology Ltd. (mcb) Ming Chyi Biotechnology Ltd. (mcb) , Wang Hung Chun , Su Hsing Min , Wang Hung Wen , Chen Han Ling , Hsieh Wei Ting |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | AnpicoldTM Microencapsulated Yeast Protein Powder | AnpicoldTM Microencapsulated Yeast Protein Powder with multi-layer coating technology to improve product stability and effectiveness Powdered nutritional supplements of immunity-enhancing are rising in the market, but the stability and effectiveness of the powder have been challenged. AnpicoldTM Powder is composed of some raw materials that have been proven to enhance immunity. In order to ensure that quality and effective ingredients can be absorbed by the human body, we use the innovative multi-layer coating technology to improve the stability, moisture resistance, palatability of powder supplements that make AnpicoldTM Powder becomes a Super product to strengthen human immunity. |
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Anna Pawlaczyk-Kurek , Krzysztof Gosiewski, Manfred Jaschik , Krzysztof Warmuzinski , Marek Tanczyk, Krzysztof Gielzak , Artur Wojdyla, Tadeusz Machej , Leszek Michalski |
POLAND | Thermal Flow Reversal Reactor (TFRR) - Utilization technology of ventilation air methane (VAM) | The present invention refers to the method for utilization of low-concentration gas mixture of combustible gas and air with stable consumption of heat energy and a flow reversal. This refers specifically to the combustion of Ventilation Air Methane (VAM) from hard coal mines in a thermal flow reversal device with heat recovery. The method and device ensure the utilization of combustion heat in a heat recovery apparatus in the device’s operating conditions ensuring high combustion efficiency (conversion) and sufficiently symmetric temperature profiles over device packing, as well as the stability of energy consumption wherein energy stream delivered to consumers is approximately constant over the period of device’s operation. The patents obtained, depending on the national version, contain 15 to 20 claims, which protect the original elements of the method and device, giving advantages over similar devices of the competition. |
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Dr. Maha Haijan Ahmed , Dr. Najla Saud Al-Saud , Dr. Abdulkader Mohammed Shaikh Omar , Dr. Heba Fikry , Dr. Sabah Mahmoud Hassan |
SAUDI ARABIA | Effects of Different Doses of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (Sustanon® 250) on Testis of Male albino Rats | The present work illustrated the extensive effects of toxic doses of Sustanon®250 on testis of the rats. For this reason, drug-prevention counseling to athletes and teenagers is focused on the use of anabolic steroids. Also, physicians should be informed about the physiologic effects, and should be limited to those with a medical indication and under observation. |
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Fatmah Ali Ahmed Alshehri , Fatmah Ali Ahmed Alshehri , Dr. Rana Faruq Mahbub |
SAUDI ARABIA | DESIGNING A HYPERMEDIA PROGRAM TO LEARN FASHION DRAWING FOR PEOPLE WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENT | This project designed a hypermedia program for people with hearing impairment to learn knowledge and basic skills of fashion drawing and design. The proposed hypermedia program model passes three basic steps from each step a set of procedures is branched as follows: First, Analysis & Design Stage. Second: Writing and Preparing the Paper Scenario of the Program. Third: Programming Production Stage, which included two steps. First: producing the educational multimedia and collecting the available of it. Second: converting the paper scenario into computerized hypermedia program taking. |
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Mirosław Stecuła |
POLAND | Two Gas Detector DUOmaster CO/CO2 G/EIR | Two-gas detector "DUOmaster CO / CO2 G / EIR / RS485" is intended for use in stationary detection systems of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2), outside potentially explosive zones. Measurement of gas concentration is performed on the basis of electrochemical and infrared sensors. The "DUOmaster CO / CO2 G / EIR / RS485" detector is designed to work with typical alarm control panels or controllers with RS485 standard inputs and Modbus RTU transmission protocol (e.g. EXter4z / RS485, uniSTER8z / RS485, uniSTER16z, uniSTER32z, DINster3xRS, modularPAG, etc.), ventilation control systems and industrial controllers. Versions of the device: CO/NO2, CO/LPG, O2 / CO2…. |
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Mirosław Stecuła |
POLAND | Three-gas Detector Tmaster CNG/CO/LPG G | It is intended for use in stationary detection systems of carbon monoxide (CO), propane-butane (LPG) and CH4 methane (CNG), in garages, underground parking lots and motor vehicle diagnostic stations. Measurement of gas concentration is based on selective electrochemical (CO) sensors and non-selective semiconductor sensors (LPG, CNG). The detector is designed to work with typical alarm control panels or industrial controllers. Standard power supply ranges from 9V to 28V DC. It consists of three modules: main (CNG) module, CO module and LPG module connected by wires. Depending on the version, the detectors are equipped with different types of outputs: digital (RS485 with Modbus RTU protocol), current output 4-20mA, detection output OC-NC or OC-NO. The detectors have optical signaling of power supply, exceeding alarm thresholds and failure. Versions of the device: CNG / CO / NO2, CO / LPG / CL2…. |
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Momen Ahmed |
YEMEN | System charging battery | The invention relates to a small encoded link installed in the mobile cell phone to provide you with a battery charge. Your phone when the phone battery is empty of charge and you are able to charge your second mobile phone outside the house through the encrypted chip associated with the company |
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Ahmed Abdelhady , Mohamed Abdelhady |
EGYPT | Using Machine Learning to Reduce Fatality Rate of Scuba Diving | It is a system to protect divers from the problems facing them as underwater as follows: While diving, some people have some problems, such as convulsions and cardiovascular disease. The best way to ensure that a diver does not have disruptive issues would be with his heart rate. The proposed system uses sensors that allow the use of a diver's underwater heart rate sensor. The sensor is then connected to a control unit that allows heart rate readings to be scanned and sent through a specific server. Users can set high and low levels to reduce the heartbeat. After setting these limits in proportion to the pressure, the system begins monitoring and as soon as the diver's heartbeat exceeds a certain threshold, the system sends an alert to the control unit that transmits this across the server and alerts it to the marine rescue center and the intended users. The system also keeps the diver alert for an elevated heart rate. Concerned persons can monitor the heart rate as well as get alerted about any health abnormalities that may occur to the diver immediately from anywhere and the person can be rescued on time. The effect of Orca sounds on shark behavior: Orca (Orcinus orca) is known to prey on cartilaginous fish, including great and rays sharks. This produces a very loud sound and often results in impulsive calls, as well as whistles and clicks of echolocation. Pulse calls show a complex frequency and time structure, ranging from 500Hz to 25kHz and lasting from 0.5 to 1.5 seconds. Withdrawal behavior has been observed in sharks that have been exposed to orca calls and sudden, loud, and irregular sounds. Bony fish have been shown to exhibit changes in movement patterns, feeding behavior, social interactions, and antagonistic behavior as a result of human noise. This sound was used as a non-physical barrier between the diver and the shark in order not to be harmed, and this happens quickly without interfering with it by finding sensors in the system that receive water frequencies. |
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Amal Abdullah Binmerdah |
SAUDI ARABIA | Electric Discharge Shoe | Since we are in contact with smart devices such as mobiles, iPads and computers all the time which results in transferring the electrical charges of these devices to our bodies. If the electrical charges remain in the human body, it may arrive the human brain causing a state of epilepsy. Accordingly, I believe that this invention will make a difference. The invention is a shoe that can discharge the existing electrical charges from a human body. It is made of plastic material to ensure the shoe's light weight and the ease of cleaning. It lined with plastic layer filled with medical sand, which can be refill when needed. The shoe base contains serrated plastic pieces that prevent slipping and a person can wear at home or elsewhere. The shoe covers the whole foot to ensure the electrical discharge from the body. Also, the shoe size is larger than the actual size of the foot and it is suitable to all ages including adults, children and babies. |
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Najia A. Alzanbagi |
SAUDI ARABIA | (RCT) Refill Car Tires | A specific technique to refill the car tires without need to go to the tire’s mobilization station. It is depending on checking the air pressure in the tire and show its state on the car screen, so the driver can fill it by pressing the key that is directly contacted with the Air Pump which will be added to the car kit under the hood. The tire will be filled by this very easy process which during it the car should be in the stopping state. |
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Dr. Samah Mohamed Samy Hemdan , King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia & Helwan University, Egypt , Dr. Najat Abdullah Malibari, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia , Dr. Maha Mohamed Emam ElHalaby, Helwan University, Egypt |
SAUDI ARABIA | Decorate Your Outdoor to Decorate Your Life | This Initiative is a community initiative aims to encourage implement the principle of Social distancing to limit the spread of the Corona Virus pandemic while strengthening family relations, renewing positive energy, activity and vitality, spreading the spirit of happiness and optimism, and breaking the feeling of boredom for family members. It is also concerned to spread the feeling of joy during celebrating the holidays to spread happiness and optimism by getting rid of trash on roofs and other places and by renewing them using the simplest methods of low cost to achieve the previous goals. |
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Anahita Mehrvar |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Disinfecting Device for Fuel Station Nozzle Handle by Silver Nanoparticles | Due to the growth of viruses and bacteria and their transmission through public means, public health is very necessary. Gasoline nozzles are one of the most important tools that can have an impact on the human transmission of pollution. The purpose of this invention is to provide a suitable method for disinfecting the nozzles of the fuel in such a way that it operates at the proper speed and completely disinfects the nozzle handle of the fuel position. For this reason, this device has an obstacle detection sensor to detect the handle and send the command signal to the control board. The sprayers are then sprayed with disinfectant onto the handle. The disinfectant also consists of silver nanoparticles that have antibacterial properties and are not harmful to human health. |
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Maryam Ramezan Baghpa |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Remote smart wristband with heart rate determination | The heart is the most vital part of the human body, and today many people in the community suffer from a variety of heart diseases, the majority of which are the elderly and people over the age of 45. The electrocardiogram is one of the most important medical devices used to diagnose many heart diseases. Due to the high volume of this device and its high cost, it is not possible to use it anywhere. Also, similar commercial models that are installed on the wrist are not accurate enough. That's why the wristband was designed to use a pulse sensor to measure heart rate and also has a Wi-Fi module that sends information to a display or multiple mobile phones without the need for wires. The power consumption of this device is very low and it is supplied with a power bank and due to its small volume, it is easily portable for a person. The device warns of heart attacks and irregularities in the heartbeat and asks for help, and has been able to reduce some of the environmental consequences of seizures and the risks of heart disease. It is also very suitable for people with heart arrhythmias. |
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Maryam Ramezan Baghpa |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Air Purifier and Disinfectant Atomizer Using Spirulina Algae and Herbal Extract | Oxygen is the most important need of all living things, and with the pollution of the air, this amount of oxygen has decreased and life has become difficult for living things. Air pollution is also the presence of any substance in the air that can be harmful to humans and the environment. In this study, to solve the problem of air pollution, for the first time, using algae that can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, a device was designed and built that purifies the air, and algae use carbon dioxide and convert it to oxygen. The purified air then enters a plastic canister containing a cold vaporizer and is converted into very fine particles, such as steam, by a cold vapor module (atomizer), liquids, and plant extracts that disinfect the air. It mixes with the purified air and enters the air. This device is able to absorb pollution and increase oxygen, as well as disinfect the air and help the environment, and is suitable for people in sensitive groups such as people with asthma and allergies, etc. Its use is very useful in hospitals and centers at risk of infection. |
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Seyedeh Sahel Borghei |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Oxygen-Producing Diving Mask Using Electrolysis System and Nano-Graphene Electrodes | The human respiratory system can not function well in many environments, such as underwater and, at high altitudes. One of the activities that a person can not do without the help of accessories is diving. Devices such as oxygen capsules have high weight and limited oxygen content. In this invention, using the phenomenon of electrolysis and using the infinite water source of brackish seawater, it has created a device to replace oxygen capsules, which performs the process of decomposing water molecules into their constituent molecules and can produce oxygen and hydrogen. The material of the electrodes used was iron and electrolyte was the brackish sea. Also, to increase the conductivity of the electrodes and increase their stability in the sea, graphene nanoparticles were applied on the surface of the electrodes. On the other hand, the electrical system used in it also has insulation and waterproofing, and a source of oxygen storage is installed in the system so that the person can use it when necessary and vital. With the present device, oxygen is provided to the person unlimited. |
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Mobina Shameli Rajiri , Mahsa Shahbandeh |
FRANCE | Therapeutic Potential of Delonix regia Extract Against Pancreatic (Panc-1) Cancer Cell Line | Plants have long been used to treat various diseases such as cancer due to their phytochemical and turquoise compounds. Delonix regia (L.) (Caesalpiniaceae) is one of the plants that has been used for centuries to prevent cancer. D. regia has been described as a strong anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and analgesic. Also, the cytotoxicity of this plant has been proven due to its flavonoid compounds. The effect of medicinal plant extracts on cancer cell inhibition was investigated. Cytotoxic effect of D. regia extract on Panc-1 cancer cells was investigated by cell viability analysis, morphological changes, apoptosis induction. Results showed the cells treated with D. regia extract exhibited a considerable reduction in viability percent in comparison to control cells. Analysis of MTT demonstrated that the IC50 value of D. regia extract observed in 0.5 mg/mL for 24 hours. Also, morphological characteristics of cells indicated that D. regia extract induce cell death by apoptosis. Interestingly, in normal cells, no significant negative effect was observed as control. |
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Ayda Kasany , Marziyeh Azadfalah |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Construction of water turbine with power generation capability when passing through sewage and outlet water refinement by nanofilter | Every year, Extra quantities of fossil fuels are used to produce electricity and Supply of electrical appliances for such small items as laundry, etc. The most important reason for building turbines with power generation capabilities is to prevent unnecessary consumption of water and clean energy production. This design uses a small turbine placed in the drainage water and converts the kinetic energy of water into electrical energy and stores the energy in a rechargeable battery, Then the exhausting water passes through the zeolite Nano filters deposited with titanium oxide nanoparticles, which refined water can be used for irrigation of plants. Also stored electricity can replace the electricity produced from fossil fuels, in addition to contaminating and disrupting the environmental cycle, will increase pollutants and ultimately the warming up of the earth and the threat to human life. Water used can be supplied from wells inside kitchens, toilets, dishwashing water and etc. This turbine occupies a very small space and has a main compartment for generators and water turbines. |
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Fatemeh Gheidari , Koorosh Rokni |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Investigation of the Effect of Spatial Environmental Factors on the Number of Accidents in Tehran and Alborz Provinces | Cosmic radiation and solar activities have direct and confirmed effects on industry, agriculture, telecommunications, etc. By modeling solar activity and cosmic radiation, we can make predictions in these areas and finally as one Consider its effects from the parameters in modeling. The results of this research are directly important in human life and are used in macro-planning in this country. Solar is calculated on the rate of accidents and it is shown that this correlation is of medium type and the most effective spatial environmental factors on accidents, cosmic radiation with inverse relationship and the number of sunspots and radio radiation 10.7 cm with a direct relationship with accidents Tehran and Alborz provinces. |
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Shayesteh Eradati , Lilian Moradi , Marziyeh Azadfalah , Zeinab Vafadari Mehrizi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Air Pollution Control by Novel Waste Incinerator System with Nano Filter | The collection and disposal of municipal waste are one of the most essential measures that are needed to protect the environment and public health of each city and country. There are common ways to dispose of municipal waste including waste landfill, incineration, and Recycle, but for many wastes, incineration is one of the best or most necessary methods for waste management. Burning waste and converting it to ash is a healthy way to eliminate waste, with many benefits. However, there are concerns about the emission of pollutants such as carbon dioxide, sulfur and nitrogen compounds, etc., which are the result of burning waste. To solve this problem, a device was designed to dispose of and burn waste. The air, and smoke from the waste combustion guided by a powerful blower fan, to the HEPA filter embedded in the device. The HEPA filter was coated with porous nanocarbon material to absorb more contaminants. The body was made of metal and its dimensions were 50*50*50 cm. An adapter was used to power the fan. The CO2 gas sensor, an Arduino board, and an LCD were used to monitor the performance of the device. It has a replaceable filter and can be easily removed and replaced. At the end of the apparatus, a chamber was installed for the ash to separate the ash easily. The resulting ash was then used to Strength the concrete. It also reduces the volume of waste, reduces disposes of hazardous waste, reduces odor, reduces the need for landfill, and reduces pollutants such as carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions. |
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Mohammad Sam Abbasian , Parisa Abbasian |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | The Innovative Monitoring, Detection, And Reporting Solution For People With Epilepsy | Epilepsy, a neurological disorder characterized by the occurrence of seizures (specifically episodic impairment or loss of consciousness, abnormal motor phenomena, psychic or sensory disturbances, or the perturbation of the autonomic nervous system), is debilitating to a great number of people. Research has found that its prevalence may be even greater worldwide, particularly in less economically developed nations, suggesting that the worldwide figure for epilepsy sufferers may be in excess of one hundred million. The present invention relates generally to the field of monitoring devices. More specifically, the present invention relates to a system and method for detecting epileptic events in a user. The function of this bracelet is to make certain changes, including transpiration, before the patient is attacked. As transpiration increases on the surface of the patient's skin, electrical conductivity is increased and the bracelet intelligently detects transpiration and initiates alarms, which then alert the patient's family to a message. Make. It can also turn off alarms if a person senses that transpiration is related to physical activity by touching a button on the side of the device. |
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Seyedeh Sara Sadati , Andia Ramezani , Zohreh Mortazavi , Mahsa Shahbandeh |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Cytotoxic and Apoptotic Effect of Chitosan Nanoparticles and Extract of Glycyrrhiza glabra Against the Human Hepatocarcinoma (HepG2) | In 2018, liver cancer was the sixth most common cancer and the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Todays ample attention has been devoted to the construction of anti-cancer drugs with increased stability minimizing toxic effects. The main aim of the current research was to investigate the potential utility of chitosan nanoparticles with Glycyrrhiza glabra extract (liquorice root) on HepGP2 .The cytotoxic activity of the plant extract and chitosan nanoparticles against the cancerous cell line was assessed using an MTT assay. At first Nano chitosan was made by Ionic gelation method and to investigate the structure of nanocomposite were used XRD and SEM analyze. Also the methanolic extract prepared by solving powder in Specified volume of methanol. The demonstrated a significant effect (IC50 = 50 ± 1.3 µg/ml) on anti-cancer activity. The result showed the synergistic influence of chitosan NPs with Glycyrrhiza glabra extract have higher cytotoxicity and apoptosis induction in HepG2 cells compared to their use alone. In other words, The % apoptotic cells induced by the extract and NPs were increased about 1.5-fold compared to the single extract and MTT assay showed chitosan didn't have negative effects on normal liver cells. |
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Chao Man Sam , Kuok Chon Man , Wong Un Man , Liang Yi Xing |
MACAO | Visible Deep-water salvage platform | The fishing range of the fishing device is increased, the fault tolerance rate of the fishing is increased, and the environmental impact of the fishing object is greatly improved, and the limitation of the fishing object in the turbid water is also improved. The traditional extension type is transformed into a projection type so that the overshot can be placed at the salvage site. In addition, a sonar system is also added in front of the platform to facilitate our work. |
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Kawai Huang , Chi-Kit Wong , Hio-Mei Cheok , Yi-Xing LIANG |
MACAO | Electromagnetic induction based rotor winding inter-turn short circuit fault detection device for electric motor | Lou Hau High School of Macau, China, established in 1950. In recent years, high school graduates have applied for 99% of undergraduate admissions to colleges at home and abroad. LouHau has been awarded the honorary titles of ‘‘Top Ten National Innovative Famous Schools’’ and ‘‘National Featured School for Innovative Invention’’. The team of us were also awarded a merit certificate by the SAR Government; This invention presents a novel device for detecting rotor winding inter-turn short circuit fault and this operates based on the principle of the electromagnetic induction and consists of two parts: (1) An EM generator that energizes rotor winding inter-turn. (2) An EM probe to position a ferrous metals strip near the rotor winding under test to detect winding inter-turn short circuit fault through mechanical vibration. This invention allows users to easily, quickly, and accurately determine the current health of a rotor winding of an electric motor. |
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Islam Asar |
EGYPT | ||
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Hui Jane Chong , Hui May Chong , Teck Choy Chong |
MALAYSIA | ECO-CUP | Eco-cup relates generally to a built-in detachable & removable flat paper drinking straw in the paper cup. Which is recyclable and bio-degradable.The design of flat straw is more hygiene. Peel off the flat straw from paper cup and a hollow tube will be formed after giving it a slight pinch at the longitudinal side. This is a replacement of the plastic straw which will help to reduce the plastic waste in our living environment. |
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Tomislav Bronzin |
CROATIA | Individualization of anonymous identities using artificial intelligence | Enables innovative human-computer interaction through the personalization of communication which is, at the same time, individual and anonymous. Thanks to artificial intelligence this solution, in real time, detects and recognizes the age group, gender, dimensions and proportions of the human body, and other specific characteristics of the person. Those data constitute the so-called a person's biometric footprint and are linked to a unique, but anonymous, identity that is recorded in the computer system, along with other information that make up the profile of the person. Identity anonymization is achieved by asymmetric encryption of the biometric footprint, with no additional personal information being stored, and integrity is ensured by the use of Blockchain technology. By using an anonymous but individualized identity, a person "unlocks" access to various content/capabilities of IT system that is accessed only through authentication. Collected data is GDPR compliant. |
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Mirjana Brlecic |
CROATIA | Insert Aqua Cream with Swiss Glacier Water & Undo Age Cream with Snow Algae | 24-hour refreshing hydration with Swiss glacier water encapsulated in liposomes. For extremely fresh, balanced and rejuvenated skin. The crystal clear Swiss glacier water, with its unique synergy of minerals and lecithin molecules that transport moisture to the deeper layers of the epidermis, works in perfect harmony with the skin, leaving it fresh and smooth. This innovative anti-aging active ingredient is based on the extract of the unique snow alga that has managed to develop a strategy for surviving in extreme conditions on glaciers and permanent snow. On a cellular level, snow alga protects and activates two key factors, the Klotho gene for longevity and the AMPK energy sensor, which together improve the cell defence system, oxidative resistance to stress, detoxification, and cell repair. |
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Sanja Martinez , Ivana Soic |
CROATIA | ReCorr QCQ | Device for quick and reliable laboratory and field probing of polymeric, inorganic, conversion and oxide coatings on metallic substrates as well as of self-standing films and foils will be presented. The device developed by the ReCorr Laboratory at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology of the University of Zagreb provides the users with quantitative information on coating impedance as an indicator of the coating barrier properties and protective ability. |
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Dubravko Rogale , Snjezana First Rogale , Jelka Gersak , ZELJKO KNEZIC , Suzana Uran , Sinisa Fajt, Daniel Casar Velican, Damir Begic, Sonja Sterman, Simon Rajh |
CROATIA | SMART CLOTHING FOR PEOPLE DIAGNOSED WITH DEMENTIA | Smart clothing for patients diagnosed with dementia serves as an everyday outfit with a reminder of the user's daily routine. At a certain time during the day, the reminder reminds the patient of the need to perform a specific activity that they may or must perform at that point of time, such as personal hygiene, dressing, breakfast, medication, etc. Most of all, serve as a friend to a person with dementia or disease such as Alzheimer's which characteristic property of the initial stage of the disease is characterized by short-term remembering. This type of clothing utilizes state-of-the-art communication systems and audio-visual components to appeal attention and textually display the activity which the person should perform. The reminder is made in advance, in cooperation with the doctor and caregiver of the ill person. |
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Zvonimir Viduka |
CROATIA | „M“ sensor for monorail trains | „M“ sensor for monorail trains is a special detection unit which provides safe and reliable detection of monorail train on track. Sensor is situated along the track and it senses the presence of the train by detecting its undercarriage. The current solution is a unique innovation in the world for the market of non standard modes of transportation which is gaining popularity. This innovative product is meant for operation inside vital safety systems for control and management of mass transit trains in urban areas. It is currently used in countries like China, Japan and USA. Taking into account the growing popularity of this mode of transport, it is expected that this product will be seen in operation worldwide. |
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Matea Grgic , Mirjana Pendes |
CROATIA | SESTINE BACKPACK | The Šestine backpack is conical in shape and consists of five trapezoidal pieces, each 60 cm high. Finishing stitches are additionally secured with decorative rivets, linked to a metal handle and shoulder strap. The bottom of the backpack is round and 30 cm in diameter. In the middle part of the side seam, a 30 cm long zipper is sewn. The backpack is modern, colored red, with elements of the Šestine decoration. Made of waterproof material, it is resistant to moisture and rain. It is a practical wearable souvenir, a fashion accessory for the daily rhythm of the city and for all seasons. |
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Krunoslav Gomerac , Ivan Kavic , Goran Ecimovic |
CROATIA | IOT Energy Monitoring | With the device three independent loads can be operated by using a mobile phone. The user has simultaneous insight into the current voltage, current and power on the loads along with the total consumption data. All data is stored on the Internet and is available to employees for the purpose of supervision, quality control, consumption. |
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Farhad Karimkhani , Fatemeh Heidari , Yasaman Khosro Chelvi , Naser Yousefzadeh |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | An IOT Based Intelligent Medicine Box | Many medical errors are due to the fact that people in charge of patient or elder's medication have to deal with sorting huge amounts of pills each day. An advanced medicine box monitoring, analysis and control system is proposed in this invention. The smart medicine box and health management and monitoring system can successfully solve the risk or neglect of medicines. The system includes intelligent sensors connected to the human body for physiological monitoring and an intelligent drug package for daily drug management. Medical information collected from the sensors is stored on a web page, and records obtained for patients are personal. Hence the system provides a high level of security for medical data in cloud storage. The medicine box is a promising solution to the problem of drug incompatibility, which automatically reminds the user and provides the required amount of medicine at the right time. This helps to change the course of medication treatment in the hospital at home and ultimately provides a personalized and unique treatment. According to the online re-sealing option, the physician can adjust the medication schedule by analyzing the sensor values on the web page. This system does not require any special training for operations and is therefore useful for the elderly. |
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Yao Ru-Xian , Yao Ru-Xian , Gao Jin-Feng , Junming Zhang , Ting-Cheng Chang |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | The mind-focused device (crystal ball) | The core principle of the mind-focused product (crystal ball) is to use brain wave sensing technology. The collected brain wave signals are transmitted to the equipment used via Bluetooth, allowing users to feel and measure brain waves' magic through corresponding signal processing. Related application software can realize the brain wave interaction to correct the change of the LED crystal ball's light color and display its concentration data with the APP. This product is mainly used to improve people's concentration and relaxation and help people learn to adjust to a high-pressure learning environment. |
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Aidan Hertner |
CANADA | Green Synthesis and Structural Characteristics of Silver Nanoparticles by Fresh Walnut Shell Extract | We synthesis silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) by fresh Walnut shell (FWS) extract. It was investigated with a non-pathogenic, eco-friendly and simple biological method. The AgNPs were characterized by UV–visible spectroscopy (UV-vis), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), atomic force microscopy (AFM), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA). |
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Rachel Cloutier |
CANADA | Antioxidant activity of the selenium nanoparticles based ointment | The antioxidant activity of the SeNPs was evaluated using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) methods. It was shown that radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing potential of SeNPs are significant, positive and enhancement with the increased SeNPs concentration |
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Justin Kaneza |
UNITED STATES | Giouque–function of CCl4, molecules using DFT calculations | Giouque–function (Ф0) of CCl4, CHCl3, CH2Cl2 and CH3Cl molecules were calculated using ab initio calculations at RHF, B3LYP and MP2 levels via 6-31G(d), 6-31+G(d), 6-311G, 6-311+G(d) basis sets. NCC values were used to estimate the 35Cl NQR frequencies of titled molecules |
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Cheng Loo Lim |
JAPAN | Polymer network on liquid crystal displays | Recently liquid crystal doped with polymer and nanoparticle are used to enhance physical and photo physical properties of these materials. The primary subject in the doped liquid crystal is the qualitative determination of the order parameter. |
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Ting Cheng Chang , Ting-Cheng Chang , Min-Hao Wu , Minghui Yu , Peng Yang |
CHINA | Mind Car | "Mind Car" allows the user to control the toy car to move forward, backward, turn left, and turn right in the game, as long as the player thinks about the desired action's commands. In addition to the APP software, this device also contains a wireless brainwave sensor transmitter. As long as you wear it, the device will read your brainwaves and send the data wirelessly to the receiver on the toy car to control the toy car's action. |
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Samyak Shrimali |
UNITED STATES | Sanjeevani: A Novel Automated System for Hospital Acquired Infection Monitoring and Prevention | According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1.7 million people suffer from hospital-acquired infections each year in the United States alone, which accounts for 99,000 deaths. The most prominent reason for spreading these infections is poor hand hygiene compliance in hospitals. I designed an automated system that monitors and enforces proper hand hygiene compliance in hospitals as stipulated by WHO. My multi-module system, Sanjeevani, is based on a microcontroller and sensors that track hand hygiene compliance throughout a hospital, sends real-time compliance alerts to staff for immediate corrective actions, and also provides automated compliance report generation for the hospital staff. This system is based on four modules, one module is worn by staff, it provides staff’s unique ID to other modules, and receives real-time hand hygiene compliance alerts. The other three modules detect staff and use algorithms to do detailed hand hygiene checks at patient beds, sinks, and alcohol dispensers. |
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Mohammed Yeaqut Ali Ripon |
BANGLADESH | Innovation | Its a innovative company and working with micro controller based projects.... |
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Mohammed Yeaqut Ali Ripon , 339/2nd Floor , Manidee , Dhaka Cantt. , Dhaka-106 , Bangladesh |
BANGLADESH | Innovation | I am working with self balance surveillance rover.... |
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Dr. Majid Abbasi Malekabadi , Aliakbar Tavakoli , Ali Haji Arab , Ehsan Moein , Sayed Mohammad Hossein Hosseini Najafabadi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Vein finder | Vein finder uses the light _mostly red-light_ helping the medic staff to perform faster, easier, more accurate and painless injection or blood sampling; especially when the patient is a child. The main technique in developing Vein finder is called “Trans illumination” and is based on difference in absorption of red light between flesh and the blood. Vein finder is light weighted, portable, safe for eyes, adjustable for various environmental light and useable for different organs of the body. |
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Hanieh Khazaeli , Shokoh Ghaderi , Sara Sobhani , Parichehr Ansari , Amir Amini Esfidvajani |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Design of Diagnostic Kits in Ping-Pong, Badminton and TennisGames for Kick Analysis | Design diagnostic kit in ping-pong games, badminton, tennis. The kits are installed on the specified angles on the hand, foot, and rocket on the bodies of world champions. For example: (Jan - ore waldner) ping pong, (Sherifa Jameson) badminton, (Rager Federer) teniss, to identify the correct angles during professional play. |
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Dr. Alireza Mirghiasi , Dr. Hamid Berenjkoub , Bahareh Chehrazi , Hassan Khoram Abadi , Kamran Ghorbani |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Heavenly Peace | A pressure sore (also called pressure ulcers or bedsores) is any redness or break in the skin caused by too much pressure on your skin for too long a period of time. Pressure sores are localized areas of cellular necrosis that occur most often in the skin and subcutaneous (SC) tissue over bony prominences. These ulcers may be superficial, caused by localized skin irritation with subsequent surface maceration, or deep, originating in the underlying tissue. Deep lesions often go undetected until they penetrate the skin, but by then they have usually caused subcutaneousdamage. Unrelieved pressure on the skin squeezes tiny blood vessels, which supply the skin with nutrients and oxygen. When skin is starved of nutrients and oxygen for too long, the tissue dies and a pressure ulcer forms. Skin reddening that disappears after pressure is removed is normal and not a pressure ulcer. Prevention systems seem to be essential, especially in hospitals. Mechanized and manual bed design for use by inactive patients in the hospital and at home. This bed is fitted with a heating system to keep the patient warm in winter and cooling system in summer. The function of this device is as follows: The patient is resting on the bed and depending on the specific timing the patient turns left and right. It is also equipped with a massage sensor to also massage the specific areas of the patients body. |
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Ali Mokhtari Esfidvajani , Hossein Mokhtari Esfidvajani , Ebrahim Mokhtari Esfidvajani |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Wind Panel Designer with Two Specific Goals on The Roofs of Houses | Air pollution occurs when gases, dust particles, fumes (or smoke) or odour are introduced into the atmosphere in a way that makes it harmful to humans, animals and plant. Air pollution threatens the health of humans and other living beings in our planet. It creates smog and acid rain, causes cancer and respiratory diseases, reduces the ozone layer atmosphere and contributes to global warming. In other words, Air pollution is the introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulates, or biological materials that cause discomfort, disease, or death to humans, damage other living organisms such as food crops, or damage the natural environment or built environment. This panel is mounted with a specified height on the roofs of the houses and feed on sunlight. When the air is clear and clean, these panels act as generators of electricity and when the air is contaminated, These panels automatically direct contaminated air to the designated point outside the city. |
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Eng. Seyed Mohsen Shokrolahi , Eng. Nahid Hosseinzadeh , Ali Razavian , Pouria Ansari , Amirhossein Haji Ghorbani |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Electric Monitoring of ICU Patients' Discharging Urine, by Level Meter Optical Sensors | In the intensive care unit, most of the patients' physiological parameters are sensed by commercial monitoring devices. These devices can also monitor whether the parameter values are within the range predetermined by the physician. The automation of assessment and monitoring tasks drains health care workers significantly and prevents human error, which is common in repetitive and monotonous tasks. Urine output is probably the most important physiological parameter that is not yet automatically controlled or monitored. This invention provides a low-cost device capable of detecting and monitoring urine production. Electric Monitoring of ICU patients’ discharging Urine, by Level Meter optical sensors can be installed on the patient's bed and collect the urine, meanwhile measure the volume and volume rate of liquid, sending the information to the monitoring patients vital signs device simultaneously. In the end, the overall volume is available too. This device let the medical staff know if there is something preventing discharging urine, besides giving the volume rate and the total volume. |
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Dr. Abbas Ghari Alavijeh , Dr. Elahe Izadikhah , Dr. Marzieh Asgari Moghadam , Ayoub Shahpouri , Amir Hossien Lotfi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Interprofessional education for diabetes care | The effect of interprofessional education on interprofessional performance and diabetes care knowledge of health care teams at the level one of health service providing: It seems that inter-professional education can improve the quality of health care to some extent through influencing knowledge and collaborative performance of health care team. It also can make the health –related messages provided to the covered population more consistent in addition to enhancing self-confidence of the personnel. |
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Do Nguyen Minh Anh , Hoang Nguyen Thuy Duong , Vu Minh Quang |
VIET NAM | Smokeless-smoking house | - Smokeless-smoking house is designed as a compact meeting room with different scales which depends on the needs of customers, locations or companies. The smokeless-smoking house is composed of heat-resistant, load-bearing, soundproof compsite with wifi, air conditioner and some warning sensors. In a this smokeless-smoke house, there is an important emissions treatment device that will remove the cigarette smoke through the cold plasma system, where the toxins in the smoke will be treated in this system. Residual NOx or Ozon gases are adsorbed by HEPA filters assembled in the outer of this cold plasma system. Smoke processed through this system is clean air and will be taken out. Smokeless-smoking houses equipped with solar energy will provide energy for operating equipment to minimize energy consumption |
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Nguyen Minh An |
VIET NAM | COOL AIR JACKET PROJECT | - This invention is filed patent. - Temperature changes in the last 50 years due to green house effect. Cool air jacket focuses on temperature reduction of climate change for people bodies via 02 modules attached in the back side of a jacket. Module No.1: change of heating aire into cooling air and module No.2: return of treated cooling into the body with a fan, in a cyclic manner by a principle of Eco cooler. Commerciality and applications: - Supply plan for 17 million Cambodian people with cheapest price. - Energy saving by solar cell and/or battery |
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Lin Yan Long , Lam Weng Him , Hong Weng Fong , Guan Kai Xin , Zhong Zi Qing , Yung Chon Hang |
MACAO | Robot for extreme environment exploration based on Arduino | Macao Innovation and Invention Association is a company that helps students and teachers to study and consider different kinds of science developing. Our device--Hexapod robot is being supported by them, which is one of their best products and innovations. Hexapod robot, controlled by Arduino, is mainly used in the exploration of extreme caves’ environment. With the six-foot design, it can maintain stable movement and adjust itself when flipping. To stand the extreme environment, carbon fiber is designed as the main material. Additionally, the power consumption is about 60% lower than the traditional one.Using Arduino as the core, the robot can sense and collect the environment’s data for the research through sensors. Furthermore, the robot arm can activate small holes at the tips of four arms. Thus, samples are sucked into the micro-storage library by nano-suction technology in order to collect samples. |
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Mayadah Hamed Aljahdali |
SAUDI ARABIA | 3S (Saudi Smart Standard) | It’s an improvement idea for the regular drinking injection to become more useful and easier and more accurate. The difference between the 3S injection and regular injections are that 3S injection has buttons which makes partition for the injection's hand to stop in a specified amount and hold it not to move. Additions, Braille numbers are written on the buttons. P.S. At the top of the injection there is a store for the partitions. Economic feasibility: • Simple productivity cost. • Circulate in all hospitals and health centers. • Attach with the liquid medicines. • Serving a visual disability and elderly. |
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Hou Hei Lam , Weng Ian Vu , Chi Wang Leong , Ka Sin Chong , Ka Hei Leng |
MACAO | The Design of a Flood Search and Rescue Vehicle | Nowadays, there have been many natural disasters, such as wildfire, flooding. These natural disasters cause lots of casualties and affect economic development. And in these kinds of environment, it is not safe enough for humans to search and rescue. Therefore, we designed an search and rescue vehicle. This design is a multi-functional exploration device on land and water. The current environmental conditions are acquired by the Raspberry Pi, camera lens, and ultrasonic sensor, and transmitted to the mobile phone via Wi-Fi connection in real time. At present, most of the common detectors are used for earthquakes, and this product is designed for amphibious vehicles, so that it can be used in environments after wind and flood disasters, greatly to increase its application and improve disaster relief efficiency. The user can control and use it remotely by touching the screen of the mobile phone APP. Overall, hardware components include Data collection system, transmission system and User Control System, users can control the product easily through electronic equipments. The vehicle can be used for rescue after disasters, and can be applied to existing life search technology and ocean exploration in the future. |
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Alireza Ashkabousi , Mina Motevalli Dehaki , Samer Ebrahimi , Tahoura Tahmasbi , Fatemeh Sadat Hosseini |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Air Purification Airship With Nanoporous Filters | Nowadays, because of the developed industry, an air of atmosphere contains a lot of pollutants and impurities. Most of them have a negative effect on almost all systems of the human body and on human health in general. To prevent this negative effect air should be pre-cleaned or clean directly on-premises. Cleaning the air is the main subject of this invention. For this purpose, one air filtration Airship designed that can detect air pollution with specific sensors and then sends the received weather information to its operator's computer system. In this Airship, the purification process is carried out with suction force and nano-filters embedded in the device which significantly reduces the number of hydrocarbons in the air. On the other hand, the electrical energy required by the device is supplied by solar panels and can be claimed to be environmentally friendly. |
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Mohammadreza Ashkabousi , Sara Shafiei Brenjgani , Mohammad Javad Jafari Ouregani , Reyhane Eydi , Jafar Davoodi Bardeh |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Speaker eyes | Existing problem: Blind people face many problems that can be categorized as follows: The problem of choosing the best walking path, not finding service spaces in public places (such as toilets, Police stations, etc.) These people are very smart and can often detect obstacles without seeing, and in some cases they can detect obstacles with the help of Cane, but according to the cases mentioned, about 50% of obstacles can not recognize. And they are very likely to be harmed. Our idea to solve these design and construction problems is a software and hardware system that is designed and built in the form of a wearable gadget. This gadget consists of two parts of software (smart eye-voice application that detects symptoms using a smartphone, camera and notifies the blind person via Bluetooth handsfree ) And the hardware part (this part is actually a wearable smart clothing back that has different sensors in different parts of it and their information is processed through the microcontroller processor inside it and after processing this information, the desired signs in the form of Acoustic and vibrating signals are given to the person.) The intelligent audio-visual system can be developed and its development plan is to connect this system to GPS and GSM systems so that we can design and build the first navigation system for blind people at the world. |
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Mohammadreza Ashkabousi , Haniyeh Lotfi Forooshani , Alireza Rostamizadeh Ashani , Mahan Jamshidi , Saadat Azaridehkordi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Deaf Smart Wristband | This wristband has the ability to convert sound waves into vibration, whose vibration accepts the rhythm in proportion to the sound wave.This wristband is designed in such a way that the addressee can receive tactile sensations in the form of a sense of touch after using them for a while. Then separate these waves from each other and understand their nature,Like the ringing of a telephone or the door of an alley or the calling of a person name and etc. Another use is for deaf parents who do not notice if their child is crying,They can now understand the subject through the above sound waves.Also, deaf people can use this wristband to notice car horns. For example: in certain situations when a deaf person is walking and a car approaches them from behind, (The driver is not aware that the person is deaf, so he or she will be well informed) the person will not notice after the horn.And if the driver has a high speed, there is a high probability of an accident, but with this device, he realizes quickly and can save his life. |
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Ali Shourvarzi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | ventmann | Venmann is a basic ventilator for emergency cases. It can handle CMV (controllled mode ventilation) sufficiently. It is reliable and low cost and it can be produced in large numbers in a brief time. So in pandemies like covid 19 it can be very helpfull and it acts as a supplement beside complete ventilators. It could pass dofferent tests on helathy case studies and covid 19 patients. The results were outstanding and brilliant. It can do CMV in different rates and I/Os with different volumes. It has a safety valve along side with a fine barometer to show the output pressure. |
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Faiz Arsyad , Demmy Filsafa Ratna Putra , Serira Surya Candini , Rishna Widhia Kusumawati , Arsyad Salman Yusra Abdi Jasri Country |
INDONESIA | MASCO (MANGO PEELS COFFEE) INNOVATION OF HEALTHY ARABICA COFFEE DRINKS BASED ON ZERO WASTE SYSTEM | Mango Peels Coffee (MASCO) is an innovation of healthy arabica coffee drinks that are low in caffeine based on a zero waste system, which is produced from a combination of podang mango peels extract powder and arabica coffee powder. The purpose of making this product is to reduce the amount of mango peels waste and increase the income of people who cultivate mangoes in Kediri. The process of making Mango Peels Coffee (MASCO) based on a zero waste system using the concept of waste management based on recycling activities use mango peels as an extraction material. In addition, Mango Peels Coffee (MASCO) waste can be returned to the mango tree as fertilizer. This product has many benefits because it contains secondary metabolites, namely polyphenols, AHA (Alpha Hydroxyl Acid), Anthocyanins, Flavonoids, Carotenoids, as well as Vitamins C and E which function as anticancer, antidiabetic, antioxidants, lower the risk of heart disease. Mango Peels Coffee (MASCO) products have a lower caffeine, and lower level of bitterness than other coffees because they contain antioxidants in the mango peel extract. Mango Peels Coffee (MASCO) has a distinctive taste and aroma of Indonesian culture that comes from its raw materials. Mango Peels Coffee (MASCO) is packaged using a glossy black standing pouch coated with aluminum foil that is practical to attract consumers attention and maintain product hygiene. Package size 250 Z (13 x 21 cm) contains 100 grams of mango peels coffee powder. In addition, Mango Peels Coffee (MASCO) is served in the form of arabica coffee powder that is brewed with boiling water. The selling price of Mango Peels Coffee (MASCO) is IDR 20,000 / USD 2 / pcs. The promotional media used is digital marketing-based through the website, Instagram, and other official accounts. Mango Peels Coffee (MASCO) will be marketed to national and international. Mango Peels Coffee (MASCO) will become a viable business to develop and be very profitable |
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Jimin Han , Soomin Han |
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | AI Toggle low-resolution in two-dimensional colors Show Apps | X-ray, two-dimensional images of CT are stored in HDR high-definition using AI technology, and high-definition images are displayed on LED screens. It has a function that deep-runs the system inside the high-definition resolution machine that outputs on the screen so that it can know the image by printing the high-definition image on its own. |
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Beom Seok Kim |
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LOWER HALF BODY REHABILITATION APPARATUS | The following invention consists of several tools that assists the movement of the joints to be more natural and smooth. Because the hip joint, knee joint, and ankle joint maintain balance, this Artificial Intelligence Device also helps the process of rehabilitation. Artificial Intelligence Suite (aka: A.I.S.) is made up of ultralight carbon fibers. Thus, this particular suite is utilized by patients who need help in walking and exercising, in prior to full recovery. The suite, equipped of AI, has numerous sensors as well. Two exemplary sensors are weight sensor and angular rate sensor. This medical device for the paralyzed has an advantage, in which the device is highly outstanding when it comes to weight training, one of the treatment of Rehabilitation |
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Youngseo Yoon , Minkyu Jung |
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | Cognitive Computing Recommendation System | This invention is a home total care and sponsor system that installs Bluetooth CCTV cameras in the house, understands the thoughts or words of the owner of the house, and links the place where |
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Tyler Myung |
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | Automatic Multipurpose Door | The Automatic Multipurpose Door aims to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in school settings. Moreover, the door accomplishes this through its various features such as a thermal camera that not only notifies the door to close if the tempereature of someone entering exceeds 37.5°C |
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Sunghyun Park |
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | AI HDR (High Dynamic Range),MRI, CT Image Processor | When image reading is done after MRI and CT image imaging, it is sometimes difficult to read accurately due to noise. When these problems occur, there are many cases of retaking or misdiagnosis. To reduce this problem, it is an image reading machine that uses OpenCV to normalize the images taken and post-processing them using ANN network to finally show the images with HDR, the most advanced technology that OpenCV has |
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Tristan Gagnon |
CANADA | Smart and Intelligence Bed | This project shows the design of an intelligent bed sensor that can precisely indicate the person's position and monitoring the health signs intelligently |
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Veronika Lemieux |
UNITED STATES | Active unable dielectric filter | This filter is actively controlling the transmission and reflection of the incident light. It has been made of an array of cylindrical shaped dielectric material to modulate optical properties at the resonance. |
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Asherson Brehmer |
GERMANY | Air Pollution Monitoring System | Air pollution is monitoring air pollution levels and the contaminants, and save the data on web servers for future use. |
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Haruka Fukuhari |
JAPAN | Streetlight Monitoring System | In this IoT-based project, street lights monitor the movement of humans or vehicles in the street. If the sensor can catch any movement in the street, it signals the microcontroller, which then turns on the street light. |
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Simon Richardson |
UNITED KINGDOM | TDA Coconut Mix | Thaidham Allianze is an innovative health care company focusing on anti-aging and regenerative medicine in the area of health and beauty. The company has been established since 2005 by an all-time leading actress, Ms.Jarunee Desneiges, and Dr. Ariya Sarikaphuti , the Chief of Scientific Program in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Mae Fah Laung University, and a group of leading health practitioners in Thailand. TDA Coconut Mix is a perfect drink for exogenous ketones. The formula comprises of selected blend of medium chain triglyceride (MCT) with carbon 8-10 atoms, magnesium , selenium, and chromium amino acid chelate to help burning excess fat store and enter your ketosis quickly together with your ketogenic meal plan. It helps burning excess fat , providing good fuel for the brain and increasing HDL cholesterol. It also helps in losing weight while enhancing energy for both body and brain. The formula has a tastety coconut milk which is both delicious and nutritious. |
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Asal Shirazi |
UNITED KINGDOM | JEUNVIE NATURAL SKINCARE | An award winning vegan skincare brand with only botanical natural active ingredients. Exhibiting at ITE this August: Asal Shirazi was awarded the British Empire Medal for services to Autoimmune Disease Awareness and Education. She is the founder of Jeunvie Skincare and the Autoimmune Support Awareness London. She suffers from a rare autoimmune condition. Despite this she researched the effects of chemicals on skin during pregnancy. She has a medical & pharmaceutical back ground and is a skincare practitioner. She is mostly housebound due to her disability but using her phone she talks and messages and educates/mentor others on auto immune disease. She first created Jeunvie but later was prompted by one of her stays at hospital to create a pregnancy safe skincare range for "Mums To Be" so there would be safety and peace of mind yet be able to tackle the needs of pregnant woman's skin. She has previously received medals from other European Governments for skincare innovation and her contribution to humanity and recently she has been listed for The Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2019 recognises the outstanding achievements of people across the UK.; |
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Tony Smith |
UNITED KINGDOM | Mctoxy Supplementary Product | Thaidham Allianze is an innovative health care company focusing on anti-aging and regenerative medicine in the area of health and beauty. The company has been established since 2005 by an all-time leading actress, Ms.Jarunee Desneiges, and Dr. Ariya Sarikaphuti , the Chief of Scientific Program in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Mae Fah Laung University, and a group of leading health practitioners in Thailand. Mctoxy is a special blend of research based Thai traditional herbal medicine for detoxification ,weight loss, and lowering blood lipid formula comprises of Terminalia chebula, The King of Medicine in Thai Traditional Medicine , Spirulina, Garcenia cambogia, L-carnitine, and chromium AAC . The indications are for weight reduction ,detoxification, better excretion, reducing water retention, balancing dyslipidemia, and anti-inflammation. |
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Garrett Scott |
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Choocheep Auekarn , Mr. Poramet Sitthiwong |
THAILAND | I'MMUshroom "Longgan Lingzhi Mushroom Syrup" | I'MMUshroom "Longan Lingzhi Mushroom Syrup" is a sweetening agent which has great benefits for health. Instead of sugar, this longan syrup composed of polyphenols that show high anti-oxidant activity and it is considered as low glycemic index sweetener, safer than sugar for diabetic patients. Moreover, this product also contains lingzhi extract which can promote the immune system. Using this syrup in food or drink not only provide sweetness but also promote strong health. From clinical study, it was shown that I'MMUshroom "Longan Lingzhi Mushroom Syrup" gave similar taste to sugar while maintained low blood sugar level after consuming. Long-term study also showed that this product can promote immune system by increasing immunoglobulin levels. |
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Ariya Sarikaphuti Sarikaphuti , Ariya Sarikaphuti , Jarunee Desneiges |
THAILAND | Aromatic Black Rice and Red Bean Cracker Defini Snacks Brand | Thaidham Allianze is an innovative health care company focusing on anti-aging and regenerative medicine established since 2005 by Dr. Ariya Sarikaphuti , the Chief of Scientific Program in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Mae Fah Laung University, Thailand. Aromatic Black Rice and Red Bean Craker is a low carbohydrate with natural protein and fiber snack comprises of nutritious compositions of brown rice germ and bran, aromatic black rice germ and bran, red bean, high fiber coconut flour, pea protein, and perilla seed. The snack is a good source of anthocyanin. vitamin, mineral, and antioxidants, good protein source and good fiber source from the natural compositions. It contains less than 9 grams of net carbohydrate per serving which is an ideal snack for low carbohydrate lover. The snack is a good source of anthocyanin, vitamin, mineral, antioxidants, protein, fiber, and omega 3. |
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Ariya Sarikaphuti , Ariya Sarikaphuti , Ariya Sarikaphuti , Jarunee Desneiges |
THAILAND | Mctoxy Supplementary Product | Thaidham Allianze is an innovative health care company focusing on anti-aging and regenerative medicine in the area of health and beauty. The company has been established since 2005 by an all-time leading actress, Ms.Jarunee Desneiges, and Dr. Ariya Sarikaphuti , the Chief of Scientific Program in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Mae Fah Laung University, and a group of leading health practitioners in Thailand. Mctoxy is a special blend of research based Thai traditional herbal medicine for detoxification ,weight loss, and lowering blood lipid formula comprises of Terminalia chebula, The King of Medicine in Thai Traditional Medicine , Spirulina, Garcenia cambogia, L-carnitine, and chromium AAC . The indications are for weight reduction ,detoxification, better excretion, reducing water retention, balancing dyslipidemia, and anti-inflammation. |
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Ariya Sarikaphuti , Jarunee Desneiges |
THAILAND | TDA Coconut Mix | Thaidham Allianze is an innovative health care company focusing on anti-aging and regenerative medicine in the area of health and beauty. The company has been established since 2005 by an all-time leading actress, Ms.Jarunee Desneiges, and Dr. Ariya Sarikaphuti , the Chief of Scientific Program in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Mae Fah Laung University, and a group of leading health practitioners in Thailand. TDA Coconut Mix is a perfect drink for exogenous ketones. The formula comprises of selected blend of medium chain triglyceride (MCT) with carbon 8-10 atoms, magnesium , selenium, and chromium amino acid chelate to help burning excess fat store and enter your ketosis quickly together with your ketogenic meal plan. It helps burning excess fat , providing good fuel for the brain and increasing HDL cholesterol. It also helps in losing weight while enhancing energy for both body and brain. The formula has a tastety coconut milk which is both delicious and nutritious. |
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Poramet Sitthiwong |
THAILAND | IMMU Signature | IMMU Signature is a functional beverage contained of 7 concentrated mushrooms such as Reshi Spore powder, selected from hundreds of mushrooms that useful for health. Moreover, it also riches in organic protein, polysaccharide, triterpenoid and germanium. This product is effective for immune booster and detoxification which are the cause of several diseases. IMMU Signature contains no sugar and is suitable for all consumers aged between 35-50 years who focus on healthy food or concerned about health issues. This product is all natural and no preservative added. |
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Saowakol Nimitranun |
THAILAND | SKINA : SILK SERUM DERMO SYSTEM | SKINA has been developed based on 2 main objectives: creating the added value of silk materials which are found mostly in the north of Thailand and enabling Thai people to easily reach and use this silk product. According to the clinical research, it was found that “GOLD SILK” is rich in bioactive substances namely SERICIN and FIBROIN. SERICIN is the secret of this formula because of the extraction technique which provides the low molecular weight of protein in sericin. Size of molecular weight can minimize water loss on the surface of skin and also actively restore what’s called “natural moisturizing factor” or NMF. In addition, SERICIN has many potential benefits for strengthening and conditioning skin due to its inhibitory tyrosinase activity and antioxidant property. SKINA is different from other oil base cosmetics in the market thanks to its pH 5.5, thus leaving no oil on our skin. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | Menoplexx | Menopause is sometimes called “the change of life” as it marks the end of a woman’s reproductive life. Most women will experience some symptoms differently. Menoplexx provides the ultimate solution for menopausal symptoms. It is newly formulated with the active ingredients from Ginseng Extract and Dong Quai Extract, which have been used in Chinese medicines as treatment for women’s health for thousands of years. They are phytoestrogen or dietary sources of estrogen. Menoplexx also contains Borage Oil, Flax Seed and Soy Isoflavone to adjust women’s hormones. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | Mudyceps | Oriental ingredients which are widely applied in traditional food and soup such as Reishi, Yamabushitake, Mitake, Shitake, Cordyceps and White Jelly Mushroom have been called the “medicinal mushrooms” in Southeast Asia. Interestingly, a number of researches have found that blending of these extracted ingredients are able to enhance the effect of our immune system against viral infections such as the flu (influenza), swine flu and avian flu; lung conditions including asthma and bronchitis; heart disease and cancer. Mudyceps is indeed an ideal ingredient for an anti-pollution lifestyle. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | Proteinoids | Different from other proteins available in the markets, Proteinoids contains a variety of proteins selected from several sources which help to support overall health, digestive tract and kidney function, yet causing no allergy to consumers. This innovation is blended with white egg or egg albumin, a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals; Quinoa, a grain crop that is grown for its edible seeds and always referred to as the “mother of all grains”; and a mixture of fermented rice extract, black sesame extract, roselle extract and wolfberry. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | Colladerm | Colladerm has been introduced as a result of the ever increasing ageing population when health problem becomes a big concern. It is an innovative ingredient containing a blend of unique Collagen derived from Tilapia Fish Scale, Abalone and Chicken Cartilage. A number of researches have found that these 3 compounds can support booster and proliferator fibroblast by stimulating mesenchymal cell, resulting in better conditions of skin, bone, joint and tooth, which have malfunctions when we age. |
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Nakah Thawichawat |
THAILAND | Dermanour | Pollution and free radicals are the major cause of various skin problems. Dermanour is created to provide advanced skin protection. It contains ingredients with high antioxidant compositions including Lycopene, Lutein, Grape Seed, Red Orange, Pine Bark and Aloe Vera. As a skin rejuvenator, Dermanour not only helps to reduce freckles and dark spots, but also protects the skin against UVA and UVB. Dermanour’s main ingredients inhibit cellular tyrosinase activity and function as a melanin production inhibitor. |
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Sangtawan Na Chiengmai |
THAILAND | Fin & Firm Aura Booster (Sugar free) | Fin & Firm Aura Booster (Sugar free) is a new innovation in skin collagen replenishment under the intellectual property (IP) of Chiang Mai University, THAILAND. Our product is comprised of freshwater fish collagen dipeptide, the smallest molecule of collagen and especially designed in a chewy gummy recipe to avoid loosing of collagen in gastrointestinal tract and first-pass metabolism in liver. The dipeptide is directly absorbed into the systemic circulation through buccal membrane, proceed to heart and circulate throughout the body, thus the dipeptide can immediately and effectively boost collagen synthesis. Supplements with vitamin C and L-glutathione help for enhancing healthier and more youthful-looking skin. |
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Pattalapapa Kulsasitara |
THAILAND | G-Arvee : Growth hormone booster for anti-aging & overall wellbeing | G-Arvee is an innovation for anti-aging and overall wellbeing. It helps to promote the growth hormone to impede the human natural aging process, the main cause of various chronic diseases. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a hormone that is made by our body in the pituitary gland and comprehensive researches have claimed that HGH has anti-aging properties. It is often marketed as an anti-aging hormone for adults. With the concept “fountain of youth”, G-Arvee has been modernly developed and contains 100% natural ingredients from over 10 types of protein amino acids including Inosital, L-Lysine and L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, L-Ornithine, Branch Chain Amino Acid (BCAA) and Choline Bitartrate. G-Arvee has already been approved by Thai FDA and registered for a patent. |
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Vichanee Srisawat |
THAILAND | ME VIO (ME (TM)) | Hectic city life, tension and junk food consumption are the major causes of skin problems and intestinal malfunction. ME VIO is a patented food supplement developed from multi violet berry fruits called “Super Antioxidant” for ultimate intestinal and skin detoxification. Anthocyanins, the active compounds found in these fruits, work to clarify the skin, reduce wrinkles and improve eyesight. Prebiotic (FOS, GOS and Inulin), the food of friendly bacteria in the intestine, helps regulating colon function and promoting the digestive system. |
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Chotika Wongwilas |
THAILAND | Kimberlite Berry 5 Protein & Vitamin : Supporting inner health & outer skin beauty | Unlike other products available in the markets today, Kimberlite Berry 5 Protein & Vitamin Dietary Supplement Product contains a wide variety of proteins, vitamin premix and fruit extracts carefully selected from several natural sources. As a meal replacement, this registered innovation comprises 5 proteins and vitamin premix from 9 vitamins to support the inner health, yet causing no allergy to consumers. In addition, it is blended with glutathione and a good selection of fruit extracts which have powerful antioxidant properties for outer skin beauty. INNULIN, a prebiotic fiber for friendly Lactobacilli, works to regulate the colon function. Kimberlite Berry comes in an instant power drink which provides a delectable taste. |
130 |
Rung Keeratiboriboon |
THAILAND | NAYA SESAMEEN: Boosting immune system | NAYA SESAMEEN is a Sesame Oil Capsule Dietary Supplement Product developed from White Sesame and Black Sesame using the special cold press process to maintain its natural original flavor. Sesame has been found to contain Sesamin and Sesamolin including a variety of vitamins and minerals. According to a number of researches, sesame has been found to stimulate the immune system, protect against heart disease, diabetes and arthritis. Sesame also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects as well as improves the bone health. |
131 |
Puttachat Pongsuchat |
THAILAND | Trio (Pureplus (TM)) : Ultimate solution for bone & joint problems | As we get older, our bone and joint will start to deteriorate. More than 60% of adults are affected by degenerative bone and joint disease. The primary cause of this condition is typically chronic repetitive motion that results in bone pain, inflammation and structural joint damage. To tackle with this health problem, Trio is formulated in an innovative aspect with proven benefits. It is blended with 3 important ingredients as an ultimate solution for bone and joint problems: Collagen Peptide, Calcium L-Threonate and UC II (Collagen Type II). |
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Dr. Orawan Kitchawengkul |
THAILAND | Antica : Boost immune, anti free radicals, anti inflammation & prevention of cancer & aging | Cancer is the most common fatal disease that accounted for the death of 9.6 million people around the world in 2018. The healthiest way to cope with this health-threatening dilemma is turning to the natural remedy in order to boost immunity and energy to fight against cancers, free radicals and inflammations. ANTICA is the food innovation containing beneficial phytonutrients derived from active natural extracts from Broccoli, Sea Buckthorn, Sweet Basil, Lycopene, Vitamin D3, Bilberry, Green Tea, Grape, Ginger, Turmeric, ALA and Pepper Extract. These natural ingredients abound in many important nutrients including Fiber, Vitamin K1 (Phylloquinone), Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Manganese, Anthocyanins, Quercetin, Myricetin, Lycopene, Flavonoids, Carotenoids, Vitamin E, Isothiocyanates, Sulforaphane, Carotenoids, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Catechins, Epigallocatechin Gallate or EGCG, 6-gingerol, Piperine, Curcuminoids and Curcumin. The combined actions of these ingredients are not only for treating diseases, but also for preventing the body for ultimate anti-aging virtue |
133 |
Visit Wongchotpinthong |
THAILAND | Hi-Balanz Jiaogulan Extract : Extract from Jiaogulan for lowering blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure | Jiaogulan or Panjakhan in Thai is a well-known herbal plant treasured for its rejuvenating properties that work to regulate and normalize the body to a sublime state of natural balance. Thanks to its key Saponins substances, the plant has been demonstrated to reduce blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure levels so effectively and safely. It is also rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals essential to the body such as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, salt, iron, zinc, manganese, etc. Because of its medicinal properties to prevent illness and nourish the body, Jiaogulan has been dubbed as “The herb of immortal life”. “Hi-Balanz Jiaogulan Extract” concentrated Jiaogulan extract 100 mg. is 10 times more concentrated than a drink of Jiaogulan tea. 1 capsule is equivalent to a 990-pack drink. Jiaogulan a day keeps the doctor away! |
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Visit Wongchotpinthong |
THAILAND | Hi-Balanz Reishi Extract : Extract from Reishi 300 mg for maintaining good health | Reishi (Lingzhi mushroom or Ganoderma lucidum) is an effective medicinal herb with proven therapeutic activities. It is an ingredient used in nearly 30% of traditional Chinese medicine. The active compound found in Reishi called “Ganoderma Polysaccharide” exhibits outstanding properties for enhancing the body’s immune system. It helps enhance the efficiency of cardiovascular system as well as the functions of liver and kidney. Moreover, it improves physical strength, skin’s radiance and relieves insomnia. According to a number of scientific researches, it was found that among all kinds of Reishi, Red Reishi contains the highest amount of polysaccharides. Hi-Balanz Reishi Extract is the newest innovation which is formulated with the highest concentration of Reishi extract up to 300 mg, the maximum amount as prescribed by the Food and Drug Administration, for the full effectiveness and for maintaining good health. |
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Assistant Professor Dr Pisit Maneechot |
THAILAND | PMN : Cordyceps Extract, Reishi Extract Powder and Calcium Ascorbate Dietary Supplement Product | PMN Dietary Supplement Product has been actively researched and developed from Cordyceps herbal plant under the certification from The National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), Thailand’s famous research institute with a funding program to support and transfer technology for the development of industry. Containing the highest amount of Cordycepin, an active compound found in Cordyceps, PMN has proved and highlighted its medicinal properties by combining together two powerful herbs: golden Cordyceps and Lingzhi mushroom in order to nourish and balance the body. In addition, this innovative product improves the immune system and fights against several diseases including hepatitis, renal failure, diabetes, cancer, allergies, pneumonia and high blood pressure. PMN also helps refresh the body and revive the brain. The product has been manufactured under the GMP facility. |
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Piyasak Chaumpluk |
THAILAND | ASF Scan: On-chip Assay for African Swine Fever Virus | Outbreaks of African swine fever virus worldwide severely disrupted the swine industry. Yet no vaccine is available at present. With progress of modern global logistics, the risk of cross-border viral transmission is increasing. Thus, a rapid diagnostic assay for on-site detection of the virus is needed to timely implement the control measures. ASF Scan, an on-chip assay was developed, as a point of care ASFV detection. It relies on the identification of viral CP530R gene via LAMP and the DNA hybridization, allowing the fluorescence emission on chip visibly by the naked eye. All the assay steps were completed within 40 min without relying on standard laboratory facilities. It provided no cross-reactivity to other swine viruses giving sensitivity at 100 copies of target DNA. Thus, ASF Scan provides an alternative choice for a rapid point of care control and management of the disease. The product was developed at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | ECO-FTI: Smart Connector Solution | This system connects the management system, production, distribution and online service including other eCommerce platforms to all marketplaces. Inventory is also collected at the one point. If you have many channels of selling products or many warehouses, the API of our system will support their connection to other systems in market. This system is easy to apply, time-saving and cost-saving. It also provides the online system (E-Marketing & Logistics, E-Learning & E-Training) to everyone who would like to be a part of online business. It will help you increase sales without hiring more staff. Our system is developed for everyone especially the people who sell multiple product’s channels because we believe that openness to connect everyone together will create a suitable growth together. ECO-FTI: Smart Connector Solution also includes Dragon Code Security System. It is an accurate, fast and easy tool for product authentication and verification that provides solutions. |
138 |
Ketmanee Lertkitcha |
THAILAND | D’VINE: Defines Miracle | D’VINE products are innovative skin care and hair care cosmetics embracing cultural wisdom of biodiversity together with advanced cosmetic technology. Ingredients used are mainly natural, organic, no drugs and preservative free. D’VINE products are also blended with a miracle of natural ingredients combining with the latest Lipo Nano Technology to penetrate deep down into the skin and leave your skin looking young and healthy. Since all formulae were proved and meant for dermatologist to use in their clinics, D’VINE products emphasize on tailor made with quality, safety, good efficacy and no irritation. In other words, all formulae were carefully tested, trial and error by dermatologists themselves. Therefore, if anyone expecting or looking for good efficacy for anti-aging purpose, reducing dark spot, acne, psoriasis problem, hair loss, hair growth, etc., we recommend D’VINE! |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | KIKIME: Smart Application for Healthcare Solution | Kikime is developed to be a comprehensive, accurate and efficient healthcare system. All gender, all ages and all income levels in this modern society that use this system will be strong and healthy. This system will educate people to create good hygiene in terms of food selections, exercise, and sleep. Moreover, it will connect people to exchange efficient and appropriate health’s knowledge. 1. Cell testing will explain about the details in your body including physical condition, disease, hormone level, nutrient level, and nutrients’ absorption of your body. You will create your suitable food plan base on this document. It will reduce the risk of kidney problems due to unnecessary nutrients. In addition, cell analysis in this system is analyzed using the specific technology resulting in more accurate than blood tests. There is no error from drinking water or having food before blood collection. It resists to temperature conditions including delivery time. Therefore, the cell sample can be sent with basic methods such as mailing and it can be sent across the country. 2. Using the application to collect health data including eating, exercise, and rest 3. Learning techniques in various stages through the E learning system that is installed to the application. 4. Finding sports equipment and fitness place through the network system. You can select the appropriate exercise group that has the same level as you and find your favorite sports. Therefore, Kikime is a system that you can expect to its efficiency. It is a fun, easy, and economical healthcare system. This system will improve quality of life for everyone on this planet. |
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Onprapha Promrangrit |
UNITED KINGDOM | BANANA HEEL CREAM : Bringing nature’s goodness into life | Elicited from nature’s goodness our Mother Nature has to offer, BANANA HEEL CREAM brings the simplest natural ingredients into life for cosmetic application! The heel cream contains actively banana, which according to a number of researches, provides substantial medicinal and healing properties. It effectively works to cope with cracked heels, leaving the heels soft and smooth. With the blend of shea butter, the cream also helps to speed up the wound healing on the cracked areas. The aromatic and delicious smell of the banana-infused cream leaves the body and mind totally relaxed and refreshed. The cream can be applied on heels, knees and elbows as well as other specific dehydrated areas. • Research-based natural product from the newest health and beauty remedies. • Use the simple and natural approach as opposed to expensive products. • Developed from the waste of banana peels to make them commercialization, reducing the waste and protecting the environment. |
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Onprapha Promrangrit |
UNITED KINGDOM | BIOWAY TRIPHALA HERBAL BEVERAGE | Triphala which literally means “three fruits” has been demonstrated to function as a complete body cleanser and detoxifier. Not only does Triphala help to detoxify and cleanse the colon, it also purifies the blood and removes toxins from the liver. This traditional Ayurvedic medicine also has anti-cancer properties, which raise the hope for cancer treatment. BIOWAY TRIPHALA HERBAL BEVERAGE contains three different fruits famous in ancient folklore since Lord Buddha’s time. The fruits named in Thai include “Samor Tate” (Terminalia belerica Roxb.), “Samor Thai” (Terminalia chebula Retz.) and “Makham Pom” (Phyllanthus emblica Linn.). Thanks to its high vitamin content and a group of antioxidant compounds, it is an effective laxative that also supports the body’s strength. Triphala is so well-known that a popular saying goes like this: “You do not have a mother? Don’t worry, as long as you have Triphala in your life!” and “When in doubt, use Triphala.” |
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Onprapha Promrangrit |
UNITED KINGDOM | LAKOOCHA HERBAL HAIR AND SCALP CONDITION SERUM | Hair loss, dandruff and itchy scalp are an alarming problem in many people from different parts of the world. Even though there are various hair care products available on the market, the results may not be satisfactory. This research-based and award-wining condition serum is the latest innovation developed from carefully selected Artocarpus Lakoocha Roxb and ginger (Zingiber officinale), two indigenous Thai herbal plants which contain a number of active compounds including tannins, flavonoids, polysaccharide and anthocyanin. This concentrated serum nourishes hair root and scalp by detoxifying all residual chemicals and dirt to prevent hair loss, heal dandruff and stimulate hair growth. Free from SLS, Silicone and Paraben, it is gentle for all hair conditions. • Ideal for use in patients who lose their hair after undergoing medical treatment or chemotherapy. • Recommended by pharmacists, healthcare practitioners and wellness center operators. • Proven clinically result and dermatologically tested on human skin with safety benefits. |
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Sarawan Angsantikul |
UNITED KINGDOM | DINN COCONUT POWDER BODY SCRUB | DINN COCONUT POWDER BODY SCRUB has been developed from hand-selected and organically grown natural ingredients. Blended with coconut powder, this innovative product can gently yet effectively exfoliate dead skin cells without over drying. With the addition of natural honey and milk, the body scrub leaves the skin feeling soft, pampered and lathering with freshness, whilst the mind deeply relaxed with the aroma and reaching a total state of mind and body harmony. The scrub salt used in the product is extra delicate, soft and is not harmful even to the sensitive skin. • Coconut is excellent for keeping the skin young and beautiful. Its antioxidant property slows down the ageing process by protecting the body from harmful free radicals. It washes away excess oil from the skin and keeps the skin tone more even. • Honey is a natural exfoliator to take off dry, dull skin and reveal new skin cells underneath. |
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Onprapha Angsantikul |
UNITED KINGDOM | ECO-FTI: Smart Connector Solution | This system connects the management system, production, distribution and online service including other eCommerce platforms to all marketplaces. Inventory is also collected at the one point. If you have many channels of selling products or many warehouses, the API of our system will support their connection to other systems in market. This system is easy to apply, time-saving and cost-saving. It also provides the online system (E-Marketing & Logistics, E-Learning & E-Training) to everyone who would like to be a part of online business. It will help you increase sales without hiring more staff. Our system is developed for everyone especially the people who sell multiple product’s channels because we believe that openness to connect everyone together will create a suitable growth together. ECO-FTI: Smart Connector Solution also includes Dragon Code Security System. It is an accurate, fast and easy tool for product authentication and verification that provides solutions. |
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Osman Rihan |
SUDAN | Soma baby monitoring and protection device | My device is use to protection of children from fire, or any things that can harm the child also descripe child location |
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Alfatih Mohamed Abdalmotalab Alhassan |
SUDAN | Modern Gold Detector | The presentation will contain a small model of the modern gold detector, which can work in front of visitors through a description of the work method. Posters explaining the practical and economical capabilities of the device. Posters about participation in competitions and events inside and outside the country. |
147 |
Babekir Mohammed Elmostafa |
SUDAN | sudan vascular internal blood pump | participated in stars of sciense 2019 and contact with prototyping company in usa to start animal trial moddel cause the prove of concept went good |
Row | Inventors Name | Country | Title Of Invention | Brief Description |
1 |
Ricardo Lutomawa , Andrew Lembo Massengi |
UNITED KINGDOM | Mandombe | Mandombe script was inspired by Mr wabeladio Payi in 1978. Therefore, Mr Wabeladio by oberving the wall of bricks discouvered that the supperposition of the bricks are two forms which dorm deux and five and from rheir started the scriot. From this I have been discouvered the process of producrion from Raw material to finished product. |
2 |
Serigne Mansour Diop , Wael Hamhoum |
SENEGAL | Smart'Analyzer | Our application called "Smart Analyzer" is an application for detecting all kidney abnormalities at an early stage. It therefore makes it possible to prevent/reduce the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems worldwide. Smart Analyzer offers the following solutions: - Make diagnostics accessible to everyone and at an affordable cost - Allow daily and home consultation - Balance your diet in order to prevent possible diseases that are not necessarily associated with renal function due to the recommendations proposed by the prototype - Allow daily and remote monitoring of the patient by his doctor |
3 |
Nizamutheen Mohamed Anees , N. M Anees |
SRI LANKA | Paper currency senitizing | RAC 19 PAPER CURRENCY SANITIZER. |
4 |
Nizamutheen Mohamed Anees , N. M Anees |
SRI LANKA | Know I am introducing | I haven't enough money to register with your competition.if you give me the chance I will do my level best Thank you so much for your support. |
5 |
Saleem Almiyah |
YEMEN | steriananolight | The product related to use in every dental clinic to decrease the fail in endodontic treatment and the company in UK related to Business Support |
6 |
Luy Mithona , Mr. Rachana Chhoeung , Ms. Heng Sovanmonynuth , Ms. Nguon Sophorn , Mr. Sam Bandithviphou , Mr. Luy Mithona |
CAMBODIA | NU Power Strip | NU Power Strip is an embedded system that allows users especially older and disabled people who can use their voice to control the fan to turn on or off in Khmer voice command based on Google Speech to Text API via Arduino UNO Microcontroller to automatically convert voice or text to control the fan. In order to do that, we will create a NU Power Strip app controller with the ability to translate voice and text commands by the users. In particular, we want to have more research on the embedded systems in Industry 4.0, so that the quality of our students will never be lost compared to international students. |
7 |
Luy Mithona , Mr. Rachana Chhoeung , Mr. Sam Bandithviphou , Mr. Phalinhour Sorn , Mr. Manuth Sorn , Mr. Luy Mithona |
CAMBODIA | NU Smart Attendance | Smart Attendance is an AI attendance system that allows users get to attend more conveniently and save time by using face recognition algorithms to recognize the detailed information of the users and check the attendance for them automatically based on passing by the camera. In order to do that, we will create a Smart Attendance controller system integrate with Microsoft excel to automatically get the attendant of the users. In particular, we want to have more research on AI technology in Industry 4.0, so that the quality of our students will never be lost compared to international students. |
8 |
Mr. Chuop Sopheak , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Miss. Khat Sorina , Miss. Rey Chansunday , Miss. Oum Sreypich |
CAMBODIA | Fascinating Khmer Dishes system | The main point of view in making this proposed project is to show the world how well developing Cambodia country is. To show a big passion by giving in new technology to the country, Khmer tradition will never have vanished from every citizen’s heart. Cambodians will taste the new wonderful treat of the modern system within hidden amazing features inside the tablet. More than that, the touch screen system with no communication to other people will possibly change a better atmosphere for customers in the restaurant. Plus, the pandemic virus disease will be safely prevented, and easy making decision tablet. |
9 |
Mr. Chuop Sopheak , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Lov ThaiLeng , Mr. Chiv Vonghong , Mr. Kong Sovanarith |
CAMBODIA | The Memorable of French Colonial in Cambodia | Phnom Penh has plenty of colonial-era buildings. The old buildings will stay last longer. However, if we do not renew, it will suffer. We observe that About 40% of old French colonial architecture is being demolished, to make way for modern high-rises. This has seriously affected the architectural, historical, and cultural values of capital. So we should renovate the old France colonial building to become a community place for cyclo that can attach the tourism to visit and feel back to the Cambodia historical. |
10 |
Nisar Sarwar , Faizan Khan , Farhana Sohaib , Bakhtawer Sohaib |
PAKISTAN | Nisar sarwar | This is the most traditional of the organizational structures that businesses use. There’s an executive at the top of the heap, people responsible for each area (the director tier is for bigger businesses), and teams of people who do the work in each department. The advantage of this type of organizational structure lies in its simplicity. The disadvantage ageless in its rigidity and the length of time needed for information |
11 |
Mr. Chuop Sopheak , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Lun Sochetra , Mr. Dara Posdar , Ms. Horn Seavmey |
CAMBODIA | The Jayavarman Communication System (Maintenance and Study of Security and Tourism Destinations on Kulen Eco-Culural Natioanl Park) | Phnom Kulen for Cambodians is considered a sacred mountain for local people to worship and bathe in the waterfall. In addition, it is also an attraction for foreign tourists to visit. A few years ago, a couple of tourists with a guide, got lost and spent the night on Phnom Kulen, due to the fact that there were many attractive site to visit through thick forest. |
12 |
Kawai Huang , Un-Man Wong , Ka-Wai Huang, Garvie , Yi-Xing LIANG |
MACAO | Yes, please. Title of Entry: An Integrated Quality Inspection System for the Rotor of Commutator Motor based on EEMD Algorithm. | The present invention provides a comprehensive quality detection system for commutator electric rotor based on EEMD algorithm to realize (harmonic extraction) wavelet transform. It allows the user to quickly and accurately determine the current health of the commutator rotor, preventing catastrophic motor failure. The system consists of three parts: (1) Electromagnetic generator which excites power between turns of rotor windings; (2) The electromagnetic probe accurately locates the black metal belt near the measured rotor winding, and detects the inter-turn short circuit fault of the windings through mechanical vibration and digital algorithm; (3) To deal with the noise auxiliary signal (NADA) existing mode aliasing problems and put forward the auxiliary analysis of EEMD calculus method. This invention address the need to prevent catastrophic motor failure and satisfy the market's needs by providing a novel, high-performance, low-cost, easy-to-operate fault detection device for ITSCF. |
13 |
Chikit Wong , Wong Chi Kit , Chen Jia Hao , Weng Jia Ning , Liang Yi Xing |
MACAO | Yes, please. Title of Entry: Using smart buoys to build the global four-in-one Internet of Things. | In our research, we begin our study on radio waves for the IoUWT. Radio wave communication has significant advantages in terms of its ability to provide low-latency data transmission, high data bandwidth connectivity. To solve the short-range issue due to signal attenuation, we proposed the use of "Smart Bouys" that act as relays between the "underwater things." These smart buoys consist of a cable connected underwater antenna array transceiver that receives and transmit data to and from the underwater sensors and a Surface transceiver that allows communication between other smart buoys, surface vessels, planes, etc. This maritime communication system architecture allows the very long-distance transmission for underwater things. |
14 |
Luy Mithona , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak , Mr. Thor Samrach , Mr. Ung Chisreng , Mr. Ngom Menglang |
CAMBODIA | Development Khmer Heritage Building in Modern Technology. | Preservation Master Plan for Conservation and renovation: Lifting up the whole building to prevent from the flood in raining season. Replace timber, roof tile, and wooden structure at deterioration and decay portion by keeping its authenticity and architectural esthetic. We plan to arrange each story (Floor) for its original function as follow: |
15 |
Roddy Laretive |
UNITED KINGDOM | Roddyz World Of Inventions | I have 10 Patented Inventions, all my Inventions are working prototypes as I will be willing to display and demonstrate.All of my Patent's are for sale.I am a sole trader and have been an Inventor since 2003. I have an Expodition in London Olyimpia in March 2022. I have a further 19 more Inventions not yet confirmed. www.RODDYZWORLDOFINVENTIONS.CO.UK |
16 |
Toader Eusebiu , Nitan Ilie , Paval Mihaela , MILICI Dan Laurentiu , Cernusca Dumitru , Milici Mariana, Graur Adrian, Dimian Mihai, Ungureanu Constantin |
ROMANIA | Pumping system | The pumping system according to the invention consists of a cylindrical container (1), provided with a piston (2) which is moved by means of a rod (3) terminated with a T-shaped profile, provided at the lower end with a support (4) fixing two nitinol springs (5) and (5 '), and the upper part of the rod profile (3) acts at the ends of the stroke the double microcontacts (M1), (M1') and (M2) respectively , (M2'), which controls the closing and opening of the electrovalve (6), the fans (7) and (7') and disconnects the heating circuits of the nitinol springs (5) and (5') controlled alternately by the relay contacts (k1) and (k2) by means of a microcontroller (8). |
17 |
Milici Dan Laurentiu , Paval Mihaela , Nitan Ilie , GROSU Oana , Toader Eusebiu , Popa Cezar, Atanasoae Pavel, Bobric Crenguţa Elena, Irimia Daniela |
ROMANIA | Energy recovery system | The energy recovery system according to the invention consists mainly of a fixing body 1 with LED light sources 2 facing downwards for the illumination of the access path and an articulated arm 3 connecting to the hinged door / pivoting window, provided with an axis 4 whose movement is multiplied by means of a mechanical multiplier 5 and is taken over by the direct current generator 6, and by means of the battery charging system 7 the battery 8 is charged and supplies the LED light sources 2 placed on the fixing body 1 , the system counting the number of openings by noticing the double change of the direction of the voltage generated by the direct current generator 6. |
18 |
Mohammadmasoud Mahmoudi , Fardin Rastegar , Fatemeh Kazemi , Maryam Gholami Shirin Abadi , Shaghayegh Norouzi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Movable Orthosis with the Ability to Prevent Foot Drop and Venous Thrombosis and Maintain Muscle Contraction | Movable orthosis consists of (mechanical lock, body, dorsal pedal pulse check sensor, two-way pulse oximeter sensor, inflatable inner layer, outer layer, electrical message transmitting leads, orthosis insole, moving hinge, Interface between the inflatable inner layer with the air pump). By connecting the inner layer to a small mobile air pump through the air tube, the inner layer will be inflated and will put pressure on the muscles and venous valves. Following to that, it prevents venous stasis and failure of returning blood from feet to the upper limbs. By connecting electrical leads to the TENS machine, impulses will be transmitted to the muscles through the interface wires, which prevents atrophy and reduced leg muscles contraction. Also, by connecting the movable hinge to the screen through the interface wire, with contribution of the specially designed program for the movements of feet (number of movements, the degree of joint flexion, the interval between movements), through the movable hinge, it causes the feet to move and prevents foot drop and foot deformity. Furthermore, due to the placement of the heart rate sensor and pulse oximeter sensor, the number of dorsal pedal pulses and the amount of oxygen saturation of blood are measured. The purpose of designing this orthosis is to prevent foot drop, venous thrombosis and blood stasis, reduce of muscle contraction and atrophy, and monitor the pulse rate and oxygen saturation of the blood. |
19 |
Rauda A. Mohamed , Rauda A. Mohamed , Wan Md. Zin Wan Yunus , Rabbani Muhamad , Ong Keat Khim , Siti Aminah Mohd Noor |
MALAYSIA | Methyl-2-Pyridyl Ketoxime: A Potential Organophosphate-Inhibited Acetylcholinesterase (OP-AChE) Reactivator Suitable to be Used as a Broad-Spectrum Antidote for Organophosphate Poisoning Treatments | Methyl-2-pyridyl ketoxime which was synthesized from 2-acetylpyridine by reacting this starting material with hydroxylamine using a one-step reaction was evaluated for its ability to reactivate organophosphate inhibited acetylcholinesterase (OP-AChE). In silico study showed that this product has better binding energies as compared to that of 2-Pralidoxime (2-PAM), the commercially available drug against chlorpyrifos-, malathion-, sarin- and VX-inhibited AChE. These findings could be a breakthrough for a broad-spectrum antidote for OP poisoning treatment since the commercialized antidote works well only on certain OPs. Further investigation by in vitro study indicated that this compound was comparable in term its efficiency and in some cases, slightly more efficient than that of 2-PAM to reactivate AChE from malathion-inhibited AChE. In addition, IC50 test showed that this reactivator was less toxic than 2 PAM. Methyl-2-pyridyl ketoxime is promising and better than the existing commercial compounds to be used as a reactivator for OP inhibited ACh |
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Raz Amzar Fahimi Rozali , Suzi Iryanti Fadilah , Raz Amzar Fahimi Rozali |
MALAYSIA | Driver Monitoring System (Blink, Yawn, and Gaze) | The purpose of this product is to develop driver monitoring system that could act as an assistant for the driver during the driving process. The system is aimed to reduce fatal crashes caused by driver’s drowsiness and distraction. For the drowsiness, the system operates by analysing eye blinks and yawn frequency of the driver while for distraction, the system work based on head pose estimation and eye tracking. The alarm will be trigger if any of the condition occur. Main part of the implementation of this system will be using python with computer vision, while Raspberry Pi, which is uniquely designed for the hardware platform and the speaker for alarming. In short, this driver monitoring system can always monitor drivers to avoid accident in real time |
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Ley Fong Chieng , Nicholas Too Kah Hee , Summer Ting In Hui , LAETITIA LAW EU QI , Siao Chin Tze , Chieng Ley Fong |
MALAYSIA | PYROPROSTASIA | Pyroprostasia is a fire prevention device which designed to prevent electrical fires in residential areas. It is able to ensure the safety of the users while using multipurpose plugs or extension cords. It helps us to be more alert about overloading a circuit. It functions before fires ignite. It is designed using Arduino and temperature sensor is used to detect the wires’ temperature. When it reaches the dangerous range, the red light will light up and the piezo will ring to attract users’ attention. Moreover, it will cut off the power supply automatically within five seconds when it is overheated. |
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Tajul Afiq Tajul Arus , Muhammad Shaiffullah Ahmad , Muhammad Danial Hakim Zulkefley , DANISH AIMAN MD NOOR HISHAM , Muhammad Harun Hasif Azman , Muhamad Syahmi Che Sa |
MALAYSIA | THE USE OF PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTER IN SPEEDBUMP WITH PASSING VEHICLE TO GENERATE CLEAN ELECTRICITY | Nowadays, harvesting energy from vibration is one of the most promising technologies. Wasted vibration energy can turn into electrical energy. The electricity generated can be stored, used efficiently to give power to many low-power electronic appliances. The idea of harvesting electrical energy from vehicles passing through speed bumps at varying speeds is presented. It uses Explicit Dynamics to study the behaviour of the wheel going over the speed bump. The study observed and analysed passing by on PZT tile at the velocity of 5km/h, 10km/h.15km/h,20km/h,25km/h, and 30 km/h were observed and analysed. An analysis of the deflection and stress distribution on the speed bump using ANSYS workbench was analysed to convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy. With better positioning of piezoelectric energy harvester, a high output voltage was obtained. In this research project, a highly stable output was achieved when the car passes over the speedbump above 15Km/h. |
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Kamel Earar , Kamel Earar , Anamaria Zaharescu , Oleg Solomon , Gabi Topor |
ROMANIA | Process for decontamination of the endodontic space and that with periodontal pathogenic microorganisms | The invention relates to a process for decontamination of the endodontic space and that with pathogenic periodontal microorganisms, which uses the coexistence of two unconventional treatment systems: injection of 5% hydrogen peroxide, chemically stabilized and antimicrobial laser photodynamic therapy type DENMAT - SOL. |
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Costoiu Mihnea Cosmin , Semenescu Augustin , Doicin Vasile Cristian , Ulmeanu Mihaela Elena , Cîrstoiu Cătălin, Doicin Ioana Cristina, Mateș Ileana Mariana |
ROMANIA | Orthopedic device for correction of the TALIPES CALCANEUS / TALIPES CALCANEOVALGUS DEFECT | The invention relates to an orthopedic device for the correction of a malposition of the foot expressed by the defects talipes calcaneus and talipes calcaneovalgus, particular variants of Talus valgus, and to the process for obtaining it. The orthopedic device for Talipes calcaneus / Talipes calcaneovalgus defect correction, is composed of a fixed subassembly, which is fixed to the leg of the foot, a movable subassembly, which is attached to the foot of the defective foot, a snail-snail gear and a graduated cap, which is fixed with the help of screws with clogged head. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Dinu-Pîrvu Cristina Elena , Popa Lăcrămioara , Ghica Mihaela Violeta , Anuța Valentina , Prisada Răzvan-Mihai, Velescu Bruno Ștefan, Talianu Marina-theodora |
ROMANIA | Biocompatible oil in water microemulsions with hyaluronic acid and salicylic acid and method for obtaining thereof | The invention refers to biocompatible oil in water microemulsions with hyaluronic acid and salicylic acid, designed for topical application in dermatologic therapy of acne and a method for obtaining thereof. |
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Pedram Foroughi Shad , Hassan Moheb Jalili , Haniyeh Ghassabzadeh Alamdari , Nazanin Daneshvar Mousaei , Aref Farokhi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | LED MCPCB integrated LED Driver | Our invention is on the subject of LED lighting. Any bulb product has its own LED MCPCB(LEDs) and driver included in a body. But weak point of such a arrangement is increasing temperature in driver electronic elements. LED MCPCB produces heat under LED module. Heat goes to driver elements especially output electronic capacitors. Such behavior takes effect on the life of output capacitors and decrease life of the whole product. Base on this weak point, we find a new way for decreasing such an effect. We invent a new MCPCB that includes driver elements inside it. The heat generation from LED MCPCB does not affect so much on electronic parts which are for driving power for LEDs. On the other hand the life time of product will increase too. We hope that this way will be used in all of bulb body in lighting companies. Best regards to those who attend our invention. |
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Erfan Aminpoor , Shayan Azar , Danial Shamasblou , Parsa Bakhshayesh , Seyyed Saber Mirhosseini |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | UV-Resistant Plastics Using Titanium Dioxide/Zinc oxide Nanocomposites | Plastics are widely used polymers that are increasingly used outdoors. Polymers undergo changes in appearance under different weather and UV conditions. Typically, these materials undergo prolonged exposure to UV light, change color, and mechanical properties, including reduced tensile strength and impact resistance, brittleness, cracking, and flaking.Nanotechnology, along with other research fields such as life sciences, physics, chemistry, medicine, engineering, cognitive sciences and information technology, has gained considerable importance due to its wide range of applications. A variety of nanoparticles (NPs) reinforced composites have been developed that typically consist of up to 5% w/w NPs. The addition of NPs into films has made end products fire resistant, lightweight, stronger in thermal and mechanical performance and less permeable to moisture and gases. When incorporated in plastic films, nanoparticles-such as zinc oxide (ZnO) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) are capable of reducing the flow of oxygen inside packaging containers. This patent revealed on method for using ZnO/TiO2 NPS in plastic as making (bio) polymers in order to improve their mechanical properties. The sol-gel method was used to fabricate the nanoparticles and then nitric acid was added as a drip catalyst. They were then calcined at 675°C. XRD and SEM analysis were used to characterize the prepared powder. Recycled plastics were exposed to UV radiation for 3 days and it was observed that in the control sample, the color of the plastics changed. |
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Ghazal Nooraei |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | PIANO ASSISTANT | One of the requirements of musicians and students of the Piano is the coordination of the hands when playing Piano, so it’s very difficult to turn the note sheets while playing, because both hands are busy. In this case to see the next page, player should stop playing or someone must stand next to the musician and turn the pages. This invention has two parts, software part or an application which is active under the Android system and hardware part or foot pedal that connects to a mobile phone or tablet through (Wifi). It has several modes and options. The images of the desired note sheets are taken through the camera of the mobile phone or tablet and get uploaded in the application, also it’s possible to correct the dimensions and position of the image. After selecting the images and uploading them, then you can set a proper speed with (Metronome) which is included in the program, then the user can start working. After reaching the last note in the image, user by pressing the foot pedal can change the page without manual intervention and continue to playing without any pause. Also the foot pedal has more options and benefits. |
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Attila Kazemian , Amir Ali Mirabi , Barman Badiozzamani Tari Nazari , Naami Salehin , Seyed Saber Mirhosseini |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Extraction and Characterization of Nano-keratin from Horse Hoof: A Potential Material for Recycled Plastic Applications | The amount of plastics ending up in the waste stream seems to be ever increasing. In Western Europe, it is currently estimated to be rising at 4% a year. This is because plastics are an extremely useful and versatile set of materials. They have found use in a whole range of products such as consumer goods, packaging, automotive, and construction. The way to solve the reduction of plastics in the environment is to make recycled plastics, one of the main problems of which is not having enough strength. A broad category of insoluble proteins that associate as intermediate filaments (IFs), a cytoskeletal element with 8–10 nm diameter, were being referred to the term “keratin”. Apart from being the principal constituent of the stratum corneum of human and animal skin, keratins are also found in exoskeletal materials such as horns, hooves, hair, feathers, wool, and nails. Keratin from the hoof is a less explored source for making valuable products. In this invention, recyclable polyethylene plastics were collected and to strengthen and resist the wear of these plastics, keratin nano-powder from horse hoof was used. The resulting keratin nano-powder was used in recycled plastics to increase strength and abrasion resistance due to its high strength. Then 20 g of the collected plastics were melted by suitable heat and solvent and 0, 0.3, 0.5, and 1 g of keratin nano-powder were added and molded. Tensile strength and wear tests were performed to evaluate the properties and the best properties and results were obtained for the sample with 0.5 g of keratin nano-powder. |
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Hasan Mosazadeh , Hossein Mousazadeh , Amir Ghorbani , Farahnaz Akbarzadeh Almani , Maral Arabi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Smart tourist bed of elderly to improve their quality of virtual travel and quality of life | Travel in old age and factors such as quality of sleep, happiness, and physical activity are issues that affect the quality of life of the elderly quality of travel and the quality of life of the elderly. we know that the elderly cannot sit in a normal smart bed for a long time during the trip. Traveling is enjoyable when they can lie down on a comfortable reclining bed along the way. Therefore, paying attention to the elderly`s independence in the conduct of their personal affairs, the importance of easy use, meeting primary and secondary needs related to bed, and comfort and ease in elderly care at physical and psychological levels in the travel are the most important factors which need to be taken into account in bed design for elderlies. The intelligent system of the device and the bed, while establishing friendly communication with the user through sensors and cameras, continuously measures the sleep, health and behavior of the user and takes appropriate measures. It can also help control the patient's sleep and wake time and exercise. With this bed, the quality of travel for the elderly Improves. also, information about the patient's medical history, medication time and health information are stored in the folding smart bed memory and the smart seat regularly monitors the oxygen in the passenger's blood and the health of the elderly. Elderly travelers are comfortable during the virtural trip and improving the quality of travel has a positive effect on their mental health. |
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Diana Ghasemi Raeiyati Marhabaei , Setayesh Sadat Baghermanesh , Anousha Bagheri Tehrani Fard , Marziyeh Azadfalah , Zeinab Vafadari Mehrizi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Air Purifier Filter Based on Nano and Micron Filter: Can be Installed on the Air Conditioner Valve | In recent years, especially in developing countries, pollution has become increasingly serious. Atmospheric particles are a general term for a variety of solid and liquid particles in the atmosphere. Depending on the particle size, the contamination is divided into respirable particles and fine particles, which are smaller than 10 mm and 2.5 mm, respectively. With the rapid development of industry, environmental issues are increasingly highlighted. Exhaust gases and corrosive fumes produced by industries such as thermal power generation, Steel and cement are very serious. A common treatment method is dust filtration. Due to the problems caused by air pollution, in this invention, a system has been designed and built that can be installed on the vents of water coolers. In this invention, nano and micron filters have been used to purify the incoming air. This study will improve our understanding of the microorganism removal effectiveness of the nano silver, nanofiber with micron filters used in air purification. The antimicrobial action of silver nanoparticles has been widely reported against a broad spectrum of microorganisms. Silver nanoparticles are a safe and effective antibacterial metal that, along with the micron filter, are non-toxic to animal cells while highly toxic to bacteria. This filter can be installed on all air conditioner vents, including homes and offices, and it has the ability to change the size and, surprisingly, leads to the purification of polluted air. |
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Parisa Sadat Saberali |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Making Renewable and Waterproof Paper Using Natural Material | While paper is an inexpensive and readily available resource, it also causes an incredible drain on planetary resources. The entire process of making tree pulp-based paper creates a major environmental strain in multiple ways. Starting with the volume of water and oil needed to process trees down to paper, all the way through to the finished paper products that are destroyed, thrown away, or otherwise used up, it adds up to a lot of natural resources expended to create products that don’t typically last all that long. When you factor in the trees cut down, the water waste, the oil used to power machinery, and the impacts on the ecosystems the trees are taken from, the process of making a paper has widely spread effects. On the other hand, according to the FAO, every year 11 million hectares of the world's forests are destroyed and destroyed to provide fiber for pulp production. Changing the main materials of industrial papers from wood to non-wood sources is a desirable method that prevents the destruction of the environment. In this invention, dung was used as a raw material and the use of natural materials such as starch, gypsum and cotton in paper production was used. Nanoparticles were also used as waterproofing and paper refining. Production paper has the ability to write, fold, easy and fast to carry, white color and light weight and is completely environmentally friendly. Given the importance of preserving natural resources and forests and the vision of developed countries to preserve trees and the environment, we have taken the first steps to provide environmentally friendly paper and hope to achieve commercial and economic production in the future. |
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Ghazal Attari , Aynaz Cheraghi , Reyhaneh Kabiry |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Scientific Estimates of the Age of the Universe Using VIREO Virtual Observatory | The Virtual Educational Observatory, VIREO, is a simulated astronomical observatory that provides a realistic environment for demonstrating and teaching modern astrophysical research techniques. VIREO simulates modern astronomical observation by accessing a number of databases, both online and in data files provided with the software. Humans have always been looking for the question of how many years have passed since the beginning of the world. By spectroscopy of 12 sample galaxies using the VIREO, we first calculate their velocities away from ourselves, then measure the Hubble constant by measuring the distances of these galaxies using the spectral parallax method. Finally, by inverting it and performing a number of unit conversions, we obtain the age of the universe. First, we used Hubble's theory and theories of the origin of the universe using field research, and then, using vireo, we calculated the spectral displacement (redshift) in the spectrum of 12 distant galaxies as a sample and calculated the Hubble constant. The age of our calculations for the universe is 13.08 billion years, and the age that the Hubble Space Telescope has calculated for the universe is estimated at 13.80 bilion years. |
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Zahra Farazmand , Sayed Ali Nourian Najafabadi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Neurostorm- a collaborative, open-source application dedicated to the analysis of brain recordings: MEG, EEG, fNIRS, ECoG, depth electrodes and multiunit electrophysiology | Our objective is to share a comprehensive set of user-friendly tools with the scientific community using MEG/EEG as an experimental technique. For physicians and researchers, the main advantage of Brainstorm is its rich and intuitive graphic interface, which does not require any programming knowledge. We are also putting the emphasis on practical aspects of data analysis (e.g., with scripting for batch analysis and intuitive design of analysis pipelines) to promote reproducibility and productivity in MEG/EEG research. Finally, although Brainstorm is developed with Matlab (and Java), it does not require users to own a Matlab license: an executable, platform-independent (Windows, MacOS, Linux) version is made available in the downloadable package. |
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Farbod Fakhimi Kamal , Amirsoheyl Pirayeshfar |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Synthesis of Novel Biodegradable Starch Glycerol Compound instead of Polylactic Acid (PLA) to Biowastes and Plastics Recycling | Biodegradable polymer compounds are highly regarded in Europe for their commercial use, more than 1 million tons per year. Among these materials, thermoplastic Starch compounds (TPS) are mentioned with suitable biodegradability due to hydrophobic structure, that according to DIN54900, their biodegradability has been fully proven. The first series of starch blends using polylactic acid (PLA) was evaluated by Bichoff and Walden in 1983 for their usability in the production of renewable packaging and bottles. In this research, a novel compound of starch using glycerol and acetic acid with chemical structures compatible with starch and its physical and mechanical properties have been evaluated as a suitable substitute of polylactic acid compounds. This mixture as PLA can be molded by continuous extrusion method and mineral salts such as egg shell can be used to increase the strength, and this is al so a way to remove metal salts that pollute the environment. Although the elastic modulus of the eggshell is less than talc fillers e.g. in the polypropylene (PP) polymer blends, but it will increase the elastic modulus of such compounds higher. This effect has been investigated by evaluating the morphology of the present compounds through microscopic methods along with investigating strength and physical and mechanical properties along using carbon black fillers through black ink or other colors such as green ink within colorable polymeric specimens. |
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Mehrdad Salamatian , Nayere Salamatian |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | TAC.O.P.S Intelligent Air Purifier with HEPA Filters, Porous Ca NPs and TiO2 NPs Active in Visible Light | Air pollution exposure is associated with oxidative stress and inflammation in human cells, which may lay a foundation for chronic diseases and cancer. In 2013, the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization (WHO) classified air pollution as a human carcinogen. In this invention, to solve the pollution problem, an air purifier was made with 3 HEPA filters, graphene/activated carbon filter, and filtered nanoparticles of activated titanium dioxide particles in the visible area. Graphene and activated carbon are combined to increase the synergistic effect and also by doping cobalt and cerium in titanium dioxide leads to increased bandwidth and activation of photocatalytic properties. We became visible in the area of light. The body of this design is made of metal and UPVC and to observe the performance of the device from a dust meter and an board and an LCD to show the percentage. Contamination was used. This device has replaceable filters and the filters can be easily removed and replaced. Also, there is a wheel at the bottom of the device for easy transportation. The Android application can also be used to display sensor information, turn on the control and turn off the device remotely according to a predetermined schedule. Three gas detection sensors were installed in the device, including sensors, MQ3, MQ7 and MQ9, which were identified. The results of the operation of the device showed that the amount of pollutants and dust introduced to the device after leaving has been greatly reduced. |
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Parmis Sadat Hashemi Aval , Melisa Khalaj , Sahar Montaghemifar , Mahshsid Mohammadi Nasrabadi , Mahsa Shahbandeh |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Anti-Inflammatory, cytotoxicity and Antibacterial Activity of Chitosan and Pelargonum graveolens: An In Vitro Study | Prioritization on prevention and promotion of many medical specialties, is of great importance to reduce the risk of infection of the most prevalent diseases. Recent scientific breakthroughs have been able to determine that the main factor associated to this disease is the demineralization caused by the gr- bacteria. According to World health organization (WHO), more than 80% of the humanity inhabitants depend on heritage medicine for their most important health care needs. The total reported plants species in the world is about 258,650. Nowadays, The medicinal utilization of plants is a vital part of the region’s cultural in every country. The antimicrobial activity of the Pelargonium essential extract with Chitosan was tested against Gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa). MIC and MBC methods were used to study antimicrobial activity. The results showed that the studied plan extract and chitosan were active against all of the studied bacteria. Also, our results demonstrated that the synergism using of this plant and chitosan have not negative influences on normal cells (L9292).Time-killing test shows that the using of these has a great potential against bacteria in comparison with using as single. This patent is a novel strategy that has potential in synthesis of new antibiotics. |
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Roza Mazaheri , Diana Hosseinzade , Melika Parsaee , Fatemeh Shirin Abadi Farahani , Zeinab Vafadari Mehrizi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Synthesis of Iron NPs from Lepidium Sativum Leaves by Green Chemistry Method as a Nitrate Absorbent Filter in Aquarium | Nanotechnology can be termed as the exploitation of matter through specific chemical and/or physical processes to produce materials with specific properties, which can be utilized in particular applications. Different bulk materials exhibit physical, and chemical properties, and hence, they find a range of applications in the areas of environment, medicine, chemistry, energy, agriculture, information, communication, consumer goods, and heavy industry. Recently, there has been a keen interest in the green synthesis of nanoparticles. For this study, the leaves of the Lepidium were used and the plant extract was taken with distilled water. The extract was added to a solution of iron salts. The color change of the solution to dark was an indication of the formation of nanoparticles. Changes in pH and absorption spectra of nanoparticles were investigated and testing for changes in water nitrate content was performed by making a filter of iron nanoparticles of watercress leaf extract in two ways. The results showed that the green synthesis of the filter from iron nanoparticles with watercress extract significantly reduced the amount of nitrate in the water. These results could lead to the construction of materials such as a biocompatible filter, which will certainly have few side effects for fish and aquatic animals, because in its construction, medicinal plants such as watercress have been used instead of chemicals. |
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Ava Rassaf , Maedeh Sedaghati , Mahsa Shahbandeh , Zeinab Vafadari Mehrizi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Anticancer and Therapeutic Protentional of Curcumin Against Breast (MCF-7) and (HEP-G2) Cancer Cells | Cancer is the third leading cause of death worldwide, preceded by cardiovascular and infectious diseases. It is a generic term for a group of more than 100 diseases that can affect any part of the body. Chemotherapy is one of the methods of treating cancer. Increase in cases of various cancers has encouraged the researchers to discover novel, more effective drugs from plant sources. Ayurvedic system of medicine is using Curcuma longa herbs to treat different diseases including cancer. The study was performed to evaluate the anticancer activity of Curcumin by estimating the inhibition of the cell proliferation by cytotoxicity assay using MTT method on specified human cell lines (Hep-G2, MCF-7). All the cells were harvested from the culture and seeded in the 96-well assay plates at seeding density of 2×104 cells/well and were incubated for 24, 48 & 72 hours. Test items Curcumin were exposed at the concentrations of 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 mg/mL followed by dispensing MTT solution. The cells were incubated at 37 ± 1°C for 4 hours followed by addition of DMSO for dissolving the formazan crystals and absorbance was read at 570 nm. The results had proven curcumin has anticancer activity of against both cancer cells and IC50 was observed in 0.5 mg/mL in 48h in both cancer cells. Also our results demonstrated that curcumin does not have negative influence on normal cells (L929). This patent is a novel strategy that has potential in the treatment of cancer patients. |
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Ibrahim Cherifi , Ibrahim Cherifi |
ALGERIA | Flamely | Flamely |
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Dr. Ali H. Al-Hoorie |
SAUDI ARABIA | Method and Apparatus to Lower Foreign Language Anxiety During Listening | This invention will help not only control anxiety, but it will also help the learner pay more attention to heart rate and recognize its role in anxiety and how it interferes with attention. This device also provides a personalized solution to anxiety. |
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Dr. Ali H. Al-Hoorie |
SAUDI ARABIA | Smart Button for Early Detect of Alzheimer's Disease via Linguistic Analysis | This invention helps in the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease. Even though this disease has no cure currently, early detection has many advantages. One advantage is that the individual can obtain medication that lowers the severity of the disease. Another advantage is that the individual and their family can start preparing for this condition and the safety of the patient, such as ceasing to drive. |
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Amani T. S. Alzahrani |
SAUDI ARABIA | SCIART, A Creative Idea for Combining the Hand Drawing with the Scientific Specialization | SCIART, it is an idea revolves around the ability to combine the professionalism of the hand drawing and the scientific specialization to which the person belongs |
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Manal A. A. Alnami |
SAUDI ARABIA | Life Form in A Mathematics Perspective | Life From a mathematic perspective is an interactive and unique platform. This platform aims to address a solution to the loss of knowledge and educational skills, deepen mathematical concepts, learn the principles of scientific research, and to link mathematical concepts with real-life examples. |
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Hessah Abdulaziz Aleidan |
SAUDI ARABIA | Mathematics Learning Practice Wheel | The wheel is thinking organizer links between the eight mathematics practices that existed in US Common Core State Standards with press questions (What, Why, What if, When & How). It is used to organize mathematical thinking by applying these questions and doing mathematical practices to answer these questions, which greatly helps in enhancing human perceptions to solve mathematical problems. |
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Mubarak D. A. Aldosari |
SAUDI ARABIA | DIABETIC FOOT TREATMENT INNOVATION | The idea of this cure revolves the ability to heal diabetic foot by natural components which is safe and clinically succeed to recovery and healing the patients. |
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Dr. Hayat A. Alghamdi , Hayat A Alghamdi , Amani A Alrasheedi , Ayman I El-Kady , Maha Thaiban , Shareefah A Alghamdi |
SAUDI ARABIA | Elettaria Cardamom Extract Synergistically Enhaning Sorafenib-Induced Apoptosis in HepG2 Cells | This study aims to investigate the efficiency of Elettaria Cardamom Extract (ECE) on enhancement of Sorafenib-induced apoptosis in HepG2. Human liver cancer cell line (HepG2) were exposed to increasing concentrations of individual and combined treatments of Sorafenib and ECE for 24 h. The viability of cells was examined using MTT Assay. Clonogenicity and cell migration assays were carried out. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) level were determined by DCFH-DA and JC-1 dye, respectively. |
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Khadra M. M. Al Hagbe |
SAUDI ARABIA | Automated Self-Sterilizing Trash Basket Aimed at Killing Microbes | An automated trash basket is one of such solutions that aims at partly resolving issues with inadequate waste management and increase health safety standards upon using the traditional garbage. |
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Maha A. Alwaimane |
SAUDI ARABIA | Majrah, An Educational Platform and Application | Design a platform and a cartoon application that vitalizes as much knowledge, skills and values as possible in the subject of Studies Social Sciences and linking them to all related sciences by setting questions that range within Bloom's Technical Average Hierarchy until the student reaches the stage of creativity. Linking knowledge of technology in the way of electronic games to produce a generation that always looks forward to electronic education as a stimulating and safe environment in order to the preserve minds of generations in our country. It depends on designing the Modified Bloom Pyramid in a Biotechnical way, a data bank for the course of studies social studies for the first, second and third Grades (intermediate), so that it progresses from knowledge in Bloom’s Pyramid until it reaches Creative thinking, Creating opportunities. |
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Kimiya Ghasemi Dehcheshmehei |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Automatic Water Purification System by Electro-Fenton Method and Adsorption of Heavy Metals Using Magnetic Field | The presence of heavy metals in wastewater has been increasing with the growth of industry and human activities, e.g., plating and electroplating industry, batteries, pesticides, mining industry, rayon industry, metal rinse processes, tanning industry, fluidized bed bioreactors, textile industry, metal smelting, petrochemicals, paper manufacturing, and electrolysis applications. Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater is of prime importance for a clean environment and human health. Different reported methods were devoted to heavy metal ions removal from various wastewater sources. These methods could be classified into adsorption-, membrane -, chemical-, electric-, and photocatalytic-based treatments. Electro-Fenton process is an emerging treatment technology for water and wastewater treatment. Electro-Fenton utilizes hydroxyl radicals to oxidize hazardous contaminants and is especially useful to treat recalcitrant compounds that are not easily degraded in conventional water and wastewater treatment plants. With the aim of reducing the level of heavy metals from contaminated water, this invention uses a combination of three Electro-Fenton processes in the presence of magnetic nanoparticles and separation in a magnetic field and then the use a 0.02 micron filter. In the electro-fenton method, using iron ion nanoparticles and aeration leads to the treatment of dye effluents and organic matter and phenol. In the next stage of purification, two magnets were used to purify iron ion nanoparticles (used in the previous stage) as well as water-soluble heavy metals. In the last step, we use a 0.02 micron filter to purify the smallest pathogens in the water, such as bacteria. |
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Dr. Ali H. Al-Hoorie |
SAUDI ARABIA | Smart Ring to Detect Incorrect Pronunciation | One of the problems learners of a foreign language face is anxiety. Learners start to feel anxious when they perceive a learning task as too difficult for their current level. Anxiety can interfere with learning effectiveness and ultimately success in language learning. When it comes to listening to a foreign language, anxiety occurs due to inability to understand the spoken language. This could be because of the speaking speed, the speaker’s accent, or the topic difficulty. In all of these cases, slowing down the speed of the listening material will help the listener understand the listening material and consequently lower their anxiety.One of the physiological signs of anxiety is an increase in heart rate. This invention is an iPad that is equipped with sensors attached to the user’s skin. The user listens to material in the target language using this iPad, while the sensors keep track of their heart rate |
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Minh Tran Ngoc Nhat |
VIET NAM | Self-Made Virtual Assistant | Novelty: It’s entirely coded in Python without using any data from other existing sources. Compared to other existing assistants such as Siri or Bixby, my assistant can perform much more complicated tasks, for instance, advanced calculations, at insane browsing speeds, including currency conversion, converting different measurement systems, playing music from many platforms such as Youtube, Soundcloud, smart auto correcting and completing user’s speech, running chatbot. Creativity: Using only Python and its existing packages and features to code and create AI enabling English improvements and communications. Purpose: Users can use the software easily to make their lives more interesting and inspire users to develop further into other applications. Applicability: - Enable users to interact with the assistant, with back-and-forth responses, thus improving communication skills and English pronunciation and listening skills, thereby enhancing their English language competence. It also automatically corrects and completes the user’s sentences in speech. - Facilitate users to communicate during the Covid-19 global pandemic with the chatbot feature when most people stay at home and feel lonely. Moreover, it can help its users relax by playing music when asked. - Facilitate handicapped people do normal computer tasks with only using their voice. - In the future, this could be an inspiring idea for students at secondary and high school, inspiring them to create other products linked with the assistant, e.g smart speakers, smart mirrors, or developing the software further to suit their requirements. - It can be upgraded and modified easily to suit your needs without asking for permission from other sources, furthermore; Python makes it very user-friendly to modify the code as you like it. |
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Mai Dinh Thi Thai |
VIET NAM | Building an BLE-based real-time indoor positioning system for smart phone | The patent proposes a procedure of building a real-time, low-cost and highly accurate indoor positioning system which is feasible for smart devices (smart phone, Ipad, Ipod…) using iBeacons. The procedure consists of two phases: i) Do survey and deploy placement of the IBeacons based on actual area and the devices’ parameters; ii) LSE-A algorithm implementation. - The first phase: Do survey and deploy placement of the IBeacons based on actual area and the devices’ parameters. This phase greatly affects the management and maintenance of iBeacon equipment, accuracy and cost that a system has to pay. - The second phase: Algorithm implementation helps the system achieve high accuracy and ensure real-time factor. Especially, the LSE-A algorithm helps to improve the average positioning error of 1.04 m and 1.45 m for walking and running cases, respectively. This method is 54.6% better than PDR in the case of walking and 42.4% in the case of running. In terms of time calibration, our method takes less time to build the database when compared to other traditional methods like: FP, FP+PDR or LW-FP. This proposal has high commercial potential into the real life and location-based services. |
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Chou Hsiu-Jung , Chou, Hsiu-Jung , Li, Yi-Xue , YANG, TING-YA , Tseng, Yu-Chen , Lin, Wen-Xiu |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | YES | This product combines a pot handle and a mixing spoon, inspired by outdoor camping activities. This product allows cooking to be done with minimal appliances and maximal convenience. With a simple pull, the stirring spoon can be removed directly and ready for use right away. |
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Zhejiang Huayi Chuangzhi Biotechnology Group Co ., Ltd. |
CHINA | YES | Skin sagging, fine lines, dullness and dryness are the skin problems most people care about. This supplement drink is formulated with high-purity hyaluronic acid and Yamii’s unique hydrolyzed collagen peptides with a small molecular weight. Experiments have confirmed that 4 weeks of intake of the product can improve skin moisture by 7.4 times. Also, it has been confirmed that skin wrinkles were significantly reduced after 8 weeks of consumption; the reduction of wrinkles is equivalent to making the skin 3.7 years younger. This supplement drink is also formulated with extracts of rare natural materials, obtained from natural resources around the world, with anti-aging, anti-glycation, anti-oxidation, and brightening functions. By drinking this easy-to-carry oral beauty drinks regularly, the skin's anti-aging factors can be eliminated at one time, and to achieve youthful skin, invasive beauty treatments will no longer be necessary. It is an innovative and commercialized exclusive invention. |
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Vasayo Co ., Ltd. |
CHINA | VASAYO’s COLLAGEN PEPTIDE DRINK contains 4 major active ingredients for skin repair: collagen (increasing skin elasticity), hyaluronic acid (increasing skin hydration), ceramide (locking in moisture), and elastin (improving skin firmness). The DRINK is also infused with acerola extract, rich in natural vitamin C to stimulate the proliferation of elastin and collagen. Further, using the unique Double Nutri technology, the active ingredients are micronized for high absorption and bioavailability to achieve high potency. | YES |
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Guangzhou Weilaiya Biotechnology Co ., Ltd |
CHINA | YES | WEILAIYA COLLAGEN PEPTIDE FRUITY DRINK contains “dual”fish collagen peptides sourced from Japan and France and helps promote the production of collagen to achieve plump and moisturized skin as well as shiny and thick hair. The DRINK also contains the Buckwheat Husk Extract, which can activate anti-aging genes and fight against glycation-induced damage to restore youthful and firm skin. Moreover, the special blend of the blood orange and blueberry extracts made with the Synergene technology is infused into the DRINK to further increase the production of collagen. Apart from beauty benefits, the DRINK also helps improve sleep quality with the addition of GABA. Using the patented and award-winning Double Nutri technology, the absorption of the active ingredients is greatly increased. With multiple beauty benefits, such as firming, anti-aging, repairing and moisturizing effects, WEILAIYA COLLAGEN PEPTIDE FRUITY DRINK is the best choice for beautiful and healthy hair and skin. |
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Inovital Inovital |
CHINA | YES | Ino Lungs Drink contains various Chinese herbals that are best choice for smokers and people who live in heavily air polluted cities to improve respiratory discomfort. The Drink features Snow Pear Unripe Fruit, which is rich in chlorogenic acid and polyphenols and helps improve the repair of lung epithelial cells. The Drink is also infused with honeysuckle, mint, licorice, campanulaceae, and monk fruit extract. With strong antioxidant activity, honeysuckle and mint can inhibit upper respiratory tract infection, and licorice, campanulaceae, and monk fruit extract, with anti-allergy effects, can help reduce excess phlegm and relieve breathing discomfort. |
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Shanghai Right On Internet Co ., Ltd |
CHINA | YES | Pearlosophy® FERMENTED COMPOUND DRINK features the specially processed extract of Pachyrhizus erosus. Irradiated by infrared light (wavelength: 635nm) and undergoing the patented three-stage fermentation process, the natural fiber and intact polyphenols of the Pachyrhizus erosus are released to increase colonization of intestinal beneficial bacteria. This DRINK also contains 16 kinds of natural vegetable and berry extracts that have undergone the patented three-stage fermentation process to provide superoxide dismutase (SOD) for detoxification. Also, the DRINK is infused with a specially formulated blend of 5 kinds of prebiotics (chicory fiber, xylo-oligosaccharides, lactitol, fructooligosaccharides, and resistant dextrin) to gently regulate intestinal function and promote healthy bowel movements while promoting the growth and colonization of 6 kinds of probiotics, reducing the production of pathogenic bacteria, and developing a healthy intestinal environment. |
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Chu Chen Chin , Chen Chin-Chu , Chen Yen-Lien , Lin Shin-Wei , Chen Yen-Po , Wang Ci-Sian |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | YES | The present invention relates to Lactobacillus paracasei GKS6 enhancing longevity Cisd2 gene expression, decreasing mitochondrial damages and delaying aging-related symptoms such as neurodegenerative diseases as well as sarcopenia. |
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Chen Chin-Chu , Chen Chin-Chu , Yeh Shu-Hsing , Lee Li-Ya , Hsu Jui-Hsia |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | YES | Cordyceps cicadae mycelium are useful in preventing steroid-induced ocular diseases, and in particular relates to a method for preventing changes in the anterior/posterior chamber volume, vitreous humour, and/or retinal detachment. |
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Junying Yuan , Junying Yuan , Jinye Wang , Jiabin Zhang , Ting-Cheng Chang , Haishan Chen |
CHINA | YES | This product is designed as a wearable product for brainwave perception, which can help people better understand their "self" by detecting attention the person being tested. The personalized attention-assisted measurement system includes the feature conversion module and the detection and reminder module. The detection and reminder module consists of the attention detection module and the inference module. Feature conversion module: After capturing the brainwave signal, the feature conversion module first filters the brainwave signal for noise and converts the time domain signal into frequency domain signal through Fourier conversion. (Frequency Domain) sign, four brainwave data collected in the study were used as the feature values: alpha, beta, delta, and theta. Alpha wave and beta wave to have a specific correlation, e.g., alpha represents the brain's relaxed state and beta represents the brain's active state. In this research, we observed the continuous mental state changes of the subjects (time-series study), the alpha and beta values were divided by the sample mean were used to observe the mental attention status of the subjects. The innovation of this product is to develop a convenient and rapid detection that can achieve attention, and also improve the accuracy of the concentration detection results of this invention. Based on the above requirements, the purpose of this system can achieve three functions. 1) Detailed dynamic data of brain waves can be recorded and monitored in real time. 2) The perceptual data curves collected by this system can be displayed and recorded on the server side and mobile Internet side (cell phone) in real time, and can be judged directly with the instant concentration data. 3) It is used to judge the concentration status level using the characteristic parameter data, and give early warning when the threshold value is exceeded. USB multi-point data collector can be used for further big data artificial intelligence applications when conducting simultaneous use by multiple people. |
63 |
Wong Un-Man , Un-Man Wong , Ka-Wai Huang, Garvie , Yi-Xing LIANG |
CHINA | YES | The present invention provides a comprehensive quality detection system for commutator electric rotor based on EEMD algorithm to realize (harmonic extraction) wavelet transform. It allows the user to quickly and accurately determine the current health of the commutator rotor, preventing catastrophic motor failure. The system consists of three parts: (1) Electromagnetic generator which excites power between turns of rotor windings; (2) The electromagnetic probe accurately locates the black metal belt near the measured rotor winding, and detects the inter-turn short circuit fault of the windings through mechanical vibration and digital algorithm; (3) To deal with the noise auxiliary signal (NADA) existing mode aliasing problems and put forward the auxiliary analysis of EEMD calculus method. This invention address the need to prevent catastrophic motor failure and satisfy the market's needs by providing a novel, high-performance, low-cost, easy-to-operate fault detection device for ITSCF. |
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Wong Chi Kit , Wong Chi Kit , Chen Jia Hao , Weng Jia Ning , Liang Yi Xing |
CHINA | YES | In our research, we begin our study on radio waves for the IoUWT. Radio wave communication has significant advantages in terms of its ability to provide low-latency data transmission, high data bandwidth connectivity. To solve the short-range issue due to signal attenuation, we proposed the use of "Smart Bouys" that act as relays between the "underwater things." These smart buoys consist of a cable connected underwater antenna array transceiver that receives and transmit data to and from the underwater sensors and a Surface transceiver that allows communication between other smart buoys, surface vessels, planes, etc. This maritime communication system architecture allows the very long-distance transmission for underwater things. |
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Chan Tsz Wing , Chan Tsz Wing , Zhang Xinyue , U Kuok Wai |
CHINA | YES | This research tested for the contagion effects in the Eurozone, Asia and the United States stock markets during the European Debt Crisis. Employing the Pearson correlation coefficient, Spearman correlation, and Kendall coefficient, we measured the correlation between Greece and other countries including Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States and Hong Kong. Subsequently, to examine the tail dependence, four copula functions, including Gaussian copula, Student’s T copula, Clayton copula and Gumbel copula are applied. Semi-parameter Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation and the built-in Matlab program are used for estimation. Then, based on the liquidity theory, assets are divided into short-term and long-term, and a transmission model is proposed. The transmission model explains the correlation analysis and reveals the reasons for contagion, which underlie comparisons between Macau and the model in the end. The empirical results indicate that contagion is evident between the stock market of Greece and that of Hong Kong and Germany, but attributing to different reasons. Therefore, suggestions are given in this paper for the Macau government to avoid following the disastrous road of Greece. |
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Fong Oi Cheng , Fong Oi Cheng , Ao Kam Kuan |
CHINA | YES | Since medical resources, especially surgical masks become necessities during this pandemic, it changes the lives of people all over the world. Although surgical masks can prevent us from infecting viruses, they have several drawbacks with their ear loop design. Firstly, if the lanyard of the masks were too tight or flourish, the wearer might feel uncomfortable. Secondly, the lanyard might separate with the masks while wearing. To overcome these issues, this project aims to deliver a more profitable surgical masks design for daily use. It is interesting to note that this novel design does not require lanyards, we use multi-stage double-sided adhesive paper instead. In addition, we demonstrated five different designs for different situations. With this invention, it is believed that consumers could have a more comfortable and convenient wearing experience. |
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Liu Meng Ip , Liu Meng Ip , Huang Tong Seng , Wu Hiu Man , Cheang Lai Man , Leong Weng Ian |
CHINA | YES | A comfortable home is a symbol of warmth for many people. Imagine when you finish a day of tiring work, you may just want to go home to take a bath , and maybe watch TV for relaxing after that. It seems to be fantastic,but actually one hidden danger is in every corner of the house and break all of your imaginations.The chief culprit of all of this is formaldehyde. Firstly, we collected datas on the effects of different formaldehyde concentration on the human body, and then looked for ways to remove formaldehyde and began to conduct some experiments of formaldehyde concentration with temperature and environment as variables. Finally, according to the results we got in those experiments, we also built an automatic formaldehyde removal machine. |
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Zvonimir Viduka , Zvonimir Viduka |
CROATIA | Automatic train protection system RAS 90 | RAS90 is an advanced safety system for railway vehicles based on INDUSI technology which stops the train in emergency situations and continuously monitors train movement. Emergency situation can occur when the train passes through the stop signal, the train driver is distracted, the train overspeeds… Advantages: Continuous monitoring of train behaviour; Advanced computer diagnostics; Complete set of testing devices; Event recording which enables more precise maintenance and evaluation of incident states in an accident; Train driver registration; Integrated dead man's system; GPS positioning and communication which serves the purpose of remote diagnostics. By implementing RAS90 system, the railway significantly increases its safety level. RAS90, based on INDUSI technology, is a microprocessor high tech product which warns the train driver and automatically stops the train depending on the information it gathered while passing by the signals on the railway and the information based on the train driver behaviour. RAS90 also monitors train behaviour throughout the journey and advises safety measures. The system is resistant to all sorts of vibrations, shocks and impacts which occur during exploatation on the railway vehicle and represents a turnkey safety solution for railway vehicles of a country. It is easily adaptable for communication to other safety systems and european standard for control/command and communication systems of ETCS level. |
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Kresimir Cickovic , Kresimir Cickovic |
CROATIA | MD – LOCAL MUST | We proudly and with a big Slavonian heart present MD – local must a „refreshement for 5“ - a beverage for all 5 senses! Allow your palate to feel the fullness of the flavor of this extraordinary beverage in which all your senses will enjoy: experience the attractive and captivating color of this drink as well as the superior taste and a special aroma. Add to that the sound of glasses toasting with loved ones and all our senses will be satisfied! Enjoy the moment! Cheers! Must is a fresh non-alcoholic, non-carbonated beverage obtained by pressing healthy and mature grape beans. It is characterized by a special fullness and harmonious taste. This quality sweet drink is considered extremely healthy due to the richness of ingredients since the grapes abound in numerous medicinal substances that remain preserved in the must even after pressing. Gluten free and vegan friendly. Due to the process of making - COLD PRESSING - Must Domestic is a freshly pressed and naturally sweet* grape juice. *No sugar added. No water added. |
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Tomislav Bronzin , Tomislav Bronzin , Leonardo Marusic |
CROATIA | BOOKMEDIA | BOOKMEDIA is the global multimedia platform for book publishers. It enables a completely new level of experience and interaction between book and men and extends the traditional experience of a book reading by implementation of various multimedia elements. When a smartphone or a tablet is directed towards the object/image in the book the multimedia content, of that object/image is displayed on a screen of a device, as follows: sound and/or video and/or image and/or text and/or link on content etc.. The main advantage of this innovation, which supports augmented reality, is its potential, ie the potential of the platform that is currently unique because it is not tied to just one book, it is applicable to different books/titles both existing and the new editions. Therefore, there is no need to change the design of the book or to print a special edition – it can be used on almost every book/title. Applicable to wide range of industries: education, healthcare, tourism, entertaining, retail, marketing etc.. Supported on iOS and Android platforms. Cloud based architecture. |
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Darko Spiljaric , Darko Spiljaric |
CROATIA | OFFICE SHELL model WIN | OFFICE SHELL is a circular capsule for more productive and safer work in multi-employee offices. The concept is based on scientific research that has proven the shortcomings of an open plan office. OFFICE SHELL enables the right balance between working in an environment of privacy and working together, offers individual adjustment of the colour and intensity of light, temperature and humidity, worktop height for work in the sitting and standing positions, and provides enhanced protection against noise and infectious diseases by means of barriers and the passage of air through UV light. It is made of natural materials that are easy to recycle, applying the principle of biophilic design. Plants with positive effect on the health of employees are placed in the capsule to create a sense of security in an anti-stress environment. Contact with the rest of the team is made through a "smart glass" window that has the option of the opacity effect when voltage is fed to the liquid crystals. |
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Kristijan Rosandic , Kristijan Rosandic , Menthor: Matea Biocic , Menthor: MARIO TRETINJAK |
CROATIA | NETWORK PLANNER | Network Planner is a web mapping software for organizing locations. The application allows you to group locations on a map in a very simple way. For each group, common statistics of location features are displayed, which are entered using an Excel file. The application is applicable for any type of organization of smaller organizational units into a higher-order organizational unit. More at: |
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Marko Miroslav Baca , Marko Miroslav Baca , Menthor: Juraj Benic , Menthor: ŽELJKO ŠITUM |
CROATIA | DEVICE FOR TESTING DYNAMIC DURABILITY OF MATERIALS | A prototype of a test device for achieving a dynamic material load was made. Due to long-term periodic variable loads (stresses) there is a so-called material fatigue, the consequences of which are the rupture of the material at significantly lower stresses than the maximum tensile strength. Lasting dynamic strength, ie dynamic endurance, can be analyzed on test systems (fatigue) which enable testing of the actual loads of mechanical components as expected during their operation. A two-acting pneumatic cylinder controlled by proportional pressure regulators is used to achieve the required force. Compared to the hydraulic solutions used to achieve high forces, the manufactured pneumatic device is of simpler construction and is more environmentally friendly. |
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Mirjana Brlecic , Mirjana Brlecic |
CROATIA | NiKEL OLIVE line | OLIVE, a mythical tree revered since the ancient times. Olive oil, also called “liquid gold”, has been used to preserve beauty since the ancient times. Olive oil in combination with vitamin E has a protective effect on the body’s cells. Cold pressing green Mediterranean olives preserves all of their beneficial properties. It replenishes skin and protects it from moisture loss. It acts as a natural protection factor, reflecting around 25% of sunrays. NiKEL OLIVE line with virgin olive oil extracted from cold-pressed Mediterranean olives and 100% natural active ingredients for fresh and beautiful skin. Hydrating Cream, Nourishing Cream, Oil-Serum, Gentle Cleansing Foam, Gentle Exfoliant, Sun Oil SPF6. |
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Jasmin Nozinovic , Jasmin Nozinovic |
CROATIA | GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY FOR PROPULSION OF CAR AND SHIP WITH ENERGY OBTAINED BY THE FORCE OF AIR OR SEA | We drive the car forward, air from the opposite direction enters the air turbine. It first passes through the filter then through the flap and comes to the turbine, turns it at high speed and the air escapes into the atmosphere. The turbine rotates the generator over the shaft, the generator produces electricity which is stored in the battery via a cable. The rechargeable battery drives the electric motor, the electric motor drives the wheel axle. In the system we have a gear pump with its oil tank that hydraulically opens or closes the flap when the battery signals via a sensor that it needs charging, then the pump starts, opens the flap, air enters and turns the turbine, the turbine turns the generator and we get electricity and charge the rechargeable battery until the sensor gives a signal that the battery is charged and then the pump closes the flap and shuts down. We always have another spare battery in the system. |
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Dubravko Rogale , Dubravko Rogale , Snjezana First Rogale , ZELJKO KNEZIC , Sinisa Fajt |
CROATIA | INSTRUMENT FOR MEASURING TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS IN COMPOSITE CLOTHING | The instrument measures the temperature drop between the layers of clothing composites. It is designed to measure temperature gradients of conventional and intelligent clothing that has a composite structure of up to 5 layers, i.e. an outer shell, 3 layers of thermal protection and a lining. The instrument has a 4-channel amplifier for K-type thermocouples with temperature compensation of the cold end of the thermocouple and analogue temperature displays and outputs for connection to AD transducers. Thermocouples are placed between the composite layers on the so-called hot plate or differential conductometer. Based on measurements of temperature gradients, the individual thermal insulation properties of each composite layer and the overall structure are determined during the design phase of the thermal properties of clothing. It can also be used to test the thermal properties of ready-made garments, where thermocouples are incorporated into the structure of the garment to measure the thermal insulation efficiency of each layer of clothing and assess the feasibility of incorporation and the cost of materials incorporated into clothing composites. Measurements can be performed under laboratory conditions on thermal mannequins and on the human body while wearing clothing. |
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Anh Pham Quang , Pham Quang Anh, Nguyen Tat Thanh Lower And Upper Secondary School, Hanoi National University Of Education, Viet Nam , Do Nguyen Khanh, High School For Gifted Students, Hanoi National University Of Education, Viet Nam , Pham Thuc Hien, High School For Gifted Students, Hanoi National University Of Education, Viet Nam |
VIET NAM | Application of AI software to identify Sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) in diagnosing causes of male infertility and assisted reproductive failure | Sperm DNA fragmentation is a term used to denote abnormal genetic material within the sperm which may lead to male infertility and assisted reproductive failure. The AI software to identify DFI is the first software which identifies DFI automatically using the sperm chromatin dispersion test worldwide. The software applies RetinaNet which is a deep learning model using Convolutional Neural Networks to recognize the objects in an image and was built on 10.000 images of 500 specimens from 500 different patients. All of the pictures collected will be analyzed by both the professional and our software using AI technology. The sperms will then be divided into 2 types, normal - good and fragment – bad. Then the computer will automatically calculate the DFI (%) rate. The accuracy, precision and recall index are 98.02% and 98.18%, 98.02%, respectively. In comparison to other algorithms of the Deep learning such as SMA algorithm, APDL, it has higher accuracy (Shaker et al., 2017). It takes only 27s to identify DFI from 100 images. To use the software, we need only 1 microscope with camera to take pictures and connect to a computer. AI software is the optimal solution to improve the accuracy of the current test. |
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Antonio Gabriel Goco |
PHILIPPINES | H.I.N.T.O (Human Intoxication Notification Tool for Vehicles) | HINTO is an innovative tool installed to the vehicle so that: 1. The engine will not start if the driver does not test his breath; 2. If HINTO detects the alcohol level to be acceptable, the engine starts; 3. If HINTO detects high alcohol level, the engine will not start. HINTO will send an SMS to a number to call for help. With the GPS module and incorporated GSM module, locating the drunk driver is improved. With the Blynk App. driver details are shown to monitor who is using the vehicle and emergency contact details readily available. HINTO is a valuable device that can help save lives. |
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Edyta Wołczyk , Krystyna Wrzesniewska-Tosik, Tomasz Mik, Ewa Wesolowska , Tomasz Kowalewski, Damian Walisiak, , Michalina Palczynska, , Dariusz Debiec, , Piotr Kacorzyk |
POLAND | The innovative nonwoven with addition of feathers for covering snow piles | The developed innovative non-woven fabric is designed to protect snow piles against melting (so-called snow storage). Nonwoven is manufactured using needle punching method and contains only components of natural origin i.e. wool and keratin fibres in the form of waste feathers from poultry industry. Suitability of the obtained nonwovens for covering snow piles in natural conditions was checked on the mountain ski slope in Jaworzyna Krynicka. The temperature and humidity inside the snow piles as well as changes in their shape over time were recorded. The greatest losses of snow were recorded on the control pile - not covered. 54 days after formation, the control pile has completely melted. %. At the same time, the snow loss in the piles covered with the elaborated innovative new-generation non-woven fabric was only 4o%. |
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Edyta Wołczyk , Michał Wojcik, Wiktor Lewandowski , Agnieszka Jedrych, Natalia Kowalska , Piotr Kuczynski , Szymon Szostak , Barbara Sliwa |
POLAND | Biocompatible palladium and platinum nanoparticles as a drug delivery system in pancreatic cancer treatment | We are research group working at University of Warsaw in the field of nanotechnology. For over 10 years we have been improving synthesis routes of nanoparticles resulting in large number of publications in international journals and 2 patent applications. We are willing to start the cooperation in introducing our technologies into industry. |
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Edyta Wołczyk , Kunat Lukasz , Skalbania Kamil |
POLAND | YOU SEE - YOU REACT - YOU LIVE | The project presents a road post that has a function of warning drivers (or other road users) about forest animals, which may be near the road, and which may unexpectedly run on it, and are a huge threat. We have built a motion detector into the post, which detects the presence of animals. It generates a signal which is converted into electrical pulses which actuate an externally located warning lamp. The detector used: PIR (with a range of 50m and an observation angle of 180 degrees, which ensures ‘observation’ of the entire area from the road towards the shoulder. The system is powered by a 12V battery charged by a solar panel. The system affects road traffic safety (protects against fatal collisions with large animals). |
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Edyta Wołczyk , Jakub Marchewka , Daria Durkowska , MSc. Eng. Krzysztof Smyczek, , Msc. Eng. Marcin Lasak , Msc. Eng. Artur Hausman |
POLAND | Stop-Fon: Intelligent pedestrian alert system | In the modern world, technology has an increasing impact on society. We use conveniences and different solutions, we use phones to keep in touch with the Internet and social media. We have created Stop-Fon as a solution to the problems of the modern world, related to technology, in order to increase the security of telephone users. It's a very simple system. It consists of a mobile application and programmable Beacon modules. The task of the whole system is to inform users looking at the screens of phones or listening to music about approaching the pedestrian crossing. This application, when approaching the crossing, will block the screen displaying a warning message and turn down the music when someone is listening on the headphones. The advantage of iPas is its low cost. Beacon's costs are very low, also due to the use of Bluetooth 4.0 LE technology, which is quite cheap. The tests were carried out by us on two groups. They were aimed at checking the effectiveness of our idea, com |
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Edyta Wołczyk , Pawel Orlik , Sebastian Kura, , MSc. Eng. Krzysztof Smyczek , Msc. Eng. Marcin Lasak , Msc. Eng. Artur Hausman |
POLAND | TCS - Technical Classes Simulator | TCS it is a symulator for technical classes in virtual reality providing knowledge of the installation of the central unit and the basis of electrics in a simple and user-friendly way. Our main assumption is to enable people who do not have access to appropriate equipment to acquire new competences in a safe manner without risk to life or health, and we wanted to reduce the costs necessary to acquire the skills contained in our simulator as much as possible. The simulator of assembling a computer in virtual reality is currently the only such a highly developed product of this type on the market. It enables: transferring knowledge in a simple and friendly way, allows you to acquire new competences without the risk of losing life or health, it enables the assembly of the central unit without the risk of damaging the equipment, the user is able to learn new skills at a low cost. The second part of our project is the High Voltage Laboratory. |
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Edyta Wołczyk , Paulina Fratczak , Adrian Grzonka , Lidia Gajdzik, , Barbara Halska , Jerzy Maduzia |
POLAND | The influence of different breeding conditions of Galleria Mellonella larvae on the possibility of recycling polyethylene from the natural environment | uring our research, 6 terrariums with Galleria Mellonella larvae were used, which were bred in different temperature conditions and with different access to food. We compared the amount of polyethylene that was eaten and the influence of ambient temperature on the larvae life. Moreover, their life cycles were described. |
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Edyta Wołczyk , Marta Sacewicz , Amelia Galan, Michal Adamczyk, , Dominik Kozimor , Barbara Halska, Jerzy Maduzia , Lidia Gajdzik |
POLAND | CaterinGO | We're developing CaterinGo - a mobile app, which allows its users to order food products online, covering school and university areas alike. Our project's premise is to introduce the future of internet shopping to facilities that have not yet adopted such cutting-edge technology. |
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Edyta Wołczyk , Elżbieta Cygan-Bączek, Phd , Piotr Wyżga, Phd , Piotr Putyra, PhD |
POLAND | Metal-diamond tools without the addition of critical raw materials for the machining of abrasive stone and concrete | The subject of the invention is a matrix without the use of critical materials with increased strength and tribological properties for sintered metal-diamond tools for the machining of abrasive stone and concrete. The developed metallic-diamond tools with increased durability and grinding efficiency are the result of correlated processes such as: modification of the phase composition of the Fe-Mn-Cu-Sn-C matrix by introducing particles of the ceramic phase (Al2O3, SiC, ZrO2) in order to strengthen the dispersion material of the matrix, optimization of parameters thickening and sintering process. Increased strength and tribological properties of the matrix material of the new tools ensure the possibility of effective use in the grinding process of industrial flooring systems, as well as in interior finishing processes with the use of natural stone. The solution is in line with the trends prevailing on the market and is a response to the reported demand for diamond tools in the dynamically developing sector of the economy. |
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Edyta Wołczyk , Konrad Figiel , Hubert Dachor |
POLAND | Chill Out On The Beach | The main idea of our project is to increase comfort on a beach (and not only). We have modified an umbrella by adding some facilities. The first addition which we put is a fan whose cold air will help us relax and get more enjoyable rest. The second thing we have added to our device is a solar panel which processes sun energy and is the proper gadget in this place. The solar panel makes it possible to get energy without external power supply so our energy is 100% free. Additionally, it protects the environment. If we produced 1000kWh solar power, we would prevent from producing 812kg of carbon dioxide. Processed energy will be used to make people spend a nice time at the seaside. What is more, we need some device to collect energy. In our project the perfect thing for this task is a battery. The battery will collect the additional amount of energy which lets the fan run. The other advantage of it is the possibilty to add weight to the umbrella which results in its better stability. The energy gathered in a battery will be used to operate lighting and a device for producing water mist. A controller connected to the battery gives us the possibility to charge up some basic electronics devices like smartphones, smartwatches or smartbands. Our invention can be used not only on a beach but also in places like hotels or holiday resorts. |
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Dewi Suriyani Che Halin , Dewi Suriyani Che Halin , Azliza Azani , Ayu Wazira Azhari , Mohd Arif Anuar Mohd Salleh , Kamrosni Abdul Razak |
MALAYSIA | Smart Coat of GO/TiO2 for Self-Cleaning Applications | This invention is to produce a thin layer coating on for a glass that exhibits a self-cleaning properties. In particular, the sol-gel method was used followed by spin coating technique to produce an environmental friendly thin film. TiO2 was modified with graphene oxide to further enhance the self-cleaning properties of the coating. |
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Abdulhaq Al-Haddad |
IRAQ | Highway and Transportation Dept. | Noise pollution is another environmental pollutant to be formally recognized as an actual threat to human health and the quality of life. The growth in noise pollution is unsustainable because it involves direct and cumulative adverse health effects. Pavement characteristics are one of the important factors affecting noise generation and propagation. The selection of an appropriate pavement mixture or texture with the proper maintenance efforts is the best method to control the main cause of pavement noise. Therefore, the major objective of this research study was to develop a methodology to evaluate tire-pavement noise. Other objectives were investigating the effect of the pavement surface characteristics on the generation and propagation of the noise of asphalt concrete (AC) and portland cement concrete (PCC) at varying traffic speeds, and finally the development of a statistical model for prediction tire-pavement noise at varying traffic speeds. Field noise measurements were performed using a noise trailer developed in this study and attached to the parent vehicle. Overall, PCC sections with higher skid resistance and lower average texture depth produced the highest noise levels compared with the conventional AC sections; PCC type had an average difference of about 1 dB(A) compared with the AC pavement. The presence of surface distress led to increasing the tire-pavement noise level by 7 dB(A). There were increments of about 1 dB(A) and 7 dB(A) to change vehicle speed from 20 to 40 km/h and from 40 to 60 km/h, respectively. Regarding the measurement period effect on the tire-pavement noise level, tire-pavement noise had an increment of about 7 dB(A) during daytime compared with night. |
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Zainab Ameri |
IRAQ | Isolation, purification and characterization of lactoferrin from goat's colostrum and study of its anti-cancer activity against some cancer lines. | This study was conducted in an attempt to find an isolated alternatives from natural sources and used as a treatment to eliminate or limit the growth of some types of cancer cells and to reduce the side effects of chemical and radiation treatments presently in use for the treatment of cancer , which is of extreme effects on the patient's body and vitality and he signed the check on the lactoferrin protein , one of the milk proteins called whey proteins .: 1-Pure lactoferrin from goat's milk with the fewest number of steps purification (step purification of one), and cost much less than commercial lactoferrin which the price per Almelgram him up about $ 150 and I studied some of its characteristics such as molecular weight and content of carbohydrates and iron also studied afford the high temperatures used in the manufacturing and certain pH conditions and clear from the results of this study that one-step purification capable of obtaining a protein in a very pure and at the lowest cost (less hundreds of times) than the price of commercial lactoferrin also proved lactoferrin isolated high efficiency afford to high temperatures as well as the pH conditions while retaining full ability to act as an antidote to cancer. |
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Mahdi Al-Attabi |
IRAQ | Modified method for extraction high-purity for Brucella endotoxin to be used as antigens (diagnostic kits) to detect Malta fever in humans and animals | Summary In this study, 200 samples were collected from patients with Malta fever in order to isolate and identify the pathogen (the causative organism) Blood culture was used to cultivate the pathogen in a static culture as well as in shaker incubator. The results showed that shaking culture was 50% better than the static culture .From the identification results Brucella abortus was more frequently than Brucella Melitensis. The endotoxin was extracted and purified from the local isolate Brucella abortus with a modified method by treating the acetone-dried cells with dimethysulfoxide and sodium iodide before phenol treatment as in the previous method .it was found that the molecular weight of the resulting toxin was less weight because of the loss of proteins and DNA associated with the toxin. This was further confirmed by the results of gel filtration with sephadex G-200 and polyacrylamide. Furthermore, results of toxin injection revealed an increase in the weight of spleen in white Swiss mice which did not appear in the present proteins associated with the toxin were removed and also injection with lipopolysaccharide and high purified antigen was obtained compared with the traditional one. |
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Mohanad Al-Mahdawi |
IRAQ | Improving body Immunity system with a new method to activate natural oils | The system was characterized to enhancing the immunity of human body. The composition of mixed eatable oils types and ultrasound waves activation heat in a new method to avoid the use of chemical treatment(drugs). Which may lead to unwanted side effects and its appropriate for all age groups and both male and female, especially in the case of pregnancy because of their use in natural and non-chemical treatment. The system consists of two main parts: 1- activation device. 2- Oil pillow. |
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Hayder Muttaleb |
IRAQ | Production of healthy (alkaline) Himalayan water and study of its physiological effect on laboratory animals | For the first time in Iraq, production of Lamiae (alkaline) water for health importance was found worldwide as we found that alkaline water removed the free radicals generated as a result of environmental pollution or taking medicinal drugs in lab animal (Mice and rabbits). It was found that water used in the experiment raised the antioxidant susceptibility and reduced blood sugar and triglycerides in addition to increase the good fatty proteins (HDL) and reduce the concentration of bad (LDL) fatty proteins and has no effect on the tissues of the liver, kidneys and brain. Key word: Himalaya water, Himalayan salt, antioxidant efficacy, HDL, LDL. |
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Fatimah Al-Luaibi |
IRAQ | INHIBITION of cancer cells by using polysaccharide prodused from local isolates of lactobacillus | Cancer cells only insure cancer cells. These posterior cells result from some treatment in the posterior cells. Physically and chemically bacterial properties than polysaccharides extracted from vegetable sources as being more stable and stable. It is known that polysaccharides are not allowed during biodegradation. |
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Enas Al-Adhamy |
IRAQ | Effectiveness of aqueous extract of Iraqi OriganumVulgare plant on cutaneous leishmaniasis in Novy –MacNeal – Nicolle medium NNN MEDIA (In Vitro) | The aim of the research is to obtain aqueous extract of Iraqi (Origanum vulgare L.) plant, that belong to Lamiaceae family and study its effectiveness on cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Novy-MacNeal-Nicolle medium NNN media (In vitro). The phytochemical analysis of obtain extract, contain a number of medicinally important compounds in different amounts such as Tannins, Glycosides, Resins, Flavonoids, Alkaloid, Terpenes, Saponin, carbohydrates and phenols. The study was used different concentration of the prepared aqueous extract (group G3) [0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 0.14] mg/ml, compared with the positive control, Pantostam (group G1) and the negative control, Louck Solution (group G2). The result showed that the concentration (0.10) mg/ml of aqueous extract was highly effective on the inhibition Leishmanial promastigote in vitro (100%) during half hour. The toxicity test was conducted for the aqueous extract using Albino mice, there was no symptoms or changes in the skin area and no deaths were reported. |
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Anwer Al-Zuhairi |
IRAQ | A smart system to prevent children from climbing stairs. | This system presented as a smart solution to prevent the problems of children climbing stairs in their early childhood edge. A large number of children are exposed annually to injuries, and some of them = are moderate to serious, due to falling from the stairs by slipping suddenly. This system consists of a special hinged gate (designed for the system) and the gate controls its opening and closing by two servo motors, each one of theme which is installed within an aluminum column (7 * 7, 100 cm high), one on the right side and the other on the left side of the staircase. Each servo motor controls the opening and closing of a gate (which consists of a layer of reinforced plastic glass with dimensions (40 * 28.5 cm)), so the two poles were installed on the second step of the ladder and one of them was fixed on each side of the ladder. The child from climbing the ladder, which may result in the child falling from the ladder. In this work, two motion sensors (PIR sensors (passive infrared sensor) were installed. The first one is at the bottom of the right column and the second is below the left column. When any of the two sensors detect movement in front of it. A laser installed on an arm (installed on the right aluminum column) is automatically triggered at a distance of 32 cm horizontally. A height of 60 cm from the height of the column, and opposite it is a laser sensor (red laser sensor) also installed on an arm (similar to the arm on which the laser is installed) and on the left aluminum column. A small child wants to climb the ladder, then the gate is closed, which prevents him from climbing the ladder, and the alarm bell (installed at the top of the right column) is activated to warn his parents that the child is coming towards the ladder. From the top of the stairs to the floor, the button is pressed to open the gate, and 60 seconds after the door is opened, the system starts working again. The operating system of this novel presider connected the Arduino board which role as a mastermind of the project. |
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Wesal Alsalmawi |
IRAQ | Hexagonal Steam Distillation System | The Kjldahl method is more effective for the determination of nitrogen and protein content in food. The destruction of the survivors, the control, or the image in the soil. The steam distillation method is one of the methods for the determination of ammonia. Technical distillation and its determination by other methods after getting rid of the gate reduce the efficiency of the measurement methods. When a large number of large is in a large pot, it has a chance of having a chance to express picture in picture in picture in slow and specific distillation. It was developed at the same time. The shape that is depicted in a sample Samples from samples taken at the same time without happening inside it, inside the page, inside it, inside it, inside it, inside it, and the distillation process in it is a specific process for the speed displayed by one sample that takes about 3-4 minutes as in the devices that Currently reviewing it. The glassware is used in a complex system even in the way it is attached, it is prone to breakage, it is acceptable in the market, and it is imported at high prices under its tolerance. $21,000. Polyethylene distributes steam to the samples in regulating the movement of steam, Kildal bottles 6, condensers 6, and beakers receive the distilled materials to receive the distilled materials cut by one main cooling. The components of the device are simple, and can be supplied in any chemical or biological laboratory. This product has been provided one time and one time. |
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Ali Albukairat |
IRAQ | Innovative Technology for Remote Control of the Irrigation System by Modern Control Using Renewable Energy | A new approach to the use of modern and intelligent technology on traditional irrigation systems and using renewable energy (solar) through control of the peripheral motors installed on the water flow control gates and quantity in the main and subways in the plot of land for agriculture provided here. The humidity sensors are installed in selected areas in the plot to be planted. These sensors feed a feedback signal to the PC or a programmable logic control unit (PLC), which in turn gives proper instruction for operation and control of the process. Watering, which includes the operation and stopping of peripheral motors controlling the quantity and flow of water, and operation of the wireless data transmission system. All these operations are carried out automatically and without the intervention of the operator or farmer. This reduces the total cost of production and service of the crop. Irrigation programming is done by using the keyboard for the terminal in the control and transmitter room. The process of transmitting the signal can be carried out in several ways, the most important of which is the method used in practice in this research through the web, as this network covers most parts of Iraq and the central region, especially the city of Babylon, which was implemented and the actual completion of the whole season (summer) . The results of the project were encouraging as it was controlled wirelessly and fully, automatically and remotely. In this applied practical research project, water waste has been reduced, especially as the country is experiencing a water crisis and needs every drop of water. The electrical recharge of the project was carried out using alternative electrical energy as a source of processing. The solar energy was used to generate the electric power required to operate the project units. Therefore, we have removed electrical load from the electrical distribution network, although the saving is relatively small, but it can be spread over more areas and capacities and will be bigger in the near future. |
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Salam Shukur |
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Hathama Alobodat , Thikra Hasan Mathkor |
IRAQ | ECONOMIC NATURAL SOURCES FOR PEROXIDASE ENZYME | With increasing environment pollution and the trend toward green chemistry, the waste recycling and biomass usage has become a major goal for all researchers in the world. POD isolation have received special attention, due to that this enzyme has many application in various scientific and industrial fields among them its presence in the most specific and sensitive analytical diagnostic techniques (such as immunoassay, cytochemistry and histochemistry assay kits) as well as in quality control laboratories of food, where degenerative changes and validity in the processed foods usually is ascertain by measuring POD activity). Thus, screening the existence of POD activity in biomass wastes (different plant peels) as renewable material was the main goal of our study. Peels of six different vegetable and fruits were tested for the presence of peroxidase activity. And the melon peels was found to have the highest activity 8597 U/100g of peels. Among the most local classes of melon present in Iraq (Hafidh Nafsah) was found to contain the highest activity of this enzyme. The optima temperature and pH were measured for Hafidh Nafsah peel peroxidase and found to be 70 C° and 7.0 respectively. Upon study the heat and pH stability of this enzyme, the results showed that the extracted enzyme was stable at 60 C° for up to 190 minutes with a loss 20% only of its activity. Meantime, the enzyme exhibited a relative stability at both acidic and basic pH (2.5 & 9.5) for up to one hour. Furthermore, a pilot experiment was carried out as a trail to purify this extracted peroxidase using its heat stability characteristic as an economic step where a 1.45 fold of purification and 85.38 % yield was obtained after heating the extract for 3 hours at 60 C°. |
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Najlaa Al-Dehebaol , Salwa Hameed Naser |
IRAQ | Genetic detection method for early breast cancer detection by using the antioxidant enzyme Cathion-S-transferase | Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women.It is a disease caused by many factors including aging, obesity, late childbearing, infertility, hormone replacement therapy, exposure to ionizing radiation that causes mutations in DNA bases, genetic factors that make up 5-10% of the disease in addition to environmental factors such as pollution. The overlap between environmental factors and genetic changes has played an important role in the development of the disease. Researchers are increasingly turning to new genetic methods for early detection, which increases the cure rate to 90%. Among the genes most studied during this period are the coding genes of the enzyme Glutathione S-transferase. Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) enzymes belong to phase II enzymes which is responsible for detoxification from the cells. These enzymes have played an important rolein protecting cells from damage caused by carcinogenic compounds, pollutants and other xenobiotic, thus they are crucial inprotecting DNA. Glutathione S-transferasesare polymorphic enzymes, the type and frequency of polymorphism of GSTs differ among population. Polymorphism of GSTs genes might influence the detoxification activates of the enzymes predisposing individuals to cancer risk including breast cancer. Therefore, this study was planned for the first time in Iraq to detect mutations that can predict breast cancer This study includes 65 females with invasive ductal carcinoma in breast cancer (29-74 years) from Oncology Teaching Hospital and Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital as well as 59 females as control group.This study was for the first time in Iraq to determine the relationship between polymorphism in the GSTs (GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1 and GSTA1) genes and to investigate its risk of breast cancer using two techniques: polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and (RFLP- PCR) restriction fragment length polymorphism.Certain regions of these four genes were amplified and genetic variations were subsequently detected. |
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Sara Sheikhlary , Mohamad Jamali , Salman Mohajermazandarani , Mohammad Hossein Majles Ara Jahromi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Automatic optical scanner device with multifarious applications in optics and medicine, spicifically in Alzheimer' disease | This invention is called optical scanner device, we combined three important optical set-ups pertinent to linear absorption, non-linear absorption, and non-linear refractive index parameters into one sealed cubic rectangular package, and designed them to be smart, such way that by touching the appropriate options on the touchpad screen, which is embedded in the surface of the package, the related set-up will be automatically arranged and thus, can assess each parameter effectively. Evaluating optical properties of materials and biological cells have led to great discoveries, including early precise diagnosis of cancers. This device can make the presence of an expert unnecessary and meanwhile, can reduce the assessment time-duration, furthermore, this device will not have the human errors and is more precise. When arranging a set-up, the expert should wear specific glasses to avoid laser-mediated eye-damages, thus the expert can’t see the laser spot in order to adjust the distances between laser and other optical elements precisely and hence, this can cause error in the results if done by an unexpert person but in the optical scanner, all the optical elements including laser are put inside a sealed package, so the laser can’t hurt the eyes and there is no need to wear the glasses. Moreover, this device is portable and easy to use. More importantly, we found a novel application of this device; it can distinguish the most effective polyphenol-based drug for Alzheimer’s disease prevention among several similar drugs. Currently, the most commonplace in-vitro test to assess the anti-Alzheimer impacts of drugs is Thioflavin-T (ThT) assay. ThT is a dye that specifically binds to amyloid-β peptides, the main hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease, after which produces a green fluorescence emission with a strong intensity, whereas in the presence of an anti-Alzheimer drug, the fluorescence intensity will be reduced, which indicates the effectiveness of the drug in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. However, this assay is not completely flawless; in the presence of some polyphenolic compounds, it can cause false-positive results. The optical scanner, can solve this problem; we found an inverse relationship between the non-linear refractive indices of polyphenols (those that could be assessed via ThT assay): the more the values of non-linear refractive indices were, the more decrease in the fluorescence intensity, and tried this on polyphenols that were unevaluable by ThT assay and got the same results. We are constructing this device and intend to optimize it in order to be able to assess the anti-Alzheimer properties of other types of drugs. |
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Aidan Hertner |
CANADA | Green Synthesis and Structural Characteristics of Silver Nanoparticles by Fresh Walnut Shell Extract | We synthesis silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) by fresh Walnut shell (FWS) extract. It was investigated with a non-pathogenic, eco-friendly and simple biological method. The AgNPs were characterized by UV–visible spectroscopy (UV-vis), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), atomic force microscopy (AFM), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA). |
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Rachel Rachel |
CANADA | Antioxidant activity of the selenium nanoparticles based ointment | The antioxidant activity of the SeNPs was evaluated using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) methods. It was shown that radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing potential of SeNPs are significant, positive and enhancement with the increased SeNPs concentration |
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Tristan Gagnon |
CANADA | Smart and Intelligence Bed | This project shows the design of an intelligent bed sensor that can precisely indicate the person's position and monitoring the health signs intelligently |
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Asherson Brehmer |
GERMANY | Air Pollution Monitoring System | Air pollution is monitoring air pollution levels and the contaminants, and save the data on web servers for future use. |
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Justin Kaneza |
UNITED STATES | Giouque–function of CCl4, molecules using DFT calculations | Giouque–function (Ф0) of CCl4, CHCl3, CH2Cl2 and CH3Cl molecules were calculated using ab initio calculations at RHF, B3LYP and MP2 levels via 6-31G(d), 6-31+G(d), 6-311G, 6-311+G(d) basis sets. NCC values were used to estimate the 35Cl NQR frequencies of titled molecules |
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Veronika Lemieux |
UNITED STATES | Active unable dielectric filter | This filter is actively controlling the transmission and reflection of the incident light. It has been made of an array of cylindrical shaped dielectric material to modulate optical properties at the resonance. |
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Simon Richardson Richardson |
UNITED KINGDOM | TDA Coconut Mix | Thaidham Allianze is an innovative health care company focusing on anti-aging and regenerative medicine in the area of health and beauty. The company has been established since 2005 by an all-time leading actress, Ms.Jarunee Desneiges, and Dr. Ariya Sarikaphuti , the Chief of Scientific Program in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Mae Fah Laung University, and a group of leading health practitioners in Thailand. TDA Coconut Mix is a perfect drink for exogenous ketones. The formula comprises of selected blend of medium chain triglyceride (MCT) with carbon 8-10 atoms, magnesium , selenium, and chromium amino acid chelate to help burning excess fat store and enter your ketosis quickly together with your ketogenic meal plan. It helps burning excess fat , providing good fuel for the brain and increasing HDL cholesterol. It also helps in losing weight while enhancing energy for both body and brain. The formula has a tastety coconut milk which is both delicious and nutritious. |
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Asal Shirazi |
UNITED KINGDOM | JEUNVIE NATURAL SKINCARE | An award winning vegan skincare brand with only botanical natural active ingredients. Exhibiting at ITE this August: Asal Shirazi was awarded the British Empire Medal for services to Autoimmune Disease Awareness and Education. She is the founder of Jeunvie Skincare and the Autoimmune Support Awareness London. She suffers from a rare autoimmune condition. Despite this she researched the effects of chemicals on skin during pregnancy. She has a medical & pharmaceutical back ground and is a skincare practitioner. She is mostly housebound due to her disability but using her phone she talks and messages and educates/mentor others on auto immune disease. She first created Jeunvie but later was prompted by one of her stays at hospital to create a pregnancy safe skincare range for "Mums To Be" so there would be safety and peace of mind yet be able to tackle the needs of pregnant woman's skin. She has previously received medals from other European Governments for skincare innovation and her contribution to humanity and recently she has been listed for The Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2019 recognises the outstanding achievements of people across the UK.; |
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Tony Smith |
UNITED KINGDOM | Mctoxy Supplementary Product | Thaidham Allianze is an innovative health care company focusing on anti-aging and regenerative medicine in the area of health and beauty. The company has been established since 2005 by an all-time leading actress, Ms.Jarunee Desneiges, and Dr. Ariya Sarikaphuti , the Chief of Scientific Program in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Mae Fah Laung University, and a group of leading health practitioners in Thailand. Mctoxy is a special blend of research based Thai traditional herbal medicine for detoxification ,weight loss, and lowering blood lipid formula comprises of Terminalia chebula, The King of Medicine in Thai Traditional Medicine , Spirulina, Garcenia cambogia, L-carnitine, and chromium AAC . The indications are for weight reduction ,detoxification, better excretion, reducing water retention, balancing dyslipidemia, and anti-inflammation. |
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Onprapha Promrangrit |
UNITED KINGDOM | BIOWAY TRIPHALA HERBAL BEVERAGE | Triphala which literally means “three fruits” has been demonstrated to function as a complete body cleanser and detoxifier. Not only does Triphala help to detoxify and cleanse the colon, it also purifies the blood and removes toxins from the liver. This traditional Ayurvedic medicine also has anti-cancer properties, which raise the hope for cancer treatment. BIOWAY TRIPHALA HERBAL BEVERAGE contains three different fruits famous in ancient folklore since Lord Buddha’s time. The fruits named in Thai include “Samor Tate” (Terminalia belerica Roxb.), “Samor Thai” (Terminalia chebula Retz.) and “Makham Pom” (Phyllanthus emblica Linn.). Thanks to its high vitamin content and a group of antioxidant compounds, it is an effective laxative that also supports the body’s strength. Triphala is so well-known that a popular saying goes like this: “You do not have a mother? Don’t worry, as long as you have Triphala in your life!” and “When in doubt, use Triphala.” |
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Sarawan Angsantikul |
UNITED KINGDOM | DINN COCONUT POWDER BODY SCRUB | DINN COCONUT POWDER BODY SCRUB has been developed from hand-selected and organically grown natural ingredients. Blended with coconut powder, this innovative product can gently yet effectively exfoliate dead skin cells without over drying. With the addition of natural honey and milk, the body scrub leaves the skin feeling soft, pampered and lathering with freshness, whilst the mind deeply relaxed with the aroma and reaching a total state of mind and body harmony. The scrub salt used in the product is extra delicate, soft and is not harmful even to the sensitive skin. • Coconut is excellent for keeping the skin young and beautiful. Its antioxidant property slows down the ageing process by protecting the body from harmful free radicals. It washes away excess oil from the skin and keeps the skin tone more even. • Honey is a natural exfoliator to take off dry, dull skin and reveal new skin cells underneath. |
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Onprapha Angsantikul |
UNITED KINGDOM | ECO-FTI: Smart Connector Solution | This system connects the management system, production, distribution and online service including other eCommerce platforms to all marketplaces. Inventory is also collected at the one point. If you have many channels of selling products or many warehouses, the API of our system will support their connection to other systems in market. This system is easy to apply, time-saving and cost-saving. It also provides the online system (E-Marketing & Logistics, E-Learning & E-Training) to everyone who would like to be a part of online business. It will help you increase sales without hiring more staff. Our system is developed for everyone especially the people who sell multiple product’s channels because we believe that openness to connect everyone together will create a suitable growth together. ECO-FTI: Smart Connector Solution also includes Dragon Code Security System. It is an accurate, fast and easy tool for product authentication and verification that provides solutions. |
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Fajar Nur Ramadhan Winandi , Rama Halim Nur Azmi , Dini Intan Permatasari , Mahardien Luthfiyah Nuradenia , Nannette Cahyani Janitra |
INDONESIA | (M-LINK) ASEAN MICRO ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT LINK:ASEAN Micro Business Empowerment Program Through IDESApplication as a Step Towards ASEAN Economic Self- Sufficiency in 2050 | M-LINK is a MSME development program in Malang that can be developed and operated throughout ASEAN, this program involves the business of smart cars that serves to foster SMEs and is integrated with the Business Smart Application (Multifunction Digital Application System) which has various features of sales, business information, Goods Tracking and raw material search, in use. Internationally in every major city in the country there will be a Bussines Smart Point that functions to perform the functions of the application operator and the empowerment of MSMEs as well as export and import services through cooperation with local governments. |
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Dr. Hesam Adin Atashi , Felicia Agatha |
INDONESIA | AI-powered portable device for screening, diagnosis, and treatment of COVID-19 disease | Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many hospitals run at full capacity and fail to provide enough oxygen supply and ventilators. To alleviate this crisis we patented a compact, fully automatic AI-powered device to screen, diagnose, and treat COVID-19 in the most efficient and inexpensive way. This device consists of two operation modes: screening mode and treatment mode. Simply by inserting a finger, the percentage probability of a COVID-19 infection can be identified through high-speed and accurate screening by an AI algorithm. The treatment function of this device works as an electronic nurse to continuously monitor patients’ vital signs and prevent deadly complications by providing exact amount of oxygen that the body requires. Integrating this invention into COVID-19 treatments worldwide will reduce treatment costs, irreversible complications, and burden of healthcare institutions. This device is guaranteed to have high sales capability, therefore allowing those in even the most secluded areas access to treatment. |
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Jananan Pawaratpawanan |
THAILAND | NV7 New Vitality | NV7 is one of our best innovative dietary supplement products. It helps rejuvenate cells & organs into healthier and younger ones. For many years, we have been working on helping many patients using effective nutritions to be healthier and faster in recovering their health’s disorders under the concept of “Human Body Self-Repairing”. |
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Keyoon Choklumlert |
THAILAND | UNC GIVE | UNC GIVE is in oriental medicine, ginger has also been regarded primarily as a remedy for digestive disorders, such as colic, gastritis, vomiting, dyspepsia, nausea, and diarrhea. Anti-oxidant properties play a significant role in balancing the production and neutralization of free radicals and oxidative stress. |
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Keyoon Choklumlert |
THAILAND | UNC Your Begin | Sesamin Extract Powder is a type of lignan, extracted from black sesame seed, which is botanically called semen sesami nigrum. Sesamin is a white powder, soluble in ethanol, methanol or DMSO, hardly soluble in water. First, The black sesame seeds were dried in air circulation kiln at 50 °C for 12 hours to 3,95% of humidity and and crushed in a Willey mill (Tecnal). Subsequently, it was extracted in palmitic acid. The black sesame extract showed large amounts of fatty acids monounsaturated especially palmitic acid (C16:0) which was found in all operating conditions of extraction. Sesame seeds are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are commonly added to certain foods to provide a nutty flavor and crunchy texture. |
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Keyoon Choklumlert |
THAILAND | UNC ALBUMIN PROTEIN | UNC ALBUMIN PROTEIN enriched with Probiotic and Prebiotic For Albumin from egg white to Regulates the distribution of fluids within the body & transport of substances through the bloodstream Egg white enriched Calories, Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5 and Selenium Albumin is the main protein of egg white, being responsible for most of its functional properties, and represents about 54% of the total protein content In order to ascertain on the albumin purity and yield, sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and size exclusion high per-formance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC) analyses were conducted, confirming that the isolation/purification of albumin from egg white was completely achieved in a single-step with a recovery yield of 65% |
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Keyoon Choklumlert |
THAILAND | UNC Beta Gin Cordy | Initially, 15% yeast was used to break the cell wall at 50 degrees Celsius for 48 hours at a speed of 120 rpm. Centrifuge and extraction with 1.0 N acetic acid at 80 degrees Celsius for 2 hours. And purified with the highest concentration Today's technology enables research into developing beta-glucan supplement for immune system support. And the ingredient beta-glucan is used to enhance the product in order to stimulate the wound from diabetes to heal faster. |
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Keyoon Choklumlert |
THAILAND | UNC AVA | UNC AVA One of the key steps to looking beautiful, healthy and radiant is making sure your skin shows it within 10 days. (10 days miracle) The emblican extract from 1000 kilograms to 1 kilograms, with a natural extraction process. The vitamin C found in emblican extract combined with a highly concentrated polyphenols. There are many benefits from emblican extract including antioxidants, nourish the eyes, cholesterol lowering and diabetes prevention. Moreover, emblican extract can inhibit thyroxinase and collagenase activity, which produce dark skin pigments and destroy collagen synthesis |
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Keyoon Choklumlert |
THAILAND | UNC YOUR TIME | UNC YOUR TIME is contained curcumin from turmeric To reduce hyperglycemic & neuropathy and Anti-inflammatory Turmeric enriched Vitamin A, Vitamin B Vitamin C, Phosphorus, Iron, High Mineral and Protein by natural extraction from 1000 Kg to 1 kg turmeric First, remove heavy metals and the precipitates by dispersion technology for lipophilic (hydrophobic or water heating) are separated and crystallized to obtain turmeric. Backflow extraction to a certain proportion This method has the advantages Because of heavy metal separation and purification flow process is simple and short. Moreover the risk of secondary pollution caused by the additional addition of absorption agents (absorption media is avoided) Lowest heavy metal residue of curcumin from termeric extract. UNC Your Time can be purified to a degree Lowest lead content & Lowest cadmium content Lowest mercury content |
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Keyoon Choklumlert |
THAILAND | UNC I CARE | UNC I care developed for improved Lutein and Zeaxanthin extraction of pigments from marigold flowers by enzymatic pretreatment method. Pretreatment with enzyme solution increased the diffusion coefficient . At the same time, dry yield, resin yield and pigment yield were also found to increase along with increased retention of colour. Critic acid pretreatments increased the diffusion coefficient during drying |
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Keyoon Choklumlert |
THAILAND | UNC Projoin | Benefits: 1 capsule of UNC Projoin is it contains main ingredients from fish, cartilage, deep sea fish & shark collagen, the main ingredient in the product. Contains chondroitin and collagen, fish tri-peptides, and vitamin C. That can act in parallel with strengthening and repairing the cartilage between joints. Increase lubrication and reduce friction, create flexibility between joints of bones by increasing the amount of synthesis. Proteoglycans and more hyaluronic acid |
126 |
Keyoon Choklumlert |
THAILAND | UNC Calcium Plus | UNC calcium fishbone (MCHC), This Patent is unique Green Technology for prevention and reductions of osteoporosis, bone loss and fractures including skeletal pain. Producing the necessary biochemical for bone remineralization, due to all extraction procedures using protease and lipase digestion from Fish Indo-pacific King Mackerels according to GMP & Haccap and Halal Management system, sustainable valued added fishing resource. Hence, Calcium and phosphorus in the right ratio predominantly in crystalline structures of approximately 2:1 form hydroxyapatite moreover UNC calcium from Fish bone is nourish trace minerals i.e. collagen, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, boron, Potassium,Copper, Sulfer and protein less than 110 Micron. In additional UNC calcium contains special peptides utilize the human body ultimately absorb more than calcium added Vitamin D3 & K2 (MK-7). Therefore, UNC Calcium soluble and ironized form to provides structural support deficiency is known to lead osteoporosis aging society, and is very common with an estimated 20 of the worldwide population. |
127 |
Ariya Sarikaphuti |
THAILAND | Longgan Oral Spray | Longgan Oral Spray Research Based Longan Peel, Fruit, and Seed Mouth Spray for Bad Breath and Preventing Respiratory Tract Infection from viruses Longgan oral spray comprises of extraction of Dimocarpus longan from its peel, fruit, and seed. It could prevent the adhesion of any virus on mucous membrane as from the research of Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. It aims to prevent any virus to get into respiratory tract. It has also attenuate the inflammation and irritation of mouth and throat. The other ingredients in the formula which are propolis, peppermint, and thyme oil are working coherently with longan extract to reducing bad breath and preventing viral infection from mouth and throat. |
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Ariya Sarikaphuti |
THAILAND | TDA Herbal Mint | TDA Herbal Mint A Research Based Aromatic Mouth Spray for Bad Breath and Respiratory Tract Infection TDA Herbal Mint is a special blend of aromatic mouth spray formula comprising of Eucalyptus Oil, Peppermint Oil, Camphor, and Menthol which has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties aiming for stopping bad breath while preventing respiratory tract infection as a first line of defense which leaves your breath and lung more fresh and clean. The ingredients have been proven by researchers to effectively inhibit the virus and bacteria within 5-15 minutes after inhalation or by oral spray. |
129 |
Ariya Sarikaphuti |
THAILAND | Calendula Herbs Gel | Calendula Herbs Gel Homeopathic Herbal Gel for Inflammation, Burn, and Ulcers Calendula officinalis (Calendula) is commonly used for wounds, rashes, infections, inflammation, and many other conditions. The chemicals in calendula has long been proven to help new tissue grow in wounds and decrease swelling from skin inflammation both in homeopathic and allopathic medicine. The formula comprises of Calendula flower extract, Centella asiatica Extract and Aloe vera aiming for attenuating skin problems of any kind ranging from eczema, rash, allergic reaction, burn, wound, and any types of ulcers. |
130 |
Ariya Sarikaphuti |
THAILAND | Fah Tha Lai Jone Herbs Mouth Spray | Fah Tha Lai Jone Herbs Mouth Spray Research Based Andrographics paniculata Mouth Spray for Bad Breath and Respiratory Tract Infection for COVID-19 In the pandemic of COVID-19, many researchers are aiming for how to prevent the infection in the first place. Two Thai herbs which are Andrographis paniculate and Boesenbergia pandurate has been shown the promising results in reducing the cough and aggravation of COVID-19 symptoms in lung and respiratory tract both in vivo and in vitro . The Andrographis paniculate has been researched under the Ministry of Public Health in Thailand both in vivo and in vitro that the herb can kill and inhibit COVID-19 virus. The formula of mouth spray also contains two more important ingredients which are propolis extract and zinc all working coherently aiming for reducing bad breath and partially preventing mouth and respiratory tract infection from viruses and bacteria. |
131 |
Dr. Choocheep Auekarn |
THAILAND | B Longan Mouth Spray from Longan extract and Propolis | The company established in 2018, the company mainly focus on natural product, and the previous product that company invent was Longan Syrup which has a great benefit for consumer. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the company finally launch new product into market whether online or offline channel, and the new product is mouth spray from longan extract (Longan syrup) and propolis. The company’s vision is to make B Longan Mouth Spray easy to use for every people in all age and gender by only spray B Longan into your mouth every day 1-2 pumps or more as you prefer. According to research, longan extract has bioactive substance that prevent virus adhesion to your throat and eventually go into your lungs. The risk of death from COVID-19 strongly depends on age and previous health conditions. Older patients and those with chronic comorbidities, such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, and pulmonary disease, are much more likely to have a bad critical affect and fatal disease outcomes. Therefore, if the virus could not go into the lungs, it might be able to reduce the death rate from COVID-19 virus. |
132 |
Natasorn Auekarn |
THAILAND | Candora natural-extract cream-to-film sunscreen | Since 2020, Pinnovation has provided products to customers in a variety of industries. Our ambition is not only to create novel products but also to create beneficial products for humankind. The use of sunscreen has been shown to reduce the incidence of skin cancers. However, it is noticeable that only a few people wear sunscreen daily because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Our sunscreen is designed to fix these problems. It has a new technology of cream-to-film. Wearing it is comfortable, and it will not make your skin oily. It also has a silky finish and will prep your skin for smooth make-up application. Moreover, with its double action protection and SPF 50 PA++++, skin is well-protected from UVA and UVB. It is also composed of natural extracts, i.e. Canangalignans from Ylang-ylang, Triterpenes from Gotu kola, Zein and Thanaka; these non-toxic ingredients lower the chance of harmful skin effects. |
133 |
Pornanong Aramwit |
THAILAND | Sericin and chitosan cream for preventing and limiting the progressive of pressure sore | The physical and biological properties of silk proteins have been extensively studied and have been found to be useful in medical applications and tissue engineering. This allows the researchers to use silk protein, which has properties to stimulate collagen production and reduce inflammation, for wound healing. Silk sericin has been mixed with chitosan, which possess antimicrobial activity, and developed a cream which forms a thin film on skin in order to reduce friction and protect the skin from dampness. This cream intends to prevent and reduce the spread of pressure wounds as well as to protect the skin from enzymes presented in feces which can cause irritation. Previous researches have shown that 2% silk sericin can stimulate wound healing effectively and 0.5% chitosan shows good antimicrobial activity. Due to this fact, these concentrations were used for those compounds and mixed with polyurethane to form a cream film which showed good stability. This formulation is safe, it shows no toxicity to cell cultures and non-irritating when tested in accordance with OECD standards. Besides, in vivo study according to ISO-10993 indicated that this cream did not cause any irritations in rabbits while commercially available cream for the same indication caused moderate irritation in rabbits. After clinical testing in patients with first or second-degree pressure sore showed that the size of wounds or skin area with fecal bites were significantly reduced after 2nd and 3rd week of application compared to the initial wound size. However, wounds treated with Cavilon (commercially available, control cream) showed no significant difference in size after apply for 3 weeks, compared to the initial wound size. In addition, the pressure sore wound severity assessed by the 2-digit Stirling Pressure Sore Severity Scale of both sample- and control-treated subjects were significantly lower after 2 and 3-weeks treatment compared to the severity at initial stage. The mean total PUSH Scores before treatment were 8.6 1.5 and 8.9 1.2 for wounds treated with sample and control cream, respectively. However, after 3 weeks of treatment, the mean total PUSH Scores were reduced to 4.9 1.4 and 5.3 0.8 for wounds treated with sample and control cream respectively, which showed statistically significance differences compared to initial stage. In addition, pain analysis (using Visual Analog Scale, VAS) indicated that both sample and control creams were able to significantly reduce wound pain after applying for 3 weeks. Besides, both creams significantly reduced erythema and edema after treatment for 3 weeks, compared to the erythema and edema level at initial stage without any adverse reactions. |
Row | Inventors Name | Country | Title Of Invention | Brief Description |
1 |
Prof. Raid Al-Baradie , Raid Albaradie , Ahmed Aldrawish , Mohammad Almaharb , Fadi’s Bin Roshowid , Abin Al Sahalie |
UNITED KINGDOM | Proffesser | *Summary* The invention relates to making an industrial model of a medical device that works with an ideal heating system and mechanism on medical laboratory slides fixed on waxy paraffin tissues, which require precise, uniform heat for the purpose of fixing the tissues during the work of laboratory experiments on the slides, including the work of dyes on them. The digital temperature of the slide warmers with digital display can be set from room temperature to 75°C (167°F). The 25" x 9" heat ionized aluminum inner surface is engineered to transfer heat consistently and dry slices evenly. This unit also has an additional setting button that allows you to switch between viewing the set temperature and the actual temperature at the same time. The device is also equipped with a digital clock and a timer to know the time of the experiments. The device is supported by a steel fan that distributes heat in a consistent and balanced manner between all segments The industrial model is characterized by a light structure made of fiber-combined material with aluminum to ensure the work of balanced thermal heating and heat transfer quickly and at a rate consistent with the quality of the tissues to be installed and adjustable in the form of a heating lube with a power of 200 watts that gives you the ability to heat from room temperature to 75 degrees Celsius (167 degrees Fahrenheit) degrees Fahrenheit) so that we can transfer heat to dry and stabilize tissues and cells on slides perfectly homogeneous for use in all specialized experiments on cells and tissues and on all medical histopathology for diagnosis *Protection elements* 1- Digital screen, adjust the temperature of the heating device 2- The device has an add button that allows you to switch between the vision set temperature and the actual temperature at the same time 3- Providing the device with a steel fan that distributes the heat *Future plan* This device is very important and will depend on it in the future in the ideal heating system on the medical laboratory slides in the Ministry of Health, specifically in the tissue laboratories, and also the power of this device will prompt us to participate in it in the future in local, regional and international exhibitions |
2 |
Subina Shami |
UNITED KINGDOM | Cuisine Machine | Cuisine Machine is a smart kitchen appliance that can automatically add ingredients at predetermined intervals and at the right temperature during the cooking process, just like a chef. It is a fully automated countertop appliance that cooks various recipes using pre-programmed Electronic Recipe Cards. These cards carry ingredient lists and recipe instructions that are read using smart card technology. The user selects a recipe, loads the ingredient containers and initiates the cooking process. The appliance then starts following the programmed instructions that indicate when to heat the cooking bowl, when to open the ingredient containers and introduce the ingredients into the cooking bowl, when to add water/stock and when to activate the stirrer. The appliance controls temperature and knows the exact length of time every ingredient needs to cook before the next one is added, stirring intermittently in a pressurized environment. |
3 |
German Anchique , German Anchique , German Anchique , German Anchique , German Anchique , German Anchique |
AUSTRALIA | Combination Drill and Drive Devise | please refer to website |
4 |
Luy Mithona , Mr. Seng Noeurn , Mr. Sour Sakada , Mr. Long David , Mr. Horn Sphat , Prof. Luy Mithona |
CAMBODIA | NU Self-Driving Detection | We desire to invent Software Self-Driving Detection that has the ability to calculate and detect the colors of the traffic light. In addition to that, there will be an alert and notification in sound to drivers in order to prevent them from risky and traffic accidents. |
5 |
Luy Mithona , Prof. Suon Sivatha , Prof. Chansamedy Prum , Mr. Keo Samneang , Mr. Koy Mengly , Mr. Then Dyna |
CAMBODIA | NU Child Tracking | Technology devices at a minimal price. This allows users, especially parents, to track their children via the mobile application connected with a cutie strap. The app will alert notifications to the parent when their children are wearing the strap safely far away from them in a particular range. Also, the strap device has a simple physical piece of information containing the contact info of the child’s parent. In case of the child gets lost somewhere, people will be able to seek and find the child’s parent faster. |
6 |
Luy Mithona , Mr. Sam Bandithviphou , Prof. Luy Mithona , Prof. Rachana Chhoeung , Prof. Suon Sivatha , Prof. Prum Chansamedy |
CAMBODIA | NUNA Smart Attendance | An attendance system is a system that is used to track the attendance of a particular person and is applied in industries, schools, universities, or working places. The traditional way of taking attendance has drawbacks, which is the data of the attendance list cannot be reused and tracking and tracing students’ attendance is harder. The technology-based attendance system such as sensors and biometrics-based attendance systems reduced human involvement and errors. Thus in this paper, an NFC-based attendance system is presented. A comparative study between this both NFC and RFID are also discussed thoroughly, especially in terms of their architectures, functionality features, benefits, and weaknesses. Overall, even though both NFC and RFID attendance system increases the efficiency in recording attendance, the NFC system is providing more conveniences and cheaper infrastructure in both operational and setup cost. NUNA Smart Attendance stands for ”Norton University Near Field Communication Attendance” and is a mobile application that provides the user(NU’s staff) scanning with NFC to check working day attendance. As we observe that nowadays mobile application is very popular so we can implement the attendance check on the mobile application. NUNA Smart Attendance is very powerful to check for staff attendance avoiding anonymous check-in instead. An attendance system is a system that is used to track the attendance of a particular person and is applied in industries, schools, universities, or working places. The traditional way of taking attendance has drawbacks, which is the data of the attendance list cannot be reused and tracking and tracing students’ attendance is harder. The technology-based attendance system such as sensors and biometrics-based attendance systems reduced human involvement and errors. Thus in this paper, an NFC-based attendance system is presented. A comparative study between this both NFC and RFID are also discussed thoroughly, especially in terms of their architectures, functionality features, benefits, and weaknesses. Overall, even though both NFC and RFID attendance system increases the efficiency in recording attendance, the NFC system is providing more conveniences and cheaper infrastructure in both operational and setup cost. NUNA Smart Attendance stands for ”Norton University Near Field Communication Attendance” and is a mobile application that provides the user(NU’s staff) scanning with NFC to check working day attendance. As we observe that nowadays mobile application is very popular so we can implement the attendance check on the mobile application. NUNA Smart Attendance is very powerful to check for staff attendance avoiding anonymous check-in instead. |
7 |
Luy Mithona , Mr. Poch Kimlong , Mr. Chhoy Ra , Prof. Luy Mithona , Prof. Rachana Chhoeung , Prof. Suon Sivatha |
CAMBODIA | NU Share Destination | NU Share Destination is a ride-hailing app that provides a fairer service to both drivers and riders. Using the “Share Destination” feature allows passengers to share the ride with other passengers who go in the same direction. This gives advantages of lowering the ride cost, reducing energy-wasting, pollution factors, and traffic jams. order to prevent them from risky and traffic accidents |
8 |
Luy Mithona , Mr. Sreng Ramo , Mr. Nheng Makara , Mr. Theng Soyannpich , Mr. Channy Neat , Prof. Ung Yean |
CAMBODIA | NU Website SAKKAL | Our website provides accurate information and research on detailed disciplines from within the university to present accurate, clear, and reliable information. All students can access information quickly and easily, which can reduce expenses and avoid time wasting. |
9 |
Luy Mithona , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak |
CAMBODIA | Develop Islam mosque to attract tourist with new technology | Since Cham (Champa) fled their homeland to take refuge in neighboring countries as well as Cambodia, Cham people build mosques where communities pray for their god. The oldest Cham mosque is located in Banteay Chas Village, Chumnic commune, Krouch Chhmar district, and Tbong Khmum province along the Mekong River. The architecture of this ancient mosque is an invaluable heritage of the Cham people and is a cultural property in Cambodia. According to the interviews said that the chapel was built in 1902 for structure and roof, 1919 lay the ceiling, and in 1967 added roof decorative. In 1980, was expanded by connecting the four corridors allowing more prayer to come and use this chapel. The total columns were 130. |
10 |
Luy Mithona , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak |
CAMBODIA | The Classic Khmer House “Rongdeung” | The idea of making “The Classic Khmer House, Rongdeung” project was intended to lift up Khmer Vernacular houses once again to all new generations of Cambodian citizens and help keep Khmer cultural heritage also. The traditional Khmer house was constructed and designed by the Khmer people since ancient times and passed down the structural method through generations. Obviously, our country grows toward a better stage of life living in the golden age of technology development and greater architectural buildings appear around every place. Therefore, we have inserted the Khmer Rongdeung house project accessible with technology and sustainable materials. an application that provides the user(NU’s staff) scanning with NFC to check working day attendance. As we observe that nowadays mobile application is very popular so we can implement the attendance check on the mobile application. NU NFC Smart Attendance is very powerful to check for staff attendance avoiding anonymous check-in instead. |
11 |
Luy Mithona , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak |
CAMBODIA | The Jayavarman Smart Station | Jayavarman Smart Station is the renovation of the lodge with the addition of technology to accommodate travelers, locals, scholars, and local officials. We build a small building that allows people to rest and protect themselves from the weather. We are equipped with information systems to inform passengers and provide power for charging and clean drinking water. the station put a system for locating, identifying, and summarizing the history of ancient temples that have been discovered and setting up locations for tourist destinations. Developing a curriculum the use of the environment to complement the urban environment. |
12 |
Luy Mithona , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak |
CAMBODIA | Vernacular Khmer House with Sustainable Rohat Teck (Water Wheel) | Rohit Terk in Khmer means "Water Wheel" which is one attractive decorative device also used to drain water. As we observe that nowadays Rohatt seems to be gradually losing its popularity and function. One of the Water-Wheel in Siem Reap that was built in the 60s was repaired by the (APASA Authority) and has some difficulty with function. That caused us then create and it is an idea to inspire for new design Khmer Traditional Water-Wheel that is based on the ancient and can also produce electrical appliances. Then use that electricity to apply in vernacular Khmer houses also equipped with new technology that can control any electronic devices. |
13 |
Dr. Chemist. Maisa Salh Eldin Ismail Ahmed |
EGYPT | Friendly Environmental Method for the Control of Corrosion and Deposition of Scale by Herbal and Algal Extract | This my PhD thesis: The patent has mainly explored the possibility for using some natural products as antiscalants and anticorrosion in cooling systems used in desalination plants, pharmaceutical and food industries. This Patent seeks to undertake laboratory-based to investigate formulations containing herb (marjoram and arghel), and algal (Enteromorphacompressa and Pterocladiacapillacea) extracts as novel environmentally scale and corrosion inhibitor for simulated cooling water solution. The used evaluation tools were: I- Antiscalant Characteristics: 1. Conductivity measurements. 2. Chronoamperometry Technique. 3. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. 4. The optical and scanning microscopic examinations. 5. Infrared examinations. 6. Conductivity measurements II- Anticorrosion Characteristics 1. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. 2. Potentiodynamic polarization measurements. The results indicted that, both types of extracts have a dual function effect as antiscalent for CaCO3 deposit and as corrosion inhibitor for steel in alkaline CaCl2 brine solution simulating the treatment of cooling plants. The results show that, herb extracts have higher efficiency than algal extracts as antiscalent and anticorrosion inhibitor. Arghel leaf extract has a higher efficiency than the other extracts. III- Intercomparison study Intercomparison study between optimum dose of arghel leaf extract and chemical mix which used in petrochemical industry were carried out. The results indicted that, both types of inhibitors have a dual function effect as antiscalent for CaCO3 deposit and as corrosion inhibitor. The results clarify that, arghel leaf extract is more efficient as antiscalent and as anticorrosion than chemical mix. On the other hand, arghel leaf extract is more environmentally friendly inhibitor and has low operating cost than chemical mix. The results indicted that, both types of inhibitors have a dual function effect as antiscalent for CaCO3 deposit and as corrosion inhibitor. Arghel extract is environmentally friendly inhibitor and has low operating cost than chemical mix It was recommendedt o use Arghel extract in the closed cooling systems to reduce the amount of water used in the cooling process. Deputy and objective of the invention: The aim of this invention is to control the corrosion of steel objects and to prevent the formation of crusts in cooling systems or boilers using some seaweed and non-polluting marine algae extracts rather than chemicals, and thus to be used in food and pharmaceutical industries. It also aims to reduce pollution on the watercourse and thus reduce the cost of water treatment in water companies. Advantages of invention: The most important advantages of the invention are that they are inexpensive and safe for the environment. They are made up of natural materials that are available and uncomplicated to manufacture and play the same role as chemicals imported from abroad, which will save money, plant factories and employ young people. It is also important to reduce the use of chemicals used in water treatment (chlorine and Alum) and thus reduce the cost of money spent in the treatment of water. Thus saving the wasted money in importing chemicals that harm the environment and chemicals used in the treatment of water and thus increase the national income. Product activation and promotion: In order to promote the product, there must be a company that produces and markets different factories and companies, and follow up with them in order to help them to control the corrosion rates to achieve the highest degree of efficiency. This is called the science of metal erosion and protection, and is the work of many scientists and researchers, to control it, because metals, whatever the iron rust, and corrosion varies depending on the type of metal and the center in it. In many industries, water is widely used in the process of heat exchange to remove unwanted heat in some industrial operating systems. The warm water from the cooling process contains soluble salts, organic matter and microorganisms that lead to metals corrosion. , And crusts are deposited in the "pipes" of the cooling systems, resulting in partial or total blockage. The more developed countries are able to control corrosion rates, stressing that corrosion can not be stopped but controlled. Instead of changing the pipe every 10 years, using corrosion control materials can be changed every 50 years. |
14 |
Momen Ahmed , Momen Ahmed |
YEMEN | the landing and takeoff of jet aircraft on its marine fleets safe without the need for or hooks pesbrakes. | The idea of the safe invention of landing was developed, which is the safe departure of jet aircraft on the marine fleets without the need to use hooks, ropes, ballasts, and parachutes etc., among other things, when the trained pilots face a great difficulty in landing fighter jets on the marine fleets and also the difficulty of timing in conjunction with the hook ( brake ) and especially during night training which forces the pilot to take-off and land without lights . The idea of this invention consists of adding a track-shaped floor Of the material rigid (Rabl albalakon) driven by engines with seventy thousand horse power (CC) on the runway of the During landing, this ground is moved against the fuselage rush in the event of landing. If the speed of the plane during landing was (252 km) per hour, it requires adjusting the speed of the moving earth at a rotation rate of (352 km) per hour. In this case, the fuselage has slowed down and decreased to zero (0). Safety for the safety of the pilot and the aircraft, as well as the crew in general. For more additions see Figure 1. Simultaneously in the case of take-off, the plane speed will usually be (180 km) per hour on the naval fleets. Here it requires adjusting the speed of the moving ground (180 km) per hour, as opposed to the plane's forward thrust, along with increasing the engine power in order to take enough space for take-off of the plane. Figure 2 This invention is used in naval fleets, the aim of which is to reduce the size of the fleet and provide safe landing and takeoff for combat aircraft, day and night, without risk. It can also be used in aircraft runways for emergency landing, and can also be used in the global navigation service as mobile runways because they are small in size and sufficient in area for intentional landing. The body remains in its static state (either complete stillness or moving in a straight line at a constant speed) unless it is affected by a force of change from this state. |
15 |
Amine Belmzoukia , Amen Belmzoukia |
MOROCCO | Automatic vehicle and passengers sanitizing system. | The main idea of our invention is to realize an automatic disinfection system for vehicles and passengers in the accesses of areas at high risk of infection by Covid-19 to limit the spread of covid-19 between zones. It is made up of two units, the first is called "Safe Vehicle Gate" which serves to completely disinfect surfaces |
16 |
Maher Abdelsamie , Maher Abdelsamie |
UNITED STATES | A System for Tackling Environmental Problems, Including Climate Change. | ECSS) is a tool for uniting global efforts towards tackling climate change. The ECSS is an eco-friendly blockchain platform for connecting online and offline products and service providers, individuals, Life cycle Assessment (LCA) experts, Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) program operators, non-profits, governmental bodies, advertisers, and other entities. Through the use of blockchain, all transactions will be recorded on a massively scalable distributed ledger. |
17 |
Kamal Daissaoui , Mohamed Amine Gadi , Yassine Aboudrare , Safae Merzouk , Ssadik Charadi , Brahim Elbhiri |
MOROCCO | Smart marine survey system | The present invention is a Smart marine survey system. It consists mainly of a network of double-sided robots able to float and navigate the water sea independently. These robots are each composed of several sensors to collect maritime and weather information. According to the concept that we propose, the system can cover a large marine area by multiplying the number of robots integrated in the network. The various robots are intelligently connected to each other via a suitable communication network in order to communicate all of the data collected to the user via a gateway. |
18 |
Kamal Daissaoui , Hatim Ez-Zaglazi , Yassine Aboudrare , Safae Merzouk , Brahim Elbhiri |
MOROCCO | Intelligent system for collecting donations (DONATE) | Generally, donation and charity collectors use acrylic collection boxes, transparent or not with key lock. The invented DONATE System has a creative and innovative design that can be installed in a private or/and public place, which is made up of several blocks allowing the collection and display of light shows or messages, according to each use of the theme collection of donations in a secure and attractive way. Donate is able to distinguish between any type of currency or others through an integrated block at the global system level allowing the reading and receipt of any type of donation received by each user , and It’is based in its operation on a green energy source (of any type) or other and ensuring the overall power supply of the system. Also, this invented system is able to control and give the state of the collection through a communication and control block, in order to have visibility on the donations and to make the link between the user and the recipients of the donations. |
19 |
Kamal Daissaoui , Mohamed Amine Gadi , Yassine Aboudrare , Safae Merzouk , Ssadik Charadi , Brahim Elbhiri |
MOROCCO | Intelligent UV-C disinfection system | The present invention consists in contributing to the field of health through the development of a solution allowing regular prevention against viruses, bacteria or others, whatever their areas of existence either in water, air, on surfaces or others through an intelligent system based on UV- C technology. This designed system is installed along public places such as: hospitals, offices, shops, schools, museums and public transport or others. This intelligent system uses UV-C technology in its operation and has a set of integrated sensors detecting the presence rate of viruses, bacteria or others, in each zone concerned, giving instructions for the operation of the said system on a regular basis. |
20 |
Eusebiu Toader , Milici Mariana Rodica , Pavăl Mihaela , NIȚAN Ilie , Bejenar Ciprian , Ungureanu Constantin, Lupu Elena Daniela |
ROMANIA | MOTION CONTROL SYSTEM | The motion control system according to the invention consists mainly of a mobile system consisting of two motors which are fed simultaneously or separately, the braking being carried out by means of two nitinol springs, which once fed act on the system braking. |
21 |
Ovidiu Magdin Tanta , Mihaela Pavăl , Laurențiu-Dan Milici , Oana Vasilica GROSU , Eusebiu Toader , Valentin Popa, Pavel Atănăsoae |
ROMANIA | ELECTRICAL NETWORK FAULT SIGNALING DEVICE | The automatic device for signaling the failure of the electrical network, according to the invention, consists mainly of a tube mounted on the electrical conductor which has inside a quantity of ferrofluid which will move inside the tube when a defect occurs. |
22 |
Ciprian Bejenar , Marian Bejenar , Mihai Dimian , Laurențiu-Dan MILICI , Mariana-Rodica Milici , Ciprian Afanasov, Constantin Ungureanu, Mihaela Pavăl |
ROMANIA | Extension device for the diagnosis of conductive charging systems | The invention uses a simple solution from a constructive point of view and allows it to be attached for diagnostic purposes in the extension of any conductive charging system, being suitable as an accessory regardless of the testing equipment and/or system and it has the capability to incorporate an incorporable source of electrical energy and/or universal terminals, facilitating the extension action without the strict need for a human operator, because the device constitutes a monobloc testing probe for the acquisition of the related signals corresponding to the electrical parameters of interest in the process of diagnosis the conductive charging of an electric vehicle. |
23 |
Luy Mithona , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak |
CAMBODIA | THE SMART CHAIR OF NORTON UNIVERSITY | The idea of creating an intelligent chair is an essential part of helping students for self-study, save time, save money, and make it easy to use In addition, I also included Khmer art, which is an ornament to make other nations know Khmer better. |
24 |
Andrei Victor Sandu , Kamel Earar , Oleg Solomon , Alina-Ramona DIMOFTE , Meda-Lavinia Negruţiu , Cosmin Sinescu, Madalina Nicoleta Matei |
ROMANIA | Facial arch with extended mechanical and biological functionality and procedure of use | The invention relates to a facial arch with extended mechanical and biological functionality and to a method of use for the three-dimensional transfer of the position of the upper dental arch in the articulator and which is used in the field of dentistry, in the prosthetic rehabilitation algorithm for different types of edentulousness. The facial arch according to the invention consists of a unitary assembly (A) called an "eye line finder", an articulated support (B), having a double-sided transfer spoon and radial extension, an articulation assembly (C) for supporting a transfer spoons, a universal transfer stand (D) for mounting the upper and lower model in the articulator, and a device (E) for controlling the parallelism of the prepared teeth, before the impression and transfer. |
25 |
Andrei Victor Sandu , Kamel Earar , Aurel Nechita , Diana-Andreea CIORTEA , Emil Ceban , Simona Pârvu |
ROMANIA | Dietary supplement for the prevention and treatment of diabetes | The invention relates to a dietary supplement for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, which is used in the field of nutrition and medicine. It is developed on the basis of phytocomplexes contained in vegetables, fruits and medicinal plants, which develop hypoglycemic, lipid-lowering, antiradical effects. It is known that the most representative natural compounds that develop beneficial effects in the treatment of diabetes are: phenolcarboxylic acids, coumarin and favonoid derivatives, anthocyanosides, proanthocyanosides, tannins, triterpene saponosides, thioetherosides, volatile oils, bitter principles, bitter principles. Based on these active principles with hypoglycaemic effects, two systems were formulated, one based on finely ground powders, granulometrically measured, gravimetrically dosed, intimately mixed and pre-compressed in the form of dragees (tablets) and another in the form of concentrated liquid dispersions of supernatants from juices, infusions and decoctions of vegetables and plants from the native spontaneous flora. |
26 |
Andrei Victor Sandu , Cătălin-Andrei Țugui , Petrică Vizureanu , Andrei Victor Sandu |
ROMANIA | Hydroabrasive wear test system of metallic materials used in hydraulic machines | The invention relates to an installation for testing the abrasive wear of metal materials used in hydraulic machines. The installation according to the invention comprises a command-and-control panel (1), a stirring motor (3), a cylindrical stainless-steel tank (4), inside which a shaft (5) is immersed in a liquid with abrasive particles. operated at different engine speeds (3), having at one end a clamping system (6), on which are mounted some samples (7). Sampling testing is done at adjustable speeds and different contact angles by immersing them in water which may contain different percentages of abrasive particles. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Valentina Uivarosi , Bianca Gălățeanu , Alexandra-Cristina MUNTEANU , Ariana Hudiță , Bruno Ștefan Velescu, Valeria-Nicoleta Vatavu-ghițoi |
ROMANIA | TRIVALENT CHROMIUM COMPOUND WITH ANTIADIPOGENIC ACTIVITY AND PROCESS FOR SYNTHESIS | The invention reffers to a chromium (III) complex, to a process for synthesis and to the evaluation of the antiadipogenic activity, in respect to its therapeutic potential. The process for the preparation of the complex consists in dissolving the 5-hydroxyflavone ligand (Primuletin, Pri) in ethanol in the presence of triethylamine, adding the solution thus obtained to an ethanolic solution containing CrCl3, for a L: M molar ratio of 3: 1 and refluxing the final mixture until a red crystalline precipitate is obtained. The hardly soluble compound was filtered off, washed with ethanol and dried by storage at room temperature. Another object of the invention is the use of the chromium (III) compound with 5-hydroxyflavone (Primuletin) as an agent with antiadipogenic activity, useful in the treatment of obesity. The influence of the compound Cr(Pri)3 in the dynamics of the adipogenic differentiation process is highlighted by the evaluation of intracytoplasmic lipid accumulations (characteristic for mature adipocytes) and the expression of perilipine as a marker of adipogenesis. |
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Griziuc Renata , Apun-Sleep , Apun-Bag , APuN-HanuR , Apun-Porto , Apun-Pillow |
MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF | APuN | APuN-magnets treatment products, useful and healthy options, for all cattegories person, 5-90 years, no containdication |
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Professor Mark Slevin , Professor Mark Anthony Slevin , Raid Al-Baradie , Fuzail Ahmad |
UNITED KINGDOM | Blocking C-reactive protein associated chronic inflammation and associated neurodegenerative disease | Photographs, posters, some technical detail |
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Hatem Slimane , Safa Ben Haj Hassine |
TUNISIA | THE ECONOMIC WATER CONSUMPTION SYSTEM | We’ve been working on the invention since 2017. THIS PROJECT IS THE WINNER OF: * 1st place: GOLD MEDAL in Genius Olympiad USA 2019 (+2700 participant) * The 4th place TISF 2018, Taiwan (+860 participants) *2nd place: SILVER MEDAL and Special Award MOSTRATEC 2018, Brazil (+1800 participant) * GOLD MEDAL +SPECIAL AWARD In TUNISIA I-FEST 2019 *: 2nd Place in the international science fair zimbabwe 2020 (online edition) *2nd place exposciencia Chile 2021(online edition). * Participated in the MILSET EXPO ASIA DUBAI 2022 . |
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Scortescu Silvia , Scortescu Marius-Silviu 3 Duda-3 Dudu , Griziuc Renata-Apun , Bolocan Catalin-Full Lamp 2 , Chiriac Victor-Spirulina Ag , Buca Felicia-Felis-panda |
MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF | Junior Achievement IPLT,, Universul,, | Scortescu Marius-Silviu t-shirt magno-coton, for girls Duda for boys Dudu, author drawing, Griziuc Renata - APuN medical blancket , Bolocan Catalin -Full lamp 2 , b 4 devices , sun battery adapter, Chiriac Victor -Spirulina Ag -natural drops anti-cancer, Buca Felicia -Felis Panda , medical animal coat |
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Scortescu Silvia , Scortescu Marius-Silviu 3 Duda-3 Dudu , Griziuc Renata-Apun , Bolocan Catalin-Full Lamp 2 , Chiriac Victor-Spirulina Ag , Buca Felicia-Felis-panda |
MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF | Junior Achievement IPLT,, Universul,, | Scortescu Marius-Silviu t-shirt magno-coton, for girls Duda for boys Dudu, author drawing, Griziuc Renata - APuN medical blancket , Bolocan Catalin -Full lamp 2 , b 4 devices , sun battery adapter, Chiriac Victor -Spirulina Ag -natural drops anti-cancer, Buca Felicia -Felis Panda , medical animal coat |
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Luy Mithona , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak |
CAMBODIA | TRAIN STATION IN CAMBODIA | Due to population growth factors, traffic is congested, causing congestion. To solve this problem in Phnom Penh better, my team was inspired to create a new urban train, to make the journey more convenient. |
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Wasana Intasang , Miss Wasana Intasang |
THAILAND | Revomed (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.: The Best Innovative Manufacturer of Health & Beauty Supplement | Revomed Thailand is an OEM and ODM Manufacturer & Importer of Skincare, Cosmetic & Dietary supplements. Leading by our CEO, Wasana Intasang, who has a strong passion for elevating the health & beauty industry with the integrity of a manufacturer and the quality of the product. We provide One-Stop Service Solutions for the clients and integrate innovation, technology, research & development into every product and every step of the works. In corresponding with our core value of Innovative Revolution. Revomed provides a unique formulation for the client with our innovative ingredients from around the world that are exclusively acquired for the client’s brand. We now have over ten exclusive innovative ingredients on the portfolio and over 30 partners from oversea. Offering our client a one-stop solution and professional experience. Revomed has manufactured over 2,000 brands, and over 50,000 formulations have been created from our export R&D team. |
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Awika Rongthong , Colla Ac By Dr. Awie |
THAILAND | Dr.Awie: The Best Innovative Anti-Acne Dietary Supplement | “Colla – Ac by Dr.Awie” is the innovative acne solution dietary supplement which the formulation was developed by Dr.Awika Rongthong. Colla-Ac is featured with a patented ingredient called “Actisave” claimed as active oral protection against skin disorders. The combination of Black Rice extract and Cactus flower protects the skin against unbalanced hormonal effects induced by Testosterone which may cause acne and breakout. Together with the combination of Grape seed extract, Horsetail extract, Pine bark extract, Zinc, Vitamin B5, Collagen , L-Glycine, and L-glutamine synergistically work together to help with acne problems such as pimples, break out and skin pigmentations. Giving a proven result from the first week of supplementation. Colla – Ac by Dr.Awie has successfully sold over 500,000 bottles across Thailand’s market over the past two years with the highest customer satisfaction score and a high repeat purchase rate and This validates product quality and innovation from Dr. Awie Brand. |
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Mrs. Piyatida Bumrungrak |
THAILAND | Proterest | Proterest by The Na Brand featured with an innovative main ingredient called “Mucosave”, a unique blend of Prickle pear cladodes and Olive leaves, containing polysaccharides and bio-phenols from two herbal extracts. The unique combination specifically created for mucosal support and to counteract symptoms caused by gastrointestinal disorders such as GERD symptoms like regurgitation and heartburn. Proterest helps to improve gut health, relieve acid reflux symptoms, aid digestion, and improve the excretory system. The NA brand commits to serving the customer with product quality and a proven product result, as shown in this champion product, Proterest by The NA. Proterest by The NA Thailand has successfully archived high scores of testimonial satisfaction during the product trial programme. This ensures the product quality and innovation which procure from the identity of The NA brand. |
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Dr. Piya Siangsukone |
THAILAND | The PRONURA | The PRONURA Plant Protein Plus dietary supplement is developed from five organic plant-based proteins namely Peas, Almond, Quinoa, Chia Seed and Brown Rice with the addition of vitamin, omega-3 from flaxseed oil, and minerals from naturally sourced ingredients. Moreover, The PRONURA also contains a perfect blend of five probiotics supplemented with prebiotics to encourage the probiotics to work more efficiently. This newly evolved dietary supplement is more special with the addition of Erythritol, used as a low-calorie sweetener, which does not affect insulin levels. The PRONURA is easy to intake and it can be added to everyone’s regularly preferred food and drinks. The PRONURA’s inimitable formula has been developed by teams of professional doctors, pharmacists, scientists and nutritionists in Thailand. It is an ideal for those who want to revitalize their health or are in need of health boosting. |
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Solinda Sean |
THAILAND | Madam Da: Best new whitening serum | Madam Da Advance whitening serum plus is a new formula of skin whitening serum consisting of the innovative ingredient called B-white Tm. B-White is an Ingredient created by imitating the function of TGF-β, a growth factor directly related to melanin production. The method is that B-White binds to the TGF-β receptor and then inhibits MITF. B-White's functionality inhibits the work of MITF by Reducing pigmentation in both pathways: 1. Reduce the natural pigment formation of the people of that nation. 2. Reduce pigment production from UV light exposure. B-White reduces melanin production better than Arbutin or even Vitamin C. This complete whitening formula combines BHA, PHA, Glycolic acid, Niacinamide, Licorice Extract, and five natural AHA from lemon, bilberry, apple, sugar cane and grape. This formula works synergistically and gives the best result in the whitening effect within seven days. |
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Pimpattra Pimrattanakul |
THAILAND | Richest: The Best Anti-Aging Plant Based Protein | Rich Plant Based Protein from Richest Brand is a complete plant-based protein from soybean. A new alternative protein from plants for health lovers. It helps to strengthen body muscles, improve the immune system, enhance nerve cell healing and contains 21 grams of protein per serving. Rich Plant Based Protein enriched with innovative active ingredients such as H2O slims contains Agaricus bisporus that give physical and electrostatic lipid trapping effect from polysaccharides polymer from mushrooms. Together with Telosert TM, a complex grape skin extract contains resveratrol that helps with anti-ageing and lengthens telomere length by inducing Sirtuins gene activation. Giving anti-ageing effect directly at mitochondria and cell level with BioMatrix technology of Telosert TM. Rich Plant-Based Protein contains 27 kinds of phytochemicals from fruits, vegetables & herbs such as broccoli, spinach, acai berry, turmeric, cinnamon, elderberry, and other nutrients. Giving powerful anti-oxidant properties from the completed plant-based protein. |
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Suratchada Treamchumporn , Suratchada Treamchumporn , Pongpaichayont Thongchua |
THAILAND | Glory: Best Innovative Skincare for Skin Radiance | Glory glow skin booster serum is an advance skin serum for skin luminous and brightening effect. Enriched with three innovative ingredients Pauseili™, Active Plant Cell from Madonna Lilly, and Senolytics Swiss Alpine Rose. The ultimate advance glowing serum, GLORY ADVANCED GLOW SKIN BOOSTER SERUM, giving a skin plumping, smoothness, and nourishing. Together with an active plant cell from Madonna lily and dragon blood extract that help to reduce acne inflammation and dark spots. Spot the glass skin looking after the first night. Glory Glass skin serum contains the highest concentration of the most powerful ingredient known for its strong skin properties: Pauseili™, a rare natural living ingredient with extraordinary skin illuminating powers with its proven result reignites skin's strengthening and glowing effect ! FEEL YOUR 7 days of an ultimate miracle healthier glass skin with , Glory Advanced Glow Skin Booster Serum. • DERMATOLOGIST TESTED • SUITABLE FOR SENSITIVE SKIN • PARABEN FREE • SILICON FREE • MINERAL OIL FREE • COLOR FREE • ALCOHOL FREE |
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Dumkerng Thongsonkleeb , Dumkerng Thongsonkleeb , Professor Pornanong Aramwit, Pharm.d., Ph.d. , Burin Vimokesant , Nichakorn Lorwatcharaporn |
THAILAND | DragKooler Herbal Cooling Towel | “High Fever” is categorized as a serious issue for parents of infants and small children because of “Studies have found that infants and small children(aged up to 5 years old) with a fever of 37-40 degree Celsius could suffer from seizers within 24 hours”. To prevent seizure, medical professionals advise lowering body temperatures immediately and the best method is a water wipe down to lower body temperatures. But parents attempting to wipe down their children to relieve a fever voice the same challenge “It’s not easy, inconvenient, slow ,wet and creates a messy area during wipedowns” New Innovation Dragkooler Herbal cooling body towel that can solve all pain points, we make it more “Convenient” by disposable cloths, make it more “Effective” with herbs-enriched, more “Easy” with gentle wipes and more “Clean” noe messy room anymore with single pieace soaked cloth. • Researched and developed by Professor Pornanong Aramwit, Pharm.D., Ph.D ,Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science. • Awarded product innovation by the Department of Industrial Promotion under Agro genius DIPROM project • Received Gold Medal Award for Best Innovation in Health / Medicine / Fitness from International Invention and Innovation Show Intarg 2022 in Poland on 11-12 May 2022 • Result of clinical trials 2X effectiveness in relieving fever compared to water wipes • Clinically-tested to be irritants free and gentle on skin by Dermscan Asia • Dragkooler fever wipes are derived from 100% natural herbal extracts. The fabric is made from 100% cypress pine from Japan. gentle on skin and fully biodegradable (environmentally friendly product) • Key ingredients of Dragkooler Herbal cooling body towel - Lime: 2X effectiveness in relieving fever compared to water wipes - Bai ya nong (Tiliacora triandra): helps open skin pores to release trapped body heat - Plai (Zingiber): prevents inflammation of the skin - Glycerin increase Moisturizing for your skin - Peppermint: breathe easier through better circulation • Eco-Friendly, cloths woven from Japanese Cypress Pine Tree that “replace two for every one tree plant, FSC certified cloth and recyclable aluminum foil packaging” • Patent Protected • for children aged 6 months and above Just wipe-Fight fever faster |
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Dr.anyawee Keatapipong |
THAILAND | Nutrepreme Pro19 | Plant-based protein formulated for supporting physical and mental health |
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Mirjana Brlecic , Mirjana Brlecic |
CROATIA | HEEL AND FOOT REPAIR BALM with Shea Butter | Deeply moisturises and regenerates the skin. Helps remove dead skin cells (hardened skin on heels and feet). Also suitable for dry skin and can be used by diabetics. Absorbs instantly. Health and beauty advice MASSAGING YOUR FEET WITH THIS BALM WILL RESTORE ENERGY AND ALSO LEAVE YOUR TOES FEELING RELAXED AND SOOTHED. Use Before going to bed, apply a thin layer to clean, dry feet, paying special attention to areas prone to calluses and hard skin. Hard skin, calluses, dead skin cells and various forms of thick skin on heels and feet not only look unattractive, but they also prevent you from feeling relaxed. Result Soft feet, hydrated skin. Reduced calluses and hard skin. |
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Tomislav Bronzin , Tomislav Bronzin |
CROATIA | AR Smart Name Tag | Innovative IT platform that provides information about any person in a room/hall/playground etc. without the need for them to wear a visible name tag. The mobile application provides a name tag in augmented view on a screen of a mobile device (phone, tablet, smart glasses, etc.) and, if that person allows it, it does not provide only the name of the person, but much more (registration, COVID 19 status, classified information, fields of interest, etc.). AR Smart Name Tag can be combined with a wireless tag to enable the guidance to a person’s location in a room with the small cloud/flag (above that person’s head) containing the person’s name or showing all the people belonging to a specific group (speakers, security, press, dentists, etc.). |
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Dubravko Rogale , Dubravko Rogale , Snjezana First Rogale , ZELJKO KNEZIC |
CROATIA | MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT AND METHOD FOR THE SIMULTANEOUS DETERMINATION OF THERMAL RESISTANCE AND TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS OF LAYERS OF CLOTHING COMPOSITES | A new measuring device and method for simultaneous measurements in determining the thermal resistance in one or more layers of clothing compo-sites and temperature gradients of composite layers are presented, as well as the theoretical principles of operation and practical results. Clothing technology does not have a long tradition of measurement and metrology techniques needed to test the properties of materials required for the technical design of garments. Therefore, the introduction of a new measurement method for the simultaneous measurement of thermal resistance and temperature gradients is an important novelty for the field of clothing engineering. The novelty is that the measurements of two important parameters for the design of the thermal properties of clothing and of composite clothing (thermal resistance and values of temperature gradients) are carried out simultaneously with one measuring system. |
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Vjekoslav Majetic , Vjekoslav Majetic |
CROATIA | MV-3 - COUNTER TERRORISM ROBOTIC SYSTEM | The MV-3 is a multi-mission vehicle intended for support in counter terrorism, hostage and other crisis tasks and missions. Counter terrorism interventions pose significant threats to tactical teams due to limitations of personal ballistic protection. MV-3 gives the tactical team possibility to use the system with or without the tactical team, which allows the flexibility and modular approach without necessity to put tactical members in harm’s way. |
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Gabriel Majstorovic , Author: Gabriel Majstorovic , Menthor: Ruzica Kamenjasevic, Dipl. Ing. |
CROATIA | Electric Go Kart | The electric Go Kart is powered by all 4 wheels with 36-48 V motors with a power of 350 W and is powered by a 36 V 8 Ah battery, which is enough to cover about 8 km carrying an adult. The weight of the vehicle is 25 kg with a low center of gravity which makes it stable and easy to manage. Top speed is 40 km/h and has an electric brake on the rear wheels that is activated by a foot pedal. In the event of simultaneous application of the accelerator and brake, the safety system allows the vehicle to brake only. There is a possibility to turn off the front-wheel drive if the battery level is too low. The vehicle is comfortable to drive and can be used for short distances, for example: in industrial plants, university centers, etc. |
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Tin Stanisak , Author: Tin Stanisak , Menthor: Zeljko Situm |
CROATIA | REACTION SPEED TRAINING DEVICE IN MARTIAL SPORTS | A technical device has been developed to train the speed of reaction to visual stimuli in martial arts, which is especially important for taekwondo competitors. The beginnings of martial arts according to ancient records go back to the distant past and their primary purpose was self-defense through the application of fighting techniques only with bare hands, without using any type of tool or weapon. In recent decades, martial arts have become very popular because of their commercial potential through competitive forms of entertainment for the general public. Improving motor skills in early childhood through goal-oriented play activity such as reaction speed, agility, strength, precision and endurance in martial arts can be achieved using a technical device that practitioners use during training. The device uses impact surfaces randomly actuated by pneumatic actuators, and due to the compressibility of the air, the risk of injury to fighters is reduced. |
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Domagoj Vrsaljko , Prof. Dr. Sc. Domagoj Vrsaljko , Ivana Cevid, Mag. Ing. Oecoing. , Ivan Karlo Cingesar, Mag. Ing. Oecoing. , Marijan-Pere Marković, Mag. Ing. Cheming. |
CROATIA | NEW MILLIREACTOR WITH STATIC MIXERS FOR BIODIESEL PRODUCTION | Millireactors are a potential replacement for conventional reactors, primarily because of better mass and energy transfer, which increases efficiency. The addition of static mixers within reactors leads to an increase in mass and energy transfer, and additional higher productivity of a process. The optimal manufacturing method for the production of such complex geometries is additive manufacturing, which enables the production of reactors with complex internal geometry in the millimetre range. Our innovation is a 3D printed millireactor with static mixers. Static mixers allow for better mixing of reactants, thus increasing the efficiency of the process and reducing the amount of reaction byproducts released, along with lower energy consumption. |
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Marko Kravar , Marko Kravar |
CROATIA | PROLIPS | Prolips is used for taking care of hygiene while drinking beverages from a glass or a cup. It is made of medical linear low density polyethylene. It is packed singly in sterile packaging. Practical and simple usage. It protects lips from the contact with glass or cup so bacteria will not transmit. It ensures hygiene while drinking beverages. The protection from bacteria transmission from the cup or glass on the lips i.e. in organism. |
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Darko Spiljaric , Darko Spiljaric |
CROATIA | DIZZONE10 | DIZZONE is a stylishly designed, multifunctional unit that takes only a few seconds to convert from a workstation to a gaming station or a learning zone. In the open position, with the worktop extended and the door at 90 degrees, 3.3 m2 of work space is created, which is optimal for work. When folded, it occupies 1.5 m2, which is enough for all equipment, including an ergonomic work chair. Multipurpose use by one or more people enables additional savings. Through the perforations on the closed doors and on the rims, RGBW light effects penetrate, which are easily arbitrarily programmed and make the product attractive even when it is not in use. Simple and quick assembly and disassembly enables easy moving and a long service life. |
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Mirjana Brlecic , Mirjana Brlecic |
CROATIA | Natural Innovative Cosmetics NATRUE CERTIFICATE | NiKEL, Natural Innovative Cosmetics, NATRUE CERTIFICATE, DERMATOLOGICALLY TESTED PRODUCTS 1. Silky Cleansing Foam 2. Silky Anti-Wrinkle Toner 3. Silky Face Oil 4. Silky Face Cream 5. Silky Face Balm 6. Silky Eye Serum 7. Silky Body Oil 8. Silky Ivy Oil Nikel, Natural Innovative Cosmetics, Although NiKEL cosmetics is natural and has been awarded many times for innovation and purity and has the ECOLOGY FUND international certificate, users of natural cosmetics like it when the product they use for skin care also has independent recognition, the most demanding of which is the NATRUE certificate for natural and organic cosmetics . It can be obtained only after passing all strictly prescribed criteria and following the NATRUE standards, both for the content of the product and the production process. Only natural ingredients of organic origin, ingredients derived from plant sources and bioidentical ingredients are allowed. Water is excluded as a natural ingredient. Our many years of work on these formulations, which, rounded off like this, received just that recognition: NATRUE, will suit every person and skin type, dehydrated, dry, normal, oily, mixed, against redness, skin irritations! An effective "savior" for the skin and a new "must have" in skin care. |
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Dr.kampanart Boonrasri |
THAILAND | Vitamin CX Plus | Vitamin CX Plus, concentrated vitamin C. With NutraC copyright, the high technology innovation which can be absorbed for 24 hours. Combined with many natural extracts that strengthen the immune system and be antioxidant beneficially with 4 efficacy: 1. Non-acidic qualification which not destroy tooth enamel and not irritate the stomach. 2. High absorption. 3. Ready to use. 4. Remain in the body for 24 hours, the body can fully utilize of vitamin C. |
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Dr.kampanart Boonrasri |
THAILAND | Aimmura-19 | Research product AIMMURA19, the combination of Sesamin from black sesame and EGCG from green tea leaf, black rice bran and specially processed Jasmin rice flour. The food supplement recipes that beneficial for holistic health care and good for immune system to function normally in the body also. There are many studies describing the benefits of EGCG in health care, including: It is an antioxidant, anti-aging, prolongs life, restores the brain and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Anti-inflammation / Anti-Cancer / Anti-Cytocystrom Moreover, it strengthens the immune system, inhibits emerging pathogens, disrupts the life cycle of emerging pathogens combined with black sesame sesamin extract by increasing the value of sesame extract concentrated up to 10 times of the original formula. It is also rich in EGCG extract from green tea, black rice bran and specially prepared jasmine rice flour. It is an innovative food recipe for health care in a new way. Double lock & High Protection for a better quality of life. Aimmura-19, the dietary supplement product from numerous researches copyrighted by Aiyara Planet. |
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Reza Marvi Esfahani , Ehsan Shamshiri |
UNITED KINGDOM | Secured Cloud-based Indexing Platform for Research Proposals (Research Proposal Hub Indexing) ProHIx | ProHIx is a secured cloud-based connecting tool. It helps PhD/ Post Doc applicants around the world to be able to cope with challenges about how to find potential academic supervisors for their research proposals. It also helps universities' professors and academic supervisors to hire/accept qualified students from a wider range of applicants and of course in the easiest automated way. The business idea comes from a big dilemma that each year many of PhD/Post Doc applicants around the world have to be face with its challenges. Despite of existence of many service providers in the scope of linking PhD/ Post Doc applicants (living across the world) to their potential academic supervisors who are affiliated to different universities around the globe, almost none-of them is equipped with a comprehensive database or enabled to offer cosmopolitan and smart services. The big dilemma is in finding and communicating effectively with potential academic supervisors. The way in which they are connecting applicants to supervisors is obsolescent. We have worked on this project for three years and a British Incubator-Accelerator is supervising over its commercialization. This project has been screened and accepted by the UK Innovator Visa Program and led to issue us the UK Innovator Visa. Its IP has been already registered by WIPO-Switzerland. It seems benefits for public and society. ProHIx platform is a product of Mythosoft Ltd. (a UK based registered company). It facilitates the path in which applicants want to communicate with academic supervisors who are affiliated to different universities across the globe. Applicants may put their submitted research proposals in view of all registered potential supervisors. Through use of embedded unique features in ProHIx platform, it is more likely to be successful in getting supervision agreements and of course in the shortest possible time. Supervisors constantly receive proposals, those exactly matched with their current field(s) of research / interest and they can select the best applicants who they are more compatible with their criteria. Our main goal is to deliver integrated and streamlined services over the cloud. |
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Matteo Raphael Goco |
PHILIPPINES | Wearable UV Sensing Device with Bluetooth Monitoring Through Android Application | The wearable UV sensing device is a device aimed at protecting the wearer form the harmful UV rays of the sun. It detects the UV rays level of the sun and indicates the same giving the wearer the option of staying out in the sun or staying indoors and/or taking precautions when out in the sun. The product can help determine the present UV index of the day. With the help of these wearable device, people can adjust what to wear to avoid harmful effects of the sun to our skin. |
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Antonio Gabriel Goco |
PHILIPPINES | IR Snake RobotA Search, Surveillance, Rescue and Retrieve Device | The IR snake robot was built to fit into places humans can’t. Robots can travel through small tunnels underground, pass through small gaps, or fit into tiny pockets of air beneath fallen buildings. It is also equipped with sensors to detect air-quality in the environment. The mechanical structure consists of three modules: head, body, and tail. The control system is composed of 3 main parts: a master control system, slave control systems, and a monitoring system. The master system is integrated in the snake head, which mainly undertakes the role of automatic detection of the external environment, and controls the slave control system by sending commands. The slave control systems are distributed in body and tail, completing the specific gait regulation and control. The monitoring system is hosted in a phone APP, which realizes the monitor and display function of sampled information. The power supply system consists of a rechargeable lithium battery module and a voltage-stabilized module that meets energy requirements for the entire snake-like robot. Each joint incorporates such a power module in the snake-like robo. |
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Ayisha Elle Alcaide , Katelyn Lariel P. Mendoza , Keemeone R. Gayeta |
PHILIPPINES | Ampli-Fi: Utilization of Aluminum Cans as a Portable Solar Powered Wi-fi Booster | This developmental study includes the conceptualization of the design and ideas. The needed information will be gathered from books, related studies, other relevant references, and even technical interviews about the subject. Engineering planning will be applied to develop a functional product and the process of the system. The design requirements shall be determined and met to benefit the product and the user. Using the principles of Electronics, the research project will be developed and proven functional. As shown in Figure 1, the research methodology will undergo four stages such as the Pre-Design Stage, the Design Stage, the Development Stage, and the Testing Stage. Related studies, books, articles, and the internet will be used as data-gathering instruments. The gathered data and information will be used in the Solar-generated wi-fi booster design, development, and instrumentation system. |
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Mauriz Jyniell Casanova |
PHILIPPINES | Android Controlled Circuits – Modern Appliance Automation Through the Use of Mobile Phone | The project was all about Android Controlled Circuits. It is one way of automation using android phone through Bluetooth application. With the help of this set-up, it can help the elderlies and disabled persons to control the switches of her appliances. Unlike the commercially available Bluetooth appliances, the project deals on controlling the circuits and not the appliances. For this reason, any appliances can be controlled when being plugged in this circuits. By using HC05 Bluetooth module as the connecting link, the Arduino Uno processed any programmed command given by the android phone that control the entire circuit. Using a Bluetooth application on mobile phone, it can shut on and off the appliances individually and can be shut off and on at the same time. |
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Anita Setareh , Amirsoheyl Pirayeshfar |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Synthesis of Diamondoids Through Recrystallization of Laminar Carbon Obtained by Renewable sources | Diamond as one of the structures of Carbon, with high physical and mechanical properties which obtains as a mineral around volcanos during many centuries, have been using as an ornamental rather it would be used within industries such as stonecutting. Most popular diamondoids as most similar structures of Diamond are Adamantane, Diamantane, Triamantane that could be synthesized through acid and base solution. Natural synthesis of Diamond with lower weight than 1 carat and volume of 0.4-1(mmc) through nature could be as many years as a long process. But within this project, using graphite obtained by burnings of natural fibers to reach the graphene as a laminar structure of carbon and also recrystallization method as a template process like recrystallization of sugar hydrocarbons obtain to new carbon structures like diamondoids in a short process. Following the aim, during Hummer’s Method, first graphene within ice bath using sulfuric acid changed to graphene-oxide which has high reactivity due to oxygen bounded groups on carbon layers. The product as a paste has also high electrical conductivity, therefore it can be used to produce batteries.However, recrystallization of paste under microwaves within 300-30,000 (GHz) radiation through microwave or induction ovens can change configuration of laminar carbon to polygon structure and increase of volume. Note that, precautions like using gloves, safety glasses and mask are very important due to burning characteristic of sulfuric acid and etc. |
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Ghazal Attari , Ghazal Ebrahimi Moghadam |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Production of Herbal Cream for Eczema Treatment | Due to the spread of the pandemic and the increased need to use chemicals to disinfect hands and surfaces, the spread of skin diseases, especially eczema, has increased. The present study aims to produce a herbal medicine to reduce eczema and evaluate the ointment's clinical effect. In this project, we extracted mucilage and starch from okra cap and apple skin, then combined it with oat powder, chamomile powder, and coconut oil, and combined our solution with lanolin for easier use and made it into an ointment. The produced sample was sent to reputable scientific centers to check its physical and chemical properties, and approval was obtained. In this research, 40 patients suffering from eczema were randomly selected and treated for 30 days (1 time every 8 hours) for 30 days. The data collection tool is a questionnaire in which the way the ointment works, its color, smell, shelf life, and how to use ointment were examined. The results were analyzed using Excel software. Our selected sample is at an excellent level (over 80% effective) in terms of performance, shelf life, and usage, and its color and smell are moderately desirable (over 50% to 80% effective). The results of this project show the effectiveness of the ointment produced in the treatment. It is a symptom of eczema and can be an excellent alternative to chemical treatments. |
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Alireza Hashemi , Sonia Zehtab , Parisa Osati , Azin Golmoradizadeh , Sara Nematollahi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Pregnant Women’s Smart Wristband Capable of Excessive Standing Alarm | Being stood up excessively leads to irremediable side effects. Approximately 50 to 70 percent of pregnant women who also complain about pain in their feet, suffer from low back pain. Standing up for a long time results in high blood pressure, which is hazardous for everyone, but in the case of pregnancy, it could even result in the death of the mother and the fetus. Being excessively on feet has also many other disadvantages such as fetus growth obstruction, preterm delivery and rupture of the amnionic sac, foot swelling intensification and unbearable incidence in the pelvic, especially in bones, in pregnant women; and consequently, severe pain in the pelvic floor. All of the mentioned injuries are dangerous and expose the mother and fetus to danger. This invention aims to control the mother’s standing time and, accordingly, mother and fetus health preservation. Currently, there is no available device to measure the quality and quantity of a mother’s standing hours with the capability of warning her to sit down and rest after a long time of being on her feet. The points that a mother should perceive in her pregnancy period are as follows: 1. To control standing time, especially in the last months of pregnancy, 2. To control the signs such as blood pressure and other vital signs. To this end, this project would control the above mentioned points in two direct and indirect manners. In this way, the device warns the mother to stop standing up for a long time; subsequently, this smart device, indirectly, will prevent high blood pressure as well as other mentioned issues, which result in fetus or mother’s death or several injuries such as Microcephaly, in the newborn infant. This invention is in the form of a smart wristband. Regarding physicians’ advice, this device considers the maximum standing time 30 minutes and 15 minutes to be the minimum time for taking a break or sitting down for pregnant mothers. If the expectant mother stands for more than 30 minutes, the wristband will warn and she should sit down for 15 minutes after hearing the alarm sound. If the mother ignores the warning and does not take a rest, the alarming sound and vibration will not stop and keeps warning. This wristband is equipped with an internal battery which can steadily work for one week. At first, the user or pregnant mother should wear the wristband on one of the hands and turn it on; then, it will automatically be activated; in case the mother stands more than the necessary standards, the smart wristband warns the mother in two different ways (through vibrating or sound alarming). In terms of safety and health, these warnings do not have any harmful effects on the mother and her fetus. |
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Hasti Gholami Qasemi , Dr. Ashraf Heidaripour |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Preparation of Superparamagnetic Nanocomposite of Mica/Fe3O4 as a Contrast Agent in MRI with Coprecipitation Method in Present of Urea and SLS | Superparamagnetic nanoparticles (SPMNPs) of Fe3O4 are used as a magnetic contrast agent to create contrast in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the treatment of magnetic hyperthermia (MHT). Due to the strong magnetic attraction between SPMNPs-Fe3O4 and their strong tendency to agglomeration, the use of stabilizers is inevitable. The composite of SPMNPs-Fe3O4 and mica (mica/Fe3O4) as a magnetic heterogeneous nanocomposite is a new and innovative idea that has been the subject of limited research. In most of these studies, a combination of salts containing Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions in the presence of mica in an alkaline solution has been used to prepare SPMNPs-Fe3O4 and load it on mica. This method may lead to the non-uniform formation of SPMNPs-Fe3O4. Therefore, it is necessary to find alternative chemical methods that directly use SPMNPs-Fe3O4 to bind to mica. The fabrication method in this study is based on the co-precipitation of SPMNPs-Fe3O4 and mica in the presence of urea (CH₄N₂O) as a binder and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) as a surfactant. |
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Seyedmohammadmahan Mir Nasiri |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Anesthetic Facemask with Holder Leverage | Recently, shocking statistics were published indicating that 22 patients had suddenly died due to the leakage of oxygen. Some patients die during surgeries, temporary anesthesia, or when using ventilators throughout the world every year. Most anesthetists have stated that the use of anesthetic face masks for old patients is one of the most challenging parts of providing anesthetic services for these patients due to the changes in their face muscles and cartilages. Beyond the risk of death resulting from oxygen leakage, anesthesia is associated with the risk of postsurgical lung infections due to the entry of anesthetic drugs into the patient's lungs. Relying on its innovation in the use of holder leverages and its ergonomic design, this invention reduces the risk of hazards that may occur during various medical anesthesia; besides, it can extraordinarily facilitate the process of anesthesia for the physicians and the anesthesia care team. This means that the safety and easiness of the anesthesia are increased. This invention also prevents anesthetic drugs from entering the lungs of patients, the leakage of anesthetic drugs into the lungs of patients causes lung fatal infections in thousands of people every year.The global market value of medical equipment in 2021 reached above $488.98b, which ispredicted to reach above $718b in 2029. Such statistics indicate the trading and commercialvalue of this industry. Moreover, regarding the prevalence of diseases and pandemics worldwide, it seems necessary to produce innovative products and make creative inventions. Inparticular, apropos of this invention, considering the fact that the young population growth the index is negative in most parts of the world and, in fact, the world's population is getting old, it is necessary to provide medical equipment with a special view toward the needs of the elderly. |
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Faezeh Shamsi , Amirmahdi Mazaheri , Seyed Mohammad Javad Tabatabaei Ghomi , Zainab Abdulelah Hadi Wetwet , Zahraa Abdulelah Hadi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Fabrication of Open-cell Metal Foam on Polyurethane Resin | The ability to manufacture highly porous open-cell metal foam with good strength to weight ratio, impact and energy absorption, high specific area, physical, mechanical, thermal, electrical and good conductivity properties has led to utilize open-cell metal foam in a wide range of application in numerous manufacturing process with different materials. This advanced material can be used in several industrial areas based on its performance and its unique structure. Various methods for fabrication open-cell foams have their own pros and cons based on their application. This invention aims to manufacture open-cell metal foam at an affordable cost through an easy process. This process includes two steps of chemical and electrochemical deposition. One of the main advantages of our work is being able to produce open-cell metal foam in any size because its substrate is highly uniform polyurethane resin produced in different pore size. In this work, a thin layer of Cu is first deposited on polymer foam in a chemical deposition process to make it conductive. Then a thick and compact layer of Cu (or Ni) layer in deposited on previous layer via the electrodeposition method and can increase the strength and mechanical properties. This substrate is ready to use after these simple processes but can also be used as a substrate for another electrodeposition process. Open-Cell Nickel foam can also be produced on Cu foam via electrodeposition method quickly because it has good adherent to its substrate. Other metals with the potential of being electrodeposited can be also made with this method. |
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Peyman Torkian |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Adjustable Ergonomic Backrest and Seat that Adapts to the Spine Pattern of Each User | The ergonomic backrest and seat are adjustable and compatible with the spine pattern of each user in the technical field of ergonomics and human factors engineering, spine biomechanics, medical engineering, and occupational medicine. The backrest and the seat proposed in this invention can be used separately from each other, but for different purposes and conditions, both of them can be used with the ability to adjust their angle. The mechanism used in the contact surface with body areas is the same in both parts. The contact surface adjustment system is a motor-screw device that has a user panel for guiding a group of engines in a row and a column for the user to adjust and apply movement to the engines. All parts work with the help of a changeable source that can be connected to the car's electrical system. Electric motors in the form of horizontal and vertical row groups will be able to pull the screws back or forward and fill the form of the person's spine by the user. For this purpose, an illustrated user panel has been installed for them, which is able to control these motors with the selected power of a group of them in order to adjust their backrest and seat at any moment of time to suit the way they sit on the chair. Make sure that space without supporting the contact points is not created. This product can be used for all office and home chairs, for example, control rooms, and can also be used for vehicle seats such as cars, trains, airplanes, and other similar spaces. |
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Ovidiu Nemes , Vasile Nãsui |
ROMANIA | ACTUATOR WITH TELESCOPIC SLIDERS | The telescopic actuator with cable and roller transmissions is provided with a gear motor, fixed on a support and which drives through a roller, on which is wound a cable attached at both ends, thus making the movement of the support slide, in which it slides another slide. It has rollers at the ends on which another cable is wound, which has the lower branch fixed to the support by a guided connection in a channel in the second slide and another in the first, and the upper branch of the cable is fixed to the support slide through another guided link, in a channel in the second slide. Thus, when rotating the roller on the reducer, a simultaneous translational movement of the two slides with an increased stroke is obtained, by extending the mechanism |
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Ovidiu Nemes , Bogdan Mocan , Vasile Bintintan |
ROMANIA | LAPAROSCOPIC INSTRUMENT FOR ACCURATE EXTRALUMENAL LOCATION OF A COLORECTAL TUMOR | The invention relates to a laparoscopic instrument which facilitates the accurate position of a tumor in the colon tract in the abdominal laparoscopic surgery and also with possible applications in open surgery. Precise location of a rectal tumor is required to decide the appropriate line of distal resection but current methods like bimanual palpation is approximatively and very subjective, lacking the needed “surgical” precision. The principle for precise identification of tumor location is that the tumor will be made “visible” for the laparoscopic instrument by placing sensing trackers close to its margins. |
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Ovidiu Nemes , Iștoan Raluca , Tămaș-Gavrea Daniela-roxana , MANEA Daniela Lucia , Vasile Ovidiu |
ROMANIA | SANDWICH PANEL BASED ON HEMP SHIVES AND FIBERS, AND THE MODALITY OF OBTAINING IT | The invention relates to a sandwich panel based on hemp shives and fibers and the method to obtain it, which is applicable in the construction sector. The panel is used as a partition element with significant acoustic and thermal properties. The final product has a positive impact on the environment because it was designed based on the hemp waste (wood and textile fibers). |
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Ovidiu Nemes , Pisla Doina , Birlescu Iosif , Vaida Calin , Gherman Bogdan , Tucan Paul, Plitea Nicolae |
ROMANIA | PARALLEL ROBOT FOR THE RECOVERY OF LOWER LIMB MOBILITY | The invention refers to a parallel modular robotic system (RAISE) designed for post-stroke rehabilitation of bedridden patients. The robotic system targets all the major joints of the lower limb: the hip, the knee, and the ankle. The solution covers a white spot in the post-stroke rehabilitation as most existing devices perform gait manipulation which require a standing position for the patient. The solution provides early access for acute post-stroke patients with balance problems and/or high levels of paresis, improving the therapeutic outcome of rehabilitation. |
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Ovidiu Nemes , Gianina Elena Damian , Valer Micle |
ROMANIA | Equipment and process of decontamination by washing of heavy metal polluted soils | The process uses a suitable mixing and shredding equipment where the contaminated soil together with the washing solution containing potassium salts of humic acids and chitosan is introduced into the attrition chamber. The stirring of the mixture in the attrition chamber is performed with 12 mixing blades arranged on a rotating shaft that is driven by an electric motor. This decontamination equipment ensures a high contact of the soil particles with the washing solution, which leads to high efficiency. By using it, the need for soil sorting on small particle size prior the decontamination is eliminated. Also, the process is ecological due to the nature of the used washing agents. |
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Ovidiu Nemes , Ovidiu Nemeş , Simona Ioana Borlea (mureşan) , ANCUŢA-ELENA TIUC , Gyorgy Deak |
ROMANIA | MATERIAL WITH SOUND-ABSORBENT PROPERTIES MADE FROM SHEEP WOOL WITH POLYURETHANE FOAM AND THE OBTAINING METHOD | The invention relates to the production of a material with sound-absorbing properties using sheep's wool and rigid biocomponent polyurethane foam as raw material and the obtaining process. Were obtained materials composed of three layers. A layer of sheep wool previously processed by hot pressing, a layer of rigid bi-component polyurethane foam and a transition layer, resulting from the migration of polyurethane foam during the multilayer panel manufacturing process into the wool layer and/or the migration of wool into the polyurethane foam layer. |
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Nonthanee Sangtuptim |
THAILAND | Plant Based Meat From Coconut Water and Mushrooms | Nowadays, people are becoming more and more conscious of their health. and have a meal replacement And reduce animal cruelty. Come to eat VEGAN and Plant Based Meat, so we invented using coconut water and mushrooms |
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Keyoon Choklumlert , Keyoon Choklumlert, Ph.d , Associate Professor Suraphong Phinit Klang, Ph.d , Assistant Professor Ratchani Saiprachong , Professor Pornanong Aramwit, Ph.d |
THAILAND | UNC Calcium Plus | Patent number is 14233, Process for producing calcium hydroxy apatite powder from fishbone. |
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Tanyapat Triwitayakorn , Tanyapat Triwitayakorn , Alisa Triwitayakorn |
THAILAND | Touchless Eco-Sink | Currently, water supply shortage is one of the world’s major problems due global drought and excessive use of water. Therefore, water conservation and water efficiency as well as application of innovative and smart technology to use less water should be concerned. Moreover, COVID-19 pandemic has also been defined as health crisis worldwide. To overcome both of water and health issues, “Touchless Eco-Sink” has been created. “Touchless Eco-Sink” is an effective automatic sink that compiles systems to save water by taking gray water back for reusing and applying touchless technology to avoid any physical contact. It is adjustable and suitable for installing in any residential and public places. The concept of the “Touchless Eco-Sink” will be useful for water conservation, water efficiency, and hygiene purposes. “Touchless Eco-Sink” is not only an effective equipment for sustainable water conservation but also suitable for our New Normal Lifestyle during the Covid-19 pandemic. |
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Atsada Israpanich |
THAILAND | Spiral Garden | Although hydroponic farming costs less logistically, there are many limitations to this traditional nutrient flow setting. Due to the vast amount of space and numerous processes, it is most suitable for industrial-scale production rather than for household consumption. The solution I propose is a spiral design structure, consisting of 3 spiral tubes with holes for growing plants. LED strips are attached along the spiral providing light to the leaves. In addition, there is an aerosol watering function that makes liquid droplets of nutrients. It was designed to control the environment for specific plants. The aerosol watering function allows for more complicated designs and to add functions as a home decoration. Finally, the small but multifunctional design can supply home vegetable consumption and is a green and sustainable alternative. |
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Natnaree Ua-Arak |
THAILAND | Happy Wheels | Happy Wheels is a wheelchair that enables users to use normal toilets as well as public toilets by themselves. Its height is adjustable to fit to any toilet size, so it is suitable for use at home and away from home. Its main feature is a mechanism that allows the user to raise the wheelchair seat above the toilet and then back the wheelchair into place—the central part of the seat can then be moved forward, leaving a seat area with a hole below the person, allowing them to go to the bathroom.This invention is designed to operate by a single user only, which provides accessibility in public places, offers complete bathroom privacy, and saves costs for an assistant for wheelchair users, making it unique from current commode wheelchairs on the market. With its simple, easily commercializable design, Happy Wheels empowers and promotes confidence and dignity for wheelchair users. |
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Phuvipat Atibaed |
THAILAND | ”FRIDGE BUDDY” Fridge Inventory System | “Fridge Buddy” is an inventory system that handles food storage in a house up to a community. It minimizes the food waste that costs money, time, and ecosystem. Fridge Buddy tracks the food with an RFID system. RFID tags are attached to the food representing food. RFID reader is attached on the fridge lid receiving and sending data to the cloud. Users can check the data in their inventory through the Fridge Buddy mobile application which shows food details, expiration date, input date and quantity. Also, users are reminded when the expiring dates nearly come. Moreover, food in the inventories can be shared between users to maximize the benefit of the food. The RFID method is more desirable than the imaging method since it’s not interfered by temperature or ice. Users can handle their food storage 90% more efficiently and save the cost almost 40% on food monthly. |
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Thaninkit Prasitdumrong , Thaninkit Prasitdumrong , Pran Udomsawaengsup , Sirarin Prasitdumrong , Pavida Thiamchivasin |
THAILAND | CASE air purifier | CASE air purifier is a two-step function machine with the combination of HEPA filter to filter particles; for examples, PM 2.5 and germicidal UVC lamp to kill bacteria and viruses. The machine will provide clean air and reduce the risk of the air-borne infection; for instance,COVID-19. Due to its compact and luxury design, it can be used in personal home, commercial places and industries as both air purifier and decorative item. |
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Korn Hemrungrojn , Korn Hemrungrojn , Theerapas Apinankul , Suteepan Khovidhunkit |
THAILAND | @ Train: Train the brain for life | @Train is brain computer Interface device designed for neurofeedback training in both elderly whose brain is nearing to Alzheimer’s and ADHD children. The novelty of this work is a new algorithm of waveform scoring pattern linked with attention domain of cognition used in daily life ( patent in progress). This pattern is designed to boost up concentration holding ability, valence then switch to phasic mode of attention that related with the elderly training for survival skills. We did pilot study found that our @Train can improve working memory, concentration in both healthy elderly and early Alzheimer’s patients . Our novelty, The first is croky adventure game, special designed for attention training, The second is the headset connecting program with more stability, The third is new algorithm task to train multiple mode of attention. The brainwave training system will be distributary used in daily life. In the child's classroom, teacher can monitor and coach students individually to keep their performance in class with @Train device. Another target is silver market, the device able to help elderly live independently , boost their attention and memory to keep basic function actively enough to do activities of daily living. |
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Yang Po Chun , Yang Po-Chun |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Use of Fermented Milk | The use of a fermented dairy product to reduce apoptosis of myocardial cells. The fermented dairy product was cultured by adding multispecises lactic acid bacterial to the dairy product, so that the fermented dairy product contains γ-aminobutyric acid and metabolism of lactic acid bacteria, wherein the fermented dairy product includes water, purple sweet potato, milk, starch hydrolyzing enzyme, proteolytic enzyme, glutamic acid and whey. And wherein the added lactic acid strains were multispecises LAB strains that contain L. acidophilus BCRC 14065, L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis BCRC 12256, L. gasseri BCRC 14691 and combinations thereof group. |
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Chin-Chu Chen , Chen Chin-Chu , Chen Yen-Lien , Lin Shin-Wei , Chen Yen-Po |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | A Lactobacillus rhamnosus GKLC1, a composition and its use for improving alcoholic injury in liver, stomach and intestine. | The present invention provides a Lactobacillus rhamnosus GKLC1, a composition and its use for improving alcoholic injury in liver, stomach and Intestine. |
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Chin-Chu Chen , Chen Chin-Chu , Chen Yen-Lien , Lin Shin-Wei , Chen Yen-Po |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Multilayer Antioxidant Coating Lactic Acid Bacteria (MAOC-LAB) microencapsule. | Until now, most probiotic products are not encapsulated, such as yogurt drink and probiotic powder. Many of these probiotic are killed by gastric acid and bile acid, so the probiotics benefits can’t work and most probiotics have short shelf life. The present invention relates to a multilayer antioxidant coating lactic acid bacteria (MAOC-LAB) microencapsule technology to maximize the stability of probiotics, increase the shelf life, improve survival rate, increase resistance to gastric acid and bile acid, improve colonization of bacteria and maintain digestive function. |
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Shih Wei Lee , Shih Wei Lee , Stephanie Lai , Pao Hao, Wang , Tzu Wei Wang , Hsiang Ren Yao |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Sea Grape Anti-Aging Rejuvenating Lotion | There are really only a handful of ingredients that are clinically proven to have anti-aging, wrinkle-reducing effects. There's no need to shell out abhorrent amounts of money for diamond-infused creams or the essence of a rare flower; your best bet for keeping your skin healthy and beautiful is to listen to board-certified dermatologists and use the well-researched ingredients that they recommend. So what are those ingredients, exactly? Annuals of Dermatology and Dermatology journals demonstrate the topics on the best anti-aging ingredients. There are sunscreens, antioxidants like vitamin C and ferulic acid, retinoid, epidermal growth factor, peptides, hyaluronic acid and MEP technology. We utilized the advantage of hydration property of green grapes, and incorporate it into the cream that contains anti-aging ingredients. |
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Sheng-Pin Chiu , Chiu, Sheng-Pin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Development highlights of natural whole food protein peptide carrier particle structure with NDS function | "With a healthy body, life will be bright and wonderful". Everyone wants to have a healthy body, and the key to everything is adequate and balanced nutrition. However, with the deterioration of the earth's ecology and the serious loss of soil minerals, coupled with intensive farming and the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, all result in a serious nutritional imbalance of natural foods, leading to an extreme lack of natural whole-food nutrients in our bodies and a rapidly increasing incidence of chronic diseases. In addition, commercially available single isolated purified chemically synthesized nutrients do not have the complex structure of natural food factors and bioactive energy, cells cannot immediately and effectively recognize these nutrients, therefore, the absorption of these nutrients will be reduced, therefore, only an adequate intake of natural whole food type nutrients can be of great help to health. Since natural whole food nutrients are easily affected by digestive enzymes such as stomach acid and bile salts after ingestion by the human body, their effective absorption and utilization by cells is also a key factor in the effectiveness of the product. The concept of the Nutrition Delivery System (NDS) is that each specific natural whole food nutrient has its own unique "endogenous signal key", which is the arrangement of protein N-terminal amino acids, just like the postal code of a letter, and this specific signal code will work with the nutrient to reach the desired cells and help the nutrient to pass through the cellular recognition system so that the nutrient can reach the cells precisely to produce its effect. In addition, each natural whole food nutrient is delivered in the body via a specific protein peptide carrier to target cells throughout the body that require nutrients, and the protein peptide carrier helps to penetrate the cell membrane to enter the cells. This protein peptide carrier acts as a dedicated mailman for natural whole food nutrients, carrying them to target cells in all parts of the body. The concept is similar to the "Protein Peptide Signal Sequence Delivery Theory" proposed by Dr. Gunter Blobel, who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1999. Based on the above concept, we have developed a particle structure with NDS function to fuse with natural whole food nutrients, so that it can effectively assist natural whole food nutrients to pass through the cellular recognition system and enhance the absorption and utilization of natural whole food nutrients in the human body, thus enhancing the effectiveness of the product. Particle structure of natural whole food protein peptide carrier with NDS function This particle structure consists of a core layer, which is the natural whole food nutrient; an active protective layer, which is wrapped around the outside of the core layer to reduce external environmental influences on the nutrient activity of the core layer and can be composed of yeast proteins; and an NDS recognition layer, which is located between the core layer and the active protective layer and can be fused with the natural whole food nutrients to assist in the rapid delivery of the natural whole food nutrients to the desired cells. Advantages 1. Effectively enhances the absorption rate and residence time of natural whole food nutrients with NDS function. 2. Facilitates the rapid delivery of natural whole food nutrients with NDS function to the desired cells. 3. Prevents natural whole food nutrients with NDS function from being damaged by the external environment, thus enhancing storage stability. Reduces the destruction of digestive enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract, enabling natural whole food nutrients with NDS function to pass the digestive tract and effectively perform their functions. |
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Sheng-Pin Chiu , Chiu, Sheng-Pin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Patent IGP-MAX Multi-Layer Coated Probiotic Particle Structure for Improving Intestinal Flora | According to the World Health Organization (WHO), probiotics are active microorganisms that are beneficial to human health when used in specific amounts. The effects of probiotics on the human body include: shortening the time food stays in the intestine, promoting food fermentation, regulating allergies, producing antibacterial substances, preventing the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the intestine, regulating the immune response of the intestine, and helping the body maintain good health. Probiotics are used clinically to improve some gastrointestinal disorders, including: constipation, acute diarrhea, traveler's diarrhea, antibiotic diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome. The intestine is the largest immune organ in the human body. According to research, the number of good and bad bacteria living in the intestine is about 100 trillion, among which the number of good bacteria must always be maintained between 60 and 80 trillion to activate the immune cells in the intestine, inhibit the proliferation of bad bacteria, and achieve intestinal balance. However, the good bacteria will die and wither due to variousfactors. Nowadays, due to various factors, such as stress, diet, irregular daily routine, medication, and insufficient exercise, people have a lack of good bacteria in their bodies, resulting in many discomforting symptoms, such as constipation, diarrhea, and immune disorders. The most direct way to maintain intestinal balance is to supplement probiotics. However, the process of probiotic products from raw material suppliers, distributors, and retail stores to consumers is not only long, but also the storage environment is highly variable, and probiotics are easily damaged and inactive due to storage conditions, processing, or the gastric juice and bile of the digestive system after oral consumption. In order to ensure the rights of consumers, good probiotic products must maintain a high level of activity in order to meet the standards of product efficacy, it is necessary to improve and innovate. In order to make the probiotic bacteria more effective in the digestive tract, the "coating technology" of probiotics is an important influence. The "multi-layer coated probiotic particle structure for improving intestinal flora" has excellent acid and alkaline resistance, which can maintain the activity and high stability of probiotics and improve the colonization of probiotics, so that probiotics can reside in the digestive tract more often and enhance self-protection after reaching the digestive tract. This multilayer coated probiotic particle structure consists of: —Outer shell layer. The outer shell layer is composed of animal glue, gelatin, gum arabic, tragacanth, pectin, seaweed gum, carrageenan, polysaccharides and unsaturated fatty acids, which are formed around the periphery of the gastric acid resistant layer, thus stabilizing the particle structure and making it easy to be stored at room temperature and not easily affected by changes in temperature and humidity in the environment. —Gastric acid resistant layer. The gastric acid resistant layer is composed of unsaturated fatty acids, which are coated around the periphery of the choline resistant layer, thus forming a protection for the choline layer and the inner nuclear layer, preventing the destruction of the inner nuclear layer by gastric acid when passing through the upper digestive tract, and preventing the probiotics from being destroyed by gastric acid. —Choline resistant layer. This choline resistant layer is composed of collagen or unsaturated fatty acid, which is coated around the periphery of the inner nuclear layer, thus forming a protection for the inner nuclear layer, preventing bile from damaging the inner nuclear layer and preventing probiotics from being damaged by bile, allowing them to be released in the intestine. —Inner nuclear layer. The inner nuclear layer is composed of probiotics and nutrients. The nutrients are proteins or fructooligosaccharides, which provide the nutrients required by the probiotic to maintain the activity of the probiotic. After the disintegration of the gastric acid resistant layer and the choline resistant layer, the inner nuclear layer will release the probiotic and increase the colonization rate, and maintain the balance of the intestinal tract by the probiotic, so that the gastrointestinal tract regulation function of the probiotic can be optimized, and further achieve the practical improvement of retaining the activity, action and absorption rate of the probiotic. Advantages With the innovative structure and technical features, this technology can prevent the inner nuclear layer from being damaged by the external environment and reduce the activity of the probiotic, and can extend the shelf life, so that the gastrointestinal tract regulation function of the probiotic can be optimally performed, and achieve practical progress. 1. Protect probiotics to resist gastric acid and choline and achieve 100% active rate. 2. Choline resistance test: Survival ratio > 100% 3. Gastric acid resistance test: Survival ratio > 93% Stability test: stored at 40°C for 6 months, survival rate > 85% |
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Sheng-Pin Chiu , Chiu, Sheng-Pin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Patent LTG-X Low-temperature Grinding Device for Preserving the Activity of Food Ingredients | It is a common technique for the food processing industry to grind hard or bulky food materials into small powdered products, which not only makes the food ingredients more easily absorbed by the human body, but also more convenient for consumption. Powdered pharmaceuticals, nutritional products and powdered foodstuffs are all commercially available as finished product after grinding. Although the grinding of food ingredients is widely used in the industry, there are still drawbacks such as poor quality of the ground product or deterioration that affects the nutritional and economic value of the product. Because the traditional grinding process will make the temperature of food materials gradually rise, which will cause the food materials to produce physical changes and loss of activity and destroy their own nutrients, resulting in the effective active ingredients and nutrients contained gradually lost in the grinding process, so that the content of nutrients in the ground products is greatly reduced, nutrients to be absorbed by the human body is very limited, further reducing the quality and practical value of the ground products. In order to break through and improve the traditional grinding technology, the patented LTG-X low-temperature grinding device is used to freeze the food ingredients and keep them at a low temperature during the grinding process, effectively avoiding the loss of activity and even deterioration of the food ingredients due to the rise in temperature during the grinding process, thus retaining the better quality and activity of the ground products and achieving practical benefits for the industry such as greatly enhancing the availability, nutrition, economic value and practicality of the ground products. Design Concept This creation is a low-temperature grinding device for preserving the activity of food ingredients, with three main components, including: 1. Device body: The storage space for the raw materials and the inlet and outlet side in the device body. 2. Cryogenic equipment: Set at the predetermined location of the grinding device, the cryogenic equipment has a cooling material injection port connected to the feed end, so as to be able to freeze the food materials entering the storage space from the feed end, so that it is in a frozen state 3. Grinding member: positioned opposite the storage space and the discharge end, it is used to grind the food ingredients, where the guide grinding section can grind up the food material and guide them out through the discharge end. The guide grinding member consists of a screw in a rotatable state and a spiral-shaped paddle located around the outer circumference of the screw. The screw is connected to a drive source at one end, so that the paddle on the outer circumference of the screw pushes the foodstuffs as it rotates, causing the ingredients to squeeze and rub against each other to achieve the purpose of grinding, and the ground product is guided out through the discharge port. 4. Liquid nitrogen (-196°C) is supplied to the cryogenic device to keep a low temperature during the grinding process In this way, the cryogenic device can be used to freeze the food ingredients entering the storage space, so that the food ingredients are kept at a low temperature during the grinding process, effectively avoiding deterioration due to temperature rise, and thus retaining a better quality, more active ground product. Device - Advantages 1. Conventional grinding process generates heat, which causes nutrients or active substances to be destroyed and inactivated by high temperature, while the patented LTG-X low-temperature grinding technology maintains a stable low temperature during the grinding process, allowing nutrients and active substances to be retained intact. 2. The use of liquid nitrogen (-196°C) is more effective in maintaining a low temperature during the grinding process. 3. The grinding member's screw and its peripheral paddles can grind up the material and guide it out automatically. 4. The patented LTG-X low temperature grinding technology can grind up food ingredients that cannot be crushed at room temperature. 5. The patented LTG-X low temperature grinding technology uses liquid nitrogen as the grinding medium, making the production process safe and reliable. 6. The patented LTG-X low temperature grinding technology is capable of grinding to a finer particle size than normal-temperature grinding technology. 7. Many food ingredients are soft or tough, and low temperature conditions also tend to make them brittle and better for grinding. The patented LTG-X low temperature grinding technology can be applied to the preparation of Chinese herbal medicines to achieve higher particle fineness and maintain the color, aroma, taste and medicinal properties of the medicine. |
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Sheng-Pin Chiu , Chiu, Sheng-Pin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Patent X-MED Total Environmental Control Active Solid-State Fermentation Equipment | The rapid pace of life, work pressure, air pollution and changes in dietary habits have led to a sudden increase in the incidence of diseases of civilization, and as people age, their immune system gradually decreases, increasing the risk of chronic diseases and cancer. Therefore, more and more people choose supplemental health food as a daily health aid, such as mushroom health products are widely loved by the public. |
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Sheng-Pin Chiu , Chiu, Sheng-Pin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Patent MegaMED Vegetables and Fruits Herbal Fermentation Equipment that Enhances the Enzyme Activity of Superoxide Dismutase | Enzymes are the catalysts to maintain various life activities in the human body. If the body is considered as a factory, the organs are the machines, the foods are the raw materials, and the enzymes are the electric currents needed to start the production of the machines. All the functions such as metabolism, digestion and absorption, decomposition of toxins, and immune enhancement, etc. need the help of enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione (GSH), which can reduce the damage of free radical oxidation. As people's life style changes and tend to eat out, more and more people are suffering from nutritional imbalance and excessive free radicals in their bodies. Many medical studies have found that the most effective way to eliminate free radicals in the body is to rely on enzymes. |
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Sheng-Pin Chiu , Chiu, Sheng-Pin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | BIOMED HERBAL RESEARCH CO.,LTD | The freshness and nutrients of foodstuffs in general will gradually disappear over time, and there is a long history of research on how to extend the shelf life of foodstuffs while retaining their nutrients, color and quality. There are many different methods of preserving food, such as heat drying, vacuum drying, etc. However, there are some drawbacks to these traditional methods in practice. For example, hot drying is a process in which hot air is blown onto the food to remove moisture from the food to achieve the function and purpose of drying, but the internal tissues of the food are easily damaged by the hot air, resulting in a serious impact on the original quality and freshness of the food. In addition, the vacuum drying method involves placing the food in an enclosed space and removing air from it to preserve its freshness |
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Sheng-Pin Chiu , Chiu, Sheng-Pin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Patent SVF-MAX Vacuum Concentrated Sugar-free Fermentation Equipment for Fruits & Vegetables | Nowadays, the fermentation of fruits and vegetables is no longer only for the purpose of prolonging the shelf life and changing the flavor, but also for the purpose of obtaining the effects provided by various kinds of vegetable and fruit enzymes to achieve the health and metabolism. The existing fermentation technology usually adds a large amount of sugar as a catalyst in the fermentation process, resulting in a high concentration of sugar in the fermented product, which causes the user to take in too much calories while taking in the enzyme and storing it in the body, thus greatly reducing the effectiveness of enzymes. In addition, products with too much sugar are not suitable for many people, such as diabetics and growing children, which inevitably limits the application of enzymes. |
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Sheng-Pin Chiu |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Patent PS-X Protein Hydrolysis Equipment | Proteins are the structural and functional molecules that make up all living organisms. The metabolism of living organisms is based on proteins and the human body needs a certain amount of protein every day to sustain life. In reality, the body cannot use protein directly from food. Protein needs to be converted into amino acids or small fragments such as dipeptides and tripeptides before it can be absorbed by the body, which then synthesizes the protein it needs. The process of converting a protein into an amino acid or small peptides is known as "digestion." Digestion of protein is essentially a process of hydrolysis. |
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Sheng-Pin Chiu , Chiu, Sheng-Pin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Patent SFX-MAX Equipment that Enhances Fermentation Products | Fermentation can be regarded as the oldest biotechnology in human history. Before the existence of microorganisms and their metabolic products were studied, humans were making fermented foods in daily life. Initially, fermentation was used to prolong the shelf life of food. Later, it was discovered that fermentation process would produce different nutrients and enhance the nutritional value of food. Fermented foods are very popular in our daily life, and some common ones include drinking yogurt, yogurt, miso, kimchi, natto, red yeast, vinegar, and fruit and vegetable enzymes, etc. They not only have good taste, but also have high health benefits, such as the lactic acid bacteria in drinking yogurt can help maintain the digestive function, and the nattokinase produced by natto after fermentation is good for cardiovascular health. |
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Sheng-Pin Chiu , Chiu, Sheng-Pin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Patent SUX-MAX Ultrasonic Food Ingredients Extraction Equipment | Food ingredients are processed by extraction in order to improve the purity of active ingredients, increase nutritional value, maximize efficacy, and extend shelf life. Extraction is to use the difference in solubility of substances in different solvents to transfer a specific component of the mixture to another solvent, to achieve the purpose of separation. Common extraction methods can be divided into general solvent extraction, supercritical carbon dioxide extraction, steam distillation extraction, etc. However, these traditional extraction methods usually cannot completely extract and separate the material in one extraction, so small amounts of solvent are often used for multiple extractions, resulting in material waste. In addition, the use of solvent or carbon dioxide, steam and other extraction methods have the following concerns: |
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Sheng-Pin Chiu , Chiu, Sheng-Pin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | The device to coat natural ingredients in LIPOMAX liposomes | Modern people can not only take the nutrients required by the body through the daily diet, but also through some processed and extracted health foods. However, although commercially available nutrients have their effects, they generally have many common shortcomings, such as not easy to be stored for a long time, poor absorption and utilization, rapid degradation and loss in the blood, etc., making commercially available nutrients ineffective in being absorbed and utilized by the human body, and significantly reducing the benefits of functional health ingredients to the human body. |
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Sheng-Pin Chiu , Chiu, Sheng-Pin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Patent NAP-S Natural Substance Active Extraction Extreme Purification Device | The human body requires a wide variety of nutrients to function, but due to our busy lifestyle, dietary habits and cultural changes, it is not easy for us to take care of the balance and diversity, which may lead to nutrient deficiencies and may have adverse effects on physical health or functional vitality over time. Therefore, many people use various nutritional supplements to supplement their daily diets, hoping to improve their physique and maintain their body's metabolic function and health. |
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Shanghai Manson-Life Brand Management Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | U DAILY PLUS SAUSSUREA INVOLUCRATA COLLAGEN PEPTIDE DRINK | The product uses the highest concentration of collagen tripeptide in the market. The ultra-small molecular weight of tripeptide can make the product effective within 7 days. The patented Plussaussurea involucrate extract activates mitochondrial activity, activating cell vitality for anti-aging beautiful skin. |
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Bloomage Biotechnology Corporation Limited |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | γ-Aminobutyric Acid Passion Fruit Sodium Hyaluronate Dink | This product contains a combination of passion fruit extract andγ-aminobutyric acid. Experimentally proven to have anti-glycation effects, inhibit the production of AGEs to protect collagen, and enhance melatonin-regulated gene expression. Combined with Bloomage’s exclusive hyaluronic acid raw material, Valerian root, phosphatidylserine, and walnut peptides, the product enhances skin beauty and aids sleep. |
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I Charming |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | i Charming Beauty Collagen Drink | A powerful combination of collagen peptides from four origins and cross-species, the bottle contains a comprehensive range of 28 collagen and collagen types and a variety of beauty nutrients to strengthen collagen synthesis and effectively promote skin metabolism and revitalize skin cells. In addition, the once-in-a-lifetime banana flower is harvested for its powerful hair growth benefits through TCI’s Bio-Resource Data Mining. Consume i Charming Beauty Collagen Drink for 2 weeks and see immediate results! Visibly reduce skin wrinkles and lines, relieve redness, and improve skin radiance and moisture content. Continue to consume a bottle every day to easily create a full range of self-confidence charm! |
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I Charming |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | i Charming Vision Enhancer Drink | i Charming's Vision Enhancer Drink uses five mechanisms and three-stage patented technology to completely protect your eyes. A bottle of eye care essence contains a unique black tomato extract rich in anthocyanins. The first stage regulates the eyes, effectively reducing blue light damage and eye pressure from daily electronic use. The second stage contains the world's first scientifically proven, natural ingredients that promote healthy blood circulation. The water-soluble tomato extract is clinically proven with 97% effectiveness to further improve circulation around the eyes caused by overuse. Lastly, the third stage uses the high antioxidant power of the “Three Musketeers” to completely inhibit free radical damage to the retina. Finally, the product combines the patented double-NUTRI technology to emulsify the effective ingredients with microparticles, so that one bottle of i Charming's Vision Enhancer Drink is equivalent to absorbing 2.33 bottles of conventional encapsulation. |
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Tupperware (china) Co., Ltd. |
CHINA | MIXED PROBIOTIC AND LACTOBACILLUS SOLID BEVERAGE | Tupperware's Mixed Probiotic and Lactobacillus Solid Beverage carefully selects 9 types of symbiotic probiotics to regulate gut bacterial flora. Scientific research literatures and patents support that the product has fast-acting alcohol elimination and liver detoxification probiotics; thus, creates a healthy and non-toxic gut. Each sachet contains billions of bacteria, reaching trillion bacterial count in 10 days. The Mixed Probiotic and Lactobacillus Solid Beverage has high bacterial count, high colonization, and high efficiency. |
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Melilea International Inc. Usa, Melilea International (s) Pte Ltd, Melilea International Inc. Taiwan Branch Melilea (m) Sdn Bhd, Melilea Thailand Co. Ltd., Pt. Melilea International Indonesia , Melilea International Inc. Usa , Melilea International (s) Pte Ltd , MELILEA INTERNATIONAL INC. TAIWAN BRANCH , Melilea (m) Sdn Bhd , Melilea Thailand Co. Ltd., Pt. Melilea International Indonesia |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | LU-MUNITY Botanical Beverage Mix Pear Unripe Fruit with Jujube & Honeysuckle | This product is formulated with multiple botanical extracts to help boost immunity and enhance lung function. It is specially extracted from green pear unripe fruit, which contains high levels of chlorogenic acid, which has antibacterial, antioxidant and lung damage repair effects. The product contains honeysuckle ferment using the patented “3-stage fermentation” process, which can increase the polyphenol content up to 33% and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. The product combines jujube extract, Acerola unripe fruit, vitamin C and vitamin D3, with sweetleaf and honey to create a unique herbal fruit brewed drink. In addition to suppressing viruses, boosting immunity and helping repair the lungs, this product can also help regulate physiological functions, replenish nutrients, maintain health and moisturize the throat. It is suitable for the whole family. |
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Tci Living Co., Ltd. , Tci Living Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Youtherapy-Condensed Lutein Drop | Drip-style Lutein Supplement, Breaking Limits in Absorption Effectiveness! Fretting about children’s reluctance to take capsules and the risk of seniors swallowing solids? Our 50x ultra-concentrated liquid form solves all of this, providing a supplement of 9 mg of lutein with just 1 c.c. when taken daily. By adopting patented functional oil micro-emulsification technology from Japan, oil-soluble lutein active ingredients are homogenized into micron-sized water-soluble particles. By using the same double membrane structure as the cells, the essence can skip the physical digestion process in the body and enter the bloodstream quickly and completely to actively reach the macula, achieving effective absorption and enhancing the protection of the eyes! |
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Tci Living Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Triple Probio-Probiotic-Powered, Ultra Antibacterial, Liquid Soap Series | Triple Probio” and “Nanqiao” jointly developed “ Probiotic-Powered, Ultra Antibacterial, Liquid Soap Series” . Combines Nanqiao’s proven high efficiency stain removal and natural formula without interface active agent, with Triple Probio’s different patented probiotics replace conventional chemical bactericides with the natural law. Laundry Detergent -The world’s first bottle that has been proven by the CDC to be effective in killing over 99.9% of COVID-19 variants, and effectively inhibits the growth of bacteria for 168 hours through natural processes! It not only removes dirt effectively, but also keeps the clothes soft and shiny. While protecting the fibers from deformation, it also forms a protective layer that is both antibacterial and fiber protecting, safeguarding your clothes in all aspects! |
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Tci Co., Ltd. , Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Lactobacillus bulgaricus TCI904 | Lactobacillus bulgaricus TCI904 can effectively stimulate the body to produce the key factor of weight loss – Adiponectin. Cellular experiments have shown that it can promote fat metabolism. It has been proven to control BMI, lower body fat, control blood glucose and lipids, increase basal metabolic rate and boost immunity in both animals and humans. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. , Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | White pomegranate juice | White pomegranate is a special variety of pomegranate. The fruit is white and crystal clear, larger and fuller than the normal pomegranate. Studies have shown that it is rich in antioxidants such as polyphenols, flavonoids and tannins, and is considered to be the best natural antibacterial agent. TCI extracts the active substances from the pomegranate by breaking the wall at high temperatures. It has been proven that White Pomegranate Extract can inhibit common microorganisms that cause inflammation, itching and odor in women’s intimate area, such as Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus, effectively reducing the secretion and odor in women’s intimate area. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. , Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Saskatoon berry extract | Saskatoon berry is a unique blueberry variety in Canada, produced in the Saskatchewan, which has the longest sunshine in Canada and fertile land. This allows Saskatoon berries to contain 4.1 times the iron content of blueberries. Using TCI's exclusive technology, the Saskatoon berry is extracted and concentrated, and it has been proven by experiments to promote iron absorption, promote the production of collagen and elastin, and enhance the performance of anti-aging genes. |
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Tci Co., Ltd. |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Humanoid_collagen peptide | TCI uses humanoid collagen gene as a model, using high-resolution mass spectrometry and a global big data protein database for analysis. Collagen peptides similar to human type I collagen are found in collagen of natural origin. Because they are very similar to human collagen, they are real collagen that can be absorbed and used by the skin, accelerating skin cell proliferation to achieve strong anti-aging effects. |
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Shanghai Likang Special Medical Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd , Dandan Mao , Yongnan Fu , Fenfen Huang , Xiao Wang |
CHINA | A preparation method and application of postbiotics complex with antitumor activity. | This project provides a preparation method and application of postbiotics complex with antitumor activity. The postbiotics complex contains triterpene acids of loquat, postbiotics, Broccoli extract, cabbage extract, licorice extract, Vitamin U, pumpkin seed extract, pepper extract, clove tea extract, propolis extract, turmeric extract, sweet plum extract. The postbiotics was isolated from the culture of a self-developed strain of Leuconostoc mesenteroides LK06. |
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Shanghai Likang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. , Dandan Mao , Yongnan Fu , Xiao Wang |
CHINA | Youluoshaxing oral bacteriostatic products(bacteriostatic ointment and bacteriostatic liquid) | To practice the concept of "preventing disease", a new concept of eliminating oral Helicobacter pylori from the mouth and stomach was proposed to eliminate the breeding site of pathogenic microorganisms and cut off the transmission route, so that infection could be controlled from the source. |
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Shanghai Likang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. , Dandan Mao , Yongnan Fu , Xiao Wang |
CHINA | Upper respiratory virus de colonization series products based on natural HNE inhibitors | The series products of this project are mainly composed of three application formulas. The first is loquat leaf oral gargle, the second is loquat leaf nasal cleaning and blocking agent, and the third is loquat leaf physiological saline nasal wash. Oral gargle can prevent bacteria from propagating, gathering and dispersing in the oropharynx. Nasal blocking agents and nasal washing agents establish the protective barrier of nasal and respiratory tract. |
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Mydoodoctor (shanghai) Technology Development Co., Ltd. , Yibin Ren |
CHINA | MyDoo fresh meat hairball remove nutrition gel | The nutritional supplements involved in this project, with fresh meat as the main ingredient, mix insoluble and soluble dietary fibers, with prebiotics, oils and sodium hyaluronate, are nutritious and delicious, help to accelerate the discharge of hairballs in cats, and keep the intestines healthy. This nutritional supplement can be used to prevent hair build-up in cats, as well as cats with hair build-up, hairy stools, frequent coughing or vomiting, and hairballs. This project also reveals the preparation method of the fresh meat nutrient supplement for hair removal of cats. |
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Mydoodoctor (shanghai) Technology Development Co., Ltd. , Yibin Ren |
CHINA | MyDoo fresh peptide dental water additive | This project belongs to the technical field of pet food, and relates to a dental water additive for dogs and cats. On the one hand, it is helpful for the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in pets' oral cavity and regulates the structure of pet's intestinal flora, so as to alleviate the problem of oral odor from the oral cavity itself or from the intestinal tract. On the other hand, it helps to inhibit or reduce the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria in the pet's oral cavity, relieve oral and periodontal inflammation, and is suitable for pet dogs and cats with severe oral odor and periodontal disease. Daily drinking can help prevent oral problems. The project also discloses a preparation method of the dental water additive for dogs and cats. |
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No. 1 Middle School Of Wuhan , Jinjia Sun |
CHINA | Optical-sensing & Mosquito-eliminating Window with Wind and Waterproof Function | 1, Position two pieces of aluminum mesh, one with larger size mesh and the other with small size as the windows. The mosquito-eliminating part is a boost converter made of Tesla Coil which is able to step up a 6-voltage input to 2000-voltage Pulsed HVDC (High-voltage Direct-current) output. The device is safe to human body because of its low current. 2, the windows are powered by two MG995 metal steering gear with rotation programmed and fixed at 90 degrees. 3, movement of the MG995 is triggered by its main-board controlled by a wind sensor, a photoelectric sensor and a rain sensor, or a programmed Arduino motherboard. |
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Wuhan Britain China School , Liu, Guan You |
CHINA | Two New Control Methods of Elevator Keys | There are two new ways to control the elevator button directly by voice recognition module. The first way is to control the elevator directly by relay, and the second way is to add electromagnet touch control to the original button and control it by voice. These two solutions can reduce the spread of the virus on the elevator buttons and provide a second viable mode of operation for people with disabilities and hand busies when controlling the elevator. |
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The First Affiliated Primary School Of Wuhan University , Zicheng Jiang |
CHINA | Safe, environmentally friendly, and intelligent electric vehicle charging garage | The development of electric vehicles in China is very fast. The number of electric vehicles in use is over 250 million. Electric vehicles have brought convenience to our travel, but due to irregular use, especially inappropriate charging, fire accidents have caused a serious threat to the safety of people's lives and property. Therefore, I decided to explore the safety of electric vehicles’ charging. I build a charging garage model using solar panels and fireproof PVC panels. I have three solar panels and a solar controller on the roof. I also install rechargeable lithium batteries and LED lights. It uses solar panels to generate electricity to provide lighting power and auxiliary charging power for the garage. When the solar controller detects that it is very dark, the LED light will automatically turn on, realizing intelligent control. |
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Zhounan-Meixihu Middle School Yuhua District Jinhai Middle School , Yunyi Zhang , Jiawei Liu , Hehua Xiao |
CHINA | COVID-19 Patient Remote Monitoring Pillow | The new crown patient remote monitoring pillow is a pillow that can remotely monitor the main symptoms of the new crown patient. There are corresponding sensors, recorders, information transmission and other devices inside the pillow, and infrared body temperature sensing detectors and respiratory monitors are installed to automatically monitor the patient's temperature, coughing (whether coughing, whether the coughing is severe) and other symptoms of new crown patients. Send the measured data information to the control center through wireless transmission to realize remote data transmission; according to the set value, it will automatically alarm if there is an abnormal situation. It not only solves the problem of heavy workload of medical staff, but also reduces the direct contact between patients and medical staff through remote inspection, and reduces the chance of medical staff infection. It has the characteristics of intelligent nursing such as convenient use, multi-function, high efficiency and artificial intelligence management. |
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Zhounan-Meixihu Middle School, Hunan University Of Technology And Business Yali Changya Middle School, Zhounan-Meixihu Middle School , Yunyi Zhang , Jiaxing Yi , Ziyi Wang , Youcai Qin |
CHINA | Special Care Box For Field Archaeology | The special care box for field archaeology is a special tool for archaeology, which is a special and temporary storage box to solve the immediate care of the unearthed archaeological cultural relics in the field and prevent the damage of the cultural relics when they are unearthed. It uses high technology to meet the functional requirements. It has the characteristics of field use, instant use, temporary use, multi-functional, high-tech, and comprehensive care. Its general function is on-site immediate care of unearthed artifacts. The sub-functions are: 1. Storage and care of ancient cultural relics. Use the function of simulating the characteristics of underground cultural relics environment to store cultural relics. Set the temperature and humidity measuring device, which can measure temperature and humidity, and realize the functions of constant temperature, constant humidity and no light. Including temperature, humidity and other sensors and measurement motherboards, equipment, components and assembled systems. |
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Changsha Experimental Primary School Meixi Lake School, The Second Affiliated Primary School Of Hunan First Normal University Yali Changya Middle School , Minglei Wang , Liangcheng He , Ziyi Wang |
CHINA | Water and energy saving scientific irrigation system for rice field | This design is a scientific irrigation system of paddy field water saving and energy saving based on single chip computer design. Its working principle is to convert solar energy into electrical energy through solar panels, and then store it in the storage battery, so that the storage battery can supply power to the control circuit. The soil humidity sensor detects the relative humidity of the soil and transmits it to the microcontroller for information processing. The humidity value is compared with the set humidity value. When it is greater than the set humidity, the single-chip microcomputer outputs a control signal, controls the relay switch to pull in, and then starts the water pump to realize automatic irrigation of the paddy field. When the humidity is lower than the set value, the paddy field irrigation will be stopped. |
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Qingyuan Primary School, Tianxin District,changsha City,hunan Province,china , Yulin Chen |
CHINA | Go out reminder smart assistant | It is a device based on COVID-19 prevention, life and safety requirements, designed by using artificial intelligence visual recognition combined with single chip microcomputer and sensor technology, with automatic recognition, real-time detection of human state and environment before going out and voice warning. Through AI visual recognition, sensors and voice system, people are reminded and helped to take temperature and wear masks, reminded to shut down kitchen fire , to bring umbrellas and take personal belongings such as mobile phones and keys before going out. The structure of the device mainly includes the main control system, sensor system and broadcasting system. It is composed of Arduino motherboard, AI visual recognition camera, touch sensor, flame sensor, infrared temperature sensor, raindrop sensor and voice broadcasting module. |
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Mohammad Mordi H. Algarni |
SAUDI ARABIA | SAFE, In Medical Laboratories | In terms of hazards, working without safety rules and procedure leads to harm and death. Medical laboratories are considered as one of the most dangerous workplace environment. To protect the employees and others such as visitors and contractors, the laboratory system’s should to be strict with safety policies. And to encourage all the employees to be Safe and to know how to deal with risks such as Chemicals, Physicals and Biological hazards, the SAFE project is created. SAFE is an idea started when I saw many laboratory’s incidents and how the staff dealing with these hazards. As well the SAFE reward’s was decided with some requirements for all departments inside the laboratory’s so all employees will competing to achieve that reward. Within six months, around 90% of the departments employees get the SAFE Reward and the awareness of the workers about safety has increased. As well as, the other departments achieved their SAFE rewards by the end of the year, this means that 100% implemented the safety policies which resulting in zero accidents as well as no near mess and work injuries. Finally, the laboratory achieved the certificate of “CBAHI” which is a Saudi Accreditation Certificate without any citations about safety and quality. |
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Prof Satish Visavadia |
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Reza Namazi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | B.S.B : Building Smart Boxes | Today, optimizing and managing energy consumption are one of the most essential human tasks to preserve the earth and the survival of humans and the earth. On the other hand, with the expansion of urban communities and the expansion of computers, society's expectations of the performance and reactivity of the surrounding environment have increased to the extent that the concept of smart homes based on wireless communication and remote control based on the Internet has emerged. Furthermore, during unexpected accidents, such as earthquakes and floods, which lead to damages or destruction of buildings, reducing the injuries and locating the injured people is one of the most essential parts of rescue operations. Two goals were pursued in this project. First, optimization of energy consumption and then the new concept of smart places, without human intervention and based on machine learning and artificial intelligence. This device, named bsb, has the ability to connect to the lighting system as well as the ventilation system and the curtain and window system. In the first stage, this device can measure the light of the environment, and based on the ergonomic algorithms of the environment; it can turn on a percentage of the lighting system without the intervention of the human factor. For example, in the evening and before sunset, there is no need to turn on 100% of each lamp; this device will only turn on 20% of each lamp. On the other hand, this device is able to detect entry and exit, and if the environment is empty, this device will turn the entire lighting system into standby mode. Wireless wall switches and remote control are also provided for this device so that users can apply their opinions to the smart system of the device. Other features of this device include support for voice commands to turn the light on or off. Also, in this device, colored lights (RGB) are also supported by connecting this device to curtains and windows during sudden strong winds or when the outside air quality decreases, automatically and without the intervention of the human operator. Doors and windows will be closed as soon as possible (to prevent dust from entering the environment). On the other hand, if the air quality in the environment decreases (in case of unpleasant smells or burning food, leakage of various gases, etc.), this device will try to increase the air quality of the environment by activating the ventilation system and humidifiers. In terms of safety, this device will be able to cut off the flow of water, electricity, gas and send an SMS of the occurrence of an accident when receiving high vibrations from the structure. On the other hand, after the accident, this device will be able to upload the number of people present on each floor and provide The information collected in the database for the rescue forces. |
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Prof. Dr. Raid Albaradie , Raid Saleem A. Albaradie , Ahmed Essam A. Alduraywish , Mohammed Moharib M. Almoharib, Gala Abdulaziz A. Bin Roshod, , Ayad Muqhim N. Alshammari, Jaser Mohammed J. Bin Buayjan, , Msaad Mohammed A. Alzhrani, Abdullah Abdulmohsen A. Alshaya |
SAUDI ARABIA | The Medical Device for Drying and Fixing Tissues on Laboratory Medical Slides | The invention relates to making an industrial model of a medical device that works with an ideal heating system and mechanism on medical laboratory slides fixed on waxy paraffin tissues, which require precise, uniform heat for the purpose of fixing the tissues during the work of laboratory experiments on the slides, including the work of dyes on them. We found in traditional drying devices a set of things that we can innovate and develop to help us speed up achievement in laboratories in general and tissue laboratories in particular. The process of drying medical slides often takes a long time, because the existing devices are drying based on microwave rays, and this delays the completion of work. We created a device that is small in size, low in cost and also shortens the time and this is the main benefit of it. As for the idea of the device, it is to dry laboratory medical slides using hot air Emitted from the heat source, which is surrounded by a steel fan that distributes the heat inside the device evenly. For example, one of the devices currently used in the SVFN1790, from BIO-OPTICA Milano Company, which is larger than our device in 4 times in the size of our innovation, it needs ten minutes to reach the exact temperature, while our innovation needs only two minutes to reach the exact temperature. The device is connected to electricity over a twenty-four hour period, the opposite of what our device does, which is the presence of a timer to determine the time of the work of the device and after the end of the timer the device stops working in order to save energy. |
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Dr. Naif Alshammari , Lama Naif Alshammari , Farah Naif Alshammari , Reem Naif Alshammari , Dr. Naif Khalaf Alshammari |
SAUDI ARABIA | DEVLOPMENT OF HAPTIC GLOVES FOR BLIND NAVIGATION AND BLIND AID GLOVES | Technology has been advancing at an exponential rate, and with it, the ways in which we can help those who are disadvantaged. One such group is the blind, who can now be assisted by Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI applications such as “Be my Eyes” can provide blind people with visual information by connecting them with sighted volunteers who can see through the camera of their phone and describe what they are seeing. This can help the blind to complete tasks such as reading labels or identifying people and objects. AI is also being used to create “talking books” which are audio recording of books that can be played on a phone or computer. This can be helpful for blind people who want to read but are unable to due to a visual impairment. By using text-to-speech software, the computer can read the text aloud, allowing the blind person to follow along. As a blind person, navigating the world can be a daunting task. Without the ability to see, many everyday activities can be difficult or impossible. However, thanks to recent technological advances, there are now a number of devices and tools available to help blind people live more independently. One such innovation is the Haptic Glove. The biggest challenges for blind people is navigating their surroundings. Haptic gloves can help with this by providing feedback on the size, shape and location of objects. For example, if a blind person touches a chair, they will feel a different type of feedback than if they touch a table. Our innovative Haptic Gloves are designed to provide haptic feedback for blind people, in order to help them avoid obstacles. The gloves are fitted with a camera and the vision is processed using machine learning and AI on the inbuilt computer that detects obstacles in the surrounding environment. When an obstacle is detected, the gloves provide haptic feedback to the user, warning them of the obstacle. This allows the user to navigate their surroundings more safely and effectively. The haptic gloves are a valuable tool for blind people, as they allow them to navigate their surroundings more safely and effectively. The gloves provide haptic feedback, warning the user of any obstacles in their vicinity. This allows the user to avoid obstacles, and navigate their surroundings with greater safety and ease. The gloves are a valuable tool for blind people and can make a significant difference in their quality of life. A haptic glove is a glove that provides tactile feedback to the user. This feedback can be used to help the user identify objects, navigate their surroundings, or even type on a keyboard. The gloves can be used with or without a visual display and can be customized to provide different types of feedback depending on the user’s need. |
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Andia Ramezani , Parsa Ramezani , Mohammadhadi Rahbari , Mahsa Shahbandeh |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Investigating the inhibitory effect of the hydroalcoholic extract of the dandelion plant (Taraxacum officinale) and chitosan nanoparticles on MCF7 breast cancer cells | Today, cancer is one of the main problems in society, and breast cancer is the second growing cancer in the world. Despite the different treatments for cancer, the greatest hurdle in treating cancers is that they are naturally resistant to chemotherapy or become resistant to the drug during the chemotherapy. Therefore, there is a great desire to find effective new compounds to treat this type of cancer. This study aims to prevent the unimpeded growth of breast cancer cells by using the hydroalcoholic extract of dandelion and chitosan nanoparticles. Also, another aim is to obtain the best results from the anti-cancer effect of these nanoparticles and dandelion plant extract. The aim of this study was to prevent the unimpeded growth of breast cancer cells by using the hydroalcoholic extract of dandelion and chitosan nanoparticles and to obtain the best results from the anti-cancer effect of these nanoparticles and dandelion plant extract. In this study, after cell culture, cancer cells were exposed to different concentrations of nanoparticles and plant extracts, then the survival rate of cancer cells was studied. After preparing dandelion flower extract, preparing 1000 g/mlµ dilution, and placing 104 cells in each plate well, after 24 hours of incubation, the top culture medium was drained. Also, the new culture medium and dandelion flower extract as a 100% non-toxic substance were poured into the control well. After performing the vitality steps, the cell was evaluated using MTT test at 24, 48, and 72 hours after exposure to the extract. The results of MTT test, indicate that dandelion flower extract and chitosan nanoparticles have an inhibitory effect on breast cancer cells. Also, results of MTT test demonstrated that in addition to the inhibitory effect, increasing concentration had a lethal effect and affected healthy cells. In general, according to the findings of this study, it can be concluded that using the synergistic effect of dandelion plant extract and chitosan nanoparticles, the growth of breast cancer cells decreases to zero percent. Also, it hasn’t a great effect on the growth of normal L929 cells, which are normal cells in the body. |
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Nirvana Nour Mohammadi , Reihaneh Javidgohar , Mohadeseh Bayati , Diba Kavoosi , Yasamin Akbari Basharabadi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Investigating the Effect of Stevia Extracts as a Catalyst in Biodiesels | This research has tried to investigate the stevia plant's effect as a degradable fuel catalyst compared to other fuels. Fossil fuels are one of the industry's essential resources and one of the most basic materials to meet the needs of people and governments; Perhaps fossil fuels are non-renewable, and we are currently seeing the changes caused by these materials in the environment. An expensive and unstable market is another problem of these fuels. This research is necessary in order to prevent pollutants and more risks of using new and degradable fuels with fewer disadvantages. The most important alternative fuels are vegetable fuels, which are an excellent alternative to fossil fuels. The stevia plant is a product of nature that is widely used in sugar products nowadays. One of the noteworthy points is the presence of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen in the structure of this plant. A five-year-old plant that was first discovered in the northeast of Paraguay. It also needs a moderate and humid climate for growth. The materials used in this research are stevia plants, eggshells, lime, catalyst, olive oil, sesame oil, car oil, fish oil, and fuel. 100cc of each oil is prepared. 100 grams of stevia plant was placed in ethanol at the appropriate temperature and under specific conditions for the necessary time, and finally, the plant extract was obtained. In the laboratory conditions, the burning process for each of the oils was carried out in three stages for all three catalysts. The changes created in each process with the presence of the stevia plant compared to the other two catalysts were investigated. |
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Fakhrialsadat Shariati Najafabadi , Dr. Hamidreza Badihi Najafabadi , Dr. Mohammadhadi Vahidian , Mohsen Soleimani Najafabadi , Matin Enteshari Najafabadi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Smart bed design to prevent pressure sore (bedsores) | A pressure sore (also called pressure ulcers or bedsores) is any redness or break in the skin caused by too much pressure on your skin for too long a period of time. Pressure sores are localized areas of cellular necrosis that occur most often in the skin and subcutaneous (SC) tissue over bony prominences. These ulcers may be superficial, caused by localized skin irritation with subsequent surface maceration, or deep, originating in the underlying tissue. Deep lesions often go undetected until they penetrate the skin, but by then they have usually caused subcutaneous damage. Unrelieved pressure on the skin squeezes tiny blood vessels, which supply the skin with nutrients and oxygen. When skin is starved of nutrients and oxygen for too long, the tissue dies and a pressure ulcer forms. Skin reddening that disappears after pressure is removed is normal and not a pressure ulcer. Prevention systems seem to be essential, especially in hospitals. Mechanized and manual bed design for use by inactive patients in the hospital and at home. This bed is fitted with a heating system to keep the patient warm in winter and cooling system in summer. The function of this device is as follows: The patient is resting on the bed and depending on the specific timing the patient turns left and right. It is also equipped with a massage sensor to also massage the specific areas of the patients body. |
129 |
Seyyedeh Sara Hosseini |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | CO2 Gas Purification Using CaO | As it is known, CO2 is a very harmful gas for the environment and humans, and when the percentage of this gas increases in the air, it causes air pollution, and over time, this air pollution leaves destructive effects, such as global warming and polar ice melting. Today, scientists are trying to find a way to break down carbon dioxide. With many types of research and studies in this field, I achieved the achievement of building and designing an innovative filtration filter and specializing in decomposing carbon dioxide. In this way, the device has 3 types of design. The first design of the device is used in homes, public places, circuits, etc., and the second application (in principle, the dual structural design) uses the exact mechanism inside the exhaust pipe of the car in order to significantly reduce carbon emissions. Dioxide in the air and the third application and design is specific to oil places such as oil factories, with the aim of releasing clean air to the environment and the planet's environment, as well as purifying carbon dioxide, which can play a significant role in reducing emissions. The primary mechanism of the device is simple. First, to separate carbon isotopes from each other, we put an active carbon filter, whose mechanism is based on particle size differences. In the second step, the primary mechanism starts with the entry of CO2 . It may be asked why CO2 does it remain after passing through activated carbon? It should be noted that because the particles of this gas are small and pass-through activated carbon, some of it remains in activated carbon. After passing through the activated carbon, the second stage is passing through the CaO or calcium oxide chamber, where the CaO gas reacts with sediment CO2 to replace CaCO3, which is a valuable and widely used substance, and its uses can be mentioned in the profile of buildings, etc. It should be noted that there will be no further reaction of CO2 gas, and it will be replaced in the composition that makes CaCO3 and will bring us to our goal, and with the help of the input air fan and the output air fan, our output air will be without CO2 and will be included clean air. In the process of the device, after the conversion and reaction, all the CaO in the tank, its combination, and also the formation of CaCO3, this possibility is available for industries, considering the high volume of use and the calcium carbonate resulting from the reaction, they can discharge it and use it or sell it. It can be a source of income and help for industries, or it can even be a new and clean way to produce calcium carbonate without any damage and help nature. |
130 |
Selvi Abbasi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Self-Cleaning Glass with Titanium Dioxide/Cerium Nanocoatings | Today, the automotive industry as well as the environment spends a lot of money in order to protect the environment from damage, while using nanotechnology could reduce the damage and manage costs. Nowadays photocatalyst-activated catalysts like TiO2 are commonly used because they are environmentally-friendly. TiO2 has photocatalytic properties and is activated by ultraviolet radiation. Surface of substrate could be hydrophilic by TiO2. Wetting solid surface by water, where there is mild weather, related to the contact angle θ (the angle between drop of water and the surface). The contact angle is less than 1 degree when a special kind of TiO2 named anatase is exposed to the ultraviolet light. Anatase has more tendency to absorb water instead of repelling it (super-hydrophilic). By coating super hydrophilic photocatalysts over building wall when the weather is rainy contamination is removed easily. Also Nano TiO2 absorbs light in the ultraviolet range, while it has little absorption in the visible range. This property makes it a component to protect surfaces from UV damage. In this work by doping metal elements in the TiO2 structure, the band width is increased and activated in the visible-light region. Sol-gel method is used to dope cobalt in titanium dioxide in the initial composition and stable sol, cerium nitrate was added, then aged and finally tempered at a temperature of about 475 °C for 1 hours. Being activated by visible light instead of Ultraviolet light has made this product safe to human uses. In this project, titanium dioxide/cerium nanoparticles were first prepared and then aged for 24 hours and coated on glass slides by three methods: immersion, spray and spin coating. After coating, they were placed in the furnace at a temperature of 450 degrees for 1 hour, and finally, among the prepared coatings, the slide coated by the spin coating method had a more uniform coating, and its color became more transparent. It was sent for the test to determine the contact surface, and it was found that the glass surface was hydrophobic. |
131 |
Amirhossein Payandeh , Saman Keyvannia , Zohreh Sarrafizadeh Forootan , Mostafa Raftari , Fatemeh Izadiyan |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Magic Carpet ( Drones as Virtual Tourists) | Coronavirus stopped tourism activities for a while, but we must note that Coronavirus is not the only obstacle and limitation of travel! Restrictions such as access to tourist destinations, time, cost, health, etc., can always exist in the way of tourists; in the meantime, virtual tourism can be presented as the best complement to traditional tourism. Using drones in the virtual tourism industry with applications such as online and offline filming of natural, historical, and recreational places and presenting these videos with a combination of environmental effects, including cold, heat, wind, and the specific scent of each environment and also, using the 8D sound technique in a platform can be presented as one of the new options to overcome the limitations of traditional tourism. And by involving different human senses, reduce the distance between reality and the virtual world as much as possible. Virtual tourism is a new model whose purpose is to reduce limitations by simulating the maximum of real recreational places in the virtual space by involving the maximum of different human senses in addition to the sense of sight, including the importance of touch, smell, and multidimensional hearing. In this operational research, presenting a new conceptual model in the approach of virtual tourism with the title "Dynamic Virtual Tourism,” the introduction and application of new technologies such as drones are discussed to provide an utterly live way to visit tourist places that can sometimes be very difficult and expensive to access. The world is no longer afraid of viral infections because virtual tourism is predicted to become more popular thanks to innovative developments in drones and UAVs. The world will be completely available virtually in real-time. Most people are accustomed to using Google Maps, pre-recorded images, and videos to navigate their environment. The 360-degree views these video programs provide are stunning compared to decades ago and provide a higher level of immersion for the user than ever before. In addition, the addition of narrative tours in which explanations are given about the place of visit (by the speaker) along with animation and background music with 8-D sounding technique and special environmental effects for each environment can be a more realistic and enjoyable experience for the virtual tour. |
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Termeh Noorzade , Mina Seyf , Shayesteh Lori , Khorshid Sheikhi , Helena Abdi Neyaraki |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Construction of Air Purification Filter Based on Ternary Nanocomposite from Metal-Organic Framework / Graphene / Thyme Extract | Pollutants are one of the most critical issues in human societies today. The most harmful of these is air pollution. Air pollution has many consequences and can be detrimental to human, animal, and environmental health. Air pollutants can be either natural or artificial. Solid pollutants are particles 2.5 and 10 microns in diameter, and gaseous pollutants include carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, and ozone. Metal-organic frameworks are a new class of nanoporous materials. Due to their large pores and the ability to control pore size, selective adsorption of small molecules in the presence of guest molecules is a good option for adsorption and separation of gases. This project produced a filter solution by synthesizing a nano-metal-organic framework and combining it with thyme plant extract. Its properties are higher porosity and high property for absorbing pollutant gases in the air. XRD, FESEM, and UV characterization tests were used for evaluation, confirmation, and validation. This project was performed in different conditions, and finally, the optimal sample of organic-metal / graphene and thyme composite frame with a ratio of 2 to 1 was selected. This filter can be used in many air purifiers, car exhaust, and motorcycle exhaust and remove emerging gases from factories. Making these types of filters is straightforward, cost-effective, and efficient. or organization can rate the activity, Observe and evaluate the saints accurately. Performance: Has the property of absorbing pollutants from factory Used in the automotive industry to control pollutants produced gases Used to reduce smoke from motorcycles Commercialization capability and cost-effective production method |
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Harshal Pol |
INDIA | ||
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Sashen Naicker |
UNITED KINGDOM | The Clean Sole | A multi-tool to clean the soles and uppers of your shoes. |
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Quoc Nguyen Phan , Doan Phuc Anh , Nguyen Huu Bach Viet , Nguyen Ngoc Huyen |
VIET NAM | Method for the extraction of Rhodomyrtosone D a novel antidiabetic agent from the buds of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa | Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Aiton) Hassk of the Myrtaceae family is an evergreen shrub native to Vietnam. The leaves, buds, roots, and fruits of R. tomentosa have been used in China and Vietnam for a long time ago, and the fruits are also used to produce “Sim” wine to boost the immune system and digestion. Due to the numerous therapeutic activities to prevent and cure types of diseases recent interest in the extraction of phytochemicals from the different parts of R. tomentosa has been observed. However low contents of the bioactive compounds and inefficient extraction procedures are recorded in a number of experiments. Rhodomyrtosone D is a novel antidiabetic leptospermone derivative and has the ability to inhibit α-glucosidase enzyme stronger than the commercial drug acarbose. A previous method extracted the bioactive compound from the leaves of R. tomentosa with a very low yield. We developed a new, simple, optimized method to extract Rhodomyrtosone D in high yield from the buds of R. tomentosa. Two methods were tested to purify Rhodomyrtosone D from the extracted crude drug material using reversed-phase chromatography or silica gel chromatography. The methods gave two different forms of the purified drug: an amorphous powder or needle-like crystals, respectively. Rhodomyrtosone D prepared in bulk amounts can be used for in vivo testing and the development of new therapeutic phytochemical drugs against diabetes. |
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Sergii Malovanyi |
UNITED KINGDOM | Remote Medical Practitioner VR Training | Fully immersive VR-powered treatment room for medical student to practice with hundreds of treatment techniques over human body in muscular, skeleton and nerve layers. Get qualified and pre-certified by passing exams with specific treatment goals of current methods, or launch your own copyright treatment technique as white-label owner to promote remote education of your School. Organic Code is a leader in custom web, mobile and wearables app development for Healthtech and Fintech since 2010. |
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Edyta Wolczyk , Michal Czerwinski , Tomasz Wodka , Lukasz Grotkowski , Lucjan Nafalski , Aleksander Zawada |
POLAND | CR003 – EXPress Coal Blend Expansion Pressure Analyzer | The device makes it possible to predict the amount of coking pressure generated. Expansion pressure is an important coal charge parameter that affects the safety of the coking chamber |
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Edyta Wołczyk , Mariusz Kosmowski , Andrzej Dowgiallo , Marek Jakubowski , Jaroslaw Diakun |
POLAND | Machine for separating kidneys from meat-and-bone residue after filleting or semi-filleting | The National Marine Fisheries Research Institute in cooperation with the Koszalin University of Technology developed machine for separating kidneys from meat-and-bone residuals after filleting or semi-filleting. The machine can be used in lines for recovering the meat of marine white or freshwater fish from such residuals. Its task is to cut off a fragment of the spine with the adjacent kidney, which is the main source of meat contamination with blood contained in it. The excision of the kidney allows for the separation operation to obtain comminuted meat that does not require rinsing the blood and the remains of the membranes that protect it. In the operation of the prototype, a certain characteristic feature of the processed raw material was used, thanks to which it can be placed in the gap between two guides in a way that allows a simple separation of a part of the spine with the kidney. |
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Edyta Wolczyk , Agata Bonenberg , Marek Zablocki |
POLAND | ERGONOMIC ROTATING LIFT TABLE | The object of the invention is a rotating and lifting table designed for home use, primarily for persons with mobility impairments and seniors. The table can be also used as a comfortable, ergonomic substitute or extension to a traditional fitted kitchen. Rotation and lifting of the table can be performed independently. The electric cooker, stainless steel workspace, and sink are integrated with the tabletop and carefully positioned to ensure ergonomic distances and reduction of the necessity of the user’s movements. The table moves workstations to the user’s position. The rotation of the table makes its’ entire surface easily accessible. Lifting the table makes it ergonomic both for people who use it in standing position as wheelchair users. |
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Quoc Nguyen Phan , Nguyen Thi Mai Anh , Nguyen Binh Giang , Nguyen Hai , Quoc Nguyen Phan , Quoc Nguyen Phan |
VIET NAM | SCREENING OF SOMATIC AND GERMLINE MUTATION OF RB1 GENE IN VIETNAMESE PATIENTS REVEALS TWO NOVEL MUTATIONS | Retinoblastoma (Rb) is the most common primary intraocular childhood malignancy which caused by inactivating mutations of both alleles of the RB1 gene. Rb is one of the main causes of blindness in children. Early genetic screening for RB1 gene mutations would greatly improve the treatment outcomes and patients’management. In this study, we present the mutations of both somatic and germline mutations of RB1 gene in Vietnamese patients. Methods: Tumor DNA and blood DNA from 18 probands with RB including 2 bilateral and 16 unilateral cases, was extracted. Mutational analysis of all RB1 exons, exon-intron boundaries, and the promoter region was performed using direct sequencing and Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) analysis. Results: Fourteen different mutations were found in 16 patients, including, two large deletions, three splicing site, one missense, three frameshifts, and 5 nonsense mutations. There were two novel mutations which have not been reported on large database. Additionally, a higher rate of RB patients carrying heterozygous germline mutation and highly prevalent with pathogenic truncated mutation, hence, early detection of RB is essential for vision salvation and genetic counselling. |
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Quoc Nguyen Phan , Ta Duc Anh , Nguyen Quang Hung , Dau Duc Anh |
VIET NAM | BUILDING AN EXPERT SYSTEM FOR PRENATAL SCREENING FOR THALASSEMIA | Thalassemia is a group of hemoglobin disorders that result from significantly reduced or absent synthesis of either the α- or β-globin chains. The symptoms of Thalassemia vary widely from silence to severity depending on patients’ genotype. Hb Bart (αo/ αo) is the most severe form of Thalassemia with multiple complications for both fetus (fetal hydrops) and pregnant women (preeclampsia, polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, antepartum hemorrhage, and premature delivery). To prevent Thalassemia, WHO recommends prenatal screening for all pregnancies (including screening for pregnant women and their husbands) and prenatal diagnosis by genetic amniocentesis for high-risk pregnancies. Objectives 1. Building an expert system for screening for Thalassemia for pregnant women and their husbands to support physicians in making decisions on prenatal diagnosis of Thalassemia. 2. Evaluating the predictive value of the expert system. Subject and method To build the expert system, we created a knowledge base including IF-THEN rules based on medical history, red blood cell indices (RBC, HGB, MCV, MCH, MCHC...), plasma iron and Ferritin by using the guidelines of WHO and Vietnam Ministry of Health for screening for Thalassemia. To evaluate the predictive value of the expert system, we tested the expert system on a data set of 500 couples, who had been diagnosed with Thalassemia or Thalassemia carrier, and 500 unaffected couples. Results 1. The expert system was successfully built, composed of three parts: A knowledge base including 47 IF-THEN rules for screening for Thalassemia, which can be easily updated and accessed anytime (for example: IF MCV < 85fl and MCH < 28 pg and MCHC <320 g/L THEN Microcytic hypochromic Anemia and high risk of Thalassemia). An interfere engine applying the rules to patients’ data to make interferences A user interface where users interact with the system, the interface comprises two sections: The input section where users input patients’ clinical data and the output section where the interference results are displayed. Especially, it is a Web-based expert system, thus with a computer connected to the Internet, users can use the ES any time, anywhere. 2. The results of the expert system verification and validation indicated that the predictive results of the expert system got an accuracy of 98.45%, a sensitivity of 100%, and a specificity of 97.62%. Conclusion We successfully built an expert system for prenatal screening for Thalassemia with an accuracy of 98.45%, a sensitivity of 100%, and a specificity of 97.62%. The expert system can be adopted for prenatal screening for Thalassemia in other countries provided that the knowledge base is updated according to the racial characteristics of the countries. |
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Andrei Sandu , Daniela Laura Buruiana , Puiu Lucian Georgescu , Gabriel Bogdan Carp , Viorica Ghisman , Tatiana Mardare |
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Andrei Sandu , Daniela Laura Buruiana , Puiu Lucian Georgescu , Gabriel Bogdan Carp , Viorica Ghisman , Cristian Catalin Stancic |
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David Skipp |
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Rhianne Claire B. Escalona , Rhianne Claire B. Escalona , Ma. Ina Sofia C. Suzara , Cyanna Pauleen C. Chua |
PHILIPPINES | H.E.A.D.S. U.P. Helmet Enhanced Armor Defense Sensor – A Worker’s Ultimate Protection | The proposal aims to develop an ultimate protection gear for the workers especially those who are working in open sites and construction areas. The researchers want to propose a special type of helmet that could give ultimate protection for the workers. The headgear is proposed to be equipped with a UV sensor to predict the UV index of the day. It is also proposed to put a sensor that will determine the air quality (polluted or unpolluted) of the working area. It will be equipped with an automatic headlight that will turn on if it is already dark on site. A red tail light will be placed on the rear of the gear for visibility of others at night. It will also be equipped with a temperature and humidity sensor because with this sensor the device can provide accurate humidity and temperature conditions within the air at any given point or at any given place. Since head gear sometimes causes blind spots above the head, an ultrasonic sensor will be placed in front to alert the user of possible head injuries. The head gear will be powered by solar panels but batteries can be used as an alternative power. The helmet will weigh around 2 grams, the height of the helmet is 9 cm, the length is 13 cm and the width are 17 cm. H.E.A.D.S U.P. can alert the safety officer in charge regarding all the pertinent details that are sensed by the device through the Bluetooth Device. It can send data to a mobile device as far as 10 meters. The proposed project can give assurance of worker’s awareness about the actual situation in a given environment. |
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Zaffika Zufanka , Prajna Paramitha Issad , Tewiq Thasyilla Azzura , Salma Sri Ardelia Putri , Zaffika Zufanka |
INDONESIA | R-ATM (Rice Automatic Touchless Machine) | R-ATM (Rice Automatic Touchless Machine) is a machine that works by using the Arduino Uno system as the main component for the continuity of the tool. This machine uses an ultrasonic sensor, leading the rice can come out automatically which can allow us to use it without the need for physical contact.Youtube Upload Link of your innovation: * |
147 |
Wasana Intasang |
THAILAND | V-sion: natural combination for eye health | Combination of herbal extracts for eye improvement. Lutein, astaxanthin and maqui berry are mixed in the best ratio in order to give the best results. Cell culture study indicates that the mixture of these extracts can prevent dry eyes, heal the cornea and prevent cornea from pollution. Anyone can use these extracts in their products but we get the best combination at the best ratio. V-sion gives you the best eye's health! |
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Pornanong Aramwit |
THAILAND | Natural combination for milk booster | This product induces the production of milk for breastfeeding mom. It contains all nature substances which shows great benefit and no side effect. Moreover, it also can improve the quality, not only the quantity, of milk. This natural substances also contains DHA which are important for brain's infant. |
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Ali Safar |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | AI Pet Robot with Personality and Ideas (Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning) | This is a new Al Robot with machine learning And Artificial intelligence Technologies. This robot can charge himself walk in a limited area and play by himself. You don't have to worry about his power and safety anymore. And also you can chat by voice chat with chat bot technology of this robot. Built with multiple sensors and cutting-edge techs, this pet Robot is a cool desktop Al robot pet with character that can self-explore the world and react to you with 1000+ faces and movements. Like a loyal companion, This bot cheers you up with music, dance movements, and online games! This is also a great helper that wakes you up, turns on the light, takes pictures and answers to your questions, for a truly life-like pet on your desktop. |
Row | Inventors Name | Country | Title Of Invention | Brief Description |
1 |
Mosa Ntaote |
LESOTHO | house of mosa | I make organic food and cosmetics using indegenous herbs and plants |
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Areej Alqarni |
SAUDI ARABIA | Creating an Early Diagnostic Method for Glaucoma Using Convolutional Neural Networks | The World-Health-Organization estimates that glaucoma accounts for 12% of blindness worldwide. Because it’s difficult to distinguish the lesions' features through ophthalmologists' manual observations of retinal fundus images, especially in early phases. This study suggested a CNN-based diagnostic technique. Python was used to train the algorithms for glaucoma detection. The Drishti-GS/Rim-One datasets comprising 361 training/225 test sets, 344 healthy/242 glaucoma-related pictures, were used to evaluate the algorithms. Results demonstrated a 30-second detection time and a 98.9% accuracy, showing high diagnostic effectiveness. Finally, a website was created using this algorithm to enable patients to test for glaucoma. A video game that supports eye-treatment exercises strengthening vision and potentially slowing the progression of glaucoma is available on this website, along with features like connecting the patient to care facilities and scholarly articles about glaucoma. The likelihood of irreversible blindness decreasing by 42.79% in the near future is possible thanks to this early-diagnosis technique. |
3 |
Jason Fonfe |
UNITED KINGDOM | Studio 17 | Portable recording studio- fully collapsible vocal booth which can be assembled in under 10 minutes. Fits in the back of an estate car. |
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Saraswathy Suppiramaniam , Saraswathy A/p Suppiramaniam |
MALAYSIA | EDUVELS.COM | is a worksheet platform used to create worksheets for children and students. The platform includes existing templates and quizzes for users to use, and the platform is free and offers paid subscriptions such as Eduvels Pro for additional functionality. Users can click and select any of the various existing templates and create their worksheets. The created worksheet can share through a link icon to their students via WhatsApp, Telegram or any other uses telecommunications. The users also can share their worksheet links to others to edit . Besides this, they can upload their worksheet on the Eduvels’s cloud for public use. All the assessments or scores will be recorded in Eduvels clouds for the teacher reference. |
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Imad Maalmi |
MOROCCO | Smart helmet | I have no participation |
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Ali Alali , Ali Humaid |
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | MY DOCTOR ROBOT | Our project aims to preserve the health of patients by providing medical consultations to patients around the clock and communicating with the doctor at anytime and anywhere to quickly respond to emergency situa- tions and inform the doctor. By taking important measurements and saving them on the cloud as well as sending messages to doctors in emergency cases .. The use of the Internet of Things system makes it easier for the doctor to follow the patient's condition to ensure his life. This innovation will reduce the costs incurred by the patient during his visit to the hospital, as the presence of this innovative device in his home provides the patient with permanent follow-up. |
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Vithurshan Paramaseelan , Vithurshan Paramaseelan |
CANADA | laser weapon updated | This idea would be very useful for military applications. I will tell you briefly about it here. This weapon can automatically detonate other weapons within a certain distance. By using a few electromagnetic beams to conduct electricity through them |
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Shouq Hassan Sliuman , Shouq Hassan |
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Hat for mastering and brain tuning | Project work: Two halves The first half when feeling afraid and rising in the feeling of voices and imagination is sometimes weak, rearranging and reconnecting. correct instructions, and the second side is next to (the lobes) of the brain that is responsible for analysis, sequence and calculations The work works on electric wave technology, stimulating the brain, with a sample of a selected group of patients with exercises, advice and motivational words. Awareness videos and life instructions Duration: It took nine months before participating in the competition and four months after participation Project goals: Every scientific research has a set of things that it issues for its study, and the science of knowledge there are differences and it is better when using the hat with electric wave techniques and knowing the differences that occur in the brains of people with mental illnesses. Improving health services in achieving a recovery rate and improving the lives of people with diseases |
9 |
Daryl Campbell |
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | Ekunshq V | Hello! My name is Daryl from InVideo. We are experts on the creation and editing professional videos with Artificial Intelligence. With a wide range of customizable templates and features, you can easily create videos for your business, social media, or personal projects in any niche. And We also offer a FREE TRIAL option. To see our free list of packages and current promotions head over to: >> If you have any question, please feel free to send me an email to: Regards, Daryl Campbell |
10 |
Sayed Milaad Jabalamelian |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | EXCLUSIVE STRETCHER FOR TRAUMATI PATIENT (ESTPV2) | The stretcher made by me has unique features that are specially designed for the injured in accidents with the possibility of neck and spine fractures, whose initial design won gold and silver medals in most international exhibitions in 2009. Currently, the final design and its full version has been prepared for the exhibition of your inventions. A number of approvals and awards from various festivals are attached |
11 |
Jake Wang , Naizhuang Wang , Naizhuang Wang , Naizhuang Wang , Naizhuang Wang , Naizhuang Wang |
JAPAN | A combined formulation of liquid dietary supplements containing silicon from the spring water of Mount Fuji, pea sprout extract, and hydrolyzed keratin peptides can be helpful in addressing hair loss issues. | Our composition us grounded in both nature and science. We've selected scientifically validated ingredients, such as Swiss organic pea sprouts, hydrolyzed keratin peptides, and biotin, that are proven to improve hair growth cycles and support hair health. The use of soluble ingredients greatly enhances the taste, making the use of our products enjoyable rather than a burden. Our aim is to offer a comprehensive solution for hair health, providing essential nutrients, promoting stronger hair, reducing hair breakage and fall-out, maintaining hair shine, and accelerating new hair growth。 |
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Maowa Li |
JAPAN | A combined formulation of liquid dietary supplements containing silicon from the spring water of Mount Fuji, pea sprout extract, and hydrolyzed keratin peptides can be helpful in addressing hair loss issues. | Our formula stands at the intersection of nature and science. It includes scientifically validated ingredients such as organic pea sprouts from Switzerland, hydrolyzed keratin peptides, and biotin, which have been proven to improve hair growth cycles and support overall hair health. The incorporation of soluble components significantly enhances the palatability of our blend, making its consumption a pleasure, not a chore. Our formulation is designed to deliver a comprehensive solution for hair health, replenishing essential nutrients, bolstering hair strength, reducing breakage and fall-out, maintaining hair luster, and promoting new growth. |
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Mr. Amirreza Sefidkar , Mr. Rasoul Naghash Souratgar |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Outstanding award in Poland E-NNOVATE Expo (Bio Industrial Hydraulic Oil with the Ability to be Used in Airplanes) | Vegetable oils can also be used instead of conventional lubricants and are also biodegradable in the environment and return to nature in a short period of time. HH, HL and HR base hydraulic oil, which can also be used in the aircraft hydraulic system, are examples of lubricants that can be produced from vegetable oils and used in the aerospace industry. Castor and jatropha plants are among the best examples of plants whose oil can be used to produce hydraulic lubricants that can be used in passenger planes and fighters. In this process, genes resistant to temperature, pressure and friction were identified in oil seeds and these genes were mutated by beta rays. and after the cell culture of new plants, the seeds of these plants have been oiled. G4/102 is powdered from the seed by grinding, then this powder is placed in a bag made of linen fabric and the bag is placed in a Soxhlet machine. Oil extraction was done using formal hexane solvent for 4 hours at the boiling point of hexane, and finally a solution of oil and hexane solvent was obtained. After finishing the process, the mixture of solvent and oil, which contains some suspended particles, is passed through a strainer to remove the existing impurities. Separating the oil from the solvent based on the difference in their boiling point from the distillation method using the Jarkhan evaporator at a temperature of 90 c and a speed of 120 rpm was used. Finally, the pure oil obtained was weighed and the percentage of oil was calculated for the raw material, which was obtained as 35.2%. It comes After the oiling stage, to increase the lifespan of the lubricant, we add 10% antioxidant to it, which is done by changing the gene of the sunflower plant. This oil can be used in industries that require HH, HL and HR hydraulic lubricants, and it can also be used in aerospace industries |
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Nataniela Sumbo , Keny Nascimento |
ANGOLA | Green Self Care | It is an electronic system capable of automatically managing an aquaponic greenhouse. The system allows, through sensors, to maintain the ambient and water temperature, suitable for plants and fish, through heating and cooling devices. The pumping of water to the plants is done automatically, and the pumped water returns to the aquarium after being filtered. The entire production process is stored in a database, and can be monitored via the web (internet). |
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Awa Joaquim Dieme , Adama Joaquim Dieme |
ANGOLA | Non-Invasive Malaria Detection System | The Non-Invasive Malaria Detector System is a malaria diagnostic system developed with the aim of helping to diagnose Plasmodium quickly in such a short time. The system makes it possible to identify whether the patient is infected or not, through an oximeter sensor that detects the shape, color and concentration of red blood cells and blood data is collected, and this result is displayed on a computer in just 2 minutes. Tests have been carried out in some hospitals in the capital city, and the results obtained, compared to conventional tests (invasive tests), the system has an efficiency in the order of 99.9% of accuracy. |
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Paulo Felisberto , Raimundo Mbiya |
ANGOLA | PET Bottle Deposit and Collection System | PET Bottle Deposit and Collection System: It is an electronic system that rewards the recycler for each container deposited in the machine, giving it points. The points awarded can be exchanged for the various benefits that the machine offers, such as: Discount on the energy bill in the following month, discounts on medical appointments at hospitals that are partners with the System, electronic recharge on the cell phone, cash or products. |
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Paulo Manuel Tumba , Cláudio Gonçalves , Pedro Queta |
ANGOLA | XILONGA | Xilonga It is a virtual learning environment that helps the teaching-learning process, through the use of interactive tools and resources. Its main objective is to offer resources and teaching materials for learning the syllabus of the Primary Education curriculum and the first cycle of Secondary Education. Its denomination, XILONGA, brings together the notion of school and teaching, transversal to three Angolan languages of African origin, namely: Kimbundu, Umbundu and Kikongo, resulting from the fusion between Xi, from Xikola, (which expresses the idea of school), and long, from Kulonga, (which expresses the idea of teaching). |
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Paulo Manuel Tumba , Cláudio Gonçalves , Pedro Queta |
ANGOLA | Kudilonguesa | Kudilonguesa It is a school management system developed that seeks to bring agility and speed in the execution of pedagogical processes, present accurate statistical data and mitigate the biggest problems during the management process of a school. Problems like: Lack of data security Lack of integration between sectors Delay in the release of notes and publication of guidelines Floods at the institution's secretariat Communication failures with students, parents and guardians |
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Victor Saverchenko , Victor I Saverchenko |
BELARUS | Inverse-Type Bicycle Shock | I have invented, made and tested an unique bicycle shock. Tests shows great advantages of my invention in comparison with best existing shocks for non-professional use. Tests are shown on video (see attachment 1). |
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Youssef Mostafa |
EGYPT | Maximizing the optical characteristics of solar reflectors for improving collector efficiency | Solar cells are generate electricity from sunlight on the other hand, the cell temperature increased and its efficiency decreased. We conclude that solar energy need the sun light with the constant heat to be enhance in its power so I use an external reflector with very specific materials to reflect sunlight with constant heat to reduce cost with high efficiency, there is type to enhance the output from panel “using mirrors reflectors on the panel” the effect side of the mirrors is reflect sun light with heat As mirror boosted radiation intensity over the panel is more, the consequence is increased temperature of the panel. But panel temperature above 25°C reduces the open circuit voltage and decrease efficiency. This, proper cooling is needed to improve the panel improve solar panels we need sunlight with constant heat when sunlight falls on panel with reflected light rays from reflector it will increases the power generated by the reflector so the challenge is to focus the sunlight with constant heat, so the result is positive, the highest power of the panel with reflector (71.613Watt) at time 1pm. When reflective surface reflecting sunlight (with certain temperature) the power and the watt and the amps, solar radiation and efficiency of the solar panel is enhanced with amount directly proportional to the reflective surface area at certain angle. |
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Fawzi Berrahma , Souki Abd El Halim |
ALGERIA | Smart letisia nedlight | We are a startup company that ranked first nationally in Algeria in energy innovation during our participation in the competition organized by the Algerian Ministry of Energy Transition My invention is a device that saves energy consumption for public lighting by more than 50% in a smart way. It relies in its work on artificial intelligence and mechatronics technology, where the device is controlled remotely. It also makes it easier for maintenance workers and the management of street lighting monitoring to locate faults that appear to them. On the control screen on the control desk,at knowledge that i been awarded as the best young arab inventor in the world on 2016 and the best salesperson of electronic products in uk on 2015 . |
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Mohammad Atheab , Mohammad Ibraheem Mezaal Atheab , Zaman Muzahem Ahmed |
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | 5th Generation Liposomal Exosome Skin and Hair Booster | A new and Innovative formula designed using Bioinformatics that focus on designing liposomes to work as Exosomes ( Drug delivery vehicles) . Lixoford-S for skin care Lixoford-H for Hair care |
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Amir-Reza Javnmard , Radmehr Heidari Riseh , Seyed Roham Mohammadnezhad Kenari |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Investigating and studying messenger pathways involved in glioma cancer and the potential of these genes as diagnostic targets for glioma cancer | We have published many articles at the ISI level on various impact factors and we have also won multiple courses such as Thailand and Taiwan festivals. A patent has also been filed for this issue. |
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Morad Andaloussi , Dr. Leeza Gordon , Paul Antonio Gordon |
MOROCCO | Women's Health & Wellness | The Women's Healthcare Technology project, led by the experienced Research and Development Team headed by Morad (inventor), aims to create a wireless, portable screening system that will revolutionize women's healthcare. This innovative technology will have the capability to detect complications such as radio frequency exposure, harmful biological effects, injuries, and early stages of cancers. Moreover, it will also track emotional changes in trauma victims, providing a comprehensive approach to women's wellness. The significance of this project lies in its potential to bridge the healthcare gap for women in resource-limited areas. By developing a wireless, portable screening system, we empower women to access necessary care regardless of their geographical location. Our aim is to ensure that every woman has the ability to receive the care she needs to safeguard her health. Icy May Business Solutions, a minority-led business, intends to execute this project over an 18 to 24-month timeframe, following a three-phase plan: Phase I: Prototype Development During this phase, we will focus on advancing our current prototype by improving patient care through the integration of monitoring, diagnostic, and predictive tools. Additionally, our goal is to enable healthcare professionals, including physicians, alternative medicine practitioners, therapists, and psychologists, to enhance their work performance while improving their work-life balance. We will also explore the use of data-enabled tools to optimize healthcare institutions' resources. |
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Dragan Jovanov , Suzana Stojanovska , Nikola Stojanovski , Denis Dimitrov , Kosta Arizanov , Darko Eftimovski |
MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF | Agrophyto tonic for braiancer | Agrophyto tonic for multiple sclerosis |
26 |
Andrieh Shatta |
SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC | The high power and efficiency thermal engine | I hold the patent for Invention No. 6160 in Syria for my innovative high power and efficiency thermal engine that operates on spark ignition combustion with hydrogen and gasoline. This engine can achieve an efficiency of more than 50% and an extremely high power, and can be used in vehicles and drones. I have further developed this engine into another version with a suitable power-to-weight ratio specifically for drones. |
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Matin Hadianfard |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Designing a rover to explore the caves and rough and ice surfaces of Mars | In this project, a spider-like rover named Sephex was designed to explore Martian caves to investigate the cave's environment in terms of geology and the level of radiation. Additionally, Sephex was equipped with a Marscopter shaped like a spider called Iceweaver to analyze Martian ice caps, assess the possibility of cave habitation, and study polar ice. |
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Salma Mohamed Allam , Salma Mohamed Allam , Abdullrahman Elgarawany |
EGYPT | Cancer treatment by using immunotherapy | TIGIT, an immune checkpoint molecule widely expressed on NK cells, activated T cells and Tregs, has been involved in delivering inhibitory signals through the interaction with PVR. The blockade of TIGIT/PVR interaction is a promising approach in cancer immunotherapy. Here, we unexpectedly discovered the expression of TIGIT in murine tumor cells. To elucidate the mechanism of such intrinsic expression, TIGIT knockout murine colorectal CT26 and MC38 cell lines were generated by using CRISPR/Cas9 system. Although TIGIT knockout showed no effects on proliferation and colony formation of tumor cells in vitro, the tumor growth in mice was considerably inhibited. TIGIT knockout led to the increase of IFN-γ secretion by NK and CD8+ T cells. Further, in BABL/c nude mice, CD8+ T cells depleting mice and NK cells depleting nude mice, the promotion of tumor growth was significantly diminished, suggesting that both NK cells and CD8+ T cells were involved in the tumor promoting process mediated by intrinsic TIGIT. In addition, blocking TIGIT/PVR interaction by the antibody or recombinant PVR protein could elicit anti-tumor effects by facilitating the tumor infiltration and restoring the function of CD8+ T cells, and the antibody-mediate TIGIT blockade could inhibit MC38 tumor growth through blocking TIGIT expressed on tumor cells. We therefore propose a novel TIGIT/PVR interaction mode that tumor intrinsic TIGIT delivers inhibitory signals to CD8+ T cells and NK cells by engaging with PVR. |
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Dang Van Nhat Minh, Phan Huy Chu High School, Hanoi , Hoang Hai Dang, Tuyen Quang High School For Gifted Students, Tuyen Quang Province |
VIET NAM | PLANT CARE SYSTEM FOR URBAN SPACE – AUTO GROW | - The Energy Block consists of solar panels, a battery and electrical wires to link the battery with a 220V output power supply. The panel will convert solar into electrical energy to charge the battery in the morning while the battery will instead be directly charged by the power supply when sunlight is absent. The power inside the battery will then be used to function other Blocks. - The Sensor Block includes light sensor, soil moisture sensor, air moisture and temperature sensor as well as rain sensor; these sensors will collect data of sunlight intensity, soil moisture, air moisture and temperature to send it to the Process-and-Control Block via wires. - The Reaction Block is made up of a water pump, drip emitter, spray nozzles, LED lights, sun barriers and will work based on directions of the Process-and-Control Block. - All the Blocks as mentioned above will always work simultaneously to achieve consistency and efficiency along with saving time and effort for the user. |
30 |
Gia Bao Trinh , Trinh Gia Bao, Vietnam-Australia Inter-school, Hanoi , Chu Minh Quan, Hus Highschool For Gifted Students, Hanoi , Le Ngoc Diep, High School For Gifted Students-HNUE, Hanoi , Quoc Nguyen Phan , Quoc Nguyen Phan |
VIET NAM | ORGANIC WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM | Block diagram: How it works: - Block 1: works on a horizontal axis, this includes a mixer which contributes in the chromatography process, aspirating water out of the organic wastes ,this water is then drain through a water treating system leaving behind the odorless organic materials. - Block 2:This part's purpose is to shred organic pieces into tiny pieces which are then pressed into a series of large thin pieces and finally lacerated to make thin strands of organic matter. This makes the drying process quick. Fiber products of block 2 going on as material to block 3. - Block 3: a drying chamber with vertical axis operating principle, this includes a heat blowing system and an antibiotic system using UV ray. With a heat resistant conveyor belt system to transmit the organic material by running on the conveyor which increases the cross section and heat exposure time, increasing the dry time of material. When the material has dried, it will automaticly move to block 4. - Block 4: This part of the process strands on a vertical axis, containing a chain of large rollers moving in opposite direction or the same direction , this makes sure that strands of organic are shredded down to a size suitable for agricultural purposes. - Block 5: the water treatment system with the goal to shed the substandard water to the environment. |
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Mohammed Al-Sabri , Mohammed Ameen Ahmed Al-Sabri , Ahmed Abdullah Ali Al-Garad |
YEMEN | Smart Robotic Microscope Technology | his invention is the first technological medical laboratory device in the world in which the microscope is fully controlled remotely and in the very long term from anywhere in the world, reading, analyzing and diagnosing samples and microscopic slides robotically, automatically and automatically, and controlling the movement of the slide in all directions by the user's personal mobile phone and direct vision from on the mobile screen Zooming in and out of microscopic slides prepared online (i.e., thanks to the technology, it is possible to do the examination from anywhere in the world remotely and the user of the device or the specialist in any continent and any country and the microscope and the device in another continent or country) |
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Mohammed Al-Sabri , Mohammed Ameen Ahmed Al-Sabri , Ahmed Abdullah Ali Al-Garad |
YEMEN | Smart Robotic Microscope Technology | This invention is the first technological medical laboratory device in the world in which the microscope is fully controlled remotely and in the very long term from anywhere in the world, reading, analyzing and diagnosing samples and microscopic slides robotically, automatically and automatically, and controlling the movement of the slide in all directions by the user's personal mobile phone and direct vision from on the mobile screen Zooming in and out of microscopic slides prepared online (i.e., thanks to the technology, it is possible to do the examination from anywhere in the world remotely and the user of the device or the specialist in any continent and any country and the microscope and the device in another continent or country) |
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Lahreche Benharzallah |
ALGERIA | Anti-Gas Hazards --- Anti-Carbon Monoxide Poisoning | The purpose of these two devices is to protect people when using electricity and gas from the dangers of (explosion caused by electric sparks, and carbon monoxide poisoning). |
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Lahreche Benharzallah |
ALGERIA | Anti-Gas Hazards --- Anti-Carbon Monoxide Poisoning | The purpose of these two devices is to protect people when using electricity and gas from the dangers of (explosion caused by electric sparks, and carbon monoxide poisoning). |
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Durria Ahmed |
SAUDI ARABIA | Device for sutureless repair of an injured nerve | This new technique for peripheral nerve defects sutureless repair of lacerated, severed nerve based on doing the operation on an injured nerve without the interference of air (-ve pressure), and provide natural regeneration to the injured nerve, also this device has very beneficial uses in the field of medicine, particularly nerve trauma and injury as well as nerve diseases. In addition, it will be suitable for both human beings and animals. The main function of this device is to aid in the repair of damaged nerve regardless of the trauma types without any requirement of the difficult microsurgery procedures . The College of Medicine in King Saud University was established as the first medical college in the Kingdom in 1967. One year later, King Abdul-Aziz University Hospital became affiliated with the college. In 1981, King Khalid University Hospital was established to became the main teaching campus and patient service facility. |
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Kehinde Gabriel Opesan , Kehinde Gabriel Opesan , Kehinde Gabriel Opesan , Kehinde Gabriel Opesan , Kehinde Gabriel Opesan , Kehinde Gabriel Opesan |
NIGERIA | Mr | Kenopyso foundation for disabled people is a person for disabilities foundation registered in The Gambia and Nigeria the Sola aim of the foundation is to support the cause of disability in both countries. We are into fabrication of wheelchair and other accessories for the blinds and the hard of hearing in both countries as results of this will always like to attend professional programs that help in supporting out main objectives and all necessary ways to acquire all technologies in order to update our ourselves |
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Mubarak Abdullah Mubarak Alshueili Alshueili , Salwa Saqr Salim Said Al Maamari |
OMAN | Power Generation By Water Flow In Public Utilities Water Pipes | The international exhibition we wish to participate in brings together startups and local organizations under one roof to encourage communication, collaboration, support, and partnerships. All exhibitors, workshops, free seminars, and keynote speakers focus on aiding in sales, marketing, innovation, and growth. Whether you've been in business for a long time or have just started, you'll find ample opportunities at this local exhibition. One of the main reasons for attending is to reconnect with local companies, interact with visitors face-to-face, network with key decision-makers, enhance awareness of the local brand, and reach a wide range of companies. London serves as a gateway to innovation and new technologies, with delegations from over 32 countries presenting their inventions and new ideas. As a result, it acts as a link for innovative entrepreneurs and researchers to meet investors and partners, develop their projects, and commercially promote and market their products. At ITE, excellence in innovation is highlighted through invention and innovation awards, bringing recognition to the best inventions, innovations, and trade. |
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Adedigba Samson Akolade , Kehinde Gabriel Opesan , Kehinde Gabriel Opesan , Kehinde Gabriel Opesan , Kehinde Gabriel Opesan , Kehinde Gabriel Opesan |
NIGERIA | Expect in Tricycles Fabrication | I am the head of Rehabilitation center in Nigeria we produced wheel chairs for persons with disability and hospital use we have been in existence since 2015 in Nigeria |
39 |
Dũng Lê , Lê Thanh Dũng , Quách Diệu Linh , Lê Hải Bình , Lương Hương Giang |
VIET NAM | Vision - Ful Glasses | The glasses are meant to be a navigation accessory for the blind. It has a LiDAR sensor which can identify the height of the obstacles and give out vibration warning when the user is near and obstacle. It also has an accelerometer to identify when the wearer trips or falls, so as to trigger a warning and can call directly to a linked mobile phone. The glasses also come with an application to link with it and has some other utilities |
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Nargess Abdali , Nargess Abdali , Reza Tabaripour , Mohamadreza Naghavi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Hepatitis B oral vaccine based on whole Spirulina cells and use thereof (Spirulina oral supplement containing HBsAg) | This claimed product contains an oral supplement based on transgenic Spirulina microalgae with the scientific name Arthrospira platensis, which contains Hepatitis B antigen. Due to gene transfer and stable expression of Ag in this cell line, this product can be used as an oral form of Hepatitis B vaccine. Due to the lack of purification phase, the production cost of this type of oral vaccine is much cheaper than injectable vaccine and even common oral forms. Among the advantages and applications of this invention, it can be used as the main oral vaccine or as a booster dose. Because of the existence of 6xHis-tagged, it can be purified The prototype of this product has been prepared, the animal tests and initial clinical trial have been carried out, and this product is in the process of finding a sponsor to enter the official clinical trials process. |
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Erfan Fanaei , Samir Dadbeh |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Synthesis of chitosan/Nano silver by eco-friendly method to investigate antibacterial properties | From rashidy |
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Armin Raji , Reza Nayebmorad |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | gn and Intelligent Detection System for Detecting Blood Cancer Cells | From rashidy |
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Armita Kianimehr , Mahdiye Moradkhani , Narges Ahmadaghaei |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Investigating the effect of catalyst with two types of natural and chemical calcium hydroxide catalysts in the process of biodiesel production from pine cone flower oil and glycerin purification using active carbon | From rashidy |
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Maede Aghamohseni Fashami |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Making a biodegradable wound dressing with the effective ingredient sucralfite and spirulina and chitosan | From rashidy |
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Reza Namazi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | B.S.B : Building Smart Boxes | From rashidy |
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Termeh Noorzadeh , Mina Seyf , Helena Abdi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Construction of Air Purification Filter Based on Ternary Nanocomposite from Metal-Organic Framework / Graphene / Thyme Extract | From rashidy |
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Arshia Jannat Makan , Arad Ghasemi , Amir Hossein Azmoon , MOHAMMADREZA FAZELI DORGHADAMI , Amir Javad Pourkhoshsaadat |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Mechanical dropper brush provided with a tank | From rashidy |
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Parham Arabzadeh |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Untersuchung der molekularen Signalwege, die bei bipolaren Erkrankungen eine Rolle spielen | From rashidy |
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Rio Joyze Ramos |
PHILIPPINES | Not applicable | It's an essay that entails a specific global issue. |
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Jazmin Rye Ramos |
PHILIPPINES | Not applicable | It's an essay that depicts on global issue. |
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Jalen Mhir Inciong |
PHILIPPINES | Not applicable | It is an essay writing that entails global issues. |
52 |
Andrei Victor Sandu , Radu Claudiu Fierascu , Roxana Ioana Brazdis (matei) , Anda Maria Baroi , Toma Fistos , Irina Fierascu, Irina Elena Chican, Lia Mara Ditu |
ROMANIA | Composite material for dental restoration with improved strength compression and antimicrobial properties and method of producing it | The present invention refers to a composite material with improved mechanical properties and antimicrobial effect, intended for use in dental applications, consisting of aluminofluorosilicate glass with a particle size below 45 μm, the liquid component of the glass ionomer cement and an antimicrobial component with a role in improving the properties mechanical, consisting of apatite material (of the hydroxyapatite type - Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 in which the calcium:magnesium ratio is 10:0..1:1) decorated with silver nanoparticles having a crystallite size below 15 nm, phytosynthesized using extracts of plants from the Lamiaceae family, such as hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.), white horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.), oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) or white dead nettle (Lamium album L.) and phenolic compound (eugenol) in concentration 7..14% in alcoholic solution, the procedure for obtaining the composite material consisting of five stages, obtaining the apatite material (in which calcium may or may not be partially substituted with magnesium) by the sol-gel method, the phytosynthesis of silver nanoparticles, the decoration the apatite material with metallic nanoparticles and the phenolic compound (eugenol) followed by mixing with the aluminofluorosilicate glass until complete homogenization, and in the fifth stage the liquid component of the glass ionomer cement is added. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by a grant of the Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digitization, CCCDI-UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0292, contract 92PCE/2022, within PNCDI III. It is also acknowledged the support of Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization through Program 1 - Development of the national research-development system, Subprogram 1.2-Institutional performance- Projects to finance excellence in RDI, Contract no. 15PFE/2021. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Anda Maria Baroi , Irina Fierascu , Roxana Ioana Brazdis (Matei) , Toma Fistos , Radu Claudiu Fierascu, Irina Elena Chican, Ioana Silvia Hosu, Florentina Monica Raduly |
ROMANIA | Cosmetic formulation for sun protection with antimicrobial effect based on silver nanoparticles and natural extracts and procedure for obtaining it | The present invention relates to a cosmetic formulation for sun protection, based on silver nanoparticles and natural extracts from viticulture waste and to the method of obtaining it. The proposed material is obtained in the form of a hydrogel (with the composition: polymeric base, the active substance silver nanoparticles in dispersion, natural extract from vine shoots, obtained by microwave extraction, glycerin), for its emollient properties, non-greasy texture, ease of handling, compatibility with various excipients and miscibility in water, isopropyl alcohol and water. The method of obtaining the material consists in three stages: obtaining the extract, phytosynthesis of metallic nanoparticles and obtaining the final cosmetic formulation. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by a grant of the Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digitization, CCCDI-UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2021-0273, contract 644PED/2022, within PNCDI III. It is also acknowledged the support of Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization through Program 1 - Development of the national research-development system, Subprogram 1.2-Institutional performance- Projects to finance excellence in RDI, Contract no. 15PFE/2021. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Ioana Silvia Hosu |
ROMANIA | Procedure for the preparation of some electrosensitive deposits for peroxynitrit and methods of using them | Peroxynitrite is one of the most toxic and powerful anionic oxidants, that is associated to diseases such as Alzheimer, arthrosis, cancer etc. As selective, rapid, sensitive and direct methods for the detection of peroxynitrite are still scarce, the present invention refers to processes of preparing different peroxynitrite electrosensitive depositions through electro-polymerization and/or drop-casting, using metal phthalocyanines/tetra-amino phthalocyanines (with different transitional metals coordinated to pyrrole groups, metals such as Mn, Co, Zn, Fe or metal-free), as well as to the methods for selective determination using these peroxynitrite electrosensitive depositions. The claimed selective peroxynitrite determination methods consists of different electrochemical techniques using the following steps: stabilization of the probe at pH 9, inserting the electrodeposited/drop-casted sensors into the analyzed probe (that may also include interfering species, beside peroxynitrite) and quantification of peroxynitrite, depending on the nature and concentrations of peroxynitrite (cyclic voltammetry between -0.2 V to 0.6 V for concentrations between 20-100 µM and chronoamperometry at -0.03 V for concentrations between 5-40 µM). This work was supported by a grant of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2021-0798, within PNCDI III, contract number PD116/2022. It is also acknowledged the support of Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization through Program 1 - Development of the national research-development system, Subprogram 1.2-Institutional performance- Projects to finance excellence in RDI, Contract no. 15PFE/2021. |
55 |
Andrei Victor Sandu , Ana-Maria Gurban , Mihaela Doni , Lucian-Gabriel Zamfir , Maria Luiza Jecu , Iuliana Răut, Mariana Constantin |
ROMANIA | Procedure for manufacturing of a miniaturized electrochemical sensor for the determination of nitrite in soil | The present invention addresses the need to develop portable and cost-effective systems for field monitoring of soil pollution induced by the nitrification process. The invention describes the process for obtaining a miniaturized and flexible electrochemical sensor based on an electrosensitive material for the selective determination of nitrites in the soil. The electrosensitive layer consists in the simple deposition onto the active surface of a carbon paste screen-printed electrode, realized on the flexible PVC support, of a mixture obtained through the incorporation of the multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) into a low molecular weight chitosan (CS) film. The analytical method according to the invention consists in placing the miniaturized electrochemical sensor in the soil solution and quantifying the nitrite by amperometry. The present flexible electrosensitive sensor of the invention and the analytical method can be used for the determination of nitrite content in different soil samples with a sensitivity as high as 204.4 mA·M−1·cm−2 and a detection limit of 2.3 µM nitrite (S/N = 3), being operated at low values of applied potentials, such as 0.58 V vs Ag/AgCl, decreasing in this way the influence of the potential interfering compounds. The determination of nitrite content from the soil solution is simple, rapid and efficient, the flexible sensors being easily integrated with a portable detector used in the field, which can gather and transmit the data by wireless connection from multiple sampling points in an agriculture field, thus representing a promising tool for nitrite monitoring in food crops. The present invention is a result of ERANET-MANUNET NITRISENS 216/2020 project – Manufacturing of a portable system for nitrite monitoring in soil based on an innovative sensor. |
56 |
Andrei Victor Sandu , Cristina-Emanuela Enăşcuţă , Elena-Emilia Sîrbu , Radu Claudiu Fierăscu , Mihaela Ganciarov , Grigore Pşenovschi, Alexandru Vlaicu |
ROMANIA | Catalytic system with the structure of metal oxides for the treatment of traces of waste water residues | The invention refers to a process for obtaining in the ultrasound field a catalytic system with the structure of metal oxides used in the advanced treatment of waste water resulting from the pharmaceutical and agriculture industry. The invention belongs to the technical field of wastewater treatment by photocatalytic oxidation. The magnetic photocatalyst containing oxide components of Fe2O, TiO2 and La2O3 is obtained by the co-precipitation-calcination method. Mixed titanium and lanthanum dioxide is used as an intermediate coating, over which a layer of Fe2O3 is deposited. The magnetic photocatalyst can be activated in the presence of sunlight, being used to treat water impure with organic compounds from the pharmaceutical industry or agricultural water. This work was carried out through the PN 23.06 Core Program - ChemNewDeal within the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation 2022-2027, developed with the support of Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digitization, project no. PN It is also acknowledged the support of Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization through Program 1 - Development of the national research-development system, Subprogram 1.2-Institutional performance- Projects to finance excellence in RDI, Contract no. 15PFE/2021. |
57 |
Andrei Victor Sandu , Radu Claudiu Fierascu , Vili Pasare , Augustin Semenescu , Mihnea Cosmin Costoiu , Dan Florin Nitoi, Oana Roxana Chivu, Dragos-Florin Marcu, Irina Fierascu, Raluca Somoghi |
ROMANIA | Composite coating material with anticorrosive and anti-scratching properties | The present invention refers to a composite coating material, which simultaneously presents high cohesion and a high degree of scratch resistance, dedicated to the steel-carbon type support materials, offering at the same time anti-corrosion protection. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Vili Pasare , Dan Florin Nitoi , Augustin Semenescu , Mihnea Cosmin Costoiu , Oana Roxana Chivu, Dragos-Florin Marcu, Radu Claudiu Fierascu, Irina Fierascu, Raluca Somoghi |
ROMANIA | Procedure for obtaining a composite coating with increased durability on a metal surface | The invention refers to a procedure for obtaining a composite coating with increased durability on a metal surface, especially on a brake roller, by successively depositing of layers of liquid epoxy resin mixed with sand granules on a metal surface, supported and rotated by using some bearings assembled in a casing which in turn is mounted on a support plate. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Ovidiu Nemeş , Simona Ioana Borlea (mureşan) , Ancuţa-Elena Tiuc , Gyorgy Deak |
ROMANIA | Innovative use of sheep wool and polyurethane foam for obtaining materials with sound-absorbing properties | The aim of this work was to obtain materials with sound-absorbing properties using sheep wool and rigid bicomponent polyurethane foam. Were obtained four materials composed of three layers, a layer of sheep wool previously processed by hot pressing at 80°C and 5 MPa, with final thicknesses of 2, 4, 6 and 12 mm; a layer of rigid bi-component polyurethane foam, with a thickness of 8....37 mm and a transition layer, 1...20 mm thick, resulting from the migration of polyurethane foam during the multilayer panel manufacturing process into the wool layer and/or the migration of wool into the polyurethane foam layer. Wool and polyurethane foam are the combination of sound insulation and sound absorption - wool absorbs sound and reduces it, and due to the rigid structure of polyurethane foam (closed pore structure), it does not allow sound to travel further, resulting in sound insulation. The obtained materials have very good sound absorption properties with acoustic absorption coefficient values over 0.7 for the frequency range 800 ÷ 3150 Hz; the results prove that the sheep wool has a comparable sound absorption performance to that of mineral wool. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Vaida Călin , Plitea Nicolae , Pîslă Doina , Carbone Giuseppe , Gherman Bogdan, Ulinici Ionuț, Pîslă Adrian |
ROMANIA | Spherical robot for the rehabilitation of the proximal area of the upper limb | The invention relates to a spherical robotic system for the rehabilitation of the proximal zone of the upper limb, containing three active couplers for the purpose of reproducing the abduction/adduction and flexion/extension of the shoulder in the horizontal and vertical plane and reproducing the forearm pronation/supination in the vertical plane. The invention is directed towards post-stroke patients suffering from paralysis at the level of the upper limb following stroke, but its use may be extended to other afflictions that result in the partial or total loss of upper limb mobilization capacity. The robot has three degrees of freedom, achieved through three active rotation joints that have the axis intersection in a single point, more specifically the center of a sphere, which relative to the patient will be transposed over the center of rotation of the shoulder joint, for the first two rotations, and the third being done around the midline of the upper limb. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Ștefan Breban , Marius Alexandru Drancă , Marius Fărtan |
ROMANIA | In-wheel direct drive electric machine for railway transportation vehicles | The invention presents an electric propulsion machine, with permanent magnets and axial flux, consisting of a stator mounted on a fixed shaft and a rotor consisting of permanent magnets mounted on a ferromagnetic part attached to the vehicle wheel. The ferromagnetic piece has a dual functional role: mechanical and rotor yoke. The wheel consists of a main steel piece, an elastic element (rubber), a steel wheel rim and a clamping ring. The wheel is mounted on a fixed axle by means of a radial-axial bearing intended for the railway field, in classic construction, with spacer rings and mechanically fixed caps with screws, which allows rotational movement and radial-axial fixation of metal wheel. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Sandu I.g., Sandu I., Sandu A.v. , Vasilache V., Vizureanu P., Earar K., , STIRBU C.M., CRISAN D.R.A, CHIRAZI M. , Stirbu C., Drob A. , Balan G., Honceriu C. |
ROMANIA | Device for continuous generation of bioactive solions | The invention refers to a device for the continuous generation of saline nanoaerosols of the Aitken type, which is based on the principle of operation of the filter with a wide conveyor belt in a closed circuit, framing three sectors in the form of an equilateral triangle, with sequentially differentiated distribution on three processes distinct: impregnation by light sorption from the supersaturated solution of halo-salts, extraction by vacuuming, with suction of dry air from the halochamber, dispersion by purging with hot and humid air in the halochamber. This device allows the achievement of optimal levels of bioactive solions (hydrated saline aerosols) for halocameras with multiple uses, such as: eliminating or stopping the formation of biofilms through microbiological contamination (virotic, bacterial, fungal, etc.) of prostheses during the manufacturing period, storage and implantation of bones and teeth, prevention and treatment of cardio-respiratory, osteo-muscular and psycho-motor conditions, as well as for improving the physical performance of children, the elderly and people who work under conditions of high effort or performance athletes. |
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Carl Baskett , Carl Baskett , Carl Baskett , Carl Baskett , Carl Baskett , Carl Baskett |
TIMOR-LESTE | Sxqjsmi | Hi there This is Carl form Pictory AI. With our tool you can create the next content: - Script to Video - Article to Video - Edit video using text - Visuals to Videos - And much more! You don't need to be an expert and we have a free trial: Enjoy! |
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Antonio Gabriel Goco |
PHILIPPINES | E-S.T.A.Y. at Home (Easily Sort Trash Automatically Yourself at Home) | This E-Stay at Home is a device that is inexpensive and easy to use at home that can sort out different types of household wastes. The system shall segregate the wastes and push them respectively in their designated individual trash bins – plastic, aluminum, metal, and paper. The device uses a small conveyor about 46 cm. long x 10.5 cm. wide x 11 cm. high. It will use inductive proximity sensor for detection of all kind of metals. It will also use magnetometer to further classify metals. All other waste will be classified by remaining sensors to effectively sort out different kinds of materials. Once the sensors detect specific waste, it will trigger the servo motor to wipe out the waste to its designated trash bin. The device uses electricity compatible with 220 volts but for more environmentally-friendly energy source, it can also be connected to a portable solar generator. This device aims to help reduce waste and save the Earth. |
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Matteo Raphael Goco |
PHILIPPINES | SMART HOME SECURITY SYSTEM WITH SMS CONTROLLED CIRCUITS | Home security is the ultimate benefit everyone should enjoy. But due to different situations and social problems, burglars are inevitable everywhere and can attack anytime of the day. The growing crime rates across cities reflect the bitter reality. While the financial loss may be recoverable, the trauma inflicted on your family and yourself may last forever. The researcher believes that home security can be done using phone. The researcher gathered materials for the project to become possible. Materials being used were sintra board, illustration board, 4 pieces 220 V candle light, 4 pieces socket, piezo buzzer, electrical tape, plastic tie straps, #14 electrical wire, jumper wires, light dependent resistor, 2 pieces 220 ohms resistors, 5V 4 channel relay, sim800l GSM module, HC-SR04 distance sensor, Arduino Uno and a prototype house model. .. It was wired according to the designed schematic diagram and programmed using the prepared set of codes of the project. It was tested and observed. The gathered data become the basis of project’s conclusion. The study concludes that having a security system in the house can help a lot in monitoring the activities within the vicinity. It is concluded that circuits in the house can be controlled using mobile phone and can be used as home automation that can be very useful even you are not at home. The study concludes that through the development of this project, we can help the authority and security guards in their task of keeping the community safe. |
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Maowa Li Maowa Li , Maowa Li , Naizhuang Wang , Jingjing Dai , Naizhuang Wang , Naizhuang Wang |
CHINA | FoxOEvo, the formulation of activating FOXO3 | FOXO3 is intimately tied to longevity, playing a pivotal role in cellular health and stress resistance. Enter FoxOEvo, a novel formulation combining Berberine, Quercetin, Nano Turmeric, and Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA). Berberine and Nano Turmeric counter oxidative stress, shielding cells from aging. Quercetin activates FOXO3 via the PI3K/Akt pathway and aids in halting cell cycle, crucial for preventing unwanted cell proliferation. PEA adds an anti-inflammatory dimension, enhancing overall well-being. With FoxOEvo, we're not just aiming for a longer life, but a fuller, healthier one. Activate the essence of longevity with FoxOEvo. |
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Maowa Li , Maowa Li , Naizhuang Wang , Jingjing Dai |
CHINA | Formulation of Hair Growth Drink | Originating from the Nobel Prize-winning theory of cellular autophagy and based on stem cell activation science, from gene to hair strand, we present the pioneering SA Follicle Rejuvenation System. Genes: Hair growth cycle management at the genetic level, preemptively initiating the next round of hair growth. Stem Cells: 1. Epigenetic factors 2. Prolonging the lifespan of stem cells 3. Accelerating stem cell renewal, tri-dimensionally rejuvenating stem cells, reviving follicle vitality. Cells: Engulfing and reutilizing damaged cells to promote the development of new cells. Follicles: Strengthening the follicle's "hair-locking" ability, preventing hair greying and loss due to follicle aging. Hair Strands: Enhancing the hair strand's resilience and shine. |
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Maowa Li , Jingjing Dai , Naizhuang Wang |
CHINA | Formulation of Oral intake Exosome | The CII Gene Propulsion Module, underpinned by advanced Exosome Technology, represents a groundbreaking leap in anti-aging science. At its core, exosomes convey gene signals, essentially "rewinding" the biological clock by reducing DNA methylation age, restoring a youthful cellular state. Benefiting from their unique vesicular nature, exosomes mitigate errors across multistage cell divisions and vast cell transmission processes, further bolstering their age-reversing capability. Complementing this is a strategic focus on methylation inhibition. Backed by periodic genetic testing and precise reporting, this technology ensures a scientifically-grounded approach to each aging phase, fostering a sustainable cycle in exosomal gene rejuvenation. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Puiu Lucian Georgescu , Daniela Laura Buruiană , Gabriel Bogdan CARP , Viorica Ghisman |
ROMANIA | CO2 SEQUESTRATION METHOD BY USING THE MIXTURE FORMED OF WHITE SLAG AND CALCIUM CARBIDE SLUDGE | The technical problem that the invention solves consists in capturing CO2 emissions by sequestering a percentage of carbon in the proposed recipe so that it brings benefits from the point of view of environmental protection and improving the quality of life. The new elements consist of solving the global problem of reducing CO2 emissions by sequestering them in a mixture of white slag and carbide sludge. The recipe mixes by-products: 50% white slag with a particle size between 71-315 μm (by-product from steel production) with pH=12.1 and 50% carbide sludge from acetylene production (mass ratio 1:1 (liquid: solid)) with pH=12.2. The proposed mixture recipe was subjected for 1 minute to three types of carbon dioxide gases: 1- carbon dioxide purity 99.9%, t = 20 °C (Mixture 1) 2- carbon dioxide emissions from the flue gases of the thermal plant, t = 54 °C (Mixture 2) 3- carbon dioxide emissions from Euro3 car exhaust, t = 55 °C (Mixture 3). Table 1 shows the results of the chemical composition of the white slag mixture with the carbide slurry before and after exposure to the three different types of carbon dioxide gases. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Daniela Laura Buruiană , Puiu Lucian Georgescu , Viorica GHISMAN , Nicoleta Lucica Bogatu , Georgiana Ghisman, Elena Roxana Axente, Cătălin Aramă |
ROMANIA | INNOVATIVE MATERIALS FOR ABSORPTION OF PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS | The technical problem that the invention solves consists in the absorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the proposed recipe so that it brings benefits from the point of view of environmental protection and improvement of the quality of life. The new elements consist in solving the global problem of greening the affected areas with the proposed recipe with the aim of reintroducing them into the agricultural circuit through a mixture of dolomite and steel mill slag. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Vasile Rusu , Oleg Solomon , Kamel EARAR , Marius Vacaru , Sergiu Focsaneanu, Madalina Nicoleta Matei |
ROMANIA | Silicone Key for Making the Individualized Healing Abutment | The present invention refers to an innovative silicone key used for the manufacture of individualized healing abutments in implant dentistry. This silicone key allows the precise reproduction of the emergence profile of existing natural teeth, thus ensuring an individualized approach in the treatment of prosthetic restorations on implants. The proposed silicone key involves the direct modeling of the emergence profile, taking into account the specific anatomy of the patient's teeth. By means of this technique, an exact replica of the shape and dimensions of natural teeth is obtained, thus allowing the creation of a personalized healing abutment. The device includes three different sizes of silicone keys, adapted according to the size of the remaining teeth. This variety of sizes ensures a precise fit in creating the emergence profile, minimizing peri-implant bone resorption and optimizing the healing process. By using the silicone key to create the individualized healing abutment, a prosthetic restoration is obtained with a profile that integrates perfectly with the natural teeth, offering an aesthetic and functional harmony in restoring the integrity of the dental arches. In conclusion, the silicone key proposed by the invention represents an innovative solution for the realization of individualized healing abutments in dentistry. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Kamel Earar , Ion Sandu , Emil CEBAN , Ecaterina Andronescu , Aurel Nechita, Silvia Fotea, Irina Cristina Pasvantu, Ioan Gabriel Sandu, Diana Andreea Ciortea, Andrei Victor Sandu, Oleg Solomon, Simona Pârvu |
ROMANIA | SYNERGIC ANTIDIABETIC COMPOSITION AND OPTIMUM PROCESSING PROCEDURE OF DRY MEDICINAL PLANTS | The invention refers to a synergistic antidiabetic composition and optimal process for processing dry medicinal plants in the form of fine powders, in order to obtain by homogenization, agglomeration and monolithization in the form of micro-encapsulated granules, pills or thin films used as a food supplement under antidiabetic tea form. Fine powder blend contains: 24% blueberry leaves, 24% dry white bean pod sheath, 24% dandelion flower, leaf and rhizome blend, 12% nettle leaf and stem, 12% 1/1 leaf blend and young white mulberry bark and 4% fine cinnamon powder. The powders were mixed with a viscous leachable liquid in a powder gravimetric ratio: leachable liquid dispersion = 4:1, using as dispersion medium a semi-viscous mixture consisting of 5% enzymatically hydrolyzed collagen, 30% bitter cucumber juice and 65% juice of lemon. The process can be used to obtain other medicinal teas, which depending on the purpose (comforting drinks, those with a preventive and/or therapeutic effect), the raw materials subjected to processing are dosed through an experimental protocol for formulating combination reports and establishment of processing conditions in three working phases. |
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Omid Hemadi , Mohammad Ghasemi , Mohammadsadegh Shariati , Niko Behdadi |
UNITED KINGDOM | AI Venous catheterization device | At the forefront of medical technology, our device addresses the critical challenge of venous access. Venous access is paramount in patient care, especially for those in emergency and cardiac conditions. Traditionally, obtaining venous access has been a complex and often error-prone task for healthcare professionals. Our invention revolutionizes this process. Utilizing artificial intelligence, an ARM system, and cutting-edge robotics, our device ensures precise and efficient venipuncture. Here's how it works: Robot A expertly removes the syringe or angiocatheter and navigates it to the targeted vein, all guided by an AI system. Robot B accurately measures skin thickness and vein diameter, using Doppler ultrasound technology. A built-in disinfection system ensures a sterile procedure. Our device performs venipuncture with unparalleled precision, adjusting needle insertion depth based on skin thickness and vein diameter. Key advantages: Automatic infrared and camera-based vein detection. Ability to draw blood or place angiocatheters. Real-time feedback to the user. Our invention represents a monumental leap in healthcare technology, improving patient care and reducing the workload of nurses and physicians. It addresses a critical need and boasts an innovative combination of AI, robotics, and precision engineering. In a world where precision and speed in healthcare are paramount, our Ultrasound Infrared Vein Finder Vein Catcher is a game-changer. It sets a new standard for venous access procedures, ensuring safer and more efficient patient care. This technology could also address critical NHS phlebotomist shortages. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Costoiu Mihnea Cosmin , Semenescu Augustin , Doicin Vasile Cristian , Ulmeanu Mihaela Elena , Cîrstoiu Cătălin, Doicin Ioana Cristina, Mateș Ileana Mariana |
ROMANIA | Orthopedic device for correction of the Talipes Calcaneus / Talipes Calcaneovalgus Defect | The invention relates to an orthopedic device for the correction of malposition of the foot expressed by the defects talipes calcaneus and talipes Calcaneovalgus, particular variants of Talus valgus, and to the process for obtaining it. The orthopedic device for Talipes calcaneus / Talipes Calcaneovalgus defect correction is composed of a fixed subassembly, which is fixed to the leg of the foot, a movable subassembly, which is attached to the foot of the defective foot, a snail-snail gear and a graduated cap, which is fixed with the help of screws with clogged head. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Minea Marius , Dumitrescu Cătălin Marian , CHIVA Cosmin Ionuț , Minea Viviana Laetitia , Semenescu Augustin |
ROMANIA | Method and system for anonymous collection of position and mobility information employing Bluetooth and Artificial Intelligence | The invention. relates to a method and system for anonymously collection of information regarding position, mobility of travelers in a public transport system and collateral traffic density. It employs a dedicated configuration of Bluetooth sensors installed in a public transport vehicle, an onboard unit for signal processing and a specific software employing artificial intelligence module for time and space classification of detected Bluetooth nodes. |
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Saadlaoui & Larayedh Slah & Hanen , Habil Dorai , Amine Idoudi , Kais Ayachi |
TUNISIA | application "Tarcheed" | We designed an application called "Tarsheed" that rationalizes and reduces the costs of electricity consumption by consumers, and promotes conservation The application relies on rewarding non-energy wasting consumers by cutting off electricity to the category with the largest consumption only, when there is pressure on the electricity supply company during peak consumption, especially in the summer, and at the same time to urge energy wasters to rationalize consumption and not leave devices in operating mode when they go out From home to avoid cutting off their electricity during peak consumption, which leads to great pressure on the company The application arranges consumers in descending order at every moment of time according to the amount of energy consumed by each subscriber, and at the same time it monitors and knows the data of each consumer (the consumer’s home) through the smart grid. It communicates with consumers by sending short text messages via WhatsApp reminding them of the importance and ways to rationalize energy consumption. The application also allows consumers to remotely control various devices that consume energy in their homes (air conditioners, refrigerators, light bulbs...) in light of the presence of smart networks ( The Internet of things...) . The application, especially during peak consumption, especially in the summer, warns consumers who waste energy the most, by calling them and informing them that the company cannot bear the pressure of consumption, and therefore it will cut off electricity from them for a certain period to reduce the burden on them, and it will return it to them later, and in the event that there is actually pressure on the company. The application begins by cutting off electricity in a short time (partial or complete cutoff) to the consumers who consume the most in a descending order to reduce the burden, and returns the cutoff to them after the end of the pressure on the company. It has been confirmed that the application is running and future recommendations and proposals for its development have been written |
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Luy Mithona , Mr. Chan Mithona , Mr. Hach Phanong , Ms. Srun Muoykieng , Mr. Oeun Thea , Ms. Poly Pheary |
CAMBODIA | SMART HYDROPONIC SYSTEM | Hydroponics is the practice of growing plants using only water, nutrients, and a growing medium. The idea behind hydroponics is to remove as many barriers as possible between a plant’s roots and the water, oxygen, and nutrients it needs to grow (and thrive). Some of the hydroponics is a small garden for homemade and the owner controls by manually. Hence, our team designed a project called Smart Hydroponic System to provide the ability to easily grow and sustain the plants and it will work automatically. |
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Luy Mithona , Mr. Chan Mithona , Ms. Poly Pheary , Mr. Leang Sengthai , Ms. Ratha Sophanith , Ms. Poly Pheanin |
CAMBODIA | AUTO PLASTIC BOTTLE BANK | Plastic bottle is very useful in everyday life and makes life so much easier, but the environmental impact they produce is unsustainable. The large number of plastic bottles we send to landfills and oceans has become a burden on the environment. Plastic bottle has affected the environment such as climate change, ocean pollution, Greenhouse gas emissions, drain blockage, human health, etc. Hence, our team created a project called Auto Plastic Bottle Bank that is easy to control and change cashback while the user inserts the plastic bottle into our system. |
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Luy Mithona , Mr. Chan Mithona , Mr. Sambath Vibol , Mr. Yet Chanseyha , Ms. Poly Pheary |
CAMBODIA | SMART PAYMENT SYSTEM FOR HIGHWAYS IN CAMBODIA | Cambodia is progressing on many infrastructures including highway roads, buildings, technology, and industrial or modern medical equipment. Due to Cambodia being in an upgrading period, the highway road is charged to Cambodian people when they cross the road. The price for charging depends on the type of car and the charging system will be used by the traditional system by using people in the control center to control and manage the gate. Hence, we would like to create a project called Smart Payment System for Highway in Cambodia without the need people for to control the gate. |
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Luy Mithona , Mr. Chhoeung Rachana , Mr. Luy Mithona , Mrs. Keo Lakhena , Ms. Map Leangheng , Ms. Huy Mouyheng |
CAMBODIA | NU STUDENT PROFILE | We are hoping to open more doors for Norton University students and alumni via “NU Student Profile''. This website allows students to showcase their dedicated work, assignments, achievements, and fruit of labor during their journey in the built-in CV feature. Through the 2nd feature “Post Announcement” NU could post relatively new jobs and opportunities to ensure their students are up-to-date with the company that is interested in hiring our students. Moreover, offering students to become “service providers” allows them to increase their chances of exposing their skills and service to employers. |
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Luy Mithona , Mr. Luy Mithona , Mr. Chhoeung Rachana , Mr. Chao Seavthinh , Mr. Ly Mengngoun , Mr. Suon Sivatha |
CAMBODIA | NU STUDENT MANAGEMENT | For this project, we created it for our school to manage all of the students and it’s convenient to check Students' information such as ID, Result, Department, and Examination. Another way their parents and check their attendance is by logging into their accounts and finding the information. |
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Luy Mithona , Mr. Ung Yean , Mr. Chhoeung Rachana , Mr. Luy Mithona , Mr. Long David , Mr. Chheng Hak Chhorvorn |
CAMBODIA | NU PAL HELP PAL | Pals Help Pals mobile application is a potential app that connects mentors and individuals around the world so they can learn from one another with our amazing features. Users can become tutors to teach in their own classes or be one of the students to learn their desired subjects. Pals Help Pals provides real-time In-app chat that helps students and tutors interact more easily. Additionally, we encourage and help our users to learn more conveniently by creating a function for each user to share their cultures, resources, e-books, as well as university/school events or workshops around the world. |
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Luy Mithona , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak , Mr. Tol Sokmean |
CAMBODIA | HOME OF THE DEAD | The stupa or conical pile is a worshipped site or a crematory of deserving respected men such as departed ones. Today we see many stalls in India that are very old and are very popular in India. Evolutions of the architectural style of stupas in Cambodia, the architects who built the religious sites and stupas in ancient times were the scholars who knew deeply about concepts of Theravada Buddhism that were meaningful and profoundly admired. Why should I choose this project? Because, I think that, No matter how fast the technique, the stupa still exists. Not only that, but stupas also play an important role in dedicating, preserving, or commemorating gratitude etc. The concept of creating stupas has given people the idea that Our life does not last long for thousands of years, and births and deaths are common. so we should do more good deeds. What we can tolerate we should tolerate each other. Sometimes we can determine the date of birth but we cannot determine the date of death even the time and place. Death does not depend on caste, color, age, sex, place, religion, or nationality, it happens to normal living things. Born, old age, sickness, and death are normal for people. the word death occurs to all beings. |
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Luy Mithona , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak , Mr. Ly Sunleng , Mr. Ly Chandavin , Mr. Vong Chakravuth |
CAMBODIA | Khlaeng Ek | The idea of creating “Klaeng Ek” project intends to bring up and develop Khmer culture and show the evolution of Khmer heritage with modern advanced technology to all new generations of Cambodian citizens and to the world. - Inspiring the origin form of Klaeng Ek to the Drone - Apply Kbach Angkor to be the skin and curved LED highlight of the drone. - Selected bamboo material to be used as the drone’s skin. - Solar Panel to be used as an energy source |
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Luy Mithona , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak , Mr. Ly Sunleng , Mr. Ly Chandavin , Mr. Vong Chakravuth |
CAMBODIA | Smart Electric Mini bus | Due to the growth of national and international tourists, especially Cambodian citizens need to travel to study, and go to work from one area to another, and travel in the city is all they need. For convenience in our city, we have an idea for using Smart Electric Mini-Bus. |
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Luy Mithona , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak , Mr. Mao Sothea , Mr. Chhuon Virak , Mr. Lim Thiden |
CAMBODIA | Smart Mini Aircraft | When there is an urgent need for an emergency and the roads are congested, it is difficult for ambulances to pick up patients who are in a state of illness. To solve this issue, our team has an idea to create a small aircraft that travels in the air and provides emergency care to patients time and without affecting people’s journey. |
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Ali Alloghani |
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Smart Break Page | Description: The 'Smart Break Page' project reimagines the traditional reading experience by introducing an Arduino-based backlighting system concealed behind the page. This technology creates an enchanting atmosphere for book enthusiasts, enabling words to materialize on the page without the need for room lighting. |
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Chen Chin-Chu , Li I-Chen , Li Tsung-Ju , Chen Yen-Po |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | The Ameliorative Effect of Phellinus linteus mycelium on Muscle Atrophy | Sarcopenia is a potential healthcare crisis in elderly population. We found that the Phellinus linteus mycelium has the potential to prevent myotube atrophy from dexamethasone damage. Next, we performed cast immobilization (IM) on mice as our in vivo muscle atrophy animal model. The IM mice were fed at beginning of the trial with Phellinus linteus mycelium. Muscle endurance and grip strength showed significantly improvement when compared with the control after two weeks. The result showed that supplementation of Phellinus linteus mycelium has ameliorative effect on IM induced muscle atrophy. |
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Chen Chin-Chu , Chen Yen-Lien , Lin Shin-Wei , Chen Yen-Po |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Use of Lactic acid bacteria for increasing resistance against H1N1 influenza | Viruses can infect host cells and cause cell lysis, which can cause cell death and disease symptoms. H1N1 influenza is spread through airborne droplets and contact. People with low immunity are prone to face higher risks of severe illness and increased mortality. This virus is highly changeable, acquiring genetic variations and therefore the annual flu vaccine cannot last from year to year. This invention presents using the probiotics active substances, which have the effect of preventing and inhibiting entry of influenza viruses into the cells. |
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Cheng Huang , Yi Chung Lai , Bo Ru Lai |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Anti-cancer Fermented Liquid with Glucosinolate Compound and Usage Thereof | The present invention provides a microbial fermentation process, which changes the structure of the glucosinolate compound, and coats the crystal of the glucoside compound with algae fermentation solution, thereby improving the temperature tolerance of the glucosinolate compound and improving the physiological activity ability thereof and reducing the effective amount of anti-cancer. In addition, the antioxidant enzymes produced in the aforementioned fermentation process have synergistic effects with the glucosinolate compound, which provides a comprehensive protective effect. The ability to chelate metal can assist the body to discharge PM2.5 pollutants and avoid heavy metal accumulation in the body. |
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Cheng Huang , Yi Chung Lai |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Microcapsule structure with high concentration of superoxide dismutase that enhances detoxification and metabolism | This creation provides a microcapsule structure with high concentration of superoxide dismutase that enhances detoxification and metabolism. It consists of a material layer, which is located in the innermost layer of the microcapsule structure; a formulation layer, which is a group made up of Lactobacillus plantarum and Saccharomycecerevisie, and it covers the material layer; a superoxide layer, which contains superoxide dismutase or superoxide dismutase-like enzyme, located in the outermost layer of the microcapsule structure. Through the coating of the superoxide layer, the microcapsule structure can achieve detoxification effects. In particular, there is a release gate embedded between the formulation layer and superoxide layer, and the superoxide dismutase (SOD) content exceeds 3000 units/ml. Experiments have showed that it can avoid genetic injuries and mutations. |
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Cheng Huang , Yi Chung Lai |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Microcapsule Structure with Ubiquinone Complex Glycosaminoglycan | This creation provides a microcapsule structure with ubiquinone complex glycosaminoglycan. It consists of a probiotic layer that consists of yeasts, which is located in the innermost layer of the microcapsule structure; a saccharide layer, which is a group made up of monosaccharide, disaccharide as well as their complex, and it covers the probiotic layer; a superoxide layer, which consists of fresh tea, vegetables, and fruits, located in the outermost layer of the microcapsule structure. There is a releasing gate between the superoxide layer and the saccharide layer. This structure is produced naturally and contains Q10 itself. Furthermore, it can be applied to food and makeup products, making them tasteful, easy to spread, and better mixed with water. |
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Liang Tien-Show , Meng En , Cherng Juin-Hong |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Golden cozy pillow | 1. GreenE's nanotechnology far-infrared textile products are based on natural therapy. Whether it is used as an adjuvant to drugs, or to help relieve symptoms that have not yet required medication but have already appeared in various discomforts in the body, they have significantly improved. 2. It is especially suitable for such groups: those who often feel unwell, have stiff muscles, lack of exercise, poor peripheral blood circulation and metabolism. This new product "Golden cozy pillow" also uses this nano-textile technology. Good blood circulation can not only achieve a deeper sleep, but also improve insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, and calm the tense spirit during the day. 3. The water ratio of blood in the human body is as high as 80%. The non-thermal effect of far-infrared rays can cause large water molecules to resonate. It mainly uses the principle of refraction and reflection of human far-infrared rays, which is in line with the wavelength and frequency of human far-infrared rays, so that the emissivity reaches 0.912, which is in line with the wavelength and frequency of human body, and achieves therapeutic and health care effects. 4. Clinical proof for circulation enhancement had published in international journals: In clinical tests regarding normal person and diabetics, it promotes blood flow volume by 43% and 24% respectively. 5. This product has been clinically registered in the American Medical Library, and registered in the US Food and Drug Administration FDA, EU Medical Device CE and other international medical certification. Using the non-thermal effect of bioenergy to resonate with water molecules to help metabolism and blood circulation. 6. Purified bio-band far-infrared for excellent bio-effects: 91% of F-IR emission occurs wavelength of 4–14 um, which helps the cell-resonance thermal effect and the liquidity effect by de-bonding water micelle. 7. Outstanding cell proliferation and skin smoothness: A ISO 10993-5 test reports natural cell proliferation by 22%. Another skin test reveals roughness improvement reaching 29%. 8. High safety, hygiene, durability, and convenience: 9. Electricity free, radiation free, 150-time washing and 140℃ steaming durable, can be used all year round Textile made of thermal-insulation and F-IR generating fiber: The hallow fiber, which drawn from F-IR energy ball implanted molecular-scale and reagent-grade precious-metal Ge/Ti/π formula and sealed by Si polymer, issues light weight, thermal insulation, and zero loss of bio-band far-infrared energy for life-time use. |
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Hangzhou Yosto Cosmetics Co, Ltd. |
CHINA | SYRINX Probiotics Chlorella Pyrenoidesa Powder ( Solid Drink) | SYRINX Probiotics Chlorella Pyrenoidesa Powder, combined with ingredients like Lactiplantibacillus plantarum TCI999, banana flower extract Happy Angel®, Auxenochlorella pyrenoidosa, and fish collagen peptides, aims to improve consumers' hair loss conditions, promote follicle regeneration, and strengthen hair quality. In 2021, the global hair health market value reached USD 7.1 billion and is projected to hit USD 13.7 billion by 2030. This product, featuring proprietary patented ingredients such as Lactiplantibacillus plantarum TCI999 and Happy Angel®, addresses hair loss while also offering anti-aging benefits, supported by both cellular and IRB human clinical studies. Since its launch in 2023, more than 450,000 boxes of SYRINX Probiotics Chlorella Pyrenoidesa Powder have been shipped, and it will continue to provide efficient products to the hair health market. The core ingredient in the product formula is Lactiplantibacillus plantarum TCI999. It promotes follicular cell proliferation, and after 12 weeks of consumption, the hair root diameter increases by 4%, strengthening the hair follicle and effectively reducing hair fall. It can also enhance the intestinal cholesterol-lowering microbiota (Clostridium IV, E. coprostanoligenes, and Faecalibacterium), thereby expelling cholesterol from the body, and benefiting blood circulation. It also reduces inflammatory gut microbiota (Negativicutes, Gammaproteobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Deltaproteobacteria, Fusobacteria) to help prevent hair loss. The added banana flower extract Happy Angel® can inhibit Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the main culprit for male pattern baldness, thereby suppressing hair loss genes and promoting angiogenesis genes. After using Happy Angel® for 2 months, the DHT in the blood can be reduced by 12.6%, while hair density increases by about 36.4%, and the hair diameter increases by about 0.01mm. Besides, Happy Angel® can improve scalp redness and reduce inflammation of hair follicles and skin, further stabilizing hair follicle growth. Lastly, the product is enhanced with "Chlorella Growth Factor (C.G.F.)", a unique and precious substance exclusive to Chlorella, allowing Chlorella to divide and multiply into four new cells within just 20 hours. This helps activate cells, increase the antioxidant capacity of hair follicle cells, and reduce cell mortality. The product, SYRINX Probiotics Chlorella Pyrenoidesa Powder, mainly leverages natural plant extracts and collagen peptide proteins. It fundamentally inhibits hair loss genes, promotes angiogenesis genes, improves gut microbiota, and balances DHT. It boosts nutrient absorption, thereby achieving effects such as suppressing hair loss, |
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Yung -Hsiang Lin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | PV formula | Research has found that a plant-based diet can significantly increase the presence of a healthy gut microbiota called Prevotella (PV) in the intestines. Prevotella was discovered by scientists in 2007 and is considered the next-generation probiotic in the gut due to its effective metabolism of dietary fiber. Besides being an important marker for a plant-based diet, it can also produce beneficial metabolic by-products, notably Propionate. Clinical studies have shown that the higher the proportion of Prevotella in the gut, the more evident the weight loss effect. The produced Propionate effectively reduces liver fatty acids, improves glucose tolerance, and reduces low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood. Given that 39% of the global population has a demand for weight loss, and the global weight loss market value reached USD 260.7 billion in 2022, TCI launched a product in 2023 called PV Formula, aimed at increasing the levels of Prevotella. PV Formula is not only the first product to increase Prevotella through probiotics but also the first in the world to regulate the number of Prevotella for cardiovascular health benefits and to reduce cholesterol levels. This ingredient of the newly developed PV Formula by TCI is expected to debut in future weight loss-related supplements, offering consumers a premium choice. The PV Formula combines TCI's patented IBD Brassica oleracea extract, Flammulina filiformis extract, fructooligosaccharides, and galactooligosaccharides in the best proportions, creating a nutritional source specifically tailored to support the growth of Prevotella in the gut. After 10 participants took the PV Formula continuously for 4 weeks, the proportion of Prevotella in the gut increased by 16%, benefiting 80% of participants. Studies have shown that Erysipelotrichaceae in the gut flora are positively correlated with total cholesterol in the blood, so they are considered harmful bacteria affecting cholesterol levels. After taking the PV Formula for 4 weeks, the richness of Erysipelotrichaceae bacteria decreased by about 91.9%, significantly raising good cholesterol HDL by 6.5%, and reducing bad cholesterol LDL by 3.8%, VLDL by 20.7%. The improved proportion of participants was 80%, 70%, and 60%, respectively; reduced blood triglycerides by 7.64% and total cholesterol by 2.29%, benefiting 90% and 50% of participants, respectively. The total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein ratio can serve as a predictor of the risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome; the higher the value, the greater the risk of cardiovascular disease. The reference values are <4.9 for men and <4.4 for women. After taking the PV Formula for 4 weeks, the ratio for participants dropped from an average of 5.54 to 3.60, returning to healthy levels, benefiting 90% of them. With consumers increasingly valuing overall health and seeking natural solutions that meet health needs, the PV Formula meets the growing market demand, offering effective, scientifically supported products that support gut health and have a positive impact on cardiovascular health. This formula improves vital health indicators, aids metabolic health, and positions itself advantageously in the market for those pursuing a healthier lifestyle. |
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Yung -Hsiang Lin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Milk Ceramide | TCI's Milk Ceramide, with its anti-aging and sleep-aiding properties, can serve as an innovative ingredient in the global anti-aging and sleep-aid markets, applicable in various functional supplements. In 2022, the market value for anti-aging skincare products exceeded USD 50.48 billion, and the sleep aid market reached USD 67.51 billion. Given this, TCI is even more optimistic about the future development trend of this ingredient, which can benefit approximately 45% of the global population suffering from sleep disorders. Starting in 2023, TCI applies unique enzymatic extraction technology to hydrolyze the protein on the milk fat globule (MFG) in raw milk. Using exclusive extraction techniques, they efficiently release ceramides from the MFG membrane. Through rigorous scientific analysis and repeated verification, TCI successfully developed a high-concentration ceramide and functional peptide Milk Ceramide. Distinct from other market products derived from rice, wheat, corn, soy, or fresh milk extracts, TCI's Milk Ceramide comes from "raw milk" that has not undergone any processing, making it richer in ceramide components. This ingredient will also be used in the production and sale of related beauty and skincare supplements globally. Ceramides, also known as molecular pins, serve as a natural, high-concentration lipid in the skin. It accounts for 50% of the lipids in the stratum corneum, densely connecting the lipids in this layer, forming a natural waterproof film. Although the human body can synthesize ceramides, factors like aging, UV damage, and skin inflammation can impair the lipid structure of the stratum corneum, leading to a gradual reduction in ceramides. In vitro, has confirmed that Milk Ceramide can effectively boost the secretion of hyaluronic acid in skin fibroblast cells by 1.2 times, elevate the expression of hyaluronic acid synthesis genes (HAS2, HAS3) by 2.4 and 1.7 times respectively, and enhance skin moisture retention gene expression (SMPD1, GBA) by 1.3 and 1.5 times. This aids in enhancing the skin's moisture retention capability. Furthermore, it can decrease the expression of collagen-degrading enzyme genes (MMP1, MMP2, MMP9) and increase the elastin content by 1.23 times, preserving skin elasticity. Lastly, it elevates the expression of structural genes in the skin epidermis (Tgm1, Keratin14, FLG-F, AQP3), effectively enhancing the skin barrier to prevent moisture loss and maintain skin hydration. In addition, scientific analysis has shown that the Milk Ceramide from TCI is rich in peptides that can bind to human GABA-A receptors. This can inhibit the depolarization of excitatory neurotransmitters, helping to soothe emotions and improve sleep quality. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Mihaela Pila , Silvius Stanciu |
ROMANIA | SELECTION PROCEDURE OF SPECIMENS WITH HIGH PRODUCTION YIELD, FROM THE MIRROR CARP (CYPRINUS CARPIO SPECULARIS) AND NAKED CARP (CYPRINUS CARPIO NUDUS) BREEDS, BY INDUCING WATER, THERMAL AND LACK OF OXYGEN STRESS FACTORS ON THE FINGERLINGS | The invention applies to industrial fish farming, focusing on breeding Cyprinidae fish species. Its goal is to improve productivity, vitality, and resilience in the obtained specimens. The patented method involves inducing stress in breeding batches, allowing quicker selection of resilient individuals while eliminating weaker ones. Fingerlings undergo harsh conditions like low temperature, oxygen and water scarcity, and immobilization. Early selection ensures stable development and improved stress resistance. The approach is cost-effective and advantageous for cyprinid fish farmers, providing a simple yet efficient solution to enhance fish quality and survival in adverse conditions. |
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Andrei Victor Sandu , Roxana Ioana Brazdis (matei) , Radu Claudiu Fierascu , Anda Maria Baroi , Toma Fistos , Irina Fierascu, Irina Elena Chican, Ioana Silvia Hosu |
ROMANIA | Organic/inorganic composite material for the adsorption of heavy metals from aqueous solutions and procedure for obtaining it | Organic/inorganic composite material for the adsorption of heavy metals from aqueous solutions and procedure for obtaining it |
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Baldeh Omar |
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Miss Gunwanichcha Jarukwongthanachot |
THAILAND | HOLISTA GOLD™ : THE ADVANCED SYNBIOTIC | Everyday stresses can disrupt the microbiota in your gut, and can impact your health and wellness. These stressors can include: Antibiotics and medications, Hormonal changes, Poor diet, Illness, Aging, Stress, Travel. HOLISTA GOLD™ : THE ADVANCED SYNBIOTIC is an integrative health supplement, GUTGARD® + probiotic 14 strains + prebiotic + postbiotic + anti-oxidant ingredients that can help provide the optimal health that safely support your digestive health. immune system and may help decrease inflammation in diabetes, heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and cancer. We believe the use of selected, high-quality nutritional supplements is an essential component of integrative health strategies. In order to deliver truly optimal health for all customers, HOLISTA BRAND is for customers over 6 years of age. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | Astaxanthin Plus: Queen of Super Antioxidant | Our remodeled creation of Astaxanthin Plus is designed for various extra health benefits. Derived from Haematococcus pluvialis, a kind of natural microalgae, astaxanthin is dubbed as the “Queen of Super Antioxidant” with proven studies for human consumption and pigmentation purposes. The microalgae, in response to the stress from the highest irradiation of the planet, create a more powerful antioxidant complex, increasing the amount of carotenoids that act synergistically with astaxanthin. Astaxanthin works to nourish skin, health and eyesight while reducing wrinkles and restoring the heart. In this innovation, astaxanthin is selected from the best natural source from the pristine environment of the Atacama Desert in Chile and cultivated in a low carbon footprint, a biomimetic and economic way that takes energy from the sun and CO2 from the air. Astaxanthin Plus is blended with astaxanthin, olive oil and turmeric, a “Wonder of Herb” found richly in Thailand. The ingredients’ combined actions enhance the optimal product efficacy in controlling cholesterol, reducing high blood pressure as well as lessening the risk of heart disease, knee osteoporosis, gout and rheumatoid. Compared with other products, Astaxanthin Plus contains more than 4 times the additional carotenoid content. It stands out due to its origin and potency from the additional carotenoids present, creating an exclusive product in the health and wellness market. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | Cordynine: The Next Level Revolution for Immune System & Wellbeing | In the modern society, both men or women tend to live alone and independently, but they still love to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Cordynine is invented for this recent trend epitomizing the Eat-Meets-West impression. A registered trademark and approved by Thailand FDA as a dietary supplement product, Cordynine redefines a pioneering fusion between the Eastern and Asian ingredients where several mushrooms are creatively used in the recipe. This includes lingzhi, yamabushitake, maitake and cordyceps, which are often called the “medicinal mushrooms with medicinal properties”. Studies have confirmed that blending these mushroom extracts with tomatoes, black galangal, red ginseng and black pepper helps enhance the body’s immune system and reduce viral infections from influenza, bird flu and COVID-19. With the addition of such cofactors as L-Arginine and zinc oxide, Cordynine is absorbed more quickly and can improve the condition of lungs, cope with asthma and bronchitis as well as prevent heart disease and prostate cancer. Interestingly, Cordynine aids in increasing the blood circulation system and may prevent the viscous blood that occurs from recent MRNA vaccination. Cordynine is available on the market and has a huge commercial value. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | Karelomere: Anti-aging & Longevity Ingredients for Skin & Health Applications | Every human wants to live on this earth as long as possible. And, of course, to live a long life one must be in good health. While aging is inevitable, we don’t have to succumb to the natural aging process. Our latest innovation of Karelomere is created from a diversity of fruitful ingredients that prevent age-related diseases and promote overall skin and health. A sought-after application in both health and aesthetic products, Karelomere works to maintain telomeres – the protective tips of chromosomes. As we age, our telomeres naturally shorten, contributing to the aging process. Karelomere enhances the lengthening of telomeres, which help keep skin healthy, firm and wrinkle-free. With the infusion of natural extracts from Q10, palm powder, grape skin extract, olive leaf extract, vitamin B3, mangosteen peel extract and centella asiatica extract, Karelomere helps to prevent telomeres from getting shorter, thus turning back our precious skin and health to being young again. Karelomere revolutionizes the creation for anti-aging and longevity. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | PEF Co-US Technology: Emerging Herbal Extraction Techniques | The development of herbs in the pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical industry has attracted people’s attention for decades. Thanks to their remarkable medicinal properties, herbal plants are being used widely across the world in food supplements, cosmetics and herbal products as well as other botanical applications. Provoked by these growing phenomena, “PEF Co-US Technology” is newly devised to elicit nature’s best-kept secrets from the herbal plants. Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) and Ultrasound-assisted Extraction (UAE) are emerging herbal extraction techniques that bring out highly valuable bioactive compounds from herbs. It is the evolution of more sustainable, cheaper, efficient and rapid herbal extraction techniques. Developed for 5 years to by far improve productivity, quality extract and therapeutic functions in products, this ground-breaking extraction technology is co-researched and technology transferred by Thai Herbal Industry Association, a non-profit organization whose core objective is to be the center of knowledge, information dissemination and idea exchange to promote the herbal business in Thailand and other countries. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | Plantenoids: Unveiling the Power of Plant-based Proteins | There are many protein foods available on the market today and they are growing in popularity. According to the studies, most protein eaters experience flatulence and difficulty to digest protein foods. As we get older, digestion becomes less efficient. Plantenoids is developed to alleviate these health-threatening problems! It is a registered trademark of ingredients containing a novel blend of plant-based proteins selected from various sources to support digestive system, improve muscle strength and reduce the hard work of kidneys. A next level plant performance for health lovers and vegetarians, Plantenoids has evolved as a resourceful option and offers prominent functional properties. It can be made into a plant-based meal replacement that provides all the beneficial nutrients the body needs. This research-based innovation mainly consists of chickpea or albumin from chickpea, which is an excellent source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Wolffia or “Phum” or “Khai Phum Naam” in Thai, an economically precious aquatic plant, is also added in the formula. It is dubbed as “Green Caviar” that has been treasured globally as the ultimate “Super Food”. Moreover, Plantenoids is infused with yeast protein, brown rice, pumpkin, kiwi extract and black sesame extract for numerous nutritional attributes that everyone can benefit from it. |
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Nakah Thawichawatt |
THAILAND | Zleeplax: A Novel Aid for Sleep Comfort, Snore Reduction & Brain Relaxation | The simplest happiness that humans need is a deep sleep without snoring and wake up with a fresh morning and relaxing brain. Sleep is thus very crucial. But nowadays people of all ages face problems with sleep and snoring, which may lead to possible dementia and depression. Severe snoring is also a silent killer that causes Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death syndrome (SUNDS). Zleeplax is a registered trademark of ingredients aimed at improving these alarming health conditions. A research-based group of ingredients meticulously conducted with Thailand’s leading universities, it contains a subtle blend of ginger oil, crape jasmine, asparagus, rice extract, sea fish extract and sage leaf extract. A number of findings have found that the proportional mix of these ingredients could promote sleep comfort, brain relaxation, memory enhancement and snore reduction up to 80% by boosting the efficacy of brain function and mitigating serious underlying sleep-related breathing disorder. It works to relax airways which become temporarily blocked as you sleep. Zleeplax is surprisingly a novel aid for sleep, snoring and brain. |
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Puttachat Pongsuchat |
THAILAND | SWISS LAB NATURE POWER CREAM | Swiss Lab Nature Power Cream emerges as a pioneering Thai innovation, meticulously harnessing Switzerland's purest botanical actives, including MossCellTec™, PhytoCellTec™ Alp Rose, Alpaflor Edelweiss, Gigawhite, and Pentavitin. Rigorous studies affirm its capabilities in enhancing skin luminosity, mitigating blemishes, and ensuring optimal hydration. Thailand, despite its digital commerce growth, has been plagued by a deluge of substandard skincare products. This widespread availability of inferior products has led to alarming rates of steroid-induced skin complications among its populace. Recognizing this critical issue, Swiss Lab Cream was developed to offer a high-quality, affordable skincare alternative. Our dedication has been validated with sales surpassing 3 million jars by 2023 and the liberation of over a million Thais from the detrimental effects of steroid addiction. "In the global skincare arena, Swiss Lab Cream stands as a testament to innovative excellence combined with a deep-seated commitment to societal well-being." |
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Rose Siripipatkajorn |
THAILAND | I’m yours Signature: Functional Plant Based Protein Enzyme & Probiotics | Probiotics 5 strains 10billionCFU 10 Billion CFU per 1 serve 1. Lactobacillus Rhamnosus 2. Lactobacillus Acidophilus 3. Bifidobacterium Longum 4. Bifidobacterium Breve 5. Bacillus Coagulans |
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Sareesuang Suwannaboon |
THAILAND | Nouvel: Functional drink | Spanth plus is a Functional drink which is Cocoa powder based mix with strawbery favor. Now a day lifestyle, an easy with beneficial consumption of food and drinks helps consumer to gain healthy than the past so morning drink is a good choice one. By the popularity of Choco-Strawberry drink, inspire me to develop a Cocoa drink which Spermidine and Anthocyanin are added to reboost intermittent fasting during the night time to be more effective by Spanth plus Coco drink. This functional drink is not only yummy morning refreshment butreboost body autoclearance of damage cell call “ Cell Autophagy” to induce new cell regeneration. During the autophagy, Anti-Inflamation ingredient helps diminish free radicals to nurture cell environment to be suited for cell regeneration. The more appropriate cell regeneration, the better organ function and the quility of health then. Nouvel, a functional Spanth plus Coco drink, New cell New you. |
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Mrs. Ramida Russell Maneesatiean |
THAILAND | BJ Revive Cell : BJ CALCIMAG PLUS COLLAGEN TYPE II | - Helps strengthen the teeth and various bones inside the body - Prevent and reduce osteoporosis within the body - Inhibits bone resorption - Helps the neurotransmitter system in the body work normally - Prevent osteoarthritis - Stimulate cartilage formation - Stimulate bone regenerate - Increase bone mass and joint in the body - Reduce the rate of destruction and deterioration of joint cartilage - Prevent knee arthritis - Antioxidants and delays premature aging - Balancing and building immunity for the body - Helps increase calcium absorption to the bone - Stimulate and strengthen the body’s immune system - Helps in pulling calcium and collagen to bone and joint - Reduce muscle spasm |
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Mrs. Ramida Russell Maneesatiean |
THAILAND | BJ Revive Cell : BJ Q10 PLUS CITRUS BIOFLAVANOID | - Anti-aging at the cell level - Antioxidants at the cell level and repair cells - Restore and accelerate the metabolism to work better - Nourishes the heart muscles, brain, liver, kidneys and all parts of the muscles body - Enhance immunity - Helps make. Your skin white and clear - Strengthen the process of creating collagen in the skin - Stimulate immunity - Helps to remove toxins and break down heavy metals from the body - Increase energy to cells - Repair cells - Anti-inflammation within cells - Strengthens internal enzyme production in the body - Strengthens Co-factor within the body - Detox the liver and remove toxins |
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Mrs. Tamamas Tangchitwattanakul |
THAILAND | DIABALANCE | Our ingredients used in the product include protein and chemical compounds from rice, combined with dietary fiber from Guar Gums. The product development concept is driven by the wellness trend, with a focus on healthy eating. The goal is to create a product that aligns with the idea of "eating what you want" without compromising health. In collaboration with a rice production company in Thailand, the aim is to extract value from rice protein and ceramide from rice. The goal is to make people love Thai rice even more. This product can be added to food, beverages, or desserts to help reduce sugar content in food. Testing conducted by a health food innovation center found that the product can significantly reduce the sugar index of white bread, lowering it from 95 to 46. This indicates its potential in controlling post-meal sugar levels. Furthermore, rice protein contributes to muscle strength, and ceramide promotes skin health. This product allows for healthy and joyful eating, promoting both inner and outer well-being. |
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Rungnapa Yamdech , Rungnapa Yamdech , Vareesa Terahsongkran , Varis Terahsongkran |
THAILAND | Encapsulated Anthocyanin with Alginate for Prolong Stability and Extended-Release | Anthocyanin is not stable under light and heat. Even though this compound is very effective in health care applications. the benefit from this compound is very limit. This project uses alginate, a natural substance, to encapsulate anthocyanin from mulberry fruit. This process not only protect this compound from environment, but also generate extended release for better absoprtion. |
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Mahdiye Moradkhani , Armita Kianimehr , Narges Ahmadaghaei |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Investigating the Effect of Catalyst with two Types of Natural and Chemical Calcium Hydroxide Catalysts in the Process of Biodiesel Production from Pine Cone Flower Oil and Glycerin Purification Using Active Carbon | According to the development of countries in the world, energy has been one of the most important indicators in the movement of the economic cycle of countries, as a result, the production and consumption of energy in the world has also had an increasing trend. The current consumption of energy in the world has faced humanity with two major crises, i.e. environmental pollution caused by fossil fuels and reduction of oil resources. According to the mentioned cases, from an economic point of view, it is important to preserve existing resources and reduce environmental pollution, to obtain renewable resources with less pollution instead of oil resources. One of these alternative sources is vegetable fuel. Biodiesel is obtained from natural and renewable resources such as vegetable oils and animal fats. In this project, we have decided to prevent the countless harms that most fuels cause to the environment and humans by producing a type of biodiesel fuel using the transesterification method. We have also decided to produce biodiesel fuel using pine cone oil and eggshell natural catalyst and to investigate the effect of chemical and natural catalyst in its production process. Also, considering that the pine cone is a waste and has no role in human nutrition, it is the best option compared to other plants for oil extraction. Glycerin, a by-product in the production process of biodiesel, which forms the solid phase of the fuel, is used in cosmetics and health industries. We extracted glycerin from the best fuel and used active carbon to purify it, and gas chromatography was also used to check the purity. The use of this product has a great impact in the cosmetic and health industries. In this project, after examining the physical and chemical parameters of the fuel, we realized that fuel with a natural catalyst is completely suitable and the best alternative to gasoline. |
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Erfan Fanaie , Samir Dadbeh , Hirad Rabie Nezhad , Kian Safari , Mohammad Ali Hajiani |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Synthesis of Chitosan/Silver Oxide Nanocomposite by co-friendly Method to Investigate Antibacterial Properties | This study investigated the antibacterial properties of chitosan/silver oxide nanocomposite synthesized using a green method. To achieve this, silver oxide nanoparticles were synthesized and then chitosan was applied on the silver oxide nanoparticle network using celery extracts at various concentrations. In order to study and characterize the obtained nanocomposites in detail, EDX, FTIR, XRD and SEM were carried out. In accordance with the obtained results, the composites were synthesized at nanoscale. Moreover, desirable functional groups and crystal structure were obtained. In order to investigate the antibacterial properties of the synthesized nanocomposites, two Gram-positive and negative bacteria, Staphylus aureus and Pseudomonas were used. Based on the results, it was concluded that the synthesized nanocomposites effectively reduced bacteria in the agar matrix. Furthermore, the efficiency of the antibacterial function increased with the increase in the concentration of the celery extract. |
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Amirhossein Emdadi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Making a Wireless Induction Charger | This wireless inductive charging can charge any phone up to a distance of 300 meters. This wireless inductive charging requires alternating current (AC) from the wall. In this invention, the electric circuit and transmission coil produce a magnetic charge by passing alternating current. The amount of magnetic charge produced depends on the number of turns of the wire the diameter of the current coil and the distance from the coil. With the design of this charger, it can charge the device at a distance of 300 meters. The device's receiver is an embedded coil, the coils are placed at a short distance from each other and their magnetic attraction interacts with each other, thus causing the movement of the electrons in the mobile battery. This design has reached the construction stage and its production has been successfully completed. |
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Mostafa Mazloumi , Ramila Abedi Azar , Samira Mohammadi Mollahajilou , Hora Kiamehr , Mohammad Amin Amini |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Smart Headband that Converts Head Movements into Speech to Communicate | Communication through speech and language stands as a fundamental human necessity. Numerous individuals grapple with aphasia due to diverse factors, such as strokes, brain tumors, or concussions stemming from physical accidents. Additionally, various neurological conditions, including progressive disorders like Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis, especially in advanced stages, along with neuromuscular and prenatal neurological afflictions, can lead to an inability to vocalize. Moreover, underlying issues like hearing impairment and deafness can also result in speech deprivation. In essence, the incapacity to communicate verbally can impact people of different age groups for a multitude of reasons. Many of the aforementioned conditions not only bring about limb paralysis, necessitating wheelchair use, but also cause an inability to speak. However, motor functions of the head and neck are often preserved. Individuals facing these challenges encounter obstacles in achieving independent mobility, expressing their needs, and conducting day-to-day activities. They often rely on full-time caregivers (nurses), incurring significant time, financial, and emotional costs for both the caregivers and the cared-for individuals. This innovation operates within the realm of medical engineering and rehabilitation, specifically targeting individuals with cerebral palsy and those who have suffered from strokes. This novel creation takes the form of a headband, designed to be worn on the person's head. It possesses the remarkable capability of translating head movements into audible expressions of the individual's requirements. The headband is equipped with sensors that detect movements in key directions (left, right, up, down). These sensor readings are then transmitted to the main control unit, which converts them into spoken notifications. |
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Anyawee Keatapipong |
THAILAND | Nutrepreme® ProMorning | Fast-paced lifestyle especially in workday morning, people start breakfast by easy meal and coffee with improper nutrition or skip it! Several studies have associated not having breakfast with increase risk of NCD such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. ProMorning, 1-minute proawake formula; the innovation of breakfast with enrich nutrients for start up new days. From high quality source of macronutrients, complete protein from whey protein and oat, complex carbohydrate from plumkins and purple sweet potatoes, good fat from MCT oil and rice bran oil, and important micronutrients. In addition with special ingredients, phytonutrient extract from Alpinia Galanga Extract (enXtra®) and L-theanine (Suntheanine®) in this product. Both of these two extracts have been confirmed by scientific research that they can help increase mental alert and focus. Get ready both physical and mental health with ProMorning; the solution for workday breakfast, fast-paced life. |
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Wanthanee Senakoon |
THAILAND | Happy Noz | The world's first 100% organic onion sticker that uses Thai wisdom like pounding onions to relieve colds. Ancient nasal congestion combined with new innovative drug delivery methods It's a small sheet of onion stickers. There are cute cartoon patterns. Very easy to use. Just stick it on the shirt. Air conditioner or fan It helps relieve colds, nasal congestion, and runny nose safely with Quercetin from red onions, which helps inhibit Histamine and balances the immune system to function normally. without taking medicine Light fragrance Doesn't make you dizzy, doesn't hurt your eyes. Effective for up to 12 hours/sheet, helping you sleep comfortably. Breathe easily all night long. Can be used from birth. to the elderly Especially people who have allergies and runny noses. |
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Wanthanee Senakoon |
THAILAND | Happy Noz Anti-Bac | 100% organic onion stickers that incorporate Thai wisdom like smashing onions to relieve colds. Ancient nasal congestion combined with new innovative drug delivery methods It's a small sheet of onion stickers. There are cute cartoon patterns. Very easy to use Just stick it on the shirt. Air conditioner or fan It helps relieve colds, nasal congestion, and runny nose safely with Quercetin from red onions, which helps inhibit Histamine Combined with TEA TREE OIL that has a bactericidal effect. Passed the potency test Kills 3 types of bacteria: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and E.coli without taking medicine. Light fragrance Effective for up to 12 hours/sheet. Can be used from birth. to the elderly Especially people whose mucus is green-yellow. To prevent bacterial infection complications during viral colds. |
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Wanthanee Senakoon |
THAILAND | Happy Noz Detox pm 2.5 | 100% organic onion stickers that incorporate Thai wisdom like smashing onions to relieve colds. Ancient nasal congestion combined with new innovative drug delivery methods It's a small sheet of onion stickers. There are cute cartoon patterns. Very easy to use Just stick it on the shirt. Air conditioner or fan It can help relieve colds, stuffy nose, and runny nose Safely with Quercetin from red onions, helping to inhibit Histamine, combined with Clove oil that has a high concentration of eugenol, has high Antioxidant effect, helps reduce inflammation at the cellular level caused by PM 2.5 dust, such as a sore throat, nose, and hoarseness. etc |
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Wanthanee Senakoon |
THAILAND | Happy Noz Anti-Vir | 100% organic onion stickers that incorporate Thai wisdom like smashing onions to relieve colds. Ancient nasal congestion combined with new innovative drug delivery methods It's a small sheet of onion stickers. There are cute cartoon patterns. Very easy to use Just stick it on the shirt. Air conditioner or fan It helps kill viruses. safely With important substances from Turmeric oil that has the effect of killing viruses and Quercetin from Onion oil that has the effect of inhibiting the multiplication of viruses. Passed the test of the Virology research service institute (ISO18184) from England that it can kill coronavirus NL63, Covid-19 (SAR-CoV2), Influenza A (IAV) and Influenza B (IBV), effective for up to 12 hours/sheet. Can be Can be used from birth to the elderly To prevent virus infection |
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Wanthanee Senakoon |
THAILAND | Happy Noz Advanced-Lower Blood Pressure | Blood pressure lowering stickers With important substances from Ylang Ylang oil and Lavender oil combined with new innovative drug delivery formats. It's a small sticker sheet. Very easy to use Just stick it on the shirt. It can significantly reduce blood pressure and heart rate. Passed clinical testing from the Faculty of Pharmacy Chulalongkorn University Effective for up to 12 hours/sheet. Has a light floral aroma. |
124 |
Amur Aljabri |
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | saa'f | Paper is an important component in our daily lives, it incorporates various in our daily from writing notes to legal documentation. Banknotes are a sensitive type of paper since from it we trade it with goods, and it is an easier form of a physical asset rather using gold coins. We use a specialized form of paper to make these banknotes which contains various security measures, protecting it from counterfeiting. It is beneficial to add palm paper onto standard paper, security purposes it gives us a different feel on contact but at the same time hard to replicate, increases the strength of the banknote. Longevity of palm paper is less than banknotes being used but once incorporated with it, it will increase the life span since banknotes aren’t made of the same material as the standard paper since they are made to withstand several environmental changes. The other challenge if the factory is familiar with using palm pulp since the industry uses mainly wood pulp with different fibres as well. |
125 |
Aida Jamaly , Aida Jamaly , Mohammad Sadegh Khajooei , Ali Salehi , Mehdi Safari , Mir Saeed Danayi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Electromagnetic smart workwear with the ability to warn if all components of personal protective equipment are not fully covered and send data related to each person to the safety expert | Smart workwear has an electrical circuit that warns of the absence of personal safety equipment (in the form of sound, vibration and light specific to each individual safety equipment) using magnetic connections and has the ability to be selectively installed on the safety equipment needed in any industry in such a way that The signals collected from each part of the clothing (the signal related to wearing or not wearing personal safety equipment) are sent to the central part of the clothing and there it warns the person in the form of sound and vibration , and the person must also stop this Warning, wear the relevant equipment. This clothing is equipped with a cooler inside the back collar, which is a suitable ventilation for the clothing. It has an internal and external safety earpiece, the inner part of which can also play the role of a sound player for the worker. The mask of this design is also in the form of a Darba fan mask with a nano ceramic thermal filter. The garment is one-piece with a zipper. The safety shoe has a soft medical cuff and a small ventilation is embedded on it. The central part of the garment is equipped with the Internet of Things, which can provide safety information. collect each person and there is a monitor on it which is Android with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to connect the cooler to it and adjust the temperature of the clothes cooler by the worker himself and also this monitor to record all pseudo-accidents (by the worker himself) and a camera It is used for more accurate recording of evidence and documents during accidents. By using its audio recording, the worker can directly and easily communicate with the safety expert and first aid both to request help faster and to get information related to the safety of a person. Work (if the worker lacks knowledge). The central part of this garment has a system sensitive to the presence of smoke of the absorbent sensor type (ASD) and has the ability to open two layers of clothing for washing, although due to the proper ventilation of the garment, it needs to be washed later. All the electronic components of the garment are made of It is fed through the power source in the center of the garment and has a second power source as a spare, which is direct current. The clothes have two inner (natural) and outer (artificial) layers, and circuit connections are installed between these two waterproof layers. Smart workwear has an electrical circuit that warns of the absence of personal safety equipment (in the form of sound, vibration and light specific to each individual safety equipment) using magnetic connections and has the ability to be selectively installed on the safety equipment needed in any industry in such a way that The signals collected from each part of the clothing (the signal related to wearing or not wearing personal safety equipment) are sent to the central part of the clothing and there it warns the person in the form of sound and vibration , and the person must also stop this Warning, wear the relevant equipment. This clothing is equipped with a cooler inside the back collar, which is a suitable ventilation for the clothing. It has an internal and external safety earpiece, the inner part of which can also play the role of a sound player for the worker. The mask of this design is also in the form of a Darba fan mask with a nano ceramic thermal filter. The garment is one-piece with a zipper. The safety shoe has a soft medical cuff and a small ventilation is embedded on it. The central part of the garment is equipped with the Internet of Things, which can provide safety information. collect each person and there is a monitor on it which is Android with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to connect the cooler to it and adjust the temperature of the clothes cooler by the worker himself and also this monitor to record all pseudo-accidents (by the worker himself) and a camera It is used for more accurate recording of evidence and documents during accidents. By using its audio recording, the worker can directly and easily communicate with the safety expert and first aid both to request help faster and to get information related to the safety of a person. Work (if the worker lacks knowledge). The central part of this garment has a system sensitive to the presence of smoke of the absorbent sensor type (ASD) and has the ability to open two layers of clothing for washing, although due to the proper ventilation of the garment, it needs to be washed later. All the electronic components of the garment are made of It is fed through the power source in the center of the garment and has a second power source as a spare, which is direct current. The clothes have two inner (natural) and outer (artificial) layers, and circuit connections are installed between these two waterproof layers. |
126 |
Aida Jamaly , Aida Jamaly , Mohammad Sadegh Khajooei , Ali Salehi , Mehdi Safari , Mir Saeed Danayi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Electromagnetic smart workwear with the ability to warn if all components of personal protective equipment are not fully covered and send data related to each person to the safety expert | Smart workwear has an electrical circuit that warns of the absence of personal safety equipment (in the form of sound, vibration and light specific to each individual safety equipment) using magnetic connections and has the ability to be selectively installed on the safety equipment needed in any industry in such a way that The signals collected from each part of the clothing (the signal related to wearing or not wearing personal safety equipment) are sent to the central part of the clothing and there it warns the person in the form of sound and vibration , and the person must also stop this Warning, wear the relevant equipment. This clothing is equipped with a cooler inside the back collar, which is a suitable ventilation for the clothing. It has an internal and external safety earpiece, the inner part of which can also play the role of a sound player for the worker. The mask of this design is also in the form of a Darba fan mask with a nano ceramic thermal filter. The garment is one-piece with a zipper. The safety shoe has a soft medical cuff and a small ventilation is embedded on it. The central part of the garment is equipped with the Internet of Things, which can provide safety information. collect each person and there is a monitor on it which is Android with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to connect the cooler to it and adjust the temperature of the clothes cooler by the worker himself and also this monitor to record all pseudo-accidents (by the worker himself) and a camera It is used for more accurate recording of evidence and documents during accidents. By using its audio recording, the worker can directly and easily communicate with the safety expert and first aid both to request help faster and to get information related to the safety of a person. Work (if the worker lacks knowledge). The central part of this garment has a system sensitive to the presence of smoke of the absorbent sensor type (ASD) and has the ability to open two layers of clothing for washing, although due to the proper ventilation of the garment, it needs to be washed later. All the electronic components of the garment are made of It is fed through the power source in the center of the garment and has a second power source as a spare, which is direct current. The clothes have two inner (natural) and outer (artificial) layers, and circuit connections are installed between these two waterproof layers. Smart workwear has an electrical circuit that warns of the absence of personal safety equipment (in the form of sound, vibration and light specific to each individual safety equipment) using magnetic connections and has the ability to be selectively installed on the safety equipment needed in any industry in such a way that The signals collected from each part of the clothing (the signal related to wearing or not wearing personal safety equipment) are sent to the central part of the clothing and there it warns the person in the form of sound and vibration , and the person must also stop this Warning, wear the relevant equipment. This clothing is equipped with a cooler inside the back collar, which is a suitable ventilation for the clothing. It has an internal and external safety earpiece, the inner part of which can also play the role of a sound player for the worker. The mask of this design is also in the form of a Darba fan mask with a nano ceramic thermal filter. The garment is one-piece with a zipper. The safety shoe has a soft medical cuff and a small ventilation is embedded on it. The central part of the garment is equipped with the Internet of Things, which can provide safety information. collect each person and there is a monitor on it which is Android with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to connect the cooler to it and adjust the temperature of the clothes cooler by the worker himself and also this monitor to record all pseudo-accidents (by the worker himself) and a camera It is used for more accurate recording of evidence and documents during accidents. By using its audio recording, the worker can directly and easily communicate with the safety expert and first aid both to request help faster and to get information related to the safety of a person. Work (if the worker lacks knowledge). The central part of this garment has a system sensitive to the presence of smoke of the absorbent sensor type (ASD) and has the ability to open two layers of clothing for washing, although due to the proper ventilation of the garment, it needs to be washed later. All the electronic components of the garment are made of It is fed through the power source in the center of the garment and has a second power source as a spare, which is direct current. The clothes have two inner (natural) and outer (artificial) layers, and circuit connections are installed between these two waterproof layers. |
127 |
Aida Jamaly , Aida Jamaly , Mohammad Sadegh Khajooei , Ali Salehi , Mehdi Safari , Mir Saeed Danayi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Electromagnetic smart workwear with the ability to warn if all components of personal protective equipment are not fully covered and send data related to each person to the safety expert | Smart workwear has an electrical circuit that warns of the absence of personal safety equipment (in the form of sound, vibration and light specific to each individual safety equipment) using magnetic connections and has the ability to be selectively installed on the safety equipment needed in any industry in such a way that The signals collected from each part of the clothing (the signal related to wearing or not wearing personal safety equipment) are sent to the central part of the clothing and there it warns the person in the form of sound and vibration , and the person must also stop this Warning, wear the relevant equipment. This clothing is equipped with a cooler inside the back collar, which is a suitable ventilation for the clothing. It has an internal and external safety earpiece, the inner part of which can also play the role of a sound player for the worker. The mask of this design is also in the form of a Darba fan mask with a nano ceramic thermal filter. The garment is one-piece with a zipper. The safety shoe has a soft medical cuff and a small ventilation is embedded on it. The central part of the garment is equipped with the Internet of Things, which can provide safety information. collect each person and there is a monitor on it which is Android with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to connect the cooler to it and adjust the temperature of the clothes cooler by the worker himself and also this monitor to record all pseudo-accidents (by the worker himself) and a camera It is used for more accurate recording of evidence and documents during accidents. By using its audio recording, the worker can directly and easily communicate with the safety expert and first aid both to request help faster and to get information related to the safety of a person. Work (if the worker lacks knowledge). The central part of this garment has a system sensitive to the presence of smoke of the absorbent sensor type (ASD) and has the ability to open two layers of clothing for washing, although due to the proper ventilation of the garment, it needs to be washed later. All the electronic components of the garment are made of It is fed through the power source in the center of the garment and has a second power source as a spare, which is direct current. The clothes have two inner (natural) and outer (artificial) layers, and circuit connections are installed between these two waterproof layers. Smart workwear has an electrical circuit that warns of the absence of personal safety equipment (in the form of sound, vibration and light specific to each individual safety equipment) using magnetic connections and has the ability to be selectively installed on the safety equipment needed in any industry in such a way that The signals collected from each part of the clothing (the signal related to wearing or not wearing personal safety equipment) are sent to the central part of the clothing and there it warns the person in the form of sound and vibration , and the person must also stop this Warning, wear the relevant equipment. This clothing is equipped with a cooler inside the back collar, which is a suitable ventilation for the clothing. It has an internal and external safety earpiece, the inner part of which can also play the role of a sound player for the worker. The mask of this design is also in the form of a Darba fan mask with a nano ceramic thermal filter. The garment is one-piece with a zipper. The safety shoe has a soft medical cuff and a small ventilation is embedded on it. The central part of the garment is equipped with the Internet of Things, which can provide safety information. collect each person and there is a monitor on it which is Android with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to connect the cooler to it and adjust the temperature of the clothes cooler by the worker himself and also this monitor to record all pseudo-accidents (by the worker himself) and a camera It is used for more accurate recording of evidence and documents during accidents. By using its audio recording, the worker can directly and easily communicate with the safety expert and first aid both to request help faster and to get information related to the safety of a person. Work (if the worker lacks knowledge). The central part of this garment has a system sensitive to the presence of smoke of the absorbent sensor type (ASD) and has the ability to open two layers of clothing for washing, although due to the proper ventilation of the garment, it needs to be washed later. All the electronic components of the garment are made of It is fed through the power source in the center of the garment and has a second power source as a spare, which is direct current. The clothes have two inner (natural) and outer (artificial) layers, and circuit connections are installed between these two waterproof layers. |
128 |
Aida Jamaly , Aida Jamaly , Mohammad Sadegh Khajooei , Ali Salehi , Mehdi Safari , Mir Saeed Danayi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Electromagnetic smart workwear with the ability to warn if all components of personal protective equipment are not fully covered and send data related to each person to the safety expert | Smart workwear has an electrical circuit that warns of the absence of personal safety equipment (in the form of sound, vibration and light specific to each individual safety equipment) using magnetic connections and has the ability to be selectively installed on the safety equipment needed in any industry in such a way that The signals collected from each part of the clothing (the signal related to wearing or not wearing personal safety equipment) are sent to the central part of the clothing and there it warns the person in the form of sound and vibration , and the person must also stop this Warning, wear the relevant equipment. This clothing is equipped with a cooler inside the back collar, which is a suitable ventilation for the clothing. It has an internal and external safety earpiece, the inner part of which can also play the role of a sound player for the worker. The mask of this design is also in the form of a Darba fan mask with a nano ceramic thermal filter. The garment is one-piece with a zipper. The safety shoe has a soft medical cuff and a small ventilation is embedded on it. The central part of the garment is equipped with the Internet of Things, which can provide safety information. collect each person and there is a monitor on it which is Android with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to connect the cooler to it and adjust the temperature of the clothes cooler by the worker himself and also this monitor to record all pseudo-accidents (by the worker himself) and a camera It is used for more accurate recording of evidence and documents during accidents. By using its audio recording, the worker can directly and easily communicate with the safety expert and first aid both to request help faster and to get information related to the safety of a person. Work (if the worker lacks knowledge). The central part of this garment has a system sensitive to the presence of smoke of the absorbent sensor type (ASD) and has the ability to open two layers of clothing for washing, although due to the proper ventilation of the garment, it needs to be washed later. All the electronic components of the garment are made of It is fed through the power source in the center of the garment and has a second power source as a spare, which is direct current. The clothes have two inner (natural) and outer (artificial) layers, and circuit connections are installed between these two waterproof layers. Smart workwear has an electrical circuit that warns of the absence of personal safety equipment (in the form of sound, vibration and light specific to each individual safety equipment) using magnetic connections and has the ability to be selectively installed on the safety equipment needed in any industry in such a way that The signals collected from each part of the clothing (the signal related to wearing or not wearing personal safety equipment) are sent to the central part of the clothing and there it warns the person in the form of sound and vibration , and the person must also stop this Warning, wear the relevant equipment. This clothing is equipped with a cooler inside the back collar, which is a suitable ventilation for the clothing. It has an internal and external safety earpiece, the inner part of which can also play the role of a sound player for the worker. The mask of this design is also in the form of a Darba fan mask with a nano ceramic thermal filter. The garment is one-piece with a zipper. The safety shoe has a soft medical cuff and a small ventilation is embedded on it. The central part of the garment is equipped with the Internet of Things, which can provide safety information. collect each person and there is a monitor on it which is Android with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to connect the cooler to it and adjust the temperature of the clothes cooler by the worker himself and also this monitor to record all pseudo-accidents (by the worker himself) and a camera It is used for more accurate recording of evidence and documents during accidents. By using its audio recording, the worker can directly and easily communicate with the safety expert and first aid both to request help faster and to get information related to the safety of a person. Work (if the worker lacks knowledge). The central part of this garment has a system sensitive to the presence of smoke of the absorbent sensor type (ASD) and has the ability to open two layers of clothing for washing, although due to the proper ventilation of the garment, it needs to be washed later. All the electronic components of the garment are made of It is fed through the power source in the center of the garment and has a second power source as a spare, which is direct current. The clothes have two inner (natural) and outer (artificial) layers, and circuit connections are installed between these two waterproof layers. |
129 |
Suthanmaporn Wongsanganan |
THAILAND | ChocoPro (Dietary Supplement Product) | Dietary supplements that help solve the problem of children eating little, having difficulty eating, and at risk of malnutrition. This product is a cocoa drink containing plant-based proteins including oats, soybeans, and pumpkin along with healthy fat, omega-3. It also has multi-vitamins and minerals such as Ca, Fe, and Zn for the growth and development of children. |
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Suthanmaporn Wongsanganan |
THAILAND | ClearPro (Dietary Supplement Product) | Dietary supplements that help solve the problem of children eating little, having difficulty eating, and at risk of malnutrition. This product is a fruit drink containing clear proteins including pea and rice along with healthy fat, omega-3. It also has multi-vitamins and minerals such as Ca, Fe, and Zn for the growth and development of children. |
131 |
Pornanong Aramwit , Pornanong Aramwit , Veerakiet Boonkanokwong |
THAILAND | B-Cumin: Optimal curcuminoid delivery system for best clinical result | Curcumin is considered as phyto-steroid. It has many advantages in clinical applications including anti-inflammatory reaction, immune activating activity. However, the absorption of this compound is so limited. This system can significantly increase the absorption which can be applied in several clinical uses. |
132 |
Marko Maricevic , Marko Maricevic |
CROATIA | TACTILE PENDANTS FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED AND BLIND PEOPLE | Tactile pendants consist of braille and typographic elements. The innovation's distinctiveness lies in the personalization of the pendant to the user's needs and the ability to be produced using various additive manufacturing technologies. Additive manufacturing technologies allow for the production of personalized products without increasing the production time and cost. Advantages: An easy possibility of creating with a 3D printer. Selection of environmentally friendly thermoplastics that are wear-resistant. Possibility of individualization and personalization without increasing the cost and time of production. On-demand manufacturing. Purpose: Improving communication with visually impaired and blind individuals |
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Dubravko Rogale , Dubravko Rogale , Zeljko Knezic , SINISA FAJT |
CROATIA | MEASUREMENT SYSTEM FOR MEASURING THE ACOUSTIC IMPEDANCE OF POLYMERS DURING ULTRASONIC WELDING | To determine the ultrasound welding time, it is necessary to know the values of 43 different parameters. One parameter is the speed of propagation of sound in the polymer material, which determines its acoustic impedance. It is well known for some chemically pure polymers, but not for textile fabrics (woven, knitted, nonwoven). This innovation determines the velocity of propagation of ultrasound in these materials using an ultrasound transmitter and receiver at a given distance. The distance and delay of the measurement signal from the transmitter to the receiver. The calculated propagation rate based on the measured distance between the receiver and the transmitter and the signal delay on the receiver, if the density of the material is known, shall be used to calculate acoustic impedance and the total time required for ultrasonic connection of the material. |
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Tomislav Bronzin , Tomislav Bronzin |
CROATIA | MRAssistant | MRAssistant is an innovative digital platform that enables the contextualization of the industrial environment using mixed reality and is intended to improve the process of production, assembly, installation, assembly, and monitoring of plants and monitoring systems in various vertical industries (energy, transport, production, construction, shipbuilding, general security, etc. ) using artificial intelligence (UI) or virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) technologies. The option of precise digital detection of body/hand gestures in real-time, and positioning within the VR/AR/MR environment, opens the door to complete freedom of managing/shaping the virtual space. The mentioned scenario enables the creation, manipulation, updating, and visualization of 3D content at the level of physical representation. Intelligent control of the user interface through a combination of gestures and voice commands in augmented reality (AR] enables the freedom to manipulate real objects with hands. |
135 |
Zvonimir Lukadinovic , Zvonimir Lukadinovic |
CROATIA | Wastewater treatment plant for treating technological wastewater | Wastewater treatment plant for treating technological wastewater, integrated in container. The container is insulated, ventilated, air-conditioned and intended for delivery in medium temperature climate. Raw wastewater is pumped from inlet pump shaft to mechanical pre-treatment. Mechanically treated wastewater from rottary drum goes on further treatment. Mechanically treated wastewater through flow-meter enters physico-chemical treatment – tubular flocculator where required chemicals are dosed using three dosing pumps. After dosing and mixing, wastewater enters Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) unit where treated wastewater is separated from sludge. Treated wastewater drains to clean water tank, while sludge drains to sludge tank using blades. In order to successfully perform physico-chemical treatment, preparation of aqueous solution of polyelectrolyte is required. Preparation of 0,1% polyelectrolyte solution takes place in a three-chamber device from concentrated liquid polyelectrolyte. After physico-chemical treatment, treated wastewater comes to the final filtration through a sand filter from which it returns to the production process. |
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Dominik Despot , Dominik Despot , Mentor: Daniel Bele |
CROATIA | ÜBERENIGMA | Überenigma is one of the most advanced modern cryptographic algorithms used for encrypting and decrypting data such as binary strings, text files, images, etc. It represents the next step in the evolution of cryptographic algorithms for data protection due to its complexity but also due to its lightning-fast speed, which enables encrypting and decrypting huge blocks of data (1TB+) in just a couple of seconds. Due to its complexity and speed, compared to the competition, Überenigma is by far the fastest. That speed stems all the way from the program being written in C language due to its superior speed, in which every single bit of used memory is manually allocated, to the lack of a graphical interface to save the processor’s resources. The core of the algorithm is based on extremely complex mathematical functions, and its 7.45x10316216 combinations make it unbeatable up to the arrival of quantum computers. |
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Adnan Besirevic , Adnan Besirevic , Mentor: Sinisa Tevelly , Mentor: ZELJKO VRABEC |
CROATIA | MODIFIED CANE FOR BLIND PERSONS | The cane is primarily intended for blind people, but it can also be used by people with low vision. It differs from a classic stick in that it has a sensor that detects an obstacle and sends a sound signal about it. |
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Lovro Zoricic , Lovro Zoricic , Mentor: Zeljko Situm |
CROATIA | PNEUMATIC ROBOTIC ARM WITH A FLEXIBLE GRIPPER | Prototype of a pneumatic robotic arm with three degrees of freedom, which has a flexible gripper with the possibility of adapting to the shape of the manipulated object. This type of manipulator can be used to perform monotonous tasks of manipulating objects with asymmetrical geometric shapes, randomly oriented in space. Such activities in the processes of sorting objects generally require a considerable amount of manual work. For these tasks, the application of robotic manipulators with standard grippers would be ineffective. The advantage of flexible grippers compared to conventional grippers is the absence of stopping the manipulator's action due to the replacement of the working tool for manipulating objects of different shapes in the manipulator's workspace. The manipulator is made using pneumatic actuators to achieve translational and rotational motion. The flexible gripper is designed using the principles of bio-inspired soft robotics and is made of readily available materials. |
139 |
Vjekoslav Majetic , Vjekoslav Majetic |
CROATIA | GASIFICATION OF WASTE SLUDGE | • Fully automatic and 24 hours continuous production adopting advanced technology can produce good quality fuel oil. • Fully automatic, no need labor, high-temperature and enclosed discharging, which is environmental-friendly, clean and dust-free. • Unique anti-sticking devices, wich can achieve continuous production of special materials. • Large capacity with 20-50 tons per day; during production, there is no need for fuel because the non-condensable gas produced gasification can support the whole process of production. • Raw material input– Sludge from biological waste water treatment. • Waste treatment unit- Reactor. The gasification process is completely closed, unfolding without the presence of oxygen. Environmental-friendly and pollution-free (general hazardous waste processing standards), with national patent smoke scrubbers which can remove acid gas and dust from smoke, Products are: - synthetic gas (main fuels: methane, hydrogen and carbon monoxide) - solid residue (consisting of non-combustible materials (eg minerals) and small amounts of carbon) |
140 |
Domagoj Vrsaljko , Marijan-Pere Markovic, , Ivan Karlo Cingesar, , PETAR KASSAL, , Domagoj Vrsaljko, |
CROATIA | DESIGN AND PRODUCTION OF A MILLIREACTOR SYSTEM WITH A pH-SENSITIVE COATING | Development of a millireactor system with a pH-responsive sensor coating on the surface of the channel. The use of the sol-gel method with specific precursors and a pH indicator to produce a sensor layer and stereolithography (SLA), a 3D printing technology to produce the millireactors, are both innovative approaches. The main goal is to obtain a functional pH sensor film that can react in real time (on-line) in the millireactor channels. The innovation lies in the development of a highly sensitive and reliable pH sensor film that can detect pH changes within a short period of time. The use of 3D printing technology to fabricate the millireactors also demonstrates an innovative approach to the design and fabrication of microfluidic devices. This innovation has significant implications for various applications such as drug discovery, chemical synthesis, and biological analysis, where precise control of pH is critical to the success of experiments. |
141 |
Kresimir Cickovic , Kresimir Cickovic |
CROATIA | GRAPE AND ROSE PETALS FLAVOURED KOMOVICA BRANDY | The product is an excellent combination of fine domestic komovica brandy (grape-based or some other strong natural brandy), carefully hand-selected berries of freshly picked domestic table grapes, as well as carefully selected quality petals of fragrant roses from a local plantation, picked with the first rays of the morning sun. The effort and time invested, along with the ideal ratio of quality grapes, brandy and rose flower essence, ultimately result in an eye-catching, delicious dessert drink with an intense aroma of the flower of all flowers. You have it right in front of you, enjoy! |
142 |
Amur Aljabri |
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Saa’f | Saa’f is a way to enhance the security measures for legal papers such as banknotes and passports. It is meant to feel different upon touching it. Why do we need such measures for these papers? The answer is simple, it is to reduce fraudulent banknotes from spreading which can wreak havoc upon the economy. There are many ways to protect such sensitive commodities, such as adding a serial number, hidden engraving, signature which is handwritten and ETC…. By pushing one step further Saa’f is meant to accomplish just an increase of security to help in this endeavor. In this research paper a discussion has been made about how adding saa’f will improve security measures and it will provide a unique opportunity to introduce our culture to newly visitors by having an engraving of sorts on the banknotes which the material is made out of palm fronds and having some sort of text which will further enhance the security capability. Discussing how we can implement this in an old and new banknote by adding saa’f and if it is possible with a polymer bank note, figuring out if palm fronds are long term or will it weather away by time. |
143 |
Darya Ansarin |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Investigating the Synergistic Effect of Selenium Nanoparticles and Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum) Extract on Breast Cancer (MCF7) and Cervical Cancer (Hella) | The advent of nanotechnology in recent decades has brought significant attention to the utilization of nanoparticles for enhancing biological activities, reducing toxicity, and advancing treatment processes. Concurrently, there has been a substantial increase in the utilization of medicinal plants for treating various cancer types, including breast, cervical, and breast cancer, in recent years. Due to its practical and efficient attributes, milk thistle (Silybum marianum) has shown effectiveness in drug delivery, ensuring high stability and volatility. This study delves into examining the anticancer properties and the synergistic impact of selenium nanoparticles and milk thistle plant extract on two distinct cancer cell types, cervical and breast cancer. The milk thistle plant extract was obtained via the Soxhlet apparatus, while the quality of the purchased selenium nanoparticles was assessed for efficiency and release potential. Cell viability, determined through the MTT method, revealed that the combined application of milk thistle extract and selenium nanoparticles exhibited the highest cytotoxic effect compared to individual treatments. Furthermore, microscopic examination of breast and cervical cancer cells demonstrated a significant reduction in cell growth rate and cancer cell size following the application of the synergistic combination of milk thistle extract and selenium nanoparticles. In conclusion, the concurrent use of milk thistle plant extract and selenium nanoparticles exhibits highly favorable effects against two distinct cancer cell types. This approach offers cost-efficiency, natural ingredients, and easy accessibility to the general public, making it an effective and efficient methodology. |
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Zahra Khoshdouni Farahani , Pouya Goleij , Seyed Mohammad Reza Davoudi , Mohammad Sadegh Torkaman , Melina Keivanzade |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Production of Functional Beverage by Encapsulation of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidants Using Native Hydrocolloids and Animal Protein | The presence of free radicals in the environment, along with their side effect on human health, has heightened consumer awareness regarding the importance of antioxidants and polyphenols as bioactive compounds. Natural sources of these compounds, such as various fruits and plants have garnered significant attention in the food industry. In the production of this beverage, innovative techniques have been employed to safeguard these valuable compounds. This involves encapsulating the bioactive components found in Ziziphus jujube's phenolic extract, which possesses antioxidant and phenolic properties. This unique combination adds value to the product and contributes to its health benefits. The encapsulation process utilizes extrusion method to create capsules comprising two components: bioactive compounds and polysaccharides/proteins. Given the abundant production of jujuba in both Iran and worldwide, incorporating it in processed forms can benefit producers and facilitate exports. As a result, incorporating jujuba in products like functional beverages in a protected form can enhance consumer appeal and contribute to increased consumption of fortified beverages. In recent years, the global beverage market has experienced substantial growth, with various valuable product categories within this industry. Moreover, by substituting a portion of more expensive gel-forming hydrocolloids with cost-effective native hydrocolloids to form a composite hydrocolloid coating, the final product can be more economically priced. Some gelling ydrocolloids are linear polysaccharides known for their biodegradability, thickening, emulsifying, and gelling properties. On the other hand, some native gums are non-starch hydrocolloids with polysaccharide characteristics, offering stabilizing, suspending, and viscosity-enhancing properties. Incorporating whey protein, a by-product of cheese manufacturing, into the capsule formula brings added value due to its attributes such as high digestibility, excellent solubility, viscosity enhancement, gel-forming capabilities, and emulsification properties. Its composition typically includes fat, lactose, and protein, resulting in a highly nutritious product for consumers. |
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Aida Kassany |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Solar PV Power Plant | Due to the increase in global demand for energy and electricity production and reduction of fossil fuels, the word community is trying to find a way to compensate for this shortage by using renewable fuels. One of. These are the clean methods of using solar energy. In this article, we learned about solar photovoltaic cells and the operation of its panels and how its power plant work. According to the data, solutions have been given to increase the productivity and efficiency of these power plants. |
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Aida Jamaly , Avin Jamaly , Mohammad Reza Amiri , Seyed Mohammad Reza Davoudi , Sahar Najafian |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Electromagnetic Smart Workwear with the Ability to Warn if all Components of Personal Protective Equipment are not Fully Covered and Send Data Related to Each Person to the Safety Expert | Smart workwear has an electrical circuit that warns if the absence of personal safety equipment (in the form of sound, vibration and light specific to each individual safety equipment) using magnetic connections and has the ability to be selectively installed on the safety equipment needed in any industry in such a way that The signals collected from each part of the clothing (the signal related to wearing or not wearing personal safety equipment) are sent to the central part of the clothing and there it warns the person in the form of sound and vibration , and the person must also stop this Warning, wear the relevant equipment. This clothing is equipped with a cooler inside the back collar, which is a suitable ventilation for the clothing. It has an internal and external safety earpiece, the inner part of which can also play the role of a sound player for the worker. The mask of this design is also in the form of a Darba fan mask with a nano ceramic thermal filter. The garment is one-piece with a zipper. The safety shoe has a soft medical cuff and a small ventilation is embedded on it. The central part of the garment is equipped with the Internet of Things, which can provide safety information. collect each person and there is a monitor on it which is Android with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to connect the cooler to it and adjust the temperature of the clothes cooler by the worker himself and also this monitor to record all pseudo-accidents (by the worker himself) and a camera It is used for more accurate recording of evidence and documents during accidents. By using its audio recording, the worker can directly and easily communicate with the safety expert and first aid both to request help faster and to get information related to the safety of a person. Work (if the worker lacks knowledge). The central part of this garment has a system sensitive to the presence of smoke of the absorbent sensor type (ASD) and has the ability to open two layers of clothing for washing, although due to the proper ventilation of the garment, it needs to be washed later. All the electronic components of the garment are made of It is fed through the power source in the center of the garment and has a second power source as a spare, which is direct current. The clothes have two inner (natural) and outer (artificial) layers, and circuit connections are installed between these two waterproof layers. |
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Matin Mehnati Najafabadi , Mahdi Montazeri Najafabadi , Mohammad Montazeri Najafabadi , Hossein Lotfalipor , Sadra Hojati , Mahdi Sarbaz Najafabadi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Special Footwear with Front and Side Sensors to Help Blind People Detect Obstacles and with Shoe Sole Sensors to Detect Height, Water, and Freezing with the Possibility of Being Connected to a Belt to Detect Obstacles for the Middle of the Body (Roshan Gam) | Target: - Helping the blind to have an easier life - Better presence in group and social activities - Independence in movement and maintaining the dignity of the blind - Preventing the damages of the urban obstacles for the blind - Increasing the speed of blind people's activities and their better participation in sports activities Necessity: After extensive research and the examination of the available tools and instruments, it was concluded that the equipment available in the market has many limitations and obstacles which necessitates the existence of a more convenient and safer tool.Roshan Gam is a practical and cheap device with many capabilities, some of which are mentioned below.Timely detection of obstacles - Detection of all obstacles in front of and on the sides of the blind's foot from a range of 30 cm that can be adjusted for a greater range of up to 4 meters. - Shoe sole sensor that can detect height, potholes, stairs, water, frost, and snow. - LED strip that causes the blind person to be seen in the dark. - The capability to move and transfer the system to another shoe as all the sensors are mounted on a skeleton. - Announcing the distance of each sensor to the obstacle through a special vibration on the belt. Considering a power bank inside the belt to supply energy to the sensors It is easy for the blind to interact with the device. Another feature of the Roshan Gam is that it can be used by night blind people and those who work in the mines. Another important characteristic of Roshan Gam is that its system has been designed in such a way that the special gloves and headbands can be connected to it wirelessly. The special headband with a sensor makes it possible to protect the head of the blind from obstacles. Application: One of the important points regarding the effectiveness of a product is its cheapness and availability and Roshan Gam has both of these qualities and can be considered as an effective product for the population of 180 million blind and visually impaired people. It can be used to help blind people to move independently and to prevent them from isolation and seclusion. Another important function is that it is easy to use and can be utilized for the blind people at any age. Moreover, it can be used in the shortest training time. |
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Seyed Radin Sadri , Shahrokh Fazlali , Parsa Amirkhanloo , Kiavash Nosrati , Mohammad Taha Tat |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Automatic car emergency call system | A large number of car accidents occur in the world every year; Each of them will lead to unfortunate events. On the other hand, after these accidents, communication and contact with rescue and aid forces is done in different ways: by the injured person, by the public forces present at the scene, etc. These methods face various challenges such as not having enough information, inaccurate address, delay in sending information, etc. Our team has designed an emergency call system to solve these challenges and problems, which you will learn more about below. A fire, accident, dent, etc. may occur in the car. We have designed an intelligent system that will provide emergency aid to the injured person by detecting what happened in the car. We put this smart system in the car and this system can detect what the problem is. For example, if there is a fire, the sensor automatically sends to the relevant center, for example, it calls the fire department and sends the location of the car. We place several different sensors in different places of the car, including the gas tank, different parts of the car chassis, near the car engine, passenger seat, etc. We control all these sensors using an integrated circuit, and we also establish the security of the sensors, so that when an accident occurs, it sends an SMS or calls to the relevant organization and also sends the location of the accident site. We use a fire sensor to detect a fire, which after detecting a fire or smoke and high heat, contacts the fire department and sends the location. In case of a dent in different places of the cabin, the police will be contacted and the location will be sent with the sensors that we have placed. Or when there is a serious accident, when the chassis of the car is heavily damaged and the airbag is out, contact the emergency and send the location. If this invention is carried out, it will save the life and safety of the driver by automatically requesting help from various organizations in times of need, and emergency assistance will be provided to the person. This system can be used in different cars and car drivers can use this plan to save lives and reduce damage to themselves and the car. With the implementation of this plan, a comprehensive model of law enforcement in accidents and unfortunate events will occur. Even the smallest accidents will be reported to the police department. Life injuries in the car will be minimized, the fastest possible situation will happen in order to inform the relevant authorities about the danger, and the rescue forces will be informed as soon as possible and reach the accident site. This design can be added as an installation device to the current cars and added by the company to the cars under construction. This plan has advantages over other plans in the market. For example: the SOS key that is on some expensive cars in the market, this plan does not need a unified center, and each car can communicate with all related centers such as police, emergency, fire, etc. automatically. It also sends the location of the car and there is no need to press the key, because in an emergency, the person may break his hand or not be able to press the key. This plan will save the person when the driver's life is in danger, and by detecting a fire or overheating of the car engine, in addition to protecting the car from danger, it will also protect the health and life of the person. |
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Armin Raji , Reza Nayebmorad |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Real-time Automatic Detection of Leukemic Cells from Bone Marrow Optical Images Using Machine Learning Algorithms | Leukemia, a type of blood cancer, is a critical and life-threatening disease. Early detection and accurate diagnosis are crucial for effective treatment and improved patient outcomes. Timely identification of leukemia allows for prompt initiation of appropriate therapies, enhancing the chances of remission and increased survival rates. While several diagnostic techniques exist for leukemia detection, they often suffer from certain limitations. Traditional methods such as bone marrow aspiration and biopsy are invasive, uncomfortable for patients, and can lead to complications. To address these limitations, a novel system combining the techniques of labeling cancer cells, optical imaging, and computer-aided diagnosis holds great promise. This integrated approach aims to improve the accuracy, efficiency, and non-invasiveness of leukemia diagnosis. The proposed system involves the use of aptamers labeled with fluorescent dyes that selectively bind to leukemia cells, distinguishing them from healthy cells. These labeled cells are then visualized using a multimodal imaging approach, which combines the use of photoacoustic tomography, optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy (ORPAM), and optical coherence tomography (OCT)." Furthermore, computer-aided diagnosis algorithms are employed to analyze the captured images and automatically identify leukemia cells with high precision. These algorithms can detect subtle abnormalities in cell morphology, distribution, and staining patterns, aiding in accurate diagnosis. This innovative approach not only revolutionizes the way we detect and treat leukemia by providing a higher level of precision, efficiency, and patient-friendliness, but it also offers time-saving advantages and reduces reliance on manual work ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and contributing to the fight against leukemia. |
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Ali Alali , Ali Humaid |
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | sustainability electricity charging station | In an era marked by burgeoning environmental awareness and the rapid advancement of technology, our project emerges as a beacon of innovation poised to reshape the landscape of highway transportation. With a keen focus on sustainability, convenience, and technological prowess, we embark on a journey to construct an Electric Highway Charging Station - a groundbreaking solution designed to address a critical deficit in our country's infrastructure. As the global shift toward electric vehicles gains momentum, one glaring challenge remains - the lack of reliable and accessible charging stations, particularly along our highways. This deficit has impeded the widespread adoption of electric cars, hindering progress towards cleaner air and a greener future. Our project aims to bridge this gap by introducing a stateof-the-art electric vehicle charging station, uniquely powered by solar energy and managed through an intelligent interplay of voltage sensors, Arduino and ESP control systems, and a user-friendly mobile application. This report delves into the intricacies of our Electric Highway Charging Station project, elucidating its fundamental components, innovative design, and transformative potential. By harnessing renewable energy sources and implementing cutting-edge technologies, our project strives to not only redefine highway travel but also lay the foundation for a sustainable and electrifying future |
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Arshia Jannat Makan , Arad Ghasemi , Amir Hossein Azmoon , Mohammadreza Fazeli , Amir Javad Pourkhosh Saadat |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Mechanical liquid-dispensing brush equipped with a tank | One of the challenges of combing and blow drying the hair is using a brush, solution and hair dryer at the same time. This activity, in addition to the fact that this can lead to non-optimal use of the solution and fatigue in the arms. This invention, which works mechanically, drops the solution on the hair. This brush consists of two main parts: the handle and the brush head. The brush handle includes two springs and a rubber piece to guide the liquid inside the channels. These two springs create the driving force of this tool. The solution is placed on top of the rubber piece and if the duct lock is opened upon use, the solution is pushed into the duct by the pressure of the springs. All the bristles4 of the brush are connected to the branches that the solution enters the branches through the channel and drop by drop It falls from the bristles on the user's hair. |
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Kousha Rostami , Hasan Kakanezhadifard |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Implementation of an OCR model using the HOG feature and a standard KNN Classifier and building a handwritten Python code interpreter using OCR | Step 1 : finding the appropriate dataset and providing the data from the code. At first we needed a database containing letters, numbers and symbols. After checking different databases, we used the EMNIST (Extended MNIST) database. To use this data, we converted the data of this database into standard arrays in “numpy” using the “idx2numpy” module. Step 2: training OCR model with HOG feature and KNN classifier. After entering the data, with the help of the scikit-image module, the HOG feature is calculated for all available data (for example, letters) and stored in the list. On the other hand, the labels of these data are also available. After that, with the help of the scikit-learn module, we add a raw KNN Classifier model and train it. After the final model is produced, its accuracy is measured for the test data, which in our final produced model has an accuracy of about89%. step 3: Building a module for image processing and finding letters and words in images At this stage, a lot of image processing is done with the help of the OpenCv module. First, the input image is pre-processed on it in several steps from RGB to Gray, and in Gray, the blur operation is performed, and then they are converted to black and white with the help of Threshold. Threshold boundaries have been experimentally obtained by testing different threshold levels so that the best results can be obtained in the test samples. Then we find the connected areas (contours) and after finding them, we try to place a rectangle for these areas and arrange them from left to right and for each of the rectangular contours we make a handwritten guess. |
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M.javad Haghi , Parsa Sajjadi , Mehrad Faridi , ARMIN TOHID ASL |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Intelligent Hospital Trolley Robot | This invention presents a holonomic mobile trolley with mecanum wheels which has the maneuverability to move in all directions. This robotic trolley used in hospitals can detect patients' skeletons by image processing and follow them in rooms, halls, and corridors. Since the trolley has a serum holder, it is used as an automatic mobile serum holder that follows patients. This trolley also has a 6 DoF Arm robot to pick up the patient's belongings from the trolley desk and give it to the patient. This robotic arm is also controlled by voice command, similar to trolley drawers that open and close by voice commands. |
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Mohammad Hosein Abedi Nejad |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | The effect of normal skin and soil flora bacteria on antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus | Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunist that lives as a normal flare on the surface of the skin and inside the respiratory tracts of most people. When the body's immune system is weakened for various reasons, such as viral diseases, burns, etc., it acts as a bacterium. Opportunist causes secondary infection and in the last decade, due to the increase in the use of different antibiotics such as penicillin, resistance has been seen in this bacterial species, which has led to the emergence of a new serotype of this bacteria called staphylococcus resistant to generation antibiotics. First and second, it is very difficult to treat it as a secondary infection in hospitals and it leads to the death of the patient if the infection is not treated. There are different treatment methods to treat this bacteria, which is considered resistant to antibiotics, such as the use of third and fourth-generation antibiotics, the use of these antibiotics causes the appearance of bacteria resistant to these antibiotics, in other ways. The treatment for these antibiotic-resistant bacteria is to use the normal flora of healthy people, such as skin mucus, etc., or normal bacteria that live in the soil, thus taking the normal bacteria and transferring the metabolites resulting from their activity to the site. They transmit antibioticresistant opportunistic bacterial infections. These metabolites prevent the spread of Staphylococcus aureus infection. In this study, our research team has sought to use bacteria from the normal soil flora and mucus of normal people to prevent the progression of Staphylococcus aureus infection by cultivating and isolating a series of special bacteria that can fight Staphylococcus aureus infection. |
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Amirhossein Manafi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Synthesis Carbohydrate Quantum Dots | Investigating the effect of temperature, pressure, time and the presence of amine-containing substances in the synthesis process. In this research, six synthesis series (1-6) were conducted, and in each series, six samples (A-E) were synthesized. Sample A: 6.00g Glucose, 60ml Distilled water Sample B: 6.00g Lactose, 60ml Distilled water Sample C: 6.00g Sucrose, 60ml Distilled water Sample D: 3.00g Glucose, 3.00g Lactose, 60ml Distilled water Sample E: 3.00g Glucose, 3.00g Sucrose, 60ml Distilled water Sample F: 3.00g Lactose, 3.00g Sucrose, 60ml Distilled water In the first series, six samples were heated on a heater at 75 degrees Celsius, and in the second series, the samples were heated at 90 degrees Celsius. In the third series, similar to the first series, the samples were heated at 75 degrees Celsius, but 0.30 grams of ammonium nitrate were added to the initial materials. The samples in the fourth series were also synthesized at 90 degrees Celsius and included 0.30 grams of ammonium. The fifth and sixth series had the same initial materials as the third and fourth series, with the only difference being that the samples in the fourth and fifth series were synthesized in an autoclave at 120 degrees Celsius and a pressure of 20 psi. |
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Mohamadamin Aghel Khalifehgheshlaghi , Hami Khojaste , Seyedkasra Safavi , Seyedarshia Safavi , Seyedahora Safavi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Antibiotic Spray Coated with Silver Nanoparticles | Find a solution for the survival of patients with widespread burn with the help of nanomedicine. Project Importance and Necessity: The problem that acute burn patients face is to cover their wounds. Therefore, it is necessary to cover the burnt wound as soon as possible with regard to the percentage and life of the burn. Another problem that exist after passing the acute phase and reviving acute burn patients is the burn infection. *The burn infection is the most common cause of death of acute burn patients. We must have isolated and completely-separate wards in the country's medical centers in order to be able to minimize the number of infections caused by burns. We should use proper temporary covers after the burning. These covers prevent bacteria and microorganisms from entering the wound. Consequently, widespread infections do not occur in the body of the burned patient. A quotation from Dr. Asadi, a member of the Research Council for the Burn Research Center of the University of Iranian Medical Science. Chapter 2: Research Literature Humans needed an antibacterial substance to prevent infections due to the great importance of burn treatment and the fact that many people died due to infection resulted from burns or bacterial diseases before the discovery of antibiotics. |
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Mani Mosali |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Evaluation of Antibacterial effect of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Mentha longifolia. Cinnamon, Brassica Napus and Zataria Multiflora on Escherichia coli | As the awareness about the dangerous side effects of synthesis antibiotics is growing, the request for natural alternatives of these drugs has been increased. Natural materials reduce the danger of these side effects. Anti-bacterial compounds with herbal sources have a wide range of therapeutic use. Escherichia coli is a pathogenic bacteria transmitted by infected food. Worldwide epi- demics of this disease have been reported. The signs and symptoms of E. coli exposure include diarrhea, nausea, ulcerative colitis, abdominal pain and, in some cases, kidney disorders or death, especially among children. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of antibacterial effects of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Mentha longifolia, Cinnamon, Brassica Napus and Zataria multi- flora on Escherichia coli bacteria. Materials and Methods For alcoholic extracts, twenty grams of samples were soaked for 48 hours in 96% etha- nol and stored. The extracts were obtained using smooth filter paper and condensed us- ing a rotary. Also, 1 ml of each extract was poured into a petri dish, dried and the concentration was determined. Then 3 concentrations were prepared from it . For aqueous extracts twenty grams of samples were boiled in 200 ml of water. Then, it was filtered and The method mentioned in the previous step was to determine the con- centration and 3 concentrations were prepared from it. The well diffusion method was performed using the standard procedure (CLSI) .The four extracts in 3 dilutions (25, 50, 100 mg /ml) were tested by the well diffusion meth- od. Bacterial suspensions with a turbidity equivalent to 0.5 McFarland (1.5×108) CFU/ ml in BHI broth (Brain Heart infusion broth) were prepared. Then, the suspension was cultured on Muller Hinton Agar .The wells with diameter of 6-7mm were created using a sterile Pasteur pipette. Then, 100 μl of prepared concentrations of the extract was poured into each well. The diameter of growth inhibition zone was measured after 24 hours of incubation at 37 oC. The presence of an inhibition zone was regarded as the presence of antimicrobial action. The average diameter of the zone was measured in millimeters. Result: The Brassica Napus L. alcoholic extract prevented the growth of Escherichia coli bacte- ria. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration from the growth of this bacteria ranges from 25 mg/ml to 100 mg/ml. |
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Parham Arabzadeh |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Study of molecular pathways involved in bipolar disease article | Bipolar disorder is a chronic mood disorder that can develop due to genetic and environmental factors. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there have been over eight million cases of bipolar disorder worldwide in recent years, making it the sixth most common medical disability among individuals aged 15-44. Adolescents are particularly susceptible to the onset of bipolar disorder, with the first mood episode often being depression. Diagnosis of bipolar disorder involves considering the symptoms of major depressive and chronic mania periods, with bipolar types I and II being the most prevalent phases. While men and women are equally affected by BP-I, it is more prevalent in women. Misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder is common, with around 40% of cases being misdiagnosed. Inefficient treatment of this disorder can also increase the risk of suicide. The most effective treatments for bipolar disorder are medication and mood stabilizers such as lithium or lamotrigine, as well as socio-psychological treatments such as cognitive-behavioral or educational psychology groups. These treatments have been proven to help control depressive symptoms in most patients with bipolar disorder over the long term. |
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Kampanart Bunrasri |
THAILAND | AIYARA BUDDY GO | High plant protein supplement (plant-based protein) with vitamin and mineral. Total calory is only 260 KCal without lactose, cholesterol and transfat |
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Kampanart Bunrasri |
THAILAND | AIYARA AIFACAD | Fish oil product contains high EPA and DHA together with curcumin extract |
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Pornpimol Pakkhem |
THAILAND | Pennii Popcorn®: Pennii Popcorn Salted Butter Probiotic | Pennii Popcorn Salted Butter Probiotic is a healthy popcorn infused with probiotics. It's designed to promote gut health while delivering the delicious taste of salted butter. This unique snack combines the savory flavor of buttered popcorn with the benefits of probiotics, making it a flavorful and beneficial treat for your digestive system |
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Serveh Gorjipour , Amirhossein Moradnia |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Portable door and window joint with automatic distance detection mechanism and temperature adjustment intelligence | This invention pertains to a portable door andwindow holding mechanism equipped with anautomated distance detection system. Its primary purpose is to enforce residential safety protocols, including the ability to gauge temperature ranges and adjust environmental conditions. This innovation possesses the capability to monitor environmental conditions and, in situations involving a risk of gas exposure, automatically open windows to enhance ventilation. In such instances, it not only promotes better air circulation but also transmits location information to emergency services for prompt response. Furthermore, this joint plays a crucial role in averting potential hazards and significant injuries to children and the elderly during episodes of strong winds. It achieves this by utilizing sensors connected to another device component to automatically detect distances, thereby ensuring resident safety. In cases where the prescribed distance threshold is exceeded, it issues a warning to residents and intelligently closes the door to mitigate potential risks. In the results of the laboratory, it is stated that the purity percentage of glycerin produced from fuel with natural catalyst is 96% and with chemical catalyst is 93%. -What is important in this invention is that it prevents the death of people by using its mechanism and cuts off the electricity before any dangerous incident to prevent fire. -The target society of this invention is all members of the society. -The innovation of this invention is the use of Internet of Things technology and artificial intelligence to quickly detect the accident and cut off the electricity to prevent the accident. |
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Mohammad Ghasemian , Omid Reza Hemadi , Saber Bakhtiaryfar , Adib Dashtizadeh , Ali Mollahassani |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Al Venous Catheterization Device | At the forefront of medical technology, our device addresses the critical challenge of venous access. Venous access is paramount in patient care, especially for those in emergency and cardiac conditions. Traditionally, obtaining venous access has been a complex and often error-prone task for healthcare professionals. Our invention revolutionizes this process. Utilizing artificial intelligence, an ARM system, and cutting-edge robotics, our device ensures precise and efficient venipuncture. Here's how it works: Robot A expertly removes the syringe or angiocatheter and navigates it to the targeted vein, all guided by an AI system. Robot B accurately measures skin thickness and vein diameter, using Doppler ultrasound technology. A built-in disinfection system ensures a sterile procedure. Our device performs venipuncture with unparalleled precision, adjusting needle insertion depth based on skin thickness and vein diameter. Key advantages: Automatic infrared and camera-based vein detection. Ability to draw blood or place angiocatheters. Real-time feedback to the user. Our invention represents a monumental leap in healthcare technology, improving patient care and reducing the workload of nurses and physicians. It addresses a critical need and boasts an innovative combination of AI, robotics, and precision engineering. In a world where precision and speed in healthcare are paramount, our Ultrasound Infrared Vein Finder Vein Catcher is a game-changer. It sets a new standard for venous access procedures, ensuring safer and more efficient patient care. This technology could also address critical NHS phlebotomist shortages. |
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Jeff Wang |
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Ilie Nițan , Cezar-Dumitru Popa , Laurențiu-Dan Milici , Mihaela PAVĂL , Ciprian Bejenar , Ovidiu-Magdin Țanța, Mihai Cenușă, Oana-vasilica Grosu |
ROMANIA | SOCKET SAFETY SYSTEM | The invention relates to a socket safety system, intended for overheating protection of the power plug terminals and for increasing the force at the contact level, using a system consisting of two springs that ensure a firm contact. The invention consists of a solution that is actuated by nitinol springs in response to the increase in temperature, leading to their compression, ensuring an increase in force, and therefore a firmly contact with the coupling terminals. |
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Laurențiu-Dan Milici , Ciprian Bejenar , Ilie Nițan , Oana-Vasilica GROSU , Dragoș-Ionuț Vicoveanu , Laura-Cătălina Dospinescu, Mariana-rodica Milici, Artiom Moldovan |
ROMANIA | INTELLIGENT SYSTEM FOR GRIP ENHANCEMENT | The invention relates to an intelligent system for grip enhancement of the footwear sole, depending on the temperature of the movement surface and in relation to the environmental conditions, based on the temperature difference, in that it is equipped with a thermo-mechanical conversion mechanism with a specific constructive form. |
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Laurențiu-Dan Milici , Ciprian Bejenar , Ilie Nițan , Mihai DIMIAN , Mahmoud Abu-Bandora , Irina Alisavetei, Visarion-Cătălin Ifrim, Constantin Ungureanu |
ROMANIA | SOLAR HEATING SYSTEM TO MAINTAIN BATTERIES CHARGED | The invention relates to a solar heating system, integrable in the constructive structure of a vehicle, intended to maintain the temperature and/or charge level of the batteries. It disposes of, so that the phenomenon is controlled through the specific constructive form that facilitates the conversion of solar energy, both in thermal energy as well as in electrical energy and because the system involves thermo-mechanical actuators with autonomous operation, suitable in the automatic regulation of this process. |
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Hanrong Liu |
CHINA | Rustling Small Pet Tunnel | Rustling Ltd is a business focusing on ferret-based small pet supplies. Currently the main product is a collapsible tunnel which the customer can personalise with options and changes in terms of colour and length. Its innovative aspects of cleaning, storage and flexibility distinguish it from other similar products. It also has the rustling sound built into the tunnel which ferrets enjoy, and available in different sizes in diameter to be appropriate for other small pets, such as guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, etc. The tunnel is essential to ferrets as it gives them a similar experience to being in the wild. |
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Hanrong Liu |
CHINA | Rustling Small Pet Tunnel | Rustling Ltd is a business focusing on ferret-based small pet supplies. Currently the main product is a collapsible tunnel which the customer can personalise with options and changes in terms of colour and length. Its innovative aspects of cleaning, storage and flexibility distinguish it from other similar products. It also has the rustling sound built into the tunnel which ferrets enjoy, and available in different sizes in diameter to be appropriate for other small pets, such as guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, etc. The tunnel is essential to ferrets as it gives them a similar experience to being in the wild. |
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Hanrong Liu |
CHINA | Rustling Small Pet Tunnel | Rustling Ltd is a business focusing on ferret-based small pet supplies. Currently the main product is a collapsible tunnel which the customer can personalise with options and changes in terms of colour and length. Its innovative aspects of cleaning, storage and flexibility distinguish it from other similar products. It also has the rustling sound built into the tunnel which ferrets enjoy, and available in different sizes in diameter to be appropriate for other small pets, such as guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, etc. The tunnel is essential to ferrets as it gives them a similar experience to being in the wild. |
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Valentine Atsu |
UNITED KINGDOM | BSafe Lights. | BSafe Lights Ltd is glad to introduces a ground breaking solution for cycling safety — our innovative lights and gloves. Offering unparalleled visibility, our lights feature advanced LED technology ensuring cyclists are seen in any condition. The backlights are equipped with an integrated accelerometer, intelligently signal braking, enhancing overall road safety. Rechargeable and eco-friendly, BSafe Lights aligns with modern sustainability values. Elevate your cycling experience with our stylish and durable lights, ensuring a safe and comfortable ride. BSafe Lights Ltd, is committed to redefining cycling safety. Our mission is to empower cyclists with cutting-edge solutions that prioritise visibility, technology, and sustainability. With a focus on innovation and quality, BSafe Lights is dedicated to creating a safer and more enjoyable cycling experience for riders worldwide. |
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Valentine Atsu |
UNITED KINGDOM | BSafe Lights. | BSafe Lights Ltd is glad to introduces a ground breaking solution for cycling safety — our innovative lights and gloves. Offering unparalleled visibility, our lights feature advanced LED technology ensuring cyclists are seen in any condition. The backlights are equipped with an integrated accelerometer, intelligently signal braking, enhancing overall road safety. Rechargeable and eco-friendly, BSafe Lights aligns with modern sustainability values. Elevate your cycling experience with our stylish and durable lights, ensuring a safe and comfortable ride. BSafe Lights Ltd, is committed to redefining cycling safety. Our mission is to empower cyclists with cutting-edge solutions that prioritise visibility, technology, and sustainability. With a focus on innovation and quality, BSafe Lights is dedicated to creating a safer and more enjoyable cycling experience for riders worldwide. |
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Biswas Mohammad Obaydul Haque |
174 |
Isaac Prempeh |
UNITED KINGDOM | AUTISM AID | CUDDLES PUZZLES is a aid board for person with autism, it allows the person to communicate and express themselves with society. |
175 |
Sandra Whittle , Sandra Whittle |
UNITED KINGDOM | Self-Help Massage Solutions, Massage Mitts and MyKORI | When a patient visits their doctor for their aches, pains and muscle strains and are referred onto physiotherapy, only approximately 2.3% of patients have something seriously wrong with them. That leaves 97.7% of patients that would benefit from being empowered to take control, self-massage offers compelling financial and therapeutic benefits. Not only is self-massage a cost-effective alternative to professional massage services, but it can also empower the patient to self-manage their symptoms in between allied healthcare professional appointments. It would save healthcare expenses, reduce waiting times, and could reduce dependence on pain medication, plus provide a long-lasting solution for self-care. My products have a common design feature of surface nodules: they cause a mechanical stretch on the skin that initiates the positive neuro-physiological and biochemical tissue responses of massage on the body. Mechanoreceptors are recognised for pain relief and other positive responses within the body. |
176 |
Edyta Wolczyk , Mariusz Kosmowski , Andrzej Dowgiałło , Marek Jakubowski , Jaroslaw Diakun |
POLAND | Set of devices for carp processing | Presented set of devices creates a line for carp processing to the different forms of commercial products, such as deheaded and gutted fish, pieces of fish and semifillets. Two of the presented machines - fishbone cutter for deheaded and gutted carps and fishbone cutter for fillets - allow for cutting intermuscular bones in the products for short, 3-mm pieces that are not detectable by the consumer and that pose no health threat. Using presented machines replaces time-consuming manual processing previously occured in small carp processing plants. |
177 |
Edyta Wolczyk , Anna Rudawska , Izabela Miturska-Barańska |
POLAND | Holder for fixing a sample of butt adhesive joint | The holder for fixing a butt adhesive joint of pipes allows for quick and accurate fixing of a sample of a sleeve adhesive joint and control of the execution of various assembly joints, including adhesive joints, e.g. in a leak-tightness test using an aqueous environment. It enables non-destructive test of assembly joints of cylindrical samples of various diameters, heights and wall thicknesses, as well as made of various types of materials, both polymers and metals. The leak-tightness test is non-destructive tests and allows to assess without the destruction the leak-tightness of such joints and also the correctness of their execution. |
178 |
Edyta Wolczyk , Dawid Kaczmarzyk , Katarzyna Blaszczyk-Mentor , Przemysław Błaszczyk-Mentor |
POLAND | LOV-E Limitless Operational Virtual-Explorer | The presented solution is an innovative, educational mobile game designed for teaching programming in primary and secondary schools. The use of augmented reality technology allows to acquire knowledge in an engaging and interactive way. The application contains various exercises that introduce fundamental programming concepts. The exercises are designed with different levels of difficulty to adapt to the needs and abilities of students across a wide scope of education. Additionally, it can be used by individuals seeking an accessible way to learn the basics of programming. The educational aspect of this game undoubtedly contributes to increasing the interest in learning programming. It also facilitates and enhances the teaching of this field of knowledge. A field which is not easy but highly attractive among young people and on the labor market. By participating in the gameplay, users strive to complete successive levels of the game by creating algorithms to control a virtual robot in the real world. Visual blocks representing textual instructions of programming languages are used to create programs. The application offers increasing levels of difficulty, encouraging players to come up with newer solutions to the presented problems and deepening their logical thinking abilities. The game is available on various platforms, including mobile (Android and iOS) and desktop operating systems. The project's development will involve: - Adding new features and content for users. - Enabling multiplayer gameplay. - Creating additional teaching materials. |
179 |
Hanrong Liu |
CHINA | ||
180 |
Alec Stewart , Alec Stewart |
UNITED KINGDOM | The Wingbinder | The World’s Most Efficient Ring Binder A ring binder in a collapsible magnetic box that creates an easy-to-use system, that will transform the whole way you work with paper. Advantages: - They stand up on your shelves - Secure – your loose papers can’t fall out - Easy to carry – they stack 'like bricks' - Opens flat to let you work inside the box - Protects documents from UV & dust - Compact shipping & storage (270° flexibility) |
181 |
Edyta Wolczyk , Piotr Hanczyc , Judyta Sobczyk |
POLAND | Laser Emission for uncovering early symptoms of Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases | 7. Brief description of your exhibits/product services and companies background. Please type no more than 150 words in the box below (english only)* Optcal effect named: Amplified Spontenoues Emission (ASE), offers a groundbreaking approach for early diagnostics of Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative diseases. By utilizing specific dyes that bind to amyloid aggregates, a hallmark of these diseases, the technology emits amplified light, enabling the detection of disease markers at a molecular level before cognitive symptoms appear. This early detection is crucial for timely interventions and improved patient outcomes. The technology is backed by cutting-edge research and is a productof Neurolight company, a pioneer in optical diagnostics of brain diseases. With a strong foundation in photonics and biotechnology, Neorolight is committed to transforming neurodegenerative disease management through innovative solutions. |
182 |
Edyta Wolczyk , Krzysztof Wisniewski , Marek H. Dohojda , Aleksander Szepczynski , Zbigniew Wawer , Jan Piwnik |
POLAND | Cavitation head for mixing hard-to- mix media | Discover our innovative cavitation head designed for precise and effective homogenization of multicompone nt streams, including liquids and essentially insoluble components. This device, equipped with an advanced, modular wor king chamber, al ows for optimalflow and uniform distribution.with strategical y positioned slits and inlet openings maximizing efficiency. a •O ' · • · O · O · • • • I• The homogenization process is conducted by passing the fluid stream through a turbulent shearing layer, designed to generale cavitation phenomena. ensuring thorough mixing of the liquid and the insoluble component. resulting in a highly stable emulsion or a colloidal suspension. The device features a set of cross plates allowing the stream to pass at high speed, and components can be pre-mixed in a spiral mixerlocated before the homogenization apparatus. The innovative design and high-quality materials guarantee reliability and longevity, making it a revolutionary solution in various industrial applications. |
183 |
Haniyeh Ghassabzadeh Alamdari , Haniyeh Ghassabzadeh Alamdari |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Making a Pad (medicinally formulated) from the Effective Ingredients of Nettle and Abu Jahl Watermelon Medicinal Plants for Diabetic Patients | This diabetic pad is made and formulated from medicinal plants effective in the treatment of diabetes. Nowadays, chemical drugs are used more often in the treatment of diabetes and they have many side effects and mostly cause sugar drop. This diabetic pad prevents the patient's sugar drop. It helps to treat type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Using this diabetic pad lowers excess blood sugar. This herbal composition in the diabetic pad is due to the increasing spread of diabetes in Iran and the world and the failure of chemical drugs to control it. This disease can act in better control of diabetes and blood sugar in patients than existing chemical drugs, and the use of this product is simple and it is better accepted by patients than other forms of medicine. In fact, it is designed as a diabetic pad. And it will be available to patients for consumption two or three times a day under the supervision of a doctor. Utilizing the capacity of Iran's medicinal plants and the possibility of mass production of this product in the form of diabetic pads and exporting this product to neighboring countries will be one of its potential advantages. |
184 |
Mohammad Youseftorkaman , Mohammad Youseftorkaman |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | The mobile emergency landing platform of the airplane in case of technical failure of the wheels | All over the world, all air travel companies are concerned about not damaging their capital and passengers. This plan prevents such risks to a large extent. In the sense that it is possible to plant the plane in such a way as to avoid the problems of the previous methods. The performance of this method is such that when the wheels or engines or any other part of the plane is damaged, it is not expected from the plane to land normally, and we are sure that the plane may harm itself and the passengers during landing. In the best case, this device can significantly reduce the friction from the airplane body, and for that purpose, the landing strip for the airplane should be defined in a different way. In the sense that the pilot has to see the landing strip stationary to remove the friction, this method is not possible, unless the landing strip moves at the same level as the plane and the pilot puts the plane on the runway like a helicopter. Only in this case can we save capital and human lives. Therefore, all aspects and risks of landing should be considered in order to provide a suitable solution. This plan has solved the problems in this case to a large extent and has given a logical answer to each case. In normal cases (the plane is not damaged), it is possible to carry out this operation considering the unstable atmosphere or the unsafe band. Another point that is not mentioned in the explanation is that after the plane sits on the runway and comes to a complete stop, in order to empty the plane, the runway slowly moves towards the back or the hangar, and after entering the stand, by means of the following special devices The body of the plane replaces the wheels and the plane moves backwards from the runway. |
185 |
Ali Kangaranifarahani , Ali Kangaranifarahani |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Anti-snow and ice system and anti-sliding of the airplane on the runway | The anti-snow and anti-ice band and anti-sliding of the aircraft works in any condition, even the most severe weather, this system is connected under the aircraft runway, in such a way that the aircraft runway is first insulated with strong insulation to prevent high heat transfer with It goes down to the ground and is very strong. You can use fiberglass resin, which is very important and resistant, and it is very insulating. Half a meter, and in normal cold cities one meter, resistant and strong stainless steel pipes are laid across the width of the airport runway, and the ends of the pipes are connected to the inlet and outlet of hot water and tanks, which are 100 to 200 meters on both sides of the runway, under the ground below. The band is installed, and a new amount of concrete and asphalt is placed on it, and the water circulation pump is connected to it, for water circulation in the pipe under the band, and the thermostat set on it is connected, when the snow comes, the thermostat is used. falls and the snow and ice on the runway melts, as the snow and ice increases, the thermostat increases the hot water system, and more hot water enters the pipe, and the frozen runway melts, and the runway benefits like a warm and gentle rain. On the contrary, the less the antifreeze, the less hot water the thermostat enters the pipe. |
186 |
Erfan Ghanbarzadeh , Erfan Ghanbarzadeh , Aliasghar Tabatabaei Mohammadi , Sina Mohammadhashemi , Seyedahmadreza Mousavi , Mohammadreza Aminzadeh & Baharak Asgharialamdari |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | A device for treating kidney failure using a microrobot carrying oxygenated water | Since the current treatment methods for the treatment of kidney failure are faced with problems or complications such as pain and bleeding, tissue damage, low blood pressure, autosomal neuropathy, peritoneal infection and anemia, as well as high costs for the patient and the hospital, there is a need to design New treatment methods for non-invasive and uncomplicated treatment to purify kidney blood and increase excretion of its waste products, increase urine excretion and as a result treat insufficiency and improve kidney function using a micro-robot containing oxygenated water to overcome these tangible problems. For the first time, the present invention has reached a permanent solution to this problem. By secreting oxygenated water in the target tissue of the kidney, this microrobot deals with the permanent and complication-free treatment of kidney failure. |
187 |
Ngozi Muoneke , Ngozi Muoneke |
UNITED KINGDOM | Natural, organic and Vegan skincare manufacturer | My company manufactures award-winning natural, organic, and vegan skincare and men's grooming products for Brands JE'GORMA and M3 SKINCARE. |
188 |
Farid Sichani |
189 |
Steve O , Steve O , Kikka Digga |
UNITED KINGDOM | 2 Handy Kikka Digga | We invent and manufacture house and garden products which are time and labour saving, such as Scrubrite, Kikka Digga and other products such as shopping and other hort-tech products in the pipeline. |
190 |
Dogaru Georgeta |
191 |
Denise Gabrieli |
ITALY | ||
192 |
Emanuela Congiusta |
ITALY | ||
193 |
Soniya Asserito |
ARGENTINA | Smart'Analyzer | Our application called "Smart Analyzer" is an application for detecting all kidney abnormalities at an early stage. It therefore makes it possible to prevent/reduce the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems worldwide. Smart Analyzer offers the following solutions: - Make diagnostics accessible to everyone and at an affordable cost - Allow daily and home consultation - Balance your diet in order to prevent possible diseases that are not necessarily associated with renal function due to the recommendations proposed by the prototype - Allow daily and remote monitoring of the patient by his doctor |
194 |
Klasudaldjdj Klasjkldjklj , O , Jkl , Jlk , Jkl , Jhk |
JAMAICA | ,mhkqhk | aksdhdhasnd,d djhakldakdj adjklad jlakdjlkjdlkasjdl jdghjkds hurofweuj;vlvjoeuvuowjvlsdvjiof vioi fovds jjv fj |
195 |
Pathmanathan Lathesh , P.lathesh |
SRI LANKA | Power Alien | This Invention provide Electricity... But Not depend on Air, Sun, water, Oil and anything |
196 |
Mahdi Motofakeran , Ali Mokhtari , Mobin Ghasemi , Mohhamad Ghasemi , Sepehr Sodagari |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Multipurpose Smart Shoes for Climbers | This shoe incorporates versatile elements that can either heat food or warm the feet when placed inside. Additionally, it features a conveyor belt mechanism for effortless wearing, and its straps automatically secure for user convenience. The shoe is designed to accommodate the foot without manual intervention, adapting to the user's foot position and dimensions. Each shoe incorporates an internal cable system that, upon placing the feet inside, adjusts and tightens based on pressure calculations through algorithmic processes. These settings can be customized at different times of the day. Furthermore, the shoe is equipped with a wireless charging screen on its lower part. Once its lithium battery is fully charged, it remains operational for two weeks and can also be used for charging mobile phones, flashlights, and more. LED panels on the shoe's sides display the battery charge level and provide nighttime illumination. Additionally, the shoe is GPS -enabled, allowing for tracking by others. It also incorporates a cooling system, making it capable of cooling water. The shoe's sole serves a dual function, converting walking energy into either heat or cold. Integrated heating and cooling elements within the insole harness mechanical energy generated during walking. The insole's reversible design enables users to switch between heating and cooling effects as seasons change. When stepping, the user compresses air within the cooling pods, causing it to press on the warm side and compress cells, resulting in a temperature increase of up to 4 degrees Celsius. Conversely, moving upward causes soft cells on the cooling side to expand, reducing the temperature to as low as minus 3.5 degrees. Multipurpose Smart Shoes for Climbers Category Mechanical engineering and sports equipment Making electricity Warming clothes and shoes Boiling water Cooking Charging the battery Charging the phone Water cooling Lamp for night lighting Cooling shoes in summer Produce radiation to drive away animals and insects Conveyor belt for comfortable wearing Automatic closure of straps for comfortable use Climbers Ecotourist Sports equipment and sports equi |
197 |
Kayvey Mellard , Mr Kayvey Mellard , Mr Kayvey Mellard , Mr Kayvey Mellard , Mr Kayvey Mellard , Mr Kayvey Mellard |
UNITED KINGDOM | Chameleon | BRIEFL Briefly, Chameleon OLED is a fashion/tech bracelet that allows its user to upload patterns directly from their garments to be displayed on the bracelet |
198 |
Ehsanollah Ghorbanian , Elena Zohdi , Faranak Mamoudi , Ali Dezyani , Saeed Rezvani , Ketayoon Abbaspour |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Free size laryngoscope | Our company is a startup based on an invention in medical equipment called Free Size laryngoscope. This device simplifies respiratory intubation in critical patients, which is much needed in the recent pandemic. We have a professional team, a unique product,the patents, a business plan and an initial investment, and we have provided the right action plan for profitability. our company will be a stable business after 2 years and will be international brand in fifth year. Our vision is to respond creatively to the needs of the medical equipment field. |
199 |
Gyan Ranjan Mishra , Gyan Ranjan Mishra , Gyan Ranjan Mishra , Gyan Ranjan Mishra , Gyan Ranjan Mishra , Gyan Ranjan Mishra |
INDIA | Mm | Ghh |
200 |
Mia Hannah |
GERMANY | Mandombe | Mandombe script was inspired by Mr wabeladio Payi in 1978. Therefore, Mr Wabeladio by oberving the wall of bricks discouvered that the supperposition of the bricks are two forms which dorm deux and five and from rheir started the scriot. From this I have been discouvered the process of producrion from Raw material to finished product. |
201 |
Emily Alba |
BELGIUM | MySoil MyPlant | Soil type identification is essential to determine what type of plants to be grown in a particular type of soil. The soil type can be identified by measuring its Electro-conductivity. By measuring the EC, we can plan what types of plants is suitable to be grown in the soil. Plants grown in a particular type of soil finding difficulties to grown again in the same soil. This is due to the soil texture, characteristics and its properties changes over time. Hence effecting its growth. However, these changes in the soil properties can be measured by reading its electro-conductivity, and we can determine what type of plants to plant. |
202 |
Robin Lee V. Bonifacio , Robin Lee V. Bonifacio , Monica M. Panti , Cindy D. Baylon , Ashley Maive O. Butcon |
PHILIPPINES | Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) Biogas. | The study focuses on the production of biogas through the process of feeding water hyacinth to inoculums bacteria in order to generate a Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) alternative for domestic consumption. Feeding water hyacinth to the inoculums bacteria possibly reduces the overpopulation of water Hyacinth by using a homemade biogas reactor. |
203 |
Maria Leonora L. Delos Santos , Maria Leonora L. Delos Santos , Clint Allen Margallo |
PHILIPPINES | Characterization of the Bioactives from Mira-cle Fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum) against Klebsiella pneumoniae | Medical progress in the prevention and treatment of in-fectious diseases are now at risk with the emerging multi-drug resistant (MDR) pathogens such as Klebsiel-la pnuemoniae. The current investigation aims to char-acterize the bioactive compounds from Synsepalum dulcificum leaves against Klebsiella pneumoniae. Liq-uid/liquid separation, open-column chromatography and thin layer chromatography was the method used in purification. |
204 |
Jolejole Sophia Tercelle , Jolejole, Sophia Tercelle , Marcelo, Christine Jayne R. , Lui, Grace Anne Ericka G. |
PHILIPPINES | FUSUCO (Fuel Supply Controller) as an anti- carnapping device | Carnapping is one of the common criminal cases in the world occurring sporadically yet incessantly. Targeting the interior of the car gave way to the plan of deactivating the car’s ability to inject fuel into the carburetor so as to prevent its movement. The solenoid valve, with its electromechanical property, is a convenient device for the control of the fuel by stopping its flow in the fuel line. With the addition of a controller that could be accessed through the use of texting, the car owner can manipulate the fuel system of his or her car even from a far distance. |
205 |
Bagay Kenneth Angelo L. , Bagay, Kenneth Angelo L. , Jose, Shayne R. , Raval, Isabela Angela A. , Rigos, Carmelle Trisha E. |
PHILIPPINES | Styrofoam and Oyster Shells as Backsplash Tiles | This study aims to make use of oyster shells and Styrofoam for the manufacturing of backsplash tiles. After an intense drying process, a finished product was made. The durability of the product was tested by cutting it with a sander disc and seeing if the product will remain compact. The product successfully passed the trial, taking 7 minutes before it was finally cut. In the water absorption test, the tile is classified as a vitreous tile with a percentage of 1.59%. |
206 |
Erika Clarisse Malaca , Erika Clarisse Malaca |
PHILIPPINES | Comparison of the Potency of Talisay Leaf Extract as an Inhibitor of Luminous Vibrio Harvyi. of Prawn with Commercial Antibiotic | This study was conducted to determine the potency of Talisay Leaf Extract against luminous Vibrio Harvyi, an aquamarine bacterial pathogen to commercial antibiotics. The commercial antibiotic were Ciprofloxacin HCl, Streptomycin Sulfate and Amoxicillin Trihydrate. Sterile 6 mm Whatman #2 filter paper – dics were impregnated with antibiotic. And with the 1: 3 crude extract by dipping them in varying concentration of antibiotics. Solution in the crude extract. The paper – disc were subsequently loaded in agar plates were swabbed with Vibrio Harvyi USTCMS -1069. The test results showed that the extract was comparable with commercial available antibiotic. This was clearly shown by small paper – disc impregnated with 0.015 mL. of the 1: 3 Talisay Extract equal to CiprofloxacinHCl and 28 μg. Streptomycin Sulfate when assayed against Vibrio Harvyi. Whereas no zone inhibition was observed for Amoxicillin Trihydrate. |
207 |
Jimuelle C. Pascual , Jimuelle C. Pascual , Andrew Emmanuel Robles |
PHILIPPINES | FIREBALLS : ECO – Friendly Household Fuel | This study aims to make an alternative household fuel the old newspapers, wood debris, dried leaves, other waste materials that will make an alternative compact charcoal that will be helpful to the community and safe for the environment as well as the community. The research can also help the citizens to conserve and protect the Earth to the changing environment. This research will help to sustain the ozone layer from its destruction. Targeted smoke produced by this project. This study wants to maintain the ecological balance, limits and focuses to lessen the smoke of charcoal and to conserve the environment down to human, animals and mainly saves the ecology |
208 |
Leomer Aljohn R. Cionelo , Leomer Aljohn R. Cionelo , Agata Golda Patenio |
PHILIPPINES | Carbon and Dye Extracted from Coleus blumei Benth. as Raw Material for Organic Solar Cell | Photosynthesis is a process which Grätzel cells replicated. It aims to replace silicon solar cells by using natural pigments and the power of the sun to produce renewable energy. The purpose of this research is to determine if dye extracted from Coleus Blumei Benth. is an effective sensitizer for Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) with carbon as the counter electrode catalyst. |
209 |
Erin Julianne B. Mariano , Erin Julianne B. Mariano , Ann Samuelle T. Nolasco , Khatrina Bianca C. Salvador |
PHILIPPINES | Crassostrea iredalei (Tropical oyster) shells as Vehicle Exhaust Filter for Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Oxide and Carbon Dioxide | In this work, the effect of using CaCO3 from oyster shells as filter for vehicle exhaust emissions was evaluated. The filter media was placed in a metal cylinder and connected to the tailpipe of two (2) test vehicles (diesel and gasoline). The results showed a significant reduction in hydrocarbons HC and oxygen O2 emissions in gasoline and K-value in diesel, after the filter media was installed in the vehicles’ tailpipes, indicating that the filter made from oyster shells is effective as a vehicle emission filter. |
210 |
Mary Lourdes P. Aceveda , Mary Lourdes P. Aceveda , Aldrin Mitchell B. Macatangay , Cristine R. Romero |
PHILIPPINES | The Use of Calcium Carbonate as Carbon Dioxide Absorber from Philippine Slipper-Cupped Oyster ( Crassostrea Iredalei ) | Air pollution is one of the grave ailments of our environment. Being a developing country, the Philippines has used either charcoals and LPGs as their options for cooking. LPGs and charcoals emit harmful air pollutants that do not just contaminate air in an open space, but also defiles the air in a closed environment. These contamination pose certain ailments that threatens one’s health and we, the researchers, intent to construct a device that limits the discharge of air pollutants through the method of air filtration with the use of Philippine Slipper-Cupped Oyster (Crassostrea Iradalei) |
211 |
Aldrey D. Gaurana , Aldrey D. Gaurana , Noeliano A. Ocorro , Maria Daniella Adel B. Bautista |
PHILIPPINES | Minimalistic HydroDam+Generator | The device is portable, mobile, and made of scrap materials. Testing of this device includes measuring the amount of electricity produced and taking its drain and fill time. The device produced a maximum of 1.6 volts. The product was effective in producing electricity and its output can be stored. |
212 |
Inocando Gil Phillip , Inocando, Gil Phillip , Peñaflor, Jarod Landrix , Timbalopez, Monique |
PHILIPPINES | Fireproof Wood and Paint using Corn Ash as an ingredient | Our research is about the capability of Corn Ash to be used as a fire retardant and a fire suppressing agent. By applying it on wood and paint, it can be used to prevent fire accidents especially in our homes and other buildings due to its ability to suppress the flames even before it destroys the whole structure. |
213 |
Richelle Phoebe E. Rodriguez , Richelle Phoebe E. Rodriguez , Aaliyah Nicole A. Orallo , Sean Dominic O. Mendoza , Jhon Dhioslen P. Dorego |
PHILIPPINES | Anti-inflammatory and Anti-bacterial Properties of Guyabano (Annona muricata Linn) Skin | The ointment is purely made up of left-over skin of Guyabano (Annona muricata Linn) and petroleum jelly. Chemical analysis and test were made to determine the contents and components of the product. Further testing was done to three (3) laboratory rats to determine the effectivity of the product. After several testing the product is found effective in inflammation and in killing bacteria. |
214 |
John Thomas R. Trinidad , John Thomas R. Trinidad , John Emmanuel R. Ignacio , Angelica Joyce H. Biagan |
PHILIPPINES | Enhancement of Microprocessor-based Attendance Monitoring of Students in Manila Science High School | Testing shows that the device is efficient to use, the data were precisely stored, and all the SMS, both automated and manual were sent to the parents. The purpose of this is to test the efficiency of the device to send SMS and the accuracy to record data. |
215 |
Navarro Marion Abilene R. , Navarro, Marion Abilene R. , Poyaoan, Christian Paul O. |
PHILIPPINES | Inhibition of Leptospira interrogans and Escherichia coli in flood water using Silver Nanoparticles (Ag NPs) – Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) – Banana (Musa paradisiaca) Pseudostem Bionanocomposite | The study focuses on the bactericidal activity of synthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) impregnated to granular activated carbon (GAC) and immobilized in banana pseudo stem fibrous medium. The following five set-ups were used for testing and were applied to the Leptospira interrogans and E. coli contaminated water to test its antimicrobial activity. After 24 & 48 hours of inoculation, the level of bacteria present before and after the application were tabulated and compared. The bionanocomposite successfully eradicated the aforementioned bacteria in the contaminated water. |
216 |
Nicolle Laarni Sasana , Nicolle Laarni Sasana |
PHILIPPINES | Effectiveness of Adlai (Coixlacryma-jobi) Concoction Deodorizer for Animal Droppings | The purpose of the study is to make a concoction that will neutralize the foul odor of animal dropping with the use of Adlai grains. Acceptability test was conducted in order to test the product. 10 respondents tried the product in their own homes and 8 were very satisfied while 2 are satisfied. Further to validate the result, the product was evaluated by the Adamson University Chemical Laboratory using the phytochemical screening and spectrum Two FT-IR for the instrumentation of the product. They found out that Tannins and alkaloids were present which enable to concoction efficient in neutralizing the foul odor from animal droppings. |
217 |
Leonard Gian M. Bernardo , Leonard Gian M. Bernardo , Mary Reign Jasmin Dg. Talag |
PHILIPPINES | Pith Board from Elephant Grass (Penissetum purpureum) as an Insulator | In tropical countries like the Philippines, people are experiencing hot weather together with the global warming. To reduce heat formation, the use of insulators is highly beneficial. The researchers were encouraged to look for materials from plants as a source for insulation that is cheap and safe. |
218 |
Toso Ryan Christian C. , Toso, Ryan Christian C. , Dela Cruz, Bono Brian C. , Dela Cruz, Paul John C. , Briones, Krisvin Louis |
PHILIPPINES | Innovation on the Effectiveness of the Micro-controlled QR Lock | The Micro-controlled QR Lock has the capability to upgrade the Philippines’ current security systems. But, there are still some factors that can affect its usability in certain events. To further increase its effectiveness, the researchers added the following to the present QR Lock: a full waterproofed metal casing for the micro-controller and its wires, a light source, and a much user-friendly program. |
219 |
Renaissance E. Tanquingcen , Renaissance E. Tanquingcen |
PHILIPPINES | Multipurpose Bag Trolley Using a Pair of Tri Star Wheel Hub to Roll and Elevate | The six-wheeled multipurpose bag trolley was designed to add efficiency feature of a common bag trolley. It has three wheels each, with a diameter of 8 inches relative to ease the climbing and going down the stairs even with loads on it. It has a built in desk that can be used when a table is not available. It can store in small spaces by folding the handle and using the latch. |
220 |
Rico Rafael C. Sacro , Rico Rafael C. Sacro , Juneth D. Magbanua , Dylene P. Diaz , Macky Garcia |
PHILIPPINES | Peel Fibers of Musa acuminate with Cucurbita pepo Seeds as Organic Growth Booster and Cholesterol Reducer Poultry Feed | The animal feed is made up of Peel Fibers of Musa acuminate with Cucurbita pepo Seeds. Content analysis at Bureau of Plant Industry was made to determine the components of the product. Experimentation was conducted to further test the effectivity of the product. Control group chickens was fed using commercial products and experimental group was fed by organic growth booster and cholesterol reducer poultry feed. This is to compare the growth and cholesterol level of chickens in varying variables. After several testing the product is found effective as growth booster and cholesterol reducer for poultry feed. |
221 |
John Erick E. Alemany , John Erick E. Alemany , Brix Ian D. Relano , Den Lorenzo A. Superable |
PHILIPPINES | Scoria as Car Exhaust Filter | Pollution is the introduction or presence of a substance or a thing that has harmful effects for the environment. There are a lot of types of pollution. Air Pollution is one of them. There are many components of Air Pollution such as Particulate matter, Nitrogen dioxide, etc. There are many effects of pollution. An example is weakening of a human being's respiratory system. Another example is acidification. The particles emitted by cars, factories, etc. are affecting humans and living things, or the environment in general. This study focuses on stopping air pollution slowly, in the form of Scoria as Car Exhaust Filter. Scoria was chosen to be the medium of filtration because of presence vesicular holes within the rocks allow it to absorb harmful car emissions such as Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide. It is also abundant her in the Philippines where, these rocks are found on feet of volcanoes which our country has plenty. |
222 |
Arnie V. Peralta , Arnie V. Peralta , Lance Gabriel L. Esmejarda , Bradley C. Quinto |
PHILIPPINES | “ FIREBALLS” | Production of charcoal has a hazardous impact not only in human but also in the environment. An idea to create an alternative charcoal made from waste materials an alternative charcoal made from waste materials such as wooden debris and newspaper aims to lessen the hazards and also to lessen the waste, maximize the use of charcoal is more essential. |
223 |
Andrew Emmanuel Robles , Andrew Emmanuel Robles |
PHILIPPINES | “Human Heat Emergency Vest” | This invention highlights the risk readiness by creating a human heat emergency vest that will produce light in time of emergency. The human heat emergency vest was invented save lives in time of disaster when there is no available electricity or power source. |
224 |
Mexica Bausa , Mexica Bausa , Jimuelle Pascual , John Efren Abad , Francesca Mikaella B. De Guia |
PHILIPPINES | “ K*cap “ | This project will be a big contribution to the field of medicine and society of the Philippines. The research would of significant to the public to know that they can make an a capsulated K from the extract of a banana. Every month, there is an increase in the rate of people who suffers from Hypokalemia, Dysrhythmia, and other Potassium-deficiency related disease that causes death. A research that will help apply some aid for these ailments. |
225 |
Robin Lee V. Bonifacio , Robin Lee V. Bonifacio , Monica M. Panti , Cindy D. Baylon , Ashley Maive O. Butcon |
PHILIPPINES | Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) Biogas. | The study focuses on the production of biogas through the process of feeding water hyacinth to inoculums bacteria in order to generate a Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) alternative for domestic consumption. Feeding water hyacinth to the inoculums bacteria possibly reduces the overpopulation of water Hyacinth by using a homemade biogas reactor. |
226 |
Patricia Marites Sanga , Patricia Marites Sanga |
PHILIPPINES | CBB ( Coconut Oil, Basil oil and Beeswax) as an Anti-bacterial and Mosquito Repellant Lotion Bar | CBB ( Coconut Oil, Basil oil and Beeswax) Lotion Bar has mild reactivity and complete inhibitory activity against Staphylococcus Aureus bacteriawith 100% mosquito repellant based from the test analysis done at the Department of Science and Technology, Taguig City, Philippines. |
227 |
Jaisa Julene Mataac , Jaisa Julene Mataac , Ken Benavente , Kenth Andrew Gallarda |
PHILIPPINES | PLC ( Papaya. Lemon Coconut oil) the Anti-bacterial and Anti-fungal Bath Soap | PLC ( Papaya Lemon and Coconut oil) is the Bath soap which has complete inhibitory activity and (2) mild reactivity against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria; complete inhibitory activity (+++) against Aspergillus Niger (A. Niger Candida Albicans (C. Albicans) and Saccharomyces cerevissiae. |
228 |
Ruth Paula P. Buhion , Ruth Paula P. Buhion , Adrian Klein T. Comia , Kevin Brian C. Orge , Ma. Erin Daphne D. Raton |
PHILIPPINES | Albumen as Raw Material for Correction Fluid | The purpose of the research is to create a correction fluid that is eco-friendly, safe, and affordable. Results have shown that the product can be compared or have identical effectiveness as the commercialized correction fluid. |
229 |
Ruth Paula P. Buhion , Ruth Paula P. Buhion , Adrian Klein T. Comia , Kevin Brian C. Orge , Ma. Erin Daphne D. Raton |
PHILIPPINES | Albumen as Raw Material for Correction Fluid | The purpose of the research is to create a correction fluid that is eco-friendly, safe, and affordable. Results have shown that the product can be compared or have identical effectiveness as the commercialized correction fluid. |
230 |
Jerome A. Sombilon , Jerome A. Sombilon , Anna Beatriz A. Suavengco |
PHILIPPINES | Remediation of Heavy Metal Ions in synthetic contaminated effluent by Calcium Carbonate from Asiatic Clams “Tulya” (Corbicula fluminea) shells | The study aimed to investigate if the Asiatic Clams (Corbicula fluminea) can be a good adsorbent in the remediation for water contaminated by Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb). A test was carried out by determining the chemical components present in the clams. The clams were crushed then sun dried. Granulized samples were analyzed under FTIR showing the presence of Calcium carbonate. In two different columns containing granulized clams, lead and cadmium samples were passed through. Heavy metals that passed through were analyzed in an AAS machine with the following results: Cadmium got a removal percentage of 97.37% (Cd1), 98.33% (Cd2), and 98.40% (Cd3) and Lead got 97.68% (Pb1), 98% (Pb2), and 98.16% (Pb3). It can be concluded that the Asiatic Clams can absorb the Cd and Pb; thus making it a good remedy for contaminated water. |
231 |
Mexica M. Bausa , Mexica M. Bausa , Jimuelle C. Pascual , John Efren D. Abad |
PHILIPPINES | “ BLACK PEARLS “ | Millions of people including pregnant women and children are vulnerably affected because of Anemia. Based on the previous researchers, squid ink is proven to contain a huge percentage of iron and other essential Anemia, the researchers aimed to produce an Iron supplement out of Calamari squid ink. Through AAS Iron will be separated from the squid and encapsulate in a soft gel capsules. |
232 |
Samantha Nicole Z. Soria , Samantha Nicole Z. Soria , Queency C. Oredina |
PHILIPPINES | “ Carboxymethyl Cellulose as Figerglass” | The research on the durability of Nata de Coco as FIBERGLASS aims to produce an eco-friendly and more durable fiberglass. Nata de Coco is a Caboxymethyl cellulose that is great source of fiber that will help in the durability and strength of the fiberglass. Upon testing, shows that it can be comparable with commercial fiberglass that gives off toxic fumes. As our product is economical and eco-friendly. |
233 |
Kenneth Jay G. Alaba , Kenneth Jay G. Alaba , Timothy Kenneth B. Lacatan , Mark Lowell G. Lorejas |
PHILIPPINES | Sampalok (Tamarindus indica L.) Leaf Extraction,Bioassay and Analysis for Larvicidal actitivy against Dengue vector, Aedes aegypti | This study aimed to investigate the biological activity of the formulated larvicide extracted from sampalok leaves tested on Aedes aegypti larvae. The effective dose of 1.98 ml established a lethal concentration of 50%, making it a promising larvicide in controlling the threat of dengue mosquitoes. |
234 |
Areej Alqarni |
SAUDI ARABIA | Creating an Early Diagnostic Method for Glaucoma Using Convolutional Neural Networks | According to the World Health Organization, glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness, accounting for over 12% of global blindness as it affects one in every 100 people. In fact, 79.6 million people worldwide live with blindness caused by glaucoma. This is because the current method for diagnosing glaucoma is by examining retinal fundus images. However, it is considerably difficult to distinguish the lesions' features solely through manual observations by ophthalmologists, especially in the early phases. This study proposes a new diagnosis method using convolutional neural networks. The attention mechanism is utilized to learn pixel-wise features for accurate prediction. Several attention strategies have been developed to guide the networks in learning the important features and factors that affect localization accuracy. The algorithms were trained for glaucoma detection using Python 2.7, TensorFlow, Py Torch, and Keras. The methods were evaluated on Drishti-GS and RIM-ONE datasets with 361 training and 225 test sets, consisting of 344 healthy and 242 glaucomatous images. The proposed algorithms can achieve impressive results that show an increase in overall diagnostic efficiency, as the algorithm displays a 30-second detection time with 98.9% accuracy compared to the 72.3% accuracy of traditional testing methods. Finally, this algorithm has been implemented as a webpage, allowing patients to test for glaucoma. This webpage offers various services such as: connecting the patient to the nearest care setup; offering scientific articles regarding glaucoma; and a video game that supports eye-treatment yogic exercises to strengthen vision and focus. This early diagnostic method has the near future potential to decrease the percentage of irreversible vision loss due to glaucoma by 42.79% (the percentage was calculated using the mean absolute error function), which could prevent glaucoma from remaining the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Our glaucoma diagnostic webpage can be found at: |
235 |
Sheena Krista L. Rufila , Sheena Krista L. Rufila , Jay Marie V. Lumantas , Laiza Mae E. Maniquez , Diozelle O. Peji |
CHINA | Proteins from Lukot (Wedge Sea Hare Eggs) as a Potential Anticancer Agent against MCF7 (Breast Cancer) Cell Line In Vitro | This research seeks to find anticancer drugs for Breast Cancer. Proteins are potential source of chemotherapeutic drugs as it is target specific and less toxic compared to known synthetic drugs. Lukot Proteins are extracted from Sea Hare Eggs, locally known as Lukot in the Philippines. |
236 |
Rex Belli O. Peji , Rex Belli O. Peji , Orlly L. Tagleong , Mark Josept O. Bigaran |
CHINA | DOUBLE QUATS: POTENTIAL AGENT AGAINST FUNGAL GROWTH IN COPRA | DOUBLE QUATS (DQ) is a cutting-edge, eco-friendly solution biocide. It is a SURFACE ACTIVE CLEANER that contains BROAD SPECTRUM BIOCIDE plus a DEODORIZER that utilizes essential oil from Lemongrass. This invention is a cost-effective disinfectant for Copra production as it inhibits the growth of aflatoxin producing organisms in Copra. |
237 |
Elijah L. Quismorio , Elijah L. Quismorio |
CHINA | Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Potentials of Manilkara zapota Linn. (Chico) Seed Oil | Matured seeds of chico were collected from the local market and grocery stores and were tested for antimicrobial activity against selected human pathogens and analyzed for its phytochemical composition. Petroleum ether extract of the M. zapota seeds showed were the presence or absence of saponins, alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids and tannins. Tthe secondary metabolites may actively contribute to the antimicrobial potential of the M. zapota seed oil as it shows a relatively mild activity to P. aeruginosa, B. subtilis and C. albicans which could be a source for a plant-based drugs and other low cost natural medicines. The oil content of 11.6% shows a potential source as food supplement and for some industrial applications such as in soap, cosmetic and biodiesel production. |
238 |
Drake Axel J. Mayo , Drake Axel J. Mayo |
CHINA | Cocos nucifera (Coconut) Coir as Low-Cost Adsorbent in Domestic Waste Oil | The use of coconut coir fibers in adsorbing oil is a promising approach to alleviate the conditions of a country, like the Philippines, in minimizing the throwing of waste oil into the drainage systems that may clog the water passageway, pollute the environment and pose great hazards to the lives of humans. For every 50 g of coconut coir used to trap 150 mL of waste oil or an 81 % efficiency, coconut coir can be an efficient adsorbent of waste oil from households and restaurants. However, a continuous usage of the same coconut coir fibers may render it less efficient in the adsorption process which help clean up the sewerage system. |
239 |
Sam Nicole Soria , Sam Nicole Soria |
CHINA | Cleopatra’s Beauty Secret : Jute (Corchorus Oloturius) A facial Cream. | The Antioxidant Activity of Jute (Corchorus Oloturius) was tested to prevent problems especially the area of the face. The results shows that the extract is effective it comes to dryness and proven to be anti- aging and wound remedy. A dermatologist test also proved the facial mask did not caused any harm or contain any harsh content that would allergic effects to the skin. It make skin smoother and moisturizes. |
240 |
Alfonso Miguel H. Abangan , Alfonso Miguel H. Abangan |
CHINA | The Use of Chanos chanos (Milkfish) Scales as Copper Biosorbent in Waste Water | With the use of larger amount of milkfish scales (7.0 grams) and with longer contact time (4 days), more copper ions were adsorbed into the surface of the scales. Thus, Chanos chanos (Milkfish) scales, which are discarded waste materials and are in abundance in the local market, have high possibility and efficiency in removing copper metal ions in waste water. It is a promising biosorbent and poses as an eco-friendly biosorbent to society and environment. The findings of this study will serve as an avenue for future commercial production of milkfish scales in the removal of copper from waste water. |
241 |
Kyla Loisse Isabelle N. Gascon , Kyla Loisse Isabelle N. Gascon , Cheval L. Bahalla , Claire L. Villarmia , Erika Dp. Ondap , Chris Jasmine T. Niog |
CHINA | Cytotoxic Activity of Calabash (Crescentia cujete) Leaf Crude Extract Against Human Breast Cancer Cell Line (MCF7) and Chinese Hamster Ovarian Normal Cell Line (AA8) | This study aimed to verify whether Calabash leaf (Crescentia cujete) is a potential anti-breast cancer remedy. Five hundred grams of air dried Calabash leaf was placed in a container and soaked with ethanol for 72 hours. Then it was filtered and the filtrate underwent Rotavap to get the crude extract. The extract was tested for its cytotoxic activity against the human breast cancer cell (MCF7) and Chinese hamster ovarian normal cell (AA8). Results showed that Crescentia cujete leaf crude extract has an inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50) of 8.7267 µg/mL which means that it has an anti-proliferation activity against human breast cancer cell ( MCF7). Crescentia cujete leaf extract also showed that it is slightly toxic to normal cell (AA8) since it has an IC50 of 17.5633 µg/mL. The extract however is more toxic in cancer cell than in normal cell. The positive control doxorubicin is found to be highly toxic in cancer cell and normal cell showing an IC50 of 2.373 ug/mL and 1.73ug/mL for cancer cell (MCF7) and normal cell (AA8) respectively. Thus, Calabash leaf could be a potential source of breast cancer treatment. |
242 |
Michael Jee C. Concha , Michael Jee C. Concha , Cavin Lloyd John D. Ranido , Marie G. Labandero , April Jewel L. Cariño , Jonnelyn A. Simogan |
CHINA | Phytochemical and Alpha-glucosidase Inhibition Screening of Selected Plant Samples in San Francisco, Agusan Del Sur: Determination of Therapeutic Alternatives to Reduce Risks of Diabetes | This study aims to reduce diabetes prevalence in the country so, crude extracts of the collected samples in the locality undergone phytochemical analysis to identify bioactive compounds present and α-glucosidase inhibition assay where their inhibitory effect to produce glucose were detected through the absorbance in the Spetrophotometer. Results indicated bioactive compounds present in Bitan-ag (Kleinhovia hospita) –steroids; in Hagonoy (Chromolaena odorata) cardiac glycosides, steroids; in Costus speciosus saponins, steroids; in Gynura procumbens saponins, terpenoids; in Dumb cane (Dieffenbachia picta) phenolic compounds, steroids; and in Spondias dulcis tannins, saponins, terpenoids and flavonoids. |
243 |
Maria Leonora L. Delos Santos , Maria Leonora L. Delos Santos , Hannah Mabel H. Banocnoc , JOANA ROSE NACIONAL , Mary Angelie Kathleen Badong |
CHINA | Cytotoxic Property of 50kDa Protein Isolated from Streptomyces A13 against A549 Lung Cancer Cells and HCT116 Healthy Hamster Cells | Streptomyces are known to produce anticancer compounds that are effective inhibitors of some cancer cells. We would like to determine if 50 kDA protein from Streptomyces A13 have cytotoxic properties against A549 lung cancer cells.A13 were grown on CVM medium. Cells were separated by centrifugation at 3,000 rpm. Extraction of the proteins from the cells was performed through ammonium-sulfate precipitation. Protein content was measured by the Bradford Method with bovine serum albumin as the reference protein. The precipitated proteins were analysized for size by denaturing PAGE using standard procedures. The ammonium sulfate-precipitated broth (B1) sample and cell extract were used for the MTT assay performed at the General Equipment Laboratory of the University of the Philippines, Diliman.The protein concentration was highest with the B1 (446.323ug/mL) followed by the spent medium (215.700 ug/mL), cell extract (96.158ug/mL) and least in the PEI pellet (65.166ug/mL).This high protein concentration in B1 as compared to the cell extract may be explained by their extrusion from the cell. A13 cell extract and B1 were found cytotoxic against the A549 lung cancer cells having mean IC50 values of 4.37013 µg/ml and 4.54037 µg/ml respectively. The positive control, Doxorubicin had a mean IC50 value of 2.27627 µg/ml. Identification of the A13 was carried out using the 16s rRNA full gene sequence. BLAST result of the 16s rRNA for A13 yielded 99% homology to Streptomyces costaricanus, Streptomyces padanus and other 15 Streptomyces sp. isolates. |
244 |
Andrew Smith Raydyne , Andrew Smith, Raydyne |
CANADA | Mixed Flow Centrifugal Pump | Invention utilises the benefits of a specially engineered sinusoidal impeller within a toroid shaped pump chamber that closely mirrors the concave rotating profile of the sinusoidal impeller, facilitating the use of double acting aqua plane technology to ensure ultra-smooth, reduced turbulence and interference, pumping efficiency and power. |
245 |
Bob Huybrechts Rdt , Bob Huybrechts, Rdt |
CANADA | Versacryl: Heat-Sensitive Moldable Multi-Purpose Denture Acrylic “BITEM (Biocompatible Intraoral Thermo-Elastic Acrylic Material)” | Abstract of Invention Acrylic adjustable by heat from warm water, the biocompatible intraoral thermo-elastic acrylic material has received regulatory approval from Health Canada as well as FDA Approval and CE Mark in Europe. Adjustable by using warm water, it can be used in any part of a dental appliance for patients to adjust their own fit and comfort. |
246 |
Hyun Ki Shim , Hyun Ki Shim , Stephen Gopaul , Pouya Nourshoae |
CANADA | FABRICATION OF ANODE MATERIALS FOR THE DESIGN OF LITHIUM ION BATTERIES | Most Li+ batteries use graphite anodes. Abundant, inexpensive, low voltage versus Li/Li+. Useful for half-coin-cell experiments due to similar electrochemical reduction potential as Li/Li+ (higher energy when full-cell is produced). More efficient than higher-capacity materials such as tin and silicon due to lower irreversible capacity. |
247 |
Doublereed Team , Doublereed Team |
CANADA | The woodwinds (musical instrument) made using 3D design simulation program | In order to maximize optimization of woodwind instruments having different optimization efficiencies depending on specific environmental and humidity conditions, the innovation was found and established to produce woodwinds through S/W (clarinet and oboe) which then would enable instruments to dramatically lower its margin of error that is auto-generated throughout its production process. |
248 |
Doublereed Team , Doublereed Team |
CANADA | Computer Generated Graphic Design of the Woodwinds (musical instrument) using 3D Design Simulation Program | The S/W program for manufacturing various types of woodwind instruments enables instrument designers to fully elaborate on specific designs by flexibly applying different types of design factors on both internal and external design of woodwinds while tracking to maximize its structural, sound efficiencies at the same time. The software offers a guaranteed designing effect for creating different types of HQ woodwinds. |
Row | Inventors Name | Country | Title Of Invention | Brief Description |
1 |
Seyedeh Assal Tabatabaei Azad , Amir-Reza Javanmard |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Yes | Abstract The ceRNAs as a class of RNAs act by competitively binding to miRNAs and limiting their regulatory effect on the target genes. Increasing evidences point to the role of ceRNAs in glioma cancer. So far, limited studies have been reported on the role of ceRNA in the development in glioma cancer. In this study, we have analyzed online RNA sequencing data in order to predict the ceRNAs which are putative regulators of in glioma cancer. Methods The dysregulated lncRNAs, miRNAs and mRNAs in glioma cancer were screened using SRA algorithms against RNA-sequencing. Finally measure expression of candidate gene in patient samples with qPCR Result Our bioinformatics analysis introduced 16 mRNAs, 6 lncRNAs and 149 miRNAs that were were up-regulated, while it introduced 622 mRNAs, 263 lncRNAs and 177 miRNAs that were down-regulated in glioma cancer .All of these dysregulated genes were involved in 57 cellular pathway. By constructing regulatory ceRNA network, three axis: LINC00261-mir-33-COL6A3 denitrified as potential ceRNA network involved in glioma cancer. Conclusion This study suggested putative ceRNA networks which are involved in glioma cancer, also predict novel promising targets for cancer therapy. |
2 |
Seyedeh Assal Tabatabaei Azad , Amir-Reza Javanmard , Amir-Reza Javanmard |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Yes | Abstract The ceRNAs as a class of RNAs act by competitively binding to miRNAs and limiting their regulatory effect on the target genes. Increasing evidences point to the role of ceRNAs in glioma cancer. So far, limited studies have been reported on the role of ceRNA in the development in glioma cancer. In this study, we have analyzed online RNA sequencing data in order to predict the ceRNAs which are putative regulators of in glioma cancer. Methods The dysregulated lncRNAs, miRNAs and mRNAs in glioma cancer were screened using SRA algorithms against RNA-sequencing. Finally measure expression of candidate gene in patient samples with qPCR Result Our bioinformatics analysis introduced 16 mRNAs, 6 lncRNAs and 149 miRNAs that were were up-regulated, while it introduced 622 mRNAs, 263 lncRNAs and 177 miRNAs that were down-regulated in glioma cancer .All of these dysregulated genes were involved in 57 cellular pathway. By constructing regulatory ceRNA network, three axis: LINC00261-mir-33-COL6A3 denitrified as potential ceRNA network involved in glioma cancer. Conclusion This study suggested putative ceRNA networks which are involved in glioma cancer, also predict novel promising targets for cancer therapy. |
3 |
Saeid Fanaei , Saeid Fanaei , Arian Fanaei , Erfan Fanaei |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Direct pressure check valve | direct pressure check valve in eight different types. Two small plastic bottles as bottle caps. Annual market of 40 billion bottle caps in America only for mineral water. |
4 |
Mohammad Javad Nourianfard , Mohammadjavad Nourianfard , Saeid Abazari |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | A Portable Heating-Cooling Torbu FanCoil Device using Fluid | This invention is a Heating-Cooling Turbo Fan Coil in which the defects of similar devices in the market have been correlated. By using the cold element and the hot element (heatsinks) ; we get the most efficiently from the device. There is no need for an engine room and chiller, compared to Air Conditioner, Fancoils even split inverters. Therefore, it reduces power consumption and increases efficiency, reduces production costs and reduces occupied space. |
5 |
Youssef Mostafa , Noura Minesi |
EGYPT | Maximizing the optical characteristics of solar reflectors for improving collector efficiency. | Solar cells are generate electricity from sunlight on the other hand, the cell temperature increased and its efficiency decreased. We conclude that solar energy need the sun light with the constant heat to be enhance in its power so I use an external reflector with very specific materials to reflect sunlight with constant heat to reduce cost with high efficiency, there is type to enhance the output from panel “using mirrors reflectors on the panel” the effect side of the mirrors is reflect sun light with heat As mirror boosted radiation intensity over the panel is more, the consequence is increased temperature of the panel. But panel temperature above 25°C reduces the open circuit voltage and decrease efficiency. This, proper cooling is needed to improve the panel improve solar panels we need sunlight with constant heat when sunlight falls on panel with reflected light rays from reflector it will increases the power generated by the reflector so the challenge is to focus the sunlight with constant heat, so the result is positive, the highest power of the panel with reflector (71.613Watt) at time 1pm. When reflective surface reflecting sunlight (with certain temperature) the power and the watt and the amps, solar radiation and efficiency of the solar panel is enhanced with amount directly proportional to the reflective surface area at certain angle. |
6 |
Hamid R Dehghan |
7 |
Greenfield Motors-Diseño Y Fabricación De Prototipo Funcional De Biorreactor Electrolítico De Hidrógeno Para Uso En Maquinaria Liviana Agroindustrial Ruta Cientifica Sercap , Luis Fernando Soacha Sanchez , Juan Gabriel Garcia Jaimes , DIEGO ANDRES BARRUETO MUÑOZ , Alejandro Bohorquez Martinez , Francisco Julian Vidal Garcia |
8 |
Reza Jazandari , Reza Jazandari , Reza Jazandari , Reza Jazandari , Reza Jazandari , Reza Jazandari |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | A motor with the ability to create linear impact movements with the help of a permanent magnet | Camfest Festial Van International Entrepeneur & Investor summit. Selver medal |
9 |
Abdulsalam Abu Arqoub , Abdulsalam M.a Abu Arqoub , Aziza Saeed Qana , Donia Abdul Salam. Abu Arqoub , Yasmin Abdul Salam. Abu Arqoub , Kamal Abdul Salam. Abu Arqoub |
LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA | Entat File | The invention is a paper file that operates electronically. It has a built-in electronic board with internal memory, a speaker, and an indicator light. The file works by connecting to it via a Wi-Fi network. This file allows access to it from among the files. This invention was made to find out the location of a file in a file safe, and it was also made to electronically integrate information within it. |
10 |
Mehdi Lashgari , Mehdi Lashgari , Zahra Khodaei |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Abstract: Climate change - which been treated seriously since 2006 due to the Paris Agreement, and various warnings that global warming of approximately 4 degrees Celsius will lead to the melting of polar ice and drought in water scarce regions - is a serious challenge to plant growth and development as well as electricity production alternatives for this purpose in daily activities. Therefore, the engineering method in this article is devised based on the combination of 3 factors of production, conservation and consumption, given the fact that it is possible to collect a large percentage of evaporation on the surface of lakes and seas and on larger scales, and the process of returning water vapor to the cycle of nature and generating electricity using clean energy (free energy) has been presented as a model so that heat equations can be calculated on the desired scale and also in order to preserve the water consumed by plants, the production and testing of plant leaf wax has been done to prevent solar light and the thermal exchange of plant leaves with their surrounding environment during its reflection from the leaves of trees, so that it can be used to prevent burns due to excessive heat and finally, for the purpose of this article, the production of electricity by the torque of the magnetic field applied to the generator is presented in the form of a mechanism, and by genetic algorithm, the optimum level of water evaporation is found and to create a return cycle, we coat it with nanotechnology. | I am a member of the International Federation of Inventors' Associations. I have a patent in the field of clean energy, especially in the field of electricity generation and saving water resources. In addition, I have published a paper at the University of Ottawa in Canada on June 30, 2022 and won a silver medal in the latest Turkish Inventors Competition (April 23-27, 2023), I am very eager to be your member. and attend events. |
11 |
Makhlouf Kardamouche , Ibrahim Cherifi , Zahraoui Chahinaz , Raouf Nubag , Ben Arous Mohammed , Tazrout Ismail |
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | RoomChian | Roomchain sounds like an interesting concept! An AI assistant robot designed to manage and solve company problems could be incredibly beneficial for streamlining operations and improving efficiency. Imagine having a virtual colleague that can handle various tasks, from scheduling meetings and organizing documents to analyzing data and providing insights into complex issues. With its AI capabilities, Roomchain could quickly sift through large amounts of information, identify patterns, and suggest solutions to problems. It could also assist in decision-making processes by providing data-driven recommendations based on past outcomes and current trends. Additionally, Roomchain could facilitate communication and collaboration among team members by serving as a centralized hub for sharing information and coordinating tasks. Its ability to understand natural language could make interactions with employees more intuitive and user-friendly. Of course, ensuring data security and privacy would be paramount, especially when dealing with sensitive company information. Roomchain would need robust security measures in place to safeguard data and prevent unauthorized access. Overall, Roomchain has the potential to revolutionize how companies operate by leveraging AI technology to address challenges and drive innovation. |
12 |
Mehdad Enkari |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Reinforced concrete manufacturing process using biosynthetic titanium dioxide polymer nanocomposite and recycled polyethylene vinyl acetate | The main problem of concretes is the reduction of their compressive and tensile strength. To solve the problem, biosynthetic titanium dioxide polymer nanocomposite and recycled polyethylene vinyl acetate were used. The filler phase consisted of nanotitanium dioxide biosynthesized from Eclipta prostrata L. wildling plant. The problem of this nanoparticle is that the distance between the layers is small. To solve this problem, caprolactam compound obtained from nylon 6 was used. The polymer phase of this nanocomposite is polyethylene vinyl acetate obtained from recycled foam. The problem of this polymer compound was the low surface energy of polyethylene vinyl acetate polymer, which reduces the adhesive properties of the polymer. To solve this problem, vinyltris silane compound was used as a polymer improver. The synthesized nanocomposite was added to the concrete mixture as 3% by weight of cement. Experiments showed that this additive was able to improve the properties of concrete. |
13 |
Dhruvitkumar Talati |
UNITED STATES | AI-Assisted Surgical System for Precision Medical Procedures | 1. A novel AI-Assisted Surgical System designed to significantly enhance the precision of medical procedures. The system seamlessly combines advanced artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, cutting-edge robotics, and real-time data analysis, empowering surgeons to perform intricate and complex surgeries with heightened accuracy wherein the system involves: the system involves a highly maneuverable robotic arm equipped with a range of surgical instruments. the Sensors integrated into the robotic arm provide real-time feedback on its position, orientation, and force exerted during surgery. the Machine learning algorithms, trained on extensive datasets of diverse surgical procedures, enable the system to recognize patterns and make informed decisions. |
14 |
Makhlouf Kardamouche , Makhlouf Kardamouche , Ibrahim Cherifi , Zahraoui Chahinaz , Ismail Tazroute , Raouf Nebeg |
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | RoomChian | RoomChain is a revolutionary mobile application powered by blockchain and robotics, simplifying the rental process for shared spaces. Through its intuitive interface, users can easily browse, book, and pay for various shared spaces such as co-working offices and event venues. The innovative robot within RoomChain manages the entire application ecosystem, from backend operations to user interactions, ensuring efficiency and seamless experiences. Leveraging blockchain technology, RoomChain enhances security and transparency in transactions, while also offering the option for cryptocurrency payments. Additionally, the robot streamlines company management tasks, handling everything from financial reporting to strategic decision-making. With RoomChain, renting shared spaces becomes effortless, secure, and technologically advanced, ushering in a new era of collaborative working and event hosting. |
15 |
Ali Alhaizaey |
SAUDI ARABIA | Scalable Tool For Holding and placement of Orthodontic Brackets | Modern advancements in dentistry, like as laser technology and digital dentistry, are increasing the comfort and effectiveness of dental procedures. Dental lasers, for instance, can now be utilized more precisely and less invasively for treatments like gum contouring and cavity elimination. The orthodon- tic brackets with adjustable angles, presenting a paradigm shift in orthodontic treatment. These brackets offer unprecedented versatility, enabling orthodontists to customize treatment for diverse cases with unique tooth anatomy and complex malocclusions. The adjustable feature enhances pre- cision and efficiency in tooth movement, potentially reducing treatment time. While promoting im- proved patient comfort through a tailored approach, the technology demands specialized training for effective utilization. The advantages include enhanced versatility, precision, and potential for more effi- cient outcomes. However, considerations of complexity, maintenance, and associated costs under- score the need for careful assessment and training in incorporating these innovative brackets into orthodontic practice. Overall, adjustable angle brackets signify a promising advancement, balancing customization with practical considerations for optimal orthodontic care. Keywords: Brackets, Orthodontic, Orthodontic Brackets, Tool Citation: Alshahrani I, Alhaizaey. |
16 |
Antonie Grigoras , Antonie Grigoras , Mihai Hulubeac |
ROMANIA | Motionshift | People who suffer an amputation of one leg face multiple problems, apart from those strictly related to the need to be helped to restore the possibility of independent movement in space. We got in touch with these problems through a classmate who constantly told about the problems his father faces after amputation (difficult learning of balance, different types of gait, blocking the prosthesis and the need to unlock it through the arch, the constant feeling that the prosthesis is too long and that it stumbles into it, the continuous fear of falling out, the appearance of additional pain in the hip, the need to change the job, etc. Later, this person, finding out about our intention to build an intelligent prosthesis that would solve some of his problems, made us contact with his attending physician, as well as with the kinetic therapist, and later we were invited to attend a meeting of the entire orthopedics department of the local hospital. Then we also visited a posturology clinic and learned about the characteristics of its equipment and how to correct static and gait postures. The colleague's father later became the loyal volunteer with amputation who agreed to do tests with the different variants of prosthesis made by us. We progressively realized how important it is for a person like our volunteer to trust the qualities of the prosthesis he wears, to be able to afford a performance prosthesis at an acceptable price, to be able to quickly learn to use it, not to develop additional health deficiencies and to be able to continue his active life, professionally and socially. Based on a physical-mathematical modeling of human walking, of the type of composition of oscillations in planes perpendicular, two devices were created and tested, one prosthetic and the other orthotic, which address to people with impaired walking in one of the legs. Each device has two parts: an insole innovative that is put on by the healthy foot and the prosthesis / orthosis usable by the sick foot or dysfunctional or missing one. The orthosis and prosthesis have their own propulsion, communicate with insole and phone/computer and are programmed to force the wearer to step relatively symmetrically, in order to prevent further deficiencies, due to an asymmetric or energetically inefficient gait. Continuous practice and learning of wearing the device is done during the walking process. By generalization, our intelligent prosthesis is addressed to people like the person presented above, but it can also be used in the orthosis version by patients who for various reasons cannot use one of the legs unassisted. |
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Sabin Vașcovici , Vașcovici Sabin , Constantinescu Vlad |
ROMANIA | Light Guardian | The "Light Guardian" project addresses excessive light intensity in interior spaces caused by skylight magnification. Traditional solutions like anti-reflective foils or blinds were deemed impractical or costly. We developed cost-effective anti-transmittance coatings utilizing spherical particles and other materials. These coatings, adaptable to various glass orientations, effectively regulate light intensity in summer without significant loss during dimmer seasons. This innovation, born from our college auditorium study, offers a scalable solution for similar environments, ensuring optimal lighting conditions while accommodating user needs like projections. |
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Ioana Tofan , Eliza-Maria Baluș , Ioana Tofan |
ROMANIA | The Stimulation of Germination of Bean Seeds Using Plasma Activated Water | The primary goal of this research is to examine the expression of a few genes related to bean growth under two distinct experimental conditions: distilled water and plasma activated water (PAW) irrigation. The amount of chlorophyll, carotenoids, also the expression of some genes involved in the germination process, the rate, speed of germination and the phenotypic analysis of the samples were determined . In order to find the optimal water activation time we made different analyses to find out the water characteristics. The results of our study are positive regarding the efficiency of the method. The growth of plants, watered with PAW for 1 and 5 minutes, was more accelerated compared to the different activation situations. We endeavoured to make it possible to use PAW at a larger scale. Therefore, we started by creating the 3D design of the plasma activated water irrigation system. Our purpose was to generate PAW and water the plants while making the system automatic. |
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Jozaa & Nora Altamimi & Alfaris , Jozaa Altamimi , Nora Alfaris |
SAUDI ARABIA | cat's feeding box | The current invention relates to a shelter for feeding stray cats. The technical field is tools for caring for animals and facilitating their lives. It is called a cat's feeding box. Its purpose is to preserve grace and provide a healthy, civilized, and aesthetic feeding shelter for cats in society. |
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Aref Khalkhali |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Super Food NBS | Nutrition Bio-Shield (NBS) is a uniquely formulated plant-based dietary supplement powder, rich in micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds. It is designed to regulate cellular metabolism and promote cellular detoxification, consequently enhancing overall health. Unlike other similar products, NBS contains no additives or chemicals. Furthermore, due to its plant-based nature, it is associated with minimal to no known side effects. The inventor of NBS, Aref Khalkhali, has been granted honorary membership in the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) due to his scientific contributions to the field of nutrition. Recently, a study conducted on acute COVID-19 patients has been aligned with the third United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. |
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Mahmoud Sy |
SENEGAL | Social Entrepreneur | first repaire platform between volunteers and association in Senegal |
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Aqin Wang , Wang Aqin , Bai Jixiang |
CHINA | Establishing and optimizing the system of instrument of measuring body healthy balance | In order to dug out the relationship between acupoint resistance and the statement of disease ,we have manufactured and established an mesuring instrument and systems to obtain three physical informations from human acupoint at same time,resistance ,temperature and humidity. |
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Hocine Lamouri |
ALGERIA | Smart power plant . | I have invented a new concept of wind turbine wich operats both with low airflow and high airflow |
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Mithona Luy , Mr. Sek Socheat , Mr. Luy Mithona , Mr. Din Somnang , Mr. Kim Pareach , Mr. Nan Sopheaktra |
CAMBODIA | NU eASSIGNMENT SYSTEM | The E-assignment System, short for Electronic Assignment System, refers to a digital platform or software designed to streamline and manage the process of assigning, submitting, grading, and providing feedback on academic assignments in an electronic format. This system leverages technology to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the student’s assignment workflow. |
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Mithona Luy , Mr. Chhoeung Rachana , Mr. Luy Mithona , Mr. Sek Socheat , Mr. Prum Chansamedy , Mr. Heangleng (steven), Taing |
CAMBODIA | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: KHMER OKK GAME | Okk or Chaktrang, a captivating and complex variant of traditional board game, has enthralled players in Cambodia for centuries. Its unique board setup, diverse pieces, and intricate rules offer a challenging test of tactical skill and strategic foresight. With integrated Al-powered player, this game bring more fun, creativity, and bridge the gap between ancient square board and modern digital screen. |
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Mithona Luy , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak , Mr. Tol Sokmean , Mr. Mao Sothea , Ms. Y Lina |
CAMBODIA | TOILET | Cambodia is a developing country, although we can see that Phnom Penh is modern, but if we look at some provinces, it still seems weak in terms of economy, education and sanitation. Most occur in villages, communes bordering. The remoteness from the city center is almost without electricity and difficult to travel. Due to the fact that primary schools are located far away from the city or town, some schools lack the ability to build standard toilets. So my team came to an agreement on how to solve all these problems. Then we decided to come up with an idea to create a toilet that has many features and is very economical. |
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Mithona Luy , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak , MR. HOUT ROMNEA |
CAMBODIA | RESTORATION OF KHMER ARCHITECTURE BENG MEALEA TEMPLE 3D VR | THE BENG MEALEA TEMPLE will be a place from the historical fair, which is divided into several sections for displaying artifacts and history to create a more attractive historical site where people will come to visit. Visit, gather, study, research, find out, walk and enjoy various services. It is also a place that shows the living history of the people in that period. What is special is the location that uses the new 3D VR technology to see the original temple, which is now destroyed by war and nature. An area where future generations can learn more about Khmer history and learn more about ancient history |
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Mithona Luy , H.e. Chan Mithina , Mr. Ul Dara , Mr. EL ESEOR , Mr. Leang Sengthai , Mr. Hach Phanong Ms. Ratha Sophanith |
CAMBODIA | SMART PHAMACY ROBOT COLLECTOR | Nowadays, we observe that pharmacy is widespread in Cambodia. Sales are so busy, and the need for labor is also high. By observing using labor, sometimes they are so slow, forgetting, take so long to find, and sometimes when they pickup products ready, they forget to count in stock. In that case, stock management is so complex and messy. Our team created a project for use in the pharmacy called ” Smart Pharmacy Robot”. And that project is integrated with an automation system, and our system will automatically pickup products that are defined in the POS system and include a stock management system in Pharmacy. |
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Mithona Luy , H.e. Chan Mithina , Mr. Ul Dara , Mr. EL ESEOR , Mr. Hach Phanong , Ms. Ratha Sophanith Mr. Sambath Vibol |
CAMBODIA | FAMILY HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS WITH SMART WATCH | Nowadays, technology is very developed, and it facilitates a lot of work for people and institutions. Among those technologies, we created “Family Health Care System with Smart Watch." This system is very useful, and it has many functions to use, such as measuring heart rate, measuring blood pressure, and tracking location, which make it convenient for family members and doctors to track healthy problems. And what is even more special is that the doctor can advise and consult with patients online. |
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Mithona Luy , Mr. Chan Mithona , Mr. Ul Dara , MR. EL ESEOR , Mr. Hach Phanong , Ms. Ratha Sophanith Mr. Sambath Vibol |
CAMBODIA | ECO PLASTIC BOTTLES RECYCLING | Plastic bottles are a ubiquitous part of our lives, but their environmental impact is a growing concern. However, there's good news! “Eco-Plastic Bottle Recycling” offers a sustainable solution by transforming used bottles into recyclables by grinder machines, and we can recycle the bottles that we grind for general use. Especially our system has rewards for people who put plastic bottles in the trash bin. And our system will inform the bin collector when it is full. |
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Mithona Luy , Mr. Luy Mithona , Mr. Ngoun Viravud , Mr. Samrang Seila , Mr. Phy Lymann , Mr. Rin Rov Mr. Samnang Sokhorn |
CAMBODIA | NU YOUTH & INNOVATION IDEA | NU Youth & Innovation IDEA Web Application NU Youth and Innovation IDEA is a groundbreaking platform designed to empower the vibrant youth of Cambodia to unleash their creativity and drive positive change within their communities. With this. innovative application, young Cambodians are provided with a dedicated space to submit their visionary proposals and groundbreaking innovation. ideas, regardless of their background or expertise. |
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Mithona Luy , Dr. Ung Vannthoeun , H.e. Chan Mithona , Mr. UL DARA , Mr. El Eseor Mr. Hach Phanong , Ms. Ratha Sophanith Mr. Sambath Vibol |
CAMBODIA | SMART MICROB GROWING TRACKER | The health system is improved by highly advanced laboratory equipment, which pro- vides benefits to individuals worldwide. Among those technologies, we created "Smart Micro Growing Tracker" This system is an advanced project designed for quick and accu- rate virus detection. It uses digital microscopes to photograph viruses, which are converted into digital images. These images are analysed by a neural engine, which uses machine learning to identify types of viruses. The system generates reports of virus characteristics and quick responses to the types of viruses. With its streamlined process, Smart Microb Growing Tracker offers a powerful tool to recogniser and prevent viral virus threats effectively. |
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Mithona Luy , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak , Mr. Mao Sothea , Mr. Lim Thiden , Mr.ton Sophorn |
CAMBODIA | SMART EDUCATIONAL ROBOT | + GOAL OF PROJECT -Help provide information to students -Facilitate electronics in the classroom -Promote Technology -Assist in the use of force -Help speed up the work of teachers - Facilitate exam time management -Help all students with problems -Enable students to engage in and conduct research effectively |
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Mithona Luy , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Mr. Chuop Sopheak , Mr. Mao Sothea , Mr. Chhuon Viral , Mr. Lim Thiden |
CAMBODIA | SMALL FIREFIGHTING DRONE | + PROJECT FEATURE +The Power Drone is engineered to transport an Elide fireball from ground level to heights of up to 1000 meters, with a power capacity lasting up to 3 hours. Additionally, it features a robust air pump for high-speed release of the Elide fireball Hits standout attribute is its capability for swift wind movement, enabling it to effectively combat fires in tall city buildings where maneuvering water trucks is challenging |
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Mithona Luy , H.e. Chan Mithona , Mr. Ul Dara , Mr. EL ESEOR , Mr. Hach Phanong , Ms. Ratha Sophanith |
CAMBODIA | SMART TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM | Transportation is crucial for everyone to use to move from place to place including modern technology to enhance the efficiency, sustainability, and convenience of the public transport system. By integrating real-time data analytics, IoT devices, and advanced sensors, these systems optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance the overall travel experience. Through the use of data-driven insights and innovative design, buses aim to optimize roads, reduce emissions and improve passenger safety and ultimately contribute to building a sustainable and environmentally friendly urban environment which is reliable for everyone. Therefore, our team created this project called “Smart Transportation System”. |
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Abdul Malika |
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Chinonso Nnanna Richard |
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Thamraa Alshahrani |
SAUDI ARABIA | MICROWAVE-ASSISTED PYROLYSIS SYSTEM AND METHOD THEREOF | The present invention generally relates to a microwave- assisted pyrolysis system comprised of a microwave chamber body (102); a black carbon platform (104) disposed inside the microwave chamber body for irradiating microwave radiation and absorbing microwave energy; a quartz microwave reactor (106) placed on the black carbon platform for receiving chemical precursor(s) and applying microwave irradiation for absorption of microwave energy thereby heating the black carbon platform for microwave-assisted pyrolysis of the received chemical precursor(s); a cooling unit (108) employed for regulating and maintaining a user-defined temperature level upon detecting the temperature inside the microwave reactor using a temperature sensor (110), if the temperature exceeds the optimum level, wherein the optimum temperature is defined on the type of precursors undergoing pyrolysis; and wherein if the heating temperature is raised extremely high, the cooling unit inside the microwave machine gets activated to bring down the temperature to the user-defined level. |
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Thamraa Alshahrani |
SAUDI ARABIA | PROCESS FOR SYNTHESIZING RARE EARTH-DOPED COBALT-CHROMITE PIGMENTS FOR CAPACITIVE AND RESISTIVE HUMIDITY SENSOR APPLICATIONS | The present invention generally relates to a process for synthesizing rare earth-doped cobalt-chromite (CoCiz- *R,O,) pigments for capacitive and resistive humidity sen- sor applications, the process includes o f crushing individu- ally metal nitrates and rare earth material (R) using a hydraulic press to form a powder of metal nitrates and rare earth nitrates; dissolving the powder of metal nitrates and rare earth material (R) with fuels in 30 milliliters of distilled water with constant stirring using a magnetic stirrer to form a green color solution; heating the green color solution at 425 degrees Celsius for half an hour to obtain a green powder; extracting and grinding the green powder in an agate mortar for 1 hour to form a fine green pigment; and annealing the fine green pigment in a muffle furnace for two hours at a temperature of 500-600 degrees to remove organic residue and obtain rare earth-doped cobalt-chromite (CoCiz- *R,04) pigments. |
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Thamraa Alshahrani |
SAUDI ARABIA | MICROWAVE-ASSISTED PYROLYSIS SYSTEM AND METHOD THEREOF | The present invention generally relates to a microwave- assisted pyrolysis system comprised of a microwave chamber body (102); a black carbon platform (104) disposed inside the microwave chamber body for irradiating microwave radiation and absorbing microwave energy; a quartz microwave reactor (106) placed on the black carbon platform for receiving chemical precursor(s) and applying microwave irradiation for absorption of microwave energy thereby heating the black carbon platform for microwave-assisted pyrolysis of the received chemical precursor(s); a cooling unit (108) employed for regulating and maintaining a user-defined temperature level upon detecting the temperature inside the microwave reactor using a temperature sensor (110), if the temperature exceeds the optimum level, wherein the optimum temperature is defined on the type of precursors undergoing pyrolysis; and wherein if the heating temperature is raised extremely high, the cooling unit inside the microwave machine gets activated to bring down the temperature to the user-defined level. |
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Thamraa Alshahrani |
SAUDI ARABIA | MICROWAVE-ASSISTED PYROLYSIS SYSTEM AND METHOD THEREOF | The present invention generally relates to a microwave- assisted pyrolysis system comprised of a microwave cham- ber body (102); a black carbon platform (104) disposed inside the microwave chamber body for irradiating micro- wave radiation and absorbing microwave energy; a quartz microwave reactor (106) placed on the black carbon plat- form for receiving chemical precursors) and applying microwave irradiation for absorption of microwave energy thereby heating the black carbon platform for microwave- assisted pyrolysis of the received chemical precursor(s); a cooling unit (108) employed for regulating and maintaining a user-defined temperature level upon detecting the tem- perature inside the microwave reactor using a temperature sensor (110), if the temperature exceeds the optimum level, wherein the optimum temperature is defined on the type of precursors undergoing pyrolysis; and wherein if the heating temperature si raised extremely high, the cooling unit inside the microwave machine gets activated to bring down the temperature to the user-defined level. |
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Thamraa Alshahrani |
SAUDI ARABIA | MICROWAVE-ASSISTED PYROLYSIS SYSTEM AND METHOD THEREOF | The present invention generally relates to a microwave- assisted pyrolysis system comprised of a microwave cham- ber body (102); a black carbon platform (104) disposed inside the microwave chamber body for irradiating micro- wave radiation and absorbing microwave energy; a quartz microwave reactor (106) placed on the black carbon plat- form for receiving chemical precursors) and applying microwave irradiation for absorption of microwave energy thereby heating the black carbon platform for microwave- assisted pyrolysis of the received chemical precursor(s); a cooling unit (108) employed for regulating and maintaining a user-defined temperature level upon detecting the tem- perature inside the microwave reactor using a temperature sensor (110), if the temperature exceeds the optimum level, wherein the optimum temperature is defined on the type of precursors undergoing pyrolysis; and wherein if the heating temperature si raised extremely high, the cooling unit inside the microwave machine gets activated to bring down the temperature to the user-defined level. |
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Robert Mereuta , Robert Mereuta , Denis Chiritescu |
ROMANIA | BeeCluster | BeeCluster is an automated bee hive diagnostic system that measures honey production (kg), temperature and humidity in the hive, the frequency with which bees fly and recognizes the state of the hive using AI. The beekeeper automatically graphs the values in the hive and can see if there is a problem in the hive. |
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Imhammed Bouguerra , Meriem Mraihi , Wiem Ayachi , IDRIS GALLAOUI , Habil. Dorai , Belgacem Gallaoui |
TUNISIA | World Health Organization | IA Protection System 1. *COVID-19 Detection Project*: Development of a system to analyze data and estimate the number of sick people on a given date. 2. *Detection of People with or without Masks*: Implementation of a facial recognition system to identify individuals wearing or not wearing a mask. 3. *Diagnosis by Thoracic X-ray*: Development of a tool to aid in the diagnosis of chest X-rays using advanced image analysis techniques. 4. *Customer Review Sentiment Analysis*: Creation of a system to evaluate and analyze the sentiments expressed in customer reviews. 5. *Fraud Detection in the Insurance Sector*: Developing a fraud detection system to improve security and reliability in the insurance sector. 6. *Tunisian Registration Plate Recognition System*: Design of a system for the automatic recognition of registration plates in Tunisia. 7 *Creating a Web Task Automation System*: Developing a system to automate various tasks on a website, thereby improving efficiency and productivity. 8. *Creation of a Tunisian Educational Chatbot*: Development of an educational chatbot to support learning and provide information for the Tunisian education system. 9. *Freelancer Profile Analysis System*: Design of an analysis tool to evaluate freelancer profiles and help select the best talents. 10. *Optimization of Marketing Strategies by AI*: Integration of AI to improve marketing strategies, particularly in the creation of content on social networks. 11. *Facial Recognition Attendance Management System*: Creation of a facial recognition system to manage employee attendance and administrative access, including the ability to add and remove employees with the display of employee information 12. *Recommendation System for an E-commerce Site*: Development of a recommendation system for an e-commerce site, capable of suggesting items similar to a chosen product, based on an image uploaded by the user. 13.*Voice Recognition System for Learning Tajwid*: Development of a voice recognition system intended to help users perfect their recitation of the Quran. By recording your voice, the system will display the text of the Quran with vowel diacritics and identify any recitation errors you have made. It will correct the pronunciation of words and highlight mispronounced words as well as those not found in the Quran, thereby guiding you towards correct and accurate recitation. 14*Tunisian Car Price Prediction System*: Development of a machine learning model capable of predicting the price of cars in Tunisia. By entering the car's specifications, including year of manufacture and selected options, the system will provide an accurate price estimate, helping buyers and sellers to take descisions 15. *Falling People Detection System*: Development of a system for detecting falling people in industrial environments. When the system detects a person who has fallen to the ground, it immediately sends an alert to report the incident, allowing rapid intervention and thus ensuring the safety of employees. 16.*Healthy Food Product Detection System*: Development of a system allowing consumers to check whether a food product is healthy or not. The system sends notifications explaining why the product is unhealthy and recommends similar healthier products for the same item, also indicating the nearest store where this product can be purchased. 17. *Pre-Interview and Resume Optimization System*: Development of a pre-interview system that helps candidates create a highly professional resume for the desired position or improve an existing resume to make it more attractive. The system then simulates an HR and technical interview with an intelligent robot, evaluating the content of your CV and your job-specific skills. At the end, the system provides an overall score as well as an analysis of your strengths and weaknesses, thus preparing you optimally for the real interviews. IA Protection System 1. *COVID-19 Detection Project*: Development of a system to analyze data and estimate the number of sick people on a given date. 2. *Detection of People with or without Masks*: Implementation of a facial recognition system to identify individuals wearing or not wearing a mask. 3. *Diagnosis by Thoracic X-ray*: Development of a tool to aid in the diagnosis of chest X-rays using advanced image analysis techniques. 4. *Customer Review Sentiment Analysis*: Creation of a system to evaluate and analyze the sentiments expressed in customer reviews. 5. *Fraud Detection in the Insurance Sector*: Developing a fraud detection system to improve security and reliability in the insurance sector. 6. *Tunisian Registration Plate Recognition System*: Design of a system for the automatic recognition of registration plates in Tunisia. 7 *Creating a Web Task Automation System*: Developing a system to automate various tasks on a website, thereby improving efficiency and productivity. 8. *Creation of a Tunisian Educational Chatbot*: Development of an educational chatbot to support learning and provide information for the Tunisian education system. 9. *Freelancer Profile Analysis System*: Design of an analysis tool to evaluate freelancer profiles and help select the best talents. 10. *Optimization of Marketing Strategies by AI*: Integration of AI to improve marketing strategies, particularly in the creation of content on social networks. 11. *Facial Recognition Attendance Management System*: Creation of a facial recognition system to manage employee attendance and administrative access, including the ability to add and remove employees with the display of employee information 12. *Recommendation System for an E-commerce Site*: Development of a recommendation system for an e-commerce site, capable of suggesting items similar to a chosen product, based on an image uploaded by the user. 13.*Voice Recognition System for Learning Tajwid*: Development of a voice recognition system intended to help users perfect their recitation of the Quran. By recording your voice, the system will display the text of the Quran with vowel diacritics and identify any recitation errors you have made. It will correct the pronunciation of words and highlight mispronounced words as well as those not found in the Quran, thereby guiding you towards correct and accurate recitation. 14*Tunisian Car Price Prediction System*: Development of a machine learning model capable of predicting the price of cars in Tunisia. By entering the car's specifications, including year of manufacture and selected options, the system will provide an accurate price estimate, helping buyers and sellers to take descisions 15. *Falling People Detection System*: Development of a system for detecting falling people in industrial environments. When the system detects a person who has fallen to the ground, it immediately sends an alert to report the incident, allowing rapid intervention and thus ensuring the safety of employees. 16.*Healthy Food Product Detection System*: Development of a system allowing consumers to check whether a food product is healthy or not. The system sends notifications explaining why the product is unhealthy and recommends similar healthier products for the same item, also indicating the nearest store where this product can be purchased. 17. *Pre-Interview and Resume Optimization System*: Development of a pre-interview system that helps candidates create a highly professional resume for the desired position or improve an existing resume to make it more attractive. The system then simulates an HR and technical interview with an intelligent robot, evaluating the content of your CV and your job-specific skills. At the end, the system provides an overall score as well as an analysis of your strengths and weaknesses, thus preparing you optimally for the real interviews. |
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Slah Saadlaoui , Taam Youssef , Othmen Jriou , ALOUI KARIM , Amani Abdi , Taycir Bahrouni |
TUNISIA | company technology | Electricity is one of the main tools for sustainable economic and social development, as the seventh goal of the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the United Nations stipulates ensuring access for all at an affordable cost. Electricity is the main engine and primary driver of economic development in all countries of the world, which necessitates countries to make better use of their resources in providing electricity as a basic and necessary commodity to achieve the production equation to the fullest extent. Therefore, governments are working to reduce investment risks in the field of electricity production, and urging the private sector to participate in its production steps, in an effort to secure the necessary electrical supply to meet the steady increase in demand for electrical energy, and to meet the requirements of comprehensive and sustainable development in all parts of the country, as it is one of the tools in Achieving economic, industrial and social development in a way that preserves the rights of our children to their future returns. From this standpoint, we researched the problem of massive depletion of electrical energy by consumers and learned about its dimensions and impact. We developed hypotheses and searched for information. We searched for a program that allows us to rationalize electricity consumption. We made sure that the application was running and wrote future recommendations and proposals for its development. . Through experience, we have found that electricity can be rationalized through electronic applications that are widespread today, and which are easy for everyone to use. |
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Daniel Ameyaw |
GHANA | ||
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Emmanuel Olugbemi Adebayo |
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Slah Saadlaoui , Taam Youssef , Othmen Jriou , ALOUI KARIM , Amani Abdi , Taycir Bahrouni |
TUNISIA | company technology | Electricity is one of the main tools for sustainable economic and social development, as the seventh goal of the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the United Nations stipulates ensuring access for all at an affordable cost. Electricity is the main engine and primary driver of economic development in all countries of the world, which necessitates countries to make better use of their resources in providing electricity as a basic and necessary commodity to achieve the production equation to the fullest extent. Therefore, governments are working to reduce investment risks in the field of electricity production, and urging the private sector to participate in its production steps, in an effort to secure the necessary electrical supply to meet the steady increase in demand for electrical energy, and to meet the requirements of comprehensive and sustainable development in all parts of the country, as it is one of the tools in Achieving economic, industrial and social development in a way that preserves the rights of our children to their future returns. From this standpoint, we researched the problem of massive depletion of electrical energy by consumers and learned about its dimensions and impact. We developed hypotheses and searched for information. We searched for a program that allows us to rationalize electricity consumption. We made sure that the application was running and wrote future recommendations and proposals for its development. . Through experience, we have found that electricity can be rationalized through electronic applications that are widespread today, and which are easy for everyone to use. |
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Amran Naseem |
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Abdullah Mohammad Alshaudary , Abdullah Mohammad Alshaudary , Abdullah Mohammad Alshaudary , ABDULLAH MOHAMMAD ALSHAUDARY , Abdullah Mohammad Alshaudary , Abdullah Mohammad Alshaudary |
SAUDI ARABIA | تكاتف المقيطيب والشودري | تقديم أعمال اللوجستية، وتسويق منتحات الورقيات والدرنيات في الرياض |
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Robert Mereuta , Robert Mereuta , Denis Chiritescu |
ROMANIA | Hive Sense | Hive Sense is an automated bee hive diagnostic system that measures honey production (kg), temperature and humidity in the hive, the frequency with which bees fly and recognizes the state of the hive using AI. The beekeeper automatically graphs the values in the hive and can see if there is a problem in the hive. |
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Esosa Ajanaku |
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Mithona Luy , Luy Mithona , Rachana Chhoeung , SOM BANDITHVIPHOU , Hoeun Chanthorn , Din Somnage |
CAMBODIA | SAMDECH HUN SEN Electronic Library | SAMDECH HUN SEN e-Library is a cutting-edge digital platform designed to empower learners of all ages and backgrounds with easy access to a diverse collection of educational resources. We strive to bridge the digital divide and make high-quality content available to all, regardless of their resources and technological access. With a user-friendly interface optimized for seamless navigation, interactive learning experiences, and personalized journeys, our App offers an inclusive and transformative educational experience. Join us in shaping a brighter future where knowledge knows no bounds, and learning becomes limitless. |
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Luy Mithona , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Prof. Chuop Sopheak , Mr. Ly Chandavin , Mr. Ung Chisreng , Mr. Chakk Lyhuor |
CAMBODIA | KHMER SMART AGNIKRIHA | This Agnikriha was rebuilt to preserve the heritage of Khmer ancestors left behind for hundreds of years, an architectural structure that shows the goodwill of the Cambodian people, as well as incorporating modern technology to serve the people have a place to stop for a short time when traveling on public roads. |
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Luy Mithona , Mr. Sek Socheat , Mr. Longthav Sipav , Mr. KUOCH CHANCHAMROEUN , Mr. Men Sunarong , Mr. Kheng Pylan |
CAMBODIA | HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM APPS | Human Resource Management System APP is a kind of system that facility of human resource works by using Mobile APP to communicate. Human Resource Management System APP would change the behavior of using the old and traditional system to the high tech technology which has to compete in 4.0 industry. Human Resource Management System APP would provide the real time system monitoring on Mobile APP and also web dashboard monitoring for Admin user. Company would benefit from Human Resource Management System APP implementation which we provide the multi-functions and feature of Human Resource Management that reduce the cost and staff turnover in the company. |
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Anand Joseph |
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Olanrewaju Ayodapo Asuni |
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Mithona Luy , Dr. So Sokuntheary , Prof. Chuop Sopheak , Mr. Mao Sothea |
CAMBODIA | Community housing (Green Building) | Migration from the provinces to Phnom Penh is on the rise, and most of them live in rented houses, rented rooms, or, for the less affluent, they live in tents made for workers but seem less comfortable. Anarchy that lacks natural ventilation, natural spaces, or community spaces, as well as high costs. We want to rethink what kind of building should start in that area. Migration from the provinces to Phnom Penh is on the rise, and most of them live in rented houses, rented rooms, or, for the less affluent, they live in tents made for workers but seem less comfortable. Anarchy that lacks natural ventilation, natural spaces, or community spaces, as well as high costs. We want to rethink what kind of building should start in that area. |
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Atmani Abdelfattah |
MOROCCO | A device for producing clean electricity from sea waves | Innovation is a number of cells made up of several devices connected together that depend on movement Sea waves in producing clean electricity. It relies on the principle of magnetic induction to produce electricity |
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Constantin Ungureanu , Milici Laurențiu-Dan , Pavăl Mihaela , Atănăsoae Pavel , Nițan Ilie , Ungureanu Constantin, Iavorschi Eugen, Alisavetei Irina, Tuduriu Constantin Cornel |
ROMANIA | HYBRID SYSTEM FOR IMPROVING THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS | The solution involves a panel placed on the back of the photovoltaic panel and which has a system of channels, of variable section through which the cooling fluid circulates, which can be water for the preparation of hot water or air for heating a room. |
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Ciprian Bejenar , Bejenar Ciprian , Bejenar Marian , Milici Laurențiu-Dan , Pentiuc Radu-Dumitru , Atănăsoae Pavel, Popa Cezar-Dumitru, Pop Teodor, Ifrim Visarion |
ROMANIA | METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR LIMITING THE LOAD CURVE | The invention involves a specific communication and adjustment system in relation to controllable electrical sources with which adjustable electrical consumers are equipped and/or flexibly supplied, simultaneously connected to an electrical network with limited energy capacity so that it limits and/or regulates one or more electrical parameters (e.g. electrical voltage, electrical current, etc.) |
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Valentin Popa , Popa Valentin , Bejenar Ciprian , Milici Laurențiu-Dan , Dimian Mihai , Ungureanu Constantin, Pavăl Mihaela |
ROMANIA | SYSTEM FOR INCREASING THE QUALITY OF SLEEP | System for sleep quality enhancement, according to the invention, it assumes a unitary body composed of an elastic rectangular structure of thermo-sensitive elements that react to the local temperature variation, depending on which it adapts the shape of the rest mattresses between the layers of which it is embedded, that it modifies according to the shape of each user's body and returns to its original shape after each use, so that it represents an appropriate solution for the role it fulfills. |
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Augustin Semenescu , Doicin Cristian Vasile , Ulmeanu Mihaela Elena , ANTONIAC Vasile Iulian , Semenescu Augustin , Costoiu Mihnea Cosmin; Mitrică Marian; Murzac Roman; Chirteș Alin; Davițoiu Dragoș-Virgil; Doicin Irina Elena; Mateș Ileana Mariana |
ROMANIA | Cranial endoprothesis with a sliding system | The invention relates to a cranial endoprosthesis with a sliding system, used to repair the traumatic defects of the skull, by the surgical procedure of cranioplasty. The cranial endoprosthesis consists of a superior sliding layer, a lower sliding layer, and a fastening system, and the sliding layers are mobile cells with a sliding system. For assembling, the lower sliding layer is positioned in a non-sliding state, tangent to the lower surface of the skull, and for actuating and sliding the movable cells of the lower layer, an actuator key is required. On the side of the movable cells are provided the conjugate engagement surfaces which come in contact with the actuation key for initiating the sliding movement. |
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Augustin Semenescu , Florin Miculescu , Aura Catalina Mocanu , Iulian Vasile Antoniac , Mihnea Cosmin Costoiu , Stefan Ioan Voicu, Marian Miculescu, Ileana Mates, Augustin Semenescu |
ROMANIA | Manufacturing process of a product destined for bone defects reconstruction, based on hydroxiapatite and biogenic biphasic calcium phosphate | The invention relates to the manufacturing process of a product destined for bone defects reconstruction, based on hydroxyapatite and biogenic biphasic calcium phosphate, with a controlled ratio between hydroxyapatite/tricalcium phosphate. All calcium phosphates result from the thermal dissociation of calcium carbonate in form of dolomitic marble and seashells, and treatment of calcium hydroxide solution with phosphoric acid (range: 100−130% x calculated stoichiometric amount). |
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Yoon Kyubin |
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | Development and Application of a Physical Elements Integration and Protection System for Preventing Water Spillage Inside Vehicles | This invention introduces a novel system to prevent rainwater from entering vehicles during boarding and alighting, addressing issues of passenger discomfort and safety, especially in heavy rain. Motivated by personal experiences of water damage and mold growth inside vehicles, the system uses high-velocity air streams generated by motors at the door frames. This creates an invisible air curtain that deflects rainwater away, utilizing principles like the Bernoulli and Coandă effects for enhanced effectiveness. The system provides user convenience by keeping passengers dry, improves safety by reducing slip hazards, and maintains interior cleanliness. It is energy-efficient, utilizing the vehicle's power supply effectively. Suitable for both passenger and commercial vehicles, this innovation offers a practical solution for a common problem, with potential for broad application and future improvements in energy efficiency and durability. |
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Ryoo Hwarim , Hwarim Ryoo , Jaeeun Jung , Hyeonho Moon |
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | Development of Functional Tea Based on the Validation of Jeju Sasa's Anti-diabetic Activation | Jeju Sasa (Sasa quelpaertensis Nakai), an invasive plant on Mt. Halla, threatens local biodiversity but offers significant health benefits. This project aims to validate its anti-diabetic properties and develop a functional tea. Research shows Jeju Sasa's mature leaves inhibit α-glucosidase enzyme activity crucial for diabetes management, with 100% inhibition at lower concentrations. Mature leaves also exhibit superior antioxidant activity and higher total phenolic content compared to younger leaves. These findings suggest that using mature leaves for tea production is cost-effective and reduces harvesting labor. The tea, with blends like KICK SUMMER and DETOX BODY, is caffeine-free and safe for all ages, offering blood sugar management benefits. Promoting Jeju Sasa tea aids in ecological conservation by controlling the plant’s spread and has strong market potential due to its health benefits and environmental sustainability. |
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Mohammad Javad Nourianfard , Mohammad Javad Nourianfard , Saeid Abazari |
UNITED KINGDOM | A Portable Heating-Cooling Torbu FanCoil Device using Fluid | This invention is a Heating-Cooling Turbo Fan Coil Device in which the defects of similar devices in the market have been using the cold element and the hot element (heatsinks) ; we get the most efficiently from the device. There is no need for an engine room and chiller, compared to Air conditioner, Fancoils even split inverters.therefore, it reduces power consumption and increases efficiency, reduces production costs and reduces occupied space. |
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Luminița Georgeta Popescu , Popescu Luminița Georgeta , Marica Mădălina Mirabela , Abagiu Traian Alexandru , Predeanu Georgeta , Racoceanu Cristinel, Cruceru Mihai, Popescu Cristinel, Diaconu Bogdan Marian, Ciofu Florin Cristian, Cazalbașu Ramona, Anghelescu Lucica |
ROMANIA | PROCESS FOR OBTAINING HEAT-INSULATING CONCRETE BASED ON HEAVY ASH OF POWER PLANT | The invention refers to a process for the manufacture of heat-insulating concrete, with the use of hearth ash resulting from the burning of coal in thermoelectric power plants as a light granular aggregate. It is known that for the manufacture of heat-insulating concrete with maximum usage temperatures of up to (1000-1100)ºC, light aggregates are currently used, such as calcined diatomite and granulated blast furnace slag, raw materials that are currently in short supply in Romania. The technical problem that the invention solves consists in obtaining concrete with thermal power plant ash, through a cheap, economical and easy to apply process in production. The process of obtaining heat-insulating concretes, based on thermal power plant fly ash and cement, assumes that in the composition of these concretes, ash represents (25-80)%, either as a single granular aggregate or in combination with other types of heat-resistant, lightweight granular aggregates, usual, such as, for example, expanded perlite. Heat-insulating concretes based on thermal power plant ash, obtained according to the invention patent, can be put into operation by known technical processes, of casting-vibration or shotcrete. |
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Luminița Georgeta Popescu , Popescu Luminița Georgeta , Marica Mădălina Mirabela , Abagiu Traian Alexandru , Predeanu Georgeta , Racoceanu Cristinel, Cruceru Mihai, Popescu Cristinel, Diaconu Bogdan Marian, Ciofu Florin Cristian, Cazalbașu Ramona, Anghelescu Lucica |
ROMANIA | PROCESS FOR OBTAINING COMPACTION MASSES WITH REINFORCEMENT BASED ON HYDRAULIC BINDER | The invention refers to a process for obtaining quick-hardening masses, based on hydraulic binder, used in the execution of reinforced form, leveling or filling layers, in construction works. The process according to the invention capitalizes on the specificity of the oxidic and mineralogical chemical composition of the secondary steel treatment slag, in that, after grinding to an appropriate fineness for a rest of a maximum of 10% on the sieve with the meshes of 0.09mm , is used as a hydraulic binder in the composition of the compacting masses.The process according to the invention uses industrial waste with a relatively low degree of recovery as granular aggregates, to obtain the compaction masses with rapid hydraulic hardening: steel making slag in an electric furnace and ash of power plant. |
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Augusto Felisardo Aiquipa Bravo , Augusto Felisardo Aiquipa Bravo |
PERU | Sustainable Atmospheric Water Collection System | The creative system aims to combat water shortage in dry areas by utilizing atmospheric moisture to create drinkable water. The system combines solar-powered graphene filtration and thermal shielding for uninterrupted operation with low maintenance needs. It has the ability to run round the clock, offering a reliable source of fresh water for isolated villages. The modular design can be scaled for small villages or larger settlements, ensuring adaptability. This innovation provides an economical and dependable answer for areas experiencing severe weather conditions and low water supply. |
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Irina Fierascu , Irina Fierascu , Anda Maria Baroi , Radu Claudiu Fierascu , Roxana Ioana Brazdis (matei) , Toma Fistos, Ioana Silvia Hosu, Florentina Monica Raduly |
ROMANIA | Active composite material with antimicrobial and sun protection properties with the potential for use in cosmetic formulations and procedure for obtaining | The present invention refers to a composite material with antimicrobial and sun protection effect, intended for use in cosmetic applications, consisting of an apatitic material, used as an active ingredient and natural bioactive compounds (such as quercetin or rutin). The procedure for obtaining the composite material consisting of two stages, obtaining the apatitic material by the sol-gel method, respectively obtaining the composite material. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by a grant of the Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digitization, CCCDI-UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2021-0273, within PNCDI III. It is also acknowledged the support of Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization through Program 1 - Development of the national research-development system, Subprogram 1.2-Institutional performance- Projects to finance excellence in RDI, Contract no. 15PFE/2021. |
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Toma Fistos , Sorin-Viorel Dolana , Radu Claudiu Fierascu, , Irina Fierascu, Anda Maria Baroi , Roxana Ioana Brazdis (matei) , Andrei Sarbu, Tanta-Verona Iordache, Anamaria Zaharia |
ROMANIA | Organic/inorganic composite material with antimicrobial effect for consolidating archaeological wood with excess of moisture and method of obtaining it | The present invention refers to a nanocomposite coating material with antimicrobial and consolidant properties (demonstrated by the improvement of the mechanical properties) for archaeological wood with excess moisture (known in the specialized literature as waterlogged wood), material constructed of two components: an antimicrobial component (substituted apatitic material with various heavy metals) that gives protection against biodeteriogens and a polymeric component that gives the compound compatibility with the support material on which it is applied (archaeological wood) and improves the mechanical properties (consolidation) and to a method of obtaining it. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by a grant of the Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digitization, CCCDI-UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2021-0627, within PNCDI III. It is also acknowledged the support of Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization through Program 1 - Development of the national research-development system, Subprogram 1.2-Institutional performance- Projects to finance excellence in RDI, Contract no. 15PFE/2021. |
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Panaitescu Denis Mihaela , Oancea Florin , Oprea Mădălina , Frone Adriana Nicoleta , Constantinescu Aruxandei Diana , Trică Bogdan, Nicolae Andi Cristian, Gabor Augusta Raluca |
ROMANIA | Process for obtaining cellulose nanofibers from lignocellulosic waste and method of using them to obtain bionanocomposites | The invention refers to a process for obtaining cellulose nanofibers from the spent lignocellulosic substrate resulting as a waste from the cultivation of mushrooms and to a process for valorizing these cellulose nanofibers as reinforcing agents for a biopolymer. The process of obtaining cellulose nanofibers with prospective applications in medicine, pharmaceutics, or in the production of packaging consists of grinding the lignocellulosic waste, a series of chemical treatments, dialysis and lyophilization steps that result in the formation of a fine powder of cellulose nanofibers with diameters between 20 and 200 nm that can be stored for several months without changing their properties under normal storage conditions (temperature 20-30 °C, humidity below 60%). Melt mixing these cellulose nanofibers and a biopolymer in different ratios, yields bionanocomposites with potential uses in medicine as medical implants, in pharmaceutics for the controlled release of drugs, in packaging, in electronics, and for obtaining of consumer goods. Acknowledgement. This work was financially supported by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS/CCCDI–UEFISCDI, through the projects PN-III-P4-PCE2021-0435, contract 77PCE/2022 (CELGAS) within PNCDI III and also through PN (InteGral), within PN 23.06 Core Program-ChemNewDeal. It is also acknowledged the |
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Ana Maria Gurban , Lucian-Gabriel Zamfir , Mihaela Doni , Cătălina Gîfu , Luiza Jecu , Iuliana Răut, Mariana Constantin, , Cristina Firincă |
ROMANIA | Procedure for manufacturing of a miniaturized nanocomposite based multisensing platform for the monitoring of clinically relevant biomarkers | The invention describes the process for obtaining a miniaturized electrochemical multisensing platform based on an innovative electrocatalytic nanomaterial Fullerenol-Hydrogel for the selective determination of clinically relevant markers, such as glucose, lactate, cortisol and H2O2. The electrosensitive layer consists in the simple deposition onto the active surface of a multisensing carbon paste screen-printed electrode (SPE) of an innovative nanocomposite material based on a 3D elastic crosslinked hydrogel network (Hy), doped with conductive polyhydroxylated derivatives of fullerene (fullerenol, FL) containing specific bioreceptors (e.g. enzymes, aptamers). Advantages of fullerenol-hydrogel - based (bio)sensors: enhanced analytical performances for clinical applications, fast response times and low costs, low sample volumes, sensitive, low potential (0.04 V vs. Ag/AgCl) detection of H2O2 using FL-PB-Hydrogel based SPE, sensitive and selective detection of glucose and lactate with FL-PB-Enzymes-Hydrogel based SPE, miniaturization and integration into portable detection systems. Acknowledgements. This work is supported by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS/CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project COFUND-M-ERANET-3-FULSENS-GEL within PNCDI III, project no. 318/2022. It is also acknowledged the support of Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization through Program 1 - Development of the national research-development system, Subprogram 1.2-Institutional performance- Projects to finance excellence in RDI, Contract no. 15PFE/2021. |
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Zina Vuluga , Victor Alexandru Faraon , Florin Oancea , Marius Ghiurea , George Mihail Teodorescu , Andreea Ioniţă, Augusta Raluca Gabor, Cristian Andi Nicolae, Gabriel Vasilievici |
ROMANIA | Concentrate for improving the properties of bio-Polyamide, process for obtaining and using it | The invention refers to a concentrate based on bio-Polyamide (bio-PA), reinforcing agent, mixture from hydrolyzed keratin from chicken feathers and nanoparticles of silicate nanotubes or nanosilica, to a process for obtaining the concentrate consisting of mixing the components in a rotary gravimetric mixer and homogenization in the melt in a co-rotating twin-screw extruder, and to a process of using said concentrate for obtaining nanocomposites based on bio-PA reinforced with keratin/nanoparticles mixture, with thermal stability and improved mechanical and aesthetic properties, usable in the production of injected parts for the automotive industry. Acknowledgement.This work was supported by a grant of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS/CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2021-0795, financing contract 701PED/2022, within PNCDI III and also through Program 1 - Development of the national research-development system, Subprogram 1.2-Institutional performance- Projects to finance excellence in RDI, Contract no. 15PFE/2021. |
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Panaitescu Denis Mihaela, , Usurelu Catalina Diana , Oprica Gabriela Mădălina , Gabor Augusta Raluca , Frone Adriana Nicoleta |
ROMANIA | Design of new nanocellulose-based gas-carrier systems (CELGAS) | Severe oxygen deprivation can cause significant problems in chronic wounds, during organ preservation and implantation, or in cases of trauma, hemorrhagic shock, or viral pneumonia. Currently, there is no viable solution to deliver oxygen to the grafts during the healing period. The scope of the CELGAS project is to develop innovative oxygen-carrying systems capable of supplying oxygen in a controlled manner to injured tissue/ implants. The innovative oxygen-carrying systems will ensure controlled release of oxygen for long periods of time, will have a high stability, biodegradability, will not be cytotoxic and will have a nanometric size, essential to avoid vascular obstruction. In CELGAS, the problem will be addressed using nanocellulose and nanocellulose/biopolymer to encapsulate oxygen-generating species or to obtain oxygen-containing nanobubbles. Acknowledgement. This work was financially supported by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS/CCCDI–UEFISCDI, through the projects PN-III-P4-PCE2021-0435, contract 77PCE/2022 (CELGAS) within PNCDI III. It is also acknowledged the support of Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization through Program 1 - Development of the national research-development system, Subprogram 1.2-Institutional performance- Projects to finance excellence in RDI, Contract no. 15PFE/2021. |
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Nemeş Ovidiu , Borlea (mureşan) Simona Ioana , Tiuc Ancuţa-Elena , Deak Gyorgy |
ROMANIA | Innovative use of sheep wool and polyurethane foam for obtaining materials with sound-absorbing properties | The aim of this work was to obtain materials with sound-absorbing properties using sheep wool and rigid bicomponent polyurethane foam. Were obtained four materials composed of three layers, a layer of sheep wool previously processed by hot pressing at 80°C and 5 MPa, with final thicknesses of 2, 4, 6 and 12 mm; a layer of rigid bi-component polyurethane foam, with a thickness of 8....37 mm and a transition layer, 1...20 mm thick, resulting from the migration of polyurethane foam during the multilayer panel manufacturing process into the wool layer and/or the migration of wool into the polyurethane foam layer. Wool and polyurethane foam are the combination of sound insulation and sound absorption - wool absorbs sound and reduces it, and due to the rigid structure of polyurethane foam (closed pore structure), it does not allow sound to travel further, resulting in sound insulation. The obtained materials have very good sound absorption properties with acoustic absorption coefficient values over 0.7 for the frequency range 800 ÷ 3150 Hz; the results prove that the sheep wool has a comparable sound absorption performance to that of mineral wool. (Patent RO136050- B1/30.05.2024) |
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Pop Marian -Leontin , Tamas Levente |
ROMANIA | Method for correcting plane surfaces in images from cameras equipped with time-of-flight (tof) sensors, using convolutional neural networks | A system and method for automatically eliminating the multi-path interference on planar surfaces caused artifacts for the pulse based Time-of-Flight (ToF) cameras is provided. Moreover, the system comprises a component which is using convolutional neural network (CNN) for the elimination of the artifacts sensed and returned from the ToF camera depth images. The CNN is based on the 3 channel composition of information which is trained on a large real and synthetic dataset, for which an automatic 3D point processing chain is extracting and marking the correct ground planar information. During the evaluation mode, the CNN is able to correct in a seamless manner the artifacts on the planar patches from the ToF camera, ensuring a reduced MPI. (Patent RO135782) |
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Dănescu Radu Gabriel |
ROMANIA | Device and method for precise remote synchronization of systems for astronomical observation | The invention describes a system and method for remote synchronization of optical systems for sky observation, used for detecting objects in low, medium, or high Earth orbits. According to the invention, the system comprises a triggering device, which consists of a GPS receiver with two channels, one for reading global time and a very high-precision Pulse Per Second (1PPS) synchronization signal, a microcontroller board, a matrix keyboard for user input, and an LCD screen for display. A telescope equipped with a camera is connected to this device, which will be triggered by the device according to a preloaded exposure program. |
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I.g. Sandu , A.v. Sandu , I. Sandu , K. EARAR , V. Vasilache , C.m. Ştirbu, R.a. Crișan Dabija, M. Chirazi, A. Vladescu, M.c. Cotrut, M.d. Vranceanu |
ROMANIA | Jacuzzi system for thermalism with hydro-/air-massage and halochamber treatments with solions | The invention relates to a jacuzzi system for thermalism with hydro-/air-massage and halochamber treatments with solions, to be used for the prevention and treatment of cardio-respiratory, osteo-muscular and neuro-motor diseases as well as for improving performance in children, elderly and sportsmen or persons performing intense physical activity. The system consists of a parallelepipedal or circular tight chamber, with ionized windows, with UV filters, having, in central position, a round-, oval- or lagune-shaped basin made of glass fibers and photo-thermal resistive polymer, an aerosol-generating bubbling device with concentrated solution of NaCl, KCl, CaCl, MgCland KI in a mass ratio equal to 7.95 : 1,0 : 0.5 : 0.5 : 0.05, where, through the frits from the bottom side, overheated water vapours are purged to reach the preset levels of solions, the bubbling device being placed in a niche next to the entrance door, where for the control, in real time, of the working parameters, there are used devices with specific sensors coupled to a microcomputer, which also enables modification of the water vapour flow-rate for bubbling, the basin volume is correlated with the halochamber volume and it ranges between 1000 and 10000 liters, with a depth of 0.5...1.5 m, and the working temperature ranges between 35...40°C, on the walls, the system having a network of uniformly zig-zag distributed purging nozzles for hydro- and air-massage, the jets from the two sets of nozzles being obtained by pressurized recycling of the concentrated salt solution from the basin and the solion-charged air from the halochamber, the volume of saturated solution from the bubbling device needs to be higher than 1/20000 of the halochamber volume, and the bubbling device, which has above a limewood grate for retaining drops, is only half filled with the salt solutions which are at the saturation limit, with a temperature within the range of 75...80°C. |
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Narcisa Mederle |
ROMANIA | IMMUNOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF SPECIFIC ACTIVITY OF AVIAN IMMUNOGLOBULINS (IgY) | Romvac company won at the International Exhibition of Research, Innovation & Invention ProInvent, 2018 edition, CJ: 2 gold medals Obtaining and utilization of immunoglobulins from egg yolk Hyperimmun Pc2 (IgY) Immunologic treatment procedure with PC2 biologics used in epidermolysis bullosa 4 bronze medals Romvac Company won at the International Exhibition of Research, Innovation & Invention ProInvent, edition 2022, CJ: 2 gold medals Process for obtaining IgY immunoglobulin Method for immunologic evaluation of the specific activity of IgY poultry immunoglobulins Romvac Company won at the International Exhibition of Research, Innovation & Invention ProInvent, CJ edition 2023: 2 gold medals Preparation and use of personalized hyperimmune eggs (OVOPACH) in the treatment of psoriasis Method of purification of IgY preparation obtained from hyperimmune eggs (Romvac) using automated high performance liquid chromatography system and testing the biological activity of the obtained fractions on CAL-27 standard cell line - together with I.V. Babeș Romvac Company won at the International Exhibition of Inventions & Innovations "Traian Vuia" - 10th Edition, 2024, TM: Grand Prize of the International Salon of Inventions & Innovations "Traian Vuia" - 10th Edition, 2024 for innovation, invention and performance in medicine 10 gold medals for scientific works in human medicine and for the results of scientific research in agriculture 2 of the gold medals were obtained for: Process for obtaining and use of chicken immunoglobulin (IgY) Method for immunologic evaluation of specific activity of poultry immunoglobulin (IgY) Translated with (free version) |
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Narcisa Mederle |
ROMANIA | PRODUCTION AND USE OF IMMUNOGLOBULINS FROM HEN EGGS (IgY) | Romvac company won at the International Exhibition of Research, Innovation & Invention ProInvent, 2018 edition, CJ: 2 gold medals Obtaining and utilization of immunoglobulins from egg yolk Hyperimmun Pc2 (IgY) Immunologic treatment procedure with PC2 biologics used in epidermolysis bullosa 4 bronze medals Romvac Company won at the International Exhibition of Research, Innovation & Invention ProInvent, edition 2022, CJ: 2 gold medals Process for obtaining IgY immunoglobulin Method for immunologic evaluation of the specific activity of IgY poultry immunoglobulins Romvac Company won at the International Exhibition of Research, Innovation & Invention ProInvent, CJ edition 2023: 2 gold medals Preparation and use of personalized hyperimmune eggs (OVOPACH) in the treatment of psoriasis Method of purification of IgY preparation from hyperimmune eggs (Romvac) using automated high performance liquid chromatography system and testing the biological activity of the obtained fractions on CAL-27 standard cell line - together with I.V. Babeș Romvac Company won at the International Exhibition of Inventions & Innovations "Traian Vuia" - 10th Edition, 2024, TM: Grand Prize of the International Salon of Inventions & Innovations "Traian Vuia" - 10th Edition, 2024 for innovation, invention and performance in medicine 10 gold medals for scientific works in human medicine and for the results of scientific research in agriculture 2 of the gold medals were obtained for: Process for obtaining and use of chicken immunoglobulin (IgY) Method for immunologic evaluation of specific activity of poultry immunoglobulin (IgY) |
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Dalal Thuwayhir Massad Al-Johani , Dalal Thuwayhir Massad Al-Johani , Prof. Dr. Nermeen Abdelrahman Abdelbaset |
SAUDI ARABIA | Artificial Intelligence-Driven Design of Tour Guide Uniforms Inspired by the Aesthetic Values of AlUla Governorate’s Mural Heritage | The research problem is the lack of a unified uniform for tour guides in AlUla Governorate. To confirm this, a survey study targeting decision-makers and tour guides in the Royal Commission for AlUla Governorate was used. It contributed to identifying the characteristics of the sample and formulating the questions appropriately. It became clear from the answers, which amounted to 22 answers, that there is no unified uniform for tour guides. Some artificial intelligence tools were used to create designs for tour guide uniforms in AlUla Governorate. With an understanding of the expressive, aesthetic and functional requirements for designing the uniform, considering the historical urban heritage of the region.. |
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Vladimir Cviljusac , Vladimir Cviljusac |
CROATIA | Application of printed computer-generated holograms as security elements | The innovation is in the algorithm for computer-generating holograms and making preparations for printing in correlation with the parameters of production printing techniques. This enables the quick and low cost production of unique CGH that have broad applications in security. The final product, the security element is not only based on a hologram diffraction grating. Instead, the innovation offers a synergy of three security elements; computer manipulation of objects and composition of holo-blocks in order to achieve a large number of combinations; progressive binarization, which is used to imprint the image on the surface of the hologram and connect the input parameters of the algorithm with the parameters of the printing technique used. All this strengthens security while preserving the ability to print at low cost on standard commercial machines. |
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Branimir Budija , Author: Branimir Budija , Mentor: Zeljko Situm |
CROATIA | ROBOTIC WHEELCHAIR | A robotic wheelchair was created that has the ability to lift a patient in a lying position up to the height of a hospital bed. This solved the problem of the great effort of the medical staff when lifting immobile people from wheelchairs to hospital beds. With a simple automated transfer, it is easy to transfer patients from a lying position to a hospital bed. The pneumatic cylinder, which serves as a lift for lifting the patient, and two smaller cylinders, which serve to raise the leg rest, are controlled by electromagnetic valves. The control device Controllino Mini was used, which is fully compatible with Arduino, and serves to change the position of the electromagnetic valves and regulate the movements performed. The microswitch activates raising the patient to the working height of the hospital bed, and then lowering the patient to the starting position of the wheelchair. |
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Zeljko Knezic , Zeljko Knezic , Dubravko Rogale , ROBERT MATASIC |
CROATIA | A SOURCE OF ELECTRICITY BASED ON THE MOVEMENT OF THE LIMBS | The source of electricity is placed on clothing near the limbs (arms or legs). It consists of a freely moving cylindrical permanent magnet and an induction coil made of thin varnish-insulated wire profiled into a suitable coil. The movement of the limb causes the movement of the permanent magnet inside the cylindrical cavity around which the coil is located, where a voltage appears that can be used to power devices on clothing or the body (wrist watches, different types of sensors, charging batteries, lamps, or mobile phones, etc.). |
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Tomislav Bronzin , Tomislav Bronzin |
CROATIA | SmartArt | SmartArt is an innovative digital platform that enables museums to independently create additional multimedia content that enriches the user experience of museum visitors. It uses elements of artificial intelligence (AI) that include computer vision to quickly identify each artwork without applying any markers. The application enables the creation of content on the museum's collection, where all multimedia content that will be assigned to a particular exhibit is defined and enables the creation of exhibitions, catalogues, etc. according to needs. It supports multimedia records (sound, video, image, animation, 3D objects, link, text) and associated formats. |
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Borna Krpan , Author: Borna Krpan , Mentor: Sinisa Tevelly |
CROATIA | Humiditas Lux | Illumination of road markings and its edges during rain or fog in combination with darkness at night to help drivers in such conditions. ESP32 detects rain or fog with DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor and light, or in this case darkness with Photoresistor. It is simple to install and apply humidity and darkness detection stations as well as LED lights in the road. The purpose of the innovation is to help drivers when driving in rain or fog in combination with darkness at night, since the road and the markings on it, such as lines for separating lanes, are imperceptible. |
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Fabio Faraguna , Fabio Faraguna , Mia Gotovusa , PAULA HUZJAK , Ivana Zadravec , Martina Zadravec |
CROATIA | Application of biodisel from higher alcohols from removal of oil spills from costal sediments | With the goal of environmental remediation in accordance with the principles of the circular economy, renewable and biodegradable agents from waste cooking oil were developed and their effectiveness in removing oil from costal sediments (sand and gravel) was investigated. Fatty acid methyl and ethyl esters (FAME and FAEE) proved to be the most effective in removing oil from sand (88-89 %), while fatty acid ethyl and butyl esters (FAEE and FABE) proved to be the most effective for gravel (74-77 %). Synthesized biodiesel as an oil removing agent showed better removal efficiency under almost all conditions compared to the removal with water alone. These agents for remediation of oil spills have great commercial potential, both as remediation agents, since they are produced from the cheapest and widely available waste feedstock material, and as energy sources that can further be used, alongside the removed oil, as fuels. |
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Zdenka Brlek , Tereza Blazevic , Zdenka Brlek |
CROATIA | EDUCATIONAL BORD GAME „HOPSCOTCH“ | HOPSCOTCH is a game that has already won the hearts of children and adults in the country and abroad. In order to make it as interesting as possible, we decided to change the game board a little. We didn't have a place on the board for a throwing die, so we found a place for it in a cube that was made of solid wood. This turned out to be a great solution because in this way there are more possibilities for playing, especially with the first method, which is stacking and inserting. The game is tactile and can be played by blind, partially sighted and disabled people. In this way, we made a game that achieved great success in that field. |
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Sandra Bischof , Sandra Bischof , Zorana Kovacevic , TAJANA KRICKA , Nikola Bilandzija |
CROATIA | ISOLATION PROCESS OF LIGNOCELLULOSIC FIBERS FROM ENERGY CULTURES | Lignocellulosic fibers obtained according to the invention can be used to produce composite materials with the possibility of application in various industries: in the textile industry for the production of non-woven and other technical textiles, in the construction industry for the production of insulation boards, for the production of paper such as kraft paper, industrial paper or cardboard, and for various purposes in agriculture (agro-textiles). |
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Vjekosav Majetic , Vjekoslav Majetic |
CROATIA | MV-3 - COUNTER TERRORISM ROBOTIC SYSTEM | The MV-3 is a multi-mission vehicle intended for support in counter terrorism, hostage and other crisis tasks and missions. Counter terrorism interventions pose significant threats to tactical teams due to limitations of personal ballistic protection. MV-3 gives the tactical team possibility to use the system with or without the tactical team, which allows the flexibility and modular approach without necessity to put tactical members in harm’s way. |
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Sanja Martinez , Sanja Martinez , Ivana Soic |
CROATIA | ReCorr QCQ Quantitative Coating Quality Impedance Analyzer | ReCorr QCQ is the first coating impedance tester tailored and EMC certified for use in industrial environments. The fast and easy application allows rating of the coatings with high confidence and precision (≥ 97%) which can be achieved through the integrated software function for AC interference management. The device consists of a pair of flexible, conductive polymer electrodes that adhere to a coated surface with the aid of a low-resistivity paste. The electrodes are connected to the impedance spectroscopy instrument, which is controlled by the Android tablet. Any coated metallic object is suitable for ReCorr® QCQ measurements. For small or irregularly shaped samples and for continuous monitoring, customized electrode design is used. |
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Adjei Jabin Aboagye |
GHANA | ||
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Hocine Lamouri |
ALGERIA | Smart power plant | Smart power plant IS a new concept of wind turbine wich operats with both low and high wind turbine . |
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Nidhal I. Nabhan |
SAUDI ARABIA | Modern technology for electronic Vital Signs measuring | Vital signs assessment using traditional methods presents challenges due to the time-consuming nature, which increases the risk of transmitting contact diseases and may negatively impact the health of patients and nurses. This innovative device has been introduced that leverages Industry 4.0 technology to save lives. This modern electronic device has a voice speaker and audio receiver, catering to individuals of all nationalities and languages and patients with hearing and motor disabilities. The device can provide instructions, ask important questions, and feature a visual screen that guides users on performing the test efficiently. It electronically measures vital signs such as height, weight, temperature, blood sugar, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, heart rate, and hemoglobin levels in the blood, all in one integrated device. This device also streamlines vital signs assessment through data automation and storage, reduces manual entry, and accelerates the overall performance process. |
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Narcisa Mederle |
ROMANIA | PLANT-BASED FOOD SUPPLEMENT USED FOR PREVENTING AND CONTROLLING NOSEMOSIS IN BEES | The University of Life Sciences ”King Mihai I” from Timisoara has the mission: to train specialists, who can integrate quickly in a competitive environment, through a great capacity to adapt to competition, change and didactic innovation; to carry out scientific research in the field of rural development, at the level of contemporary performance, through the realization of scientific projects of great interest and the inscription of the university in the international circuit of values; and consultancy through university extension. Its social mission, like that of all universities in the world, is to transform the university into a center of educational resources and services offered to the community. According to the provisions of the University Charter, USAMVBT promotes partnership with higher education institutions in the country and abroad, based on the principles of academic freedom, free thought, political pluralism and respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms. |
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Narcisa Mederle |
ROMANIA | MOISTURIZING BODY AND FACE CREAM BASED ON OENOTHERA BIENNIS COMPRISES MIXTURE OF NATURAL OILS OF EVENING STAR | The University of Life Sciences ”King Mihai I” from Timisoara has the mission: to train specialists, who can integrate quickly in a competitive environment, through a great capacity to adapt to competition, change and didactic innovation; to carry out scientific research in the field of rural development, at the level of contemporary performance, through the realization of scientific projects of great interest and the inscription of the university in the international circuit of values; and consultancy through university extension. Its social mission, like that of all universities in the world, is to transform the university into a center of educational resources and services offered to the community. According to the provisions of the University Charter, USAMVBT promotes partnership with higher education institutions in the country and abroad, based on the principles of academic freedom, free thought, political pluralism and respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms. |
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Bandar Yahya Ahmed Qassadi |
SAUDI ARABIA | Saudi Pass Banking | When hackers or spies know the bank card information of any person, he can easily steal his money. This application (Saudi Pass Banking) makes the exchange money benefits within border control of bank card, market, address and shipping company. Registered under one independent ID number for any citizen who holds the bank card, any buying and selling transaction. Not registered under ID citizen number of Saudi pass bank rejected to prevent money transfer to an unknown side. |
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Seak Mei Ian , Hu, Ka Wai , Pun, Chi Kin , CHAN, Pak Fei , Liu, Chien Miao |
MACAO | One-step Synthesised Anode for Fast-charging Lithium-Ion Batteries | Lithium-ion batteries are vital for EVs. Fast charging is hindered by graphite anodes. This study presents an one-step method to synthesize ZnP2/Zn3(PO4)2/C anodes with excellent performance. |
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Dang Mingze |
CHINA | The Child Skating Smart Training Device | However, it was these challenges that sparked my inner creativity. I pondered over the matter: How can I help beginners like me get the right position quickly and accurately? This question led me on a journey of exploration and invention. After countless days and nights of research and experimentation, I came up with a solution--a children’s skating smart trainer. This device, through advanced electronic gyroscope technology, can accurately measure the angle of inclination of the skate, indicating in time whether the skater is touching the ice with an inside or outside edge. As soon as the wrong blade pattern is used, it immediately alerts the skater and guides the skater to correct posture. |
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Shi Xinyu |
CHINA | Anti-hypothermia IoT Bird Nest | Anti-hypothermia Smart Nest for Rare Birds. Birds, an indispensable part of our ecosystem, face a huge threat of hypothermia. In the tropics, there are many kinds of rare birds, such as parrots. However, when it rains, they tend to die from hypothermia because rainwater infiltrating a bird’s nest can cause the bird’s body temperature to drop to a dangerous level. To solve this problem, I thought about how to better protect the survival of these rare wild birds. Through research and practice, I designed an anti-hypothermia smart nest for rare birds. This gadget uses a temperature sensor to monitor the temperature of a bird’s nest. If the temperature is too low, the system will automatically activate the heating device to increase the temperature inside the nest. Once the safe temperature is reached, the heating unit will automatically stop working, thus avoiding overheating. This smart nest can not only effectively prevent birds from dying due to hypothermia but also provide a comfortable habitat to promote the reproduction and growth of birds. It is ideal for use in tropical areas in the wild and helps to protect the population of precious wild birds. In addition to protecting birds, my invention has other advantages. First of all, it is an eco-friendly solution that uses solar cells to heat the nest. Besides, it is easy to install and maintain without too much manpower and resource investment. Most importantly, this invention could offer opportunities for more bird lovers to participate in the conservation of wild birds, further raising public awareness of the problem of hypothermia. As global climate change becomes intensified, wild birds are facing more threats. As a bird lover, I hope to draw more people’s attention through my gadget so that we could make joint efforts to protect these precious creatures in our ecosystem. Finally, I sincerely invite all the judges and the audience to support my invention--Anti-hypothermia Smart Nest for Rare Birds. Let’s work together to protect wild birds and contribute to our ecological environment. |
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Xingye Wu |
CHINA | Flying Charging Station | Today, I am excited to introduce to you an innovative project that has the potential to revolutionize the way we charge electric vehicles. The “Flying Charging Station” is a groundbreaking aerial recharging service that aims to address the growing concerns of electric vehicle owners. As we all know, electric vehicles are becoming more and more prevalent. However, the lack of charging infrastructure and lengthy charging times can be a major headache for users. This is especially true during traffic jams when the fear of running out of battery power can cause inconvenience. This invention offers a solution to this problem by providing convenient and efficient aerial recharging services using drones carrying batteries. Users can book services through a mobile app, choosing the charging type, battery capacity, and other options. The system then automatically matches the nearest service area and drone based on the user’s location and needs. The drones have autonomous flight capabilities, precise positioning systems, and intelligent obstacle avoidance features. The battery modules are lightweight and high-energy density lithium-ion batteries, capable of meeting the charging requirements of various vehicles. Once the user confirms the service, the drone takes off and carries the charging battery to the user’s vehicle. After the charging is complete, the drone returns to the service area. This service offers several significant advantages. Firstly, it provides electric vehicle users with fast and convenient charging services, alleviating their anxieties about running out of battery during traffic jams. Secondly, it reduces charging costs and enhances the overall user experience. Thirdly, it develops a new low-altitude economic model and promotes the application of drone technology. Our target customers are electric vehicle users, especially those who frequently encounter traffic jams. Our profit model is diverse. We charge on a pay-per-use basis and offer a membership model with different levels of services. Additionally, we collaborate with car brands and charging stations for advertising on the drones and collect user charging data to provide data services to car manufacturers and charging equipment manufacturers. |
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Ziqian Zhang , Danni Li |
CHINA | Burn area can be adjusted constant temperature and humidity | This device is designed for arm burn patients, offering controlled temperature and humidity for enhanced recovery. It includes a temperature/humidity sensor, heating element, and fan with smart control features. |
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Xiyao Wang |
CHINA | Smart Monitoring System for Ancient Building Settlement | Portable Ancient Architecture Settlement Intelligent Monitoring Device This device employs high-precision inclinometers that can be installed on critical parts of ancient buildings, such as columns, beams, and walls, to monitor the tilt angle changes of each part in real-time. Data Acquisition and Processing Unit:This unit receives data from the inclinometers, filters, calibrates, and analyzes the data, and determines if there are any settlement changes. Alarm System:When settlement changes exceed the preset threshold, the alarm system will trigger an audio-visual alarm to notify personnel. |
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Yifan Ai |
CHINA | The IoT Smart Easel | Since I was a child, I've loved painting, especially painting and sketching plants and animals outside. But sometimes, when I couldn't finish a painting in one go, It is hard to find the same location and angle when I returned. With the advancement of technologies. I found there is something called IoT. So I kept wondering why not and how to link my previous problem with this brilliant technology. So, I came up with the idea for this IoT Smart Easel. It provides features like networked video communication, navigation assistance, and optimal angle suggestions for artists. - The easel primarily consists of a frame to secure and display artworks. - A camera enables video communication and records the painting process. - A touchscreen interface facilitates user interaction and setting adjustments. - Navigation Assistance: Users can utilize the device's navigation feature to guide them back to the location and angle they painted at last time. - Wireless module for internet connectivity, enabling networked video communication and data transfer. - Artwork Management: The device can store and display multiple paintings, allowing users to swap displayed artworks via the touchscreen at any time. |
107 |
Xinyu Wu |
CHINA | Wetland Bird Intelligent Identification and Statistics Telescope | Remote bird identification: Utilizes high-magnification telescope lenses to capture bird images and employs built-in AI algorithms for real-time identification, displaying bird species, names, characteristics, etc. Quantity statistics: Can automatically count specific bird species, recording their numbers, activity range, time, etc. Data storage and analysis: Stores collected data in a built-in database and provides analysis functions for monitoring bird population dynamics, assessing wetland ecological environment changes, etc. 2. Technical Details: Optical system: Uses high-magnification, high-resolution telescope lenses, combined with infrared night vision capabilities, to capture clear bird images under various lighting conditions. Artificial intelligence recognition: Utilizes deep learning algorithms to train models for recognizing different bird species. This model requires a large amount of bird image data, along with bird call sounds, flight postures, and other features, to improve recognition accuracy. Data processing: Uses image recognition technology to automatically identify and label birds in images, and combines AI algorithms for species analysis. Remote control: Can be remotely controlled via a mobile phone app or wireless network to enable data transfer, image viewing, statistical analysis, etc. Environmentally friendly design: Uses lightweight materials to minimize environmental impact. Batteries can be rechargeable, reducing the use of disposable batteries. 3. Advantages: Efficient and convenient: Can quickly identify bird species and automatically count numbers, saving time and manpower. Non-invasive: Utilizes high-magnification telescopes to identify birds from a distance, minimizing disturbance to birds' normal activities. Data visualization: Presents data intuitively, facilitating analysis and research, which helps better understand wetland ecosystems. Wide application: Can be applied to wetland conservation, ecological monitoring, scientific research, teaching, bird enthusiasts, and various other fields. |
108 |
Yuhan Zhang |
CHINA | Figure Skating Companion - Auxiliary Figure Skating Training Drone | The quadcopter uses camera recognition to identify a specific skater and automatically tracks their position on the ice, eliminating the need for manual tagging even in crowded environments. It also recognizes the skater's attire, allowing for detailed analysis of their movements. First-person and third-person perspectives:The system offers dual camera views, including an overhead perspective and the skater's perspective, enabling coaches to observe the skater's movements in real time and provide remote guidance. Dual-view video recording and real-time analysis:The system records both perspectives simultaneously, allowing for real-time analysis of the skater's movements. It identifies errors in technique and provides a score, offering objective feedback to the athlete. |
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Anhe Hao |
CHINA | Beam deformation safety measurement system | I want to make a pressure measurement safety system that can detect the deformation degree of the beams, which can detect the deformation of each beam in real time, and then judge the metal fatigue of the metal beams. Give early warning, evacuate people, and minimize the economic losses mentioned above.The system is mainly divided into four parts: the sensor, the microprocessor, the actuator and the power supply. We found that the fracture of the beam is due to metal fatigue, which leads to excessive deformation and inclination angle, so we used deformation sensor and inclination sensor, which can convert the deformation degree of the beam shape and the change of the transverse and longitudinal inclination angle into electrical signals respectively .The microprocessor uses the open-source Arduino as the main control chip ,as it supports more sensors, which is convenient for upgrading applications and greatly facilitates our production. In terms of actuators, we use RGB three-color warning lights, buzzers and information interactive display devices, which can display the deformation degree of the beam and metal fatigue in real time. |
110 |
Yi Yang , Liu, Minyi , You, Xintong , LI, YING , Shu, Wei |
CHINA | Preparation and application of gradient long-effective catalytic membrane with high-strength and anti-deposition property | Our entry proposes the preparation and application of gradient long-effective catalytic membrane with high-strength and anti-deposition property, which can be effectively applied in effective treatment of organic wastewater. With the rapid development of industrialization and modernization, the discharge of organic wastewater is increasing, making the re-utilization of sewage resources important for promoting sustainable development. Therefore, treating organic wastewater in a green and efficient way has become increasingly crucial. Due to its complex composition, high toxicity, and refractory, organic wastewater poses a huge threat to the ecological environment and human health. Therefore, upgrading the treatment process for organic wastewater, and improving the treatment efficiency are of great practical significance for promoting sustainable improvement of the ecology and building harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. In the current technology of organic wastewater treatment, Fenton oxidation is widely used due to its mild reaction conditions, high removal efficiency, wide applicability, and strong ability. Among them, nanometal oxides are the most widely used catalysts, with advantages such as low cost, environmental friendliness, and strong activity. However, the problems of easy aggregation and fast deactivation limit their industrial applications, so they need to be loaded onto porous membranes to improve the dispersion and stability. However, traditional fabrication methods failed to control the pore structure, size and distribution of the membrane, and the multi-step preparation would destroy the membrane`s structure and properties and strongly affect its catalytic activity, stability and mechanical strength. As a result, how to simplify the preparation steps of catalytic membranes and develop a gradient catalytic membrane combining high reaction and mass transfer efficiency with high stability is currently an unsolved problem. Considering these points, our entry focuses on the organic wastewater treatment industry, using a key technology of ultra-low temperature cryogenic auxiliary electrospinning to synthesize a gradient long-effective catalytic membrane with high-strength and anti-deposition in one step, which has both high stability and high catalytic performance. Compared with the traditional membrane, our entry effectively solves the key technical problems in the field of catalytic membranes in wastewater treatment, including complicated preparation steps, low mechanical strength, difficult membrane structure regulation, and the contradiction between stability and catalytic efficiency. Our entry achieves a breakthrough in the preparation technology of nano catalytic membranes, and is supported by a number of key government research projects. Our entry has won several awards including gold award of the 7th China International Invention and Innovation Exhibition, the Most transformational Value award in 2023 in Guangdong, the silver award of the Belt & Road and BRICS Skills Development & Technology Innovation Competition. Our entry owns core patent and has been granted a series of related international patents, forming a thorough patent protection network that is conducive to the promotion and application of our entry. In practical application, the cost of our entry can be reduced by 60.52%, the efficiency of organic wastewater treatment can be improved by 30%, and the degradation rate of pollutants can reach 95% in 3 minutes. The overall efficiency of organic wastewater treatment has been improved by 95%. Therefore, our entry is highly scientific, feasible, and marketable, and the technology process is simple, highly reproducible, and easy to promote and apply on a large scale. It provides technical support for achieving efficient, green, and safe wastewater treatment processes with low energy consumption and resource conservation, and has great potential in the field of sewage treatment with enormous social and economic value. Specifically, our entry achieves the synthesis of highly effective catalytic membrane in one step through ultra-low temperature cryogenic auxiliary electrospinning technology, which not only simplifies the preparation process and reduces costs, but also preserves the physicochemical properties of the catalytic membrane, making its structure easy to adjust and effectively improving the applicability of the membrane. Compared with traditional membrane, our entry avoids the damage to the catalytic membrane structure caused by complex preparation processes, effectively improving the catalytic activity of the catalytic membrane. In addition, our entry improves the bonding strength between nanometal oxides and supports, greatly reducing the leaching of nanometal oxides as well as enhancing the stability and reusability of catalytic membranes, and is of great significance in reducing the cost of treatment for organic wastewater. As a result, it can effectively solve the problems of difficulties in recovery and regeneration, high cost, and high risk of secondary pollution of other catalysts. At the same time, our entry significantly enhances reaction mass transfer through confinement effect, freeze-thaw effect, synergistic effect and multiscale effect, improving the contact efficiency between active components and reactants, thereby improving wastewater treatment efficiency. In summary, our entry promotes the upgrading of organic wastewater treatment technology and the sustainable development of industry, and thereby realizes the recycling of wastewater, helps to ensure the safety of water environment, to alleviate water resource shortages, and contributes to the goal of carbon neutrality. |
111 |
Lin Tsung-Hsin , Chia-Ling Lin , Yao-Ren Li , CHUN-YAO LIN , Shang-Hua Yang |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | High-Performance Precision Copper-Alloy-Coating Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes | This invention provides a method for preparing copper–rhodium coatings. The method includes the following steps: (a) providing a vacuum sputtering system and a substrate; (b) introducing argon gas into the vacuum sputtering system to form a sputtering environment; (c) using copper and rhodium targets in the sputtering environment under a sputtering pressure of 1×10-3 to 1×10-2 torr and sputtering power of 150 to 200 W to perform a total sputtering step, thereby forming a coating on the substrate; and (d) annealing this coating to obtain the final copper–rhodium coating. The annealing temperature is between 340 and 700 C, and the annealing time is greater than or equal to 1 h. Furthermore, depending on the total number of atoms in the copper–rhodium plating layer, the rhodium content ranges from 0.2 to 1.5 at%. Copper–rhodium plating layers prepared by the aforementioned method possess low resistivity and high stability. |
112 |
Hsin Hua Chiang , Liou, Bo Jyun |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Lactobacillus acidophilus TW01 | Lactobacillus acidophilus, TW01 is a specific strain obtained from fermented coffee grounds in Taiwan's Gukeng region. The experiment confirmed that L. acidophilus TW01 possesses a certain level of antioxidant activity, particularly in reducing free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentrations. It also promotes Caco-2 cell migration to cover more wound areas and maintains Th1/Th2 immune balance. Additionally, it can reduce ROS production, cell death, and immunosuppression induced by cigarette smoke extract (CSE). Unlike most commercially available probiotics that primarily focus on gastrointestinal, allergic, and immune health, L. acidophilus TW01 has an additional potential effect against respiratory damage caused by PM2.5. It has applied for patents in four countries and has received patent certifications in Taiwan, the United States, and Japan. |
113 |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | RostineTM - Fermented Roselle that Supports Women's Health | RostineTM is Syngen’s exclusive range of patented and study proven health concepts based on co-fermentation of probiotics and food. RostineTM can inhibit the growth and adhesion of Candida albicans and E. coli, thus provides the best solution to women’s health. |
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Yung-Hsiang Lin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | VeCollal® Type III | Type III collagen is a crucial protein for maintaining skin elasticity, playing a vital role in early organ development. Predominantly found in infant skin, it's often referred to as "baby collagen." However, as we age, our body's supply of Type III collagen diminishes and becomes difficult to restore. TCI has developed "VeCollal® Type III," a designed amino acid composition that closely mimics the sequence of human Type III collagen. This proprietary formula enhances hydration and skin beauty while promoting the natural regeneration of Type III collagen, restoring the skin's elasticity and softness to resemble baby-like skin. |
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CHINA | SYRINX Saussurea Involucrata Fish Roe Compound Drink | As we age, symptoms such as sleep difficulties, skin laxity, decreased activity levels, and cognitive decline may arise. SYRINX Saussurea Involucrata Fish Roe Compound Drink is an antioxidant beverage that contains TCI's patented ingredient, Cell Young® Saussurea involucrata (Snow Lotus) Stem Cell Extract, which helps with whitening, antioxidant effects, collagen proliferation, enhancing skin barrier function, reducing signs of aging, improving longevity gene expression, and increasing skin elasticity, allowing you to regain confidence and beauty. The core ingredients of SYRINX Saussurea Involucrata Fish Roe Compound Drink include Cell Young® Saussurea involucrata (Snow Lotus) Stem Cell Extract, Daylily Flower Extract, DNA extract, C.G.F. (Chlorella Growth Factor), and Saffron. These ingredients help the body fight aging through DNA protection, dual protection of mitochondria and telomeres, triple resistance to oxidation, glycation, and inflammation, and also aid in sleep support. Notably, Cell Young® Saussurea involucrata (Snow Lotus) Stem Cell Extract, a patented ingredient by TCI, prevents skin moisture loss (TGM1), effectively inhibits melanin production (MITF), enhances collagen secretion (MMP9), and promotes wound healing (cell migration assay). In vitro studies have confirmed that Cell Young® Saussurea involucrata (Snow Lotus) Stem Cell Extract modulates immune-related gene expression, strengthens immunity, and can increase the gene expression of cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α by 9, 2, 22, and 12 times respectively compared to the control group. Additionally, it effectively increases the expression of the longevity gene FOXO, which has the effect of extending lifespan. In vitro studies also demonstrate that Cell Young® Saussurea involucrata (Snow Lotus) Stem Cell Extract can increase the expression of the TGM1 gene by 33%, aiding in the formation of the skin barrier and preventing moisture loss. Furthermore, it has 13% and 20% higher ability to inhibit melanin formation compared to kojic acid and Tianshan Snow Lotus plant extract, and can inhibit the expression of the MITF gene by about 30%, reducing melanin formation. The extract can also inhibit about 80% of MMP9 gene expression, reducing collagen degradation and maintaining skin elasticity, and it increases collagen secretion by 2.4 times compared to its plant counterparts. Finally, it was found that Cell Young® Saussurea involucrata (Snow Lotus) Stem Cell Extract aids in wound healing and promotes this process 5 times more than its plant counterpart. Human trials have confirmed that Cell Young® Saussurea involucrata (Snow Lotus) Stem Cell Extract effectively increases superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and possesses antioxidant properties. It also regulates the expression of immune decline genes and significantly improves the problem of immune decline with aging. Moreover, it regulates gene expression in organ aging. After subjects consumed Cell Young® Saussurea involucrata (Snow Lotus) Stem Cell Extract continuously for 60 days, the expression of the longevity gene SIRT1 increased significantly by 5.5%, with an improvement rate higher than that of the placebo, promoting cell repair and extending cell life. Additionally, skin elasticity increased significantly by 7.0%, effectively maintaining skin elasticity. In conclusion, SYRINX Saussurea Involucrata Fish Roe Compound Drink, which includes TCI’s patented ingredient Cell Young® Saussurea involucrata (Snow Lotus) Stem Cell Extract, enhances the expression of longevity genes and fights aging. It also contains DNA extract to promote Klotho expression and prevent telomere damage, along with plant-derived placenta CGF factor to stimulate genetic material repair and support cellular function. This makes it an effective antioxidant and anti-aging drink that increases skin elasticity and promotes overall health. |
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CHINA | SYRINX Artichoke Jujube Compound Tablet (Candy) | The demands of modern life, such as late nights, excessive drinking, prolonged consumption of takeout, and sedentary habits, can lead to liver damage, causing conditions like fatty liver and liver cancer. The global liver health market is projected to reach USD 1.2 billion by 2030. SYRINX Artichoke Jujube Compound Tablet (Candy) is a liver-protecting health supplement that contains TCI's patented Indian Jujube Unripe Fruit Extract. This ingredient helps with anti-oxidation, reduces fatty liver damage, decreases liver fat accumulation, reduces alcoholic liver cell damage, speeds up alcohol metabolism, and improves liver function indicators, rejuvenating liver health. Taking just two tablets daily can help maintain liver health and restore vitality. SYRINX Artichoke Jujube Compound Tablet (Candy) is enriched with four nutritional plant extracts: Indian Jujube Unripe Fruit Extract, Cynara scolymus, Curcuma Longa, and nutritional yeast (containing B vitamins), all of which are extracted using modern technology to deeply nourish the liver. Indian Jujube Unripe Fruit Extract aids in anti-oxidation, reduces liver cell damage, and decreases the metabolic toxins produced during alcohol metabolism. Cynara scolymus boosts liver detoxification, promotes liver cell repair, and lowers LDL levels. Curcuma Longa regulates liver metabolism, protects liver cells, and inhibits fatty liver. Nutritional yeast promotes liver fat metabolism and accelerates the recovery of damaged liver cells. The Indian Jujube Unripe Fruit Extract used in SYRINX Artichoke Jujube Compound Tablet (Candy) has shown significant results in human trials. In the internal human trial, after drinking the extract for 4 weeks, the liver inflammation marker ALT in the blood decreased by 23.9%, and AST significantly decreased by 12.5%, with a 100% improvement rate among participants, helping to regulate liver function and lower transaminase levels. Additionally, blood γ-glutamine transferase (γ-GT) decreased by 16.3%, with a 75% improvement rate, effectively reducing alcoholic liver disease indicators. Furthermore, after just 2 weeks of consumption, total bilirubin in the blood decreased by 9.1%, and direct bilirubin decreased significantly by 20.0%, effectively reducing liver cell damage and biliary obstruction indicators. The results also showed that Indian Jujube Unripe Fruit Extract promotes the liver to produce a large amount of the detoxification enzyme Glutathione Peroxidase (GSH-Px), which accelerates alcohol metabolism. It has been clinically verified that its anti-alcoholic effect is three times that of mainstream ingredients on the market. Human trials also found that Indian Jujube Unripe Fruit Extract can reduce inflammation levels in the body. Among subjects with higher hs-CRP concentrations (>0.1 mg/dL) (n=9), after 4 weeks of consumption, blood hs-CRP decreased by 35%, with a 78% improvement rate. Indian Jujube Unripe Fruit Extract also decreased the blood oxidative stress index MDA by 23.2%, with an 80% improvement rate. Notably, after 4 weeks of consumption, skin porphyrin content decreased by 20.0%, with a 75% improvement rate, helping to reduce acne, while significantly increasing the red pigment content of lips by 4.7%, with a 75% improvement rate, enhancing overall complexion. |
117 |
Jian-Xin Wang |
CHINA | Allium Macrostemon Pure Drink | By 2030, the global cardiovascular health market is projected to reach USD 15.6 billion. BaoRenTang introduces the Allium Macrostemon Pure Drink, a highly effective natural herbal health beverage, carefully crafted with 13 medicinal food ingredients, including Ziziphus jujuba spinosa, Poria cocos, Lycii Fructus, Allium macrostemon, Dimocarpus longan, Persicae Semen, Panax ginseng, Nelumbinis Folium, Actinidia chinensis, purple carrot, lemon, Bitter Apricot Seed, and Momordicae Fructus. This drink allows consumers to nourish their heart, enhance physical strength, and improve blood circulation through a convenient supplement drink. Additionally, the product incorporates TCI's patented ingredient, Ancient Sleep Ferment, which effectively helps the body increase GABA secretion, improves sleep quality, and enhances skin gloss. The Allium Macrostemon Pure Drink is developed as a medicinal food supplement for daily maintenance of heart function, and long-term consumption helps to improve various bodily functions. The herbal ingredient Ziziphus jujuba spinosa in the Allium Macrostemon Pure Drink nourishes the heart, enhances liver function, calms the mind, and stabilizes the spirit, while also helping to stop sweating. Dimocarpus longan replenishes blood, calms the spirit, and prevents excess water in the body from affecting heart health. Panax ginseng strengthens heart function, enhances heart vitality, boosts physical strength, and improves concentration. Allium macrostemon and Momordicae Fructus help to expel phlegm and cleanse the lungs. Nelumbinis Folium and Persicae Semen effectively remove impurities from the heart, promote blood circulation, and resolve blood stasis. Lycii Fructus nourishes the liver and kidneys, enhances the function of these organs, and helps prevent hypertension and heart disease. Moreover, the Allium Macrostemon Pure Drink includes TCI's patented ingredient, Ancient Sleep Ferment, which, through its exclusive three-stage fermentation technology, helps increase deep sleep duration, reduces sleep disturbances, and improves sleep quality, while also enhancing skin gloss. In vitro studies have confirmed that Ancient Sleep Ferment contains various calming compounds that increase GABA secretion by 36%, while also increasing melatonin synthesis, enhancing deep sleep, and promoting skin cell collagen secretion to improve skin gloss. In the internal human trial, to test the sleep and skin benefits of Ancient Sleep Ferment, participants consumed one bottle of the drink two hours before bedtime each day. Sleep quality and skin texture were monitored before consumption and after two weeks of consumption. CPC sleep monitoring confirmed that after two weeks of drinking Ancient Sleep Ferment, participants' deep sleep duration increased by 16.1%, equivalent to gaining an extra nap. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index proved that Ancient Sleep Ferment helps alleviate sleep disturbances, with 80% of participants reporting noticeable effects on the day of consumption. Human trials also showed that Ancient Sleep Ferment effectively increased skin gloss by 8.3%. In summary, the Allium Macrostemon Pure Drink not only helps maintain heart health but also effectively improves sleep quality and enhances skin gloss. Since its launch in December 2023, the product has sold 1 million bottles, achieving sales of USD 1.82 million in China within less than a year. The product exhibits overall stability in production, packaging, and sales, with a consistently high repurchase rate among loyal customers and a promising market outlook. |
118 |
Yung-Hsiang Lin |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | Apple Pome Extract | Apple Pome, an agricultural by-product of apples, is rich in dietary fiber, carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, with powerful antioxidant properties. TCI has harnessed this sustainable resource, transforming it into a high-value health food ingredient. We discovered that Apple Pome Extract can regulate muscle growth-related genes like Irisin and Myostatin, enhance the expression of genes linked to muscle power, effectively increase muscle mass and function, and improve athletic performance by promoting muscle growth and fat loss. In TCI's in vitro studies, Apple Pome Extract significantly inhibited the expression of Myostatin (MSTN), reducing its expression in C2C12 skeletal muscle cells by 77%. Research suggests that suppressing MSTN expression is a key factor in upregulating Irisin secretion. The experiments also confirmed that Apple Pome Extract increased Irisin levels in C2C12 cells by 14%, improved fat metabolism through the browning of white adipose tissue, and significantly reduced fat droplet accumulation, achieving a 44% reduction in fat storage. Further in vitro studies by TCI revealed that Apple Pome Extract promotes muscle growth and strengthens muscle tissue. Compared to the control group, Apple Pome Extract facilitated a sevenfold increase in skeletal muscle cell proliferation and a 5.6-fold boost in the expression of Myostatin-related gene MAPK8, making it a potent element for muscle tissue strengthening. Additionally, Apple Pome Extract enhanced mitochondrial activity in skeletal muscle cells by 44%, improving muscle endurance and athletic performance. Moreover, the in vitro studies showed that Apple Pome Extract effectively increased the expression of ligament and skeletal muscle growth-related genes—COL1A1, PPARA, and PPARG—thus promoting muscle growth. Specifically, Apple Pome Extract increased the expression of COL1A1, a gene related to type I collagen associated with tendons and ligaments, by 32 times, and PPARA/PPARG, genes linked to skeletal muscle growth, by 48 and 11 times respectively. Malus domestica extract also significantly enhanced the expression of ACTN3, a gene related to muscle power, and boosted the expression of hyaluronic acid synthesis enzymes HAS2 and HAS3, leading to a 64% increase in hyaluronic acid secretion, aiding in muscle repair. In summary, Apple Pome Extract promotes the secretion of Irisin, regulates Myostatin-related genes (MAPK8, MSTN), enhances muscle growth-related genes (COL1A1, VDR, PPARA, PPARG, IGF-1, Klotho), increases muscle power-related genes (ACTN3), and boosts hyaluronic acid synthesis enzyme genes (HAS2, HAS3). It helps the body build and maintain muscle mass, reduce fat, and enhance athletic performance. |
119 |
Chin-Chu Chen , Chen Yen-Lien , Lin Shin-Wei , Chen Yen-Po |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | use of Lactobacillus plantarum GKD7 for manufacturing composition of improving osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disease. | This invention introduces a probiotic, GKD7, specifically designed to improve musculoskeletal health, particularly for addressing issues related to osteoarthritis and degenerative joint diseases. Its key feature is the ability to effectively alleviate joint pain caused by osteoarthritis and reduce joint damage. Osteoarthritis is a common degenerative joint disease that, with aging or overuse of the joints, leads to the wear and tear of joint cartilage, causing pain and discomfort. Lactobacillus plantarum GKD7 can help relieve these symptoms and support joint health. Studies have shown that using Lactobacillus plantarum GKD7 can alleviate joint pain and damage, and even reduce inflammation in the body. This means it not only helps reduce joint pain but also protects joints from further damage. |
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Chin-Chu Chen , Chen Yen-Lien , Lin Shin-Wei , Chen Yen-Po |
TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | The fermentation product of Lactobacillus Plantarum GKM3 that promotes wound healing | The present invention relates to an external composition for wound healing containing Lactobaccilus fermentation product and a use thereof. The Lactobaccilus fermentation product serves as an effective component, which is a bacteria-free concentrated filtrate fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum and loaded onto an absorbent carrier or a carrying agent. The external composition for wound healing is subjected directly onto an skin wound, facilitating the effects of anti-inflammation and enhanced healing of the skin wound. |
121 |
Nazila Forouhan |
UNITED KINGDOM | Cloud-based Advertising Platform – Linking Social Media clients to the Cloud Milieu | Due to the created cloud platform, it is possible to direct the flow of visits of active users in digital social media. By surfing on the platform environment and creating user interest in certain situations and advertisements, the path of creating parallel trends in digital media is possible through data mining and patterning. |
122 |
Tameem Khan |
SAUDI ARABIA | Optimization of critical input parameters for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) to achieve high efficiency | The study aimed to maximize the efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) using the desirability function approach to optimize key input parameters, such as the TiO2 layer thickness and electrolyte concentration; thus enhancing the overall efficiency of DSSCs. Experiments were conducted using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to find the best combination of these variables. Commercial-grade materials were used, and results were visually presented to show improvements in short-circuit current, open-circuit voltage, fill factor, and overall efficiency |
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Tameem Khan |
SAUDI ARABIA | Optimization of critical input parameters for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) to achieve high efficiency | The study aimed to maximize the efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) using the desirability function approach to optimize key input parameters, such as the TiO2 layer thickness and electrolyte concentration; thus enhancing the overall efficiency of DSSCs. Experiments were conducted using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to find the best combination of these variables. Commercial-grade materials were used, and results were visually presented to show improvements in short-circuit current, open-circuit voltage, fill factor, and overall efficiency |
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Tameem Khan |
SAUDI ARABIA | Optimization of critical input parameters for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) to achieve high efficiency | The study aimed to maximize the efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) using the desirability function approach to optimize key input parameters, such as the TiO2 layer thickness and electrolyte concentration; thus enhancing the overall efficiency of DSSCs. Experiments were conducted using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to find the best combination of these variables. Commercial-grade materials were used, and results were visually presented to show improvements in short-circuit current, open-circuit voltage, fill factor, and overall efficiency |
125 |
Haidar Al-Eskafi |
SAUDI ARABIA | Neem Tree Lighter Cubes: The manufacture of lighter cubes from recycled Neem tree leaves | The increasing deforestation of Neem trees and the incineration of their leaves pose significant ecological challenges, including reduced oxygen production and heightened greenhouse gas emissions. This study presents an innovative solution: the development of lighter cubes made from recycled Neem tree leaves. Our method repurposes waste materials, mitigating environmental impact while harnessing the natural properties of Neem leaves to create an efficient, smoke-free ignition source. The resulting lighter cubes not only ignite quickly and burn longer but also produce three times less pollution compared to synthetic alternatives. Furthermore, these biodegradable products contribute beneficial nutrients to the soil upon combustion, enhancing agricultural health. The production process involves grinding 5g of Neem leaves, mixing them with water, ashes, kerosene, and orange peel for fragrance, followed by sun-drying to finalize the product. This initiative promotes sustainable practices in Neem tree management, thereby preserving its ecological benefits while providing a practical solution to energy needs. By transforming a waste product into a valuable resource, our research highlights the potential of recycling in combating environmental degradation and fostering sustainability. |
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Mohammed Alsharidah |
SAUDI ARABIA | Enhancing the Selectivity and Regeneration Efficiency | The capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial emissions are critical for mitigating climate change, but existing technologies face challenges related to selectivity and energy efficiency. Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) have shown great potential due to their tunable pore structures and high surface areas. This study investigates the enhancement of the selectivity and regeneration efficiency of MOFs for industrial CO2 capture. By simulating adsorption and desorption processes using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we analyze how varying metal centers and organic linkers influence CO2 selectivity and the energy required for regeneration. Results demonstrate that the hybrid MOF design improves CO2 selectivity by 30% over nitrogen (N2) and reduces regeneration energy by 25% compared to traditional MOFs. These findings indicate that hybrid MOFs have significant potential for scalable industrial applications, with a strong emphasis on energy-efficient CO2 capture. |
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Omid Zahmatkeshan , Omid Zahmatkeshan |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Making the device | Electricity generation from renewable energy and functional devices |
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Mohammad Al-Mansour |
SAUDI ARABIA | SAUDI PLATFORM "BIKR" FOR INNOVATOR DEVELOPMENT | This paper presents "Bikr," a groundbreaking Saudi platform designed to address the lack of comprehensive, free digital resources supporting innovation within Saudi Arabia. "Bikr" aims to facilitate the transformation of novel ideas into practical innovations by offering a suite of essential services for innovators. These include innovation and legal consulting, patent assistance, funding connections, and implementation support through partnerships with government and non-profit organizations. The platform further distinguishes itself by offering access to local and international exhibitions, contributing to public awareness of innovation. With its user-friendly, secure, and free design, "Bikr" is scalable to global markets, making it an invaluable tool for innovators. The platform operates in a staged process, starting with confidentiality agreements for consultants, followed by a streamlined service selection and consultation process for innovators. Although still under development, "Bikr" has the potential to become the first all-encompassing innovation platform in Saudi Arabia, providing innovators with the necessary tools to overcome challenges and bring their ideas to fruition. |
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Guisheng Chen , Chang Chen , Li Chen |
CHINA | 3D Temporal and Spatial Virtual-Real Deformation Geometry and Mechanisms, and Their Applications | 3D Temporal and Spatial Virtual-Real Deformation Geometry and Mechanisms, and Their Applications This project represents a breakthrough in foundational sciences and applied technology, encompassing areas such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, and topology. Through long-term exploration, we discovered a new systematic "virtual-real" commonality in nature. This led to the development of 3D Temporal and Spatial Virtual-Real Deformation Geometry and Mechanisms. |
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Yinming Cheng |
CHINA | A Cutting Device | This invention discloses a cutting method and its associated cutting device. The cutting method involves inputting cutting gas and preheated oxygen through the delivery pipelines in the cutting torch at equal pressure to the nozzle, where the mixture is delivered to the energy storage chamber in the nozzle, providing a well-mixed cutting gas. The cutting device consists of a cutting torch and a nozzle. The cutting torch has equal-pressure delivery pipelines for preheated oxygen and cutting gas, and the nozzle is equipped with a mixing chamber that connects to the torch's pipelines. |
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Gongzhang Pan |
CHINA | A Railway Marshalling yard system without shunting | This invention relates to a railway system for non-classification yards, which utilizes ramps to control the peak speed and traction of the ramps, eliminating the need for shunting locomotives at the classification yard. The system includes reverse ramps, parking tracks, and forward ramps. Vehicles enter the parking tracks via the reverse ramp and accelerate out of the parking tracks via the forward ramp. A common-use track is provided between the main shunting yard and the forward ramp, with a cargo yard and a common-use track located at the upper end of the main shunting yard. |
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Wenjiang Wang |
CHINA | Integrated Streetlight Generator | This integrated generator unit consists of a sealed chamber, generator unit, fuel tank, control panel, and cables. The control panel is placed at the top of the sealed chamber, with a cable inlet on top and a cable outlet on one side. Inside the chamber is an L-shaped cable box, with the inlet end positioned at the cable inlet and the outlet end at the cable outlet. Cables run from the control panel, through the cable box, to the generator unit, and then exit through the cable outlet. |
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Xinkuan Mao |
CHINA | A Traditional Chinese Medicine Composition for Treating Coronary Heart Disease and Its Preparation Method | This patent won the international gold medal at the "7th China (Shanghai) International Invention and Innovation Expo" in June 2024 and the international gold medal at the "11th Japan Tokyo Design Creativity and Invention Expo" in July 2024. Coronary heart disease (CHD) affects 1.02% of the Chinese population, with approximately 15 million patients and a high mortality rate. |
134 |
Yongshou Wang |
CHINA | The wooden cow and the wandering horse | Brief introduction of the wooden cow and the wandering horse Zhuge Liang in The Three Kingdoms period is the most outstanding military strategist in Chinese history, he can "magic, control the wind and rain" later generations are beyond. The wooden ox and horse he created is even more miraculous, its wooden ox and horse "do not eat or drink, people have no big work", not only once helped the Shu army to transport grain successfully, but also played a beautiful victory! Although it is also recorded in the biography of Zhuge Liang in the Annals of The Three Kingdoms, it has not been successfully recovered. |
135 |
Siqi Wu |
CHINA | Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge: Environmental Protection and Anti-Collision Model | The Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge is the first bridge built over the Yangtze River. Constructed in the 1950s, it has been standing for 70 years. The bridge has two levels, with the upper level serving as a roadway and the lower level as a railway. The southern and northern ends of the bridge are connected to Guishan and Sheshan, respectively, which means the bridge deck is quite high above the water. During the day, it receives abundant sunlight. I wonder if such good sunlight could be utilized for solar power generation. Additionally, the bridge has eight piers and a total length of 1,670 meters. From news reports, I’ve learned that ships collide with the piers more than 100 times cumulatively, posing a serious threat to the safety of the bridge. How can this issue be resolved? |
136 |
Zihao Lin , Yanting Chen , Jinger Fan |
CHINA | IoT-Based Home Water, Electricity, and Gas Safety Shutoff Device | This device is a home water, electricity, and gas safety shut-off system based on IoT (Internet of Things) technology. The system uses an Arduino Nano as the main control board, combined with other components such as a servo motor, indicator lights, buttons, TFT screen, DC-DC module, self-locking switch, and a 7.4V battery. It enables centralized control and monitoring of water valves, power switches, and gas switches in homes or offices. |
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Hongrui Zhang , Suihan Yan , Qiyu Yan |
CHINA | Automatic Monitoring Device for Wastewater Discharge Quality in Natural Water Bodies | This device is an automatic monitoring system for wastewater discharge quality in natural water bodies. It includes hardware components such as the ESP8266 main control board, a turbidity sensor, a water pump, a relay, and LED lights. The ESP8266 main control board features Wi-Fi capabilities and can connect to an IoT platform. Upon successful connection, the LED light and the indicator light on the IoT platform will flash. Users can control the water pump through the IoT platform to extract wastewater and monitor water quality parameters, such as turbidity, in real-time. The results are displayed on the platform. Additionally, users can record turbidity data at different time points for subsequent analysis and comparison. |
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Shiqi Feng , Peng Wang , Meicheng Huang , Chun Luo , Jiawen Cao |
CHINA | Intelligent adjustment device for indoor model airplane tail angle | I. Technical Field This project focuses on the technical field of tail wing angle adjustment for indoor model aircraft, aiming to solve the inconvenience of adjusting tail wing angles in model aircraft (such as airplane models, helicopter models, and drone models) and to provide a more convenient and precise adjustment solution for model aircraft enthusiasts. II. Background and Challenges Model aircraft, as small-scale models that simulate real flying machines, require precise tail wing angle adjustments to ensure optimal flight performance. However, traditional methods of adjusting the tail wing angle usually rely on adhesive bonding. This approach is not only difficult to adjust but also challenges accuracy and stability. This is especially problematic for tail wings without connecting components, which presents significant challenges for model aircraft enthusiasts. |
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Chaoqin Hou , Pinyan Yan , Yu Zong , Yaohua Luo |
CHINA | OPF Regenerated Air Pump Effectively Reducing the Emission of Harmful Substances from Automobile Exhaust | At the end of 2016, China introduced the globally leading "China VI Emission Standards," setting a new benchmark in the industry with its stringent emission regulations. This research project, conducted in collaboration with Volkswagen Germany, focused on developing key technologies for the secondary air intake system. The primary goal was to significantly reduce harmful pollutants in vehicle exhaust, leading to the creation of a revolutionary product: the "OPF Regeneration Air Pump." |
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Jun Li , Yong Luo , Zhenmin Hu , Yifan Xu , Shengxian Sun |
CHINA | A vehicle mounted anti drunk driving detection device | This project, "An In-Vehicle Anti-Drink Driving Detection Device," accurately identifies whether the driver has consumed alcohol before driving by combining facial recognition, alcohol detection, artificial intelligence algorithms, sensor technology, and infrared spectroscopy. When the system detects that the driver is intoxicated, it immediately notifies the vehicle's control module ECU to block the ignition switch and prevent the vehicle from starting, effectively stopping drunk driving behaviors. |
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Yizhong Zhu |
CHINA | A formulation method for the treatment of leukemia | The invention relates to the field of traditional Chinese medicine, specifically to a formulation method for the treatment of leukemia. The formulation includes the following parts by weight: 10-15 parts of happy tree fruit; 10-15 parts of saw palmetto; 5-10 parts of polygonatum; 15-20 parts of white-haired skullcap; 10-15 parts of native rhubarb; 15-20 parts of Oldenlandia; 5-10 parts of bugleweed. The preparation method involves grinding the happy tree fruit, saw palmetto, polygonatum, white-haired skullcap, native rhubarb, Oldenlandia, and bugleweed into a 100-120 mesh powder, then boiling the appropriate parts by weight in water for consumption. The formulation method provided in this invention takes into account the causes and pathological characteristics of leukemia. It was derived through clinical trial observation and screening, using kidney tonification and yang-warming, as well as qi and blood supplementation to combat the disease. Clinical application shows that it has significant efficacy, with no observed adverse reactions. |
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Yizhong Zhu |
CHINA | A formulation method for the treatment of leukemia | The invention relates to the field of traditional Chinese medicine, specifically to a formulation method for the treatment of leukemia. The formulation includes the following parts by weight: 10-15 parts of happy tree fruit; 10-15 parts of saw palmetto; 5-10 parts of polygonatum; 15-20 parts of white-haired skullcap; 10-15 parts of native rhubarb; 15-20 parts of Oldenlandia; 5-10 parts of bugleweed. The preparation method involves grinding the happy tree fruit, saw palmetto, polygonatum, white-haired skullcap, native rhubarb, Oldenlandia, and bugleweed into a 100-120 mesh powder, then boiling the appropriate parts by weight in water for consumption. The formulation method provided in this invention takes into account the causes and pathological characteristics of leukemia. It was derived through clinical trial observation and screening, using kidney tonification and yang-warming, as well as qi and blood supplementation to combat the disease. Clinical application shows that it has significant efficacy, with no observed adverse reactions. |
143 |
Yichun Li , Shen Huazhong , Li Yiye , ZHANG YING |
CHINA | LOOBI SPRAY | LOOBI SPRAY by optimizing natural plant ingredients and developing mosquito repellent formula, Le Bi Ding Spray has developed bitter oil tree seed oil as the core effective ingredient, which is composed of fluid property regulator, botanical mosquito repellent, antibacterial anti-inflammatory and soothing agent, PH regulator, etc. The product does not contain various pesticide chemical components and has the advantages of high mosquito repellent rate, safety, efficacy, quality stability, etc. It has a high degree of technological innovation. |
144 |
Yichun Li , Shen Huazhong , Li Yiye , ZHANG YING |
CHINA | LOOBI SLEEPING PATCHES | LOOBI SLEEPING PATCHES develops effective plant extracts such as jujube kernel oil and bergamot seed oil, and makes aromatherapy products into patch dosage forms. The product can improve the user's sleep quality, relieve the mood, induce relaxed sleep, sedative sleep effect is significant, but also can effectively improve the user's memory function. |
145 |
Viorica Chiurciu , Constantin Chiurciu , Ionel Victor Pătrașcu , GEORGIANA TOPILESCU |
ROMANIA | PRODUCTION AND USE OF IMMUNOGLOBULINS FROM HEN EGGS (IgY) | This paper describes a preparation method of PC2 hyperimmune egg yolk-derived immunoglobulins (IgY), i.e. preparation of the inoculum, immunization of laying hens, extraction of IgY and its purification. The antigen for immunization is prepared from bacterial, fungal and/or viral strains in admixture with QS-21 adjuvant. IgY extraction is performed mostly by physical methods: dilution of the yolk with deionized water, homogenization, pH adjustment to 5, freezing, thawing and filtration through 0.25 μm and 0.22 μm plates. The extracted IgY is used in the preparation of IMUNOINSTANT products for topical and oral administration. This paper describes a preparation method of PC2 hyperimmune egg yolk-derived immunoglobulins (IgY), i.e. preparation of the inoculum, immunization of laying hens, extraction of IgY and its purification. The antigen for immunization is prepared from bacterial, fungal and/or viral strains in admixture with QS-21 adjuvant. IgY extraction is performed mostly by physical methods: dilution of the yolk with deionized water, homogenization, pH adjustment to 5, freezing, thawing and filtration through 0.25 μm and 0.22 μm plates. The extracted IgY is used in the preparation of IMUNOINSTANT products for topical and oral administration. This paper describes a preparation method of PC2 hyperimmune egg yolk-derived immunoglobulins (IgY), i.e. preparation of the inoculum, immunization of laying hens, extraction of IgY and its purification. The antigen for immunization is prepared from bacterial, fungal and/or viral strains in admixture with QS-21 adjuvant. IgY extraction is performed mostly by physical methods: dilution of the yolk with deionized water, homogenization, pH adjustment to 5, freezing, thawing and filtration through 0.25 μm and 0.22 μm plates. The extracted IgY is used in the preparation of IMUNOINSTANT products for topical and oral administration. This paper describes a preparation method of PC2 hyperimmune egg yolk-derived immunoglobulins (IgY), i.e. preparation of the inoculum, immunization of laying hens, extraction of IgY and its purification. The antigen for immunization is prepared from bacterial, fungal and/or viral strains in admixture with QS-21 adjuvant. IgY extraction is performed mostly by physical methods: dilution of the yolk with deionized water, homogenization, pH adjustment to 5, freezing, thawing and filtration through 0.25 μm and 0.22 μm plates. The extracted IgY is used in the preparation of IMUNOINSTANT products for topical and oral administration. |
146 |
Mederle N; Morariu S; , Darabus G; Bogdan A; Craciun C; |
ROMANIA | PLANT-BASED FOOD SUPPLEMENT USED FOR PREVENTING AND CONTROLLING NOSEMOSIS IN BEE | The invention relates to a plant-based food supplement used for preventing and controlling nosemosis in bees. According to the invention, the supplement consists of 50% sugar syrup and 50 % infusion of 33.33% common nettle and camomile, respectively, 8.33% milfoil and thyme, St. John's wort and mint, respectively. |
147 |
Horablaga A; Milovanov C; , Ahmadi-Khoie M; Mederle N; Morariu S; Morariu F; Horablaga Nm; Mederle Oa; Popescu G |
ROMANIA | MOISTURIZING BODY AND FACE CREAM BASED ON OENOTHERA BIENNIS COMPRISES MIXTURE OF NATURAL OILS OF EVENING STAR | The invention relates to a moisturizing body and face cream. According to the invention, the cream consists of 90% mixture of natural oils of evening star (Oenothera biennis), argan (Argania spinosa), olives (Olea europea), castorbean (Ricinus communis), coconut (Cocos nucifera), 4% emulsifier derived from olive oil, 2% vitamin E and emulsified olive wax and cocoa butter, respectively, the percentage being expressed by mass. |
148 |
Viorica Chiurciu, Chiurciu , Constantin Chiurciu, Ionel Victor Pătrașcu, Georgiana Topilescu |
ROMANIA | IMMUNOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF SPECIFIC ACTIVITY OF AVIAN IMMUNOGLOBULINS (IgY) | The paper describes a method for immunological evaluation of in vitro specific inhibition of bacterial multiplication by specific immunoglobulins from yolk. The hens are immunized with specific antigens and the specific immunoglobulins are separated. Determination of the turbidimetric difference, automated or by visual examination, between the control sample and the test sample is due to the growth of bacteria in the culture medium with IgY-SPF without antibodies specific to the given antigen. In samples with specific antibodies, due to the inhibition of bacterial multiplication, the culture medium remains clear or has minimal turbidity 0.200 OD600. |
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Ali Alloghani , Ali Humaid Alloghani |
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | HYDROPOWER | The increasing demand for sustainable energy is driving advancements in solar and hydrogen technologies. This project explores a hybrid energy system integrating solar energy with hydrogen fuel cells for efficient, renewable power. Solar energy, harnessed via the photovoltaic effect, offers a clean electricity source but requires storage solutions for periods of low availability. Hydrogen fuel cells provide an alternative by storing energy for later use, reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Together, this system supports residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. Additionally, hydropower, while a key renewable source, faces geographic and environmental challenges despite its role in cutting carbon emissions. |
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Ali Alloghani , Ali Humaid Alloghani |
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | HYDROPOWER | The increasing demand for sustainable energy is driving advancements in solar and hydrogen technologies. This project explores a hybrid energy system integrating solar energy with hydrogen fuel cells for efficient, renewable power. Solar energy, harnessed via the photovoltaic effect, offers a clean electricity source but requires storage solutions for periods of low availability. Hydrogen fuel cells provide an alternative by storing energy for later use, reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Together, this system supports residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. Additionally, hydropower, while a key renewable source, faces geographic and environmental challenges despite its role in cutting carbon emissions. |
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Ali Alloghani , Ali Humaid Alloghani |
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Ship Accident Prevention System | The Ship Accident Prevention System is a comprehensive solution designed to address a wide range of maritime safety concerns, including ship collisions, underwater cable damage, offshore structure collisions, illegal waste dumping, and shipping route hazards. The system comprises two primary components: 1.Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle (ROV) 2.Small Monitoring Boat |
152 |
Puttachat Pongsuchat |
THAILAND | Swiss Lab Nature Care Cream: Pioneering Swiss Extract Integration with Thai Innovation for Advanced Skin Repair and Fortification | In Thailand, the proliferation of substandard skincare products laden with steroids and mercury has caused severe skin damage for hundreds of thousands. Swiss Lab Nature Care Cream stands at the forefront of innovation, combining cutting-edge Swiss botanical extracts with Thai research and manufacturing expertise to counteract damage and catalyze skin rejuvenation and resilience. This advanced formula, developed through meticulous Thai innovation, incorporates Defensil® Plus, Black Bee Ome™, CM-Naringenin-Chalcone, Royal Epigen P5, and Alpaflor® Alp-Sebum CB. When synergistically blended, these ingredients demonstrate a scientifically-backed ability to suppress inflammation, mitigate skin allergies, fortify the epidermal barrier, reduce acne occurrence, and expedite the recovery of compromised skin with minimal residual effects. Engineered with a 17-Free formulation, it eliminates known irritants, positioning Swiss Lab Nature Care Cream as an ideal choice for sensitive and compromised skin. Since its launch in July, it has achieved remarkable commercial success with over 500,000 jars sold, restoring skin health for tens of thousands afflicted by steroid-induced damage. |
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Choocheep Auekarn |
THAILAND | C-Brella: Natural Cream-to-Film Sunscreen | Natural product with SPF 50 for skin protection |
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Pornanong Aramwit |
THAILAND | Optica: Natural Eye Care Product | From natural extract for healthy eyes |
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Mohammadreza Khodamoradi , Zohre Khodamoradi , Zahra Zare , Mohammadreza Borzoueikoutenaei , Parmis Sadvandi , Mohammad Ghasemian |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Pressure Controlled Nasal Balloon | Technical problem and objectives: Epistaxis (nosebleed) is a common emergency requiring prompt treatment. Typically, the body's blood coagulation system stops the bleeding, but pressure applied to the nose for 5 minutes can help. In some cases, doctors insert a medicated nasal mesh to apply pressure and stop the bleeding. If a large vessel is involved, electric cautery may be needed. However, nasal mesh often causes discomfort and pain due to its rough material and the uneven nasal surface, leading to issues during insertion and removal. This discomfort can sometimes trigger serious complications like fainting or cardiac events. A proposed alternative is a flexible, latex-based nasal balloon with an air pressure control system. This balloon can be inserted into the nostril, inflated to apply pressure, and stop the bleeding. Unlike nasal mesh, the balloon does not stick to the nasal mucosa, making it easier and less painful to remove. Providing a solution with a detailed description of the invention: The goal is to reduce the complications of nasal mesh by designing a flexible nasal balloon that applies controlled pressure, is easier and faster to use, and minimizes patient discomfort. Made from latex or polymer, the balloon fits the uneven nasal surface, doesn't stick to the mucosa, and can be easily removed by the patient. The device includes a small air pump and a pressure gauge for precise control. A thin nano-graphene and chromic layer on the balloon absorbs blood without sticking to the wound, while medications like tetracycline can be applied to enhance its effectiveness in stopping bleeding. The design and construction of a mobile nasal balloon with an air pressure control tank includes two main parts: This invention consists of a flexible nasal balloon system with a central tube and an external air pump for inflation. The balloon is made from a thin layer of latex, while a small PVC or polymer tube (1-2 mm in diameter) passes through the center. An air pump, similar to those used in pressure gauges but smaller (30 cc) and more flexible, inflates the balloon. After inflation, the pump is detached, leaving the balloon inside the nose. A manometer can measure the internal pressure to ensure optimal treatment. After use, the balloon is deflated and removed, much like a Foley or endotracheal tube |
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Eqbal Moghadamsabori , Mohsen Zarei , Seyed Shayan Taheri , Karim Salehi Cholcheh , Hasan Goodarzi , Alireza Hashemi |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Intelligent System for Detection, Control, Mitigation, and Notification of Rockfall | Technical Problem and Objectives of the Invention Rockfalls from elevated areas such as mountains, cliffs, and mine walls to lower regions are among the most significant natural hazards. Ensuring human safety and preventing severe damage to infrastructure necessitates innovative products designed to mitigate the impact of rockfalls on residential and commercial areas, public centers, roads, railways, and other infrastructure. According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), hundreds of people worldwide lose their lives each year due to rockfalls. This invention is an intelligent system to detect, control, mitigate, and notify rockfalls, which identifies and neutralizes falling rock masses using industrial laser technology. Innovative Solution The proposed invention is an intelligent system for rockfall detection, control, mitigation, notification, and reporting. It utilizes image processing technology and light curtains to detect the volume, speed, direction, weight, and number of rock masses, as well as the type of rockfall. The system identifies and neutralizes falling rock masses using industrial laser technology. Subsequently, it illuminates roadside warning signs to inform drivers of potential rockfall dangers through both visual and auditory alerts. Finally, it sends the location of the rockfall, along with photos, videos, and the status of the nearby road, to emergency services, police, fire departments, the Red Crescent, and other relevant organizations. All communications between the various components of this system are based on Wi-Fi technology, and the system’s power is supplied through direct electricity (when available), solar cells, and high-capacity batteries. |
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Hasti Sadat Javid , Nahal Behbahani , Parisa Ghesmati |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Soft Soil Stabilization Coating To Deal with Fine Dust Based on Chitosan and Rice Husk | Air pollution, especially in border cities such as Sistan and Baluchestan province, is a significant environmental issue in Iran. One of the main contributors to this problem is the phenomenon of dust storms, primarily caused by the lack of soil stabilization. Inspired by ant saliva, which contains sticky substances used to stabilize soft soil for colony construction, this research explores the use of chitosan as an adhesive material to stabilize loose soil. Furthermore, the incorporation of nanotechnology, particularly silica nanoparticles derived from rice husk, has proven to be an effective and cost-efficient approach to soil stabilization. The study demonstrates that combining chitosan and silica nanoparticles results in efficient soil stabilization, which could help mitigate dust storms. Methodology: Preparation of Chitosan Solution: A 1% acetic acid solution was prepared, and 1 gram of chitosan was dissolved in it using magnetic stirring to form a viscous and transparent solution. 2. Synthesis of Silica Nanoparticles from Rice Husk: Rice husk was washed, dried, and burned at 600°C for 4 hours. The resulting ash was refluxed with sodium hydroxide to produce sodium silicate. Hydrochloric acid was then added dropwise until a pH of 1 was reached, resulting in the formation of silica gel. This gel was washed, dried at 100°C, and calcined at 600°C for 2 hours to form silica nanoparticles. 3. Application of the Stabilizing Coating: The soil sample was mixed with 5% by weight of silica nanoparticles, compacted, and sprayed with the chitosan solution. The soil's stability was tested after two days. |
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Mahdi Sarbaz , Armin Badihi Najafadadi , Behnam Hajalikhani , Amirali Shokrollahi , Radman Rabbani |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | EcoWash: Compact and Eco-Friendly Laundry System | EcoWash is an innovative, eco-friendly washing machine designed to address key challenges in modern laundry systems, such as excessive water and energy consumption, space limitations, and environmental impact. By incorporating a multi-stage filtration system, EcoWash recycles water used during the washing process, allowing it to be reused for subsequent cycles, significantly reducing overall water consumption. The machine is equipped with IoT connectivity, enabling users to control and monitor the washing process remotely through a mobile app. It also features customizable washing programs tailored to different fabric types, energy-efficient operation, and a compact, lightweight design for easy portability and minimal space usage. EcoWash is an affordable and practical solution for urban households, travelers, and anyone looking to minimize their environmental footprint while maximizing efficiency. |
159 |
Amirhossein Arab Markadeh , Soheyl Safi , Reza Shafiei , Kiarash Moeindoust , Abolfazl Davodi , Mahdi Motofakeran |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Hikey Water Bottle | This innovative water bottle is equipped with four unique features: a water filtration system, the ability to heat or cool the water, and the capability to charge a mobile device. The energy for these functions is derived from a rechargeable battery, which in turn is powered by solar cells. The water filtration system consists of five different filters, each designed to remove specific contaminants and improve water quality. The heating and cooling elements ensure the water is maintained at the desired temperature, and the mobile charging feature makes it ideal for outdoor enthusiasts. Key Features: 1.Advanced Water Filtration: 2. The water is purified through five stages of filtration, which include: - Filter 1 (Sediment Filter): Removes particles larger than 1 micron, such as sand, mud, and debris. - Filter 2 (Activated Carbon Filter): Eliminates chlorine, organic chemicals, pesticides, and unpleasant tastes. - Filter 3 (Carbon Block Filter): Further removes remaining organic compounds and enhances water taste and odor. - Filter 4 (Membrane Filter): Removes dissolved impurities, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and nitrates. - Filter 5 (Mineral Filter): Adds essential minerals and vitamins such as calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium to the water. 2. Heating and Cooling System: After filtration, the water is stored in a copper chamber where it can be heated or cooled as needed. This is achieved using a cooling element and a heating element powered by the rechargeable battery. 3. Mobile Charging Capability: The water bottle includes a feature to charge mobile devices, making it convenient for outdoor activities and emergencies. 4. Solar-Powered Energy: The rechargeable battery powering the water filtration, heating, cooling, and mobile charging is recharged through solar panels, making it energy-efficient and eco-friendly. |
160 |
Artin Salari , Amirabbas Kavosiamin |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Smart Glasses for Real-Time Object Detection for the Blind | Blind and visually impaired individuals face daily challenges in navigating their surroundings and identifying objects, which often limits their independence and increases their reliance on others. This project introduces *Smart Glasses for Real-Time Object Detection for the Blind*, an innovative solution designed to provide real-time assistance through object recognition and audio feedback. Utilizing LabVIEW for image processing, the smart glasses are equipped with an endoscopic camera and AI-powered algorithms that detect objects in the user’s environment and relay critical information such as the object’s name, color, and condition through an audio interface. The lightweight, 3D-printed glasses are designed for comfort and ease of use, making them practical for everyday wear. Testing has demonstrated the system’s effectiveness in identifying common objects, providing users with immediate feedback that enhances their spatial awareness and safety. By offering a cost-effective and user-friendly solution, these smart glasses significantly improve the quality of life for visually impaired individuals by fostering greater independence and reducing the risks of accidents. Future iterations will include additional features such as distance measurement and wireless connectivity to further expand the system’s capabilities. •Methods •The smart glasses are designed with an embedded endoscopic camera positioned at the nose bridge, capturing real-time, high-resolution images of the user’s surroundings. The captured images are processed using advanced image processing algorithms that identify various objects and provide immediate audio feedback about their names and colors. |
161 |
Arghavan Amirkhosro , Peransa Faraji , Atousa Amirkhanloo , Zahra Heydari |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Synthesis of Zinc Nanoparticles by Green Synthesis Method Using Turmeric Aqueous Extract to Investigate Effects on Mung Bean Germination | Nanoparticles are particles with diameters ranging from 1 to 100 nm, with key types including semiconductor nanoparticles, ceramic nanoparticles, and metal nanoparticles. In food science, nanotechnology can extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. Additionally, the controlled release of nanoparticles containing biofertilizers into the soil can promote rapid plant growth. Zinc, an essential micronutrient for plants, can be synthesized in nanoparticle form and is involved in various physiological functions. Nanoparticles can be synthesized through various methods, including physical, chemical, and biological approaches. In this study, zinc nanoparticles were synthesized using a biological (green) method. Initially, zinc nanoparticles were synthesized using turmeric aqueous extract. The resulting powder was calcined in a furnace and then subjected to XRD, FTIR, DLS, and FESEM tests. The presence of zinc nanoparticles was confirmed by peaks in the FTIR and XRD analyses. The nanoparticle size was measured to be 573 nm by DLS and 43 nm by FESEM, with a reported spherical shape. To study the effect of different concentrations of zinc nanoparticles on mung bean germination, solutions with concentrations of 10, 20, and 40 mg/L were prepared. After 10 days, germination rates were 100% for the 20 and 40 mg/L concentrations, and 80% for the 10 mg/L concentration. The average root growth of seeds irrigated with the 20 mg/L solution was 3.13 cm, compared to 1.98 cm for seeds irrigated with the 10 mg/L solution. These results indicate that a concentration of 20 mg/L has a positive effect on germination and growth. |
162 |
Zahra Mohades , Mohammad Ali Bakali |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Studying and Investigating the Death of Stars and How They Turn into Black Holes and The Phenomenon of Singularity | Much like living organisms, stars have their own life cycles that encompass birth, existence, and eventual demise. The formation of stars initiates from vast clouds of gas and dust in space, referred to as nebula. The driving force behind this process is gravity, which induces the collapse and compression of a segment of this expansive cloud, leading to the creation of a denser and heavier sphere. Within the core of this compact mass, temperatures soar to the point where nuclear reactions are ignited. This release of a tremendous amount of energy marks the birth of a star, as it begins to radiate and shine. The lifespan and ultimate fate of a star hinge on its size. For instance, a star akin to our sun will continue to emit light for approximately ten billion years before its eventual demise. Prior to this end, such a star will expand, transitioning into a large red giant before eventually evolving into a white dwarf. Conversely, larger stars have significantly shorter life spans. When these massive stars reach the end of their life cycles, they undergo expansion, transforming into supergiants. This transition culminates in a powerful explosion, termed a supernova, scattering their remnants far and wide. Post-explosion, the star's core collapses, potentially forming an incredibly dense neutron star, with a mass equivalent to millions of tons confined to a pinhead-sized space. However, in some cases, the core vanishes entirely, leaving behind an area characterized by immensely powerful gravity known as a black hole. The gravitational force exerted by black holes is so overwhelming that not even light can escape their grasp. Astronomers postulate that black holes absorb the energy from active and vigorous galaxies in the cosmos. |
163 |
Fatemeh Shirvani Farsani , Faranak Jalalian , Mehdi Abrishami |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | SmartCanine – A New Standard in Risk Assessment for Impacted Maxillary Canine Surgeries | SmartCanine is a groundbreaking application designed to revolutionize the management of impacted maxillary canine surgeries by providing accurate, AI-driven risk assessments. This tool utilizes a vast dataset of 74,000 panoramic images, making it the first of its kind globally to achieve unprecedented accuracy in surgical planning. By integrating advanced image analysis techniques with personalized clinical data, SmartCanine offers tailored treatment recommendations, enhancing decision-making for oral surgeons. The system’s unique ability to adapt to various clinical scenarios and its scalability to other dental conditions, such as lower wisdom teeth and other impacted teeth, sets it apart from traditional diagnostic methods. SmartCanine not only improves the precision of risk assessments but also reduces unnecessary surgeries, saving costs and minimizing patient discomfort. It empowers clinicians with real-time, data-backed insights, helping them make the best decisions for their patients. This project combines cutting-edge technology, personalized care, and ethical data usage to set new standards in dental surgery, paving the way for future expansions in AI-assisted clinical applications. |
164 |
Iliya Rezazadeh , Padra Ghazvinian |
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF | Facial Emotion Recognition for Human Healthcare Systems | This device boosts workplace well-being by detecting and managing emotions through a camera and Python. It includes Emotion & Name Recognition (using LBP) and Wireless Data Processing. It's useful in medical facilities, offices, and vehicles for monitoring emotions and driver fatigue. Facial Expression Recognition (FER) is essential for understanding emotions in multimedia, healthcare, psychology, and human-computer interaction. Challenges include complex backgrounds, face rotation, and features like beards or glasses. Effective FER systems must accurately identify emotions despite these difficulties. Technical specifications ▪ Input Voltage 5VDC-2A⚡ ▪ Operating Voltages 5VC VDC ▪ Operating frequency for wireless module 433Mhz ▪ Transmission power of wireless module 10mw ▪ Operating temperature range -10 C’ to 70 C’ ▪ RS232-UART protocol between wireless modules |
165 |
Prof. Artur Vladimirovich Garaganov , Dr. Artur Vladimirovich Garaganov, Professor |
RUSSIAN FEDERATION | The "Role Installation" Methodology: an educational and training tool for developing the professional skills of film actors | The "Role Installation" technique is an innovative educational and training tool aimed at developing the professional skills of film actors. The main purpose of the technique is to help actors get deeper into the essence of the character, develop emotional and neurosocial intelligence. The activation of the role and the personal guide accelerate the entry into the image, creating an authentic behavior of the hero in the frame. A consistent algorithm of actions, constantly supplemented by clarifying the social atom of the hero, constant correct feedback, selected homework performed in between readings and rehearsals, contribute to the inner growth of the actor and his effective work on the set. Using this approach, directors and acting coaches can promote intrinsic motivation and authentic immersion of actors in the role, providing high-quality and convincing images in the cinema. The technique has proven itself as an effective tool in the work of coaching actors, in the process of preparing for the filming of feature films, having received positive feedback from producers, directors, teachers and students. "Role installation" includes theory and a series of practical training exercises that contribute to the deep development of complex acting tasks and increase the level of professional training. The technique has received positive feedback from producers, directors, teachers and students. |
166 |
Yuhan Yang |
CHINA | A Kind of Portable Magnetic Levitation Piano | 1. A piano keys based on magnetic levitation technique, is designed for the first time , the structure is that one end can turn and the other end can levitate. 2. When agnets and pressure sensors are applied, piano keys is non-contact trigger structure . 3. The product which combines magnetic levitation with musical instruments ,is a tentative application of magnetic levitation technology. 4. This is not only a unique innovation about music, but also a leap in the field of Magnetic Levitation. |
167 |
Linlin Wu |
CHINA | Wireless Portable Intelligent Burglar Alarm | For the loss of goods in the car or shop and so on, the device combines a traditional alarm system with a portable device based on modular thinking and embedded sensor technology. It is a alarm, and a monitoring. Based on STM32,the project consists of infrared laser sensor, buzzer, Bluetooth, three axis gyro sensor, RFID module, LCD TFT display screen. It is divided into identification module, dynamic monitoring module, and alarm module. RFID is used to identify designated tag of the hoster. Sensors are used to detect whether the device is moved,or anyone cross the limits. |
168 |
Yulong Liang |
CHINA | Family E security system | Family_E Security System takes Arduino microcontroller as the control core which is composed of SIM module, gas module and other components. main functions :remote door opening, video monitoring, gas leakage alarm, guest visit, outdoor activity sensing, etc.. The reason why the family can monitor the situation outside through the phone,is that the door can automatically send text messages according to the activities outside. |
169 |
Tang Zihe |
CHINA | Student schoolbag mate | For students forget necessary appliances, the student-bag-partner is designed. First of all, write the students' daily schedule on the Arduino board. Secondly, each subject is corresponds to the magnetic card, and enter the information of the magnetic card into the Arduino board. Finally, the corresponding subject card embedded in the book cover. When a book is put into the bag, the Arduino board will record the corresponding information , and show on the display screen which subjects have been put into. Student-bag-partner will remind the lack of subjects .we don't forget any book. |
170 |
Weiqi Gao , Liu Yunlong |
CHINA | High efficiency solar energy and wind energy self replenishing water distillation device | The device is composed of a steel seat, sun mirror, wind generator, ceramic heating steam , water exchange column and Seesaw call.The high concentration brine is heated by Solar energy or Wind power generation ,it is desalinate into drinking water. The seesaw re – adds water.The device is cycle replenishment. |
171 |
Jiaqing Zhang , Wang Yuran |
CHINA | A Kind of Great Power Arresting Mechanism | As a kind of great Power Arresting Mechanism,it can realize deceleration arresting function. A plate body, a cylinder assembly, an elastic component, and a steel cable comprises the device. The system is used for aircraft arresting. The aircraft that normally lands or flies out of the runway due to accidental causes is stopped to ensure the safety of personnel and aircraft. |
172 |
Chen He |
CHINA | Three-blade spindle propeller | The number of blades in this case is three. The radian of blade span is 240 ° to 480 °. The propeller itself has good fluid dynamics. It is effective to reduce the resistance of the propellers in the low speed and improve the energy efficiency of the vehicle during the low speed. Besides the efficiency and energy saving, the propeller has changed the acoustic characteristics and military significance. |
173 |
Yuran Wang , Yao Tianyu |
CHINA | Synthetic diamond with lightning energy | Making an lead-electrode that can shrink, the cable installate to airtight pressure ball receiving alloy materials (up to 55000 atmospheres).Put the whole device more tropical thunderstorms. When the storm clouds discharge, huge current straight lead at the top of electrode, through the cable, conducte to the explosion-pressure ball. Under the condition of high temperature and high ,the graphite electrode will pressures into a diamond inside the ball. |
174 |
Lujing Shi , Li, Shifeng , Qian, Pengyun , LU, XIAOYU |
CHINA | 3D printing, laser engraving and milling machine | This product is a multi-functional desktop device that maintains 3Dprinting, Laser Engraving and milling. Different functions can be accomplished by rapidly replacing head assembly.The head assembly is modularized and can be changed easily.The overall unit is small and exquisite to make the desktop use convenient. |
175 |
Jin Niu , Wang Shuang |
CHINA | Food packaging design of the Tianjin Great Wall brand | This design is applied to the Tianjin traditional old brand ‘’Great Wall vinegar food and frozen food packaging ‘’ , the design based on visual illustration, enhance and beautify by fashion art language , the main charging target of this package is young generation consumers of domestic market. |
176 |
Xiaoyu Jia , Pan Yanfang |
CHINA | Inflatable Cold Storage | In view of problems of high cost, long construction period and occupation of land resources of traditional storage, the apparent hairy polyolefin-based hollow fiber and three-dimensional curly high elastic intercalation spinning technology were invited and such industry problems as multi-layer gas insulation, moisture resistance, airtight and thermal radiation prevention were broken through. Eventually a jacketed intelligent inflatable cold storage with heat transferability but no mass transferability was developed. Thermal resistance≥3.3 W/(m2·℃), airtight reaches level 5, temperature fluctuation is ±0.1℃ and easy to use just like a tent. Service life is 15 to 20 years and one-time investment cost is 2 yuan per kilogram. Total cost reduced by 20%-30% and energy conserved by 30%, subverting the traditional cold storage technology. |
177 |
Yan Zhou , Liu Yue |
CHINA | Magnetostrictive dynamic demonstrator based on Michelson interference method | This instrument is based on Michelson interferometer principle, and the dynamic magnetostrictive demonstration instrument has been designed. It has many advantages, such as small size, low cost, obvious demonstration effect and so on. The instrument can be used in the demonstration of magnetostrictive effect in class. |
178 |
Lianrong Lyu |
CHINA | Indoor positioning system based on bluetooth 4.0 technology | This is a bluetooth 4.0 technology based on the accurate positioning system, providing more help for users (especially the elderly,etc.) daily life. This system USES the fuzzy fingerprint clustering algorithm, and use RSSI and LQ to calculate and refer to the fingerprint library to determine the physical location. |
179 |
Wenbin Zhang , Wang, Shaojie |
CHINA | Solar sewage river self-purification robot | Solar sewage water self- purification treatment robot , powered by solar and wind energy. Lower speed and larger fluid pump was used to pump water from deep to the surface of the river, so more oxygen solved into water, self- purification can be realized. Detectors were used to find most polluted water, and the robot swim toward to most polluted area under the control of CPU |
180 |
Jiaqi Zheng , Wang, Yunhe |
CHINA | Hetian jade interesting jewelry design | Make interesting design of jewelry. To guide the development of modern hetian jade jewelry design for promoting the modern interpretation and dissemination of Chinese traditional jade culture. |
181 |
Eurus Li , Ekin Wang |
CHINA | Organic Paper Decoration | The designed paper is made- up of pineapple cover mixed with paper chemical elements to create a decorative paper that can be sold and used for home decorations, art material and special gatherings. The paper is carefully studied to sustain durability and safety for use in any occasions. We formulated this idea through careful analysis that instead of throwing garbage from plants we can create something useful and beneficial to humans and the society. |
182 |
Li Augustus , Alex Yu , Hilda Wang , Tony Yang |
CHINA | Green Umbrella | Green plants cover most of the area of the surface of the building and by using renewable energy to run the facilities of the building. This is for both commercial and accommodation use. |
183 |
Yichen Wang |
CHINA | Electromagnetic Catapult Paper Airplanes | An Electromagnetic Catapult Paper Airplane is a kind of advanced kinetic energy ejection toy, using the electromagnetic launch technology. Electromagnetic ejection device is using the electromagnetic force in the electromagnetic system to promote launch push rod, providing the paper airplane an upward thrust, which greatly improves the initial velocity and the emission level of paper planes. An Electromagnetic catapult paper airplane is composed of linear motor, energy storage device, the ejection push rod, controller, etc. While launching the paper planes, the ejection rod will be inserted into the linear motor, and then put the paper plane on the push rod support, turn on the electricity to recharge the energy storage device, and finally press the controller to get the paper airplane catapulted into the air. |
184 |
Lanhai Zhang |
CHINA | Solar laser zebra crossing | Solar laser zebra crossing has a better performance than conventional zebra crossing. The common zebra crossing is easy to fall off and difficult to identify because it is exposed to the sun and the rain for a long time. Laser zebra crossing can be used for a long time and will not fade. When the channel is forbidden, the laser will turn red; when the channel is allowed, the laser will turn green, which will play a better role in the channel hint. It uses solar energy to save energy and protect the environment. |
185 |
Chenlin Liu |
CHINA | Free hanging wall | Making a plurality of grooves in the wall, let with the corresponding bayonet items, furniture with corresponding buckle can be placed into and hung on the wall. You can put up items on the positions as you like. It looks beautiful and unobtrusive, the structure is simple but practical, the maneuverability and the possibility of development are high. It can also be extended to other similar products such as photo wall etc. |
186 |
Dongdong Jiang |
CHINA | Automobile self-locking safety device for preventing driver from using mobile phone during driving | The cellphone is used as the second key to the automobile in order to restrict its using range,so that drivers can drive comfortably.The design is based on wireless charging and its induction effects,which can charge the cellphone while driving and keep the automobile driving normally.If the driver takes the cellphone out,it will get out of the range of the wireless charging induction device,which will disconnect the starting circuit of the automobile.The automobile will not drive normally,forcing the driver to put the cellphone back.If an emergency call comes,bluetooth will be connected to enable the driver to speak with the voice system,which will help to prevent the driver from being distracted as much as possible. |
187 |
Zhiyuan Qu |
CHINA | Automatic inflated basketball | This is a self-inflatable basketball. It can manage in the situation when no inflatable is accessible. When the internal pressure of the basketball is insufficient, if you take this basketball on the court, the elastic deformation will compress the basketball built-in air pump and press the gas into the basketball. At the same time, the piston stops the gas escaping. When the air pressure is enough, it will stop inflating automatically. If you have a gas bucket, you can also inflate it like an ordinary basketball. |
188 |
Zhanting Zhao |
CHINA | Anti rub automatic protection device for automobile | At the crowded parking lots, your car is likely to be scratched inadvertently by some rookie drivers. A Scratch Prevention Device, installed under the car chassis, has several auto-starting brackets. In the case of parking, the device will automatically start to stretch out the brackets completely enough to protect the car doors and bodywork, especially the beltlines and side skirts, in order to effectively prevent the scratches made by cars nearby. |
189 |
Gao Yiliang |
CHINA | Self powered gas mask fire fighting vehicle | According to statistics, in the building fire, the vast majority of people are not burned, but because there is no gas mask poisoning death. A self powered gas mask fire engine allows fire victims to quickly receive gas masks and get out of danger. The car has a life induction system, and the launcher can accurately put the mask into someone's place in the fire. |
190 |
Tang Rui , Shi Yingjia |
CHINA | A new type of intelligent lunar rover | The new intelligent lunar rover uses two wheeled balanced vehicles in the mobile technology, so it can not be overturned, and it also avoids the lunar soil attached to the solar cells and other instruments during the walking process, which affects the performance and control of the lunar rover. The car is equipped with solar cells, cameras, infrared sensors, communications and other equipment, with the Internet of things technology, mobile phones can also operate and control on the ground. |
191 |
Dongdong Jiang |
CHINA | Automobile self-locking safety device for preventing driver from using mobile phone during driving | The cellphone is used as the second key to the automobile in order to restrict its using range,so that drivers can drive comfortably.The design is based on wireless charging and its induction effects,which can charge the cellphone while driving and keep the automobile driving normally.If the driver takes the cellphone out,it will get out of the range of the wireless charging induction device,which will disconnect the starting circuit of the automobile.The automobile will not drive normally,forcing the driver to put the cellphone back.If an emergency call comes,bluetooth will be connected to enable the driver to speak with the voice system,which will help to prevent the driver from being distracted as much as possible. |
192 |
Yiliang Gao |
CHINA | Self powered gas mask fire fighting vehicle | According to statistics, in the building fire, the vast majority of people are not burned, but because there is no gas mask poisoning death. A self powered gas mask fire engine allows fire victims to quickly receive gas masks and get out of danger. The car has a life induction system, and the launcher can accurately put the mask into someone's place in the fire. |
193 |
Rui Tang , Shi Yingjia |
CHINA | A new type of intelligent lunar rover | The new intelligent lunar rover uses two wheeled balanced vehicles in the mobile technology, so it can not be overturned, and it also avoids the lunar soil attached to the solar cells and other instruments during the walking process, which affects the performance and control of the lunar rover. The car is equipped with solar cells, cameras, infrared sensors, communications and other equipment, with the Internet of things technology, mobile phones can also operate and control on the ground. |
194 |
Wang Ruo Cheng |
CHINA | Side pressure pen | When we press the buttons to squeeze the movable tip inward, the movable tip will move down. So as to drive the cartridge extends downward, you can normally write; if you relax the press block, the activity of the spring through the role of the spring, it will drive the cartridge retracted pen holder. |
195 |
Ren Xuan Zhang |
CHINA | Fruit corer | I want to make a fruit kernels removal machine by using plastic. It is very simple and fast by using the power of circling to remove the fruit kernels. It is very convenient, because it also can adjust the size by the fruit. |
196 |
Pan Lin Zhang |
CHINA | Warning umbrella | Fix the LED on the end of the umbrella skeleton, connect the wires and the battery, and complete the warning umbrella. Installing wind power on the top of a warning umbrella. |
197 |
Jian Jun Yang |
CHINA | Marked lid | there is something like coating, printed on the body of bottle, people can make different marks on it by using nails or keys. So, they can find their bottles easily. It also can highly reduce the waste of water resource. |
198 |
Zhong Mo |
CHINA | toilet Lift chair | Modify the folded to facilitate the seat board, adding fixed seat back and a metal screw and motor in front of the toilet seat, so that the front seat can have the rise and fall functions. In addition, the stainless steel plate outside the seat plate welding, highly suitable for human support with both hands. |
199 |
Wei Chien , Kang Tsai-Hua , Luo Shi-Jian , Lin Jiang-Mei , Tsai Shang-Te , Fan Chwei-Jen |
CHINA | Anti-Theft Backpace | The design is an anti-theft knapsack, and when the detection unit detects the zipper open, the detection unit notifies the warning device to send out an alarm. We can more effectively prevent thieves, avoid the loss of property. |
200 |
Shang-Te Tsai , You Guo-Bin , Fan Chwei-Jen , Tu Jin-Gxin , Lai Cheng-Fan , Li Li-Yun |
CHINA | Intelligent Comic Make System Based on Comic Script Creation | This study realizes the cartoonist's other comic writing style, to write the script to produce the comic style of creation, can reduce the traditional production of cartoon design manpower and capital and time and other costs. |
201 |
Jiahui Di |
CHINA | "Public Bus Epidemic Prevention Disinfection and Temperature Measurement Smart Device" | The invention uses a microcontroller as the control core, integrating a non-contact infrared temperature sensor, a voice announcement module, an automatic disinfection device, a photoelectric emission module, and a servo module to form the hardware circuit. It conducts a systematic analysis and study of the current temperature measurement issues on public buses, designing an intelligent epidemic prevention disinfection and temperature measurement device for buses. This system employs sensor technology, automatic control technology, and C language programming to achieve temperature measurement and disinfection processing. 1. The servo can be controlled via a button to open or close the bus doors. 2. The system performs disinfection when it detects that the doors are closed. 3. The driver can use a button to activate the voice module to remind passengers to wear masks and have their temperatures measured. |
202 |
Qihan Yang |
CHINA | Vehicle Height and Weight Monitoring and Warning System with Audio-Visual Alerts | Many bridges domestically and internationally have varying restrictions for vehicles. Additionally, the height and weight restriction signs on many bridges are placed too close to the main bridge structure, making it difficult for drivers to adjust the height and load of their vehicles in time. This leads to serious accidents. **(I) Structure and Function of Main Components:** This device is mainly composed of multiple modules controlled by a microcontroller: 1. **Laser Range Finder for Height Limitation:** The laser range finder, small in size and highly sensitive, can be directly installed on utility poles on both sides of the road. The distance from the main road can be adjusted based on road conditions. 2. **Weight Sensor for Weight Limitation:** This sensor ensures the vehicle does not exceed the bridge's weight capacity. 3. **Photoresistor for Day/Night Detection:** This sensor distinguishes between day and night. During nighttime, it addresses issues such as poor visibility and driver fatigue by adding a strobe light function to the LED lights to effectively alert drivers. 4. **IoT Module for Remote Operation:** Through a positioning device, this module transmits collected data or fault information to maintenance personnel, who can use a mobile app or computer program for remote control, making issue resolution convenient, fast, and efficient. 5. **Multimedia Module for Warnings:** This module utilizes sound and light devices to provide alerts. **(II) Innovations:** 1. The system includes a voice feedback feature that promptly alerts vehicles that exceed height and weight limits. 2. It automatically detects day and night, adding a strobe light function at night for increased visibility. 3. Equipped with a GPS module, the system can be located nationwide. 4. The system includes intelligent monitoring feedback, allowing real-time status updates and error reporting, facilitating maintenance. 5. Powered by a hybrid of solar and roadway circuits, the system conserves energy. 6. The system supports remote control via a mobile app and a computer client. |
203 |
Dejiang Yu , Yu Desong , Wang Shijun , Lou Yaowen , Yi Jiashuo |
CHINA | Enameled wire machine | The diameter of enameled wire of the same specification is slightly different. When setting the diameter of the cutting ring, the existing enameled wire grinder can only adjust the knife according to the minimum diameter, which causes excessive cutting of most enameled wire and reduces the ability of wire passing through the current. In order to solve this problem, this invention provides a reciprocating motion elastic grinding machine grinding head enameled wire, copper motor shaft on the right side of guide rail, guide rail tops the slider, sliding block roller, roller lateral is eccentric annulus, under the effect of spring, the roller pressure on the inner wall of the eccentric annulus, enameled wire placed along the axis, the following is a chopping board, the above is grinding head, grinding head, copper is polished, with his hand raise grinding head, plug wire between the grinding head and the chopping board, motor shaft rotation, with the hand to pull enameled wire, finish grinding, polishing, enameled wire makes no turn, slider driven grinding head and reciprocating motion, moving along the enameled wire for circular cylinder is enameled wire pull along the axial direction, The ring is polished into a cylinder, and elastic grinding is formed under the action of spring. The grinding head is made of copper, which only grinds the insulating paint and does not grind the wire copper, so as to solve the problem that the existing enameled wire grinder reduces the wire's ability to pass current too much. |
204 |
Dejiang Yu , Yu Desong , Wang Shijun , Lou Yaowen , Yi Jiashuo |
CHINA | Enameled wire machine | The diameter of enameled wire of the same specification is slightly different. When setting the diameter of the cutting ring, the existing enameled wire grinder can only adjust the knife according to the minimum diameter, which causes excessive cutting of most enameled wire and reduces the ability of wire passing through the current. In order to solve this problem, this invention provides a reciprocating motion elastic grinding machine grinding head enameled wire, copper motor shaft on the right side of guide rail, guide rail tops the slider, sliding block roller, roller lateral is eccentric annulus, under the effect of spring, the roller pressure on the inner wall of the eccentric annulus, enameled wire placed along the axis, the following is a chopping board, the above is grinding head, grinding head, copper is polished, with his hand raise grinding head, plug wire between the grinding head and the chopping board, motor shaft rotation, with the hand to pull enameled wire, finish grinding, polishing, enameled wire makes no turn, slider driven grinding head and reciprocating motion, moving along the enameled wire for circular cylinder is enameled wire pull along the axial direction, The ring is polished into a cylinder, and elastic grinding is formed under the action of spring. The grinding head is made of copper, which only grinds the insulating paint and does not grind the wire copper, so as to solve the problem that the existing enameled wire grinder reduces the wire's ability to pass current too much. |
205 |
Lan Dy |
CHINA | Ultraviolet Disinfection Device With Remote Operation Function | In June and July in Beijing, Dalian and other places, the source of infection was traced from imported seafood products. Scientific research has proved that the new coronavirus can remain active for quite a long time under low temperature. This greatly increases the risk of the spread of the virus, to our new crown prevention and control work increased the difficulty. At the same time, in our daily life, we can not rule out the possibility of virus transmission through chilled and express packaging. In order to prevent the spread of virus, it is very important to disinfect the outer package of express delivery Aiming at the problem of virus carried in the outer package of the product, a kind of ultraviolet disinfection transmission device with remote operation function was designed to deal with the above problems. The operation and disinfection of the transmission device was controlled by the remote control, and the objects were transported through the conveyor belt. Six high-power UV LEDs were used to achieve sufficient UV intensity The object is disinfected to realize the omni-directional external packaging without dead angle. |
206 |
Jerry Jerry |
CHINA | Pipeline Detection Device Of Rainwater Well | With the development of modern cities, underground pipelines have become a very important part of the city, but the underground pipelines are not easy to see and easy to jam, especially in rainy days, which will increase the burden of urban life. Because of the congestion of water channels in rainy days, the road rainwater spreads and accumulates, forming the phenomenon of "looking at the sea" and "lakes" It is common that when encountering severe weather such as heavy rain, flooding has become the city's normal. In view of this actual situation, after the completion of the sewer construction, it is not possible to demolish and construct at will. It is the key to solve the problem to be able to briefly check the congestion of the sewer. In view of this, this paper proposes the sewer congestion combined with SCM technology Detection device. The invention takes the single chip microcomputer as the control core, combines the ultrasonic ranging module, the sound detection module, the key control circuit, the active buzzer module, the liquid crystal display screen and other parts to form the hardware circuit. |
207 |
Dongri Shen |
CHINA | A remotely paying and interactive advertising machine with energy conservation | Cities are decorated with gorgeous and colorful advertisement animation. The advertising machines in the types of LED light box and LCD large screen can be seen everywhere in cities including various advertising machines installed in schools. However, we observe that there are often a large number of idle advertising mechines, which leads to a waste of resource. At the same time, the advertising management is too complex to advertise and use advertising machines for most people. For these issues, we have designed a remotely interactive advertising machine which is on the concept for energy conservation and environmental protection, and the control core is MCU. The connection control is realized by using the self-developed APP on Bluetooth and Android systems. The hardware circuit is composed of the photoelectric sensor and the button control circuit. The technology of sensor, photoelectric detection, automatic control, and C language are integrated. The features of the advertising machine include using mobile phones to manage advertising information, inserting or editing the sequence of advertisements, adjusting the screen brightness automatically, intelligent control of power on and off, realizing self-power supply by using solar or wind power and so on. |
208 |
Xinlei Shi |
CHINA | Smart Shopping Cart | This is a Smart Shopping Cart equipped with an intelligent tracking system and a barcode scanning feature to display product prices. This idea emerged from real-life observation: last summer, while shopping with my mother at the supermarket, I noticed how difficult it was for her to push a cart full of items. Many current shopping carts have drawbacks; for instance, they require users to push them manually, are often large and cumbersome, and occasionally bump into others. To address these issues, I envisioned a smart cart that could follow the user, freeing them to shop hands-free. Additionally, I incorporated a barcode scanning feature to check item prices instantly. Often, price labels don’t match the items or are missing altogether, due to oversight by store staff. This feature would make shopping more convenient by allowing customers to verify prices as they go. |
209 |
Wang Jiayue |
CHINA | Garbage classification management system | The author thinks that table lamp, as a common life partner, can not only provide normal lighting effect, but also as a smart home partner, making our life more intelligent and more fun. Therefore, the author designed a multifunctional intelligent desk lamp by using infrared remote sensing technology, isolated gesture command technology, array control system, potentiometer field control system, carbon fiber heat conduction system, temperature monitoring and control system, digital real-time display monitoring technology, C language technology. The lamp has the following functions and technical features: (1) Using 3D printing technology, DIY designed a personalized lampshade with adjustable direction. (2) Adopt intelligent and environmental protection LED energy-saving lamp lighting. (3) Lighting can automatically adjust and control the lighting effect according to the ambient illumination, so as to provide scientific data for healthy lighting effect. According to the actual situation of the user, the lighting effect can be adjusted manually by rotating the potentiometer knob. (4) It is equipped with induction timing function to monitor the continuous reading time of readers and remind them to rest or look far away. (5) For the sitting posture correction system when writing, when the infrared sensor detects that the face position and the desktop are lower than a certain height, the buzzer will give an alarm to remind, which is conducive to effectively correcting the sitting posture and protecting the eyesight. (6) Equipped with controllable fan system, convenient for air circulation and heat dissipation. (7) Constant temperature water cup additional system, temperature sensor to monitor the temperature, carbon fiber heating plate to maintain constant water temperature, you can drink warm water at any time. The multi-functional intelligent desk lamp uses LED module, buzzer module, fan module, nixie tube module, potentiometer module, keyboard array module, carbon fiber heater, digital temperature sensor, switch module, infrared sensor module and intelligent gesture module. It uses open source hardware as the main control and uses gnawing programming software and C language to write the program. |
210 |
Zhen Chenjia |
CHINA | Intelligent temperature-controlled aquarium | Tropical fish, born in tropical waters, is a general term for unique ornamental fish in tropical and subtropical places. Tropical fish are deeply liked by everyone for their gorgeous colors, beautiful posture and diverse shapes. Because of their special living habits, many species of tropical fish are extremely strict to the environment, especially the temperature. At present, most of the heating methods of fish tanks on the market are unilateral "point column" heating rods, resulting in hot water temperature on one side of the fish tank, cooler in other places, and a large temperature difference, so that fish are easy to catch a cold. In order to solve this problem, taking the open source hardware control system and temperature intelligent adjustment decoration as the core, the author develops a set of "noodle" intelligent temperature sensing heating system. The specific functions and features are as follows: (1) when the temperature sensor detects that the water temperature is lower than 23 degrees Celsius, then intelligently start the heating system, heat the patch through the carbon fiber in the largest area of the fish tank, and stop heating when the temperature is higher than 27 degrees Celsius. Maintain 23-27 degrees which is suitable for tropical fish living water temperature. (2) in order to beautify the effect of the fish tank, the heating patch is combined with the exquisite background canvas to make the transparent fish tank more beautiful and interesting, and skillfully block the heating piece. (3) A transplantable, replicable and easy-to-adapt colorful lighting fish tank base system is designed, which can adapt to all kinds of fish tanks, arbitrarily adjust the color effect through rotating potentiometer and complex function program, and make the fish tank full of stage romantic effect through the refraction of water. instantly upgrade the appearance and interest value of the old fish tank. (4) in the fish symbiosis ecosystem, the fish tank is equipped with customized net isolation, with reference to the technical chassis of throwing seedlings of modern agricultural science and technology, so that hydroponic green flowers grow on top of the fish tank, and huge roots go deep into the fish tank to enhance the visual effect of the landscape. fully clean and absorb nutrients such as fish faeces, clean up the water quality while providing oxygen-rich particles, forming an elegant and interesting landscape of the ecological cycle system of symbiosis of animals and plants. The intelligent temperature control ecological fish tank uses rotating potentiometer module, button module, temperature sensor, carbon fiber heating system, color LED lamp and other intelligent module hardware, comprehensive use of sensor technology, automatic control technology, C language programming technology, to achieve the effect of improving the quality of life. In the future, the lighting effect and indoor humidification effect of music will be improved to meet more diversified needs of life. |
211 |
Duan Zeyou |
CHINA | Constant temperature comfortable air conditioning epidemic protective clothing | A sudden epidemic has changed our lives and made the work of many medical staff more dangerous and arduous. I am very grateful to see them working for more than 10 hours. It was so cold that they had to go out to receive patients before they could change their clothes. They had no time to go to the bathroom. They had to wear adult diapers to solve the problem on site. Although they absorbed urine, it was still wet. The indoor air circulation was not good, and it was humid and hot. Because of the benevolence of doctors, I can't calm down and calm the surging heart waves. Therefore, I designed a "constant temperature and comfortable air conditioning epidemic protection clothing". The specific functions and characteristics are as follows: (1) Constant temperature air conditioning system: the protective clothing can realize automatic temperature control. When the body surface temperature is lower than 22 ℃, the temperature and humidity sensor system will automatically sense and respond to the "zigzag" carbon fiber heating plate on the back acupoints to automatically raise the temperature, so as to ensure the cold problem of medical staff going out in cold weather; when the temperature reaches 27 ℃, PN junction refrigeration technology is applied to match the fan cooling system to solve the problem of medical staff Long time work and indoor temperature is too high; the use of digital tube real-time display changes in temperature, convenient for medical staff to master the situation. (2) Comfortable urination system, leg side urine collection device can be changed at will. With special waterproof polymer material and drainage catheter device, the urine is dredged to the side collection bottle on the upper right leg (similar to the position of a dagger on the side of the arm's leg). The medical staff can urinate continuously on the same day by changing the urine collection bottle. (3) Tips: ① Because Xinguan epidemic can be transmitted by airflow, the fan also needs to wear a "Mask" for ventilation. ② When urinating, the humidity sensor detects and delays 2 minutes to turn on the fan to further keep the urination area dry and comfortable. ③ According to the physiological characteristics of men and women, different styles of waterproof underwear are designed to facilitate smooth catheterization. In order to avoid embarrassment, the dark color connotation urine bottle design allows users to urinate at ease and change the bottle quietly, so that patients and other medical staff can not find it directly. This work takes the open source software and hardware as the control core, combines the non-contact temperature and humidity module, carbon fiber heating technology, PN junction cooling system module, digital tube module and other parts to form the hardware circuit. The programming software uses C language technology environment to protect the medical staff. |
212 |
Jiayue Wang |
CHINA | Garbage classification management system | Garbage classification is not only a technical problem, but also a problem to be solved in the development of social civilization and comprehensive treatment. The author designs a garbage classification management system, hoping to solve this problem effectively. The specific scheme is as follows: (1) Publicity, education, free distribution, exchange bank, garbage classification five dimensional management system. (2) Publicity and education: carry out closed-loop publicity and education through multi-dimensional lattice management modules such as communities and scenic spots. (3) Degradable plastic bags with obvious color difference were distributed to the public free of charge through government behavior, community public welfare, scenic spot gift, enterprise advertising sponsorship, etc. combined with publicity and education, the public were allowed to subjectively put in garbage to complete the first garbage classification. For example: green is recyclable garbage bag, blue is kitchen waste bag, red is harmful garbage bag, gray is other garbage bag. (4) referring to general secretary Xi Jinping's practice as secretary of Zhengding County Party committee in Hebei Province, the garbage bank was set up in the closed loop area of the lattice, and the people were able to bring the classified recyclable garbage to the exchange point of the garbage bank. According to certain standards, some household articles and tour tickets and souvenirs were exchanged for a recyclable garbage disposal. (5) Research cleaning workers, design the garbage sorting system, according to the distribution of different colors of garbage bagging, the first round of intelligent sorting and sorting of garbage. With LEGO ev3 as the control core, combined with intelligent management projects such as color sensor sorting mechanism and motor module, the author built a sorting system that can intelligently identify the color of garbage bags and sort the corresponding garbage. According to the "zone of proximal development" algorithm, the second round focuses on the inspection of hazardous waste and recyclable garbage to reduce work costs. |
213 |
Wang Benyi |
CHINA | Intelligent anti-theft alarm express delivery vehicle with piece-counting function | This project addresses issues in the express delivery process, such as low efficiency, lost packages, inconvenient handling, and limited functionality, through systematic analysis and research. It proposes an intelligent, efficient delivery system to tackle these potential problems. Key Innovations: Convenience and Speed: A scanning module counts the packages in real-time, displaying the number of items accurately to facilitate package management for delivery personnel. Enhanced Security with Dual Authentication: The system includes dual identity verification, allowing operation of the delivery vehicle only when the delivery personnel are nearby and have the correct identification card. Efficiency in Incident Response: If the delivery vehicle is tampered with, an alarm is triggered. If the delivery person is within close range, a mobile app provides a voice alert to notify them to take appropriate action. This system improves package management, security, and operational efficiency for express delivery services. |
214 |
Wang Yunduan |
CHINA | Smart Elevator Reservation System | This elevator primarily utilizes intelligent algorithms for control and integrates features of big data, facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, and mobile IoT technology. It collects data on the number of elevator passengers from multiple sources and performs big data analysis to enable various functions such as mobile reservations, checking the number of people inside and outside the elevator on both mobile devices and screens, non-stop operation when unoccupied, intelligent recognition, smart timing, and safety protection. Innovations: Real-Time Viewing: Users can check the current number of people inside and outside the elevator via a mobile app. Interior and Exterior Monitoring: Users can see the number of people waiting inside and outside the elevator. Mobile Reservations: Users can reserve the elevator for up or down travel directly from their office. Instant Passenger Recognition: The system automatically recognizes the number of people waiting on each floor; if no one is present, the elevator will not stop. Big Data Analytics: The system conducts big data analysis to display a countdown timer for the elevator's arrival for those waiting on the floors. Access Control: The system can automatically differentiate between residents and guests; residents can enter freely, while guests must be invited by the residents to gain access. This intelligent elevator system significantly enhances convenience, security, and efficiency for its users. |
215 |
Chen Yifan , Hou Yibo , Liu Yalei , Yang Yangyang |
CHINA | Smart electronic display board for class | This system integrates tablet computers with various sensors to compile important and convenient data into a personalized class display interface, providing the following functionalities for each class: Automatic Temperature Monitoring: By using a tablet and infrared temperature sensors, the system enables automatic recording of class members' temperatures. If abnormal temperature readings are detected, an alarm will be triggered to notify relevant personnel to take appropriate actions. This helps improve the efficiency of daily pandemic prevention efforts for both teachers and students. Environmental Monitoring for Plant Growth: For classes that have potted plants, the display includes sensors that monitor soil moisture, temperature, and light levels—factors that are crucial for plant growth. The data is presented in real-time on the display, encouraging students to engage in gardening activities to beautify the classroom and improve air quality. Personalized Class Signage: The system utilizes programming software to create customized class signage (class displays) for each class. These displays can show various information such as daily memos, class schedules, and school events. Additionally, they can be adjusted and beautified according to class needs, enhancing the campus experience. This innovative approach not only facilitates efficient temperature checks and environmental monitoring but also fosters a more engaging and personalized learning environment. |
216 |
Xu Shengjia |
CHINA | Remote Gas Monitoring and Early Warning Platform Based on Iot by STM32 Platform | Due to lack of monitoring equipment, buildings often have risk of gas leakage and explosion,then many people's life and property has lossed. This project is a remote gas monitoring and early warning on STM32 platform. When the gas indexes ,It automatically notifies the fire terminal platform, and timely finds out problems to prevent gas leakage explosion. The system consists of data acquisition platform, data sending end, data receiving terminal, sound and light alarm platform, display platform, and exhaust fan.They are CO gas detection sensor, NFL2401 wireless module, LCD display. |
217 |
Zihe Tang |
CHINA | Student schoolbag mate | □ For students forget necessary appliances, the student-bag-partner is designed. First of all, write the students' daily schedule on the Arduino board. Secondly, each subject is corresponds to the magnetic card, and enter the information of the magnetic card into the Arduino board. Finally, the corresponding subject card embedded in the book cover. When a book is put into the bag, the Arduino board will record the corresponding information , and show on the display screen which subjects have been put into. Student-bag-partner will remind the lack of subjects .we don't forget any book. |
218 |
Gao Weiqi , Liu Yunlong |
CHINA | High efficiency solar energy and wind energy self replenishing water distillation device | The device is composed of a steel seat, sun mirror, wind generator, ceramic heating steam , water exchange column and Seesaw call.The high concentration brine is heated by Solar energy or Wind power generation ,it is desalinate into drinking water. The seesaw re – adds water.The device is cycle replenishment. |
219 |
Zhang Jiaqing |
CHINA | A Kind of Great Power Arresting Mechanism | As a kind of great Power Arresting Mechanism,it can realize deceleration arresting function. A plate body, a cylinder assembly, an elastic component, and a steel cable comprises the device. The system is used for aircraft arresting. The aircraft that normally lands or flies out of the runway due to accidental causes is stopped to ensure the safety of personnel and aircraft. |
220 |
He Chen |
CHINA | Three-blade spindle propeller | The number of blades in this case is three. The radian of blade span is 240 ° to 480 °. The propeller itself has good fluid dynamics. It is effective to reduce the resistance of the propellers in the low speed and improve the energy efficiency of the vehicle during the low speed. Besides the efficiency and energy saving, the propeller has changed the acoustic characteristics and military significance. |
221 |
Wang Yuran |
CHINA | Synthetic diamond with lightning energy | Making an lead-electrode that can shrink, the cable installate to airtight pressure ball receiving alloy materials (up to 55000 atmospheres).Put the whole device more tropical thunderstorms. When the storm clouds discharge, huge current straight lead at the top of electrode, through the cable, conducte to the explosion-pressure ball. Under the condition of high temperature and high ,the graphite electrode will pressures into a diamond inside the ball. |
222 |
Niu Jin , Wang Shuang |
CHINA | Food packaging design of the Tianjin Great Wall brand | This design is applied to the Tianjin traditional old brand ‘’Great Wall vinegar food and frozen food packaging ‘’ , the design based on visual illustration, enhance and beautify by fashion art language , the main charging target of this package is young generation consumers of domestic market. |
223 |
Jia Xiaoyu , Pan Yanfang , Li Xihong |
CHINA | Inflatable Cold Storage | In view of problems of high cost, long construction period and occupation of land resources of traditional storage, the apparent hairy polyolefin-based hollow fiber and three-dimensional curly high elastic intercalation spinning technology were invited and such industry problems as multi-layer gas insulation, moisture resistance, airtight and thermal radiation prevention were broken through. Eventually a jacketed intelligent inflatable cold storage with heat transferability but no mass transferability was developed. Thermal resistance≥3.3 W/(m2·℃), airtight reaches level 5, temperature fluctuation is ±0.1℃ and easy to use just like a tent. Service life is 15 to 20 years and one-time investment cost is 2 yuan per kilogram. Total cost reduced by 20%-30% and energy conserved by 30%, subverting the traditional cold storage technology. |
224 |
Jia Xiaoyu , Pan Yanfang , Li Xihong |
CHINA | Dynamic-Phase Temperature Storage | Invented five major technologies: (1) only heat transferability but no mass transferability; (2) with the constant relative humidity (RH) without any exogenous humidifier; (3) the storage temperature could be controlled at the tiny fluctuation (±0.1℃); (4) the evaporator could be regulated without frost; (5) the pulsed flow phase antisepsis. It builds dynamic-phase temperature preservation technical system including the pulsed antimildew effect, double atmosphere control, three efficient humidity maintenance and four-order temperature regulation, five internal-external-joint factors control. Invented Dynamic-Phase Temperature Storage with separately controlled between master-storage rooms and their sub-storage rooms and energy saving 30%-40%, the freshness could improve 60%-70%, beneficial result improves more than one times. To achieve the perspective of four landmarks of preservative technology of fruit and vegetable, which is the first time for China to lead the industry. |
225 |
Zhou Yan |
CHINA | Magnetostrictive dynamic demonstrator based on Michelson interference method | This instrument is based on Michelson interferometer principle, and the dynamic magnetostrictive demonstration instrument has been designed. It has many advantages, such as small size, low cost, obvious demonstration effect and so on. The instrument can be used in the demonstration of magnetostrictive effect in class. |
226 |
Lyu Lianrong , Cao.hongliu , Zhang.deyi , XU.MINGYIN |
CHINA | Indoor positioning system based on bluetooth 4.0 technology | This is a bluetooth 4.0 technology based on the accurate positioning system, providing more help for users (especially the elderly,etc.) daily life. This system USES the fuzzy fingerprint clustering algorithm, and use RSSI and LQ to calculate and refer to the fingerprint library to determine the physical location. |
227 |
Zhang Wenbin , Wang, Shaojie |
CHINA | Solar sewage river self-purification robot | Solar sewage water self- purification treatment robot , powered by solar and wind energy. Lower speed and larger fluid pump was used to pump water from deep to the surface of the river, so more oxygen solved into water, self- purification can be realized. Detectors were used to find most polluted water, and the robot swim toward to most polluted area under the control of CPU |
228 |
Jiaqi Zheng , Wang, Yunhe |
CHINA | Hetian jade interesting jewelry design | Make interesting design of jewelry. To guide the development of modern hetian jade jewelry design for promoting the modern interpretation and dissemination of Chinese traditional jade culture. |
229 |
Eurus Li , Ekin Wang |
CHINA | Organic Paper Decoration | The designed paper is made- up of pineapple cover mixed with paper chemical elements to create a decorative paper that can be sold and used for home decorations, art material and special gatherings. The paper is carefully studied to sustain durability and safety for use in any occasions. We formulated this idea through careful analysis that instead of throwing garbage from plants we can create something useful and beneficial to humans and the society. |
230 |
Augustus Li , Alex Yu , Hilda Wang , Tony Yang |
CHINA | Green Umbrella | Green plants cover most of the area of the surface of the building and by using renewable energy to run the facilities of the building. This is for both commercial and accommodation use. |
231 |
Wang Yichen |
CHINA | Electromagnetic Catapult Paper Airplanes | An Electromagnetic Catapult Paper Airplane is a kind of advanced kinetic energy ejection toy, using the electromagnetic launch technology. Electromagnetic ejection device is using the electromagnetic force in the electromagnetic system to promote launch push rod, providing the paper airplane an upward thrust, which greatly improves the initial velocity and the emission level of paper planes. An Electromagnetic catapult paper airplane is composed of linear motor, energy storage device, the ejection push rod, controller, etc. While launching the paper planes, the ejection rod will be inserted into the linear motor, and then put the paper plane on the push rod support, turn on the electricity to recharge the energy storage device, and finally press the controller to get the paper airplane catapulted into the air. |
232 |
Zhang Lanhai |
CHINA | Solar laser zebra crossing | Solar laser zebra crossing has a better performance than conventional zebra crossing. The common zebra crossing is easy to fall off and difficult to identify because it is exposed to the sun and the rain for a long time. Laser zebra crossing can be used for a long time and will not fade. When the channel is forbidden, the laser will turn red; when the channel is allowed, the laser will turn green, which will play a better role in the channel hint. It uses solar energy to save energy and protect the environment. |
233 |
Liu Chenlin |
CHINA | Free hanging wall | Making a plurality of grooves in the wall, let with the corresponding bayonet items, furniture with corresponding buckle can be placed into and hung on the wall. You can put up items on the positions as you like. It looks beautiful and unobtrusive, the structure is simple but practical, the maneuverability and the possibility of development are high. It can also be extended to other similar products such as photo wall etc. |
234 |
Jiang Dongdong |
CHINA | Automobile self-locking safety device for preventing driver from using mobile phone during driving | The cellphone is used as the second key to the automobile in order to restrict its using range,so that drivers can drive comfortably.The design is based on wireless charging and its induction effects,which can charge the cellphone while driving and keep the automobile driving normally.If the driver takes the cellphone out,it will get out of the range of the wireless charging induction device,which will disconnect the starting circuit of the automobile.The automobile will not drive normally,forcing the driver to put the cellphone back.If an emergency call comes,bluetooth will be connected to enable the driver to speak with the voice system,which will help to prevent the driver from being distracted as much as possible. |
235 |
Qu Zhiyuan |
CHINA | Automatic inflated basketball | This is a self-inflatable basketball. It can manage in the situation when no inflatable is accessible. When the internal pressure of the basketball is insufficient, if you take this basketball on the court, the elastic deformation will compress the basketball built-in air pump and press the gas into the basketball. At the same time, the piston stops the gas escaping. When the air pressure is enough, it will stop inflating automatically. If you have a gas bucket, you can also inflate it like an ordinary basketball. |
236 |
Zhao Zhanting |
CHINA | Anti rub automatic protection device for automobile | At the crowded parking lots, your car is likely to be scratched inadvertently by some rookie drivers. A Scratch Prevention Device, installed under the car chassis, has several auto-starting brackets. In the case of parking, the device will automatically start to stretch out the brackets completely enough to protect the car doors and bodywork, especially the beltlines and side skirts, in order to effectively prevent the scratches made by cars nearby. |
237 |
Gao Yiliang |
CHINA | Self powered gas mask fire fighting vehicle | According to statistics, in the building fire, the vast majority of people are not burned, but because there is no gas mask poisoning death. A self powered gas mask fire engine allows fire victims to quickly receive gas masks and get out of danger. The car has a life induction system, and the launcher can accurately put the mask into someone's place in the fire. |
238 |
Jing Zhou Wen |
CHINA | Smart water boiler | Installing a load cell in the kettle. Once the weight of the water in the kettle exceeds the maximum limit, an alarm buzzer sounds to remind the user to stop adding water. |
239 |
Ruo Cheng Wang |
CHINA | Side pressure pen | When we press the buttons to squeeze the movable tip inward, the movable tip will move down. So as to drive the cartridge extends downward, you can normally write; if you relax the press block, the activity of the spring through the role of the spring, it will drive the cartridge retracted pen holder. |
240 |
Pan Lin Zhang |
CHINA | Warning umbrella | Fix the LED on the end of the umbrella skeleton, connect the wires and the battery, and complete the warning umbrella. Installing wind power on the top of a warning umbrella. |
241 |
Lin Jie Zeng |
CHINA | Multi-function lunch bag | Multi-purpose lunch bag mainly made of waterproof fabric, and it is easy to clean. You can switch to lunch boxes and tablecloths by a fully-open zipper. In the lunch bag with elastic band inside, you can easily carry cutlery and paper towels. |
242 |
Jian Jun Yang |
CHINA | Marked lid | there is something like coating, printed on the body of bottle, people can make different marks on it by using nails or keys. So, they can find their bottles easily. It also can highly reduce the waste of water resource. |
243 |
Yu Shu Ye |
CHINA | Simplicity tape cutter | we can add a saw blade to the scotch tape to cut both the tape and the tape after it was used, sticking the tape to the saw blade, indicating the location of the break and avoiding the next re-use to find the trouble of fracture. |
244 |
Xiu Yuan Tan |
CHINA | Automatic sprinkling mop | I think if I can add a water container on mop to support water on time. It is the principle of opening or closing, by rotating the mouth of the water bottle. It can be very convenient and save the times. |
245 |
Mo Zhong |
CHINA | toilet Lift chair | Modify the folded to facilitate the seat board, adding fixed seat back and a metal screw and motor in front of the toilet seat, so that the front seat can have the rise and fall functions. In addition, the stainless steel plate outside the seat plate welding, highly suitable for human support with both hands. |
246 |
Ziyi Zhou Beth Zhou , Gee Marie S. Binag |
CHINA | Organic and Toxic-Free Facial Mask | Women make use of different face masks to lighten their skin and make their face look youthful and glowing. Thus, this innovation of facial mask is eco-friendly and can be used regardless of gender and age because the components are all waste materials from fruits and flowers and other organic material that has multi-effect to the skin as anti-aging, antibacterial, whitening and for freshness and glowing skin at all times. |
247 |
Wei Chien , Kang Tsai-Hua , Luo Shi-Jian , Lin Jiang-Mei , Liang Xi-Qiu , Tsai Shang-Te |
CHINA | Anti-Theft Backpace | The design is an anti-theft knapsack, and when the detection unit detects the zipper open, the detection unit notifies the warning device to send out an alarm. We can more effectively prevent thieves, avoid the loss of property. |
248 |
Shang-Te Tsai , You Guo-Bin , Fan Chwei-Jen , Tu Jin-Gxin , Lai Cheng-Fan , Li Li-Yun |
CHINA | Intelligent Comic Make System Based on Comic Script Creation | This study realizes the cartoonist's other comic writing style, to write the script to produce the comic style of creation, can reduce the traditional production of cartoon design manpower and capital and time and other costs. |
249 |
Chia-Hui Di |
CHINA | INTELLIGENT DEVICE FOR EPIDEMIC PREVENTION, DISINFECTION, AND TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT ON BUSES | This invention uses a microcontroller as its control core, integrating a non-contact infrared temperature sensor, voice broadcast module, automatic disinfection device, photoelectric emission module, and servo module to form a hardware circuit. It addresses the current challenges of temperature measurement on public buses by systematically analyzing and designing an intelligent system for epidemic prevention, disinfection, and temperature measurement. By applying sensor technology, automatic control technology, and C programming, the system achieves functions such as temperature measurement and disinfection. 1. The door can be opened or closed through button control of the servo. 2. When the system detects that the door is closed, disinfection is automatically initiated. 3. The driver can use a button to activate the voice module to remind passengers to wear masks and have their temperature measured. |
250 |
Li Si-Nuo |
CHINA | Vehicle Undercarriage Obstacle Detection and Warning Device | This invention uses the STM32 F103 ZET as the control core and combines infrared sensor modules, ultrasonic distance measurement modules, a voice broadcast module, and a power supply. It utilizes sensor control technology to achieve auxiliary warnings for vehicles. The device can detect the presence of small animals under the vehicle and triggers a voice alert, notifying the driver to drive carefully if an animal is detected underneath. If obstacles ahead are too high, exceeding the vehicle’s undercarriage height, or if pedestrians are detected in front or behind, it also triggers a voice alert, warning of obstacles and urging cautious driving. This device effectively informs drivers of relevant vehicle surroundings, helping to prevent accidents. |
251 |
Li Sinuo |
CHINA | Detection and warning device of automobile bottom obstacle | This device takes STM32 F103 ZET as the control core, combines with the infrared sensor module, ultrasonic ranging module, voice broadcast module, power supply and other parts, and comprehensively uses the sensing control technology to realize the auxiliary warning of the automobile. The device can judge whether there are small animals under the car, when there are small animals, it will trigger the voice alarm to tell the existence of small animals under the car, and drive cautiously; when the obstacles in the front of the car are too high, higher than the vehicle chassis height, or there are pedestrians in front of the car, it can also trigger the voice alarm to inform the presence of obstacles in front of the car and drive cautiously; it can well inform the relevant situation of the car to avoid Avoid danger. |
252 |
Qi-Han Yang |
CHINA | AUDIO-VISUAL MONITORING AND WARNING DEVICE FOR OVER-HEIGHT AND OVERWEIGHT VEHICLES | Nowadays, various roads and bridges, both domestically and internationally, impose different height and weight restrictions on vehicles. Additionally, many height and weight restriction signs on bridges are installed too close to the main bridge, preventing drivers from adjusting vehicle height and load in time, which can lead to serious accidents. **(1) Structure and Function of Main Components:** This device mainly consists of multiple modules controlled by a microcontroller: 1. **Laser Rangefinder for Height Restriction**: Small and highly sensitive, it can be directly installed on utility poles along both sides of the road. The distance to the main road can be adjusted based on road conditions. 2. **Gravity Sensor for Weight Restriction**: Measures the vehicle’s load to ensure it complies with bridge weight limits. 3. **Photoresistor Sensor for Day/Night Detection**: Differentiates between day and night. To address common issues like poor visibility and driver fatigue at night, the device includes a strobe function on the LED lights to effectively warn drivers. 4. **IoT Module for Remote Operation**: Equipped with a positioning system, it transmits collected data or fault information to maintenance personnel. Maintenance staff can remotely control the device through a mobile app or computer program, making problem-solving quick, efficient, and convenient. 5. **Multimedia Module for Audio-Visual Warnings**: Utilizes sound and light devices to provide warnings. |
253 |
Dejiang Yu , Yu Desong , Wang Shijun , Lou Yaowen , Yi Jiashuo |
CHINA | Enameled wire machine | The diameter of enameled wire of the same specification is slightly different. When setting the diameter of the cutting ring, the existing enameled wire grinder can only adjust the knife according to the minimum diameter, which causes excessive cutting of most enameled wire and reduces the ability of wire passing through the current. In order to solve this problem, this invention provides a reciprocating motion elastic grinding machine grinding head enameled wire, copper motor shaft on the right side of guide rail, guide rail tops the slider, sliding block roller, roller lateral is eccentric annulus, under the effect of spring, the roller pressure on the inner wall of the eccentric annulus, enameled wire placed along the axis, the following is a chopping board, the above is grinding head, grinding head, copper is polished, with his hand raise grinding head, plug wire between the grinding head and the chopping board, motor shaft rotation, with the hand to pull enameled wire, finish grinding, polishing, enameled wire makes no turn, slider driven grinding head and reciprocating motion, moving along the enameled wire for circular cylinder is enameled wire pull along the axial direction, The ring is polished into a cylinder, and elastic grinding is formed under the action of spring. The grinding head is made of copper, which only grinds the insulating paint and does not grind the wire copper, so as to solve the problem that the existing enameled wire grinder reduces the wire's ability to pass current too much. |
254 |
Dylan Su |
CHINA | Ultraviolet Disinfection Device With Remote Operation Function | In June and July in Beijing, Dalian and other places, the source of infection was traced from imported seafood products. Scientific research has proved that the new coronavirus can remain active for quite a long time under low temperature. This greatly increases the risk of the spread of the virus, to our new crown prevention and control work increased the difficulty. At the same time, in our daily life, we can not rule out the possibility of virus transmission through chilled and express packaging. In order to prevent the spread of virus, it is very important to disinfect the outer package of express delivery Aiming at the problem of virus carried in the outer package of the product, a kind of ultraviolet disinfection transmission device with remote operation function was designed to deal with the above problems. The operation and disinfection of the transmission device was controlled by the remote control, and the objects were transported through the conveyor belt. Six high-power UV LEDs were used to achieve sufficient UV intensity The object is disinfected to realize the omni-directional external packaging without dead angle. |
255 |
Jerry Gu |
CHINA | Pipeline Detection Device Of Rainwater Well | With the development of modern cities, underground pipelines have become a very important part of the city, but the underground pipelines are not easy to see and easy to jam, especially in rainy days, which will increase the burden of urban life. Because of the congestion of water channels in rainy days, the road rainwater spreads and accumulates, forming the phenomenon of "looking at the sea" and "lakes" It is common that when encountering severe weather such as heavy rain, flooding has become the city's normal. In view of this actual situation, after the completion of the sewer construction, it is not possible to demolish and construct at will. It is the key to solve the problem to be able to briefly check the congestion of the sewer. In view of this, this paper proposes the sewer congestion combined with SCM technology Detection device. The invention takes the single chip microcomputer as the control core, combines the ultrasonic ranging module, the sound detection module, the key control circuit, the active buzzer module, the liquid crystal display screen and other parts to form the hardware circuit. |
256 |
Dongri Shen |
CHINA | A remotely paying and interactive advertising machine with energy conservation | Cities are decorated with gorgeous and colorful advertisement animation. The advertising machines in the types of LED light box and LCD large screen can be seen everywhere in cities including various advertising machines installed in schools. However, we observe that there are often a large number of idle advertising mechines, which leads to a waste of resource. At the same time, the advertising management is too complex to advertise and use advertising machines for most people. For these issues, we have designed a remotely interactive advertising machine which is on the concept for energy conservation and environmental protection, and the control core is MCU. The connection control is realized by using the self-developed APP on Bluetooth and Android systems. The hardware circuit is composed of the photoelectric sensor and the button control circuit. The technology of sensor, photoelectric detection, automatic control, and C language are integrated. The features of the advertising machine include using mobile phones to manage advertising information, inserting or editing the sequence of advertisements, adjusting the screen brightness automatically, intelligent control of power on and off, realizing self-power supply by using solar or wind power and so on. |
257 |
Jiazhen Chen |
CHINA | Intelligent temperature-controlled aquarium | Tropical fish, born in tropical waters, is a general term for unique ornamental fish in tropical and subtropical places. Tropical fish are deeply liked by everyone for their gorgeous colors, beautiful posture and diverse shapes. Because of their special living habits, many species of tropical fish are extremely strict to the environment, especially the temperature. At present, most of the heating methods of fish tanks on the market are unilateral "point column" heating rods, resulting in hot water temperature on one side of the fish tank, cooler in other places, and a large temperature difference, so that fish are easy to catch a cold. In order to solve this problem, taking the open source hardware control system and temperature intelligent adjustment decoration as the core, the author develops a set of "noodle" intelligent temperature sensing heating system. The specific functions and features are as follows: (1) when the temperature sensor detects that the water temperature is lower than 23 degrees Celsius, then intelligently start the heating system, heat the patch through the carbon fiber in the largest area of the fish tank, and stop heating when the temperature is higher than 27 degrees Celsius. Maintain 23-27 degrees which is suitable for tropical fish living water temperature. (2) in order to beautify the effect of the fish tank, the heating patch is combined with the exquisite background canvas to make the transparent fish tank more beautiful and interesting, and skillfully block the heating piece. (3) A transplantable, replicable and easy-to-adapt colorful lighting fish tank base system is designed, which can adapt to all kinds of fish tanks, arbitrarily adjust the color effect through rotating potentiometer and complex function program, and make the fish tank full of stage romantic effect through the refraction of water. instantly upgrade the appearance and interest value of the old fish tank. (4) in the fish symbiosis ecosystem, the fish tank is equipped with customized net isolation, with reference to the technical chassis of throwing seedlings of modern agricultural science and technology, so that hydroponic green flowers grow on top of the fish tank, and huge roots go deep into the fish tank to enhance the visual effect of the landscape. fully clean and absorb nutrients such as fish faeces, clean up the water quality while providing oxygen-rich particles, forming an elegant and interesting landscape of the ecological cycle system of symbiosis of animals and plants. The intelligent temperature control ecological fish tank uses rotating potentiometer module, button module, temperature sensor, carbon fiber heating system, color LED lamp and other intelligent module hardware, comprehensive use of sensor technology, automatic control technology, C language programming technology, to achieve the effect of improving the quality of life. In the future, the lighting effect and indoor humidification effect of music will be improved to meet more diversified needs of life. Tropical fish, born in tropical waters, is a general term for unique ornamental fish in tropical and subtropical places. Tropical fish are deeply liked by everyone for their gorgeous colors, beautiful posture and diverse shapes. Because of their special living habits, many species of tropical fish are extremely strict to the environment, especially the temperature. At present, most of the heating methods of fish tanks on the market are unilateral "point column" heating rods, resulting in hot water temperature on one side of the fish tank, cooler in other places, and a large temperature difference, so that fish are easy to catch a cold. In order to solve this problem, taking the open source hardware control system and temperature intelligent adjustment decoration as the core, the author develops a set of "noodle" intelligent temperature sensing heating system. The specific functions and features are as follows: (1) when the temperature sensor detects that the water temperature is lower than 23 degrees Celsius, then intelligently start the heating system, heat the patch through the carbon fiber in the largest area of the fish tank, and stop heating when the temperature is higher than 27 degrees Celsius. Maintain 23-27 degrees which is suitable for tropical fish living water temperature. (2) in order to beautify the effect of the fish tank, the heating patch is combined with the exquisite background canvas to make the transparent fish tank more beautiful and interesting, and skillfully block the heating piece. (3) A transplantable, replicable and easy-to-adapt colorful lighting fish tank base system is designed, which can adapt to all kinds of fish tanks, arbitrarily adjust the color effect through rotating potentiometer and complex function program, and make the fish tank full of stage romantic effect through the refraction of water. instantly upgrade the appearance and interest value of the old fish tank. (4) in the fish symbiosis ecosystem, the fish tank is equipped with customized net isolation, with reference to the technical chassis of throwing seedlings of modern agricultural science and technology, so that hydroponic green flowers grow on top of the fish tank, and huge roots go deep into the fish tank to enhance the visual effect of the landscape. fully clean and absorb nutrients such as fish faeces, clean up the water quality while providing oxygen-rich particles, forming an elegant and interesting landscape of the ecological cycle system of symbiosis of animals and plants. The intelligent temperature control ecological fish tank uses rotating potentiometer module, button module, temperature sensor, carbon fiber heating system, color LED lamp and other intelligent module hardware, comprehensive use of sensor technology, automatic control technology, C language programming technology, to achieve the effect of improving the quality of life. In the future, the lighting effect and indoor humidification effect of music will be improved to meet more diversified needs of life. Tropical fish, born in tropical waters, is a general term for unique ornamental fish in tropical and subtropical places. Tropical fish are deeply liked by everyone for their gorgeous colors, beautiful posture and diverse shapes. Because of their special living habits, many species of tropical fish are extremely strict to the environment, especially the temperature. At present, most of the heating methods of fish tanks on the market are unilateral "point column" heating rods, resulting in hot water temperature on one side of the fish tank, cooler in other places, and a large temperature difference, so that fish are easy to catch a cold. In order to solve this problem, taking the open source hardware control system and temperature intelligent adjustment decoration as the core, the author develops a set of "noodle" intelligent temperature sensing heating system. The specific functions and features are as follows: (1) when the temperature sensor detects that the water temperature is lower than 23 degrees Celsius, then intelligently start the heating system, heat the patch through the carbon fiber in the largest area of the fish tank, and stop heating when the temperature is higher than 27 degrees Celsius. Maintain 23-27 degrees which is suitable for tropical fish living water temperature. (2) in order to beautify the effect of the fish tank, the heating patch is combined with the exquisite background canvas to make the transparent fish tank more beautiful and interesting, and skillfully block the heating piece. (3) A transplantable, replicable and easy-to-adapt colorful lighting fish tank base system is designed, which can adapt to all kinds of fish tanks, arbitrarily adjust the color effect through rotating potentiometer and complex function program, and make the fish tank full of stage romantic effect through the refraction of water. instantly upgrade the appearance and interest value of the old fish tank. (4) in the fish symbiosis ecosystem, the fish tank is equipped with customized net isolation, with reference to the technical chassis of throwing seedlings of modern agricultural science and technology, so that hydroponic green flowers grow on top of the fish tank, and huge roots go deep into the fish tank to enhance the visual effect of the landscape. fully clean and absorb nutrients such as fish faeces, clean up the water quality while providing oxygen-rich particles, forming an elegant and interesting landscape of the ecological cycle system of symbiosis of animals and plants. The intelligent temperature control ecological fish tank uses rotating potentiometer module, button module, temperature sensor, carbon fiber heating system, color LED lamp and other intelligent module hardware, comprehensive use of sensor technology, automatic control technology, C language programming technology, to achieve the effect of improving the quality of life. In the future, the lighting effect and indoor humidification effect of music will be improved to meet more diversified needs of life. Tropical fish, born in tropical waters, is a general term for unique ornamental fish in tropical and subtropical places. Tropical fish are deeply liked by everyone for their gorgeous colors, beautiful posture and diverse shapes. Because of their special living habits, many species of tropical fish are extremely strict to the environment, especially the temperature. At present, most of the heating methods of fish tanks on the market are unilateral "point column" heating rods, resulting in hot water temperature on one side of the fish tank, cooler in other places, and a large temperature difference, so that fish are easy to catch a cold. In order to solve this problem, taking the open source hardware control system and temperature intelligent adjustment decoration as the core, the author develops a set of "noodle" intelligent temperature sensing heating system. |
258 |
Zeyou Duan |
CHINA | Constant temperature comfortable air conditioning epidemic protective clothing | A sudden epidemic has changed our lives and made the work of many medical staff more dangerous and arduous. I am very grateful to see them working for more than 10 hours. It was so cold that they had to go out to receive patients before they could change their clothes. They had no time to go to the bathroom. They had to wear adult diapers to solve the problem on site. Although they absorbed urine, it was still wet. The indoor air circulation was not good, and it was humid and hot. |
259 |
Benyi Wang |
CHINA | Intelligent anti-theft alarm express delivery vehicle with piece-counting function | This project addresses the issues of low efficiency, package loss, inconvenient operation, and limited functionality commonly faced in parcel delivery. Through systematic analysis and research, it introduces a smart, efficient delivery system to tackle these problems. |
260 |
Yunduan Wang |
CHINA | Smart Elevator Reservation System | This elevator utilizes smart algorithms and integrates features of big data, facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, and IoT technology. By gathering and analyzing data on the number of passengers, it enables functionalities such as mobile reservation, viewing elevator occupancy inside and outside via phone or screen, stopping only when needed, intelligent recognition, timed operations, and enhanced safety protection. |
261 |
Yifan Chen , Liu Yalei , Hou Yibo , Yang Yangyang |
CHINA | Smart electronic display board for class | Combining tablets with various sensors, this system integrates essential and convenient data into a customized class information interface. It brings the following convenient features to each classroom |
262 |
You Wu |
CHINA | Multifunctional solar sphere | 1. When placed due south, the sunlight shines from one of the holes onto the circular light screen to determine the time and solar term. 2. There are azimuth and altitude angles on the ball, and a laser head is located in the center of the ball. A computer can command the laser beam to hit the inner wall of the ball, simulating the position of the sun at any time of the day on any day, as well as simulating the daily trajectory of the sun on a certain day. It can even simulate the sun's trajectory throughout the year, including the winter solstice, summer solstice, spring equinox, and autumn equinox, in order to determine the shape of the ecliptic. |
263 |
Chenghao Wang |
CHINA | A dual clock instrument capable of demonstrating time difference | There is a time difference between flat solar time and true solar time, and existing equipment clocks cannot visually represent the time difference. We have created a device using a Fresnel lens and a stepper motor. |
264 |
Houde Fan |
CHINA | Shared bicycle automated parking garage | The overall concept of UBIST is to create a centralized storage facility that can automatically handle a large number of shared bicycle storage, retrieval, and maintenance needs. The design concept emphasizes the combination of functionality and spatial economy, ensuring maximum storage with minimal floor space usage. And with a high degree of automation, it ensures that the system can operate with almost no human intervention. |
265 |
Zhenhao Lai , Xu Shiqi , Zhu Jiaming , Huang Zexuan |
CHINA | A device for measuring the trajectory of solar visual motion using a glass ball lens | The Yang instrument is a day measuring instrument invented by Chinese cultural scientist Guo Shoujing. Its advantage is that the graduation value is uniform, but its disadvantage is that it is inconvenient to observe. On this basis, replace the opaque iron pot with a semi transparent spherical shell, which can be observed from the outside. |
266 |
Yinuo Jin , Gu Xinyi , Gao Jiayi , Zhu Xinyuan |
CHINA | Several methods and devices for improving indoor illumination with sunlight | Office and classroom lighting generally uses fluorescent lamps and energy-saving lamps. Due to their shortcomings such as flicker, excessive ultraviolet radiation, and narrow spectrum, they can easily cause eye fatigue and myopia. Natural sunlight does not have this disadvantage, but direct sunlight is also not conducive to writing and reading. |
267 |
Abin Ye |
CHINA | A method for extracting and preserving snail enzymes. | Mr. Ye Abin is a renowned snail expert who, in the early 1980s, meticulously bred the African brown clouded snail to cultivate a new variety known as the "White Jade Snail," which has been praised as "China's White Jade Snail" by peers across the nation. Due to his significant contributions, he has earned the title "Father of the Chinese White Jade Snail" and was warmly received by Chairman Wan Li at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. |
268 |
Huayue Deng |
CHINA | Meridian Circulation Fitness Method | The meridians determine life and death, address various ailments, and balance excess and deficiency. They must remain unblocked. In traditional Chinese medicine, the essence of meridian-targeted medications is to channel energy through the meridians to expel pathogenic factors and achieve therapeutic effects. Different illnesses require different medicines. |
269 |
Huayue Deng |
CHINA | Instant Meridian Therapy with Hands | Pain is caused by injury and stagnation. Traditional Chinese medicine employs various treatment methods: 1. **Medication Therapy**: Medications are used according to the underlying cause to regulate and treat the condition fundamentally. Medicines are directed toward the meridians to unblock them and expel pathogenic energy. Essentially, this involves channeling energy back into the meridians. |
270 |
Jian Lu , Li Pinru |
CHINA | Swimming Learning Device (Safe Swimming Ring) | Innovative Structure: This invention consists of a buoyant body, a rigid support frame, and suspension rings. The buoyant body provides lift through the rigid support frame, and the suspension rings pull upwards under the armpits, allowing the user to float on the water's surface. This design differs significantly from traditional swimming rings. |
271 |
Mingfu Song |
CHINA | Universal Digital Intelligent Module System | In the 20th century, humanity invented the computer, significantly advancing technological development. In the 21st century, we are entering an advanced stage of computerization and artificial intelligence. The Universal Digital Intelligent Module System will accelerate the realization of a new era in technological advancement for all humanity. |
272 |
Sen Cui |
CHINA | Split-Type Multifunctional Home Water Purifier | This patent is designed with a human-centered approach, relying on ultraviolet light, nano-filters, activated carbon devices, and an ozone generator to create an integrated purification system. It addresses the issue of secondary contamination in household drinking water and the lack of secondary treatment options. Additionally, it provides a solution for household fire emergencies, ensuring the safety and well-being of every family. |
273 |
Haide Cai |
CHINA | Research Project on the Maintenance of Health and Life through the Body's Own Multipotent Stem Cells | This original innovation combines Western and Traditional Chinese medicine to stimulate the vitality, quantity, and lifespan of the body’s own multipotent stem cells through an oral formulation. The approach is efficient, low-cost, convenient, and safe, allowing individuals to activate their own multipotent stem cells easily. |
274 |
Abin Ye |
CHINA | A Method for Extracting and Preserving Snail Enzymes | Mr. Ye Abin is a renowned expert on snails. In the early 1980s, he meticulously bred the African brown clouded snail to cultivate a new variety known as the "White Jade Snail," which has been praised nationally as "China's White Jade Snail." As a result of his significant contributions, Mr. Ye has earned the title "Father of the Chinese White Jade Snail." He was even warmly received by Chairman Wan Li at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. |
275 |
Huayue Deng |
CHINA | Circulating the Meridians for Fitness Method | The meridians determine life and death, address various ailments, and balance excess and deficiency. They must remain unblocked. In traditional Chinese medicine, the essence of meridian-targeted medications is to channel energy through the meridians to expel pathogenic factors and achieve therapeutic effects. Different illnesses require different medicines. |
276 |
Huayue Deng |
CHINA | Instant Meridian Activation Therapy with Hands | Pain is caused by injury and stagnation. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) employs various methods for treatment: Pharmaceutical Treatment: This involves using medications tailored to the specific causes of illness, aiming to address the root of the problem. The essence of these medications is that they enter the meridians, helping to clear pathogenic qi (energy) and restore balance. |
277 |
Jian Lu , Li Pinru |
CHINA | Swimming Learning Device (Safe Swim Ring) | Safety Concerns: Every year, there are news reports about children drowning while using swim rings, highlighting that traditional swim rings are not safe. Many incidents occur because swim rings can easily slip off or fail to provide adequate support. |
278 |
Xuefa Wei |
CHINA | A Formula for Treating Thyroid Disorders | This health tonic primarily targets thyroid tumors but also provides preventive and therapeutic effects for various other types of tumors, including: Lymph Node Tumors Scapular Fibromas Breast Tumors Lipomas Brain Tumors |
279 |
Yi Ren |
CHINA | Non-Overheating Electrical Contacts | Can the "superconductivity" at the world-leading level of the Chinese Academy of Sciences at minus 180 degrees Celsius, with its technology advancement awards (which may mislead the wise), solve various electrical disasters? Join the "Summit Debate on Electricity"—a platform to address global electrical safety issues and engage in discussions! |
280 |
Lin'en Liu , Pei Tengfei |
CHINA | A Circular Automatic Wire Flower Shaping Machine | This invention discloses a circular automatic wire flower shaping machine, which includes a fixed frame with an installed electrical control box, a rotating device, a shaping device, a leaf-picking device, a leaf-releasing device, and a leaf-supplying device. The leaf-supplying device, leaf-releasing device, leaf-picking device, and shaping device are all distributed around the rotating device. The rotating device, shaping device, leaf-picking device, leaf-releasing device, and leaf-supplying device are all fixed to the fixed frame. |
281 |
Fazuo Zhu , Li Guohua |
CHINA | Process for Processing Anthocyanin Health Products Using Black Corn Seeds and Black Corn Cobs | This invention discloses a process for producing anthocyanin health products using black corn seeds and black corn cobs, consisting of the following steps: Material Selection: Choose black corn and black corn cobs for use. Peeling and Crushing: Use a specialized peeling machine to remove the outer black seed coat from the black corn grains selected in step one and to preliminarily crush the black corn cobs. |
282 |
Qingyun Wu |
CHINA | A hybrid human-powered and electric-powered spacecraft for the establishment of aerial cities. | Various celestial bodies in their corresponding cosmic spaces and times operate based on concepts such as dependence, extremes, categories, levels, shapes, and qualities. They interact, move, and change through different natural energy transmission methods. Similarly, various organisms reproduce, evolve, and survive within their corresponding entities through different temperatures and times. |
283 |
Rongfu Chen , Du Jingjing |
CHINA | Multifunctional Air Purifier and Kitchen Range Hood for Home Use | This commercial kitchen grease hood is designed to efficiently eliminate smoke, dust, and waste generated during cooking. It utilizes a powerful spray water tank for cooling, converting grease and smoke into liquid oil, and incorporates the following features |
284 |
Yonggui Liao |
CHINA | Smart Surface Reactive Oxygen Species Activating Cell Self-Healing Device | Ozone Technology: The system is smart, easy to operate, and has significant effects. Spinal Conditioning: Promotes blood circulation and unblocks channels, purifies the blood, with no side effects, safe and reliable. Active Oxygen Applications: Uses active oxygen for anti-inflammatory and antibacterial purposes, eliminates oxidative free radicals, detoxifies, and has anti-cancer effects. |
285 |
Haide Cai |
CHINA | Research Project on Stimulating the Body's Own Multipotent Stem Cells to Maintain Overall Health and Life | This project proposes an innovative approach to stimulate the body's own multipotent stem cells through a unique oral medication that integrates both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western medicine. The focus is on creating a highly efficient, low-cost, convenient, and safe method that enables individuals to activate their own stem cells. This approach includes utilizing ecological air to address chronic diseases, age-related illnesses, and the prevention and rehabilitation of conditions like COVID-19 and its sequelae. |
286 |
Yuan Chen Zi , Jia Yun Gu , Chen Moyan |
CHINA | Fun hand-cranked power generation,electrostatic multi-purpose demonstra- tor | Background of topic selection: Our third grade science class teacher explains the knowledge of static electricity, with a glass rod or rubber rod friction adsorption of small light objects, we think it is very magical,after the class access to a lot of extracurricular books, to further understand the static electricity of the benefits and disadvantages of people's lives, and we also germinated the idea of designing a model of static electricity by our- selves, and with the help of our parents,we began to implement our program. |
287 |
You Wu , Gao Chenglu , Fan Hanyu |
CHINA | Multiple car windshields with rear view function | When people ride motorcycles, electric scooters, or bicycles, although they have rearview mirrors, they no longer look forward in the same field of view, and some cyclists are not accustomed to observing the rearview mirrors, especially when suddenly turning corners or when a motor vehicle passes by from behind. Cyclists often encounter accidents when the elderly are unprepared, and the accident rate is higher than that of collisions on the opposite side. The present invention adopts multiple rearview methods for simultaneous application, and can see or feel a motor vehicle coming from behind in the same field of view when looking forward. |
288 |
Chenghao Wang |
CHINA | A dual clock instrument capable of demonstrating time difference | There is a time difference between flat solar time and true solar time, and existing equipment clocks cannot visually represent the time difference. We have created a device using a Fresnel lens and a stepper motor. On the device's light screen, based on the distance of the displacement of the light spot, we can determine the offset for a few minutes, thus obtaining the time difference between true solar time and solar time. We can also obtain the apparent motion trajectory of the sun based on the motion trajectory of the solar spot on the light screen, thereby obtaining the approximate solar term. Install a convex lens and light screen device on a clock and tilt it at a certain angle. When the clock rotates, a bright spot will be seen on the light screen. As the sun's altitude angle changes, the position of the solar spot on the light screen will continue to move. Due to the time difference between true solar time and solar time, the light spot will deviate from the middle position of the light screen. By offsetting the distance, the time difference between true solar time and solar time can be obtained. |
289 |
Houde Fan |
CHINA | Shared bicycle automated parking garage | The overall concept of UBIST is to create a centralized storage facility that can automatically handle a large number of shared bicycle storage, retrieval, and maintenance needs. The design concept emphasizes the combination of functionality and spatial economy, ensuring maximum storage with minimal floor space usage. And with a high degree of automation, it ensures that the system can operate with almost no human intervention. |
290 |
Abin Ye |
CHINA | A Method for Extracting and Preserving Snail Enzyme | Mr. Ye Abin is a renowned snail expert. In the early 1980s, he meticulously bred and cultivated a new variety of snail, the "Baiyu Snail," from the African brown cloud agate snail. This new breed has been honored by his peers nationwide as the "Chinese Baiyu Snail," earning Mr. Ye the title of "Father of the Chinese Baiyu Snail." He was graciously received by Chairman Wan Li at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. |
291 |
Huayue Deng |
CHINA | Meridian Circulation Fitness Method | Meridians Determine Life and Death, Address Hundreds of Illnesses, and Regulate Deficiency and Excess. They Must Be Unblocked. In traditional Chinese medicine, the principle of medicinal properties aligning with meridians is fundamentally about channeling energy through the meridians to eliminate pathogenic factors, thereby achieving therapeutic goals. Different diseases require different medications. |
292 |
Huayue Deng |
CHINA | Instant Meridian Unblocking Therapy with Hands | Meridians Clear Pathogenic Qi. As long as sufficient energy is applied to the painful area and the pathogenic qi is expelled along the meridians, the therapeutic goal can be achieved. Non-drug Massage: Manual therapy can cause local blood vessels to dilate and improve blood circulation. Acupuncture: Acupuncture can dispel wind and cold, warm yang and eliminate dampness, clear heat and unblock meridians, and promote qi and blood flow. Cupping: Cupping can warm the meridians and dispel cold, invigorate blood circulation, and relieve muscle soreness. Gua Sha: Gua Sha is effective for invigorating blood circulation, expanding blood vessels, detoxifying and driving out pathogenic factors, unblocking meridians, relaxing muscles, and regulating qi and blood flow. |
293 |
Jian Lu , Li Pinru |
CHINA | Swimming Learning Aid (Safety Swim Ring) | Children's Water Activities and Swimming Every year, there are news reports of children drowning while wearing swim rings, highlighting their lack of safety. Swim rings are not effective for swimming; hand strokes can be obstructed by the ring, making it difficult to perform proper movements, and an unstable center of gravity can lead to tipping over. When wearing a life jacket, the body is enveloped, resulting in poor water feel and making it hard to control swimming posture. Few people wear life jackets during regular swimming. |
294 |
Rongfu Chen , Du Jingjing |
CHINA | Multifunctional Air Purifier and Kitchen Range Hood for Home Use | Multifunctional Air Purifier: Water Tank Spraying Range Hood, Household Air Purifier and Range Hood Series Analysis I. Commercial Kitchen Range Hood This range hood effectively tackles the oil fumes, dust, and waste generated in commercial kitchen environments. It utilizes a powerful spraying water tank to cool the air, transforming the oil fumes back into liquid grease. Since oil and water are immiscible, the oil separates and flows into the upper part of the water circulation tank through an oil-water separation net, allowing for water recycling and oil recovery. |
295 |
Shengxu Zan |
CHINA | Four-Step Herbal Therapy for Treating Mental Disorders | Mental Illness: A Global Medical Challenge Mental illness is considered one of the most difficult medical issues globally, often referred to as a “cancer that cannot be cured.” Patients typically require lifelong medication, which may ultimately lead to disabilities. Many individuals, after two or three years of using chemical medications without achieving a cure, can apply for a mental disability certificate. This often leads to receiving social welfare benefits while being burdened with the need for lifelong medication. The consequences are devastating: patients may lose their education, careers, and marriages. Girls lose the right to become mothers, while boys lose the right to become fathers. Both genders are often deprived of the opportunity to take civil service exams. |
296 |
Haide Cai |
CHINA | Research Project on Stimulating the Body's Own Pluripotent Stem Cells to Maintain Overall Health | Original Innovation: Internationally Unique Oral Combination of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine to Stimulate the Vitality, Quantity, and Lifespan of the Body’s Own Pluripotent Stem Cells This research project emphasizes high efficiency, low cost, convenience, and safety, enabling everyone to activate their own pluripotent stem cells. Coupled with ecological air, this approach aims to prevent and treat chronic diseases, age-related illnesses, and the aftermath of pandemics like COVID-19. |
297 |
Zhencai He |
CHINA | Comprehensive Management Technology for Smooth Traffic - Road Network Optimization and Signal Coordination | The comprehensive treatment technology for smooth traffic - road network optimization and signal coordination - is a patented invention for eradicating traffic congestion.As a representative work, "Intelligent Road Network" is a two-way direct transportation system that shares the same origin as multiphase transportation operations and has very powerful functions:1. The road network can fully utilize the maximum flow and increase traffic capacity by 55.6%;2. The road network has a complete structure and functions, which can complete vehicle turning and meet the needs of traffic operation rules;3. The traffic flow can be automatically controlled, and the supply and demand are in dynamic balance, eliminating the inherent factors of congestion;4. The road network structure is symmetrically arranged, consisting of one main road, two auxiliary roads, and three intersections, with an additional large roundabout: a one-way road connects the upper and lower main roads, and its function is very similar to that of the human heart structure, with bionics;5. The signal is bidirectional control, simple, unified, powerful, synchronized and coordinated, with good adaptability. It is suitable for both urban and suburban areas, as well as changing lanes day and night;6. Accurate measurement of traffic flow;7. The road network construction is simple, with low investment, short construction period, and can be completed on the same day;8. Pedestrians are safe, convenient, and have fewer detours;9. Establish a new concept of smooth transportation that conforms to the theory of traffic flow balance;10. Achieve the best technical, economic, and social benefits. |
298 |
Xiangkang Qiu |
CHINA | The SHINEDING 3 D lamp surround sound | the loudspeaker, LED the lamp of the loudspeaker Be easy to to is 3D to set up indoors, don't take up indoor area, at the same time and permit lighting in the indoor, easy to combine home together with television cinema to surround sound. |
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Zhong Hucai , Chang Qun , Cao De Hua , HU SHI YUAN , Hu Wan Qing |
CHINA | Jianjitang honeysuckle ice dew plant drink | This invention belongs to the field of beverage technology and specifically relates to a beverage and its preparation method. The ingredients include honeysuckle and prebiotics. This beverage is free of preservatives and colorants, offering health benefits such as cooling the body, regulating intestinal flora, and inhibiting toxin production. It is suitable for consumption year-round by both the young and the elderly. The raw materials for this beverage have been selected through experimental screening, and their functional effects have been validated through pharmacological testing. The core brand value of "Honeysuckle Ice Dew" emphasizes being a health steward, promoting digestive health and cooling effects. |
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Fengyu Bao |
CHINA | **Hao Baiyang Embryonic Active Anti-Aging Cream** | In 1912, Professor Karl from Switzerland was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering a miraculous factor in sheep embryonic extract that could rejuvenate cells. As a result, sheep embryonic extract has long been considered an exclusive anti-aging beauty product for the elite. Starting in 2012, the research and development team at Shenzhen Hao Bai Biotechnology advanced sheep embryonic extract technology to its seventh generation, incorporating it into skincare products and achieving a leading position globally. Hao Baiyang Embryonic Active Anti-Aging Cream is the first product in the sheep embryonic extract series and also the first skincare product in China that contains sheep embryonic extract biotechnology for anti-aging. |
301 |
Fengyu Bao |
CHINA | Rockefeller Active Antimicrobial Gel | In 2007, China introduced its first non-prescription preventive product for gynecological diseases—gynecological gel classified as a disinfectant. After 12 years of development, Shenzhen Hao Bai Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has advanced gynecological gel from a basic antibacterial function to a sixth-generation product that integrates both maintenance and microbial balance, achieving a leading level among gynecological health intervention products nationwide. Currently, they are preparing to apply for an invention patent. The Rockefeller brand, known in English as **LikeFeel**, means "a feeling you love!" |
Row | Inventors Name | Country | Title Of Invention | Brief Description |